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The JUC Crier The Newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church

14350 W. 32nd Avenue • Golden, Colorado 80401 • 303-279-5282 • Fax: 303-279-2535

August 25, 2014 • office@jeffersonunitarian.org • www.jeffersonunitarian.org • Volume 2014, Issue 15 Sunday, August 31 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

Every Day I’m Pastoring presented by Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister

In every church of every size people are called upon to care for each other. In the West that has traditionally been called pastoral care, and far from being the work of only the pastors, it is the shared work of all who are part of our church family. But what does it take to say, Today I’m pastoring, every day? Music: Dave Devitt; Adam Revell, piano. Worship Associate: Anne Starace.

Sunday, September 7 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

Pilgrims, Promises and Possibilities presented by Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister

In a month of exploring promise as a theme, we look back in time. Promise is at the root of our tradition. How might revisiting the past inform our present and future? Music: Worship Band; Adam Revell, piano. Worship Associate: Julie Excell. ☛ Looking ahead to… Celebration Sunday, Sept. 14: One Love. One Church. One Journey presented by Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister. Join us for Celebration Sunday as we embrace the past, look forward to the future and celebrate the unity of the present. This will be a multi-voice service with several surprises you won’t want to miss. See more details about Celebration Weekend on page 2. Music: JUC Choir; Adam Revell, piano. Worship Associate: Sandy Early.

JUC Evergreen Campus Sunday, September 7 • 4 p.m.

All-Church Picnic Coming Soon! Details on p. 2 →

Livin’ the Dream presented by Beckett Coppola, Intern Minister

There are many layers to the idea of promise, from the pledges we make to the potential we carry within ourselves. How do we each authentically step into our own possibility? And how do we then LIVE it, without resentment when we don’t get what we thought we wanted? By internalizing the idea of beginning again in Love, there is great possibility to shift our understanding, thanks to a teaching from Unitarian Universalist theology, and potentially even a new relationship with our dreams.

We Are One Church with Two Campuses! Our congregation has two campuses: one on 32nd Avenue in Golden and a second one in Evergreen. The mountain campus was established on December 18, 2011, and met at Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen for almost two years before moving to Church of the Hills. We are taking advantage of an opportunity to move again to a new worship venue at Congregation Beth Evergreen, a Jewish Reconstructionist congregation.

If you are planning to attend the Evergreen Campus, please pay attention to our worship schedule so you come to the right location. We’ll meet at Church of the Hills on September 7, 21, and October 5. Our first service at the If you wish to be informed about news regarding our new worship space will be Sunday, October 19, at our Evergreen campus, please contact Sue Parilla, Director of usual worship time, 4 p.m. with Rev. Wendy Williams in Congregational Engagement (sueparilla@jeffersonunitarian.org). the pulpit. 1 Worship services held on first and third Sundays at 4 p.m. 28628 Buffalo Park Rd. (The church up the hill from the Evergreen library)


capacity to be resources for Unitarian Universalism. One of the things that means is helping to train our next ministers. This is a special role in which each of us plays a part. I assure you I would not be the minister I am were it not for the good people at the church where I did my internship. They affirmed that they saw a minister in me and appreciated when they felt ministered to by me. They held me with love even and perhaps especially, when they had specific thoughtful guidance to help me improve. Beckett’s ministry will be shaped in no small way by all of us. She will be ably assisted by a strong Intern Committee: Chris Sealy, Shane Bower, Jeff Menten, Valerie Stone and Craig Williamson. This is an exciting place to be. Take time to meet and welcome Eric and Beckett. Come to our all church picnic on Sat., Sept. 13 at 4:30 p.m. We’ll begin as one with an energetic and intentional ingathering with singing, music led by the worship band, brief spoken messages from Eric and myself and more music. Then enjoy the offerings of the grill master and procurement specialist (thank you, Jim Bickford and Gilla Lachtnitt), as well as the many dishes we all bring to share. There will be conversation, games and fun for all ages. Don’t miss Celebration Sunday the next day (Sept. 14) as we pull past, present, and future into one journey through the threshold. We are one. In this service, you will see, hear, and feel how.

Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister (303-279-5282 ext. 13; wendywilliams@jeffersonunitarian.org)

This month marks a new beginning at Jefferson Unitarian Church. Our Assistant Minister, Eric Banner, has been dispatched into his many responsibilities. Working with the Social Responsibility Council, he will soon facilitate their retreat to begin wrestling with foundational questions so that priorities can be established and the year can be planned. He is doing that same work with the Pastoral Care Group. Further, in addition to getting to know many of you through individual meetings, Eric has been getting to know Just Neighboring, our all-church project, by meeting with Joel Newton, Executive Director of the Edgewater Collective (as well as Jill Armstrong and me). Eric has also been able to attend a Board retreat and Board meeting, as we shift of our structures to improve our ability to tend to our large church. I am grateful to have his participation on staff as well as we approach our first overnight staff retreat. Also newly on board is our Intern Minister, Beckett Coppola. As I mentioned when I introduced her on a recent Sunday, Beckett’s arrival marks our new beginning as a teaching congregation. Large churches have the


One Love. One Church. One Journey.


Celebration Weekend: Saturday and Sunday, September 13 & 14 Annual Church Picnic: Saturday, Sept. 13 • 4:30 p.m. Golden Campus Sign up to attend the picnic online (tinyurl.com/JUCPicnic) or at the Sign Up Site. Our grill team will cook up burgers and sausage to complement the wonderful homemade dishes everyone will bring. Watch for more information to come, or check out the evolving picnic details online (http://www. jeffersonunitarian.org/AllChurchPicnic).

1 Visitors' Circle • 2nd & 4th Sundays

5 minutes after each service (Meet @ the Welcome Table) For newcomers: an informal discussion to answer your questions about Unitarian Universalism and JUC. Next session: September 14.

1 Path to Membership

Saturday, September 20 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (chapel) Led by Membership Coordinator Annie Hedberg, this class is designed to familiarize those considering joining JUC with some of our staff, our diverse programs and activities, UU history and the responsibilities and benefits of membership. Sessions include child care and a light lunch. You may RSVP at the Sign Up Site or call the JUC office (303-279-5282). Please call Annie @ 303-279-7451 for more information on the joining process. 2

Family Spotlight Ashley Johnson, Director of Religious Education (ashleyjohnson@jeffersonunitarian.org; 303-279-5282, x18)

Back to Church? Yes, Back to Church!

Our religious education classes for children and youth begin September 14, with the exception of our PreK-K classroom which opened August 24. We are looking so forward to having you back to church! Please remember to register your kids online (www. jeffersonunitarian.org). We require this every year. We promise the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) that we will provide registration numbers each year; this is how name tags are generated; and, most importantly, we need to know who is coming to class. Please take a moment to register. Our website is being updated frequently with children and youth religious education information. Check it out!

I know full well that we are a year-round church (for one, I plan the programs that happen year round, including the summer!). I also know that the reality of families is that summer is different than the rest of the school year. Church may take a back seat – whether it’s because you’re out of town, sleeping in, or just taking a break. So in a very real way, for many of you, it is Back to Church. I also know that Back to Church doesn’t mean Back to Unitarian Universalism. Regardless of whether you’re attending church regularly on Sunday mornings, you are still living lives as UUs. And you are still raising kids who are UUs. I affirm and applaud all of the ways – big and small – that you live out your UU values in your daily lives.

With love and gratitude,


Wanted: Responsible Adults for the Ninth Grade Trip

Join JUC’s Choirs for Children and Youth!

The Front Range UU Ninth Grade Trip is taking applications for responsible adults (RAs) for the 2015 trip. Female RAs are especially needed. Applications include a letter describing yourself, your reason for going on the trip and your experience with youth; and a letter of recommendation from your Director of Religious Education or a minister. If you’re a parent of a tripper, you will need his/her permission to go. Please send letters to Melinda McGann (11529 W. 59th Pl., Arvada, CO 80004 or melinda_kq@yahoo.com).

