Jan 2014 newsletter

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Raptors Taking Flight in Service Official Newsletter of Judson Early College Academy Key Club

Key Club Serving at the Converse Fire Station

Texas-Oklahoma District Region 11 District 5 January 2014

Table of Contents PAGE 1 Message from the Editor PAGE 2 Key Club Pledge, Motto, & Mission PAGE 3 Up Coming Events & Up To Date PAGE 4 Converse FD Pancake Breakfast PAGE 5 PCM Cleaning PAGE 6 PCM PAGE 7 Divisional Project: SASSLC PAGE 8 Bell Ringing PAGE 9 Grocery Shopping PAGE 10 Thanks To Members That‌

Message from the Editor Hello Fellow Key Clubbers!! Winter break is almost over and I hope everyone had a fabulous break. We had several amazing service events last month during the break and all through out the year. I am glad that a lot of Key Clubbers attended the events and hope they will continue to do so. The year might be over but a new year has begun. So lets make this year an even greater than last year. As some of you all might know I am looking for any Key Clubbers that were inspired at an event or just had fun with something related to Key Club to write a 400+ word article with a picture to submit to the District Editor. It would help our club earn point, which we could always use. 400+ words may sound a lot at first but once you get typing you will have more than enough words. If you are interested please let me, Hope Carter (the Lt. Governor), or MizMo know. We are interested to hear what you think of Key Club. Finally, our Lt. Governor is a senior is leaving to purse her career. Her Christmas wish was to find a Lt. Governor to take her spot. if you think you have what it takes to be Lt. Governor let her know. You have until February until the election. - Linda Reyes

Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to up-hold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Mission Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Key Club Motto “Caring…Our Way of Life”

Up Coming Events January 13: Officer Meeting January 14: Member Meeting January 28: Parent Night January: Fundraiser February 1: Division Election Conference/PCM February: Elections February: DCON Meeting after next club meeting February: Participate in Contests April 25: DCON!!!! Please keep up to date with the Key Club bulletin board, JECA

Join JECA Key Club on Facebook and twitter to stay up-to-date on events, polls, and more!

Facebook Page, JECA Instagram, MizMo 101 messages, and Twitter Page. Up coming event opportunities are always posted.

Facebook Jeca Key Club Page: Jeca Key Club Facebook Division 5 Page: T-O Key Club Division 5 Twitter Page: @TOkeyclubDiv5 T-O Key Club Div. 5 Instagram Page: @jecakeyclub

Converse FD Pancake Breakfast It was an early freezing and windy winter Saturday. The headlights of sparsely cars passing by were the only lights that broke through the eerie dark morning. The other light source was the Converse Fire Department. Outside was silent but inside the firehouse was entirely a different story. Through the iced windows you could make out small children like figures that were bundled up and moving tables around. Why would teens be even at the Firehouse and most importantly awake at six in the morning? That Saturday was the Converse Fire Department’s pancake breakfast and the JECA Key Club volunteered to give a hand. While some decided to stay in the warm firehouse and mix pancake batter the other bravely faced the outdoors. They brought in many tables and chairs; which some held ice; inside so the people would have somewhere to sit when they arrived. The time arrived when people began appearing. The Key Clubbers had their roles distributed and they went to work. Some served the families while others were Santa’s elves that held the children’s stuff while they had their picture taken with Santa. The day was filled with Christmas joy and spirit. Everyone had fun singing to the music or just plain eating warm pancakes drizzled in syrup.

PCM Cleaning Judson Early College Academy otherwise known as JECA is a tiny high school in the middle of dense woodland environment. Sometimes if you are lucky you will see deer and all kinds of wildlife. Since we never get that many visitors at our campus we wanted to present looking commons. JECA Key Clubbers wanted to be proud of their school and show it off to the other Key Clubbers that would soon arrive to the PCM. The students worked like a well-oiled machine that just kept going and going until their mission was accomplished. People vacuumed, cleaned tables, set up the food table, and finally fix up the Christmas tree. Since the school is know for getting people lost who are trying to find it, their were people who decided to make signs guiding fellow Key Clubbers of the district. At the end everyone was proud of their work and took a welldeserved rest until other Key Clubbers arrived for the PCM.

PCM When you walked the first thing you noticed was the Christmas music playing in the background a PowerPoint that said welcome. The PCM was very enlighting on some subjects. The LT. Governor, Hope Carter started with an Ice Breaker which helped the Key Clubbers get to know one another a little better since the other Key Clubs didn’t know each other very well or at all. Hope informed us about her being a senior and that all she wanted for Christmas was a Lt. Governor to take her place. She also informed us about DCON and what we had to do to raise money to help us get there. From some people’s faces you could tell they were a little overwhelmed from a lot of the information. After she was done talking she told us to go help ourselves to the food table. There were all kinds of desserts, pastries, and real food along with all kinds of drinks. Once everyone got their food they sat down and conversed with the other Key Clubs. Everyone laughed and talked. You could even see a lot of people taking pictures for memories or for their Key Club. It was a great experience to intertwined with the other Key Clubs and get to know them a little better. It was a little sad to see everyone go when the event ended.

Divisional Project: SASSLC The divisional project was to donate new or gently used items to SASSLC. Most of the Key Clubbers brought their items during the PCM. There was a big outcome and SASSLC greatly appreciated it. Hope Carter put a lot of effort into the divisional project but always putting it in her newsletters, having it announced on the intercom, and making lots of posters to put all around the school. The items were put in bags, which were carried out to the Christmas Tree and put under. At the end of the PCM Hope gathered up all the items before taking them to SASSLC.

Bell Ringing Have you ever seen one of those people dressed in Santa outfits ringing a bell outside Wal-Mart? Well we did the exact same thing except we had like five people on each two-hour shifts outside Dillard’s of the North Star Mall. We would ring the bell to raise money for the Salvation Army. Some groups decided to sing Christmas carols and dance while others smiled and held the doors open for people. One group received a 100-dollar bill just for dancing and singing “Feliz Navidad”. The shifts started at eight in the morning and ended at eight at night. The bell ringing for the Salvation Army was a huge turnout that we had about twelve people on one shift. Once people were done with their shifts they went inside and did a little Christmas Shopping or got something to eat. The Bell Ringing was a huge success that will continue to be done each year.

Grocery Shopping When you walk into a Wal-Mart you see older men and women wearing blue vests with a huge crests with the words Kiwanis International on the back. In the flaps of the front of their vests they have millions of pins attached. These people are the key to several families having a well-deserved Christmas. Their helpers are none other than several groups of Key Clubbers who have taken the time out of their day to help serve the community and the people around them. The groups are separated with a basket, $150 budget, a list of the families’ food needs, and a Kiwanian who will oversee the group of eager Key Clubbers. Next thing you know all you see if Key Clubbers racing around for the items they need and checking to see how many oz. or lbs. they can get for a cheaper price. They calculate their items and make sure not to go over the limit. Some of the families pick up their food and they are so grateful for what we have done for them, they will not stop hugging us. It made us feel all warm and fuzzy inside to see the families so happy and I personally have never gotten so many hugs in one day. I was a truly rewarding experience to be a part of.

Thanks To Members That‌ Went to the FD Breakfast Went to the PCM Helped with the PCM Cleaning Went to the bell ringing Helped with the Shopping with Children Helped with the Grocery Shopping for Families Participated in the Divisional Project Attended the Army Bowl Robotics Competition

Here is to a Great Year & an Even Better Future

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