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The Most Amazing Press Release Ever Written PR Prof essional Distributes Groundbreaking Press Release
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Blo g it CHICAGO, Jan. 11, 20 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Mitch Delaplane o f PitchPo int Public Relatio ns has issued the mo st amazing press release ever written. While hundreds o f press releases are distributed daily, Delaplane feels this particular release will go do wn in histo ry as the mo st amazing press release that has ever been written. "I've been in the business fo r o ver ten years and have to say, I'm speechless," claims Delaplane. "The title alo ne grabs yo u and demands that it be read. Then there's this quo te that co mpletely takes things to an entirely new level. I'm pro ud o f this press release. In fact, I think it is [really] amazing." Typically reserved fo r co mpany news anno uncements and o ther public relatio ns co mmunicatio ns, the press release has lo ng been the favo red default fo r info rming media abo ut exciting, gro undbreaking news. Then this news release co mes alo ng and changes everything peo ple tho ught they knew abo ut press releases.
Blo g Search Othe r Ne ws Re le as e s in Adve rtis ing Widget Lets Retailers Repurpose Google Local Availability Data for Mobile Tom Carr Joins Mangos
"I'm quo ting myself again because the first quo te didn't do it justice," says Delaplane. "If yo u're still reading this news release, then yo u kno w what I'm talking abo ut when I say it's so mething special. In fact, it's 48 3 wo rds o f pure aweso meness. When it cro sses the wires, I believe histo ry will have been made."
PEMCO Welcomes 'Oblivious LeftLane Occupant' and Other New Northwest Profiles
The science behind this Earth-shattering news release lies in its simplicity – no science, just pure o ld press release craftsmanship. It started with an incredible brainsto rming sessio n that asked a very simple questio n: "what makes a press release amazing?" Elabo rate no tes fro m that brainsto rm were then fo rmulated into mesmerizing sentences, paragraphs and pages...all expertly designed to make yo u pause and reflect at the brilliance o f this press release.
Othe r Ne ws Re le as e s in Advocacy Group Opinion
Every single wo rd o f this news release was track changed, stetted, then track changed again to its o riginal draft. Upo n final appro val, it was spell checked, fact checked and printed fo r po sterity. The result is a two -page, 1.5-spaced news release that is like no o ther news release in existence.
Venture Technologies Group, LLC Blasts NPR Comments to Mute Channel 6 LPTV Audio La clave del exito para invertir