Trilines Mar/Apr 2015 issue

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Mar/Apr 2015








Just Google It.

It’s become part of our mind set. Have a ques7on, need

to get some research done “just Google it”.

Well now that Google is geBng into selling auto

insurance I’m sure an even larger percentage of the popula7on will search for their car insurance thru Google. We have heard for a while now that 75% of the popula7on will Frank J. Elorza President

shop for rates on line for auto insurance so that makes Googles entry poten7ally scary for the Independent Agent but be sure the direct writers have been concerned also since they have spent significantly with Google to drive up their visits.

Last month, the Internet search giant finally launched its

Google Compare portal in the U.S., offering auto coverage in California. It is likewise licensed to sell insurance in nearly addi7onal 30 states thus far. Visitors to the portal can shop for auto coverage by comparing the prices of several par7cipa7ng P&C insurers, and select a price that suits their need. Its bullpen doesn’t exactly read like a who’s-­‐who list of top P&C carriers. There’s no Travelers here, no HarWord, no Progressive “yet”.

Google’s move into the lucra7ve but heavily regulated

world of insurance sales had been anything but quiet. The





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company has been acquiring state licenses to sell insurance and forming partnerships with the insurance sites like CoverHound, an online insurance agency in San Francisco, and, a United States comparison portal that is owned by Admiral Group, a Bri7sh insurer that has operated insurance European price-­‐comparison sites for more than a decade.

“It’s exci7ng, it’s challenging. … It’s change, and agents

can either embrace it or lag behind as usual we will need to fight back by making ourselves stand out by offering a greater level of value to our current clients and prospects otherwise they “will just Google it”

Frank Elorza





SAVE THE DATE TriCounty Installation Dinner Join Us as We Install our New President

Peter Phillips

Phillips Brokerage, Inc./Advantage Partners, Inc.

JUNE 15, 2015 Chateau Briand 440 Old Country Road, Carle Place, NY 11514 6 pm Outdoor Cocktail Reception 7 pm Dinner & Program Register Now at

Officers Peter Phillips - President Adam P. Erickson - Vice President James G. Bastian - Treasurer Ronald Brunell, CIC - Secretary Immediate Past President Frank J. Elorza


Directors Dean S. Aloia Eileen Abatelli Black, CPCU Andrew Chong Alex Giraldo Elisa Grober Neil Levy, CPA, CFP Christopher M. Wukovits

Duty to Report Recap by Ronald Brunell

On March 19th we had a Joint mee7ng with the

Suffolk Agents Associa7on. The mee7ng topic was “Duty to Report” which is a new endorsement Progressive has added to its Auto policy. Our panel moderator was Dick Poppa of IIABNY, who did a masterful job with the panel. The panel members were Jim Keidel of Keidel Weldon & Cunningham, Pat O’Malley of Progressive, Frank Elorza TriCounty President, and Joanne Ben7vegna IIABSC President.

The discussion began with Pat from Progressive

talking about the “duty to report” endorsement. This is not an endorsement that was created to tarnish the great brand reputa7on that Progressive enjoys, but rather make sure they collect the proper rate for the exposure they underwrite. Pat made it clear the Progressive would not deny any third party claims and only would deny a first party claim if it was clear an insured avoided telling the truth about a exposure to avoid paying a higher premium. It will certainly be interes7ng to see how the rest of the carriers react.

Jim Keidel the E&O lawyer who works with IIABNY and its members explained

his thoughts regarding this new endorsement. Jim also shared his thoughts of what a Progressive Agent should do to avoid a problem with this new endorsement. Pat from Progressive explained that the endorsement has been around for about a year in other states and to his knowledge no agents E&O suits have been made as a result of the endorsement. Progressive does have a sample leger the we as agents can use to explain the endorsement to our insured’s.



Dick asked both Frank and Joanne to weigh in their thoughts as the discussion

evolved. With over 100 people present a very lively and produc7ve ques7on & answer session followed. It was a great program and many thanks to all who par7cipated.

