Architecture and urban design portfolio

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& urban design

portfolio jean linhares

hi there! I’m a passionate architect and urban designer with extensive experience in architecture, construction and innovation. I started my professional career as a young apprentice in the design sector of one of the largest construction companies in Brazil. After completing my degree, I assumed the position of architect project coordinator, leading the team of architects and engineers from the early design stages to the completion of the construction. During this period, I also acted as volunteer in restoration projects of vulnerable communities. I’m part of Network for Future Global Leaders program in Sweden, being the Chairperson of the local community in Lund, organizing innitiatives related to innovations and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Jean Pierre Linhares Architect Sustainability Strategist Urban Designer +46 70 43 069 56

Today, I have completed a master’s degree in Sustainable Urban Design, working with the future challenges of cities around the world, and how we must respond to the growing demand for cities that are increasingly green, beautiful, fair and sustainable.

Check out my Project Management Portfolio too! Available at: jeanpierrelinhares/docs/ portfolio_jean_2019_-_ completo_-_issuu

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WORKS 2015-2020 Project experience around the world


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Urban Design / Planning


01. Rolihlahla Village (Port Elizabeth, Africa)

03. Ystad Stay (Ystad, Sweden)

02. The city of Light (Dujiangyan, China)

04. Urban climate evaluation (Malmö, Sweden)

Competitions 05. Casa del Bosque (Araçariguama, Brazil)

06. La Genèse (Leulinghen-Bernes, France)

07. Grajau Complex (São Paulo, Brazil)

01. rolihlahla village Port Elizabeth, Africa Academic 2020 Are our cities prepared for the growing and rapid urbanization expected for the coming years? How do the new social, economic and environmental challenges affect the urban context, specifically informal settlements? How can we rethink sustainable urban design in vulnerable areas? To tackle these questions, let’s have a closer look at Port Elizabeth, a coastal city in South Africa, to understand its relevance and challenges. The Rolihlahla Village project is a rehabilitation design for a specific informal settlement, that had collaboration as a critical element for urban design, a crucial component when working with complex communities. These reflections were summarized into a design proposal for a South African informal settlement, with the aim of promoting resilience towards social inequality and climate change in vulnerable areas, strengthening local democracy, rethinking urban infrastructure, and improving equity.

The concept of the project had as a central pillar toolkit strategies that aim to establish an integration between the housing units with an urban framework of complementary leisure, income and social systems.


Urban Design | Portfolio 2020


N Masterplan


Urban Design | Portfolio 2020

The urban project represents the establishment of a new community with more than 600 social housing units with different types. The project presents different solutions for climate resilience, such as natural water reuse and filtration devices



Housing typology 1

Housing typology 3

Multi-purpose park


Housing typology 4

Biogas station

Housing typology 2 Workshops Square Farming

Housing typology 1

Multi-purpose park


Housing typology 1

Detail Plan


Sport court

Urban Design | Portfolio 2020

The project’s final proposal results in a mix of additional functions to the housing program, such as training centres, social integration, farming and rehabilitation centre. Elements that are essential for the resilience of a sustainable community.


02. THE CITY OF LIGHT Dugiangyan, China Academic 2019 Occupying the first position on CO2 emissions list, China has encounter extreme events, due to the dense layer of pollution particles presented in the region’s atmosphere. Part of this scenario has to do with China’s fossil fuel-based energy mix, mainly composed of coal, oil and natural gas. By 2020, non-fossil energy production is projected to increase to 15%, but still small if compared to the 85% of fossil fuelbased energy. The vision for the future Dujiangyan city center is driven by energy and food production, as well as a strong cultural hub for both locals and tourists. It’s based on a central green spine that serves as recreational use and productive landscape, gathering facilities to produce energy, food and leisure activities. The north side is a mix of preserved built structures and new buildings. The south side is mix-used urban structure plan, gathering a modern approach to the traditional Chinese urban design.

Non-fossil energy

Natural gas


12% 6% 18%




The site is strategically located in the city center, well connected to the main transport system, cultural and touristic attractions. The high cultural heritage was decisive for the project development, as well as the city historic connection to sustainability.


Urban Design | Portfolio 2020

Proposed renewable energy system


Detailed public space and typology model

The green energy production grid is the main component integrated in the public space, as well as in the households and built strcutures. The detailed model is a demonstration of this concept.


