Line: With a single stroke of a pencil (or a computer mouse) you can call this element into play. You can then manipulate the mood of your design or organize your page, depending on the kind of line you’ve drawn and its placement in your format. PRODUCT
Ragu pasta sauce
• LINE is being used in the design to:
Create a mood
___Organize other elements on the page
Create texture through illustration
• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses LINE. The designer uses line in this advertisement to create a mood and create texture through illustration. The designer is trying to create a fun and playful mood by having the lines make up pictures and having them look like they were drawn with a crayon or marker. She/he is creating a very laidback mood that makes the advertisement fun. The designer’s intent was to make the consumer feel comfortable with the ad by making it playful. The use of line had a very powerful impact on the audience because when I looked at it I thought it was very easy to understand and look at and it also caught my eye as I was looking through the magazine. The use of line made the audience feel laidback and at ease. It also made the audience feel impressed that such a simple design caught their eye so quickly. With the plain white background the use of line is very predominant because you focus on everything else in the foreground that has the shape and color to it, by doing this the audience responds more to the lines and product being displayed. EFFECTIVENESS The use of line in this advertisement works very well because it is the main idea behind the design and it is giving the design a fun and intriguing look to it so it will make the audience think when they first look at it. TARGET AUDIENCE
The target audience for this advertisement is middle aged and older women who like to cook with pasta sauce out
of the jar rather than making it home made. Also women and men who read family fun magazine.
ANALYSIS Shape is another element that can be used alone or in conjunction with line and type to help communicate the concept of a design. Shape can be defined as any element that’s used to give or determine form. Shape can exist as a design element all by itself, without the aid of line or type. Most flags are designed with nothing but shapes. Even if you remove the color from the American flag, the design survives intact. Likewise, many fabric patterns are the result of designing with shapes; they effectively convey a style or mood, usually without the benefit of type. When shapes contain pictorial information in the form of decorative illustration, such as floral patterns or other subject matter, additional interest is added.
The product being advertised is Goldfish Baked Snack Crackers.
• SHAPE is being used in the design in the following way(s)
X Photos and illustrations are creating shape through the actual shape and content of the art.
___Line or a line illustration is creating the predominant shape
___Type is creating the predominant shape
___Shaded or colored areas are creating the predominant shape
X Shape is sustaining the viewer’s interest.
___Shape is organizing the page
___Shape is helping the viewer understand the concept
___Shape is leading the viewer’s eye through the design
SHAPE ANALYSIS The designer uses shape in this ad through photos and illustrations that create shape themselves, and the shape also sustains the viewer’s interest. In this advertisement the designer decided to use an abundance of actual sized goldfish crackers to create a shape of one big goldfish. I feel the designers intent was to catch the eye of your normal consumer who usually just flips through the ads in a magazine, by making all the little goldfish make up one big one it makes you appreciate the art in the advertisement. I believe it had a positive impact on the audience. I feel that the design had a simplistic approach to it making the audience feel good about it in a way that the concept was easy yet fun. Also the waves and box on the bottom of the page help describe what the product is ther selling and also the shape of the wave gives it a fun feeling. EFFECTIVNESS I think the effectiveness of the use of shape worked very well for the message they were portraying in the ad. I feel the ad was very fun which is what the target audience of this product is looking for. TARGET AUDIENCE
The primary audience for this advertisement would be middle aged women with children that are old enough to eat goldfish.
