JEB Ft Story Rec Ctr & BOSS Winter Clothing & Blanket Drive for Disabled Vets 1 to 28 Nov 2011 1. Please drop-off new or gently used winter clothes & blankets INSIDE Sandpiper Rec Ctr , M-F 10-7pm or Sat 9-6. Address is 720 New Guinea Rd, JEB Ft Story, VA 23459. 2. If items are in pairs or sets, please use a safety pin to keep matched items together (socks, shoes, gloves, hat/scarves). 3. Please put items in sturdy boxes or thick bags & seal them. 4. If center is closed, please do not leave items outside the Center. 5. Donations go to the DAV Thrift Store which offers items to Vets & families. Proceeds go towards helping Disabled Vets. 6. 1300 hrs on 28 Nov, donation items are delivered to DAV. Please do not drop off items after 11am on 28 Nov. For More Info Call Ms. Williams at 422-7472.
Thank you for your support!!!