Urban Design | Portfolio 2020

Masterplan model The river bay is used as a drive to organize and connect the different areas of the proposal. The designed volumetrics have as guidelines the shadow projections and density levels.


Masterplan 17

The design main concept is to establish an urban fabric that gathers elements of leisure, culture, art, education, sustainability and green energy production. The main park along the existing river is the main concept component.

N Detail Plan


Urban Design | Portfolio 2020

Using technical tools for energy and light performance, it was possible to generate simulations that evaluate the total exposure to the skylight for each of the buildings’ facades, as well as the exposure of the public space to the sunlight in different periods of the year. Access to sky light simulation

Viable area for PVs

Radiance analysis


03. ystad stay Ystad, Sweden Academic 2018 Located in the southeast area of Sweden, Ystad was a great experience in working in urban recycling. The vision of this project proposal is to transform the city harbour area, a region where people want to stay, not just pass by. Several factors are parts of this design vision, such as quality of the public space, the city-harbour relationship using water as a connecting element, the implementation of mixed uses and functions, and recycling of built structures. The green and blue structures were designed as elements of protection and urban resilience, biodiversity, and recreation. The flows were organized based on the creation of a circulation network using the train station as the main node.

The harbour life in this project proposal had as a concept the mixed uses, solutions, and approaches. Use of blue structures entering the city through channels, as well as the improvement of the railway line and the creation of new points of connection. The implementation of green and blue structures spread throughout the area. The main harbor buildings will have new uses, such as arts, culture, workshops, and leisure. The urban design also created climate resilience conditions, proposing solutions to the sea level rise scenario.


Urban Design | Portfolio 2020


Masterplan 23

Public x semi public relations

Section A-A


Public transport as node

Focus on public life

Urban Design | Portfolio 2020

N Detail Plan

Section B-B


04. urban climate evaluation Malmö, Sweden Academic 2018 This proposal is the result of a group work of 4 architects, and it’s based on a new residential area in the center of Malmö. The most important project aspects were the microclimate and energy efficiency. Using different tools and evaluation systems, the proposal was designed to provide the most efficient climatic conditions to the buildings, public spaces and surroundings. My contribution to this project were the simulations of wind and sun conditions, as well as solar energy production.


Urban Design | Portfolio 2020

Urban context and site functions

Sunlight hours evaluation 9> 8 7 6 March 20- Spring equinox

June 20- Summer Solstice

5 4 3 2 1

October 20

December 21- Winter Solstice


Ground floor sunlight access simulation Using the building footprint and its volumetry, we were able to simulate what is the conditions of direct sunlight for public spaces. This simulation shows the total amount of hours the ground floor will have access to direct daylight, in different periods of the year. This evaluation was fundamental for us to define the buildings height, shape and volumetry. Softwares: Autodesk Autocad | Rhinoceros 3D | Grasshopper


Prevailing wind simulation As the site is located in a Malmö coastal region, direct exposure to the wind was an important aspect of the project. Using the city’s climate database, we were able to establish the direction, intensity and speed of prevailing winds in the site. Furthermore, we simulated the wind condition in public spaces, in order to provide climatic comfort to strategic areas. Softwares: Autodesk Autocad | Rhinoceros 3D | Autodesk CFD


Urban Design | Portfolio 2020

Active Solar Potential | Vertical Sky Component Using the three-dimensional model and extensions of energy evaluation in Grasshopper, such as Ladybug, Honeybee and Radiance, we were able to establish the index of direct access to the sky for each building facade. We could also evaluate the volumetric impact on shaded areas between the buildings. A simulation of the potential solar energy production was also possible using these tools. Softwares: Autodesk Autocad | Rhinoceros 3D | Grasshopper

Energy production (MWh)

Production area (m²)

Reasonable: 165 Good: 526 Very good: 1.355

Unsuitable area: 1.776,67m² | 12% Reasonable area: 1.301,70m² | 9% Good area: 3.677,00m² | 24% Very good area: 8.401,95m² | 55% 29

05. casa del bosque Araçariguama, Brazil Professional Construction year: 2016 Located 45 km away from São Paulo city, the Casa Del Bosque is the result of work in conjunction with the civil engineer and client Oliver Andrade. The house has been designed to offer the maximum thermal comfort and use of natural light. Local materials only were utilized as premises for identity and sustainability. The program designed to receive family and friends focus on the house social areas, planned to promote integration and accessibility. Living and dining rooms, kitchen, barbecue area and external leisure are fully integrated, allowing direct contact. To receive the guests with comfort and convenience the project has four rooms, all overlooking the natural forest in the surroundings.


