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The JUC Crier The Newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church

14350 W. 32nd Avenue • Golden, Colorado 80401 • 303-279-5282 • Fax: 303-279-2535

January 6, 2014 • office@jeffersonunitarian.org • www.jeffersonunitarian.org • Volume 2014 Issue 1 Sunday, January 12 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

We Are Better Together! presented by Kierstin Homblette, Beloved Community Coordinator

From our Unitarian Universalist congregations’ growing collaboration on the Front Range to JUC’s ministries working together with community organizations, there is much to feel hopeful about when our justice work is done in partnership. Come worship together as we explore the theological and spiritual foundations for working together towards our vision of the beloved community! Kierstin Homblette is the Beloved Community Coordinator for the Unitarian Universalist Congregations of Colorado and JUC is a partner in this emergent community justice ministry. Music: Adam Revell, piano; Worship Band. Worship Associate: Julie Excell.

Sunday, January 19 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

Living the Dream presented by Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister

As we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., we look at the enduring lessons of his life. What might we need to pay attention to in order to live his dream and make it ours? Music: Adam Revell, piano. Worship Associate: Bev Curtiss. ☛ Looking ahead to… Sunday, Jan. 26: Presented by Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister. Music: Rev. Keith Arnold, piano. Worship Associate: Dindy Fuller.

JUC Evergreen Campus

1 Visitors' Circle • 2nd & 4th Sundays

Sunday, Jan. 19 • 4 p.m.

5 minutes after each service (Meet @ the Welcome Table)

Finding the Artist Within

For newcomers: an informal discussion to answer your questions about Unitarian Universalism and JUC. Next session: Jan. 12.

presented by Julie Excell

We may not all be painters or dancers, but we all feel the need to express, in some way, our unique vision of what it means to be alive and human in this moment on this planet, and to create something meaningful and lasting with our lives. In a month where our theme is being open to focus, come and explore what might be the focus of the artist within you, and hear what some fellow congregants have to say about their spiritual journey as artists.

1 Path to Membership Saturday, Feb. 22 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (chapel) Led by Membership Coordinator Annie Hedberg, this class is designed to familiarize those considering joining JUC with some of our staff, our diverse programs and activities, UU history and the responsibilities and benefits of membership. Sessions include child care and a light lunch. You may RSVP at the Sign Up Site or call the JUC office (303-279-5282). Please call Annie @ 303-279-7451 for more information on the joining process.

Worship services held on first and third Sundays at 4 p.m. ★ New Location! 28628 Buffalo Park Rd. ★ (The church up the hill from the Evergreen library)


Mountain UUs who wish to be informed about news regarding our Evergreen campus, please contact Sue Parilla, Director of Congregational Engagement (sueparilla@jeffersonunitarian.org).

Chili Cook-Off Wednesday, Jan. 8 • 6 p.m.

S ue ' s N ews

Sue Parilla, Director of Congregational Engagement (303-279-5282 x24; sueparilla@jeffersonunitarian.org)

Sponsored by the Belonging and Connection Group. Coordinated by the Guud Fuud cook team.

Are You Open to New Friendships?

We are not all truly open to new friendships at all times in our lives. Sometimes it is all we can do to just get through our current work, family and friend obligations. We want to be friendly, but really can’t add more people into our lives right now. However, some of us are in search of friends: people with whom we can spend some time and have a true connection. If you do see space in your life for a new friend or two, three or four, and have an authentic willingness to develop friendships, give this a try. Small talk in the south commons at church is only going to get you so far. Don’t just wish you had people to be with. Are you ready to accept a new friend into your life? Do it. Say I’m open by completing a brief on-line form at this link: http://tinyurl.com/JUC-ImOpen You will be more likely to find JUC a fulfilling community if you have authentic friendships within the congregation. Our strong, personal connections with each other foster a vibrant spiritual community within JUC.

Dinner will be charged on a sliding cook’s scale: No charge for Cook-Off contestants; $3/sous chefs (salad, dessert, bread); $7/non-cooks. ($1 more if you don’t sign up in advance!) Cooks should bring enough food to serve at least 12 people. Chili will be judged by a panel of esteemed JUC chefs. Prizes will be awarded to the top three entries!

Welcoming 101: Opening Your Heart, Overcoming Shyness Wed., Jan. 8 • 7 p.m. • chapel

If you would like to overcome your shyness with strangers and improve your communication skills, make others feel more welcome at JUC, and help support our mission to nurture our community and grow Unitarian Universalism, this is the class for you! Presented by Annie Hedberg, Membership Coordinator.

