Nice to Meet Meet You, You,I’m I’mMaggue Maggue
As her senior year comes to a close, the CSPress takes time to reflect on the life of the living goddess that is Maggie Morant. Whether it be the arts, athletics, or academics, Morant has proven to excel in anything she attempts. “Maggie Morant is hands down the best human being I have ever met...she’s never not smiling,” said Keely Doran, a senior and worshiper of Morant. Despite having moved both her freshman and senior years of highschool, Morant has effortlessly sailed to the top of all social ladders wherever she goes. Even on her first day of school at Forest Hills Central High School in Michigan, Morant attracted so much attention from boys in her class that she shedded tears of joy. However, Morant incredulously remains humble despite the thousands of adoring fans she has garnered. “Maggie is just so genuine and down to earth...I just hope to one day exude as much happiness into the world as she does,” said Katelyn Reinhart, a junior. Reinhart recently created a fan club dedicated to recognizing the talents and achievements of Morant. Though the club, entitled the Morant Minions, has only been around for five months, it has already gained over 500,000 members. Morant’s fan following has also broken beyond the barriers of the US. Her overall compassion, kindness, humor, and beauty has received attention from teenagers all across the globe. “Quote about how awesome and inspiring I am,” said Jordis Nevermann, a German. A main trait that seems to draw people to Morant is her effortless beauty. But, this beauty comes naturally, as Morant stopped wearing makeup at the start of her senior year. “I just believe that everyone should stop believing that they need to wear makeup to feel beautiful,” said Morant. Another reason for her stardom is Morant’s devotion to giving back. Whether it be by donating her time to charities, or donating her locks to be made into wigs for terminally ill children. “What can I say, Maggie has such a profound influence on my life, I mean one time she cut her hair short, and immediately after I cut mine too,” said Lauren Haggar, a junior and follower of Morant. Wanting to give a try at writing, Morant joined the CSPress the second semester of her senior year. Immediately after, the newspaper was in such high demand that students would wait outside the school’s gates to get a copy and read Morant’s articles. “It’s insane! I’m an editor and my articles have never received this much attention... I guess people don’t want to read about cars,” said Sean Gannon, a junior and butthurt editor of the CSPress’ travel page. People can see Morant cross the stage and receive her diploma at Cactus Shadows’s graduation. The cereminy is at 6pm on May 25th at GCU.
Steal Her Look