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The JUC Crier The Newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church

14350 W. 32nd Avenue • Golden, Colorado 80401 • 303-279-5282 • Fax: 303-279-2535

August 11, 2014 • office@jeffersonunitarian.org • www.jeffersonunitarian.org • Volume 2014 Issue 14 Sunday, August 17 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

Why Church? presented by Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister

In this auction-purchased sermon, we lay to rest the inference that in Unitarian Universalism there is no there there, borrowing from Gertrude Stein’s words. More than a club of do-gooders or a social service organization, we stand not as an alternative from religion, but as a religious alternative to those based on shared beliefs. Music: Melissa Monforti, Sarah Billerbeck. Worship Associate: Gail Abbott.

Sunday, August 24 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

Unprecedented Opportunity—Again presented by Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister

In the middle of the last century, Unitarian minister Paul Carnes opined that religious liberalism was confronted with an unprecedented opportunity, and the attitudes it cherishes are needed as seldom before. He charged that we are called to play a high role in humanity’s quest for meaning. Does our church have a role to play in the world? Music: Justin Roth, singer/songwriter; Adam Revell, piano. ☛ Looking ahead to… Sunday, August 31: Every Day I’m Pastoring presented by Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister. In every church of every size people are called upon to care for each other. In the West that has traditionally been called pastoral care, and far from being the work of only the pastors, it is the shared work of all who are part of our church family. But what does it take to say today I’m pastoring, every day? Music: Adam Revell, piano. Worship Associate: Anne Starace.

JUC Evergreen Campus One Love. One Church. One Journey. Sunday, August 17 • 4 p.m.

Celebration Weekend: Saturday and Sunday, September 13 & 14

Every Day I’m Pastoring presented by Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister

Annual Church Picnic • Saturday, Sept. 13 Golden Campus

In every church of every size people are called upon to care for each other. In the West that has traditionally been called pastoral care, and far from being the work of only the pastors, it is the shared work of all who are part of our church family. But what does it take to say today I’m pastoring, every day?

4:30 p.m. Worshipful Beginning with Ministers 5 p.m. Food and Fellowship

Worship services held on first and third Sundays at 4 p.m. 28628 Buffalo Park Rd. (The church up the hill from the Evergreen library) If you wish to be informed about news regarding our Evergreen campus, please contact Sue Parilla, Director of Congregational Engagement (sueparilla@jeffersonunitarian.org).


Sign up to attend online (tinyurl.com/ JUCPicnic) or at the Sign Up Site. Our grill team will cook up burgers and sausage to complement the wonderful homemade dishes everyone will bring. Watch for more information to come, or check out the evolving picnic details online (http://www. jeffersonunitarian.org/AllChurchPicnic).

1 Visitors' Circle • 2nd & 4th Sundays

5 minutes after each service (Meet @ the Welcome Table) For newcomers: an informal discussion to answer your questions about Unitarian Universalism and JUC. Next session: August 24.

1 Path to Membership

Dances of Universal Peace

Saturday, September 20 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (chapel)

2nd Tuesdays • 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (patio) All Are Welcome! Next Session: August 12 Dances of Universal Peace is a simple, meditative practice of singing and dancing sacred songs from all over the world. No dancing or musical experience or skill required. Suggested donation: $8. Only give what you can. Led by Gayan Gregory Long.

Led by Membership Coordinator Annie Hedberg, this class is designed to familiarize those considering joining JUC with some of our staff, our diverse programs and activities, UU history and the responsibilities and benefits of membership. Sessions include child care and a light lunch. You may RSVP at the Sign Up Site or call the JUC office (303-2795282). Please call Annie @ 303-279-7451 for more information on the joining process.

Drum Circle: Tuesday, Aug. 12 • 6 p.m. (patio) Do you love to drum? Bring your drum or just yourself to the Drum Circle before the dance. Extra drums will be available. Master drummer and teacher, Gayan Gregory Long, will teach drumming patterns from all over the world.

