Burton Coon Writes About Cokertown

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istan troubles, the Russian Dynasty difficulties, the invasion o f India, the Simple Mixture (or Keep Creeds Recollections of Cokertown first important influence over Turkey, development of the Dardanelles, Cokertown is, or w a s , a scattered there is still, a portrait of him hangGas on Stomach community the Treaty of Berlin, i h e annexation in Moth Balls the about 2 miles north of ing on the wall of the school room. •

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of the Transvaal, and t h e story of Another one of God's noblemen Shookville. Like all other rural comZululand—all this g r e a t work acmunities it has lost many of the old was Edwin Phillips. He was supercomplished by a man t h e y selected, landmarks as well as most of the old intendent of the Sunday school, a 'The Silent first to despise on account of his befrom i n h a b i t a n t s . In its heyday it was a leading t r u s t e e of the school district, An Editorial Partner" quiet, p r o s p e r o u s , peace-loving ham- a staunch supporter of the c h u r c h lief. Then they made him master of let whose people s e e m e d t o be of one and one of the most influential m e n armies, fleets, finance and adminish e a r t and one mind, industrious, con- g e n e r a l l y in the community. He was t r a t i v e power. Literally ruling E n g Medicine and m i n i s t e r s m e e t u s on land, and while r u l i n g he s a i d : "All a public-spirited citizen, always going servative a n d d i s t i n c t l y religious. The school house w a s used for re- in for a n y t h i n g t h a t would build u p ! our a r r i v a l in t h i s world a n d both a r e sensible men are of one r e l i g i o n . " Good r o a d s , a good | at our bedside when we leave. W i t h ligious services and o n e of my earli- the place. W h e n asked w h a t r e l i g i o n , he r e est recollections of t h e place is where school, religious services in t h e school j out our k n o w l e d g e or c o n s e n t , s o m e plied: "All sensible m e n n e v e r t e l l . " down upon o u r IV. Almighty H e ' creed is pressed I a t t e n d e d revival m e e t i n g s there, h o u s e - these were his hobbies. God tolerates all held by the Rev. S. A. W e i k e r t of ihe also did his share in connection with h e a r t s a n d it is then t h a t t e n s of milreligious beliefs, so my &mall Red Hook L u t h e r a n c h u r c h . He was p r o g r a m s for public e n t e r t a i n m e n t . I lions of o t h e r m e n doubt t h e wisdom mind is not interested in a singularly i m p r e s s i v e speaker and j And withal a man of unusually good of our c h u r c h c o u r s e or belief. criticising a man's creed or being has the I believe a good m a n . He had many j u d g m e n t and hard practical sense. I / . No human spiritual belief. The prayerpower to change the hour of ((inverts at t h e s e m e e t i n g s and he To a c c o m m o d a t e the neighbors he I carpet, the rosary, the locahiit coming on earth, neither used to come u p fortnightly and put m an engine and feed mill a n d tion of his pew, is of small preach to t h e m on T h u r s d a y even- g r o u n d grists. can a man tell the moment About t h i r t y y e a r s consequence tvhen compared ings. He also visited a m o n g the ru- ago in c o m p a n y with R. Dudley Kerof his going. In fact, most with his sincerity to give to ral folk a n d m a d e m a n y fast friends. ley, he established a feed business of us go through life, from the world a good and living I think p a s t o r a l visiting is one of the near the S p r i n g Lake depot. It was the crib to the 'casket, with example. chief e l e m e n t s of a preacher's in- housed in a little building on the the creed of Mother, so you Less individual i n t e r e s t in t h e idea fluence. n o r t h side of the road. It was in i h e see, we inherit much. of t r y i n g to impose o u r belief on the This w r i t e r m i g h t as well a t t e m p t other fellow a n d m o r e p r a c t i c e of T h e r e was also a S u n d a y school in form of a n open arch with the office the school house every Sunday after- on one e n d , and the feed room on ihe to pick up t h e shells from t h e s e a - j The Golden Rule, will r e s u l t in m o r e Mr. J o h n W. Near was em- shore, and t h e n t r y to find in e a c h noon d u r i n g the s u m m e r months for other. I r\?al good for all of us, for, a f t e r all, m a n y years. This school was unde- ployed a s m a n a g e r and bookkeeper. inlaid cavern a pearl, as to t r y to j a man's belief is but o n e p a t h fh the I got my feed from t h e r e one sumnominational, and all t h e irood people prove t h a t all m e n should believe t h e i wilderness of m a n y w a y s . P u t your 1 of the place helped to make it a sue- mer. I think they dealt in coal also. same. good deeds over a n d k e e p y o u r creed cess. I think Edwin Phillips was usu- ! I d o n ' t r e m e m b e r how long the busiBelief is t h e bigges; and best t h i n g ' in moth balls. ness c o n t i n u e d , but the v e n t u r e did ally the s u p e r i n t e n d e n t . I attended i in a m a n ' s life. Belief is power. it one s u m m e r when I was 1 .'1 or 1 i •not seem to bo as profitable as the Doubt is w e a k n e s s . The s t ronger vc.irs old. Our class had its sessions! p r o m o t e r s anticipated. Probably bad man is the one wno has a firm g r i p ,n the hall sometimes in one end.! d e b t s had something to do with it. on some c o n s t r i c t i v e spiritual belief. P o s t a l C a r d G e t s T o sum; tsmes in the o t h e r . We sat on j T h a t is the Nemesis of many a busi- We may differ as t> the religious P o ' k e e p s i e In N i n e Y e a r s benches with our backs to the wall j