JUC Crier 10 20 14

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The JUC Crier The Newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church

14350 W. 32nd Avenue • Golden, Colorado 80401 • 303-279-5282 • Fax: 303-279-2535

Oct. 20, 2014 • office@jeffersonunitarian.org • www.jeffersonunitarian.org • Volume 2014, Issue 18 Sunday, October 26 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

Let It Go presented by Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister

In a month with the theme of renewal, sometimes what it takes to renew is to let things go. What can you let go of so that what is new once again can emerge? Music: JUC Choir; Adam Revell, piano. Worship Associate: Dindy Fuller.

Sunday, November 2 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

Saving Grace: Should It Be Saved?

grace /grās/ noun:

1. The exercise of love, kindness, compassion, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another.

presented by Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister

What is grace and why might we care? Let’s define it anew and wrestle with the possibility of whether this is a word that can be reclaimed. Music: Children’s and Radiance Choirs; Worship Band; Adam Revell, piano. Worship Associate: Sarah Babcock.

2 Explorations! 9:15 a.m. (M3/4) Skype with Guatemala Scholarship Students presented by UUSC TF. Our annual Skype session

with Juan de Dios, the scholarship students in Rabinal and their families provides an opportunity to celebrate with the students at their end-of-year assembly. There will be an opportunity to ask questions as well as hear from the students. ☛ Looking ahead to… Sunday, Nov. 9: True to Gravity and Grace presented by Rev. Wendy Williams. Our tradition proudly honors both science and the transcendence of the direct experience of mystery and wonder. How do we live it? Music: JUC Choir; Adam Revell, piano. Worship Associate: Sandy Early.

Evergreen Campus

Let the Good Times Roll! JUC’s Annual Auction: Saturday, Nov. 8 • 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, Nov. 2 • 4 p.m. New Location! 2981 Bergen Peak Dr.

Feathers, beads and masks! What more do we need to have a blast? An evening of delectable food, great friends, and shopping for a great cause! Fun for the whole family with entertainment and childcare for kids while parents enjoy the auction. Please visit jeffersonunitarian. org/auction or stop by the auction table in the commons on Sundays for ticket information and volunteer opportunities.

Helen of Joy presented by Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister

Long before grace came to be understood in the context of Christianity, a grace was one of the sisters of Splendor, Mirth and Good Cheer. What grace will it take for you to hold onto your mirth and good cheer as we head into a season of holidays and holy days, when many of us are called to do and be many things we manage to avoid the rest of the year? Worship Associate: Kim Hassinger.

You can also contact Debbie Klisis (dklisis@gmail.com) or Darcy Stanton (darcystanton@ hotmail.com) for more info.

Worship services held on first and third Sundays at 4 p.m. 2981 Bergen Peak Dr. (Congregation Beth Evergreen) If you wish to be informed about news regarding our Evergreen campus, please contact Sue Parilla, Director of Congregational Engagement (sueparilla@jeffersonunitarian.org).


TAKE NOTE ~ Rev. Keith Arnold, Minister of Music (303-279-5282 ext. 17; keitharnold@jeffersonunitarian.org)

Music as Religious Education A member of Jefferson Unitarian Church recently told me that at her family’s breakfast table, a five-year old surprised the family by singing - first tentatively, then strongly - today will be a joyful day…. enter, rejoice and come in! The child continued singing #361 from our hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition, for some time, thoroughly owning the joy of the song. This story delighted me, as I remembered a quite different story from a number of years ago, when a group of JUC parents expressed the hope that our kids would have Unitarian Universalist songs that they loved, that could comfort them, and to which they could return over and over. Since that time, through the leadership of our Director of Music for Children and Youth, Sarah Billerbeck, and with the support of Director of Religious Education Ashley Johnson, our UU kids have been learning a repertoire of our songs, such as “Come, Sing a Song with Me; When Our Heart Is in a Holy Place; and There’s a River Flowin’ in My Soul. Unitarian Universalist composer Rev. Jason Shelton puts it like this: What we sing is who we are. Here at JUC, there is a community which lifts up principles of personal dignity, environmental awareness, and respect for one another through song and story, testimony and retelling, inviting those of any age who gather into the unfolding awareness that we are all connected. For all that is our life, we come with praise and thanks!