Year Round Pledge: You Can Help Us in the JUC Office!

As you (hopefully) know, we are using a Year Round Pledge system at JUC. Each household has a month in which you are asked to make your pledge, and your pledge is then in effect for the following twelve months. For example, a September pledger has a current pledge that started on September 1, 2013, and continues through August 31, 2014. Here’s how you can help: when you make a pledge payment, please write your pledge month in the memo of the check. If you don’t know what your pledge month is, please call or email me (303-279-5282; carolwilsey@jeffersonunitarian.org). I am always happy to discuss your pledge with you. If you are not currently pledging and would like to, visit jeffersonunitarian.org and click Make a Pledge on the left sidebar. Thank you! ~Carol Wilsey, Business Administrator

Popcorn Theology: Persepolis Saturday, Jan. 18 • 6 p.m. • R6/7

The 20s & 30s Group hosts Popcorn Theology, a curriculum from the UUA that’s designed for exploring issues of theology and ethics for Unitarian Universalists -- but using R-rated movies! A guided discussion based on the movie will follow. The evening will start with a potluck, and all young adults are invited. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, please contact Brittany Flood (brittanyflood@aim.com).

Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice

Just Journey to Haiti • March 15-23, 2014 Join a team from First Universalist Church of Denver for a Just Journey to Haiti sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) through the UU College of Social Justice. We will partner with Papaye Peasant Movement (MPP) to build Eco-Villages for those displaced in the 2010 earthquake. Total cost of the trip is estimated at $1,900, and scholarships and fundraising opportunities are available. Visit http://uucsj.org/journeys/haiti/ for more information. Contact Dan Moen (dmoe54@gmail. com; 303-489-9436) if you are interested in participating. 2

Family Ministry Ashley Johnson, Director of Religious Education (ashleyjohnson@jeffersonunitarian.org; 303-279-5282, x18)

Music for Children and Youth 2014 Musical: The Wisdom of Dr. Seuss Rehearsals Begin Jan. 7 Tuesdays, 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. and selected Sundays, 10:20 to 10:50 a.m. Calling all young JUC singers and actors! It’s time once again to think about participating in the annual Children’s Musical. Open to JUC kids in K– 8th grade. Note that the musical takes place of children’s choirs for the duration of the project and all kids will rehearse together. For more information, contact Sarah Billerbeck, Director of Music for Children & Youth (billerbeck@comcast.net; 720-855-8584).

Family Game Night

Cake Auction

Saturday, Jan. 25 • 5 to 8 p.m. • Mills building

The annual fund raiser for the Front Range Ninth Grade Trip will take place on Sunday, February 9 (the Sunday before Valentine’s Day). Details to come in future newsletters. Look through your favorite recipes and bring cakes, pies, cupcakes, cookies, breads or quiches to church that morning. (I got John Ray’s cheesecake recipe before he moved!) If you have questions, visit the trip web site at uu9gt.org or call Melinda McGann (720-560-6979).

Have fun playing board games with your JUC friends on a chilly winter night. We’ll have pizza, hot chocolate and some healthy (and healthy-ish) munchies. A great way to build our faith community! All ages welcome! Want to help? Volunteer to bring pizzas/snacks; set up; bring games; or clean up by contacting Melissa Monforti (melissa@ fortemusiceducation.com; 303-455-4896). Otherwise, simply join us and be ready for some friendly competition and silliness. Hosted by JUC’s Community of Unitarians Raising Kids (CURK) Group.

✪ SOUPS ✪ (Support of UU Parents)

2nd & 4th Mondays

9 to 11:30 a.m. (chapel) Need a break?! Could you use a break from parenting in a warm, supportive and creative atmosphere? Would you like to build friendships with other UU parents, learn new things and actually start and finish a craft project in one morning? It’s time to nurture yourself with… Support Of Unitarian ParentS (SOUPS)! Monday, Jan. 13: Soup & Recipe Swap. Child care begins at 8:45 a.m. for babies to kindergartners, or older kids willing to be mentors. Contact: Lori Gray (303-945-5873).

Volunteer in the Nursery or Preschool Room!

We’d love to have your help! Contact Ashley Johnson or sign up online (http://tinyurl.com/JUCnursery).