Have You Ordered a Sermon Video? You can expect to see your order in the basket on the usher cabinet (just inside the main sanctuary doors) two weeks after the order is placed. Contact: Vince Todd (vincent.todd@coloradowrits.com; 303-980-0922).

c Banner i r E . Rev

e om c l e Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister W (303-279-5282 ext. 28; ericbanner@ jeffersonunitarian.org)

embody in all we do the idea that we are one church, on a shared journey. And to do that most effectively, each of us needs to hold our shared vision while tending to the things we’re best situated to work on. One of the things that kind of shared ministry means is identifying the places where each of us will lead. Here’s where we are right now: Wendy will continue to lead when it comes to worship and work with our congregational leaders and staff. Keith will continue to lead and minister through our music program. And I’ll be taking on leadership in pastoral care, social justice, young adults and adult programming/faith formation. Although this is different from how things have been done in the past, what isn’t different is that we’ll be working together with all of our staff and all of you. There’s still a lot to be worked out, and this will undoubtedly be a year of transitions in many ways, but also a year of laying strong foundation stones we can continue building on. I hope you’re looking forward to it as much as I am. In Faith,

I can’t tell you how excited I am to be joining the team at Jefferson Unitarian Church as your assistant minister. I’m so excited about getting to work with all of you, and to work with Wendy as we build on the great work that you have already done and move into a future where our free faith reaches and transforms more people and more lives with every passing year. I had the opportunity to get to know some of you last May as we did the meet and greet, and I look forward to meeting more and more of you in all sorts of settings as the year rolls on. If you want to know more about my history, you can go to www.jeffersonunitarian.org and click on the ministers page. But what I suspect that you’re even more interested in is knowing what is coming. As Wendy and I have spoken and planned over the last few months, we’ve talked about what each of us needs to be the best ministers we can be. Part of the conclusion we’ve come to is that we need to live out in our shared ministry a dual truth. For Jefferson Unitarian to be the best church it can be, we have to 2


Family Spotlight Ashley Johnson, Director of Religious Education (ashleyjohnson@jeffersonunitarian.org; 303-279-5282, x18)

Summer Sundays Join us for fun grounded in UU community. More than babysitting and a bit less than formal lessons, this will be a Summer of Fun! Nursery and sprouts rooms open all summer. For kids entering PreK & K, Adventurers Room reopens August 24. August’s theme is Get Up and Move! PreK-5th: Move in body and or spirit! We’ll get out the parachute, sing crazy songs and make body sculptures.

Nature’s Keepers Startup Meeting Sun., Aug. 24 • 12:30 p.m. (patio) Families of children ages 9-12, Have you been missing out on the outdoors? Join us for an informational gathering regarding the restart of Nature’s Keepers. First camp-out is Sat., Sept. 6! Contact: Paige LeBlanc (paigeleblanc@att.net; 303-432-3974).

Youth Events Offsite adventures. Contact ashleyjohnson@ jeffersonunitarian.org for current events. Feel free to join adult worship on Sunday morning.

Meet Beckett Coppola, JUC’s New Intern Minister! My journey to professional ministry has reached its final stage, and it is a great blessing to know that I will spend the next 10 months in the vibrant JUC community as your Intern Minister. I am looking forward to getting to know you and serving this community as part of your ministry team. A native New Englander, I transplanted to the Front Range of Boulder, Beckett Coppola, Intern Minister (303-279-5282 Colorado when I enrolled in the Master of Divinity program at Naropa ext. 31; beckettcoppola@jeffersonunitarian.org) University. I am looking forward to completing the final revisions of my thesis this fall, and hope to graduate with my MDiv in December, 2014. As you have likely observed by now, I chose to walk a non-traditional route into ministry by attending a Buddhist Seminary. My choice was motivated by my profound desire to receive training in keeping with my spiritual formation. This path has also been deeply supportive of my desire to provide teachings and spiritual counseling that allows space for the spiritual orientation of each person. I am a ten-year veteran teacher of Yoga and meditation, and have over 25 years of practice and exploration of various mind-body practices. As a life-long spiritual seeker I have intentionally moved towards a role of leadership and instruction for the past 15 years. In addition to my being in the final stages of becoming a Unitarian Universalist minister, I hold multiple certifications and qualifications that illustrate this commitment. These include: being a professional-level Yoga teacher and an Acharya (spiritual teacher) in the Kripalu Yoga lineage; seeking certification and advanced training to teach in military settings as a fully certified Warriors at Ease Yoga & Meditation Teacher; and having been authorized, including taking my vows, as a Mindfulness Instructor through Naropa University. While I was raised outside of organized religion, I consider myself a returned Unitarian Universalist because I am reclaiming my maternal grandfather’s faith as my own. A member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder for three years, I have been able to deepen my UU faith formation outside my congregation as a result of the ministers in this area. Over these years they have been my mentors, advisors, and, at Iliff School of Theology, my professors. It is a dream of mine to serve the advancement of Unitarian Universalism, here in the Boulder/Denver cluster as well as more broadly through the Mountain Desert District (MDD) and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). While investigating the best situations for my Parish Internship, JUC quickly became my number one choice. I am deeply grateful for your willingness to enter into the inquiry and experiments of being a teaching church, and I believe serving a large church with diverse spiritual and social action agendas will be a phenomenal proving ground for my ministry, and for me. See you in church!