Rehearsals begin Tuesday, Sept. 9 Please join us for our first project of the year, Sing and Ring! Choir members will have the opportunity to not only sing but also to play tone chimes and bells, supported by some of JUC’s expert bell ringers. We will prepare music to share in services on Sunday, November 2. Rehearsal times: Children’s Choir (K – 3rd grade) 6:30 to 7:10 p.m.; Radiance Choir (4th – 8th grade) 7:15 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday evenings. In order to make choir accessible for the maximum number of children throughout the year, we break our church year into four separate music projects. Each project runs for 6-8 weeks and culminates in a sharing of music in a Sunday service. Projects are frequently based on themes found in other areas of the church and are also used to give our singers experiences in particular genres or styles of music. Sometimes, other enrichment activities are associated with the projects. Choir members are asked to register for each individual project and to commit to attending all rehearsals and performances for that given project. To register, or for more information, please contact Sarah Billerbeck, Director of Music for Children and Youth (billerbeck@comcast.net).

The commitment: Once a month from October – March, trippers and RAs meet for a Sunday morning class or a weekend retreat. The trip is tentatively scheduled for April 18-27, 2015. Visit http://www.uu9gt.org/ for more information. 9th Grade Trip Orientation: Sun., Sept. 21 • 12:30 to 1 p.m. Orientation for current 9th graders (10th graders who missed it last year are also welcome) and their parents. Information, schedules and orientation materials are available online (http://www.uu9gt.org/). Contact Melinda McGann (720-560-6971; melinda_kq@yahoo. com) if you have questions.


Front Range UU Ninth Grade Trip Celebrates 50 years! Celebrations are in the works for Oct. 11 and 12. More info at http://www.uu9gt.org/reunion1.htm or write to Mitch@uu9gt.org.

India Learning Circle A group of seven from JUC will be traveling to India in January, 2015, for the purpose of witnessing social justice activities of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s partners in India. As part of the preparation, you are welcomed to be part of an India Learning Circle. This study group will explore issues in India, wrestle with what it means to witness, and understand more deeply how social justice struggles are intertwined around the world.

~ Rev. Keith Arnold, Minister of Music (303-279-5282 ext. 17; keitharnold@jeffersonunitarian.org)

JUC Choir Startup I appreciate the feeling of freshness in August and September and the sense that a new beginning is underway. In the Music Ministry at JUC, there are a number of startups: do read below about how to participate in our Music Ministries for adult handbell ringers and those for children and youth. The purpose of the JUC Choir is to nurture the musical and spiritual life of JUC through enhancing worship services with inspiring music that promotes UU principles, building a welcoming and supportive community, and encouraging musical growth. The Choir welcomes new members! Simply show up for a choir rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. any Wednesday and you’ll be warmly welcomed.

First Learning Circle Meeting: Monday, September 8 7 to 9 p.m. Let me know you’re coming via email (keitharnold@ jeffersonunitarian.org). Visit http://uucsj.org/study-guide/ learning-circles/ for more information on the Learning Circle.

JUC Handbell Ministry

Singing in the Choir

Have you ever wanted to learn to play handbells? Have you rung before but are unable to commit to a full year? Are you hoping your kids will have a chance to learn to ring? This year brings new opportunities to bring the joy of music to our community and those beyond our walls. The Golden Bells, our group for new ringers, rehearses on Monday nights from 6 to 7 p.m. with Bev Curtiss. Also, Rebecca Shogren will work with Sarah Billerbeck to incorporate handbells and/or chimes in the children’s music ministry this fall. For those with ringing experience, the JUC Ringers rehearse from 6:15 to 7:20 p.m. Wednesdays with Rev. Keith Arnold. We are also forming short-term ensembles for experienced ringers. Rehearsals start in September, Mondays from 7:05 to 8:30 p.m. These ensembles will ring in services at our Evergreen campus or other UU churches in the area. Join us this fall and help us bring the joy of bells to a larger audience. Any questions about the handbell ministry? Contact Bev Curtiss (bvcurtiss6@gmail.com; 303-250-7202) or Lisa Bickford (bickfordL@pobox.com; 303-420-0429).

