Project 2 2 online news reading

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Project 2.2: Transition Field: Online News and press, User interface and experiences Theme: News Exploration to online news reading experiences

Name: ChiChin Cheng

3 initial mapping Data transformation

3 initial mapping Mass Media exploration

3 initial mapping Immigrants

3 initial mapping / Developments The Failure of Healthy Diet

3 initial mapping / Developments The Failure of Healthy Diet

3 initial mapping / Developments The insecurity of users between tangible products and intangible datas

3 initial mapping / Developments The influences of Massive online Media Tools for readers

3 initial mapping / Developments The influences of Massive online Media Tools for readers

News Mapping

3 initial mapping / Developments The influences of Massive online Media Tools for readers

3 initial mapping / Developments The influences of Massive online Media Tools for readers

3 initial mapping / Developments The influences of Massive online Media Tools for readers

3 initial mapping / Developments The influences of Massive online Media Tools for readers


Motivation In the past, I had a habit which was reading newspapers while having a breakfast. I read the news I interested in and collected attractive or beneficial information. It was a really enjoyable moment and a ritual of beginning of a day. However, owing to several reasons, I started to do online news reading by laptop, iphone or Ipad. I feel that I lost reliability, credibility and concentration among couples of mediums and massive online news. From initial self-reflection, I guess that the result might be caused by two main reasons, one is that online news is

newspaper and breakfast, car and radio, lunch and television

unorganized and lack of points, and the other reason is that the device is not instinctive for users as newspapers. On the other hand, in the future, the life might embraces more inventions of high-tech and the freedom of press. The exploration of news and medias is a foreseeable phenomenon. Therefore, as a reader, I want to unpack psychological puzzles and to know that how we rely on press and interact with several technological mediums in the future?

online news reading: laptop, iphone and ipad


Concepts Due to high development of technology and convenience of internet, online news reading is an evitable way for people access to the world nowadays. However, compared to traditional news media like Newspaper, online news reading devices eliminate emotions and humanity spontaneously. Consequently, internal conflicts among readers, news reading experiences and mediums appear eventually. In addition, unlimited news are produced everyday, as a reader, we need to select the news we want or not. In front of massive news, it is quite tiring and waste of time to find an interesting news. And somehow, we need to judge the faculty or fairness behind the news. In the future, our world will be more digital and how we use the technology to solve problems is a big issue. And how we can fight balance between

Mediums revolutionary

humanity and robotic devices is also a emerging issue as well. Basis on various news reading experiences, this project is going to discuss about the reliability and credibility among readers, news(press) and mediums. And the influences of news bring to the society.

Research Question 1. What is the role of news to people nowadays?


2. How does technology impact journalisms and mediums?

Readers who will read the online news by

4. Where are credibility, reliability or satisfaction from?

electronic devices.

3. What is the relationship between readers and news?









Ethnography Agile Prototypes

- John Herbert, Journalism in the digital age : theory and practice

Reading research

for broadcast, print and on-line media, 2000 - Jean Baudrillard, Operational Whitwatch, from The transparency

Key words - Online News: authenticity, computing censorship, online sociology, future journalists, politics and identities - Medium: Nostalgia, ubiquitous, tacit, emotional or playful interaction, lively feedback, instinctive operation, materiality, daily routines

of evil : essays on extreme phenomena, 1993 - Anthony Dunne, Hertzian tales : electronic products, aesthetic experience, and critical design, 2005 - Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby, Design noir : the secret life of electronic objects, 2001 - Marshall McLuhan, Understanding media : the extensions of man, 2001

What is the role of news to people nowadays? Materials collected from Interview and self-classification.

" News is a living, changing thing, showing at any one time only a snapshot of reality." quoted in John Herbert, Journalism in the Digigtal Age, 2000, p.05

Facts - Types

-> Facts: official news -> knowledges: health, technology -> information: events, activities, coupon -> insights: articles, columns -> advertisements -> gossips

- Roles

-> to transmit a message -> to impact on readers’ mood and behaviours partially. -> to control the society. -> a social tool -> beneficial knowledge or information for people



Mapping: Analysis of the process of news’ production nowadays








- Educated and Trained - Untrained Readers


- people

- gender


- telegraph

- career

Press / Provider


- radio

- culture


- television

- age

-writing structure

- newspaper

- interests

-story line

- web

Eidted by

- Personal life - Interview - Archives - Library

- own politics - brands - identity

- Web / Internet - social medias



Published to


Read by


Influence on

- to change someone’s life - to produce an activity - to form a social mood - to have a better future

- app / online news reader




Who, what, where, when, why, how

- facts' translators

- The support evidence of facts - The target audience - Attractions of news - The title of head

- broadcaster of the government / society - social influences:( a bridge) sharing, calming, entertatining..etc

News reading epxerience - User interface - digit craft - feedback - interaction - materiality


- beneficial infromation for their studies - keep updated with the world - social tools to start a conversation - sharpen personal thinkings

From the analysis, I found out that nowadays technology is going to speed up the news’ production, to enhance the reality and make a quick influences, e.g. self-reflections, online social interaction with people around the world. Self-questioning / Interests: 3 directions

How does technology impact journalisms and mediums?

How does the freedom of medias impact on individual thinkings?

W h a t ’s t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p between mediums and readers?

censorship or watchdogs like

E.g. the ambiguous of vocabulary,

E.g. digit craft or emotional

the movie"Truman Show", online

grammar and writing structure or

feedback and materiality of

journals editing by readers such as

messy presses in Taiwan.