1 Visitors' Circle • 2nd & 4th Sundays

5 minutes after each service (Meet @ the Welcome Table) For newcomers: an informal discussion to answer your questions about Unitarian Universalism and JUC. Next session: October 26.

1 Path to Membership

Saturday, December 13 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (chapel) Designed to familiarize those considering joining JUC with some of our staff, our diverse programs and activities, UU history and the responsibilities and benefits of membership. Sessions include child care and a light lunch. You may RSVP at the Sign Up Site or call the JUC office (303-279-5282). Please call Annie Hedberg, Membership Coordinator (303-279-7451), for more information on the joining process.

2nd Tuesdays Light Dinner • 6 p.m. (commons) Worship • 6:30 p.m. (chapel) If your small group meets on this night, you’ll be able to attend dinner, the worship service and your group meeting. Worship will be led by one of our ministers; soup and bread will be available for a modest donation. Sign up at the Sign Up Site or online (tinyurl.com/ ToGatherTuesday) to donate a crock pot of soup/stew or bread. Cooks can be reimbursed up to $25 for ingredients if requested.

Communication Transformation Over the past 12 months, there have been two independent projects operating in parallel that address communications practices at Jefferson Unitarian Church. The Communications team, an incubator project under the Strategic Planning Group, has examined the various communications activities in which JUC engages, with the objective of developing ideas on how those activities could be improved. Much of the focus has been on the types of communications tools (media) we use. Some of the specific areas the team looked at included the website, email notices, announcements, and The JUC Crier. At the same time, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) embarked upon a brand identity project to address how Unitarian Universalists are perceived in the world – that is, what someone thinks of when she or he hears

Unitarian Universalism. As noted in the UUA’s brand identity guidelines: The goal of the Unitarian Universalist (UU) brand identity is to create shared strategies to promote Unitarian Universalism. Aspiring to develop a single approach which is usable by many different UUs, the brand identity answers the call for growth and increased visibility which has come from thousands of UUs across the country. Several groups are now working with the UUA to test the insights gleaned from the brand identity process. JUC is excited to serve as a one such beta group. We will be testing ways in which we can incorporate the UUA’s brand identity guidelines into our communications efforts. In the coming weeks and months, you will start to see communications practices at JUC transformed by these two projects. - Gary Feder, Communications Team 2

Family Spotlight Ashley Johnson, Director of Religious Education (ashleyjohnson@jeffersonunitarian.org; 303-279-5282, x18)

Join Us in Developing the Unitarian Universalist Faith in Children and Youth!

Meet the Leaders of Our Early Childhood Education Program

The team supporting the religious education (RE) ministry of children and youth at Jefferson Unitarian Church are committed to fun and faithful collaboration in support of our community’s children from birth through high school. Unitarian Universalism is founded on a set of principles, which are best learned through practice. The more opportunities our children have to practice these values, the more likely they are to share them with us. Currently, 22 individuals are dedicating at least 2.5 hours a week to RE, providing about 2,063 hours this year hosting classes and events that help our children and youth practice our principles. These 22 individuals continue a solid tradition of rich RE programming at JUC, but can’t carry this alone. Help us live our values by giving your time to the next generation of JUC!

Pam Bond, Early Childhood Education Coordinator/RE Steering Committee Member, focuses on our youngest: Nursery, Sprouts (ages 2 and 3), and Adventurers (ages 4 and 5). Pam has taught Sunday school and the Parents As Spiritual Guides class, and works as a medical assistant at a dermatology office in Golden. She has been a member of JUC for about 10 years and her passion is her family – being with aging parents and her sisters and their families. Vickie Weingart has been a member of JUC for about 14 years, and is a Licensed Practical Nurse with five children and 10 grandchildren. She has been the lead in the nursery for nearly 10 years and believes that her work there is a ministry, with goals to have the babies feel safe and loved. She also supervises, trains and coaches preteens, teenagers and volunteers to make the nursery the loving place we want it to be.

