TriLines Demo

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July/August 2012 Issue

Installed June 23, 2012 at the Fox Hollow



Steven Visco, Ph.D., AAI

Peter Phillips



James Bastian



Steven Visco, Ph. D, AAI President

I have always said a man is not an island, and I am no exception to that rule. I did not get here without the tremendous help of a lot of great people. I would be remiss if I did not pause and take a moment to recognize those that have helped me get to where we are today. I must stop and recognize my entire TriCounty Board of Directors both past and present, a better more dedicated group of men and women you will not find. The executive staff, I said it last year and I will say it again, I would not be here with our there help guidance and continued support of some of my crazy ideas, Bobby, Frank, Peter and our past president Steve Folan, thank you. Part of my evening planning Dream Team, Pat Calvert and Jeanne Abatelli, what can I say, other than you had better sit down for this one, thank you so much for your help. My second family, my office staff, we have had a rough start to this year, but I know we will pull together and make it though, you have been there when times were good and bad and I appreciate all of you each day. Mom and Dad, it goes without saying your insight and guidance has brought me to this day, and I can't thank you enough for both of those things. My children, Steven and Jacklyn, my reason for doing business every day, I know I don't get home early anymore, but know that I never stop thinking about you both no matter what time of day - no matter where I am. Finally, my wife Denise, they say behind every great man is a woman, I would like to rewrite that and say that standing right next to this great man is an equally great woman. She is my business partner, life partner and my closest friend. Thank you for always allowing me to shine brighter while you stand next to me. The theme of this years installation event was no accident. In the 1950's and 1960's Independent Agents came to events like these to share new ideas and exchange information. I started to think, how can agents use technology of today to help each other? Just like neighbors did back in the 50's and 60's when you needed a cup of sugar or an egg. You just knocked on your neighbors door, no strings, no obligation, just simply being neighborly. Now I know i can't turn back the hands of time, but what if there was a way to help your fellow agents. All while not inconvenience yourself and possibly even helping yourself write some new business. Would this be helpful and of interest to the Independent Agents of 2012?




Now, if you would indulge me and open the wrapped tube placed in front of you marked 'Do not open until asked to'. This is a brand new concept that TriCounty will be beta testing in 2012. This revolutionary idea will once again put TriCounty in the forefront of every Independent Agent in the TriCounty region. Our new initiative will be called TriCounty 'Linked Up". Allow me to explain how this program will work. Agents that are in need of marketing assistance can call out to other agents to no cost assistance by completing form available electronically on the web site. The form will then be electronically sent out to all of the TriCounty agents. Any agent that can or wants to make a suggestion on what companies will write the risk or what mga/ wholesaler would write this type of risk would simply and conveniently reply to the original sender of this e-mail. In the process of helping a fellow agents and quite possibly helping themselves co-broker a new line of business. Life a neighbor sharing a cup of sugar. The form will be a new tab on our web site shortly and we will be monitoring it's usage over the next year and will report back to you in my monthly President's Message with the progress. The instruction on how to use the enclosed 'Linked Up' form is enclosed as well as our web site, Feel free to contact me anytime with your questions or concerns. I am so very proud to serve as your President for another term. You can look forward to another exciting year of programs and events. So far we have a spectacular golf outing at the Woodmere Golf Club. Same great location, same great food, new lower price with a new date and time for this very popular event. We will be hosting our Jackson Taub Golf Outing on Thursday, October 4, 2012. I look forward to seeing you all there! Our next event not to be missed will be the TriCounty Holiday Extravaganza. Yes, I said extravaganza! If you enjoyed last years event you will not want to miss this year's party. Save the date, Thursday, December 8th. We encourage you to bring your staff and make it your office holiday party. We will have everything we had at last years party, but just more of it! If I can leave you with just one more thought, one of this years events will be the "Wheel of Wine" and I mean wine not whine! Steven Visco, Ph.D, AAI President 2011-2012



Sponsored by Tower Group Companies Ray Lamitola Safeco Insurance Malinda Kibbons

SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Scholarship Winners by Peter Phillips

On June 21, 2012, the TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association was proud to present St. John’s School of Risk Management students, Anna Heliotis and Greg Tucker, with a scholarship of $2,500 for their exceptional work ethic and outstanding academic performance.