The Ordination of Kierstin Elizabeth Homblette to the Unitarian Universalist ministry Saturday, January 18 • 10 a.m. • Jefferson Unitarian Church Reception to follow. All are welcome! Child care provided (up to age 5). Clergy, religious educators and seminarians are invited to gather at 9:30 a.m. to process. RSVP to kierstinsordination@gmail.com by January 10. Supporting Congregations: Boulder Valley UU Fellowship—Columbine UU Church—First Unitarian Society of Denver—First Universalist Church of Denver—Jefferson Unitarian Church—Prairie UU Church—UU Church of Boulder 3

2-Cons: Conversation & Connoisseurs

Golden Circle Worship & Luncheon

Saturday, Jan. 25 Two Luncheons and Six or Seven Evening Meals!

Join the fun at our intimate adult potluck dinner parties held in different JUCers’ homes. Meet others and share good food and great conversation! About 2-Cons: A few weeks before the dinner you will receive a reminder of the dinner date and a request to confirm that you will attend. Please respond promptly. The host determines the number of people who will attend his/ her dinner. Dinners are pot-luck style. The host supplies the location, table setting, coffee and tea, coordinates what the guests will bring, and provides whatever food contribution they prefer. If, at the last minute you are unable to attend, you are expected to try to deliver the dish you agreed to prepare. If you sign up to attend more than one dinner, we will try to have you with a different group of exciting people each time. It’s always fun to have new hosts, so please volunteer to host a dinner of six or more great folks! Sign up at the Sign Up Site or at our table in the south commons. Contacts: Carol & Bob Drew (303-422-5977); Bette & Charlie Carcano (303-670-1527); Lynn Musgraves & Dave Stephenson (303-918-8638).

Thursday, January 16 10:45 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Social Hour - 12 p.m. Lunch Exclusively for JUC members, friends and their partners who are 70 (or better). Look for your invitation in the mail! RSVP needed by Friday, Jan. 10. Suggested donation: $7. Contact: Sue Parilla (303-279-5282, x24; sueparilla@jeffersonunitarian.org).


Dances of Universal Peace

The JUC QUUILTERS need 25 quilts to hang in the February Quilt Show. This year we would like to do two shows: one in February for bed quilts and one in May for art quilts. If you have a bed quilt (or quilts) that we can borrow for a month, please contact Jean Decker (jeandteach@q.com; 303-2749872) as soon as you’re able, and give her any info you may have about your quilt (who made it, when, where and what is special about it) . We will hang the quilts, carefully and safely, on Saturday, Feb. 1 in the sanctuary and chapel. Any quilt is welcome, especially family quilts! Quilts of any age or condition can be hung and appreciated by the congregation. Please contribute to this annual effort to make our church feel warmer and more ‘homey’ for a month in the winter. Thank you!

Monthly on 2nd Sundays ( Jan. 12 canceled) Next Dance: Sunday, Feb. 9 • 6:30 p.m. • chapel All ages welcome!

Dances of Universal Peace is a simple, meditative practice of singing and dancing sacred songs from all over the world. All are welcome! No dancing or musical experience or skill required. We ask for a donation of $8 to compensate our dance leader, Gayan Gregory Long. Only give what you can.

A Note of Thanks

Barbershop, Broadway & Beyond! Saturday, February 8 • 7 p.m.

Renaissance is a 4-part a capella ensemble performing a diverse repertoire from showtunes to old standards. This special evening will include quartet singing, solos and piano work. $17 Adult/$15 Senior/$12 Student Tickets are available at the JUC office, at westsidelivepresents. org or in the commons area on Sundays.


I was overwhelmed by the loving community that made our chancel a thing of beauty for all the services in December. The help of so many people came together to make it happen: All the choir members who donated lights for the trees; Harri Collins, my right-hand person; Jo Seasholes, Judy Gould, Annie Clark, Keith Arnold and Rob Billerbeck for setting it all up; Eric Pieratt’s heroic efforts; and Harri Collins, Karen Bryant and Mary Anne Schiff for taking on poinsettia watering duty. Finally, I would like to thank all who donated money in honor of a beloved friend or family member this year. It is a wonderful way to honor them and made all of this a true celebration of the season. If you would like to help with the chancel in the new year, please contact me. ~Sandy Early (earlyclay@comcast.net)