Texture: Texture can be defined as an object’s visual or tactile surface characteristics and appearance, or as something composed of closely interwoven elements (such as a woven cloth). In graphic design, texture is most often used as a secondary element to reinforce an idea, rather than a primary element to communicate a concept. However, it is a powerful addition to your design because it can add depth and interest to an ordinary flat design. Especially in the world of computer design where the effort to design a usable interface often leads to flat color or white backgrounds, the skillful use of texture can add a new dimension to your design. PRODUCT/ • TEXTURE is being used in the design to:
X Create a particular mood or feeling
___Fill individual shapes or areas
___Reinforce or support the concept of the design
ANALYSIS On this webpage the designer used texture to create a very laidback and comical mood. For the background of the webpage the designer used a cardboard graphic that made the background look like it was made out of cardboard. Also the title of the webpage is top center and it looks like somebody wrote it with sharpie, which gives the design a very un-formal feel which is what the designer was trying to do. In the center of the page is a picture of Colby James West doing a trick on his skis off a jump and the picture is duck taped to the cardboard, which really fits in with the rest of the design. Also at the bottom of the picture are his sponsors and it looks like someone cut out a piece of the cardboard and that is what is underneath it. On the bottom right of the page are three links that take you to twitter, Facebook, and bookmarks, and these links look like they are also drawn on the cardboard in marker. The designer’s intent was to try and fit the personality of the skier on his fan page, by creating a funny and chill environment. The concept of this design had a very positive impact on the audience, the people who are going to look at this site are not looking for a formal or sophisticated design, they want something fun. I feel like they hit this one on the nose, me as a part of the audience, I believe this was the perfect design for this site. EFFECTIVENESS I believe the use of texture works very well with this site. Like I said above the audience of this site are not looking for a formal website, they want something they can laugh at or something more outside the box. TARGET AUDIENCE The primary audience for this website are males and females ages 10-30 who are fans of Colby West, also skiers interested in learning some new tricks, and designers looking for inspiration.
Balance: Imagine yourself sitting at one end of a teeter-totter at your local park: you with the seat you occupy on the ground and the seat across from you empty and lifted off the ground. What kind of weight is required in the opposite seat to balance your weight evenly across the beam? The logical answer—and probably the first one that springs to mind—is that a person of equal size to you would properly balance your weight. However, that’s not your only possibility; for instance, couldn’t two persons, if each weighed half your weight, likewise balance you if they both were to sit at the other end of the teeter-totter? Of course.
Rx Balance Natural Formulas
• BALANCE is being used in the design in the following way(s):
X To create a mood. X Symmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; serious, conservative, sophisticated, stable, elegant, etc. ___Asymmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; relaxed, informal, freeform, creative, etc.
___To create visual tension by being obviously unbalanced.
ANALYSIS On the Rx Balance website the designer used symmetrical balance to give the website a more elegant and sophisticated look. The designer uses very light almost water colored painting in the background to make sure your focusing more on the product rather than the background. On the top of the page there is the company’s logo with two leafs centered on top of the page and two lines of even text on either side of the logo creating symmetry, also its has an option bar with five links that are also all even in size and shape. If you focus on the center of the page it also has perfect symmetry, there are two bottles of the product on either side in a rectangular window with the same grassy design in the bottom corners behind the bottles and also on the insides of each bottle are the same tree in the same position of the rectangle corresponding with each bottle. If you look at the bottom there are three columns all the same size and shape that are lining the bottom of the page that provide information on there products. The designers intent was to create a very calm and organic mood to their product, which worked very well. This design had a very positive impact on me, I got the message right away that this was a very clean and organic product, and the design fits the page really well. EFFECTIVENESS The use of balance in this website was very effective. It creates a mood that the audience is looking for. People who buy organic products like these are not looking for a website with things all over the place, they are looking for something easy to navigate through with a warm feeling to it. TARGET AUDIENCE The primary audience for this product is males and females any age interested in organic and vegan diets, also vegetarians and health nuts.
Contrast: Contrast is an especially important principle in graphic design, and a crucial tool to communicate an idea. It is also one of the most effortless principles to put into action. As soon as you add any element to a blank page, no matter how subtle, you’ve used contrast.
Honda V-6 Odyssey Touring
• CONTRAST is being used in the design in the following way(s):
X Strengthen an idea; support the message. ___To create a contradiction (BIG written in very small type).