Have you ever wished you could sing in the JUC Choir? Have you hesitated because you aren’t sure about the time commitment, you haven’t done anything but congregational singing for years, or any one of a number of other concerns? This is how I felt as I sat through my first year of attending JUC. Let me suggest you jump in this fall and commit to four rehearsals as a trial period. The first rehearsal is Wed., Aug. 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. I bet you’ll be hooked. If not, you can return to the congregation and still enjoy the music we create as you always have. Questions? Contact Rev. Keith Arnold or me, Phyllis Bunting, JUC Choir Manager (303-420-1580; phyllis.co@ hotmail.com).

Community Event Roy Zimmerman Concert

Sunday, Sept. 14 • 2 p.m. First Unitarian Society of Denver (1400 Lafayette St.) Bring your friends and join us for Roy Zimmerman’s Blue Dot Tour. An optional potluck lunch precedes the concert at 12:30 p.m. Zimmerman is a satirical songwriter in the Tom Lehrer/Phil Ochs tradition. He tours almost constantly, taking his funny songs about fracking, creationism, marijuana laws, government shutdown, same-sex marriage, guns, taxes and abstinence across the country. Admission is $18 or whatever donation you choose. Contact: Marty Dawley (303-922-2127; martydawley@yahoo.com).

Save the Date to Let the Good Times Roll! JUC’s Annual Auction: Sat., Nov. 8


We’re looking for some key team members to help plan an amazing party. Please contact Debbie Klisis (dklisis@gmail.com) or Darcy Stanton (darcystanton@hotmail. com) if you would like to help.

Visit jeffersonunitarian.org/src for general information on SRC Task Forces and their goals. . . . Green Task Force . . .

All-Church Project: Just Neighboring

Bill Becker on Climate Wars

Just Neighboring will be expanding in the fall: • Reading Buddies program (mentoring program designed to help students read by 3rd grade): With a new principal at Lumberg Elementary, discussions are underway to continue this as an after school program Monday – Friday from 2:45-4:30 p.m., featuring homework help and enrichment options. JUC will sponsor a community event in Edgewater on Saturday, Oct. 11, to thank all involved in the Reading Buddies program, including teachers, parents and community members. • Homeless breakfast at Sloan’s Lake Community Church: On Sunday morning they feed a hot breakfast to 50-60 homeless people and give them each a bag of food to take with them. Volunteers are needed to prepare the breakfast. You are also welcome to come just to share breakfast and conversation. • Senior Clean-up Day: help seniors by cleaning up their yards and performing minor outside repairs to get their homes ready for the winter, Sat., Sept. 27. More details and other opportunities are in the works. Look for the Just Neighboring table in the south commons. If you have questions or ideas for things to do in Edgewater, please contact SRC co-chair Jill Armstrong (jarm444@gmail.com).

Thursday, Aug. 28 • 7 p.m. • sanctuary William Becker co-authored a set of climate policy recommendations and headed the Presidential Climate Action Project. He’ll talk about key battles with industry lobby groups, how moderate Republicans are breaking ranks from the Irrational Right, how the political gulf in D.C. doesn’t exist outside the Beltway and the growing risk crises for fossil fuels. Stay for networking and refreshments. Your RSVP helps us plan. Co-sponsors: Green Task Force, Colorado Renewable Energy Society and Golden Earth Days. Contact: Martin Voelker (303-2151110; mv@martinvoelker.com).

Reflections on Our Seventh Principle Sunday, Sept. 21, 7 p.m. • chapel The presence of a single star, not to mention the universe, the Earth and life, is a miracle beyond anything in any mythology, and with our photography we praise the Creator behind it—whatever you conceive He, She or it to be. Our style of photography is something we call worshipping with a camera. ~ Gordon and Cathy Illg, presenters

Don’t miss this incredible projected photo show with commentary, appropriate for all but the very young. Ice cream social to follow. Contact: Mary Richards (msrichards00@comcast.net; 303-670-8531).

. . . Eating Ethically Task Force (EETF) . . .

EETF Meets on 3rd Mondays • 7 to 8:30 p.m. Next meeting: Sept. 15 Newcomers are always welcome to join in!

. . Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Task Force . .