For general information on SRC Task Forces and their goals, visit jeffersonunitarian.org/src. A Just Neighboring Experience

by Jim Matera I feel fortunate to have had one of the initial connections I was thirty years old, but then shared with them two other with our neighboring partner, Edgewater Collective. When entrepreneurial experiences I had when I was much younger— Joel Newton, director of Edgewater Collective, presented one when I was actually in high school. I did this because one of an Explorations! forum to share what his organization is those ventures was very successful but the other was not quite doing and address how JUC could be a productive partner, so fruitful and I wanted them to understand a business venture he told us about an exciting new program he had instituted at can have great rewards, but also there are pitfalls. I stressed to Jefferson High School. The program is called The Saint Tank. them that the most important question to ask when deciding to Fashioned after a reality TV show, this program is designed start a business is: Have you identified a compelling need in the to instruct interested students about the possibilities and marketplace? Then, what product or service can successfully logistics of starting a small business. Since I have started satisfy that need? I was pleased that most of the class seemed to several small businesses in my career, I signed up to go to one be engaged and interested in my story. One asked an excellent of the class sessions to share my story with the students in the question at the end which I candidly answered - If I could go program. Joel wasted no time and invited me to make a short back what would I have done differently? presentation the following Thursday. Though my volunteer effort was very minimal, it was one Attending that day were eight students, Joel Newton and way I could actively contribute to our all-church project while Julian Martinez, who facilitates the Jefferson High School 21st perhaps planting some seeds in the students’ minds for later Century Learning Center and is partnering with the Edgewater reference. I would encourage anyone to volunteer with these Collective on this particular program. I told the students amazing students. Check the Edgewater Collective website for that I had started a commercial construction company when opportunities (edgewatercollective.org/volunteer). Want to learn more about volunteer opportunities within Just Neighboring, the All-Church project? Stop by our table in the south commons on Sunday. There are several ways to get involved. If you have questions or ideas, please contact Betty Lynn Ferguson (betlyn@comcast.net) or Jill Armstrong (jarm444@gmail.com). Reading Buddies Program training: Saturday, Jan. 25, 9 to 11 a.m. Edgewater Recreation Room (5845 W. 25th Ave.). Email Joel Newton (joel@edgewatercollective.org) if you are interested in this free training opportunity. . . . Eating Ethically Task Force (EETF) . . .

. . . Peace, Liberty & Justice Task Force (PL&J TF) . . .

Food Connections Book Group

Environmental Group Meeting

The Eating Ethically Task Force would like to start a monthly book group to begin in January or February. Some of our book ideas: Fat Chance; Sugar Shock; GMO Food and Health; Clean Gut; Wheat Belly. Your suggestions and leadership are warmly encouraged and appreciated! Contacts: Carol Kolesnikoff (eatingethically@gmail.com), Gilla Lachnitt (lachnittg@gmail.com).

Sunday, Jan. 12 • 12:30 p.m. • M3/4 Discuss next steps and participate in interest groups including Fossil Fuel Issues and Climate Change, Ecological Awareness, Capitalism/Consumerism, Overpopulation, Food, and Resource Use. Contact Martin Voelker (303-215-1110; mv@ martinvoelker.com) to get connected.

Next Meeting: Monday, Jan. 20

Film Screening: The United States of ALEC

Autoimmune Recovery We will welcome new member Heather Aardema, who will tell her story of how she got off her medications and recovered from an autoimmune disorder in just nine months by changing her diet and lifestyle.

Nourishing Connections Luncheon

Saturday, Jan. 25 • 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. EETF sponsors the Denver Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Local farmers, nutritional resources, an organic lunch, and a keynote speaker. All are welcome at no cost.


Sunday, Jan. 19 • 12:30 p.m. • chapel PL&J’s environmental group will show Bill Moyers’s short documentary about a corporate “bill mill” currently pushing legislation to penalize homeowners with solar PV, weaken clean energy regulations and block EPA initiatives. The film can be viewed online at http://billmoyers.com/episode/encoreunited-states-of-alec/ and you can visit http://goo.gl/jnZveu for more info. Bring your lunch. After the screening we’ll discuss what we can do to counter such efforts in Colorado.

Pastoral Care

How JUCers Care for Each Other

To find out more about JUC’s Lifespan Education and Adult Programs, visit jeffersonunitarian.org and click LEAP under the Programs tab. Sign up for classes at the Sign Up Site or by calling the church office (303-279-5282). Contact: Patti Coe-Withington (303-596-1130), LEAP facilitator.

We Hold in Our Hearts… ❦ Mark Lacey, whose sister, Susan Bennett, died just before Thanksgiving; ❦ Alberta Kalavity, as her daughter-in-law, Dawn Kalavity, is home after being in the hospital for 49 days; ❦ Kim Stevens, as her husband, Jerry Hansen, is recovering from lung surgery at University Hospital.