Contrasting colors
Contrasting values
___Contrasting shapes
___Contrasting texture
___Contrasting typography
ANALYSIS In this advertisement the designer went with a more humorous and conflicting message to get the point of the ad across. The designer uses contrast in this ad to create a mood of jealousy between two vans. The van on the left side of the ad that is cut off brings contrast to the other van in many ways. It is an older model than the Honda and has mural painted on the side of it with a fantasy superhero carrying a sword and looking at the Honda. They made the superhero on the older van look very surprised and jealous as she looks at the new Honda Odyssey. The color contrast between the two vans is very effective also, the light blue in the Honda gives is a very cool and comfortable feeling, Also the background of the advertisement is an ocean washing up on pavement which gives the whole ad a very relaxing and sensitive feeling. The designers intent was to infuse humor with a calm setting by using blues and grays to make the audience feel visually comfortable. The impact was very positive on the audience because the ad was easy to understand and you get what’s going on right away. EFFECTIVENESS The effectiveness of contrast in this advertisement work very well because it is easy to catch for anyone who is interested in design and advertisements. The designer used a very simple but effective idea that is also easy to understand for a normal audience. TARGET AUDIENCE The primary audience for this product is middle aged mothers in the market for a van, also family’s, and it was found in family fun magazine so also single parents with multiple children.
UNITY ANALYSIS Unity is the underlying structure of a design. Think of a house: it begins with a foundation from which everything else is built. If your foundation is shaky or poorly constructed, nothing will sit solidly in the rooms above. Unity is important in a design to make everything feel as though it fits together. Repeating elements are also important in design campaigns containing multiple formats so that they in turn fit together. When a company commissions a print campaign or website, the intent is that the viewer should always recognize the identity or product being sold, whether it is a print advertisement or a website. PRODUCT/SERVICE
UNITY is being used in the design to:
___Provide consistency
Unify the design with consistent elements (grouped/repeating elements)
Lead the viewer’s eye through the design
ANALYSIS On this web page the designer used unity in a couple different ways. One way the designer used unity was with repeating elements throughout the design by making the main picture on the screen change every couple seconds, by doing this they also led the viewers eye through the design. The first design that shows up when you open the page is a drawn scene of two kids that look like they’re creating a web page together with a computer and a tablet with a couple of books and miscellaneous items on the ground also, and the type says “We are a creative and digital studio based in Manchester” and underneath that is also says a little smaller “Some people even consider us to be DIGITAL SUPERHEROES” Which works well with the design because one of the kids in the illustration is dressed like a superhero. The next picture that appears is another illustration of two kids doing the same thing but in a more casual way and the text reads, “Most people know us for making nice websites in Manchester” and under that in smaller text is says “for clients all over the world” and this page is set up exactly like the last one. The third page is another illustration that has two guys, one of them is packing boxes, and the other one has a shopping basket behind him and he is on a tablet making online purchases. The test on this page says, “Do you want to sell products online via your website” and bellow that it says, “Safely, professionally and aesthetically pleasing” and this is also set up that the first two pages. The last page is the same type of illustration with two people. One of them is taking pictures and the other is making and printing graphics on the computer and the text on this page reads, “Trained in graphic design, illustration and photography” and under that, “We aren’t just a website design studio in Manchester”. The designers intent was to tie all the pages together by keeping the same type of illustrations in them even though they all depict a different element of the company. I think they did a very good job with the way they set all of them up because is gave the site a relaxed vibe that was easy to look at and also fun. It had a possative impact on me because it is a designers site it shouldn’t have a simple concept to it like a lot of other websites because the people who are looking at it are looking to hire some one for design so it is good that they have a very well designed site. The unity in the design of this site made the audience feel good because each illustration depicts exactly what is says above them so it makes it easy for people to understand what is going on. EFFECTIVENESS The use of unity in this design works very well because each page is set up the same with the same kind of illustration with an informational sentence or two above it. The design also has a tool bar on the top that doesn’t change with the illustrations and it says SHAPE. On the left side of the tool bar which brings the design together. Also in all the illustrations it has something hanging from the top of the page that represents a part of what the illustration is about. TARGET AUDIENCE
The primary audience of this website is companies or personal businesses looking for a photographer, graphic designer, or web designer.