SAVE THIS DATE for a FIESTA! Sunday, Oct. 5 • 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. • patio

Slow Soup Group Meets on 4th Sundays • 12:30 p.m. The next opportunity to enjoy cooking two seasonal soups in a small group (six spaces) is Sunday, Aug. 31. We prepare enough to enjoy a meal at JUC, pack some to take home, and freeze some for pastoral care. All ingredients provided; costs will be shared (around $10 each). No experience necessary. Please sign up at the Sign Up Site, and let us know if you have special dietary needs. Contact: Gilla Lachnitt (lachnittg@gmail.com; 303 216 9674).

All are invited! Music! Food! Marketplace! Fun! We need volunteers to help with the Fiesta. Please contact one of us if you want to help! Gretchen May (303233-6113; maygwinQ@centurylink.net), Margie Robinson (303-278-0786; mcrobins@jeffco.k12.co.us), Betsy Brown (303-277-0097; wenbets@msn.com).

Stand (and Sit and Pray and Sing and Worship) on the Side of Love! 9th Annual Standing on the Side of Love Service Sunday, Sept. 28 • 10:30 a.m. • West Steps of the State Capitol (200 E. Colfax Ave.)

The UU congregations of the Front Range invite people of all ages to join us in worship and song, prayer and ritual, righteous witness and bountiful joy. 5

The Abundant Harvest Table: Sponsored by EETF and the All Church Project Many JUCers have been sharing their garden produce and flowers at the abundant harvest table, distributing fresh zucchini, cucumbers, beans, greens, herbs and flowers after the services. The goods are free to take home, however, your free will donation will help the Sloan’s Lake Community Church in Edgewater provide their weekly homeless breakfast. Thank you all!

Pastoral Care

Find out more about JUC’s Lifespan Education and Adult Programs at http://jeffersonunitarian.org/Adult-Education Sign up for classes at the Sign Up Site or by calling the church office (303-279-5282). Contact: Patti Coe-Withington (303596-1130), LEAP facilitator.

How JUCers Care for Each Other

We Hold in Our Hearts… ❦ Diana Bright and her family, as they mourn the passing of her grand niece who passed after delivering her first child. The baby is doing well and is being cared for by his grandparents;

New/Upcoming LEAP Classes ✻ New Ongoing Group: Origins 1st Wednesdays starting Sept. 3 • 1 p.m. • Mitchell rm. Explore our religious origins through reading and discussion of works from prominent historians such as Bart Ehrman, Elaine Pagels, Reza Aslan and many others. Open to all; no reading requirements. Come to discuss or to listen. Selections will be determined by participants. Sept. 3: How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee (Ehrman). Facilitated by Lisa Rountree (lisa.rtree@gmail.com; 720273-7511).

❦ Mike & Dede Cross, as their son Baxter was hospitalized to receive treatments for a respiratory infection ❦ Marlene Williamson, as she recovers following surgery.

We Celebrate with… ❦ Mary & Ken Richards as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this month; ❦ Greg Rendon, our Video and Sound Technician, on the occasion of his marriage to Joanna Nelson on Aug. 31.

✻ Intro to Blue Mountain Meditation Tuesdays, Sept. 9 - 30 • 7:30 to 9 p.m. • chapel Would you like your life to be more calm, centered, loving and joyful? Would you like to make more of a difference? Can a spiritual practice help? Come explore what Passage Meditation has to offer with longtime meditators who are deeply grateful for their practice. Facilitated by Annie & John Hedberg (303-279-7451).

Lunch after Church

Sunday, Sept. 7 • 12:45 p.m.

Yianni’s Gyros Place (10450 W. Colfax) For the first Lunch After Church of the church year we’ll be going Greek! Yianni’s is on the south side of Colfax between Simms and Kipling. Lots of Greek choices plus burgers and salads. Lunch after Church meets first Sundays at different locations each time. Questions? Call LeeAnne Dale (303-932-7366) or Mary Anne Schiff (303-922-2153).