ness. r o u t e , but no sensible man will t r y but these c r a m p e d q u a r t e r s w e r e ' While speaking of J o h n W. Near A postal card which G e o r g e Dimler to discount t h e sincere m a n , n o m a t more than c o m p e n s a t e d for by i h e 1 let me say that he served the school ter what the " s i n c e r e ' ' m a n ' s belief mailed in Rhinecliff J u n e 10, 1916 teacher we had Uriah Teator. How district as teacher for more consecuwas delivered last S a t u r d a y in P o ' may be. shall I describe him? Plain, honest, j tive y e a r s than even F r a n c i s Nelson, keepsie to J o s e p h L. H a n n a n of t h e ' / / . In the last hour of life, ivhen simple-hearted; his rugged r o a t u r e s his predecessor, lie was a pupil of Central Hudson Gas a n d Electric Co., all man's facultn s are fast lit up with the kindliness and earnest- Nelson, as were most of the o l d e r ' i n to whom it was a d d r e s s e d . Mr. H a n fading, he will r< aeh for the ness of his n a t u r e ; a b s o l u t e l y sincere, ] h a b i t a n t s , and he took the m a s t e r ' s non was m a n a g e r of a baseball t e a m flower of some faith. 'tie A b r a h a m Lincoln of the neigh-' place for more than t h i r t y years—.'{.'! nine y e a r s ago when t h e p o s t a l s t a r t - j III. Put it precisely this wan. borhood. He was held in g r e a t es- I think. During the s u m m e r vacaed on its j o u r n e y a n d Mr. Dimler, Individual since)'';/ is a pubteem wherever he was known. H e . tion he would work in harvest for who was then m a n a g e r of t h e t e a m at lic welfare and the only conoccupied i m p o r t a n t political offices in j Kdwin Phillips. He was said, to be Rhinecliff was e n d e a v o r i n g t o arvincing proof that a man is the town and when h e died a g r e a t an e x c e l l e n t teacher, very strict and range a game b e t w e e n t h e t w o t e a m s . | sincere, is when he leaves his crowd g a t h e r e d to b e a r silent testi- s o m e t i m e s severe. In these r e s p e c t s He w r o t e : "If you c a r e t o come, t h e n Hope in the hay}d< of his bemony to the w o r t h a n d worthiness of! he r e s e m b l e d his pedegogical m a s t e r , we will g u a r a n t e e five dollars, the lief. the man. I can see him now as he of whom the story is told t h a t he The inspiring history of the w o r l d same as we pay all t e a m s from y o u r talked to us boys. He was not a cul- i once t h r e w a boy out of t h e school city." The price paid t o baseball t u r e d man, not an e d u c a t e d m a n ; b u t , house window. For two g e n e r a t i o n s is but a scroll w r i t t e n of t h e lives of t e a m s has gone u p c o n s i d e r a b l y since r e m a r k a b l e t h e postal card was w r i t t e n a n d t h e he was a good m a n , a n d t h a t made up j the b u i l d i n g went by the n a m e of the sincere men, a n d the ! t h i n g a b o u t this t r u t h is t h a t few a m o u n t looked s t r a n g e t o Mr. Hanfor all deficiencies. T h e r e was for j " N e l s o n school house." 1 men fully a g r e e with r e f e r e n c e t o all nan. On closer e x a m i n a t i o n he dismany years, a n d as far as I know B U R T O N COON. ! the details of a n y certain belief. covered the post m a r k on the card I When t h e m e m b e r s of one class c a n - showing when it had b e e n mailed. The s t a r D o r a d u s is said to be M c C u e T o P l a y W i t h C o l o n i a l s not a g r e e , how can we e x p e c t all Ju%t w h e r i the c a r d h a d been d u r i n g 600,000 t i m e s a s l u m i n o u s as our o t h e r s to accept t h e i r v a r i o u s i d e a s ? the nine years in which it w a s m a k i n g j K i n g s t o n , N. Y., April 1 3 . — R e r n i e sun, but it has not y e t been comLet me give you s o m e t h i n g t o the j o u r n e y of s i x t e e n m i l e s is-a mys-1 plained of for violation of the anti- M c C u e will cover third base for i h e think a b o u t : The young m a n ' s f a c e t e r y . Colonials this season. The hard hit- was livid pale, his eyes as black as t r u s t act. t i n g t h i r d sacker y e s t e r d a y w r o t e E r e b u s , his j e t - b l a c k ringlets h u n g in M a n a g e r s Deegan and Robins of the a heavy mass on his stock collar. local club t h a t he was r e a d y to accept When a very y o u n g man he t o o k his Real Estate the t e r m s offered by the F a i r G r o u n d s seat in P a r l i a m e n t along w i t h t h e Louis Fink and wife of the" t o w n of Association, and t h a t he would be on impelling individuality of Pitt, the hand when the season opened on Sat- P r i m e Minister. From this point on, Rhinebeck to Ennis H. Keane^and urday with the D. & H. Generals. to w r i t e the political history of E n g - wife of the town of R h i n e b e c k ; town $3.50 Mac t u r n e d down several other offers land would be t o tell t h e i n s p i r i n g and village of Rhinebeck^ to play with the Colonials and ex- story of the life of the C h a n c e l l o r of s t a m p s . pects this to be the best y e a r he has t h e E x c h e q u e r for t h r e e t e r m s , to Manson S h a r p and others of the ever had with the Kingston club. recite t h e life of a Prime M i n i s t e r of town of Rhinebeck t o P . Glenn M a n n two t e r m s , t o describe t h e political ing of the same p l a c e ; t o w n of R h i n e beck; $3.50 s t a m p . A n o t h e r good way to c e l e b r a t e power of the real Dictator of E n g Manson S h a r p and others of the land for a b o u t t h i r t y y e a r s . Clean Up Week is for t h e bolshevist town of Rhinebeck, t o J u l i a W i s e l e m e n t to remove their whiskers. The Suez Canal, the old A f g h a n - niewski of t h e same p l a c e ; t o w n of R h i n e b e c k ; $1 s t a m p .