Current Volunteer Needs To claim your position, contact Ashley Johnson, Director of Religious Education (ashleyjohnson@jeffersonunitarian. org; 303-279-5282 x18). Nursery Assistant Sprouts Assistant Adventurers Assistant 1st - 3rd grade Teachers (2) 4th-5th grade Teachers (2 ) Our Whole Lives Facilitator 4th/5th Our Whole Lives Facilitator K-1 Youth Ministry Advisers RE Investigative Journalists Keeper of the RE Calendar

Leah Reed teaches JUC’s Sprouts, and is working with Pam Bond to create a curriculum based around being a young UU. Leah started helping with child care at JUC when she was in 8th grade, and after helping Madison Crowder for two years, became the lead teacher in Sprouts two years ago. She took a year off for school but is excited to be back. Leah loves the outdoors and wants to help children learn to connect with their environment.

9:15 & 11 a.m. 9:15 & 11 a.m. 9:15 & 11 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:15 & 11 a.m. TBD TBD 11 a.m. n/a n/a

Barb Bailey teaches our Adventurers. Barb retired from 35 years as a real estate broker about 18 months ago, and is happy to spend her time with the youngsters, encouraging their love for stories, artwork and free play. She believes parents have been doing a marvelous job with the kids, with most already beginning to read and print. Barb is a proud parent and grandparent who enjoys taking trips around the Denver area with her husband, gardening, reading, and visiting with friends and loved ones.

Religious Education Events / Notices First Sunday Children’s Worship Sunday, November 2 2014: Grace Sunday, December 7 2014: Wonder Coming of Age (COA)/Young Religious UUs (YRUU) The 9th Annual Standing on the Side of Love Service was a huge success with an incredible turnout! A number of 8th graders in the Coming of Age class and Young Religious UUs (9th-12th grades) from JUC attended the service at the Capitol with their mentors and other JUC adults.


(Support of UU Parents)


2nd & 4th Mondays • 9 to 11:30 a.m. (chapel) Community, brunch, and an activity or speaker are featured at each meeting. We’ll make simple homemade body care products on Oct. 27. Child care begins at 8:45 a.m. for babies to kindergartners, or older kids willing to be mentors. If you have any questions, please contact Lori Gray (jucsoups@gmail.com; 303-9455873).

Board Blog

JUC Board of Trustees Next meeting: Thursday, Nov. 13, 7 p.m. jeffersonunitarian.org/Board-of-Trustees

Brenda Berg, Trustee 303-765-2905; brberg@hollandhart.com

Who Are JUC’s Moral Owners?

services are available to beneficiaries and consumers. For example, a mental health facility might exist on behalf of the whole community, even though the actual beneficiaries are a much smaller group of individuals. In a church, this gets complicated, since the congregation is both a beneficiary/consumer of the church’s services and an investor in those services. Some policy governance experts say that the church’s mission is the church’s moral owner, and the Board is ultimately accountable to the mission. Others feel that only people can be moral owners. So who are JUC’s moral owners? Should our accountability be primarily to our mission? Or are JUC’s moral owners our members and their children, or maybe potential members and future members, and our legacy? Or is our accountability even broader, such as to the UU principles, or maybe to our neighbors and communities? In addition to helping direct and focus the Board, moral ownership is important because the Board will need feedback from its moral owners. The Board must not confuse vocal individuals or subsets as representing the moral owners as a whole. The Board will need to keep the quieter moral owners in mind as well. Similarly, JUC members must act with the entire moral ownership in mind, not just individual or consumer interests. We are interested in hearing your thoughts about JUC’s moral ownership; please feel free to contact any one of us.

You have likely heard by now that JUC and the Board of Trustees are transitioning to a new governance model called policy governance. Under policy governance, the Board spends most of its time on visioning and goals, rather than the everyday details of church operations. The Board has been studying policy governance and working on the implementation steps. This month, we are focusing on the concept of moral ownership. Moral ownership is a key component of policy governance. The Board must act in the best interests of JUC’s moral owners. In order for the Board to develop ends statements for JUC – i.e., what JUC is trying to achieve – the Board must determine the goals of JUC’s moral owners. Thus the Board is exploring this question: Who are the moral owners of JUC? The Board has held several open forums with members to discuss this question. The owners at JUC are the members, because they are the people who have the right to vote according to our bylaws. But moral ownership can be broader than that, and can include any concepts or people to whom the Board should be accountable, and on whose behalf JUC’s aims are adopted. Moral owners are not the same as the beneficiaries or consumers of an organization. Beneficiaries and consumers use the organization’s services, whereas moral owners invest so