Board Blog

a babysitter). The group of friends that my parents made during their fun night seemed to enhance their social lives and created connections that served them in many ways. The idea that groups that have, in the past, helped to foster connections, such as bowling leagues and Kiwanis/Optimists/Lions Clubs, have lost participants is undeniably true. But for every closing bowling alley (and maybe that’s overstated – have you been to some of the new ones in Bel Mar or downtown?), there arise new means of connecting to each other. And yes, that includes those virtual ways like Facebook and MeetUp and all those other new social media, several of which I still need guidance from my kids in better utilizing. But that helps in keeping me connected with them, too. So that’s the first step, right? The opportunities to connect at JUC are only limited by your imagination, and some willingness to put yourself out there. If you and at least four other like-minded people want to support a social justice topic not currently being addressed at church, you can form a task force through the Social Responsibility Council. If you have a skill or some knowledge you would like to share, you can propose a class to the Lifespan Education and Adult Programs (LEAP) group (and you can always sign up for one of the classes). If you want to sing or join a handbell group, now’s a good time to check out Music Ministry. And if I happen to come up to you during an upcoming coffee hour and struggle to introduce myself, please be understanding – I’m just working on my connectivity.

John Hambright, Trustee (303-456-5921; john.hambright@flydenver.com)

This month’s theme about being open to connection is one that I sometimes struggle with. How many times do I stand around during coffee hour, only talking to folks that I already know? (Answer: much of the time.) The opportunity is there to make a new connection and find out something interesting about a new person, and I have not always made the effort to do so. Especially with new folks or visitors, like the ones with the handwritten name tags or the New Member ribbons affixed to their printed ones. Making connections and learning about each other is the one of the best ways to build a community, which is what JUC strives to be. I’ve always been intrigued by the Bowling Alone book (haven’t read it yet – it’s on my to read list). But I know its theme, as it has been discussed in a number of sermons. When I was growing up, my parents were in a Wednesday night bowling league (I often went along because the alley’s pinball machines were cheaper than

JUC Board of Trustees Next meeting: Thursday, Aug. 14, 7 p.m. Agenda will be posted at jeffersonunitarian.org/ Board-of-Trustees on Monday, Aug. 11

Welcome These New Members!

Community Events

Gun Violence Prevention National Day of Action

2 Bobbie Mooney enjoys outdoor adventures, dance, meditation, environmental activism, crafts, cooking,rock climbing, mountain biking, snowboarding, climbing fourteeners and yoga. Her work is in Law, Policy, and Environmental Advocacy. Bobbie lives with her husband Dennis in Denver.

Changing the Conversation: America’s Gun Violence Epidemic Wed., Aug. 23 • 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. First Universalist Church (4101 E. Hampden) Candlelight vigil starting at 8:30 p.m. to remember victims of gun violence. Contact: Rev. Wayne Laws, People of Faith for Social Justice (people-of-faith@comcast.net).

2 Lori Gray is a music teacher whose interests include playing the guitar, yoga and hiking. She lives in Littleton with her husband Mark and children Hana (3) and Tyler (6).

Roy Zimmerman Concert Sunday, Sept. 14 • 2 p.m. First Unitarian Society of Denver (1400 Lafayette St.)

2 Mara Kormylo lives in Evergreen with husband Craig and children Macy (8) and Reese (6). Mara is a Psychotherapist in a private practice. She enjoys running, emotional growth and reading.

Church Calendar Make sure you request space for your meetings and events at jeffersonunitarian.org/Calendar-Request or by emailing Carol Wilsey (carolwilsey@jeffersonunitarian. org). Also, please notify Carol if an event or meeting is canceled so we can open the space to others.


