Embracing the Divine Feminine
FLIGHT Beware my friend; I am a moth; My flight is to the sun; Follow and we burn together; Fuel for each other; Casting forth our light; In every moment.
UNION Rather than strive to have male and female merge, let them act as the breath which goes in and goes out, yet is one thing. Find the relationship between your apparent splits, As in making love, Union results from penetration from withdrawl from the dance of light and shadow.
THOUGHT The thought of the moment is the location of the self. Breath is the wind of self To breathe is to create realities, To create life itself
REMEMBER Did we talk? We must have for there are hazy remembrances, and yet we said what cannot be said with words or glance or touch. There was no one, but us and we were only one. Time was a long forgotten term that seemed wholly without meaning, such is love.
A MASK A call has been sounded and I answer with my life. I am waking to possibilities that I never knew existed. Perhaps dreamed, but surely not in life. Not in this life.
My mask is being peeled from me by this woman - like bark pulled from a tree. exposing what is alive and flowing under it. I wonder will I die like the tree when I am fully exposed? Perhaps I might, it can't be helped and it can't be stopped. What will I become? I do not know. All that is real is this feeling of un realness. This feeling of being lost and found - at the same moment.
I am warned, do not continue, pull back, let just the memory wash you like the tide on the beach...
But no, it is already too late. I am swept into the current, out to sea. In no direction is any land I know, I swim on...
A FEELING A feeling unlike any that I have had before, there is a taste of fullness about it, that is rather like the crispness of an apple at the start of fall. It is not just my blood that flows in my veins.
I am a ripe fruit waiting to be eaten. Taken from my tree and eaten, tasted, chewed, taken in, bringing pleasure... O so very much pleasure
MEDICINE WOMAN All masks are off, Only the one face shows itself. Eyes alive with life. Strength to melt a stone heart. Strength to share life with the dying. Strength to give birth to the moment.
You cannot fix your gaze. You would melt the sun itself You must cloak yourself with laughter. You must hide in smiles. Who is ready for you? Only one will come There is only you. Prepare, for you awake! Prepare for the marriage of death and rebirth. You are the womb of the world. You are the mother of all. Through your eyes I am consumed... I melt to be reformed in your image. I follow inward those piercing rays of light, to the core, to the heart, to beat in time with your pulse. You are my breath. You are my life. You are my echo. You are the pebble in the pond. You are the mother of every ripple, Circling, pulsing, reaching. You........
I have a voice in my self, that is reaching to express itself, and out of this has come rivers of tears, and a hurt so deep I feel I will shatter.
And shatter I do, time and time again. Is this the polishing of the heart?
FOR DURGA Beautiful Lion of Love, with fierce rays of illumination pouring forth from blazing eyes I salute you; and bow with you, Affirming unity with all beings. O Durga Ma So swiftly do you change forms you appear in this world as the ten armed Goddess. But this one knows you are one It is only the swiftly shifting mind which perceives many... O Durga Your names are without limit, forgive this poor poet for only calling... Ma Ma Ma
FREEDOM Freedom comes not from movement, but from radiance. The flower roots itself in earth pulling it's essence into itself and reaches to the heavens, as it unfolds it's petals in silent prayer.
Not Domesticated Anymore I've cut my hair, pierced my nose, tattooed my body with tribal art No! I'm not domesticated -anymore! The reason is for me aloneI'll offer no explanation - noneI'm not domesticated -anymore.
My life unfolds no longer cloaked in "should", "maybe" or "perhaps" No longer hidden beneath guilt. Aliveness caresses me like a fresh breeze drifting across my shorn nape...
No! - I'm not domesticated anymore... No longer chattel - this is not anger, not an act of rebellion. I am moving to give shape to that which I feel. That which I know lives fully inside of me. No! - I am not domesticated anymore.