The scholarships were sponsored by Tower Group and Safeco Insurance Companies. Attending the event were Terry Moore and Malianda Kibbons of Safeco Insurance Companies, Michele Russo of Tower Group Companies, and Rebekah Hanousek-

Sponsored by Tower & Safeco


Monge of St. John’s School of Risk Management.



2012 OFFICERS & DIRECTORS Improving your Bottom Line by James Bastian

With lower premiums and commissions, we

4) Maximize Profit Sharing by reducing the

are all seeking ways to reduce expenses. Below are a few ideas that can improve your bottom line: 1) Invest in staff training to get the maximum benefit from your agency systems.

number of carriers you work with by consolidating markets. 5) Review each and every expense item (advertising, rent, phones, office supplies, travel, etc.) to make sure the dollars spent are effective

2) Take the time to review and streamline internal processes and procedures. 3) Reduce Information Technology costs by transitioning to Cloud technology.

and efficient.


Jackson Traub Golf Outing Thursday October 4, 2012 Located at the beautiful Woodmere Club, 2012 MGWA Club of the Year! We’ve rolled back our prices!!

Golf & Dinner $275.00 or Cocktail & Dinner $95.00 Register on-line at

11:00 am Brunch 11:45 am Putting Contest 1:00 pm Shotgun Tee-Off 5:30 pm Cocktails & Dinner Your golf fee includes use of the driving range, cart, greens fees, brunch, barbecues and refreshments on the course, cocktails, dinner, and lots of prizes and giveaways.

Donna Doyle of Narragansett Bay Insurance Company will receive the TriCounty Outstanding Company Executive Award For more info: Call Lane Rubin or David Spiro at 516-568-0800 or email: or Directions to the Woodmere Club: From South Shore: Southern State Pkwy to Peninsula Blvd. (exit 19S), Take Peninsula Blvd approx. 7 miles and turn left on Woodmere Blvd. Go to Broadway and turn right. Go approx. 1â „4 mile and turn left at the traffic light on to Meadow Drive. Follow to the club. From North Shore: Northern State/Grand Central Pkwy to Cross Island Pkwy South. Bear Left on to Southern State Pkwy East. Take exit 13S, Central Ave. becomes Mill Rd. after Sunrise Hwy. Turn Right on Peninsula Blvd. and go approx. 1 mile. Turn left on Woodmere Blvd., follow directions above. 516-295-2500

You may register up to 4 people with 1 transaction on-line and pay by credit card. To pay by check please fill out the form below. Make check(s) payable to TriCounty IIAA and mail to: Lane Rubin, The Excelsior Group 71 S. Central Ave., Suite 305 Valley Stream, NY 11580 Name:!___________________________________! Address:_______________________________________ Company:_______________________________________!


Email:!__________________________________________ Place in Foursome with:____________________________________________________________________


Jackson Traub Golf Outing Sponsorship Opportunities

Thursday October 4, 2012 ______GOLF HOLE SPONSOR!


























!_______VALET PARKING SPONSOR (1 only)! !







!_______DRIVING RANGE SPONSOR (1 only)! !







!_______PUTTING GREEN SPONSOR (1 only)! !












!_______BEVERAGE & BBQ STATION (limited to 2)!





$350 each


!_______GRAND PRIZE SPONSOR (1 only) !








!! ______CIGAR SPONSOR (1 only)!









!_______GOLF BALL SPONSOR (1 only)!








GOLF PRIZES WILL BE GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED (Whether or not you choose to sponsor) Please deliver gifts to: DAVID SPIRO or LANE RUBIN at The Excelsior Group, 71 South Central Avenue, Valley Stream. Be sure to tape your business card or name on your gift.

All sponsorships must be received by September 20, 2012!! If you have any question please call 516-681-6265 or email me at Golf questions? contact David Spiro at 516-568-0800 or PLEASE SELECT THE SPONSORSHIP OF YOUR CHOICE AND RETURN THE FOLLOWING FORM WITH YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO: TRI-COUNTY IIAA MAIL TO: Jeanne Abatelli * 150 Dartmouth Dr. * Hicksville, NY 11801

Sponsor Reply Form – TriCounty IIAA Golf Outing – October 4th 2012 Enclosed is a check for $___________for the ____________________________sponsorship. Your Name: ________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Phone No._____________________________Fax No.:______________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________