TriCounty’s next mee7ng will be April 29. It will be a breakfast mee7ng focusing on

“Mergers & Acquisi7ons”. It will be a mee7ng designed to review the acquisi7on landscape, regardless if you are a buyer or seller. More details to follow.

Lei to right: Jim Keidel Esq. -­‐ Keidel, Weldon & Cunningham, LLP., Richard Poppa -­‐ IIABNY President & CEO, Joanne Ben7vegna -­‐ IIABSC President, Patrick O’Malley -­‐ Progressive NY Product Manager, Frank Elorza -­‐ TriCounty President.


announces excl usi ve




VI SI T OUR WEBSI TE AT WWW. RMS- HG. COM For addi t i onal i nf or mat i on, c ont ac t : MARK DERRENBERGER: mder r enber ger @r mshg. com 516- 742- 8585 [10] ext . 204


PROXY This Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors for the Annual Meeting of members to be held on 4/29/15 at Milleridge Inn, 585 North Broadway, Jericho, NY. James Bastian, secretary of TriCounty IIAA is hereby authorized to represent and to vote on behalf of the undersigned at the Annual Meeting. The undersigned authorizes the TriCounty IIAA secretary to vote as follows: (Please check appropriate clauses.) ____To elect all persons nominated by the association’s Nominating Committee to serve as President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. ____To elect all persons nominated by the association’s Nominating Committee to serve as directors. ____ Add, as a nominee________________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! Proposed Name(s) and Agency Name(s) Please review the updated Constitution and By-Laws which are posted on the TriCounty IIAA Website –

________________________________________! Signature of Agency Representative! ! ! _____________________________________ (Print) Name of Agency Representative !

! !

_________________ Date

__________________________________ ! Name of Member Agency

___________________________________________________________________________ Address of Member Agency


Only members in good standing on the date of the Annual Meeting may vote.


TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association, Inc. P.O. Box 316, Albertson, NY 11507-0316 Phone (516) 621-2209 – Fax 516-484-9051 - E-mail:

2015 Nominating Committee Report Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the Constitution & By-Laws, that the annual meeting of TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association, Inc. will be held on April 29, 2015 at The Milleridge Inn, 585 North Broadway, Jericho, NY 11753 The purpose of the meeting will be to: (1) Elect officers of the corporation for the 2015 - 2016 administrative year (2) Elect directors of the corporation for the 2015 - 2017 term (3) Transact other business as may properly come before the meeting.

The Nominating Committee has submitted the following report which has been adopted by the Board of Directors as a slate of candidates to be proposed on April 29, 2015.

OFFICERS President! !




Vice President

Peter Phillips Phillips Brokerage, Inc 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103

Adam P. Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency, Inc. 261-20 Hillside Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004



James G. Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103

Ronald Brunell The Signature B&B Companies 1 East Lincoln Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11582

DIRECTORS Director to be elected to a 1st 2-yr term expiring in 2017

Director to be elected to a 2nd 2-yr yerm expiring in 2017

Elisa Grober Grober-Imbey Agency, Inc. 1 Sunrise Plaza Valley Stream, NY 11580

Andrew Chong ARC Underwriting Partners, Inc 73 Cuttermill Road Great Neck, NY 11021

Director to be elected to a 3rd 2-yr term, expiring in 2017

Director to be elected to a 4th 2-yr term, expiring in 2017

Eileen Abatelli Black, CPCU Abatelli Group, Inc. 24-55 Francis Lewis Blvd. Whitestone, NY 11357

Dean Aloia Aloia McKinnon Ins. Brokerage 7801 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209

The Immediate Past President will serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

Frank J. Elorza Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530


Numbers Don’t Lie by Alex Giraldo

I love numbers because numbers don’t lie, people do.

