2015-16 Publications Portfolio. CONTENT EDITOR. KORIE KERR.
Self-Analytical Evaluation Self-Analytical Evaluation
This year marked my first year of being an
done a good job of this except on a few occasions
editor on the Cactus Shadows Yearbook. I was as-
where I’ve dropped the ball. However I did my best
signed Content editor by the esteemed Lori Hart and
to remedy the situation and come up with problem
began the year very determined to do a good job and
solving ideas. I have also learned a
to be useful. I have learned a great deal so far this year. As Content Editor I don’t have a team or a specific job I have to do everyday. For the most part I help people with their pages when they don’t have time to complete something or help people come up with ideas for headlines, titles or captions. I also help our resident Photo Editor,
“I learned a lot about being a team player on everyone’s team.”
Ashley Kritzstein, upload photos
lot about InDesign as a program. I feel like the flyers I have made have been of good taste and aesthetically pleasing to the people who have seen them. I have also learned to use my time more wisely and manage myself
when she needs it. At the beginning of the year I had
more efficiently. I have also learned
no idea how to upload photos and now I can do it no
how to manage others (cough, cough,
sweat! I love feeling useful and helping people solve
Jake). I’ve learned that when you’re
their problems, and this position feels perfect for
working with other people you have
that. Another responsibility I have as Content Editor
to make them feel like their being
is keeping track of every team’s stories and mods. The
heard and that you care about their opinion. If you
meeting we have at the beginning of every deadline
just jump in and take control of everything, they
helps a lot because I am organized from the start and
will start to resent you and rebel, causing even more
don’t have to scramble around, finding everyone’s
problems within the work environment. I am very
information. I have to remember all of the stories
grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to learn and
and mods off the top of my head incase someone
progress in this class and I will always be glad I took
starts writing about the same thing. I feel like I’ve
Reflection #1
What I do best...
What I consider to be my most significant work this year is helping Mia Gilling with the cutouts for the portrait pages. It was her first year and she had so much responsibility placed on her shoulders. Being the lovely, go with the flow kind of person she is, she never once complain or talked about quitting. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to work with. We started with pulling names out of the students we were going to do cut-outs for from the bowls. We had to find everyone’s second hour class and then split them all up into groups of the differ-
ent teams. After that we had to fill out forms for the teams to take to the teachers, letting them know that we needed the students. This proved very tedious, especially with such little time, but we persevered and got everything done! After that we had to organize people to take pictures of the students who were coming in, make sure had interviewed the people on their lists, and actually make the cut-outs. Getting everyone to submit their work was tough going, but eventually we got it all done. In the end, Mia Gilling is a God-send.
Review #2
Not my greatest work...
Being that this is my first year as Content Editor, there is of course room for improvement. I started out not know exactly it was that I was supposed to do everyday. Eventually I figured I would just help other people until it became clearer what I was supposed to do. Finally I made a form to keep track of everything that the teams were doing. I made a tablet to keep track of main stories and a separate one for mods that people were doing. I fell behind on my organization and people started doing the same stories. That was my greatest disappointment for myself. For the next person who has my job, I would getting on top of things before the school year even starts and plan out all of the deadlines. It would also have been a lot easier if I had communicated to the teams that they needed to notify me when they changes their stories from what they had originally told me. I learned that organization, as I have mentioned before, is KEY . I am much more organized now and I am determined to stay on top of deadlines and start my forms before we have our meetings. Overall I think I started out with poor organization skills and that is something I regret .
Reflection #3
The picture I love... My favorite picture that I have taken this year is one I took of my sister in Flaggstaff. Even though you can’t see her face I feel like it could be a very expressive picture depending on what you paired it with. It has a very somber appearence that I think is very beautiful. It has a center of visual interest and a pretty vague background. I especially love this picture because it is a flattering picture of my sister that I love. There are leading lines, which are the border of where the grass meets the treeline. Theres is a rule of thirds going on here too, the two halves of thee forest and my sister right in the middle. The picture immediatly draws attention to my sister, especially because she is in the center of the photo. My favorite feature of this photo, especially in black and white, because you can see every little wave in her hair. I really do like taking pictures outside because you can’t replicate the light inside no matter how hard you try.
Reflection #5
Questions anyone... 1. What problems/hardships did youface thsi year? The hardest thing that I have had to deal with this year was at the beginning when I wasn’t sure what to do when I came inn everyday. That made me feel like a slacker and it was unpleasant. 2. What did you learn from the situation and how would you handle that problem if they arose again? I learned to go with the flow and help when people needed me to and find things to do when I wasn’t busy. If this problem ever arose again, which I don’t think will happen, I would just go around and ask people what they needed help with and try to find a way to help. 3. Overall, how do you feel you handled the situation? I think I handled it pretty well, as long as i tried to do what I could to contribute. No one came up to me and accused e of doing nothing so i guess I did pretty well? 4. What is your greatest weakness? I think my greatest weakness was not knowing how to do things. For example many of the new staff member would ask me to help them on InDesign and I simply didn’t knwo the program well enough to answer all of their questions. 5. What would you do to overcome this weakness? I will learn as much as I can about the programs we use for the class. I think it would be a good idea to sit down with Adamson and have him teach me some tricks. I would like very much to be the Design Editor next year so I should realy start to try and master InDesign.
Reflection #4
What I do to help...
The biggest asset I pose on the staff this year is my ability to solve people’s problems. Many poeple left the staff after accepting responsibility and saying that they were going to do things that they didn’t end up doing. This put a lot of pressure on the team leaders to get stuff done in time for deadlines. I had to step in for them and write stories or do whatever they needed me to do. I wrote two stories for the blue team, one about Mr.Pawenski and his first year at the school and another one about all the events the key Club works every year. Something else I do to contribute to yearbook is helping Hunter advertise for the senior ads and to help sell other yearbooks. I learned a lot about InDesign and how to make posters and flyers to print out and hang around the school.