Color Analysis
Color has the power to override value. Color defines the intent of a design, the feeling, and the structure. Warm colors can make the viewer feel a range of emotions from warm and fuzzy to tense to angry. Cool colors leave us feeling relaxed and calm. Viewers respond to color in part based on cultural and social influences, but color is very subjective and based on personal preference.
COLOR is being used in the design in the following way(s):
Creates a mood or feeling
___Creates visual tension and movement
___Provides structure and forms a grid in a design
___Provides a sense of order
Provides unity and balance
Creates harmony
ANALYSIS Color on this webpage is being used in a few different ways. One of them is to create a mood. The color creates a mood by using different shades of green and yellow mixed so it gives the design that nature and organic look that they were going for. It also provides unity and balance because the page is set up with an even amount of graphics and the color changes through the design in an even way making the yellows and greens balance each other out. I also believe that it creates a certain type of harmony because the image of the water falls in the middle of the design sets the mood for you and works very well with the color scheme of the design. They utilized color to give the overall ad a organic feeling so that it would coincide with the product being sold which is a green tea. The designers intent was to make the design feel the same as the drink by using certain colors to complement it. The color had a positive impact on the audience because the audience who is buying this product isn’t looking for a warm colored design or a cold colored design they want something that appeals to them, and by using the greens and yellows it made them feel like this was designed for them specifically. EFFECTIVENESS I feel that the color in this design works very well with the product being advertised because like I said above the greens and yellows set the mood for the ad as a organic or natural product which it is. Also the color really complements the picture in the middle of the forest and waterfall.
TARGET AUDIENCEThe primary audience of this website is people who drink green tea and have organic or natural food diets. Also athletes and earthy-crunchy people.
Value Analysis: Value is lightness or darkness of an object. Value exerts as a powerful influence on a design, creating mood, depth, and contrast. SERVICE/PRODUCT McDonalds •
VALUE is being used in the design in the following way(s)
X Creates a mood or feeling X Creates contrast X Creates movement and direction
ANALYSIS In this McDonalds advertisement that I chose it has a black and white picture of a little girl running away with a happy meal in her hand dressed as a ballerina. On the bottom the page the ad goes back to color and it had a box with text in it that has a inspirational mini story about the little girl being told by her mother, and underneath that is a picture of a happy meal and a salad on normal plates. This advertisement uses value in many different ways; one of those ways is to create a mood. By having the black and white on top is makes it almost look like a memory that someone is trying to capture with the little girl running it gives it a mood of happiness and enjoyment. This ad also creates contrast by having two thirds of the ad being in black and white and the other third in color. And lastly the advertisement uses value to create movement with the little girl running and the foreground of her is blurry is actually makes the girl look that she’s moving. The designer’s intent was to create an almost picturesque mood by using that photo and explaining what’s going on under it. The use of value had a positive impact because it makes McDonalds feel more family oriented and less gross by having a little girl dressed as a ballerina you tend to look past the food and more at the message. This advertisement made the audience feel good because the people who would be looking through this magazine would be women and they might think it is cute or if somebody has a daughter it might bring back memories of when they were a kid. It also might make them want to go out and buy McDonalds because of the message behind the advertisement. EFFECTIVENESS I think they used value very well in this design because they used the three most common uses of value and put them all together too almost create a story on a one page advertisement. And they also used a very good picture in the design that depicts value very well. TARGET AUDIENCEThe primary audience for this advertisement would be mothers with kids since it’s in a family fun magazine geared more towards women who have children. Also women who have daughters that are grown up, because it might bring back memories of when they were that age.