IIABNY has so many hidden gems and Im happy to say that I came across one in March. I want to share with everyone the findings from” The contribu7on of the Property-­‐Casualty Insurance Industry to the New York Economy: 2012 and Beyond” produced for NY First. Below is the Foreword from said study and I hope you all get as much out of it as I did. In the insurance community, there is a general awareness that spreading risk and paying losses contribute significantly to society. However, there is only limited awareness of the tangible contribu7ons that property-­‐casualty insurance makes to the economic health of a par7cular state. This ground-­‐breaking study, The Contribu7on of the Property-­‐Casualty Insurance Industry to the New York Economy: 2012 and Beyond, is sponsored by NY First, and executed by Dr. Ernest Goss and his team at Goss & Associates. As you will see, Goss & Associates measure direct and indirect property/casualty economic impacts all the way down to the legisla7ve level for New York. The study is an “eye opener” because it illuminates just how extensive the contribu7ons of the property-­‐ casualty insurance industry are to the state. Like a series of concentric rings radia7ng outwards in a pool of water, property-­‐casualty insurance creates jobs, investments, self-­‐employment income, and savings, among other benefits. Working with Ismael Rivera-­‐Sierra, the Director of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Library at St. John’s University’s School of Risk Management, the study team iden7fied Dr. Goss as the leading researcher using the input-­‐output modifiers to model economic impact (see Appendix B and C). Dr. Goss was selected on the basis of his numerous other major economic impact studies, and his own independent university affilia7on,


Creighton University in Nebraska. Once the project was assigned, input from the team involved minor clarifica7ons and amplifica7ons to data, and some minimal reformaBng. The study itself is en7rely the crea7on of Dr. Goss and his team. Everyone involved with this important undertaking hopes that people inside and outside the property-­‐ casualty insurance industry will benefit from the findings. At St. John’s University’s School of Risk Management, we are looking forward to adding The Contribu7on of the Property-­‐Casualty Insurance Industry to the New York Economy: 2012 and Beyond to our library resources. Lawrence Pistell Senior Associate Director of Corporate & Industry Rela7ons Center for Professional Educa7on St. John’s School of Risk Management, Insurance, and Actuarial Science New York, New York 10007

Please click on the link below and indulge in knowledge….Also, give yourselves a pat

on the back while you are at it because you deserve it. I love numbers. hgp://



RECAP: Meeting at St. John’s University by Andrew Chong

On Wednesday, February 11, 2015, James Bas7an,

Peter Philips and I had the pleasure of visi7ng the Manhagan campus of St. John’s University. On behalf of TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Associa7on (TriCounty IIAA), we met with Ms. Jody Queen-­‐Hubert, Mr. Larry Pistell and Ms. Rebekah Hanousek-­‐Monge all from St. John’s School of Risk Management.

During the mee7ng, our mutual agenda was to

review, discuss, and propose new ideas for the annual TriCounty IIAA scholarship given to select candidate students who meet the academic and extra-­‐curricular requirements. For the past few years, we have awarded an annual amount of $5,000 distributed among nominated recipients.

We felt that this mee7ng was crucial and long overdue since we were never

able to personally interact with any of the authority managing the awards. During the mee7ng, we were given a tour around the new building in downtown Manhagan on Astor Place. We got a closer look into the library built and managed for specific use by the SJU School of Insurance & Peter J. Tobin College of Business. [17]

During the sit-­‐down mee7ng, we discussed about poten7al future internship

programs that would offer internship opportuni7es to students in the insurance-­‐related academic program. We have agreed to open up opportuni7es to recognize the TriCounty IIAA’s efforts to agract more students into the program. We also discussed opportuni7es for TriCounty to be recruit interested job-­‐seekers during SJU career fairs in the College of Business.

Aier the talk, we have

been given a few students’ resumes for internship opportuni7es. I feel that the mee7ng marked the beginning of a deeper rela7onship between St. John’s University and TriCounty IIAA. Much more shall be discussed, and we agents are looking forward to building a posi7ve and produc7ve rela7onship with the School of Risk Management at St. John’s University.