Architecture | Portfolio 2020

The constructive system is a wooden structure pre-manufactured in the exact project sizes, mounting and streamlined, which enabled the rapid construction. The designed modules of 3 meters, also enabled the manufacture of wall panels and glassing. As the geography of the region is in rugged terrain, deployment was planned so that the entire volume of land was reused in other areas.


3D Section

Plan 34

Architecture | Portfolio 2020

Section 35


Architecture | Portfolio 2020


The furniture and style were defined to provide comfort and identity. Walls panels from local wood, bricks from demolition, industrial electrical installations and most furnishings are composed of reused materials. From conception to construction, nature, harmony and sustainability were the basis for the design.


Architecture | Portfolio 2020


06. la genèse Leulinghen-Bernes, France Competition 2020 This project were developed in partnership with the architect Cibele Guimarães, and it represents the authors participation in the micro-architecture competition launched by the PRIMA Foundation, in collaboration with Atelier 37.2. The seed embodies the beginning of many cycles. From the growth of a tree to a human being, everything has started from a little grain. La Gènese is a metaphor about the rock, an inorganic matter, seen as the seed of the earth. The rock embraced by eight pillars attempts to mimic a flower and its remembrance as a seed.

The inspiration dwells in the concept of a seed (represented by the rock) emphasized by the flower petals (represented by the concrete pillars). A plant seed is an embryo capable of producing a new plant, the emergence of a new beginning, the development of life itself. The genesis.


Competition | Portfolio 2020

400 294


Limestone rock

Detail of the steel cable crimping 10




Limestone gravel

Reinforced concrete structure

Nature and the art of raw form and texture have been our main sources of inspiration in choosing the materials for our endeavour.

154 207



Competition | Portfolio 2020







The proposed structure is composed of eight pillars aligned in a circular shape, inclined at a slight angle, connected to tensioned cables supporting the Limestone rock. The main structure is connected to the foundation, composed of interconnecting locking beams, designed to ensure stability and rigidity to the intervention. The lightness of the main structure accentuates the harmony of the architectural form.



Competition | Portfolio 2020


07. grajaú complex São Paulo, Brazil Competition 2015 Indicated to the national contest Opera Prima, representing the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design Universidade Anhembi Morumbi The district of Grajaú corresponds to 1/3 of São Paulo’s total territory, and it presents the greatest and most alarming indexes of social exclusion and urban vulnerability. Beign affected by political and enviropnmental issues, the district faces severe deficiencies in basic infrastructure. More than a quarter of the population is composed of young people, up to 23 years, lacking programs of social inclusion. The Grajaú Complex is a response to the growing demand for spaces that promote inclusion and basic preparation. Through education, sport, leisure and culture, the project seeks further technical training and job generation. The proposal was divided into two parts: an urban park and a cultural center.


Competition | Portfolio 2020

The site is strategicall

Circulation Axis

Implantation scheme


Volumetric plan


The urban proposal is composed of a connecting green structure delimited by a set of blocks with a mix of functions. The main concept is to gather a flexible public space that allows a diversity of activities, from leisure, to educational and cultural. The plan unifies the masterplan into a single fabric, with varies possibilities of use.


Art gallery

Section access


Art gallery

Competition | Portfolio 2020

Ground floor

Ground floor

The proposal is also composed of a training, cultural and artistic centre. The project was designed accordingly to the park public spaces and main connections. Its constructive system is a mix of concrete and metal structure, distributed in a modular mesh. On the ground floor are the collectivity uses, cultural workshops, dance halls, areas of graphical and artistic expression, auditorium and gallery. The first floor is intended for the art gallery, the amphitheater, support rooms, restaurant, cafe, production areas, computer labs and technical courses. Plan 1st floor


Jean Pierre Linhares Architect Sustainability Strategist Urban Designer +46 70 43 069 56

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