Chapter 3
Is Gravitation A Results Of Asymmetric Coulomb Charge Interactions? Journal of Undergraduate Research (JUR) University of Utah (1992), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 56{61.
Je rey F. Gold Department of Physics, Department of Mathematics University of Utah
Abstract Many attempts have been made to equate gravitational forces with manifestations of other phenomena. In these remarks we explore the consequences of formulating gravitational forces as asymmetric Coulomb charge interactions. This is contrary to some established theories, for the model predicts di erential accelerations dependent on the elemental composition of the test mass. The predicted di erentials of acceleration of various elemental masses are compared to those di erentials that have been obtained experimentally. Although the model turns out to fail, the construction of this model is a useful intellectual and pedagogical exercise.
Introduction The similarities in the expressions for Newtonian gravitation and Coulomb electrostatic interactions, ~ Fg = ,G mr1 m2 2 r^ F~c = k q1rq22 r^ are apparent, particularly the inverse-square nature of both forces and the binary product of the masses and charges. Based on this similarity, and the physicists' goal to unify all fundamental forces of nature, it is reasonable to conjecture that gravitation is some manifestation of electrostatic phenomena. With these considerations in mind, we construct a simple gravity model; however, the model fails. The model predicts di erential accelerations dependent on the elemental composition of the test mass. This is in keeping with various Fifth-Force (Hypercharge) hypotheses and re-evaluations of the E otv os experiments which postulate the existence of non-Newtonian and baryon-dependent forces over short ranges. Such hypotheses are presently controversial, at best. T.M. Niebauer et al. have shown that the di erential acceleration g, of two di erent materials, is less than 5 parts in 1010 of the gravitational acceleration g = 980.67 cm/s2. Experiments verifying the Equivalence Principle have been performed by Dicke et al., demonstrating that gravitational mass and inertial mass are equivalent to within 1 part in 1012. These experiments rule out FifthForce hypotheses as well as our simple gravity model. Our model will show that the calculated di erential acceleration gcalc , for the same materials, is on the order of 8.37 cm/s2 , in clear contradiction to the limits established by the experiments of Niebauer et al. The original motivation for this formulation of gravitation was to calculate the approximate change k, of the electrostatic constant k = 1/4 0 = 8:9876 109 Nm2 /C2, in an asymmetric Coulomb charge interaction, necessary to account for gravitational forces. By this we mean that forces between like charges are expressed as F~1;2 = k qr1 2q2 r^ ; (3.1) while forces between unlike charges are expressed as
F~1;2 = (k + k) qr1 q22 r^ ;
with k > 0. We will show that k=k is on the order of 10,37. The idea of expressing gravity as a Coulomb interaction is not new; it had been explored by Wilhelm Weber (1804{1891) of G ottingen and Friedrich Z ollner (1834{1882) of Leipzig. Because Weber and Z ollner performed their \gedanken" experiment before the discovery of atomic particles, they were unable to foresee the consequences of combining charges in a densely packed nucleus. In these remarks we take into account the mass defects due to the binding energies of nuclei.
Asymmetric Coulomb Charge Interactions Suppose two spherical masses, m1 and m2 , are separated by a distance r connecting their centers of mass. Each mass mi is composed of pi positive charges and ei negative charges. Let F++ denote the force between the positive charges of mass m1 and the positive charges of mass m2 ; then the three remaining forces F+, , F,+ , and F,, are labelled appropriately to represent the type of interaction between the charges of m1 and m2 . We express the positive fundamental charge as q and negative fundamental charge as ,q in order to maintain the proper orientation of these central forces [1]. The forces on one of the masses are
8 > > > < > > > :
F~++ F~,, F~+, F~,+
= ,k q 2pr12 p2 r^ = ,k q2 re12 e2 r^ = (k + k) q2 pr21 e2 r^ = (k + k) q er12p2 r^ : 2
If we combine these forces [2], 2 2 F~tot = ,k q (p1 p2r2+ e1 e2 ) r^ + (k + k) q (p1 e2r2+ e1 p2 ) r^ ;
or, upon rearranging the terms, we nd that 2 2 F~ = ,k q (p1 , e1 )(p2 , e2 ) r^ + k q (p1 e2 + e1 p2 ) r^ : tot
(3.4) (3.5)
An examination of the rst term of equation (3.5) reveals that it is a reformulation of the Coulomb force equation. Note that this term vanishes if either mass is electrically neutral. The last term, 2 (3.6) k q (p1 e2r2+ e1 p2 ) r^ ; does not change sign, regardless of the pi and ei ; like gravity, it is always attractive. Next we wish to nd what the pi and ei are for each mass. This is simpli ed if we assume that m1 and m2 are electrically neutral masses. This implies that e1 = p1 and e2 = p2 , and that 2 F~ = 2 k q pr21 p2 r^ :
When charges are combined, a very small fraction of the constituent particle masses is lost to the binding energy; this is referred to as a mass defect. We
CHAPTER 3. ASYMMETRIC COULOMB CHARGE INTERACTIONS 4 denote the actual mass of an atom by mi , and its mass defect by Bi . The relationships of these quantities to the constituent particle masses are
m1 + B1 = Z1 (mp + me ) + n1 mn (3.8) m2 + B2 = Z2 (mp + me ) + n2 mn : Here Zi represents the number of protons, and ni represents the number of neutrons contained in the electrically neutral mass mi ; the quantities mp , me , and mn represent the masses of protons, electrons, and neutrons, respectively.