You Helped Make This Happen! IIABNY is celebrating a major win for all members issuing certificates of insurance after legislation it helped develop was signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on January 29, 2015. The new law will become effective on July 28, 2015 and will stop businesses and government agencies from pressuring insurance producers into issuing certificates of insurance that include language of any kind, including warranties of coverage, not found in the underlying policy. You, our members, played a huge part in this successful effort! Thank you to all of you who attended previous L Days in Albany to lobby on this issue, met with lawmakers in your districts, sent letters and emails, made phone calls and relentlessly worked to raise legislators’ awareness of this issue. Your strong support was invaluable. IIABNY worked with the governor’s office, state Department of Financial Services (DFS) and State Legislature over the past several weeks/ months to come to an agreement on amendments to the law raised by concerned parties. The governor signed this bill contingent on the legislature passing these amendments. The amendment has already been introduced in the Assembly on February 4 and we expect similar action by the Senate. Once the amendment is passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor, the new law will take effect July 28, 2015, which is 180 days from the date the governor signed the law. The new law will resolve the problem by: •

Prohibiting anyone from requiring a certificate to include terms, conditions or language of any kind, including warranties or guarantees, when these are not found in the policy.

Clarifying that certificates cannot change coverage provided by the policy and cannot confer new rights.

Prohibiting anyone from requiring a producer to issue a liability certificate unless it is: 1) a form issued by the insurer, 2) a standard certificate issued by an industry standard-setting organization that has been approved by DFS, or 3) any other form which has been approved for use by the DFS.

Authorizing the DFS to levy fines up to $2,000 for those in the private sector that violate the law.

IIABNY plans to work with the DFS to develop a complaint process and also determine how approved forms will be made public. As we finalize details, we will also provide facts sheets, consumer outreach pieces, and present webinars to help educate you, our members, as well as outside groups who will be affected by this new law.

Get the latest information at [19]


Put this Winter Behind Us! February storms in the U.S. are expected to cost insurers more than $1 billion, according to the latest Global Catastrophe Recap from Aon Benfield’s Impact Forecas7ng. Five separate storm systems hit the U.S. during the month, bringing heavy snow, frigid cold, freezing rain and ice. The storms resulted in 72 deaths and transporta7on disrup7on and business closures in major metropolitan areas.

Drones Aiding in Claims Process? Stephen Folan Past President 2009 - 2011

Aier a catastrophe hits, mobile units filled with adjusters are on site with the claimants to evaluate property damage. Flash forward five years and insureds may never meet their

Joe Tunkel is a Past President of the IIAA of Nassau County. When Joe was the editor of the old Nassau publication, he wrote an article entitled, “Heard Around Town.” Recently, one of the TriCounty board members was discussing TriLines, and commented that he always looked forward to Joe’s article. We have decided to revive it here.

property claim adjusters as insurers send drones to evaluate damage. In this scenario, claims are closed at breakneck speed and adjusters handle a much higher volume. As a side benefit, insurers see fewer workers compensa7on claims as adjusters remain safely ensconced in their cubicles. According to industry experts, this scenario is a real possibility. “I envision a 7me when, aier a catastrophe, an adjuster pulls up to a neighborhood and opens the trunk of his car and presses a few bugons on his tablet device and the drone does an immediate survey of everything and streams [20]

it all right to his tablet device, and he knows exactly where to go first and what’s most significant…within minutes. Cos7ng very ligle money, the insurance company has a sense of everything that needs to be done in a very short amount of 7me.” Jason Wolf, a property defense agorney and shareholder at the Fla.-­‐based firm of Koch Parafinczuk & Wolf

GM’s OnStar Ready to Offer Progressive’s Usage-­‐Based Insurance Progressive has partnered with OnStar Corp. to bring its usage-­‐based insurance program, Snapshot, to OnStar customers. Star7ng this summer, buyers of 2016 and most 2015 General Motors vehicles will have the op7on to have their driving data gathered by the OnStar system already built into their new car. Customers who choose this program will be able to receive an e-­‐mailed “safe driving assessment” aier 90 days that shows how they compare to other drivers. They can then decide if they want to share the data with Progressive and receive a discounted quote on their car insurance. The op7on will also be available on some 2014 and 2013 vehicles. There is no addi7onal cost to OnStar customers if they decide to par7cipate – the program is included with their OnStar service. – Insurance Journal

ConnecGcut may want your Pit Bull A Connec7cut state lawmaker is introducing legisla7on that would bar insurance companies from inquiring about or discrimina7ng against a “bully breed” dog when issuing a homeowners’ insurance policy in Connec7cut. Is this a good idea? Dog bite claims accounted


for more than one-­‐third of all homeowners’ insurance liability claims paid in 2013, according to the Insurance Informa7on Ins7tute.