PAC Frequently Asked Questions CONTRIBUTIONS Q. Who can contribute to the PACs? InsurPac (Federal) – U.S. citizens who are members of IIABA’s solicit able class of individuals may contribute to InsurPac. IIABA’s solicit able class of individuals consists of salaried member agents, their spouses and children, and salaried employees of the association (IIABA & IIABNY). IAPAC (State) – Any person, corporation, limited liability company, sole proprietorship or partnership (subject to aggregate calendar limits) Q. Are corporate contributions permitted? InsurPac (Federal) – InsurPac CANNOT accept corporate checks, unless done via payroll deduction. Checks drawn on non-incorporated agency accounts are acceptable, depending on how the agency files with the IRS. For partnerships, a partnership allocation form is required (see sample forms). IAPAC (State) – Personal and corporate checks ARE acceptable.

Q. Are credit cards accepted? InsurPac (Federal) – Yes. InsurPac accepts Visa, American Express and Master Card (personal credit cards only) IAPAC (State) – Yes. IAPAC accepts Visa, American Express and Master Card. Q. Are monthly installments available? InsurPac (Federal) – Yes, by credit card withdrawal on the 15th of the month. Contributions can be equally allocated over a number of months or indefinitely. IAPAC (State) – Yes, if paid with IIABNY dues. Contributions may be spread equally over 10 monthly installments either by credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT). Installments are not available for contributions paid independent of IIABNY dues.. Q. Are cash contributions allowed? InsurPac (Federal) – Yes. InsurPac can accept up to $100 aggregate in a calendar year from any legal donor. IAPAC (State) – Yes. IAPAC can accept up to $100 aggregate in a calendar year from any one person.

Q. Is there a limit on contributions? InsurPac (Federal) – The most an individual may contribute in a calendar year is $5,000. IAPAC (State) – An individual may contribute up to $150,000 in a calendar year. A corporation may contribute up to $5,000 in a calendar year. Each affiliated or wholly-owned subsidiary corporation, if a separate legal entity, has its own limit.

Q. Are contributions deductible on federal income tax returns?


InsurPac (Federal) – No. IAPAC (State) – No.

Jerry Brunell Memorial Fishing Outing Wednesday September 12, 2012 Again this year, Downstate will hold its annual Fishing Excursion on the “Fishtale� boat departing Captree Boat Basin. Ticket price includes a full day of fishing, breakfast, lunch, beer, soda, prizes, bait & tackle, fishbags. Amount: $75.00/person Place: Captree Boat Basin Time: Departs 7:45 am. Return 3:30pm Directions: Southern State Parkway to Exit 40, Robert Moses Causeway, take south 5 miles to Captree Boat Basin exit Footware: Sneakers, dock-siders or equivalent

Note to donate fishing prizes and more information call Martin Rosenthal at 516-599-1100 ext 155

Please fill out and send with your check payable to Downstate Council Return to Martin Rosenthal c/o NGL Group 112 Merrick Road Lynbrook, NY 11563

Firm Name:___________________________________________________________________ Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _______ Zip: _________________ Tel No._____________________________________ Email: ___________________________ No.Fishing _____ @ $75 each = $__________ Total Amount of Check enclosed ___________ Use back of form for additional fishermen.


Affiliated with IIABA Young Agents The IIABNY Next Generation Insurance Professionals (Next Gen) sponsors training, seminars, and conferences across the state. Our members also have the opportunity to participate in national Big “I� Young Agents events.

Exciting & innovative sales and marketing training

Management skills that allow your career to grow

Valuable leadership development

Networking & social events with other professionals

Next Gen is open to individuals under 40 years old or new to the insurance industry who are interested in becoming more innovative and effective salespeople, creating lasting business relationships, and joining the ranks of insurance industry leaders. Membership is open to all individuals working in or supporting the Independent Agency System and actively developing a career in the insurance industry. It is not limited to agents only; it is open to any one involved in or supporting the insurance industry including all agency and company personnel.

Membership is Free! Join today by filling out the following form and returning it to: Kathy Lawler Fax: 888-432-0510

Monica Rayder Fax: 888-432-0510

Name: _____________________________________________________ Agency: _________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Position: ___________________________________________________ Year Born: ________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Fax: __________________________


PAC Frequently Asked Questions con’t FUNDRAISING

IAPAC (State) – No. Funds are not allowed to be raised by raffles, 50/50 or any other type of gambling.