New/Upcoming LEAP Classes

We Celebrate with…

✻ New Class: Our Humanist Journey • Mondays, Jan. 6 March 10 • 7 p.m. (No mtgs. Jan. 20, Feb. 17) Lisa Bickford (bickfordl@pobox.com; 303-420-0429) By sharing readings, personal stories, discussion and having guest speakers, we will explore the definition of Humanism (secular and religious), the history of Humanism within the Unitarian Universalist Assocation (UUA), and our shared beliefs. The last session will include a discussion of whether to establish a humanist affinity group at JUC.

❦ Ellen Evancheck & Donny Moore, who were married December 29 in Illinois; ❦ Gordon Day, on the publishing of his story called The Stars Over Bethlehem.


✻ Ongoing Group: Buddhist Sangha • 1st & 3rd Sundays • 5 to 6:15 p.m. Doug Anderson (dca-crm@hotmail.com) All are welcome! We are figuring out a way to coordinate child care during this service – essentially sharing a babysitter. If you are interested in helping coordinate child care, please contact Doug and ask him to put you in touch with Tina. We will also have a social potluck following the service. Contact Doug for details.

Paths and Traditions Fair

Saturday, Jan. 18 • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (commons/chapel) CUUPS will sponsor this Traditions Fair, inviting everyone to get acquainted with some of the pagan and polytheistic traditions practiced in the Denver area. Speak with representatives of multiple Pagan and Polytheistic traditions. Get information on different traditions and opportunities for involvement. Broaden your spiritual exploration. Throughout the day, groups will give short presentations on their traditions. Finding Your Path workshop at 1 p.m. presented by Chris and Kelley of Cró Dreoilín. Contact: Mari Cowley (303-420-4139; celticmyst.2007@ yahoo.com).

✻ New Ongoing Group: Spiritual Healing through Energy Work, Sound and Shamanic Meditation One Saturday per Month: Contact Facilitator for details David Burrows (heartflute@yahoo.com; 303-522-6947), Joyce Barrett (joycebarrett@comcast.net) Meditation, centering, chanting, singing and the practice of energy healing, including hands-on healing, with healing practitioners who are interested in being of service through sharing their skills free of charge. Those without experience in energy-based healing are welcome to attend and receive instruction. Healing sessions are offered by request, either inperson or remotely. Professional ethical guidelines are followed in the practice of healing by group members. Small group ministry for those interested in metaphysical, intuitive, spiritual practices, including training in energy-based healing work. Healing Touch, Reiki and similar, compatible forms of hands-on energy healing, i.e., Pranic Healing, Chi Healing are utilized, as well as Shamanic style healing ritual and meditation. Often we will share a meal after the meeting.

Community Event Building Beloved Community January 24-26 in Albuquerque

Join other Unitarian Universalists across the intermountain west in exploring skills to draw out what is best in others and ourselves. Online registration is open through January 12. Visit the Events page at http://mdduua.org/ for program details and information about discounted lodging. Contact: Rev. Deborah Holder, Minister of Beloved Community Formation, Mountain Desert District (303-6253979; dholder@uua.org).


Lifespan Education and Adult Programs Groups on this page meet on a regular basis and welcome new members. Meeting locations are posted in the common areas of both church buildings.

Ongoing Groups Blue Mountain Meditation Group

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. Annie & John Hedberg (303-279-7451) For those practicing Eknath Easwaran’s Eight-Point Program for living a spiritual life in the everyday world. If you wish to join without the introductory course, read Passage Meditation by Easwaran and meditate 30 minutes daily for a month. Buddhist Sangha Service

1 & 3 Sundays, 5 p.m. Doug Anderson (dca-crm@hotmail.com) The Buddha was a highly unorthodox person. His teachings are not sets of dogma but rather propositions for people to investigate and validate for themselves. This meditation service is open to all: no experience necessary. st



2nd & 4th Sundays, 5 p.m. Carol Drew (303-422-5977) Discuss important topics in Spanish. Intermediate level recommended. Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS)

2nd Thursdays, 7 p.m. Mari Cowley (303-420-4139) Dream Study

2nd and 4th Mondays, 9:15 a.m. Marie Schottler (303-278-8035; mschottler@ comcast.net) Based on the writings of Jeremy Taylor, this is a gentle group process in which questions are asked of the dreamer leading to an aha! about his or her own dream. Newcomers welcome; please call before attending. Great Books Discussion Group

2nd & 4th Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Dona Chilcoat (303-989-6945) Based on the idea that by reading from the great books of our civilization and discussing them with others, sharing insights and questions, you can reach a fuller understanding of these works than you could on your own. Jan. 13: On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life (Nietzsche) Jan. 27: The Devil Baby at Hull House (Addams)