I recently received this email: “As a member of USA Hockey, you could save up to 10% on quality auto insurance. Liberty Mutual offers premium protec7on without the premium price. You can enjoy the benefits of Liberty Mutual Insurance at a price you and your budget can live with. “ Companies are looking for any partnership they can find these days.

It’s Nice to Share The “sharing society” shakes up personal lines. In the wake of the decline in home ownership ever since the peak of the housing market back in 2006, an en7re economy has developed to serve a ren7ng and sharing mindset. Younger genera7ons in par7cular are op7ng for sharing of all kinds—cars, rides, homes, apartments, boats, even bathrooms—and the less they own, the lower their insurable interest. In addi7on to seBng the stage for poten7al stagna7on in the growth of the personal lines insurance market, the sharing society leaves an abundance of coverage gaps in its wake, presen7ng a variety of exposures that a typical homeowners, renters or personal auto policy is not intended to address. S7ll, the trend shows no signs of slowing down: According to a new infographic from Erie Insurance, customers can get a rideshare ride in 42 out of 50 states, and one-­‐fiih of respondents to a University of California, Berkeley survey would be willing to use real-­‐7me ridesharing at least occasionally. – Insurance Journal


Recent On-Line Survey

by Chris Wukovits Chairman Tri County Communication/Public Relation & Website

Tri-­‐County conducted an on-­‐line survey from January

15th, 2015 to February 15th, 2015. An email with a link to the survey was sent to all registered agencies for the purpose of gathering informa7on about who is reading Tri-­‐Lines each month, comments about the Tri-­‐County website and comments about Tri-­‐Lines specifically the ar7cles wrigen by the board members. The survey also requested comments about the Golf Ou7ng held in October 2014 at the new venue the beau7ful Hempstead Club. The survey also includes a ques7on about the Holiday Party held in December 2014 at the elegant Chateau Briand.

The results of the survey are being reviewed and analyzed by the Communica7ons

commigee to see if any of the sugges7ons can be acted upon and provide posi7ve changes to the website, Tri-­‐Lines and upcoming events.

About 10% of the member agencies completed the survey of which each agency that

completed the survey had an opportunity for a $50.00 Gii Check as a thank you for comple7ng the survey. Congratula7ons to Denise Farrell Frayman of JFA Insurance Brokerage & Associates, Inc. located in Bayside who was the lucky winner (see photo).

It should be noted, that a 10% reply rate is an excellent result in terms of marke7ng,

but that s7ll meant 90% of our member agencies which we value did not par7cipate. Please take the opportunity to reengage with us via the mee7ngs we sponsor as we need


your support and your voice to ensure Tri-­‐County con7nues to be the premiere IIABNY local associa7on that has a rich history in serving its members.

Below are some of the comments we received…

Golf OuGng: • “This was an excellent event, although I did not golf I heard great feedback about the course, the loca7on is also more convenient and the food was excellent” • “Well organized, good day, great people”

Holiday Party: • “It was a fun event. It was good to see people there that you may know by name and then it is good to be able to socialize with them.” • “Less speeches and more mingling was great!” • “Nice buzz at the party. Short announcements worked out great. People are there to mingle and catch up with other agents, vendors and company personnel.”

Tri-­‐Lines: • “Need ar7cles prepared by board members and professional industry wrigen ar7cles.” • “More ar7cles on marke7ng insureds.”