Q. What are the rules for soliciting groups (such as a

Q. Can we raise money by selling “mulligans” at a golf

local association meeting)? InsurPac (Federal) – By law, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) requires us to get prior written approval to solicit anyone who is employed by an incorporated agency. This is accomplished by the “Corporate Authorization” form (see sample forms). The FEC allows InsurPac to ask for approval five years in advance and that is reflected in the form. An agency principal can sign for five years forward. The Corporate Authorization form is required only for incorporated agencies. Sole proprietors and other unincorporated agencies are not required to sign this form before being solicited. This can present a challenge for a local association meeting since there is no easy way to determine who may or may not have signed a corporate approval form. It is recommended that you only present a very generic message from the podium at a local meeting about the importance of PACs. A separate PAC table can be set up and people can be encouraged to visit the table for more information. IAPAC (State) – There are no state requirements regarding authorization to solicit. Therefore, you are allowed to discuss and solicit IAPAC in a group setting such as a local association meeting. If you will be talking about both the state and federal PACs at the same meeting follow the suggestions above. Q. Are raffles allowed? InsurPac (Federal) – Yes, if the fair market value of the prize is not more than 1/3 of the total amount raised. (Example – If the prize was a $500 set of golf clubs, at least $1,500 must be raised in the raffle.)

outing or some other thing with no real value? InsurPac (Federal) – Yes. IAPAC (State) – Yes, with some restrictions. The no gambling rule (see question on raffles) would prohibit a hole-in-one contest but a mulligan (second shot) would be permitted because it is not gambling or taking a chance. Q. Can we raise money by charging admission to an event (such as a wine tasting, reception, or other social event)? InsurPac (Federal) – Yes, if the cost of the event is not more than 1/3 of the total amount raised. (Example – if the event costs $500, at least $1,500 must be raised from the event.) IAPAC (State) – Yes. Q. Can our local association (or an individual, agency, other entity) donate the space (or food and beverage) for an event that raises money for the PAC? InsurPac (Federal) – There are no restrictions on donating goods and services, however the fair market value of the goods and services must be reported as an in-kind contribution, subject to the individual calendar year limit. Because only individual contributions are allowed for InsurPac, a local association, agency or other entity may not donate goods or services for an event. It must be an individual. (Example – an individual donates meeting space, food and beverage for a fundraising event. The fair market value of the donation must be reported as an individual contribution and subject to the $5,000 calendar year limit.)


PAC Frequently Asked Questions con’t IAPAC (State) – There are no restrictions on donating goods and services, however the fair market value of the goods and services must be reported as an in-kind contribution, subject to the individual and corporate aggregate limits. (Example – a local association has already made an IAPAC contribution of $2,000 in the calendar year. The local association wants to donate meeting space, food and beverage valued at $4,000 for an event to raise PAC funds. Only $3,000 in goods and services can be donated because of the $5,000 calendar year limit .for the local association.)



PAC GUIDELINES State vs. Federal July 2012

Financial Year

IAPAC State PAC May 1 – April 30

InsurPac Federal PAC January 1 – December 31

Current Goal



Personal or Corporate

Personal only (Unless for a “Partnership” – see below)

Payable to:



Credit card

Yes American Express, MasterCard or VISA

Yes American Express, MasterCard or VISA

Yes Available on IIABNY website

Yes Available on IIABNY website

Type of check accepted

Contribution form

On-line contribution

Yes – with IIABNY dues payment

Yes – may access from IIABNY site (then click on Advocacy, then Political Action Committee) or national site (then click on Govt Affairs, then InsurPac) Must be logged in as a member to see on-line option

Monthly payment option

Yes (with IIABNY dues payment)

Yes (see contribution form)

Automatic Debit option

Yes (with IIABNY dues payment)

Yes (see contribution form)



Partnership may use a corporate check – must complete “Partnership contribution” form

Corporate Approval form


Try to get this form completed if possible

NOT permitted under NYS Campaign Finance Laws and NYS Wagering & Racing Laws

Permitted if fair market value of the prize is not more than 1/3 of the total amount raised



Coming Soon! A ‘Must Attend’ Legislative Forum! Tuesday October 30, 2012 Sponsored by DOWNSTATE INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS’ COUNCIL Supported by Downstate member associations. CIBGNY; IIAB Suffolk; QCIP; TriCounty IIAA & WINLI Hear the experts discuss topics and legislative strategies that will affect YOU and your business in 2013

Bring your staff and your questions…….. The Place: Chateau Briand 440 Old Country Road, Carle Place. Get directions on or call 516-334-6125 Time: 4:00 pm Full details to follow shortly!