✻ New Class: Understanding the Heart of Buddhism 2nd & 4th Thursdays starting Sept. 11 • 7 p.m. • chapel Presented online by Rodney Smith, insight meditation teacher. A former Buddhist monk, he also worked in hospice care for 17 years. The author of Lessons from the Dying, Stepping Out of Self-Deception and Awakening, he founded the Seattle Insight Meditation Society, of which he is a national board member and guiding teacher. Classes will include meditation and discussion. Contact: Doug Anderson (720-474-6723; dca-crm@hotmail.com).

2-CONS: CONVERSATION & CONNOISSEURS Next Dinner Saturday, Sept. 28 Join the fun at our intimate, adult pot luck dinner parties. Meet other JUCers and share good food, wine and great conversation. This will be the first of five dinners this season. If you would like to attend, please send an e-mail or sign up Sunday mornings in Golden through Sept. 14. In Evergreen, sign up on Sept. 7. About 2-Cons: The host determines the number of people who will attend his or her dinner, and will contact guests and assign a dish for each to bring, i.e. main dish, appetizer, veggie, salad, dessert, bread or wine. The host supplies the location, table setting, coffee and tea and coordinates what the guests bring. It’s fun to have new hosts, so please sign up to host a dinner for six or more! If you attend more than one of our dinners we will try to have you with a different group each time. Contacts: Carol & Bob Drew (robertdrew1@msn.com; 303-422-5977), Bette & Charlie Carcano (carcano@ evcohs.com; 303-670-1527).

✻ The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life (UUA Tapestry of Faith Program) Sundays, Sept. 21 and 28, Oct. 5, 12, 26 • 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.


How do our financial lives intersect with our religious, spiritual and community lives? How can we have a relationship with earning, spending, giving and investing that is grounded in our values? Decisions and attitudes about money can be an effective force for creating positive change in ourselves, our congregations, our society and the world. Exploration from many angles and perspectives opens the way for money to become less troublesome and more useful as a practical tool. Light lunch provided; child care upon prior request. Facilitators: Rev. Nadine Swahnberg, BJ & Bud Meadows (hlmeadows@comcast.net; 303-420-6157).

Lifespan Education and Adult Programs Groups on this page meet on a regular basis and welcome new members. Meeting locations are posted in the common areas of both church buildings. Information and education on issues related to healthy aging and dementia, to include lectures, panels, and discussion.

Ongoing Groups Blue Mountain Meditation Group

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. Annie & John Hedberg (303-279-7451) For those practicing Eknath Easwaran’s Eight-Point Program for living a spiritual life in the everyday world. If you wish to join without the introductory course, read Passage Meditation by Easwaran and meditate 30 minutes daily for a month. Buddhist Sangha

1 & 3 Sundays, 5 p.m. Doug Anderson (dca-crm@hotmail.com; 720-474-6723) The Buddha was a highly unorthodox person. His teachings are not sets of dogma but rather propositions for people to investigate and validate for themselves. Open to all: no experience necessary. Child care is provided. st



2 & 4 Sundays, 5 p.m. Carol Drew (303-422-5977) Discuss important topics in Spanish. Intermediate level recommended. nd


Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS)

Mari Cowley (303-420-4139) Dream Study

2nd and 4th Mondays, 9:15 a.m. Marie Schottler (303-278-8035; mschottler@comcast.net) Based on the writings of Jeremy Taylor, in this gentle group process questions are asked of the dreamer leading to an aha! about his or her own dream. Newcomers welcome; please call before attending. Great Books Discussion Group

2 & 4 Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Dona Chilcoat (303-989-6945) Based on the idea that by reading from the great books of our civilization and discussing them with others, sharing insights and questions, you can reach a fuller understanding of these works than you could on your own. Next mtg., Sept. 22: Light in August (Faulkner) nd


Issues in Aging

4th Mondays, 7 p.m. Valerie Stone (vestone@gmail.com; 303669-8528)

JUC Knitters

3rd Fridays, 7 p.m. in members' homes Jean Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) All knitters and crocheters are invited to join in making hats and blankets for Denver Health. Memoirs

3rd Sundays, 7 p.m. Len Wheeler (303-467-3342; lenkt@earthlink.net) We’re gentle, we laugh, and we’re serious about commenting on ways to improve our non-fiction writing. No prior experience is needed.