Issues in Aging

Science and Spirit

4th Mondays, 7 p.m. Valerie Stone (vestone@gmail.com; 303-6698528) Information and education on issues related to healthy aging and dementia, to include lectures, panels, and discussion. Jan. 27: Preventing Alzheimer’s and Memory Loss

4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. Joe Kraus (swish@nuthingbut.net) Discuss recent discoveries and wonder together. http://jucscienceandspirit.wordpress.com

JUC Knitters

3rd Fridays, 7 p.m. in members' homes Jean Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) All knitters and crocheters are invited to join in making hats and blankets for Denver Health. Memoirs

3rd Sundays, 7 p.m. Len Wheeler (303-467-3342; lenkt@earthlink.net) We’re gentle, we laugh, and we’re serious about commenting on ways to improve our nonfiction writing. No prior experience is needed. Non-Violent Communication

2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7 p.m. Dindy Fuller (720-402-4099) Anyone who has previously taken NVC training is eligible to participate. A great way to practice and improve your skills. Poetry as a Spiritual Practice

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7 p.m. Julie Excell (julieexcell@gmail.com; 541-778-4724) Explore poetry as an art form and a spiritual practice through appreciation of the work of master poets, and through writing and sharing your own poetry. Quuilters' Group

1st Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon Jean Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) Newcomers welcome! Call for mtg. details. Retirees' Brown Bag Lunch

1st Fridays, 11:30 a.m. Contact: Betty Halladay (303-274-9144) Next meeting: Feb. 7. Roving Readers

4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. Mike Foster (303-456-2647) Open to anyone who reads the monthly selection. Books selected by group participants. Jan. 26: I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban (Yousfzai/Lamb)


Story Circle

3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Lev Ropes (303-278-0177; levropes@comcast.net) A gathering to foster the traditional, oral art of storytelling for adults. Tell a well polished story for fun, or a story that you’d like to polish up in front of a most forgiving and friendly audience. Receive help from other tellers, or show up as a listener. All are welcome. Thin Air: A Musical Ensemble

Tuesdays, 1 p.m. Margaret Bakker (303-986-0769) An informal group of folks who wish to keep up their musical skills as well as have fun. We have been playing together for 15 years and our repertoire consists of traditional, folk, instrumental and vocal music. Please call for more details. UU Liberal Christians

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Sara Lohaus (pslohaus@comcast.net; 303432-3149) Connect with Christianity from a fresh, openminded perspective. UU Piecemakers

3rd Fridays, 9:30 a.m. (members' homes) Edna Mae Miller (303-989-4793) Work on personal projects as well as quilts donated to charities selected by the group. VAGUE: Visual Artists Group of Unitarians Extraordinaire!

3rd Fridays, 2 p.m. Emily Townsend (emily.townsend@gmail.com) Work on visual journals and learn some new techniques; bring a blank book and all other materials will be provided. We work in silence after a short demonstration, so please arrive by 2. Drop-ins are welcome, but please e-mail Emily first so we have supplies for everyone. Walking Together

2nd Mondays, 7 p.m. (Crown Hill Park) Tim Brungardt (call JUC office for info) Take a leisurely walk near JUC to learn about fellow JUCers and have friendly conversation without the distractions we encounter during coffee hour, group meetings, shared meals, or while caring for children. All generations and abilities are welcome.

Office Hours

Monday – Friday • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday – Thursday • 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday • 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Ministers’ Office Hours • Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister

Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. • 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• Rev. Keith Arnold, Minister of Music Tuesday–Friday • 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

• Rev. Dana Lightsey, Consulting Assistant Minister

Tuesday–Friday • 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Ministers will generally be available according to the schedule above, but it is always wise to call ahead!

Sunday Morning Announcements

To have an announcement made about your church activity, call the corresponding Worship Associate no later than the prior Friday at noon. • Jan. 12 • Jan. 19 • Jan. 26

Julie Excell @ 541-778-4724 Bev Curtiss @ 303-250-7202 Dindy Fuller @ 720-402-4099

Weekly Attendance Dec. 22 9:15 159 RE: 32 (5 adults) 11 135 RE: 14 (5 adults) Dec. 24 Evergreen 1pm 7 5 Golden 4pm 196 5:30pm 337 8pm 323 10pm 78 Dec. 29 9:15 112 RE: 26 (8 adults) 11 146 RE: 30 (9 adults) Jan. 5 Evergreen

