May/June 2014
Robert E. Mackoul, CLU President
TriCounty has had some produc3ve mee3ngs this year with more on the way… March 25, our annual legisla3ve day in Albany known as “L-‐Day”, produced immediate results. For the past few years the TriCounty board and some of our members have been talking to legislators about the importance of having a unified defini3on on what cons3tuted a hurricane, thereby triggering the hurricane deduc3ble in a homeowners policy. Our efforts were based upon the fact that each insurance company has their own policy defini3on which is very oKen different from carrier to carrier. This has put a tremendous burden on agents and brokers when explaining coverage to prospects and clients and, par3cularly aKer a windstorm loss, when disgruntled clients ask why their coverage wasn’t as good as their neighbors. I am proud that Harvey Weisenberg,(D) State Assemblyman from Long Beach, and represen3ng a number of surrounding areas in Nassau County, introduced legisla3on that will cure this issue and put all carriers on an even keel using the same criteria to trigger a hurricane deduc3ble. This is one instance where IIABNY, TriCounty, and our sister organiza3ons have made a huge difference. We con3nue to push this maXer and hopeful that it will pass in the NY State Senate and become law, thereby ending a poten3al far-‐reaching problem for every homeowner, insurance agency, and insurance carrier in the New York Metro Area and Long Island. (con%nued)
Kudos to Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg for taking our hard-‐fought effort to the law makers! Another important legisla3ve event, this one in April, was the Na3onal Legisla3ve Conference in DC where a con3ngency of 5 TriCounty members spent 2 days listening, learning and talking with our na3onal legislators on behalf of our members. COMING SOON………. • On May 15th Jim SuXon, will be installed as the new IIABNY Chair of the Board on at the HyaX Place East End (at the aquarium), in Riverhead. Jim is a past president of Suffolk County IIAA, has moved up the chairs with our state Big I, and has been one of the true greats in our industry for many years working for all of us agents on Long Island and beyond. I hope many of you will join us to support Jim that evening. Register at • Our Installa3on Dinner will be held on June 5th at the Fox Hollow in Woodbury, New York. Frank Elorza was elected as the new TriCounty president on April 23 and we’ve added two enthusias3c directors. The TriCounty Installa3on dinner is always one of the highlights of the year with good cheer, plenty of food, drink and catching up with friends and associates. Registra3on is open at • Our TriiCounty Golf Classic is changing the venue on October 9 to the centrally located Hempstead Golf & Country Club and it promises to be a great day. The Tri County ‘Insurance Execu3ve of the Year’ will be honored and I am proud to say that Peter Resnick, SVP of Interboro
Insurance is this year’s honoree. Great choice and great man. Peter is one of the people in our industry who is always one of the first to roll up his sleeves when work has to be done. He is a true industry supporter in every way. • The Big I is coming to the BIG APPLE! Announcements are out and registra3on is open……IIABNY is coming to ManhaXan on October 28th with a bang! There will be an all day conference, at the Millennium Broadway Hotel, with Boomer Esiason as a featured speaker. Plenty of excitement, networking, classes to pick up CE credits, vendor offerings all day AND it’s in our back yard with 3ming for an easy commute for us on Long Island. More on this as the event gets closer but in the mean3me, check (red Events tab) and, while you’re there, register to aXend – you won’t want to miss this special event! Looking forward to hearing from you or, beXer yet, seeing you in the coming months.
We are pleased to offer the following Sponsorships: DINNER SPONSORSHIP $495.00 COCKTAIL PARTY SPONSORSHIP $425.00
Cocktail Reception 6 pm OPEN BAR ALL EVENING
Interboro Celebrates 100 Years
Wow, 100 years of rapid transformation and Interboro's still going full steam
ahead to keep up with the changes and challenges that the world continues to hand us.
Since 1914, Interboro Insurance Company has been committed to protecting
insureds and assuring peace of mind for our local communities. Through our Brokers specialized expertise, the company has ensured that all policyholders can focus on growing and adapting to the ever changing demands of society.
Interboro's roots began with the needs of New York City brewing companies.
Those needs transitioned from the liabilities associated with the breweries delivery operations to a mutual fund pooling expenses to protect their assets. As prohibition shut down their operations in 1919, The Brewers' Mutual Indemnity Company became Interboro Mutual Indemnity Insurance Company. To change the direction of the company, dedicated board members started writing Commercial Automobile Insurance. Soon personal cars became a reality for many, so to keep up with the trend, the company quickly began writing Personal Automobile Insurance as well. Suburbia boomed in the 1950's and again Interboro kept up with the needs of the community by adding Homeowners' Insurance to their repertoire of products. In addition, Interboro also offered Workers' Compensation Coverage to maintain their commercial business ties from the past.