Science and Spirit

4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. Joe Kraus (swish@nuthingbut.net) Discuss recent discoveries and wonder together. http://jucscienceandspirit. wordpress.com Slow Soup Group

4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. (next mtg. Aug. 31) Gilla Lachnitt (303-216-9674; lachnittg@ gmail.com), Carol Kolesnikoff (303-5889198; eatingethically@gmail.com) We’ll prepare soups together to take home and to donate. Co-sponsored by LEAP and the Eating Ethically Task Force. Story Circle

2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7 p.m. Dindy Fuller (720-402-4099) Anyone who has previously taken NVC training is eligible to participate. A great way to practice and improve your skills.

3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Lev Ropes (303-278-0177; levropes@comcast.net) A gathering to foster the traditional art of storytelling for adults. Tell a well polished story for fun, or a story that you’d like to polish up in front of a forgiving and friendly audience. Receive help from other tellers, or show up as a listener. All are welcome.


UU Liberal Christians

Non-Violent Communication

1st Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Lisa Rountree (lisa.rtree@gmail.com; 720273-7511) Discuss literature exploring the origins of our religious traditions. Sept. 3: How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee (Ehrman) Poetry Group

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7 p.m. Julie Excell (julieexcell@gmail.com; 541-7784724) Explore poetry as an art form and a spiritual practice through appreciation of the work of master poets, and through writing and sharing your own poetry. Quuilters' Group

1st Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon Jean Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) Newcomers welcome! Call for mtg. details. Retirees' Brown Bag Lunch

1st Fridays, 11:30 a.m. Contact: Betty Halladay (303-274-9144) Next meeting: Sept. 5. Roving Readers

4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. Mike Foster (303-456-2647) Open to anyone who reads the monthly selection. Books selected by group participants. Next mtg. Sept. 28. 7

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Sara Lohaus (pslohaus@comcast.net; 303432-3149) Connect with Christianity from a fresh, open-minded perspective. UU Piecemakers

3rd Fridays, 9:30 a.m. (members' homes) Edna Mae Miller (303-989-4793) Work on personal projects as well as quilts donated to charities selected by the group. VAGUE: Visual Artists Group of Unitarians Extraordinaire!

3rd Fridays, 2 p.m. Emily Townsend (emily.townsend@gmail. com) Work on visual journals and learn some new techniques; bring a blank book and all other materials will be provided. We work in silence after a short demonstration, so please arrive by 2. Drop-ins are welcome, but please e-mail Emily first so we have supplies for everyone. Walking Together

2nd Mondays, 7 p.m. (Crown Hill Park) Tim Brungardt (call JUC office for info) Take a leisurely walk near JUC to learn about fellow JUCers and have friendly conversation without the distractions we encounter during coffee hour, group meetings, shared meals, or while caring for children. All generations and abilities are welcome.

Office Hours Monday – Friday • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday – Thursday • 6:30 to 9 p.m. Sunday • 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

• Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

• Rev. Keith Arnold, Minister of Music Tuesday–Friday • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

• Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister Tuesday–Friday • 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

• Ashley Johnson, Director of Religious Education Monday–Thursday • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

• Beckett Coppola, Intern Minister Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Staff will generally be available according to the schedule above, but it is always wise to call ahead!

Sunday Morning Announcements To have an announcement made about your church activity, call the Worship Associate no later than Friday at noon. • Aug. 31 Anne Starace @ 812-325-7191 • Sept. 7 Julie Excell @ 541-778-4724 • Sept. 14 Sandy Early @ 303-653-2066

Weekly Attendance Aug. 17 9:15 152 RE: 15 (6 adults) 11 135 RE: 12 (5 adults) Evergreen 4p 30

RE: 4 (4 adults)

Aug. 24 9:15 157 RE: 22 (6 adults) 11 166 RE: 24 (6 adults)

The JUC Crier This newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church is delivered electronically to all members and pledging friends. First class mail delivery is available upon request to the church office (303-279-5282; office@ jeffersonunitarian.org). Upon request, visitors may be added to the email list or receive four (4) complimentary issues, after which they may continue receiving the newsletter by notifying the church office. E-mail ronabradley@jeffersonunitarian.org to submit an article.