Bring your friends and join us for Roy Zimmerman’s Blue Dot Tour. An optional potluck lunch precedes the concert at 12:30 p.m. Zimmerman is a satirical songwriter in the Tom Lehrer/Phil Ochs tradition. He tours almost constantly, taking his funny songs about fracking, creationism, marijuana laws, government shutdown, same-sex marriage, guns, taxes and abstinence across the country. Admission is $18 or whatever donation you choose. Contact: Marty Dawley (303-922-2127; martydawley@yahoo.com).

Visit jeffersonunitarian.org/src for general information on SRC Task Forces and their goals. Social Responsibility Council Retreat

Just Neighboring: The All Church Project

Sat., August 23 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. • Mills building

Do you have an abundance of any vegetables, herbs, fruits or flowers in your garden that you would like to share with JUCers? The EETF invites you to participate in the Abundant Harvest. Please drop off your goods at our table in the south commons after a Sunday service. These precious gifts are free to take home! Freewill donations are requested to support a weekly breakfast and food bag for the homeless in Edgewater. Sponsored by Just Neighboring, JUC’s All Church Social Justice Project and the Eating Ethically TF. For more info, contact Gilla Lachnitt (303-216-9674; lachnittg@gmail. com).

Everyone interested in social justice at JUC is welcome. We’ll explore possible changes and brainstorm ideas for the coming year for the All Church Project. Current task forces are Green, Housing and Poverty, Eating Ethically and UUSC. We are also open to other interests and would love your input. We’ll share a potluck lunch with the Lifespan Education and Adult Programs (LEAP) group to see how we can support each other going forward. Please plan on joining us. Child care is available upon request. Please contact Jill Armstrong, SRC Co-Chair (jarm444@gmail.com).

. . Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Task Force . .

. . . Green Task Force . . .

SAVE THIS DATE for a FIESTA! Sunday, Oct. 5 • 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. • patio

Bill Becker on Climate Wars

All are invited! Music! Food! Marketplace! Fun!

Thursday, Aug. 28 • 7 p.m. • sanctuary

We need volunteers to help with the Fiesta. Please contact one of us if you want to help make it great! Gretchen May (303-233-6113; maygwinQ@centurylink. net), Margie Robinson (303-278-0786; mcrobins@jeffco. k12.co.us), Betsy Brown (303-277-0097; wenbets@msn. com). The Guatemala Scholarship Partners have been busy! All of this, thanks to you! • 40 students enrolled in school • Tutor working directly with our students • Book donations have doubled the size of the Rabinal community library • Pen Pal Project • Donations of sewing machines and materials have led to the Sewing Project and Mayan Women Art • A group of JUCers will travel to Rabinal in September

William Becker co-authored a set of climate policy recommendations and headed the Presidential Climate Action Project. He’ll talk about key battles with industry lobby groups, how moderate Republicans are breaking ranks from the Irrational Right, how the political gulf in D.C. doesn’t exist outside the Beltway and the growing risk crises for fossil fuels. Stay for networking and refreshments. Your RSVP helps us plan. Co-sponsors: Green Task Force, Colorado Renewable Energy Society and Golden Earth Days. Contact: Martin Voelker (303215-1110; mv@martinvoelker.com).

Reflections on Our Seventh Principle Sunday, Sept. 21, 7 p.m, • chapel A thoughtful description of the beauty and wonder of the natural world of which we are a part, presented by Gordon & Cathy Illg, Lakewood residents and widelypublished professional photographers, authors, and Certified International Tour Managers. We are not separate from the creatures and land and water of this earth; we are an integral part of the web of existence. We must cherish and care for our earth, for what we do to any part of the web, we do to ourselves. This program is suitable for adults, youth and children. You won’t want to miss it. Contact: Mary Richards (msrichards00@comcast. net; 303-670-8531).

Special Plate Collection: Sunday, Aug. 17


August’s special plate collection (in Golden) will be split between the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) and JUC’s Guatemala Scholarship Partners. With your contribution, you join many hands advancing human rights through these two very effective programs. UUSC is a human rights organization powered by grassroots collaboration. In 15 countries throughout the world, the UUSC fosters social justice and works toward a world free from oppression.

To find out more about JUC’s Lifespan Education and Adult Programs, visit http://jeffersonunitarian.org/Adult-Education Sign up for classes at the Sign Up Site or by calling the church office (303-279-5282). Contact: Patti Coe-Withington (303-596-1130), LEAP facilitator.