Although Interboro was successful with writing policies directly for their
insureds, they recognized the benefits that a broker could provide through personalized service and thereby partnered up with Independent Brokers. As the
Interboro Celebrates 100 Years con’t world evolved, insurance needs became more complex and the company relied even more heavily on their broker partners to analyze and assess the needs of each client.
Nowadays, insureds are forced to think about such things as what they'd do if
an electrical problem caused their new washing machine to break down, if their hot water heater suddenly malfunctioned pumping water all over the house, or if someone stole their identity and committed credit card fraud. The needs of 100 years ago are a world apart from those of the present time and they will continue to become increasingly complex and diverse.
Because of Interboro's experience throughout a rapid era of development, the
company is well equipped to tackle the issues of today and tomorrow. By listening and responding to trends, the company is prepared to tackle the potential coverage challenges of the future. The best result of this evolution in policy-writing structure is that insureds can convey their individual needs and develop long-standing, valuable relationships with Interboro's Brokers in order to ensure their financial protection to avoid setbacks allowing them to flourish in their daily lives.
The future is uncertain, but as Interboro celebrates 100 years of continuity and
strength, it will most certainly grow and evolve as needed as the years unfold. Its central focus is still protecting the community, along with whatever its members deem most valuable, with the goal of providing the best service and security in this stormy, ever-changing world.
Remember that lousy second week of January
this winter? It is estimated that $1.4 billion in insured losses were paid when the central and eastern states dealt with the coldest temperatures in two decades.
Insurance agents need to make themselves
more valuable. More than two-thirds of consumers polled say would consider buying home, auto and even life insurance from parties other than insurers, according to Accenture’s “Customer-Driven Innovation Survey.” 23% said they are also open to purchasing from Google or Amazon. Really??!! Stephen Folan Past President 2009 - 2011
Cyber Liability is becoming a hot product. After
Target and Uncle Giuseppe’s suffered data breaches, consumers are more protective of their personal information. Be careful with your agency’s sensitive data. While over 20% of cyber liability claims are the
Joe Tunkel is a Past President of the IIAA of Nassau County. When Joe was the editor of the old Nassau publication, he wrote an article entitled, “Heard Around Town.” Recently, one of the TriCounty board members was discussing TriLines, and commented that he always looked forward to Joe’s article. We have decided to revive it here.
result of hackers, an astonishing 18.6% is due to a lost or stolen laptop or other device falling in to the wrong hands, while over 12% is the work of rogue employees.
Are you still dragging your feet on upgrading
your agency’s technology? Jason Cass of JDC Insurance Group in Illinois says, “When it comes to technology, we’re not talking about incremental change, we’re facing transformational change – the same kind that the newspaper and music industries are caught up in.”
The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of NY is proud to present NYiDAY October 28, 2014 Millenium Broadway Hotel New York You are invited to be part of an insurance event unlike any other you've ever attended. A one-day infusion of progressive ideas, knowledge, contacts and solutions that can be implemented immediately. Thought Provoking Sessions A dynamic trade show with high end solution providers Engaging speakers & Invaluable networking
Space is extremely limited. Secure your spot at
Insurance fraud affects more than your policy premiums. Seven Detroit
firefighters were seriously injured when an office building engulfed in a gasolinefueled fire collapsed on them. One was paralyzed and several had crushed bones. The man who set the fire did so for a very “simple” reason – the insurance money. Half of property-casualty companies report that between 11 cents and 30 cents of each insurance premium dollar is lost to “soft” fraud alone. The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud estimates that fraud for all types of insurance costs $80 billion annually, making it the second-largest economic crime after tax evasion.
Chamness, American Agent & Broker
Now that tax season is over, do you want to know who pays federal taxes? Last
year, the federal government collected $2.8 trillion in taxes and fees. Here is where the money came from:
Individual income tax: 47 percent.
Payroll taxes: 32 percent.
Corporate income tax: 10 percent.
Excise taxes: 3 percent.
Unemployment insurance: 2 percent.
Estate and gift taxes: 1 percent.
Customs duties: 1 percent.