9:15 132 RE: 35 (15 adults) 11 170 RE: 38 (12 adults) 4 36 RE: 3 (4 adults)

The JUC Crier This bi-weekly newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church is delivered electronically to all members and pledging friends. First class mail delivery is available upon request to the church office (303-279-5282; office@ jeffersonunitarian.org). Upon request, visitors may be added to the email list or receive four (4) complimentary issues, after which they may continue receiving the newsletter by notifying the church office. E-mail ronabradley@ jeffersonunitarian.org to submit an article. Editor: Rona Bradley Next deadline: 3 p.m., Wed., Jan. 15 Next publication date: Mon., Jan. 20

Calendar of Activities

(extended calendar available online at jeffersonunitarian.org) Tuesday, Jan. 7 Wed., Jan. 8 Thursday, Jan. 9 Friday, Jan. 10 Sat., Jan. 11 Sunday, Jan. 12 Monday, Jan. 13 Tuesday, Jan. 14 Wed., Jan. 15 Thursday, Jan. 16 Friday, Jan. 17 Sat., Jan. 18

1:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 9:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 9:00am 1:00pm

LEAP: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) Children’s Musical Rehearsal (Priestley rm., sanc.) LNC (R3/4) SRC: Housing & Poverty TF mtg. (R3/4) B&C: Chili Cookoff (so. commons/kit.) Boulder Denver Cluster mtg. (R3/4) Membership Group: Welcoming 101 (chapel) JUC Choir (sanc.) PCG Steering Committee (Mitchell rm.) Board of Trustees mtg. (R6/7) LEAP: CUUPS mtg. (chapel) LEAP: Non-Violent Communication (R3/4) LEAP: Bridge Group (R3/4) Ninth Grade Trip Retreat (chapel/so. commons/kit.) Auction Event: Pilates (R3/4) Auction Event: Sacred Unity Workshop (R3/4)

9:15/11am We Are Better Together! w/Kierstin Homblette 10:20am Children’s Musical Rehearsal (Priestley rm.) 11:30am Evergreen Campus: Un-decorating Party 12:15pm YRP: Tribe lunch and program (chapel) 12:30pm PL&J: Green Group mtg. (M3/4) 12:30pm Golden Bells (Priestley rm.) 5:00pm LEAP: ¡Charla! (M3/4) 5:30pm LNC Open Door Dinner (so./no. commons/kitchen 6:30pm Canceled: Dances of Universal Peace (chapel) 9:00am CURK: SOUPPS mtg. (chapel/R1/2 + R8) 9:15am LEAP: Dream Study (M5) 7:00pm LEAP: Our Humanist Journey (R3/4) 7:00pm Recruitment Team mtg. (M1/2) 7:30pm LEAP: Great Books Discussion Grp. (M3/4) 9:00am Staff Retreat (M1/2) 1:00pm LEAP: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 6:30pm Children’s Musical Rehearsal (Priestley rm., sanc.) 7:00pm Committee on Ministry mtg. (M1/2) 7:00pm LEAP: Men’s Group w/Bishop (Mitchell rm.) 7:00pm SRC: UUSC TF mtg. (M3/4) 7:00pm Worship Group mtg. (R6/7) 3:00pm Newsletter Deadline 6:15pm JUC Ringers (Priestley rm.) 7:30pm JUC Choir (sanc.) 10:30am Golden Circle Chapel (chapel) 11:00am Golden Circle Lunch Social Hour (no. commons) 12:00pm Golden Circle Lunch (so. commons/kit.) 6:00pm EMGT mtg. (R6/7) 7:00pm LEAP: Poetry as a Spiritual Practice (M3/4) 7:00pm SRC Meeting (M1/2) 7:30pm LEAP: Blue Mountain Meditation Group (chapel) 2:00pm LEAP: VAGUE Art Journaling (R6/7) 9:00am CUUPS: Traditions Faire (R6/7, chapel) 9:30am Ordination robing (MGR) 10:00am Ordination of Kierstin Homblette (sanc., comm., kit.) 3:00pm OWL Overnight (Mills bldg.) 6:00pm 20s & 30s: Popcorn Theology (R6/7)

Sunday, Jan. 19 9:15/11am Living the Dream w/Rev. Wendy Williams 8

Exploring Our Monthly Theme

Growing Our Hearts

What Would It Mean to Live a Life Open to Focus?