New/Upcoming LEAP Classes ✻ New Ongoing Group: Origins 1st Wednesdays beginning Sept. 3 • 1 p.m. • Mitchell rm. Explore our religious origins through literature. We will read and discuss works from prominent historians such as Bart Ehrmann, author of Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, Elaine Pagels, author of The Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and Heretics, Reza Aslan, author of No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, and many others. Attendance is open to all; no reading requirements. Come to discuss the selection or to listen. Monthly selections will be determined by group participants. Sept. 3: How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee (Ehrman). Facilitated by Lisa Rountree (lisa.rtree@gmail.com; 720273-7511).

✻ New Class: Understanding the Heart of Buddhism Thursdays beginning Sept. 4 • 7 to 9 p.m. • R3/4 Presented online by Rodney Smith, an insight meditation teacher since 1984. A former Buddhist monk, he also worked in hospice care for 17 years. The author of Lessons from the Dying, Stepping Out of Self-Deception and Awakening, he founded the Seattle Insight Meditation Society, of which he is a national board member and guiding teacher. Classes will include 30 minutes of meditation and 30 minutes of discussion. Contact: Doug Anderson (720-474-6723; dca-crm@hotmail.com). ✻ The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life (UUA Tapestry of Faith Program) Sundays, Sept. 21 and 28, Oct. 5, 12, 26 • 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

How do our financial lives intersect with our religious, spiritual and community lives? How can we have a relationship with earning, spending, giving and investing that is spiritually healthy and grounded in our values? Our decisions and attitudes about money can be an effective force for living lives of meaning and value, and for creating positive change in ourselves, our congregations, our society and the world. Exploration from many angles and perspectives opens the way for money to become less troublesome and more useful as a practical tool. Light lunch provided; child care upon prior request. Facilitators: Rev. Nadine Swahnberg, BJ & Bud Meadows (hlmeadows@comcast.net; 303-420-6157).

✻ Intro to Blue Mountain Meditation Tuesdays, Sept. 9 - 30 • 7:30 to 9 p.m. •chapel Would you like your life to be more -- more calm, more centered, more loving and joyful? Would you like to make more of a difference? Can a spiritual practice help? Come explore what Passage Meditation has to offer with longtime meditators who are deeply grateful for their practice. Facilitated by Annie & John Hedberg (303-2797451).

Pastoral Care

How JUCers Care for Each Other

We Hold in Our Hearts…

Is there something you would like to discuss with a minister or member of the Pastoral Care Group?

❦ Michael & Ann Roberts, members of Heritage Unitarian Universalist Church in Cincinnati. While visiting this area, Michael fell ill and has been at St. Anthony’s in Lakewood since last week.

We Celebrate with… ❦ Laura Newman as she graduated summa cum laude from the University of Denver this summer; ❦ Sue & Jack Gunn, who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on July 31.


You may send an email to cares@jeffersonunitarian.org or call 720-church9 (720-248-7249). Or, fill out a PCG card and drop the card in the Pastoral Care box on the table in the left front side of the sanctuary. Be sure to include your name, the date and your contact info. A minister or member of the Pastoral Care Group will be in touch with you as soon as possible. You may also contact a member of the pastoral care team. Our names are listed on the bulletin board over the EnCounter in the south commons. We are here for you!

Lifespan Education and Adult Programs Groups on this page meet on a regular basis and welcome new members. Meeting locations are posted in the common areas of both church buildings. Information and education on issues related to healthy aging and dementia, to include lectures, panels, and discussion.

Ongoing Groups Blue Mountain Meditation Group

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. Annie & John Hedberg (303-279-7451) For those practicing Eknath Easwaran’s Eight-Point Program for living a spiritual life in the everyday world. If you wish to join without the introductory course, read Passage Meditation by Easwaran and meditate 30 minutes daily for a month. Buddhist Sangha

1 & 3 Sundays, 5 p.m. Doug Anderson (dca-crm@hotmail.com; 720-474-6723) The Buddha was a highly unorthodox person. His teachings are not sets of dogma but rather propositions for people to investigate and validate for themselves. Open to all: no experience necessary. Child care is provided. st



2 & 4 Sundays, 5 p.m. Carol Drew (303-422-5977) Discuss important topics in Spanish. Intermediate level recommended. nd


Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS)

