PART B desing
B1.Case Study 1.0
Fig. 10. Subdivided Columns.38
Voussoir Cloud
Fig. 10. Subdivided Columns.38
Iwamoto Scott & Buro Happold 2011
This project is taken as a precedent of “Material Performance�. Voussoir Cloud is a land art that made up of vaults, columns and panels. The whole structure is made up of thin wood laminate. By folding thin wood laminate along curved seams, 3 dimensional petals are created. They are then paneled on the designed form. The structure is held up because each vault is acting like an arch that each panel in the structure is relying on each other and retain a compressive force. Voussoir Cloud is seen as a special case as only one material is employed. Thus, no formwork is required. The thin wood laminate is used to construct a form and panel patterns on top of the form. Although, it is descried as a single material structural, different part of the material perform different part of the function. Indeed, the edges of the wood that are connected with the others are performing a structural function to hold up the structural. On the other hand, the other parts of the wood laminate are seen as the aesthetic paneling patterns of the form. In terms of the material choice, it is suggested the designers have made a wise choice. Firstly, thin materials are used that it will not add a lot of loads to the structure which will make it unstable. Secondly, such thin materials allow light to penetrate in and create different lighting and shading effect. Hence, a desirable environment can be created by utilizing different lighting effects.
In terms of the structural performance, each petal is designed to have a slightly different geometry as to allow every piece can fit perfectly on the form and provide a good strength. Therefore, computation is employed as to calculate the curvature for each petal. Moreover, generation programs are in use as to generate a workable compressive vault shapes. In terms of fabrication, various types of scale are fabricated as to allow them to place in different contexts. Personally, I think that for those which are bigger in size, it requires a huge amount of labor. It is because each petal should be placed in the right position carefully. A small error will create a structural failure easily as the compressive loads are unable to transfer to other petals. On the other hand, for those which are smaller in size, usually 3D printers will used to assist the fabrication process. It is because the small components of the structural may be too small for assembly. Therefore, 3D printers are used to make the form in one time. Referencing back to the semester project, Voussoir Cloud inspires me the use of thin materials has it ability to integrate different lighting effects. I would like to have a shelterlike form and create a relaxing environment for people who stay inside. On the other hand, in terms of the paneling pattern, different dimension of the patterns should be designed as to fit the panel and create great aesthetic effect. It is because a uniform paneling patter will make thing boring.
Exploration Spring Component General
Direction of one spring
Anchor points
Kangaroo Physics tools
Mesh Pressure
Hydro Pressure
Comp Fail
Series 1 :Changing the direction of one of the spring 6 Plasticity 7.4
2 X vector 21.4
7 Damping 8.2
3 Z vector -14.3
8 Increased size of openings
4 Swapped offset points
9 Z vector 16.2
5 Z vector -14.3
10 Plasticity 7.4
Series 2 :Changing the pattern of the anchor points 1 TF, Z vector
6 TF, Y vector
2 TTF, Z vextor
7 TFFFT, Z vector
3 TFFT, plasticity 4.5
8 TFFT, damping 7.4
4 TFTFF, Z vector
9 TFTFF, damping 7.4
5 TFTFT, plasticity 3.2
10 FTTFF, Z vector
Series 3 :Using the Damping and UForce tool 1 UForce vector X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 25 Time: 1t
6 Extruded Z vector -9.5
2 UForce vector X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 25 Time: 2t
7 Extruded Z vector -1.5
3 UForce vector X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 25 Time: 3t
8 Extruded Z vector -48.5
4 UForce vector X: 0 Y: 20 Z: 82
9 Scale factor: 0.2 Time: 1t
5 UForce vector X: 20 Y: 20 Z: 82
10 Scale factor: 0.2 Time: 2t
11 Scale factor: 0.9
12 Scale factor: 1.7 Time: 1t
13 Scale factor: 1.7 Time: 2t
Series 4: Changing variety of inputs of the Kargaroo HydroPressure tools 1 HydroMesh, Cutoff Time: 1t
6 HydroMesh, Cutoff Scale factor: 0.8 Time: 1t
2 HydroMesh, Cutoff Time: 2t
7 HydroMesh, Cutoff Scale factor: 0.8 Time: 2t
3 HydroMesh, Cutoff Time: 3t
8 HydroMesh, Cutoff Scale factor: 1.1 Time: 1t
4 HydroMesh, Cutoff Scale factor: 0.1 Time: 1t
9 HydroMesh, Cutoff Scale factor: 1.1 Time: 2t
5 HydroMesh, Cutoff Scale factor: 0.1 Time: 2t
10 HydroMesh, Cutoff Extruded Z value: -42
11 HydroMesh, Cutoff Extruded Z value: -21
12 HydroMesh, Cutoff Extruded Z value: -3 Time: 1t
13 HydroMesh, Cutoff Extruded Z value: -3 Time: 2t
14 HydroMesh, Cutoff Extruded Z value: +12
B2.Case Study 2.0
Fig. 10. Subdivided Columns.38
Sevilla Metro
Fig. 10. Subdivided Columns.38
Jurgen Mayer 2011
Through simply looking at the form of the Sevilla Metropol, it is found that the structure of Sevilla Metropol is revealed partly to the external. It is because the grid is performing as a spanning element to span across the driveway. Also, it is because the grid panel is a skin of the Sevilla Metropol. It is discovered that the waffle gird patterns is acting as a wrap of the structure. The structure is supported by a hollow reinforced concrete and the steel bars.
