June 2014 newsletter

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Souring To New Heights Official Newsletter of Judson Early College Academy Key Club

Region 11 at Ramp Building helping a 91 year woman

Texas-Oklahoma Region 11 District 5 June 2014

Table of Contents

Page 1 Message From the Editor Page 2 Key Club Pledge, Motto, & Mission Page 3 Up Coming Events & Details Page 4 Thanks To…

Message From the Editor

Hello Fellow Key Clubbers!! Summer is here and we have had some amazing service events over the past year. I am glad that a lot of Key Clubbers attended the events and hope they will continue to do so during summer break. I had an amazing time at DCON and hope who ever went also had an amazing time also. We made so many memories that I will soon not forget. I am already DCON depressed and I can’t wait for next year. I will miss the district board most of all because once you get to know them they are amazing people. I will continue to look to the future and hope for the best for our club. You never know what is right around the corner. Stay amazing Region eleven.

- Linda Reyes


Key Club Pledge

I pledge, on my honor, to up-hold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Mission Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Key Club Motto “Caring…Our Way of Life”


Up Coming Events June 7th Fishing Day @ Live Oak Park July 19th PCM RSVP by 17th

Join JECA Key Club on Facebook and twitter to stay up-to-date on events, polls, and more!

Division 5 Former Ltg Hope Carter graduated with Region 11 sponsor

Facebook Jeca Key Club Page: Jeca Key Club Facebook Division 5 Page: T-O Key Club Division 5 Twitter Page: @TOkeyclubDiv5 T-O Key Club Div. 5 Instagram Page: @jecakeyclub

Photo credited to Hope Carter

Please keep up to date with the Key Club bulletin board, JECA Facebook Page, JECA Instagram, MizMo 101 messages, and Twitter Page. Up coming event opportunities are always posted.


Thanks To… • people who attended Senior Banquet • people who attended Ramp Building • people who attended the Spring Fest • people who helped with Teacher Appreciation • people who donated 2 Liter sodas

Enjoy Your Summer

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