m 30






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1 8





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feZ £>THl

HORIZONTAL 1—To ateal 4—Burning 9—A day of the week (abL..) 12—Anger 13—To deserve 14—Before 15—A repast 17—To pinch 18—Relative price 19—A metal 21 —Obese 22—Preposition 2 4 — T o fondle 28— A w a f e r 2 7 — T o proceed 24—A vessel 3 1 — T o hurl 81—A teed case 24—A tree of Cast Indies 36—Moved rapidly 36—Kinsman of • frog 37—Merry 38— Beneath

40—An Individual 41—Correct (abbr.) 42— Convulsive sigh 4 2 — T o speak


Rhinebeck Gazette £$;






Staanbarg, N . Y .

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P O U G H K E E P S I E , N. Y.

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44—Else 44—Decsy

4*— Best In a ehureh SO—At snother time 82—A drunkard 64—To fasten 67—Posseeelva pronoun 22 Pertaining to the nose SO—Part of vsrfa to be 61—Besldee 42>—Mueleal entertainment


I'm Glad, Mather,


1—The edge


2—Metal-bearing rook 3—To flog 4—Part of verb "to be" 6—A ma rah 6—A flower 7—To tear 8—Latin word meaning " a n d " 2—A resting place 10—Paintings 11—Golf term 16— Edge of a pitcher 18—A rodent 20—Without discount 21—Not many 22—Expenditure 23—Varying from normal 26—Strong pulsation 26—Part of bodily structure 27—Fertlllier 28—To command 30—Negative 32—Uncooked 33—A sound to frighten 82—A portion 39— Sharp, quick blow 42—Offspring 44—Affirmative 44—Remainder 47—A flower 44—Waste away 60—Posseselve pronoun 51—To go w i t h haste 62—Tree fluid 53— Black vlscoue substance 68—Part of verb " t s ba" 56—Conducted 58—Negative * , f > — M i l d exclamation


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tained by one of its members, Miss Katheryn Weaver a t her home on the Vews From Our Sepascot Farm. During the business portion of the session there was a of clothing contributed by differNearby Villages box ent people packed for a mission in