386 Park Avenue South, Suite 303 New York, NY 10016 O: 646-807-4372 F: 646-350-3028

HOW WAHVE WORKS Below is a brief description of how WAHVE works but also visit our website at

What is WAHVE? • WAHVE is a unique, cost-saving remote contract staffing solution that supplements your firm’s staffing needs by using the industries knowledgeable and technologically savvy retirees who would cost twice as much if you hired someone with expertise. • WAHVE provides contract remote staff for back office process services or to fill a position on a dedicated full-time, part-time or project/consulting basis, helping you improve your profitability. • Depending on the type and level of work you require, most full-time wahves cost between $41,825 and $50,190 annually and part-time between $25/hr and $30/hr. For expert project work, the hourly rate is negotiated based on the expertise needed and the project. There are no additional charges, no employee benefits or office overhead to pay. • Wahves cost 50% less than regular experienced staff, which drives down the cost of process work and staff.

What Can Wahves Do? • Our wahves can do all types of process work to support an Acct. Mgr, CSR, Underwriter and/or Producer – such as preparation of applications and submissions, rating/quoting, binding, policy issuance, renewals, proposals, policy checking, certificate issuance, loss runs requests, loss runs analysis, auditing – or they can fill a CSR, AE, Underwriter, Claims, Marketer, Risk Manager, etc. position. • Some wahves are experts in their field, providing needed institutional knowledge on a project, consulting and mentoring basis.

How We Qualify candidates: • We have a database of over 350 qualified insurance people who are in what we call “phased retirement.” They have retired from their firms but would like to work remotely from home full-or part-time or on a project/consulting basis. • They have 25+ years insurance experience. Many have multiple designations, degrees and licenses.


386 Park Avenue South, Suite 303 New York, NY 10016 O: 646-807-4372 F: 646-350-3028

• We have an extensive qualification process with on-line, timed insurance coverage, errors and omissions and management systems tests, reference and background checks.

What Is the Process for Hiring a Wahve? • Based on your needs, we match you with qualified wahves. • You can interview them and decide which one(s) you like. • We then outsource them to you on a dedicated basis. • WAHVE bills you a contracted monthly full-time fee or a contracted part-time hourly rate. • Each of our wahves has dual monitors and the latest systems and programs. • Wahves work in a totally remote secure environment within your management system and are trained in your workflow. All their work is tracked in your management system.

Why WAHVE is a Good Alternative to Off-Shoring: • You save a considerable sum on start up costs, productivity and supervision and wahves can do higher level work and complete the full process. • Wahves only need a few days of training and they are ready to work as part of your team. • Wahves work the hours you chose and you can speak to them just as you would a regular employee. • You don’t need to worry about language, cultural differences, double-checking the work or time difference. By hiring wahves, you save on salary, benefits, overhead and turnover while increasing profitability. It is really an easy process from start to finish. It takes a few weeks to set everything up between the interviews, selection of the wahve(s), synching the technology between you and your wahve, and then training your wahve on your workflow.

For more information, call or email Bill Hunt at 646-807-4372, ext. 506 /


IIABNY FALL SEMINAR CALENDAR – Remainder of 2012 CE Classes in Nassau, Queens and Suffolk Counties.

Unless noted, the following seminars will be held at Four Points Sheraton, Plainview or LaQuinta Inn & Suites, Garden City. Four Points Sheraton is noted ‘Pl’ LaQuinta Inn is noted ‘GC’ 09/13/12 09/21/12 10/11/12 10/16/12 10/23/12 10/23/12 10/30/12 11/07/12 11/08/12 11/16/12 11/27/12 12/04/12

