Kimberly Paoli 2016- 2017 Portfolio
Self-Analytical Evaluation My first semester of my third year in yearbook is finally coming to an end. Throughout this semester there has been a whirlwind of activity. This semester has been a bit stressful with a lack of leadership. A new teacher means new rules. It has been hectic watching the editor-in-chief’s try and fill in Mrs. Hart’s role as the teacher. This year, I too, have my own sort of a leadership role. As the People Editor, I am in charge of keeping up with the staff morale and making sure the days do not get to stressful. I planned several games to keep the class fun. When I am not busy doing games, I try and help the team leaders as best as I can. I help the Maroon team and the Salmon team. I developed a strong relationship with everyone in the class last year and I know they can come to me if they need anything. Many times they vent their frustrations to me and at times I can give them my own feedback. It can be difficult sometimes because their troubles are with the leadership. I have issues explaining to them that it is not the editor-in-chief’s fault because they are only kids. Overall, I try my best to offer help and it must be working because they come back to me for help. I am great a listening and offering my opinion and this is a good skill for future jobs. Another job that I have this year is Copy editor. My job is to read through the finished spreads and let the team leaders know what they need to fix. In the beginning I did not really understand my job nut by the second deadline I had the job down. The day that the spreads were done, I read through the spreads and got back to the team leaders the same day. Finishing the spreads need to be done in a timely manner so that the design people will have enough time to finish . The pressure of needing to get it done quickly will help me in the future. The imperative need to get it done on time is a skill many look for.
Figuring out the deadlines this year were very stressful. In the beginning the editors didn’t know that there were no more proofs with the new programs. That stressed out the team leaders because they had to get their spreads done even faster. Another stressful part about the deadlines was the fact that their were five spreads assigned to do in a month. It was insane trying to rearrange the spreads so that there weren’t as many spreads due. It was also stressful watching the team leaders have to cover events that happened in the past. Nobody was there to remind them that they should be getting photos for their later deadline spreads. For the next semester, I’ll go through the spreads and help the team leaders as best as I can to meet the deadline. With my odd roles this year, I didn’t have time to contribute anything to any spreads. I didn’t write any main stories or mods. However, I would read through everything when I would copy edit them. I would also help others write their mods and stories. I tried to remind them to cover those who have not been covered yet. This year, I haven’t been as dedicated to the staff as the previous two years. I think it has to do with the many changes. Such as switching to Edesign and losing Mrs. Hart. In the beginning I was determined to make a gold winning yearbook, but this year I feel like I’m not needed. I prefer being a team leader over the jobs I have this year. I try my best to help out around the class, but most of the time I find myself sitting around. The others around the class complain and that also brings down my mood. I used to enjoying going into yearbook and working on my spreads, but now the best part is seeing my friends in the class. This year just isn’t like the last two.
Reflection #1
Tear Sheets Everything on this page is taken off of Trello and my personal checklist.
Deadline 1 This year, I have two roles; Copy Editor and People Editor. Being a Copy Editor, I am in charge of proofreading every spread and letting the team leaders know what needs to be fixed. The job of People Editor has two built in roles, to maintain staff morale and edit the reference pages. I haven’t really designed or worked on any spreads that I can be proud of. I mostly helped the other teams. I think the thing I had the most fun was with the game I created. I like the idea of team work and getting to know those around you. It was a fun get to know game that was a lot of fun. We got to laugh at everyone’s fun facts and their silly picture. The game was really enjoayable and everyone laughed along. I am most proud of it because I think that everyone enjoyed it. Even though it isn’t really something to be proud of, I am proud of it because it was a success that I created all on my own. It was an easy game that everyone enjoyed, it would have been more fun if everyone participated though. As copy editor, there isn’t much to be proud of. There isn’t really much I could do to be proud.
Create game to play in class Help Emily and Alyssa with spreads Help Chloe and Meghan with spreads Create Fall coverage schedule
Deadline 2 Introduce Pajama Program
Create Winter schedule Create a game to play in class Copy edit Deadline 1 spreads Helped Chloe and Meghan with spreads Create Secret Santa Copy edit spreads and tell teams what to fix
Deadline 3 Shop for and wrap adopt a family gifts
Help Emily and Alyssa with spreads Help Chloe and Meghan with spreads Secret Santa reminds Copy edit spreads and tell teams what to fix
All About Me