Miscellaneous: 4 percent.
Sources: IRS, AP-GfK Poll conducted March 20-24, Treasury report on budget year 2013.
We are so proud to celebrate 100 years of doing business. Times change, people change but our relationships with brokers continues to thrive. We truly look forward to the next 100 years! • Homeowners & New Expanded Multi-Tier HO Product • Multi-Tier Personal Auto • Personal & Commercial Assigned Risk
155 Mineola Boulevard Mineola, NY 11501 516 248-1100
We’re Moving Save October 9, 2014 for The TriCounty Golf Classic.
We have some exciting news for this year’s outing. First and foremost
congratulation to Peter Resnick of Interbroro as this Insurance Executive of the Year. It’s also worth sending out a big congrats to Interboro on celebrating their 100th anniversary in business.
Now for the moving news. This year’s event will be held at the conveniently
located Hempstead Golf and Country Club. Beyond the southwestern section of the Village of Hempstead, The Hempstead Golf and Country Club with its comfortable Club House within Village limits, and its broad acres, has become a Mecca of local golfers and the center of social activities. Formed in 1920, Hempstead has been the venue for four MGA championships over the years.
Reminder, part of the proceeds go towards the TriCounty Scholarship fund
which has been able to grant $10,000 a year for the past several years to worth students in our community “thanks to your support”.
So save the date and please help with our fund raising by signing up to play,
spread the word to your fellow golfers and take out a sponsorship!
Annual Golf Classic Thursday October 9, 2014 New Location Hempstead Golf & Country Club 60 Front Street Hempstead, NY 11550
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MAPFRE InsuranceSM is a brand and service mark of MAPFRE U.S.A. Corp and its affiliate, MAPFRE Insurance Company of New York (Garden City, NY).
Cuomo Says No to Scaffold Law Changes this Year by Peter Mantius from Workcompcentral New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he won’t push for changes in the scaffold law this year, given its second-tier ranking on the business community’s legislative agenda and the political clout of the law’s supporters, especially the trial bar. Speaking to the editorial board of Crain’s New York last week, the governor said the scaffold law was one of the “infuriating” things about doing business in the state, but he said amending it was not a top priority for him because it wasn’t a top priority for business interests. “Even if you asked businesses writ large [to] prioritize the problems,” Cuomo told Crain’s, “they would have started: personal income tax, corporate tax, estate tax, property tax ... they would have gone right down the list. “And I’m going right down the list. Now they would say scaffold, but they would say scaffold what? No. 8? 12?” But Tom Stebbins, who has led one of the most active anti-scaffold law campaigns in years, said Cuomo was seriously underestimating the business community’s position. He said business owners detest the 128-year-old statute that makes contractors and property owners 100% liable for injuries suffered by workers as a result of a fall. “He’s throwing in the towel before he even gets in the ring,” said Stebbins, executive director of the Lawsuit Reform Alliance. “This is unquestionably a top priority of business,” Stebbins added. “This state is not open for business if he lets the trial lawyers bar the door.” Matthew Guilbault, director of government and industry affairs for the Professional Insurance Agents of New York, said he was perplexed by Cuomo’s statements. “Admitting the trial lawyers are stronger than the governor? Really? Certainly if the governor of New York really wanted it, it could happen,” Guilbault said. Sections 240 and 241 of the state Labor Law come under attack from business groups every year. This year, as in the past, opponents have backed legislation to split liability if the injured worker contributed to the accident, either by ignoring safety procedures or by being intoxicated.
Cuomo Says No to Scaffold Law Changes this Year con’t The Business Council of New York ranked winning such an amendment as one of its top three priorities this year, Ken Pokalsky, vice president of government affairs, told Crain’s. Stebbins has taken a lead role in rallying support for scaffold law changes this year. He has underscored the costs to businesses and municipalities of holding on to such a strict liability standard. Virtually all other states have since opted for a comparative negligence standard, moderating insurance costs, he argues. Stebbins said the scaffold law adds hundreds of millions of dollars in extra insurance costs to school construction projects annually. And the insurance costs for the Tappan Zee Bridge repair project will be $200 million more than they would be if the same project were undertaken in a neighboring state, he claims. Opponents of the scaffold law, particularly Stebbins, have touted a recent academic study from the State University of New York’s Rockefeller Institute of Government. It calculated that the scaffold law leads to 677 additional workplace accidents a year and costs the state’s public and private sectors some $3 billion a year. In a press release in February, Stebbins said that with the study in hand, “reform advocates look for positive traction in the Legislature this year.” Supporters of the scaffold law, including the Center for Popular Democracy, and the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health immediately called the report “junk” and said it was fundamentally biased. And on Monday, the Rockefeller Institute itself backed away from the study, citing its industry funding and its “really big weakness” in analysis, according to a report in the Chronicle of Higher Education. The institute’s director, Thomas L. Gais, said he doesn’t consider the report an official product of the institute, according to the Chronicle. Gais denied the report was biased in favor of the Stebbins’ Lawsuit Reform Alliance, but he said it suffered from a “quality-control issue.” The lead author, Michael R.