E.g. computing systems as a

“Wikipedia” or individual thoughts in globalization by widespread

1. with wrong points and focuses.

knowledge sharing.

2. emotional reporting and writing 3. news -> performance, gossip 4. superficial reports E.g. In Germany, the elementary school teacher would ask students to bring the newspaper to discuss a news and share opinions in order to train them an individual


perception -> a personal liberty


due to less mind controlling by the press.


Interview Amount:15 people Age: around 22-28 Career: Design students, Engineers, and designers

1. What is the role of news to you? News is not a personal belonging. It is a public medium which accomodate social issues. To understand the worldwide: a broadcaster To do self reflections: a philosopher To entertain the life: an entertainer, gossiper To have more references and information 2. You read news for what? To keep updated with the world To gain more knowledges To social with other people A reference for personal studies 3. In your opinion, what is the news? Facts and time: a piece of information, facts, gossip, story or messages someone talking to you

4. Do you believe news? Why? By what points? Half trust of news basis on personal know how to judge the truth. The reason why the news is edited by human beings which is partial subjective. - The authority and trustable press such as BBC, CNN, Times or Guardians. - The rating systems and comments left by other readers below the online news. - The background, identity and personality of the journalists. - The grammar, vocabulary and writing structures that journalist used. - It might be second hand news or third hand news which is engaged with intention - The resources 5. Which medium do you usually to access the news? (choose 2 main mediums) why? a.newspaper b. radio c.television d. web(laptop) e.App(flipboard, pulse and so on) f.others_____(please write down the medium) Laptop > Iphone >Newspaper > Tablets

6.According to fifth question, could you describe advantages and disadvantages? Laptop / Iphone: + : Easy to approach the news, unlimited information, doesn’t take more spaces to read. - : cold and distant feedback, higher chances of wrong feedback, annoying (small screen), hard to control, massive online news that misunderstand people easily. Newspaper: + : physically, instinction, grab news what you want just flip over to the certain page. more reality due to ink, typeface, and the texture (create a memory to the brain). A covering shell of newspaper while reading which creates a private world (news reading experience). - : limited news, more objective owing to the news are organized by editors, bad smelling. 7. Would you leave the comment online? Probably not because of privacy but will share the post and leave comment on personal Facebook 8. What’s journalists in the future? Do you think that people could edit journals in the future? Depends on the area, some area doesn’t have freedom of speech. Basically, everyone can be the journalists to edit the news in the future than a professional editorial team due to the technology and internet. But the news would be just a piece of outline of the facts or pictures rather than a structural article. People can upload videos and resources to the press or it would have a community to share the news

9. What’ s your feeling in front of massive and messy online news or using the device? Why? Depends on personality. Some people can decide what the news they want to read and do quick browsing but some people feel lost while facing massive news and don’t have much time to judge the fairness of the news.

Self - questioning: 1. News and Identity? 2. social journalists? 3. customized news media? 4. cultural difference and news?

Dreamscaping 1. Try to imagine, what do you think that news can do what for you in the future? A: To transmit the clear, important and fair news to me, it might have over 3 or 4 different angles to perceive the news. B: A Google global news center is invented for users to read the dynamic news by checking time and location on the map. C: To defend the justice by news media because people could ustilise the news to destroy a person. e.g. in Taiwan, some students shoot the video of the school bully and send it to the press. D: People can receive news in passive ways. For example, we can have a device which can set up the news we interests and implant it into our brain or ears to follow the world and gain knowledges. The real device today is dematerialization and intangible. e.g. digital contact lens with auto graphics. E: News can open oppoortunities for everyone to make their dream come ture. e.g. news can make me rich.

2 If there is no news anymore, what the life would be like ? And what’s the influence to you? A: Every one lives in their own world. It looks like a big space divided into several rooms but without corridors between rooms. B: Without news, life become more relaxing. News exploration cause people anxious. But because of news, we can know the local news and avoid accidents happened. e.g. the traffic channel can help us to avoid the traffic jam. C: Back to the ancient life, personal living territory become more small. D: Life and thoughts would be more diversity. Beacuse nowadys, we share news and knowledge much easier than before, meanwhile, thinkings might be more global especially for people lack of individual thinking training. 3. If the news is your close belongings, person or pets you really rely on. What’s his / her/ its appearance? personality? and career? or what features of them? A: A neighborhood. She will tell you lot of news and we will have a lively conversation. B: My male classmate wearing a formal suit with a pair of glasses. He knows everything inclusing the law and national news. He seems like he would have good development in the future. If the news is my female classmate, she might know lots of gossips that can enterain me. C:Diamond

D: Plush toys which can comfort my mood by hugging it. E: News looks like my neighbors whose have their own politics. I prefer to listen them rather than expressing my ideas. 4. What’s your interaction with her or him? A: Interpersonal conversation B: I feel annoying of him because he is talking to me nonstop. If I have a question, I will ask him first but I won’t believe his news completely except I can verify the truth. Once I discover his speech is true, I would more believe him. C: I can control it and it would never betray me. D: Digest it E: I feel distant with them because they are elderly people.

Self - questioning: 1. social communication 2. google, computing systems 3. passive news


materiality folding social communication Instinctive use finger reading

Self-questioning 1. If we don't have device? 2. If we just have information? 3. If we just have a key to start a news to the all objects? 4. or our daily objects related with news? 5. Other figure ways to read news?

Agile prototypes 1. Daily rituals 2. emotional habits 3. Digit craft (In human factors) 4. imaginary sci-fi world

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