College Care Packages

CURK Halloween Costume Party

Beginning Oct. 26 and continuing through November, the Young Adult Ministry Group will have a table in the commons to collect addresses and donations for care packages for college-age UUs. We gladly accept goodies, gift cards, quarters, or encouraging notes. Drop by to: 1. provide names, addresses of students with JUC connections; 2. donate a healthy treat or fun item (we usually assemble about 40 packages); 3. donate change or money for postage; 4. write a note to a student; or 5. volunteer to assemble the care packages at 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 30.

Sat., Oct. 25 • 5:30 - 9 p.m. Come in costume if the spirits move you… ALL are welcome in costume or not. Halloween Themed Potluck: Spookify your ghoulish treats! Haunted House Spooky (and non-spooky) in the basement 5:30 to 7:30 Halloween games & crafts 5:30 to 7:30 Dance to pop, hip-hop and rock out to Halloween songs! Costume parade 6 to 6:30 All ages Dance Party 6:30 to 7 Spooktacular Dance Party 7:30 to 9 (ages 10 and up!)

Lunch after Church: Sunday, November 2 Thailicious (25th & Sheridan)

On November 2 we will head back to Edgewater for lunch! Sign up on the white board at the Getting Connected table on Sundays for information and to sign up! Good friends and good food add up to great fun. Contact: LeeAnne Dale (303-932-7366).


This is truly an all ages event, so bring the babies and the grandparents. Invite a neighbor or school friend or niece/nephew! See you there…if you dare!

Visit jeffersonunitarian.org/src for general information on SRC Task Forces and their goals. JUST NEIGHBORING

. . . Green Task Force . . .


Clean Energy Frontier Colorado

Are you longing to put your UU principles into practice, but still looking for the right fit? Do you want to share your love of reading with a child? JUC’s Social Responsibility Council has a great opportunity for you through Just Neighboring, our all-church social justice project in the community of Edgewater. The Lumberg Reading Club at Lumberg Elementary (6705 W. 22nd Ave.) is looking for help for their 1st through 3rd graders. You’ll work with one to three students from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. on the day(s) of your choice, Monday through Thursday. We already have 16 JUC folks signed up to help. Please join us. To sign up or for more information, please email Anthony Shoemaker, Community Laison for Lumberg ES (ashoemak@jeffco.k12.co.us).

Thurs., Oct. 30 • 7 p.m. • sanctuary Michael Bowman, a fifth-generation Coloradoan from Wray has spoken nationally and internationally on rural development, local food systems, sustainability and energy. He’ll focus on convincing utilities to make better use of ample renewable energy sources and on the many benefits of industrial hemp which he farms in Yuma County. Co-sponsored by the Green Task Force and Colorado Renewable Energy Society. Contact: Martin Voelker (mv@martinvoelker.com; 303-215-1110).

Green Task Force Organizational Meeting Sun., Oct. 26 • 12:30 p.m. • M3/4 This meeting was rescheduled from Oct. 19 due to the Congregational Meeting. All are welcome.

Homeless Breakfast Just Neighboring is partnering with Sloan’s Lake Community Church (2796 Utica St.) on their homeless breakfast. We are looking for two people from JUC to help prepare and serve each Sunday morning when 5060 people are fed a hot breakfast. Food prep begins at 7 a.m.; breakfast is served at 9 a.m. Sign up at the Just Neighboring table in the commons or at the Sign Up Site. For more information, please contact Jill Armstrong (jarm444@gmail.com).

. . . Housing & Poverty Task Force (H&P TF) . . .

Pumpkin Sales for JUC’s Habitat Home Can you give a few hours this month to work at one of two Pumpkin Patches to raise money for the Habitat for Humanity House JUC will help build in the coming months? Just email Phyllis Bunting (phyllis.co@hotmail. com) with the date, time (10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 2 to 6 p.m.), and location (68th & Carr in Arvada or Alameda & Garrison in Lakewood). You may also sign up in the commons on Sunday. Your time will make a big difference in the life of a deserving family.

. . Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Task Force . .

The Guatemalan Fiesta on October 5 was a great success! Over 130 people came, shopped, ate, drank, and listened to the lively music of Thin Air, directed by Margaret Bakker. We raised around $1,200 for the scholarship program and $1,485 for the sewing project. This event was successful because of a huge amount of help from JUCers. The UUSC task force would like to thank the kitchen team, food runners, table staffers, sign makers, table schleppers, musicians, coffee salespeople, canopy and umbrella putter-uppers and take-downers, sewing project team, baby sitters, church staff, ¡Charla!, and the Eating Ethically Task Force with their real cricket flour(!) cookies. Thanks also for the support of the other SRC task forces. Last, but not least, thanks to fifth grader Vivianne Kaltenbach, who helped with many things, saying, I love to help! Looks like she wasn’t the only one. Thanks for helping us support our students in Guatemala and the women of Pacux in building better lives.

To All Who Helped with Family Promise


I want to shout out a big thank you to all of the wonderful people that helped with our recent Family Promise host week. The week was a big success: We provided shelter, meals, and transportation for 11 guests, including 6 adults and 5 children (one of which was an adorable 4 month old). We got wonderful reviews from our guests – most often cited was that the volunteers were nice and friendly and helpful. Kudos to everyone! - Pat Nickel

Welcome Our Newest Members!

Pastoral Care

2 Adrienne Carr lives in Golden and enjoys yoga, walking, baking and writing.

How JUCers Care for Each Other

2 James Hamp resides in Thornton and loves chess and chocolate, ancient mysteries, and communication.

We Hold in Our Hearts… ❦ Bill Mangham, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer;

Getting to Know Pastoral Care at JUC Thurs., Oct. 30 • 7 p.m. Do you want to know more about how the Pastoral Care program supports our JUC community? Is this a way you might want to become involved at JUC? Members of our Pastoral Care Group will present information about how we help JUC members and friends care for each other. For additional information, contact Deda Nelson (deda. nelson@gmail.com).

❦ Bev Eaton, as her brother-in-law, Wade Hampton Eaton II, passed away on October 13 in Michigan; ❦ Marymae Seaman as she will have her right shoulder replaced on Oct. 22; ❦ Cindy Dadiras, whose grandmother, Kate Pulley, passed away October 17; ❦ Lisa Bickford, as she struggles with unemployment; ❦ The family and friends of former member Jerry Bowles, as he died October 17.

We Celebrate with…

Central City Opera: Smooth Operator

❦ Ashley & David Feiertag and their family, as they welcome Theodore Albert Feiertag, born September 6;

Saturday, Nov. 1 • 7 p.m. $17 in advance / $20 day of show

❦ Emily & Bill Marquis on the birth of Scarlet Marquis on Wednesday, October 15.

Featuring staged scenes from operas and musical theatre highlighting infamous schemers, this concert features some of the most beautiful arias and duets ever written, as well as a few funny, jazzy, finger-snapping numbers. Enjoy the richness of an intimate, innovative opera experience! Tickets are available at the JUC office or online (westsidelivepresents.org).

., Find out more about JUC’s Lifespan Education and Adult Programs at http://jeffersonunitarian.org/Adult-Education Sign up for classes at the Sign Up Site or by calling the church office (303-279-5282). Contact: Patti Coe-Withington (303596-1130), LEAP facilitator.

Announcing … My Scrip Wallet Now, Your Smart Phone can be your Wallet!

CPR/AED Training: Sat., Nov. 1 • 9 to 11 a.m.

Just think: No more plastic cards! Now you can use your phone to support JUC while you shop and dine! Here’s how:

CPR and AED training from the National Safety Council (NSC®). This course prepares the layperson to respond to choking, breathing and cardiac emergencies, and how to use an automated external defibrillation (AED) unit in conjunction with CPR. Materials: $20. Learn how to:

Step 1: See Pat Emery or Lauren Wilder at the scrip table in the commons on Sunday. They will help you set up your Shop with Scrip and Presto Pay accounts. Step 2: Go to myscripwallet.com on your mobile device’s browser. Log in using your Shop with Scrip username and password to purchase scrip. Step 3: Let the cashier scan the bar code from your phone when you shop!

