March 2014 newsletter

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Raptors Taking Flight in Service Official Newsletter of Judson Early College Academy Key Club

Division 5 at Ramp Building with Kiwanians

Texas-Oklahoma District Region 11 District 5 March 2014

Table of Contents Page 1 Message From the Editor Page 2 Key Club Pledge, Motto, & Mission Page 3 Up Coming Events & Details Page 4 Ramp Building Page 5 Parent Night & Set Up Page 6 RockStar Awards Page 7 Thanks To‌

Message From the Editor

Hello Fellow Key Clubbers!! Spring Break is almost here and we have several events coming up so please continue to looks at Facebook pages to continue to be updated. I am glad that a lot of Key Clubbers attended the events and hope they will continue to do so. As some of you all might know I am looking for any Key Clubbers that were inspired at an event or just had fun with something related to Key Club to write a 400+ word article with a picture to submit to the District Editor. It would help our club earn point, which we could always use. 400+ words may sound a lot at first but once you get typing you will have more than enough words. If you are interested please let me, Hope Carter (the Lt. Governor), or MizMo know. We are interested to hear what you think of Key Club. Finally, we have a car wash fundraiser coming up and we really, really need buckets, old rags, and Joy soap. - Linda Reyes

Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to up-hold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Mission Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Key Club Motto “Caring…Our Way of Life”

Up Coming Events March

o 29 Ramp Building April o 8th Meeting o 12th Car Wash o April 25: DCON!!!! th

May o 17th Spring Fest

Join JECA Key Club on Facebook and twitter to stay up-to-date on events, polls, and more!

Facebook Jeca Key Club Page: Jeca Key Club Facebook Division 5 Page: T-O Key Club Division 5 Twitter Page: @TOkeyclubDiv5 T-O Key Club Div. 5 Instagram Page: @jecakeyclub

Please keep up to date with the Key Club bulletin board, JECA Facebook Page, JECA Instagram, MizMo 101 messages, and Twitter Page. Up coming event opportunities are always posted.

Ramp Building I sat at a behind a window in the warm house wondering what on earth were seven teenagers doing at eight o’clock in the morning making such a racket. –The Fat White Cat from the Window thought. Meanwhile across the street from the Fat White Cat were seven teenagers making lots of noise but not on purpose. Their mission for that day was to completely build a ramp so a woman with cancer could once more enjoys the outside freedom. They had to finish this ramp by eleven but there was one small problem. They didn’t have certain types of screws and the proper bit for the screwdriver. They at least waited thirty minutes for the proper material to arrive so they could at least start the ramp. Finally, a white slim car raced down the road with said materials and the teenagers went straight to work. They were driven by determination and urgency to finish the project. With the help of the Kiwanians they were almost done when another problem arose. The flat platform didn’t fit against the wall. They had to recut the entire piece so it was perfectly against the wall. With a little help from an unexpected parent the project was finally finished with a few placed screws. The final product was a beautiful ramp that seven teenagers covered in sawdust built with the help of three Kiwanians and an unexpected parent. The project was a success not just for the ones that built the ramp but for the woman inside who was finally able to enjoy the outdoors once again and not let a deadly disease keep her from the world around her.

Parent Night & Set Up The sun was streaming through the windows creating a warm setting through out the commons. Music was playing in the background and students were working overtime trying to finish their tasks of making everything perfect for the parent that would soon be arriving. In the back were three long tables that held an assortment of food that would soon be added to. The drink of the evening was sweet tea that was chilled to perfection. When the time came that parents were due to arrive a PowerPoint welcomed them. When the parents were officially welcomed they got their food and watched a very long PowerPoint that was filled with many pictures that held the memories and the heart of Key Club. Laughter was spilled when memories were brought up when they saw a funny picture. After the PowerPoint it was finally time to get to the meat of the Parent Appreciation Night. Parent finally found out what their kids did on Saturdays and why they stayed after school for an extra hour on the second Tuesday of the month. They saw why they had to give thir child fifteen dollars and even 120 dollars for DCON. The parents were finally introduced to the Kiwanians and then it was certificate time. For each student that was a part of Key Club a parent or parents got a certificate thanking them for supporting Key Club and thir children. It was a night filled with laughter, food, and old memories.

RockStar Awards Freshman  Jasmine Green o Went to DEC &1ST to pay for DCON

Sophomore  Kayla Joslyn o Went to Parent Night Set Up Junior  Juanita Garcia o Went to Parent Night Set Up Senior  Rebekah Deleon o Went to Parent Night Set Up

Thanks To‌ o Attended the Happy Heart Dance o Attended the Parent Night o Attended the Parent Night Set Up o Attended the Ramp Building Happy Spring Break to All and Every Key Clubber

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