Mari Cowley (303-420-4139) Dream Study

2nd and 4th Mondays, 9:15 a.m. Marie Schottler (303-278-8035; mschottler@comcast.net) Based on the writings of Jeremy Taylor, in this gentle group process questions are asked of the dreamer leading to an aha! about his or her own dream. Newcomers welcome; please call before attending. Great Books Discussion Group

2 & 4 Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Dona Chilcoat (303-989-6945) Based on the idea that by reading from the great books of our civilization and discussing them with others, sharing insights and questions, you can reach a fuller understanding of these works than you could on your own. Next mtg., Sept. 22: Light in August (Faulkner) nd


Issues in Aging

4th Mondays, 7 p.m. Valerie Stone (vestone@gmail.com; 303669-8528)

JUC Knitters

3rd Fridays, 7 p.m. in members' homes Jean Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) All knitters and crocheters are invited to join in making hats and blankets for Denver Health. Memoirs

3rd Sundays, 7 p.m. Len Wheeler (303-467-3342; lenkt@earthlink.net) We’re gentle, we laugh, and we’re serious about commenting on ways to improve our non-fiction writing. No prior experience is needed.

Science and Spirit

4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. Joe Kraus (swish@nuthingbut.net) Discuss recent discoveries and wonder together. http://jucscienceandspirit. wordpress.com Slow Soup Group

4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. Gilla Lachnitt (303-216-9674; lachnittg@ gmail.com), Carol Kolesnikoff (303-5889198; eatingethically@gmail.com) We’ll prepare soups together to take home and to donate. Co-sponsored by LEAP and the Eating Ethically Task Force. Story Circle

2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7 p.m. Dindy Fuller (720-402-4099) Anyone who has previously taken NVC training is eligible to participate. A great way to practice and improve your skills.

3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Lev Ropes (303-278-0177; levropes@comcast.net) A gathering to foster the traditional art of storytelling for adults. Tell a well polished story for fun, or a story that you’d like to polish up in front of a forgiving and friendly audience. Receive help from other tellers, or show up as a listener. All are welcome.


UU Liberal Christians

Non-Violent Communication

1st Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Lisa Rountree (lisa.rtree@gmail.com; 720273-7511) Discuss literature exploring the origins of our religious traditions. Sept. 3: How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee (Ehrman) Poetry Group

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7 p.m. Julie Excell (julieexcell@gmail.com; 541-7784724) Explore poetry as an art form and a spiritual practice through appreciation of the work of master poets, and through writing and sharing your own poetry. Quuilters' Group

1st Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon Jean Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) Newcomers welcome! Call for mtg. details. Retirees' Brown Bag Lunch

1st Fridays, 11:30 a.m. Contact: Betty Halladay (303-274-9144) Next meeting: Sept. 5. Roving Readers

4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. Mike Foster (303-456-2647) Open to anyone who reads the monthly selection. Books selected by group participants. Next mtg. Sept. 28. 7

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Sara Lohaus (pslohaus@comcast.net; 303432-3149) Connect with Christianity from a fresh, open-minded perspective. UU Piecemakers

3rd Fridays, 9:30 a.m. (members' homes) Edna Mae Miller (303-989-4793) Work on personal projects as well as quilts donated to charities selected by the group. VAGUE: Visual Artists Group of Unitarians Extraordinaire!

3rd Fridays, 2 p.m. Emily Townsend (emily.townsend@gmail. com) Work on visual journals and learn some new techniques; bring a blank book and all other materials will be provided. We work in silence after a short demonstration, so please arrive by 2. Drop-ins are welcome, but please e-mail Emily first so we have supplies for everyone. Walking Together

2nd Mondays, 7 p.m. (Crown Hill Park) Tim Brungardt (call JUC office for info) Take a leisurely walk near JUC to learn about fellow JUCers and have friendly conversation without the distractions we encounter during coffee hour, group meetings, shared meals, or while caring for children. All generations and abilities are welcome.