Cuomo Says No to Scaffold Law Changes this Year con’t Hattery, a relatively new institute researcher, delivered it to the Lawsuit Reform Alliance without thorough review by the institute, the Chronicle reported. Another major problem, according to Gais, is a section that uses flawed statistical analysis to make “counterintuitive” arguments that the worker-safety law makes workers less safe. That section of the report was written by R. Richard Geddes, an associate professor of policy analysis and management at Cornell University. Two other labor professors at Cornell have questioned Geddes’ analysis. Geddes emotionally denounced the criticism in an interview with the Chronicle, saying the work was not biased by its funding source and was based on state-of-theart analysis. “I find that offensive ... that they said my work is biased, after we spent hours and hours collecting the best data we could find,” Geddes told the Chronicle. The report compares injury rates for workers in New York and Illinois, which repealed a similar law in 1995. Geddes found that both accident rates and costs declined in Illinois after the Illinois law was changed. Charlotte Obernauer, executive director of NYCOSH, said the Rockefeller Institute report was part of a misinformation campaign by opponents of the scaffold law. “The scaffold is safe for now,” Obernauer said in the wake of Cuomo’s remarks. “But I think we’re going to be fighting this again next year.” Stebbins said it was his coalition that needed to “expose the lies” of scaffold law supporters. Guilbault of PIANY said he’s not even sure it’s too late to amend the scaffold law this year, despite Cuomo’s statements to Crain’s. “I’m not ready to give up yet,” Guilbault said. “Things often turn around. The odds are against us, but I’m not ready to give up.”
Meeting Recap by Alex Giraldo
On Thursday March 13th Tri-County members were treated to a breath of
fresh air. Granted , it was a brisk one but extremely refreshing. Christopher Paradiso ,owner of Paradiso Insurance and 2011 Rough Notes Community service award from Stafford CT, gave us an insight into how creating a social media strategy in 2014 can pay major dividends instantly. The charismatic and very knowledgeable Paradiso took an approach many of us have not seen before. Im sure we have all attended the social media meetings and the “get on board..” rallies about the internet and how, if you don’t do this now, you will miss the train and lose a lot of ground in the race for new business. His take was mixing this very impersonal tool called the social media and making it, well , Social…What a crazy idea…Social media is quite possibly one of the most unsocial things that exist today , yet everyone is drawn to it. So how do we leverage this incredible tool without losing who we are along the way?
Christopher mentioned so many things that you can do today to better your
presence on the internet. The need to have a website with original content along with brand and identity resonated with me the most. He went deep into community involvement and used his own agency’s website as an example of how nicely this can be done. Paradiso Insurance is personal and the staff is very much marketed throughout the page. Family and patriotism are the 2 big identifiers you will take from visiting the website. He mentioned a strong need for a website to have a call to action. Originality and rich content drive your website’s SEO along with Facebook, Instagram , Twitter , Linkedin, Pinterest etc…. According to Christopher a blog needs to be present and it needs to be updated
Meeting Recap con’t constantly. The content can be 1/3 your own original content and 2/3 shared content from other sources. Christopher introduced some very exciting websites such as which is a website that helps you create videos so you can post on your youtube channel.