It is crucial to our model that each neutron is composed of one positive and one negative charge as indicated in the disintegration: n ! p + e, + e, . This implies that p1 = Z1 + n1 (3.9) p =Z +n : 2
The number of neutrons can be expressed as a function of the number of protons [3], that is, ni = i Zi , where i = (Ai , Zi )=Zi . Substituting 1 Z1 for n1 and 2 Z2 for n2 in equations (3.9), we nd
p1 = Z1 (1 + 1 ) p2 = Z2 (1 + 2 ) :
By replacing ni with i Zi in equations (3.8), we have
m1 + B1 = Z1 (mp + me + 1 mn ) m2 + B2 = Z2 (mp + me + 2 mn ) :
Solving for Zi in equations (3.11), and substituting these, in turn, into equations (3.10), we have 1 ) p1 = ((mmp1++mBe1+)(1+ 1 mn ) (3.12) (m2 +B2 )(1+ 2 ) p2 = (mp +me + 2 mn) : Finally, equation (3.7) becomes
2 ~F = 2 kq 2 (1 + 1 )(1 + 2 )(1 + 1 )(1 + 2 ) m1 2m2 r^ ; (mp + me ) (1 + 1 )(1 + 2 ) r
where i = mBii , i = NiZ,iZi , and = mpm+nme = 1:000833. If we assume the binding energies are negligible, that is, i = 0, and that 1, then equation (3.13) becomes 2 m1 m2 r^ : F~ = (m 2 kq p + me )2 r2
CHAPTER 3. ASYMMETRIC COULOMB CHARGE INTERACTIONS 5 , with the gravitational constant, This allows us to equate the constant, (m2p kq +me )2 , 11 2 2 G = 6:672 10 Nm /kg , to nd 2
2 2 k = G (mp 2+q2me ) = 3:639 10,27 Nm C2 : Dividing this value by k, we conclude that k/k 10,37.
Di erential Accelerations Unlike Newtonian or Einsteinian gravitation, our model predicts small di erences in the accelerations of di erent test masses. These relative di erences in g are dependent on the mass defects Bi , and the neutron/proton ratios, i . The force exerted by the earth, Mearth, on a test mass m1 , is 2 (1 + earth )(1 + 1 )(1 + earth )(1 + 1 ) Mearth m1 r^ : F~ = (m 2 kq (1 + earth ) (1 + 1 ) r2 p + me )2 (3.16) If another test mass, m2 , of di ering composition, is accelerating under the same conditions, the ratio of the accelerations of masses m1 and m2 is j~a1 j = 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 + 2 : (3.17) j~a2 j 1 + 2 1 + 2 1 + 1 In the freefall experiment of Niebauer et al., the test masses represented extremes in elemental composition. One test mass was 40.0 grams of copper (63 29 Cu) and the other was 102.5 grams of depleted Uranium (238 U ). The following table for 92 i and i is derived from these data [4]: Table I.
Copper (63 Uranium (238 29 Cu) 92 U ) test mass (m) 40.0 gm 102.5 gm atomic mass (ma ) 63.546 amu 238.0289 amu -.000384989 .008217874 1.1724 1.5870 Substituting the values of Table (I) into equation (3.17), we nd
j~a j j~a j = 1:00854 ; 1
so that gcalc=g = .00854. Next we construct the following table for the elements aluminum (Al) and gold (Au) used in the experiments of Dicke et al.
Aluminum (27 Gold (197 13 Al ) 79 Au) atomic mass (ma ) 26.9815 amu 196.9665 amu .008951882 .008499650 1.0769 1.4937 The di erential acceleration of aluminum and gold predicted by our model is gcalc /g = .000515. Both values of gcalc , namely .00854 cm/s2 and .000515 cm/s2 , far exceed the limit g < 4:9033 10,7 cm/s2 experimentally found by Niebauer et al.
Conclusion The model predicts di erential accelerations that cannot be reconciled with those obtained by experiment. This does not preclude some relation or uni cation of gravitation and electromagnetism, but it does show that the simple model of Coulomb asymmetry is not viable.
Acknowledgements I thank Professor Richard H. Price for the immense assistance provided in the preparation of this manuscript. Thanks are also extended to Vince Frederick for his assistance in nding various bibliographic sources. Special thanks are extended to Professor Don H. Tucker for the support I have received for this and many other projects.
Notes 1. The magnitudes of the fundamental positive and negative charges are equivalent to within 1 part in 1020 . 2. Note that we have not taken into account any Coulombic shielding that would occur. 3. Typical values of = (A , Z )=Z 1{1:5, where A is the baryon number and Z is the atomic (or proton) number. 4. 1 amu (atomic mass unit) = 1:661 10,24 grams.
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