• Take action in an emergency • Assess the victim Use an AED • Provide basic life support: airway mgmt., breathing and circulation Facilitator Rick Granquist (rdg.123@q.com) has taught CPR for over 10 years.

A Musical Family Christmas with the JUC Family Band The Family Band is a five-decade Christmas tradition at JUC for instrumentalists of all ages. For the last handful of years, we’ve performed Christmas music at the 4 p.m. service on Christmas Eve. But this year we have bigger plans! Join the Family Band and you will be a featured player at the special Christmas Party & Concert on Sat., Dec. 20 at 1:30 p.m. We’ll have five rehearsals, then perform an interactive Christmas concert. So bring your instruments to church! Family Band will rehearse Sundays, Nov. 16, 23, 30, Dec. 7 and 14 at 12:15 p.m. in the Priestley room. Players must commit to at least 3 of the practices, including the Dec. 14 dress rehearsal, to be able to play in the concert. Contact: Erika Sueker (720-849-3708; ESueker@gmail.com). 6

Ongoing Affinity Groups Groups on this page meet on a regular basis and welcome new members. Meeting locations are posted in the common areas of both church buildings. Blue Mountain Meditation Group: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7:30

Roving Readers: 4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. • Mike Foster (303-456-

p.m. • Annie & John Hedberg (303-279-7451) For those practicing Eknath Easwaran’s Eight-Point Program for living a spiritual life in the everyday world. If you wish to join without the introductory course, read Passage Meditation by Easwaran and meditate 30 minutes daily for a month.

2647) Open to anyone who reads the monthly selection. Books selected by group participants. Oct. 26: Vladimir Putin: past and present actions on the world stage Nov. 23: Spoon River Anthology (Masters)

Buddhist Sangha: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5 p.m. • Doug Anderson

nuthingbut.net) Discuss recent discoveries and wonder together. More info at http://jucscienceandspirit.wordpress.com

Science and Spirit: 4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. • Joe Kraus (swish@

(dca-crm@hotmail.com; 720-474-6723) The Buddha was a highly unorthodox person. His teachings are not sets of dogma but rather propositions for people to investigate and validate for themselves. No experience necessary. Child care provided.

Slow Soup Group: 4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. • Gilla Lachnitt (303-

Charla! 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5 p.m. • Carol Drew (303-422-5977)

216-9674; lachnittg@gmail.com), Carol Kolesnikoff (303-588-9198; eatingethically@gmail.com) We’ll prepare soups together to take home and to donate. Ingredients provided; cost is $10/person.

Discuss important topics in Spanish. Intermediate level recommended.

Spiritual Healing through Energy Work and Shamanic Meditation: 2nd Saturdays, 10 a.m. (6620 Quitman Ct., Arvada)

Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS) • Mari Cowley (303-420-4139)

Joyce Thiessen-Barrett (joycebarrett@comcast.net) Weaving together practices from shamanism, energy healing, and music healing to create sacred space, offer prayers, and send/receive healing energy. RSVP requested.

Dream Study: 2nd and 4th Mondays, 9:15 a.m. • Marie Schottler

(303-278-8035; mschottler@comcast.net) Based on the writings of Jeremy Taylor, in this gentle group process questions are asked of the dreamer leading to an aha! about his or her own dream. Please call before attending.

Story Circle: 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. • Lev Ropes (303-278-0177;

levropes@comcast.net) A gathering to foster the traditional art of storytelling for adults. Tell a polished story for fun, or a story that you’d like to polish up in front of a forgiving and friendly audience. Receive help from other tellers, or come to listen. All are welcome.

Great Books Discussion Group: 2 & 4 Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Dona Chilcoat (303-989-6945) Based on the idea that by reading from the great books of our civilization and discussing them with others, sharing insights and questions, you can reach a fuller understanding of these works than you could on your own. Oct. 27: The Illiad, Book 4-9 (Homer, trans. Fagles) nd


Thin Air: Tuesdays, 1 p.m. • Margaret Bakker (303-986-0769)

An informal group of folks who wish to keep up their musical skills as well as have fun. Repertoire consists of traditional, folk, instrumental and vocal music. Please call for more details.