There’s Insurance For That? GC– (half day – am) AAI 82-C - Specialized Insurance - Pl Homeowners Insurance (ACSR Mod #1) – Pl Workplace Worries (Anti Discrimination) – GC ACE Insura Claims Detection – Personal Lines (half day – am - Pl ACE Insura Claims Detection – Comm. Lines (half day – pm) - Pl Best Practices - E&O Loss Prevention – Pl E&O Basics (ACSR Mod #4) – Pl AAI 82-B – Other Commercial Insurance – Pl NYAIP Certification Program - (Half day-am) -Pl AAI 82-A - Commercial Liability - Pl Commercial Lines Property Ins. (ACSR Mod #6) – Pl

The following seminar will be held at Belfor in Maspeth, Queens 09/29/12 10/09/12 11/09/12 11/13/12 12/14/12

NYAIP Certification Program - (Saturday-am) There’s Insurance For That? (half day-am) NYAIP Certification Program - (4-8:30pm) Workplace Worries (Anti Discrimination) NYAIP Certification Program - (Half day-am)

Unless noted, the following Suffolk seminars will be held at Belfor Restoration In Ronkonkoma. 09/12/12 There’s Insurance For That? (half day-am) 09/13/12 NYAIP Certification Program - (Half day-am) 10/17/12 Workplace Worries (Anti Discrimination)

For a complete schedule, log on to Highlight the ‘Education’ link and select ‘Education Calendar’. Registration forms are also available on line, or call IIABNY’s Education Dept. at 1-800-962-7950.


OFFICERS & DIRECTORS OFFICERS President Steven Visco, PhD, AAI C.H. Edwards, Inc. 791 South Main Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 516-249-5200 fax: 516-249-5255 Vice President Robert E. Mackoul, CLU Mackoul & Associates 25 Nassau Lane Island Park, NY 11558 516-431-9100 fax: 516-431-4641 Treasurer Frank J. Elorza Club Agency 1051 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2387 fax: 516-742-70711

Secretary Peter Phillips Phillips Brokerage, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 718-545-4700 fax: 718-545-8531 Immediate Past President Stephen J. Folan The Folan Agency Ltd. 378 Port Washington Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050 516-944-9400 x4 fax: 516-944-9879

DIRECTORS Dean S. Aloia Aloia McKinnon Ins. Brokerage. 7801 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-836-8000 x 310

Astoria, NY 11103 347-721-9839 Ronald Brunell, CIC B&B Coverage, Ltd. 1 East Lincoln Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11582 516-872-2300 Adam P. Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency 261-20 Hillside Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004 718-343-6450 Theodore Garatziotis Narrows Insurance Agencu, Inc. 9201 Fourth Ave., 7th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-745-1500 Alex Giraldo Club Agency 1051 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2443

James G. Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc. 37-19 Broadway

Giving Business to the National Payroll Companies That Compete With You! IIABNY’s endorsed Payroll Provider, Ovation Payroll, WILL NOT compete against you! Ovation WILL Protect Your Book of Business! Contact Cheryle Levine at 516.384.2467


OTHER POSITIONS TriCounty IIAA Executive Director Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516-621-2209 Tri-Lines Editor Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265 TriCounty IIAA Director of Sales Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265

IIABNY Positions Chair of the Board Thomas J. Crowley, CPCU, CRM, CIC Maran Corporate Rick Asso., Inc. 300 Hampton Road Southampton, NY 11968 631-283-8000 x 392 516-228-9700 IIABNY President & CEO Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI IIABNY 5784 Widewaters Pkwy Dewitt, NY 13214 800-962-7950 516-568-0800


Secretary-Treasurer James D. Sutton, CPCU, AAI, CIC James F. Sutton Agency, Ltd. 143-149 Main Street East Islip, NY 11730 631-446-3165 Regional Director (L.I.) Kevin R. Crossley AAA of New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place, Unit A Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2256

IIABNY FALL SEMINAR CALENDAR – Remainder of 2012 CE Classes in Nassau, Queens and Suffolk Counties.