So how exactly can all this lead to ROI? The effort is the biggest investment
and the return is substantial. Fortunately, being present in the social media world will not cost you hundreds of thousands but it will require consistency and focus. Christopher left us with many great new-found tools and ideas but he also left us an incredibly great resource…Himself…. He urged anyone to please contact him and pick his brain at any time… His energy and go-getter attitude was a big hit with the agents that attended the session and we hope that everyone takes him up on his offer…His personal website is I recommend you visit it because all it takes is a little effort…And THAT is the most important part… effort…
2014 Tri-County Meeting Sponsors On behalf of TriCounty we would like to express our sincere appreciation for the remarkable support rendered by the following sponsors at our March Social Media Meeting: Advantage Partners Complex Coverage Hawkins Webb Jaeger Interboro Insurance Mackoul & Associates New Empire Group Rough Notes Magazine Total Restoration
2014 Networking Event Pictures
Special guest speaker, Chris Paradiso
The audience was engrossed with the presentation
Aaron Stein, IIAB Suffolk vice president (l) and Bob Mackoul, president of TriCounty IIAA flank Chris.
(l-r) Roy Vollmer James Bastian and Russ Vollmer
Chris Paradiso and Bob Mackoul
From the Speaker
The program centered on the importance
of social media marketing. One of the first key factors Chris talked about was digital marketing and its role inside your agency. He said the following:
One key factor to digital marketing is to
make sure that you have your personal agency’s brand attached to it. Another key factor is being able to have your phone number prominently displayed in large letters to make it easy for folks to contact you. Digital marketing can play a key role in new business and also the retention of your existing business. It's important to understand that in today's world we all get so many emails we want to make sure we’re not spamming our prospects or our clients. We need to digitally email when everyone else is not, such as Flag Day or Veterans Day. These are great times to reach out and touch the community. Another part of social media is a mobile marketing app. ( I say it's another part of social media because social media is all about communication and a mobile marketing app is another way that we agents can keep in contact and communicate with clients.) The importance of a mobile marketing app is growing on a daily basis because the younger generation wants to have the ability to have that app on their phone with such things as an insurance card, their agent's contact information, the ability to report a claim off of the app and capability to pay their insurance bill.
From the Speaker con’t
I personally feel an app is not just good enough - it needs to be a ‘mobile
marketing app’ which means it has to have the ability to have a dashboard and give you, the agent, the ability to communicate with each and every person who has downloaded your agency. That communication is key because it gives us the ability to reach out and touch each and every one of our clients on a very personal level.
Another topic I discussed this evening was the importance of having a social
media strategy that has a balanced attack. What I mean by ‘balance’ is the ability to be very good in many different social media avenues rather than being great in a couple of them.
We need to be utilizing Facebook, agency Facebook and page, Google
+,Vine, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, linkedIn them and spotify. If we choose not to utilize all of the social avenues we will be ignoring many prospects and/or clients that may be in one of those social avenues. The key factor is balance, balance and more balance!
With all this being said, my last point was that it is a necessity that your
agency hire a social media engineer and or marketing person that is dedicated to marketing your agency to the public. It is virtually impossible to be able to handle all of the social avenues, mobile marketing app and of course the traditional avenues of marketing without a dedicated individual from within your agency. Chris Paradiso, President Paradiso Presents Stafford, CT
Optional Certificate of Liability Insurance Addendum Coming to NY 6/1/14
ACORD has developed an optional certificate of liability addendum that will
be available in June for use in connection with New York construction projects. The addendum is the result of a collaboration between construction and insurance organizations to supplement the information on the standard ACORD 25 certificate of liability insurance. Â
The demand for more information on New York contractors' insurance arises
out of the strict liability standard imposed in sections 240-241 of the New York State Labor Laws, which has resulted in a constriction of the insurance market for New York contractors. Those insurers who are still active in this market frequently include a host of additional exclusions collectively referred to as "240 exclusions." Many contractors have had to turn to the surplus lines market for coverage, where policy language is not regulated and varies widely across forms. Â
The ACORD 855 New York Construction Certificate of Liability Insurance
Addendum requires the issuing agent or broker to clarify 13 specific aspects of a contractor's coverage, including the scope of additional insured coverage and contractual liability coverage. The agent or broker must stipulate whether the policy contains the specified provision and, where the answer indicates an unfavorable coverage position, whether this is the only option available from the insurer in question.
While most agents and brokers resist attempts to require them to "interpret"
coverage, the addendum includes a disclaimer similar to that in other ACORD certificates regarding reliance on the information provided in the certificate. (Are we as agents really comfortable with the ACORD disclaimer?) We are told from an agent's standpoint it is a vast improvement over the growing number of
Optional Certificate of Liability Insurance Addendum Coming to NY 6/1/14 con’t nonstandard certificate forms that many agents in New York were being asked to complete "attesting to" a contractor's coverage, but I ask you is that really true?