Chris Wukovits presen7ng the survey winner Denise Farrell Frayman a $50.00 Gii Check. [24]

IIABNY SEMINAR CALENDAR – Remainder of 2014 CE Classes in Nassau, Queens and Suffolk Counties

The following seminars will be held at Four Points Sheraton, Plainview 4/16/15 4/22/15

Commercial Liability – AAI 82-­‐A Top 10 Misunderstood GL Issues – LaQuinta. GC

full day ½ day, am

4/28/15 4/28/15

Business Auto, Truckers & Garage Workers Comp, More than Basic

½ day, am ½ day, pm

5/06/15 5/12/15

Agency Leadership – AAI 87 Self Funding Health Plans

full day ½ day am

5/19/15 6/10/15

Personal Lines Kaleidoscope E&O VIDEO (Loca7ons to be announced)

full day ½ day, am


NYAIP Producer Procedures

½ day, am

The following seminars will be held at Adria Hotel, Bayside 4/17/15 6/19/15

NYAIP Producer Procedures NYAIP Producer Procedures

½ day, am ½ day, am

The following seminars will be held at Belfor RestoraGon in Ronkonkoma, NY unless noted otherwise. 4/21/15 6/10/15

10 Misunderstood E&O VIDEO (Loca7ons to be announced)

½ day, am ½ day, am

For a complete schedule and registraGon form, log on to Highlight the ‘EducaGon & Events’ tab and select ‘Find A Class’. RegistraGon forms are also available on line, or call IIABNY’s EducaGon Dept. at 1-­‐800-­‐962-­‐7950.


Location Options: All Held June 10, 2015 Please see below for directions

VIDEO 4 CE Credits (All Licenses) | NYCR-246783 | NYPO-100001 Class: 9:00 am – 12:45 pm Price: $100 per IIABNY Member | $165 per Non-Member *Same course offered as the Live Seminars in May 2015. You cannot earn CE credit for both

About the Program Jim Keidel and Chris Weldon will bring their own vast experiences in representing and defending our members in IIABNY's errors and omissions program by reviewing trends and answering questions regarding the frequency and types of claims, development in NY law affecting agents and brokers and special concerns regarding specific types of insurance. They will discuss duty of care and how some courts are trying to chip away at protection for agents and brokers. They will demonstrate how to reduce E&O exposure through improvements in customer service, renewal handling and claims handling. Documentation, including best practices to follow with regard to electronic signatures will be emphasized. Jim and Chris will review trends in New York E&O claims and will reinforce that agents and brokers that attend the annual E&O loss control seminar face fewer E&O claims and lawsuits.



Hudson Valley Comm. College

Binghamton University



Erie Comm. College

Hofstra University

New York City


SUNY College of Optometry

SUNY Plattsburgh



Dutchess Comm. College

Adirondack Comm. College



SCCC Culinary Arts & Hospitality Center

Monroe Comm. College

Sullivan County


Sullivan County Comm. College

Location TBD



Jefferson Comm. College

Hampton Inn White Plains/ Tarrytown

How to Qualify for Renewal Credit IIABNY members whose E&O coverage is written by Swiss Re/Westport Insurance Corp. or Fireman's Fund through IAAC can qualify for a premium reduction credit if they meet the 2015 attendance criteria.

Instructors: Jim Keidel & Chris Weldon Jim Keidel and Chris Weldon are partners with the law firm of Keidel, Weldon & Cunningham, LLP. Both Jim and Chris devote their practice exclusively to the defense of insurance agents and brokers in errors and omissions litigation on a regional and national basis.


p: 800.962.7950 f: 888-432-0510 e:

IIABNY Education Registration st

5784 Widewaters Parkway, 1 Floor, Dewitt, NY 13214 | Phone: 800.962.7950 | Fax: 888-432-0510 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registrant Name (please indicate if changed) E-mail ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NYS License Number(s) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency (please indicate if changed) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax

PLEASE SELECT CLASS(ES) AND FILL IN YOUR CHOSEN LOCATION: 2015 IIABNY E&O Loss Control Seminar – LIVE SEMINAR $150 Members | $185 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

2015 IIABNY E&O Loss Control Seminar – VIDEO SEMINAR $100 Members | $165 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