Issues in Aging: 4th Mondays, 7 p.m. • Valerie Stone (vestone@

Understanding the Heart of Buddhism: 2nd & 4th Thursdays,

gmail.com; 303-669-8528) Information and education on issues related to healthy aging and dementia, to include lectures, panels, and discussion.

7 p.m. • Doug Anderson (dca-crm@hotmail.com; 720-474-6723) Meditation and discussion presented online by Rodney Smith, author of Lessons from the Dying, Stepping Out of Self-Deception and Awakening; founder of the Seattle Insight Meditation Society.

JUC Knitters: 3rd Fridays, 7 p.m. in members' homes • Jean

Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) All knitters and crocheters are invited to join in making hats and blankets for Denver Health.

UU Liberal Christians: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7 p.m. • Sara Lohaus

(pslohaus@comcast.net; 303-432-3149) Connect with Christianity from a fresh, open-minded perspective. Oct. 21: Exploring Our Christian Baggage. How do your past experiences with Christianity, positive and/or negative, inform your present thinking?

Memoirs: 3 Sundays, 7 p.m. • Len Wheeler (303-467-3342; lenkt@ rd

earthlink.net) We’re gentle, we laugh, and we’re serious about commenting on ways to improve our non-fiction writing. No prior experience is needed.

UU Piecemakers: 3rd Fridays, 9:30 a.m. in members' homes

Edna Mae Miller (303-989-4793) Work on personal projects as well as quilts donated to charities selected by the group.

Non-Violent Communication: 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7 p.m.

Dindy Fuller (720-402-4099) Anyone who has previously taken NVC training is eligible to participate. A great way to practice and improve your skills.

VAGUE: Visual Artists Group of Unitarians Extraordinaire!

com; 720-273-7511) Discuss literature exploring the origins of our religious traditions.

3rd Fridays, 2 p.m. • Emily Townsend (emily.townsend@gmail.com) Work on visual journals and learn some new techniques; bring a blank book and all other materials will be provided. Please RSVP to Emily so we have supplies for everyone.

Poetry Group: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7 p.m. • Julie Excell (julieexcell@

Walking Together: 2nd Mondays, 7 p.m. (Crown Hill Park) • Tim

Origins: 1st Wednesdays, 1 p.m. • Lisa Rountree (lisa.rtree@gmail.

Brungardt (call JUC office for info) Take a leisurely walk near JUC to learn about fellow JUCers and have friendly conversation without the distractions we encounter during coffee hour. All generations and abilities are welcome.

gmail.com; 541-778-4724) Explore poetry as an art form and a spiritual practice through appreciation of the work of master poets, and through writing and sharing your own poetry. Quuilters' Group: 1st Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon • Jean Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) Call for meeting details.

WomenSpirit: 2nd Fridays, 7 p.m. • Kalin Baker (Kalin@

Retirees' Brown Bag Lunch: 1st Fridays, 11:30 a.m. • Betty

Halladay (303-274-9144) Next meeting: Nov. 7. 7

KalinArtAndSpirit.com; 720-253-6561) A lively community of women 18+ who playfully reflect and share interactive programs based on participants’ interests.

Calendar Highlights

Office Hours Monday – Friday • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday – Thursday • 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday • 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

• Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

• Rev. Keith Arnold, Minister of Music Tuesday–Friday • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

• Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister Tuesday–Friday • 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

• Ashley Johnson, Director of Religious Education Monday–Thursday • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Staff will generally be available according to the schedule above, but it is always wise to call ahead!