Without legislation that requires the use of this new Contractors ACORD
form, it will remain an “optional form” that contractors may or may not require. In either case is the agent really going to want to complete this new ACORD form whether required or not. Personally I see this as a major E&O problem. IIABNY continues to work on a satisfactory solution to the certificates problem, including the recent introduction of legislation (S.6545) sponsored by Senate Insurance Committee chair Jim Seward. I have attached the Draft of ACORD 855 “NY Construction-Certificate of Liability Insurance for your review and thoughts. Nothing getting easier!
A. Insurer Admitted / authorized Excess line or free trade zone B. General Liability (GL) policy form ISO / ISO modified Other C. Specific operations excluded or restricted (GL policy) Location: Type of construction: Building height: Classifications
[see attached declarations / endorsement]
Designated work
[see attached endorsement]
D. Additional insured endorsement (GL policy) CG 20 10 Other:
CG 20 26 #:
CG 20 32
CG 20 33
CG 20 37
CG 20 38
E. According to the terms of this GL policy, the additional insured has primary and noncontributory coverage Yes
No and
no other option is available with this insurer
F. Additional insured will receive advance notice if insurer cancels (GL policy) Yes
No and
no other option is available with this insurer
G. Blanket contractual liability located in the "insured contract" definition (Section V, Number 9, Item f. in the ISO CGL policy) is removed or restricted Yes and
no other option is available with this insurer
No changes made
H. "Insured contract" exception to the employers liability exclusion is removed or modified (GL policy) Yes and I.
no other option is available with this insurer
No changes made
GL policy (including endorsements) does not cover the additional insured for claims involving injury to employees of the named insured or subcontractors (not workers' compensation) Yes and
no other option is available with this insurer
ACORD 855 NY (2013/09) DRAFT
No changes made
Attach to ACORD 25 Š 2013 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD
Study Says N.Y. ‘Scaffold Law’ Drives Up Construction Costs, Causes Injuries A new study published this month challenges the claim that New York’s Labor Law 240, also known as the “Scaffold Law,” improves workplace safety. The study argues New York incurs additional workplace accidents because of the Scaffold Law and that the law diverts millions of dollars to lawsuits, legal costs and insurance. For over 30 years, New York’s Scaffold Law has been a frequent target of debate in Albany, according to the nonprofit New York Civil Justice Institute, which commissioned the study. The study was jointly conducted by researchers at the University at Albany and Cornell UniversityProponents of reform, including contractors, businesses and local governments, charge that the absolute liability standard of the Scaffold Law is outdated and unnecessarily drives up costs for construction in New York, the nonprofit group said, while those opposing reform counter that placing absolute liability onto contractors and property is essential for workplace safety. The nonprofit group quotes the study researchers as saying that, “analysis indicates that Labor Law 240 [Scaffold Law] increases the construction injury rate in the occupations to which it is applied with a very high degree of confidence.” The study said New York incurs, on average, 677 more workplace accidents per year because of the Scaffold Law. In addition, the group said researchers at the University at Albany reviewed hundreds of cases and public filings and discovered that the Scaffold Law diverts at least $785 million of public money away from schools and local governments towards lawsuits, legal costs and insurance. The study also analyzed the effect of the $785 million public sector cost on the rest of economy, as well as the cost of the Scaffold Law on the private sector, which is estimated at $1.487 billion. Researchers said these two costs — along with the associated legal costs, workers’ compensation payments, medical costs and other costs — bring the total estimated cost of the Scaffold Law to between $2.92 billion and $3.01 billion dollars annually. Source: The New York Civil Justice Institute
Don’t Wait! Julie MacConnell, IIABNY
on’t wait another day to complete your profile on Why?
1. Consumers are Looking for You! We all know consumers are researching insurance online before purchasing. We also know direct writers are winning in this space. is YOUR chance to compete. 2. You Aren’t Showing Up at the Top Unless you have completed and published your enhanced profile, your agency is NOT showing up in the top results group for your area. You may be listed below agents further away. Good news - it’s a quick fix. Complete you profile! Where does your agency show up on the list? Look now. 3. Help is Standing By The Project CAP team can help you any time at (855) 372-0070. process. Visit the IIABNY website for additional resources. Complete your profile today! Simply follow the guide on the right!
Quick profile tips: Your primary image can be a logo, photo of your building or staff. You can often find this on your website and save to your desktop by right-clinking on the image. Then, it will be easy to upload to CAP! Your position statement is a short description about your business and its unique value. You may be able to copy this from your website or facebook page.