AAI 82A Commercial Liability Insurance $210 Members | $290 Non-Members Location: ____________________________ Pre-Order AAI 82A Course Manual (+$8.00)

AAI 87 Agency Leadership and Strategic Alignment $230 Members | $310 Non-Members Location: ____________________________ Pre-Order AAI 87 Course Manual (+$8.00)

ACSR 2 Personal Auto Insurance $160 Members | $240 Non-Members Location: __________________________ Pre-Order ACSR 2 Course Manual (+$8.00)

ACSR 9 Commercial Lines Related Coverages $160 Members | $240 Non-Members Location: __________________________ Pre-Order ACSR 9 Course Manual (+$8.00)

Business Auto vs. Truckers Coverage vs. Garage Form $100 Members | $180 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

Crime Insurance $100 Members | $180 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

ERISA What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You $125 Members | $200 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

Ethics: A Guide for Insurance Agents & Brokers $85 Members | $150 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

NYAIP Certification Program $150 per Registrant Location: ____________________________

Personal Lines An Insurance Kaleidoscope $150 Members | $200 Non-Members Location: __________________________

Self-Funded Health Plans How It Impacts Your Client $125 Members | $200 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

Top 10 Misunderstood General Liability Issues $125 Members | $200 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

Workers Comp More Than the Basics $85 Members | $150 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

PAYMENT METHOD Check (made payable to IIABNY, Inc.)

American Express



Amount $ ____________________________________

Card # Expiration Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name on Card (please print) Authorized Signature REGISTRATION INFO: You must register at least two weeks prior to the seminar to receive your CE certificate on site. Please be on time - Continuing Education rules will not allow CE credit to be awarded to anyone arriving after the start of the program. Full and half-day programs will have morning and/or afternoon refreshments. Lunch is not provided. Photo I.D. must be presented at registration. PAYMENT: If registering less than 1 week prior to a seminar, payment will need to be made by credit card or a check must be brought the day of in order to attend. If payment is not received by class date, license information will not be submitted to insurance department. WALK-INS: Add $10 for registering “at the door.” DISABILITIES: We invite all registrants to advise us of any disability and any requests for accommodation to that disability. Please contact us at 1-800-962-7950. CANCELLATION POLICY: Full credit toward another seminar will be allowed for cancellation requests received at least 3 business days before a seminar minus the cost of your book (if sent in advance). Any cancellation request received less than 3 business days prior to the seminar will receive a 50% credit minus the cost of your book (if sent in advance). Cancellation requests received on or after the date of the seminar will NOT be eligible for credit. ALL CANCELLATION REQUESTS MUST BE IN WRITING ~ NO EXCEPTIONS!


A Great Big Thank You to Our Sponsors

Flood Webinar Sponsor H2M architects + engineers March Meeting Sponsors Advantage Partners Interboro Insurance Group Total Restoration, Inc.

Pryor Personnel Agency Inc. The Insurance Specialist since 1970 local, National and International Recruitment

Phone (516) 935-0100



OFFICERS President Frank J. Elorza Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2387 fax: 516-742-70711 Vice President Peter Phillips

Phillips Brokerage, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 718-545-4700 fax: 718-545-8531 Treasurer Adam P. Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency 261-20 Hillside Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004 718-343-6450 Secretary James G. Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 347-721-9839

Immediate Past President Robert E. Mackoul, CLU Mackoul & Associates 25 Nassau Lane Island Park, NY 11558 516-431-9100 fax: 516-431-4641

DIRECTORS Dean S. Aloia Aloia McKinnon Ins. Brokerage. 7801 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-836-8000 x 310 Ronald Brunell, CIC B&B Coverage, Ltd. 1 East Lincoln Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11582 516-872-2300

Andrew Chong Andrew.Chong@arcunderwrit ARC Underwriting Partners Inc. 73 Cuttermill Rd Great Neck, NY 11021 Phone: (516) 726-1500


Alex Giraldo Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2443 Neil Levy, CPA, CFP CBS Coverage Group, Inc. 111 Express Street Plainview, NY11803