Sunday Morning Announcements To have an announcement made about your church activity, call the Worship Associate no later than Friday at noon. • Oct. 26 Dindy Fuller @ 720-402-4099 • Nov. 2 Sarah Babcock @ 303-325-3543 • Nov. 9 Sandy Early @ 303-653-2066

Weekly Attendance Oct. 12 9:15 155 RE: 42 (11 adults) 11 186 RE: 82 (14 adults) Oct. 19 9:15 156 RE: 37 (9 adults) 11 209 RE: 84 (21 adults) Evergreen 4p 42 RE: 4 (4 adults)

The JUC Crier This newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church is delivered electronically to all members and pledging friends. First class mail delivery is available upon request to the church office (303-279-5282; office@ jeffersonunitarian.org). Upon request, visitors may be added to the email list or receive four (4) complimentary issues, after which they may continue receiving the newsletter by notifying the church office. E-mail ronabradley@jeffersonunitarian.org to submit an article.

Editor: Rona Bradley Next deadline: 3 p.m., Mon., Oct. 27 Next publication date: Mon., Nov. 3

(full calendar available online at jeffersonunitarian.org) Tuesday, Oct. 21 Wed., Oct. 22 Thurs., Oct. 23 Friday, Oct. 24 Sat., Oct. 25

1:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 6:30pm 5:30pm

MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) LEAP Group mtg. (M1/2) MMG: Children’s/Radiance Choirs (sanc.) LEAP: Story Circle (R6/7) Auction planning mtg. (chapel) India Learning Circle (R3/4) LEAP: UU Liberal Christians mtg. (M3/4) LEAP: Non-Violent Communication (Mitchell rm.) JUC Ringers (Priestley rm.) Small Group - Swahnberg (M1/2) JUC Choir (sanc.) LEAP: Understanding the Heart of Buddhism (chapel) BOT: OctoBoardFest (comm.) CURK: Halloween Party (chapel, sanc., kit, comm., bsmt)

Sunday, Oct. 26 Monday, Oct. 27 Tuesday, Oct. 28 Wed., Oct. 29 Thurs., Oct. 30 Friday, Oct. 31 Sat., Nov. 1

9:15/11am: - Let It Go w/Eric Banner 9:15am LEAP: How to talk so kids will listen (R6) 12:30pm EETF: Slow Soup Group (kit.) 12:30pm LEAP: The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life (R6/7) 12:30pm Small Group - Excell (Priestley rm.) 12:30pm Green TF: Monthly mtg. (M1/2) 12:30pm LEAP: Roving Readers (R3/4) 12:30pm LEAP: Science and Spirit (M3/4) 9:00am CURK: SOUPS (chapel, R1/2, R8) 9:15am LEAP: Dream Study (M1/2) 3:00pm Newsletter Deadline 6:00pm MMG: Golden Bells rehearsal (Priestley rm.) 6:30pm LEAP: Great Books Discussion Group (M3/4) 1:00pm MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 2:00pm Small Group - Rountree (M1/2) 6:00pm MMG: Children’s/Radiance Choirs (sanc.) 6:30pm Evensong (chapel) 7:00pm Small Group - Anderson (R6/7) 7:00pm Small Group - Higgins (R3/4) 7:00pm Small Group - Granquist (Mitchell) 6:15pm JUC Ringers (Priestley rm.) 7:30pm JUC Choir (sanc.) 7:00pm Green TF: The Big Picture (sanc., comm., kit.) 7:00pm Pastoral Care Group orientation (chapel) 4:00pm LEAP: CUUPS Samhain (so. comm.) 9:00am Quuilters Group (so. commons) 9:00am LEAP: CPR/AED class (chapel) 10:30am Green TF: Citizens Climate Lobby (M3/4) 7:00pm West Side Live! Concert (sanc., comm., kit.)

Sunday, Nov. 2

9:15/11am: Saving Grace: Should It Be Saved? w/Wendy Williams 9:15am Explorations! Guatemala Scholarship Skype (M3/4) 9:15am LEAP: How to talk so kids will listen (R6) 10:15am MMG: Teen Vocal Ensemble (Priestley rm.) 12:30pm LEAP: The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life (R6/7) 1:00pm LEAP: CUUPS Children’s Samhain circle (chapel) 4:00pm Evergreen Campus: Helen of Joy w/Eric Banner 5:00pm New Member Potluck (comm., kit.) 5:00pm LEAP: ¡Charla! (M3/4) 5:00pm LEAP: Buddhist Sangha Service (chapel) 6:00pm India Learning Circle (R3/4) 8

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