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Quaker Special Risk P.O. Box 1350 Eatontown, NJ 07724 800-447-4180 • Fax 732-223-9072
IIABNY SEMINAR CALENDAR – First Half of 2014 in Nassau and Suffolk Counties (also Queens & NYC)
The following seminars will be held at Four Points Sheraton, Plainview 5/08/14 5/15/14 6/18/14
Specialized Insurance – AAI 82-C……………...............................................……..(full day) NYAIP Producer Procedures……....................................................................(1/2 day-am) Professional Development (ACSR Mod 5)………...............................................…(full day)
The following seminars will be held at Adria Hotel, Bayside 6/20/14
NYAIP Producer Procedures……………............…………...........................…(half day-am)
The following seminars will be held at Belfor Restoration in Ronkonkoma, unless noted otherwise.
5/20/14 6/11/14
E&O LIVE ………..… Hyatt Regency LI, Hauppauge ....................................(half day-am) E&O VIDEO……………………………………….……........................................(1/2 day-am) at Suffolk County Commuinity College Culinary Arts, 20 E. Main St., Riverhead
The following seminar will be held at Swiss Re American Holding Co. in NYC 5/21/14 6/11/14
E&O LIVE …………………………………………..............................................(half day-am) E&O VIDEO……………………………………….…............................................(1/2 day-am) at SUNY College Optometry, 33 W.42nd St., NYC
For a complete schedule and registration form, log on to Go to the ‘Education’ link and click ‘Ed Calendar. For more information, call IIABNY’s Education Department at 1-800-962-7950.
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Pryor Personnel Agency Inc. The Insurance Specialist since 1970 local, National and International Recruitment
Phone (516) 935-0100
OFFICERS & DIRECTORS OFFICERS President Robert E. Mackoul, CLU Mackoul & Associates 25 Nassau Lane Island Park, NY 11558 516-431-9100 fax: 516-431-4641 Vice President Frank J. Elorza Club Agency 1051 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2387 fax: 516-742-70711 Treasurer Peter Phillips pphillips@phillipsbrokerage.c om Phillips Brokerage, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 718-545-4700 fax: 718-545-8531 Secretary Adam P. Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency 261-20 Hillside Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004 718-343-6450
Immediate Past President Steven Visco, PhD, AAI C.H. Edwards, Inc. 791 South Main Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 516-249-5200 fax: 516-249-5255
DIRECTORS Dean S. Aloia Aloia McKinnon Ins. Brokerage. 7801 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-836-8000 x 310 James G. Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 347-721-9839 Ronald Brunell, CIC B&B Coverage, Ltd. 1 East Lincoln Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11582 516-872-2300
Andrew Chong HD Underwriting Agency Inc. 159-15 Northern Blvd Suite 102 Flushing NY 11358 718-359-3939 Alex Giraldo Club Agency 1051 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2443
OTHER POSITIONS TriCounty IIAA Executive Director Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516-621-2209 Tri-Lines Publisher Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265 TriCounty IIAA Director of Sales Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265
IIABNY Positions Chair of the Board Andrew Kaufman Autora, Inc. 120 Broadway Albany, NY 12204 Phone: 518-449-3180 800-962-7950 IIABNY President & CEO Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI IIABNY 5784 Widewaters Pkwy Dewitt, NY 13214 800-962-7950 516-568-0800 Chair Elect of the Board
James D. Sutton, CPCU, AAI, CIC James F. Sutton Agency, Ltd. 143-149 Main Street East Islip, NY 11730 631-446-3165 Regional Director (L.I.) Kevin R. Crossley AAA of New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place, Unit A Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2256
Committees 2013- 2014 Communications/PR & Website: Alex Giraldo (Chair). Frank Elorza, James Bastian &
Jeanne Abatelli.
Downstate: Bob Mackoul, Frank Elorza & Ron Brunell. Scholarship: Peter Phillips (St. John’s School of Risk Management)
Eileen Black (Dooley & Pollack).
IIABNY Liaison & Member Services: (includes ProjectCap & Trusted Choice) James
Bastian (Chair) Frank Elorza & Pat Calvert.
Legislation & InsurPac: Andrew Chong (Co-Chairs) & Steve Folan Meetings & Programs: Ron Brunell & Adam Erickson (Co-chairs), Steve Visco, James
Bastian, Jeanne Abatelli & Pat Calvert.