Recollections of Cokertown


No. 2


When the Sunday school wae temp-j ly all the others have moved away, New York city. . Prof. P. O. Green orarily discontinued a Christian I One of the most earnest and enthusiof Madalin has been visiting the difEndeavor Society was organized. 11 astic members of the class was Miss ferent schools in this town . . . MVs. Stanford don't know who started it, but it was Susie Fulton. She had a fine musical M. Burns had company Tuesday evthe logical sequence of the Sunday i taste, and considerable ability. She This community is again called to e n i n g . . . Those who attended Rhineschool. The prayer meetings were was a person of culture and refineheld in the school house on Sunday ment, a graduate of De Garmo's mourn the loss of one of its esteem- beck's minstrel entertainment Friday led members, Miss Bessie T. Germond, i a wonderful time. , . S. evenings and were well attended. By Institute, a member of the Chautau i t * i i16, r .11*25, ,. l l r at. I\ „e\ einnir passedi away April ,.,,, nai Iloraback and Miss M. Cornwell of means of them the young people be- qua Literary and Scientific Circle, aj|I who Bowne Memorial Hospital at the age ] North Milan were among the others came interested in religious work and school teacher, and a leader in social I of fifty-four years. She had been a i here Tuesday evening 11 Shook experience, raising the moral tone of and religious work in the community. sufferer there for many months and j and family of Pine Plains were in the community and contributing ! She was, moreover, a sincere and | largely to its prosperity and happi- steadfast friend to all who knew her. I bore her affliction with fortitude and I this place the first of the wuek . .Miss a Christian character ; Susie Gedney of Red Hook and Mrs. ness, I attended some of ihesc meet-1 My acquaintance with her and with submission ings, and it was a pleasure to hear j her father's family will always be one endearing herself to all who knew , M. Gedney of Stamford, Conn., have .Our Early in life she united with been visiting in this locality the young people take part by a word ! of the most cherished memories of my her. the M. E. church at Bangall was a | city dads are not the only citizens of testimony, a verse of scripture, a ] life. verse of song, or occasionally a j It is necessary to mention the member of the Ladies Aid Society i who will rejoice whin the Rhinebeck short prayer. I used to like to hear , names of only a few of the young and of Stanford Grange. She was Roey City state road is tinished . K. Mr- Phillips pray. He had a father ; people of Cokertown that winter to a teacher in the public schools of tins M. Schryver and H. Shelry have been ly sort of way with him, and the show what changes have taken place town for several years. 'Her mother : erecting a garage for the former prayer was so plain and honest and [ in thirty years: Phil Becker, Harvey was Mrs. Elizabeth Germond, two gent leman . . . 1 Inc. M ('lark on direct, it seemed like talking with Traver, Carrie Near, Bessie Hols- sisters, Mrs. Franklin !>avis, and Mrs. Sepasco Ave., Monday. M.sShock returned to the New I'altz in i God. Susie Fulton would usually I apple, Laura Pells, Ida Phillips, Arthur Hammond and one brother, Normal College Tuesday Mr--. A. play the old Estey organ. I think it Elmer Teator, Edith and Julie Beck- Almon H. Germond, survive her. The must be the only one the school house er. Not one of these, nor any mem- sympathy of many friends is extend- M. Shook and daughter. Mi-s Nellie •ffrnm^ Why are motor has ever had, but it was a good one j ber of the families to which they be- ed to them in their bereavement. Shook have been the vi-itors of Milan —rich-toned and sweet. It has seen : longed (with one exception), is now Funeral services were held from her friends. .Miss Helen .iacoby has been car dealers glad to see you service late home, Sunday. Rev. (.;. E. Run- to sec her parents in this p4ace ere she in more than one way for the living there. ' A .lumSome have aied, others yon, pastor of the M. K. church at returned to Poughkeepsie when you Have a Buick to benefit of the community. | moved away and one house is gone. Bangall, conducting them. ber of the friends and i-elativis of Mrs. | In the fall of 1894 a singing class The farms they occupied are now Harry Talmadge, acompanied by Mrs. W. M. Decker have been visiting trade in ? was organized in Cokertown, promot- : owned by Austrians. They are good Miss at the Rhinebeck hospital of late De Garmo, sans 'Home ; her Miss Florence Hutchins of New ed I think by the Fulton family. It j people, but they are not the old of theMiriam Soul" and "Homeland," favorwas taught by Prof. D. C. Lehman, I Anglo-Dutch stock, and so we miss ites of the deceased. The bearers York city was recently in this locality Karl Beckly of Pine Plains vvaprincipal of Red Hook public school. them. were members of the family: Luman | The class met in the school house on The language makes some differ- Harrison, A. M. Morrison, A. 11. Ger- in this vicinity