In terms of fabrication, Strips of timber with holes for interlocking with other pieces are constructed by machines. Then, strips are placed in the designed location on top of the huge constructed concrete column. After that, strips are interlocked with each other and connected by pins. Computation assists in fabrication as to unroll the parametric design and calculate where the holes (for interlocking in later stage) are located in the strips.
In terms of parametric design, the form of the structure has a limited ability to transform to a very different or create some unexpected outcomes. However, the paneling pattern is what the designers focusing on and playing with. Although having the same form, having different paneling patterns are able to create different affect and sensation. The waffle grid panel that the designers had chosen is seen as a simple one among the others pattern options. It is having intersecting straight line across the form. This choice suggests that there is a consideration of the urban landscape. The structure cannot go too crazy with distorted patterns or other similar that is unable to have connection with the cityscape. The cityscape is constructed in uniformity with ridge lines. Curvature can hardly been found. Therefore, the panel pattern is chosen to be simple as to stay in relatively consistency with the landscape.
In terms of affect and sensation, this project is a good example in demonstrating Moussavi’s argument in “The Function of Ornamentation�. It is that the structure shows its aesthetic effect by its structural patterns and the materiality rather than some addition ornamentation. Also, it has created a dramatic effect to the urban landscape. The Sevilla Metropol sits in the middle of the city which demonstrates a huge contrast between the surrounding buildings. In comparison of Sevilla Metropol and the surrounding buildings, it has a huge scale and a very different architectural style. The curves of the structure seem to be a new thing in the cityscape as the others buildings are constructed in straight lines. Sevilla Metropol has broken the rule of rigidity and created a differentiated affect.
Fig. 10. Subdivided Columns.38
Fig. 10. Subdivided Columns.38
Through futher inviestigating Sevilla Metropol, it is discovered there are 2 major design ideas that the architects would like to convey. - Create a sense of transition of the views and experience from the street views to sky views. Such transition allows visitor to appreciate the urban design in different ways and when they come to the top of the structure they are able to enjoy the amazing views and the sunset. - The structure is designed to be functioned environmentally. - The structure is seen to be multi-functional. Personally, I find that those design intends are successfully transform in the real world. Firstly, in terms of the idea of transition, the structure is set at a height. Hence, there will be a large difference between what people see and experience on the street and on the terrace. Also, the height is set reasonably that it is slightly higher than the surrounding buildings but not extremely high that to disrupt the uniformity and the calmness created by the uniform roofline. Moreover, walkways are created in the terrace. Visitors can walk freely from one side to another to capture different views of the cityscape. Furthermore, dinning place is designed on the terrace level. It allows people to enjoy their meal and the view of the city at the same time.
Secondly, the structure is designed to be functioned environmentally. Solar panels are placed on top of the structure as to capture solar energy. Also, the spanning parts of the structure acts as a shelter to the plaza in order to cool the area. The cooling effect is further enhanced by adiabatic cooling. It is used to assist the process of bringing up to the air. Since that the plaza is controlled with a comfortable and environmental temperature, people will intend to visit more frequently. In addition, Sevilla Metropol practices the concept of performing environmentally in the discourse in architecture. Such a huge structure may also act as a reminder and sign for people around to act green. Thirdly, the structure is designed to be multifunction as to replace the old market with a new one and incorporate different element of the city. Indeed, they are restaurant, market and museums. It is seen as a successful approach as the all of the elements of the structure are conceived as a coherent hole rather that some scattered pieces. It is coherent because the plaza is elevated which allow the market to place in its old position. With the elevated “cover�, the market and the museum underneath will not disrupt the form of the whole structure.
Create curves
Loft the base surface (like a mushroom)
Drawing intersection lines on the lofted surfaces
Extrude lines into surfaces
offset the surfaces and create thickness
Since the structure is apparently made by intersecting curves (diagonally like a cross), we started off by the method of generating a grid shell. Then, we applied this concept into our grasshoppeer development. First, we created curves and divided it into points. Then we use ecplode tree and arc tool to link to points on each curve up and from uniform lines. The surface was created by lofting the curves. On the other hand, shift tool had been used to link points on one curve to another point on another curve. It allows us to create spiral lines on the surface. After that, geodesic tool was employed to create intersecting and twisting effect of the spiral lines on the surface. Then, we extruded those lines to form surfaces and assigned thickness by using the offset tool.
I think that we have done this experinment sucessfully as we have capture the main features of the Slla Metro, the grid. We are able to copy one of the column of the whole structure, In Comparsion to the original one, the grid that we have createed in seen as spiral lines whereas the original is seen as straight line. However, I think that our version is more interesting as it has a hogher ability to expressive the lofted surface, It shows the curvature clearly. Also, we are unable create sopan between multiple columns.
Besides from developing our own definition in grasshopper, we had used the one on LMS to start with. We wish to creat multiple outcomes that we can use from for futher development of the design brief.
Exploration Series 1:Using Lunch box tool to make panel on the form 1 Square
6 Triangular A
2 Quad
7 Triangular B
3 Diamond
8 Triangular C
4 Quad random
9 Hexagon
5 Skew quad
10 Delaunay edges
Series 2 :Using string to hold the component, extrude the component 1 Skew squad
6 Triangular A
2 Diamond
7 Triangular B
3 Quad random
8 Triangular C
4 Quad
5 Staggered quad
Series 3 : Combing definition developed in Case study 1.0 and 2.0