The Anatomy of Focus The eye focuses by refracting or bending the light that comes into it. Most of this refraction is done by the cornea, the clear protective cover of the eye, and the aqueous humor, the liquid behind the cornea. The curve of the cornea bends the light, and then it bends more because of the change in the refractive index between the air (a refractive index of 1.0) and the aqueous humor (1.33). The flexible crystalline lens behind the cornea does the rest of the refraction. Changes in the shape of the lens allow us to change our focus from things that are far away to things that are close. When we’re looking at something close to us, the lens becomes thicker and more rounded. When we look at something far away, the lens becomes flatter. This process is called accommodation.

contracts to prevent too much light from getting into the eye through the black hole called the pupil. In dim light, the iris opens the pupil to allow more light in.

The ciliary muscle surrounds the lens and is connected to it by ligament fibers called zonules. When the ciliary muscles contract, the lenses become thicker, but there is debate about whether the contraction of the muscles relaxes tension on the zonules, allowing the lens to become rounder, or tightens the tension on the zonules, forcing the lens into its rounded shape.

 What were your main points of focus in 2013? What do you want to focus on in 2014? Will you be focusing closer to home or further away? What muscles, skills, or resources will you need to flex in order to change your focus this way? What will you need to relax?  When we focus our eyes, we’re not conscious of contracting or relaxing our ciliary muscles. We just change what we’re looking at, and our eyes accommodate. Does this offer any insights into how to change the focus in our lives?  Can you carry this analogy further? What factors refract or bend our perceptions of the world? How do we sense light and dark in our lives? How does our brain flip what we perceive? 9

Sources: www.sciencelearn.org.nz and www.nei.nih.gov/healthyeyes/ howwesee.asp

The colored part of our eye, the iris, is a muscle. In bright light, the iris


Light bent by the cornea, aqueous humor, and lens is projected through a jelly called the vitreous humor and onto a sensitive film called the retina. The retina is packed with lightsensitive cells called rods, which pick up differences between light and dark, and cones, which pick up color. The retina changes light messages into electrical signals and sends them through the optic nerves to the brain. The refraction of light projects images onto the retina upside down, but the brain corrects this and starts working immediately to make sense of what our eyes are seeing.

Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all of your energies on a limited set of targets. — Nido Qubein

RESOURCES FOCUSED FUN Attention Games: 101 Fun, Easy Games that Help Kids Learn to Focus by Barbara Sher. Games for kids of different age groups, from infants to teens. Joy of Zentangle: Drawing your way to increased creativity, focus, and well-being by Suzanne McNeill, Sandy Steen Bartholomew, and Marie Browning. Instruction on a form of meditative drawing. Reader’s Digest’s “Look Twice” series on www.rd.com. Pairs of pictures of the same things, looking quite different from different points of view.

FUNCTIONAL FOCUS 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done by Peter Bregman. Includes a chapter called “What Is This Year About?” Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman. The author of Emotional Intelligence looks at research on focus, with tips for implementation. Strength to Love by Martin Luther King, Jr. A collection of essays by the great civil rights leader, tracing his focus on love through the trials of his non-violent opposition to racism. Meditation books for daily focus. Try authors Thich Nhat Hanh, Pema Chodron, Eknath Easwaran, Sharon Salzberg, Victor Davich.

Table Talk THE BIG 5 In 18 Minutes, Peter Bregman suggests that, each year, we should choose five areas of focus for our lives and spend 95% of our time on those five things. Can you identify your five areas of focus for 2014? Share them with others and write them down.

WHAT NOT TO DO Apple founder Steve Jobs said, “Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.” In order to focus on your Big 5, what things might you have to decide not to do? Which things are you doing that do not fit into your Big 5?

CORRECTIVE LENSES At the end of each day this month, share the point in the day when you felt the most focused and the point when you felt the least focused. What helped you feel most focused? Are there tools, rules, people, or skills that would help you focus better — corrective lenses for your life?

Spiritual Practices SHIFTING THE FOCUS Are there ways you could shift the focus of things you’re already doing so they fit better with your Big 5 areas of focus? For example, cooking may not seem to fit. But if your intention is to spend more time with family, could you prepare meals with them? If health is a focus, could you use meal planning and preparation to explore healthier choices? If efficiency is a focus, can you find ways to cook more quickly?

PHOTOGRAPHY AS SPIRITUAL PRACTICE This month, try photography as a spiritual practice. Choose something you want to know or see better. Take pictures of it from different perspectives. Learn how to use some of the effects on your camera (or phone). What can you learn by focusing on a thing in different ways?

A FOCUS A DAY Take a page from Benjamin Franklin’s book. Choose a value or intention at the beginning of each day. At the end of the day, evaluate how well you lived up to your intention. 10

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