(516) 938-9000 Chris Wukovits AAA New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 877-5219

OTHER POSITIONS TriCounty IIAA Executive Director Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516-621-2209 Tri-Lines Publisher Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265 TriCounty IIAA Director of Sales Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265

IIABNY Positions Chair of the Board James D. Sutton, CPCU, AAI, CIC James F. Sutton Agency, Ltd. 143-149 Main Street East Islip, NY 11730 631-446-3165 IIABNY President & CEO Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI IIABNY 5784 Widewaters Pkwy Dewitt, NY 13214 800-962-7950 516-568-0800


Regional Director (L.I.) Kevin R. Crossley AAA New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place, Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2256

Committees 2014- 2015 Communications, Public Relations & Website Chris Wukovits - Chair, Ron Brunell, Alex Giraldo, Andrew Chong, Neil Levy, Jeanne Abatelli

Downstate Ron Brunell, Frank Elorza, James Bastian

Scholarship Andrew Chong & Peter Phillips - Co- Chairs, Eileen Black, Pat Calvert

IIABNY Liaison & Member Services Alex Giraldo - Chair, Frank Elorza, Adam Erickson, Kevin Crossley, Pat Calvert

Legislation and InsurPac Dean Aloia and Bob Mackoul - Co-Chairs, Peter Phillips , Chris Wukovits, Steve Folan

Meetings & Programs Ron Brunell, Chair, Adam Erickson, James Bastian, Dean Aloia, Neil Levy, Steve Visco, Jeanne Abatelli, Pat Calvert

Golf Outing "

Bob Mackoul, Chair, Frank Elorza, Kevin Crossley, James Bastian

Installation Dinner "

Peter Phillips, Frank Elorza, Jeanne Abatelli, Pat Calvert

Next Gen Adam Erickson and Neil Levy – Co- Chairs, Andrew Chong, Alex Giraldo

Sponsors & Advertising Jeanne Abatelli, Chair, James Bastian, Alex Giraldo

Tri Lines Jeanne Abatelli, Chair, James Bastian, Chris Wukovits, Pat Calvert

Tri-County members are invited to join a committee of their choice. Please contact a committee member or Pat Calvert 516-621-2209 for details.


Advertisers Insurance Companies & Markets Interboro Insurance Group Peter Resnick 155 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: 516-248-1100 Fax: 516-746-1884 Email:presnick@interboroinsuran Magna Carta Companies Lou Masucci 1 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 Toll Free: 1-888-ONE PARK Phone: 212-591-9500 Fax: 212-591-9621 Morstan General Agency Inc. Bob Birner 600 Community Drive PO Box 4500 Manhasset, NY 11030-4500 Phone: 516-488-4747 Fax: 516-437-5050 New Empire Group 214 W Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561

Phone: 866-431-8100 Fax: 516-431-5351 NIF Group Michael Orlando Nancy Williams 30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 Phone: 516-365-7440 Fax: 516-496-7356

RMS Insurance Brokerage Mark Derrenberger 100 Ring Rd W Suite 200 Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: (516) 742-8585 Email: m

Insurance Services

Pryor Personnel Agency Patricia Pryor Bonica 147 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-935-0100 Fax: 516-931-7842 Email:


Sponsors Click on the company name to visit their website

Advantage Partners James Bastian 3719 Broadway, 2nd Floor Astoria, New York 11103 Phone: 866-443-8859 Email: H2M architects + engineers John Schnurr, P.L.S. Assistant Vice President Manager, Land Surveying Group 538 Broad Hollow Road, 4th Floor East, Melville, NY 11747 Phone: 631-756-8000 x1706 Fax: 631-694-4122 Email:

Interboro Insurance Group Peter Resnick 155 Mineola Blvd Mineola NY 11501 Phone: 516-248-1100 Fax: 516-741-7839 Email:presnick@interboroinsuran

Total Restoration, Inc. Dennis Lombardi 285 Post Avenue Westbury NY 11590 Phone: 516-333-5333 Fax: 516-333-5489 Email:






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