Summer Office Hours Monday • Wednesday • Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday • 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

• Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

• Rev. Keith Arnold, Minister of Music Tuesday–Friday • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

• Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister TBD

• Ashley Johnson, Director of Religious Education Monday–Thursday • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

• Beckett Coppola, Intern Minister TBD

Sunday Morning Announcements To have an announcement made about your church activity, call the Worship Associate no later than Friday at noon. • Aug. 17 Gail Abbott @ 303-277-9180 • Aug. 24 TBD • Aug. 31 Anne Starace @ 812-325-7191

Weekly Attendance Aug. 3 9:15 149 RE: 17 (5 adults) 11 146 RE: 20 (5 adults) Evergreen 4p 38

RE: 11 (6 adults)

Aug. 10 9:15 140 11 127

The JUC Crier This newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church is delivered electronically to all members and pledging friends. First class mail delivery is available upon request to the church office (303-279-5282; office@ jeffersonunitarian.org). Upon request, visitors may be added to the email list or receive four (4) complimentary issues, after which they may continue receiving the newsletter by notifying the church office. E-mail ronabradley@jeffersonunitarian.org to submit an article.

Editor: Rona Bradley Next deadline: 3 p.m., Mon., Aug. 18 Next publication date: Mon.,Aug. 25

Calendar Highlights

(full calendar available online at jeffersonunitarian.org) Tuesday, Aug. 12 Wed., Aug. 13 Thurs., Aug. 14 Friday, Aug. 15 Sat., Aug. 16

1:00pm 1:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:30pm 9:00am 6:30pm 2:00pm 1:00pm

LEAP: UU Liberal Christians planning mtg. (M1/2) MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) WG: Dances of Universal Peace (patio) Committee on Ministry mtg. (M5) LEAP: Men’s Group w/Bishop (M1/2) SRC: UUSC TF mtg. (M3/4) MMG: Handbell rehearsal (Priestley rm.) Pastoral Care Group mtg. (M1/2) Board of Trustees mtg. (M3/4) LEAP: VAGUE Art Journaling (R6/7) Perpetual Peace Initiative mtg. (M3/4)

Sunday, Aug. 17 9:15/11am Why Church? w/Wendy Williams 12:30pm Green TF Meeting (M3/4) 3:00pm Evergreen: Conversation w/Wendy 4:00pm Evergreen Campus Worship Service 5:00pm LEAP: Buddhist Sangha Service (chapel) 7:00pm LEAP: Memoirs (M3/4) Monday, Aug. 18 3:00pm Newsletter Deadline 6:30pm SRC: Eating Ethically TF mtg. (R6/7) 6:30pm Program Council Orientation (M3/4) 7:00pm Program Council mtg. (M3/4) Tuesday, Aug. 19 1:00pm MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 6:30pm LEAP: Story Circle (R6/7) 7:00pm BOT: Options Analysis II (M1/2) Wed., Aug. 20 6:30pm MMG: Handbell rehearsal (Priestley rm.) 7:00pm Ninth Grade Trip planning mtg. (M1/2) Thurs., Aug. 21 8:00am Volunteer Connection Mtg (M3/4) 7:00pm LEAP: JUC Poetry Group (M3/4) 7:30pm LEAP: Blue Mountain Meditation Group (chapel) Sat., Aug. 23 8:00am SRC Retreat (Mills bldg.) 8:30am LEAP: Retreat (R6/7) 11:30am SRC/LEAP Lunch (so. commons/kit) Sunday, Aug. 24 9:15/11am Unprecedented Opportunity w/Wendy Williams 10:00am COA Parent Orientation (M3/4) 12:30pm LEAP: Science and Spirit (R6/7) 12:30pm SOUPS Ice Cream Social (patio) 12:30pm CURK: Nature’s Keepers (patio) 5:00pm LEAP: ¡Charla! (M3/4) Monday, Aug. 25 9:15am LEAP: Dream Study (M1/2) Tuesday, Aug. 26 1:00pm MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) Wed., Aug. 27 7:30pm JUC Choir (sanc.) Thurs., Aug. 28 6:30pm Green TF: Climate Wars w/Bill Becker (sanc., comm., kit.) 7:00pm Strategic Planning (M3/4) Sunday, Aug. 31 9:15/11am Every Day I’m Pastoring w/Eric Banner Monday, Sept. 1 Office Closed (Labor Day Holiday) 3:00pm Newsletter Deadline Tuesday, Sept. 2 1:00pm MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 6:30pm Executive Committee mtg. (M5) 7:00pm SRC: Housing & Poverty TF mtg. (M3/4) Wed., Sept. 3 1:00pm LEAP: Origins Book Group (Mitchell rm.) 6:30pm COA Parent Orientation (M3/4) 7:30pm JUC Choir (sanc.) Thurs., Sept. 4 7:00pm LEAP: JUC Poetry Group (M3/4) 8

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