Editor: Rona Bradley Next deadline: 3 p.m., Mon., Sept. 1 Next publication date: Mon., Sept. 8

Calendar Highlights

(full calendar available online at jeffersonunitarian.org) Tuesday, Aug. 26 Wed., Aug. 27 Thurs., Aug. 28

1:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 6:30pm

MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) SRC: No on 67 training (M3/4) JUC Choir (sanc.) Green TF: Climate Wars w/Bill Becker (sanc., comm., kit.)

Sunday, Aug. 31 9:15/11am Every Day I’m Pastoring w/Eric Banner 12:30pm EETF: Slow Soup Group (kit.) 12:30pm MMG: Worship Band rehearsal (sanc.) Monday, Sept. 1 Office Closed (Labor Day Holiday) 3:00pm Newsletter Deadline Tuesday, Sept. 2 1:00pm MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 7:00pm SRC: Housing & Poverty TF mtg. (M3/4) Wed., Sept. 3 1:00pm LEAP: Origins Book Group (Mitchell rm.) 6:30pm COA Parent Orientation (M3/4) 7:30pm JUC Choir (sanc.) Thurs., Sept. 4 7:00pm LEAP: JUC Poetry Group (M3/4) 7:30pm LEAP: Blue Mountain Meditation Group (chapel) Friday, Sept. 5 11:30am LEAP: Retirees’ Brown Bag Lunch (M3/4) Sat., Sept. 6 9:00am LEAP: Quuilters Group (so. commons) Sunday, Sept. 7 Monday, Sept. 8 Tuesday, Sept. 9 Wed., Sept. 10 Thurs., Sept. 11 Friday, Sept. 12 Sat., Sept. 13

9:15/11am Pilgrims, Promises and Possibilities w/Wendy Williams 12:30pm BOT Retreat (Mills bldg.) 4:00pm Evergreen Campus: Livin’ the Dream w/Beckett Coppola 5:00pm LEAP: ¡Charla! (M3/4) 5:00pm LEAP: Buddhist Sangha Service (chapel) 6:30pm Evergreen Campus: Dinner after Church - Rio del Sol 9:00am CURK: SOUPS (chapel, R1/2, R8) 9:15am LEAP: Dream Study (M1/2) 1:00pm MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 6:30pm WG: Dances of Universal Peace (chapel) 7:00pm Committee on Ministry mtg. (M5) 7:00pm LEAP: Men’s Group w/Bishop (Mitchell rm.) 7:00pm How JUC Works (M3/4) 7:30pm LEAP: Blue Mtn. Meditation Intro. (sanc.) 7:30pm JUC Choir (sanc.) 9:00am Pastoral Care Group mtg. (M1/2) 6:30pm Board of Trustees mtg. (M3/4) 7:00pm LEAP: Undertanding the Heart of Buddhism (chapel) 7:00pm LEAP: Bridge Group (MGR, M3/4) 10:30am Green TF: Citizen’s Climate Lobby (M1/2) 4:30pm All-Church Picnic (entire campus)

Sunday, Sept. 14 9:15/11am At the Threshold w/Wendy Williams 12:15pm YRP Tribe Lunch (chapel) Monday, Sept. 15 3:00pm Newsletter Deadline 6:00pm MMG: Golden Bells rehearsal (Priestley rm.) 7:00pm SRC: Eating Ethically TF mtg. (M1/2) Tuesday, Sept. 16 1:00pm MMG: Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 6:00pm LEAP Group mtg. (M3/4) 6:00pm LNC mtg. (R3/4) 6:30pm LEAP: Story Circle (R6/7) 7:30pm LEAP: Blue Mtn. Meditation Intro. (chapel) Wed., Sept. 17 7:30pm JUC Choir (sanc.) Thurs., Sept. 18 7:00pm LEAP: JUC Poetry Group (M3/4) 7:00pm SRC Meeting (M1/2) 7:30pm LEAP: Blue Mountain Meditation Group (chapel) 8

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