Insurance Companies & Markets

Kingstone Insurance Company John Reiersen, CPCU

Adirondack Insurance

15 Joys Lane

Michelle Russo Phone: 631-793-4909

Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 845-340-8366


Fax: 845-340-8393 Email:

Andover Companies

Scott A. Brekne, CPCU, CIC 333 Route 25A, Suite 150

Magna Carta Companies

Rocky Point NY 11778-8802 Phone:631-421-6095

Lou Masucci 1 Park Avenue

Fax: 631-421-2679

New York, NY 10016


Toll Free: 1-888-ONE PARK Phone: 212-591-9500

Crump Insurance Group Michael Yovino

Fax: 212-591-9621

110 Marcus Blvd Hauppauge, NY 11788 Phone: 631-478-6023

MAPFRE Greg Duddy


901 Franklin Ave Garden City, NY 11530

GMAC Insurance


Jim Schaffner PO Box 3199

MetLife Auto & Home

Winston Salem, NC 27102 Phone: 800-526-0332

Dina Bruno Marketing Manager

Fax: 336-435-0692

Phone: 516-221-2375


Fax: 866-392-0114 Email:

Interboro Mutual Indemnity Insurance Co. Peter Resnick

Morstan General Agency, Inc. Al Eskanazy, Bob Birner 600 Community Drive PO Box 4500 Manhasset, NY 11030-4500 Phone: 516-488-4747 Fax: 516-437-5050

155 Mineola Blvd Mineola NY 11501 Phone: 516-248-1100 Fax: 516-741-7839


IIABNY FALL SEMINAR CALENDAR – Remainder of 2012 CE Classes in Nassau, Queens and Suffolk Counties.

Narragansett Bay Insurance Company Donna Doyle

Quaker Special Risk Camille Windler

Phone: 516-352-2764

226 5th Avenue, 4th Flr.

Fax: 516-352-2793

New York, NY 10001 Phone: 516 428 0716.

New Empire Group

Fax: 732-223-9072 Email:

214 W Park Avenue

Brian Botwinick

Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 866-431-8100

Eatontown, NJ Toll Free: 800-447-4180

Fax: 516-431-5351


NIF Group Michael Orlando, Nancy Williams

Safeco Insurance Malinda Kibbons

30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030

PO Box 4858 Syracuse NY 13221

Phone: 516-365-7440

Phone: 845-561-3734

Fax: 516-496-7356

Fax: 631-465-1325 Email:

PMC Insurance Group

Tower Group Companies

Robert Jones 50 Cabot Street

Ray Lamitola 225 Broadhollow Rd, 4th Fl

PO Box 920179 Needham, MA 02492-0002

Melville NY 11747 Phone: 631-465-1350

Phone: 1-877-PMC-COMP, (781)-449-7744

Fax: 631-465-1325

Fax: (781)-449-7889 Email:

Email: Utica National Ins. Group Program Brokerage Corp. Gary Shapiro, Derek Donnelly 100 Sunnyside Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797 Phone: 516-496-1346 Fax: 516-496-1359

William Skorzyk One Jericho Plaza, 2nd Fl. Jericho NY 11753 Phone: 516-479-5168 Fax: 516-479-5001 Email:


IIABNY FALL SEMINAR CALENDAR – Remainder of 2012 CE Classes in Nassau, Queens and Suffolk Counties.

Insurance Services

Restoration Specialists Nancy Finnegan

Pryor Personnel Agency

2450 Westbury Avenue

Patricia Pryor Bonica 147 Old Country Road

Carle Place NY 11514 Phone: 516-333-0088

Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-935-0100

Fax: 516-997-4519 Email:

Fax: 516-931-7842 Servpro of Port Jefferson/Stony Brook. Risa Kluger


501 Middle Country Rd. Coram, NY 11727

Restoration Services

Phone: 631-476-5300 Fax: 631-476-16695 Email:

BELFOR Property Restoration Gary J. Alexander

Servpro of Hicksville/Plainview 516-733-1800

60 Raynor Ave. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779


Phone: 631-471-3131 x121 Fax: 631-471-2905 BuddeFrench Cleaners, Inc. Bob Teichman, Ilan Yunger 107-11 Metropolitan Ave. Forest Hills, NY 11375 Phone: 718-263-7474 Fax: 718-263-1545 Email: Total Restoration, Inc. Dennis Lombardi 285 Post Avenue Westbury NY 11590 Phone: 516-333-5333 Fax: 516-333-5489 Email:


INSTALLATION SPONSORS 2012 St. John’s Scholarship Sponsors Safeco Insurance Tower Insurance Group Cocktail Sponsors MetLife Auto & Life New Empire Group Quaker Special Risk Utica National Dinner Sponsors Crump Insurance Group GMAC Interboro Insurance Kingstone Insurance Company Morstan General Agency NBIC The Andover Companies Tower Group Companies/Adirondack Insurance Table Sponsors MAPFRE Restoration Specialists



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