‘Boroughs’ Sub-Committee: Peter Phillips & Dean Aloia (Ch-chairs), Andrew Chong
&Steve Folan
Golf Outing: Bob Mackoul (Chair), Lane Rubin, David Spiro, Kevin Crossley & Jeanne
NextGen Task Force: Adam Erickson (Chair) & Alex Giraldo Sponsorship & Advertising: Jeanne Abatelli, Frank Elorza, & Steve Visco
Tri-County members are invited to join a committee of their choice. Please contact a committee member or Pat Calvert 516-621-2209 for details.
Advertisers Insurance Companies & Markets Magna Carta Companies Lou Masucci 1 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 Toll Free: 1-888-ONE PARK Phone: 212-591-9500 Fax: 212-591-9621 MAPFRE Greg Duddy 901 Franklin Ave Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: 1-855-MAPFRE2 Email: Morstan General Agency Inc. Al Eskanazy, Bob Birner 600 Community Drive PO Box 4500 Manhasset, NY 11030-4500 Phone: 516-488-4747 Fax: 516-437-5050
New Empire Group 214 W Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 866-431-8100 Fax: 516-431-5351 NIF Group Michael Orlando Nancy Williams 30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 Phone: 516-365-7440 Fax: 516-496-7356 Program Brokerage Corp. Gary Shapiro, Derek Donnelly 100 Sunnyside Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797 Phone: 516-496-1346 Fax: 516-496-1359
Quaker Special Risk Camille Windler 226 5th Avenue, 4th Flr. New York, NY 10001 Phone: 516 428 0716 Fax: 732-223-9072 Email: Brian Botwinick Eatontown, NJ Toll Free: 800-447-4180 Email: VANE Excess & Surplus, Inc. Anthony Cacioppo 103 Fort Salonga Rd, Ste 4 Northport, NY 11768 Phone: 631-366-5353 Email:
Advertisers Insurance Services
Restoration Services
Pryor Personnel Agency Patricia Pryor Bonica 147 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-935-0100 Fax: 516-931-7842 Email:
BELFOR Gary J. Alexander 60 Raynor Ave. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phone: 631-471-3131 x121 Fax: 631-471-2905 BuddeFrench Cleaners, Inc. Bob Teichman, Ilan Yunger 107-11 Metropolitan Ave. Forest Hills, NY 11375 Phone: 718-263-7474 Fax: 718-263-1545 Email:
Great American Restoration Services, Inc. David Pinto 2623 N. Jerusalem Rd. East Meadow, NY 11554 Phone: 516-783-5053 Fax: 516-783-5054 Email: DAVIDPINTO@GARSINC.COM
VANE Excess and Surplus, Inc. Specializing in the following lines:
Directors and Officers Liability Employment Practices Liability Professional Liability Cyber Liability Contact: Anthony Cacioppo (631) 366-5353 VANE Excess and Surplus, Inc. 103 Fort Salonga Road, Suite 4 Northport, NY 11768
March Meeting Sponsors Click on the company name to visit their website Advantage Partners James Bastian 3719 Broadway, 2nd Floor Astoria, New York 11103 Phone: 866-443-8859 Email: Hawkins Webb Jaeger Matthew Crane, L.S. 560 Walt Whitman Rd Melville NY 11774 Phone: (631) 732-7777 Fax: (631) 732-7760 Email: Interboro Insurance Peter Resnick 155 Mineola Blvd Mineola NY 11501 Phone: (516) 248-1100 Fax: (516) 746-1884 Email:
Mackoul & Associates 25Â Nassau Lane Island Park, NY 11558 Main: (516) 431-9100 Toll free: (866) MACKOUL / (866)622-5685 Fax: (516) 871-1355
Rough Notes Co., Inc. Eric Hall 11690 Technology, Drive Carmel Indiana, 46032 Phone: (800) 428-4384 Fax: (317) 816-1000 Email:
New Empire Group 214 W Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 866-431-8100 Fax: 516-431-5351
Total Restoration, Inc. Dennis Lombardi 285 Post Avenue Westbury NY 11590 Phone: 516-333-5333 Fax: 516-333-5489 Email:
Ocean Harbor & Complex Coverage 7 High Street, Suite 408 Huntington NY 11743 Phone: (631) 547-5959 Fax: (631) 547-5005 Email: PDRAGONE@COMPLEXCOVER AGE.COM