during the past week . . Nathaniel Hedges and family of Saturday evenings. I did not attend ence, but the racial characteristics mond, Stanley Harrison, Arthur ' the first winter but when it was re- are hardest to overcome. On the Hammon and Franklin Davis. The Gallatin were among those here Tues- • day evening Lee Myers of Pine organized the next winter, I joined other hand the.alien here misses his was in the family plot at j Plains was in this locality Wednesday it. The charge was one dollar for people as much as we miss ours. He burial . . The semi-annual con-' . . Wm. Lown of Rhinebeck .vas on a course of fifteen lessons. The fol- is a stranger in a strange land, and Stanfordville of the Christian Church of our suburbs the past week to help lowing winter Prof. Lehman had a the romance of the adventure soon ference Dutchess County will meet with the put the recently bought farm maclass in Rock City for which the fades into loneliness. What is more Christian church at Stanfordville, on chinery in order Miss Dorothy charge was two dollars for twenty natural then than that he should Sunday, April the morning ses^^^^^3 ^M lessons. While in the first singing settle near some other of his own sion opening at 26, The ladies of Teator of East Red Hook has been class, I attended in Rock City during countrymen? Did not the European the church will 10.30. serve coffee at noon the guest of Miss Mildred Rhynders the winter of 1883-1885, t h e charge disposess the Indian and that by the basket lunch. The regular . . . Fred Fero and family were in They know that if they was fifty cents for thirteen lessons. force? And for aught we know the with Sunday school will be at 9.30 A. M. Well, anyway we had a good time Indian disposessed the Moud Builder All are welcome to the Sunday school Poughkeepsie the other day. . .Will get it, they can sell it in the school house t h a t winter, and or still more ancient race. Racial and the conference . The members Ortong of Brooklyn was here this t the end of the term we had an changes are constantly going on all of the Women's Bible Class will meet week. Mrs. F. Shaffer has been visitquickly — at a good aentertainment which included a play over the earth, but the most import- on Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, ing in Rhinebeck. . .The people are entitled "My Turn Next." It is the ant, and most gigantic amalgamation April 25, at the church for the elec- all very glad to know that pastor price. Quick reliability only play I think in which I ever of the races that the world has ever tion of officers. .Mrs. Jane Germond Hipsley is convalescent. . . .Edward The part of Taraxicum seen is going on under our very eyes. has a pink monthly rose bush on Jacoby visited the Red Hook High has made Buick a first starred. Twiters- seemed appropriate for me. And I have no doubt that out of this which are fifteen buds and blossoms. School Friday. . Rev. W. W. Frey, i B. D., is to conduct the worship in | We used the same play in the enter strange conglomerate mixture of . . Miss Hilda Robinson underwent choice in the used car tainment at Rock City the next I every nation under heaven will come the second operation on the artery in the chapel until further notice. On i Bmyfcct* winter. In calling to mind the mem- a people superior even to the Anglo- her neck, Monday. At last reports the first Sunday after Easter he gave bers of that class at Cokertown, I ] Saxon, and without prejudice of color she was improving. Mr. and Mrs. there an appropriate sermon demonstrating the great difference that ex- I find that several of them are dead j or birth or rank in society. Abram Haight spent several days last ists in the false and the true and | including the teacher, and that nearBurton Coon. week in Yonkers, where the inter- how to be a sincerely worth while and ment of their son Charles took place. loyal Christian. The selections by the j . . There was a large attendance at choir and congregation were fitting I the regular Grange meeting last to the occasion.. .The Willing Work-1 Tuesday evening. After the business ers and the Ladies Aid Society have session, the members enjoyed old been quite busy keeping affairs in i fashioned dancing. The music was order these days. fi+ 8 9 10 II B5 & 1 furnished by Fred Porter. Refreshments were served during the even-j it ing. The next meeting will be Tues- | 11 3 341 Main St Poughkeepsie day evening, April 28, when the first ! M i s s I d a M . C o l e W e d s a t 1 1 C A. Hartshorn C. B. Hartshorn 7 and second degrees will be conferred j h o m e of R e v . a n d M r s . W e b e r 19 IT'S" 15 upon several candidates Mrs. Anita i TELEPHONE 3036 Campbell and little daughter are j A recent issue of The Independent, 11 11 | \o visiting at S. E. Robinson's near Wil- St. Petersburg. Fla., contains the folWhen Better Automobiles are Built, l o w s . . Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Long of j lowing : Buick will Build Them 17 15 XH •U Standfordville are the parents of a daughter, Constance, born at Vassar | Cole-Purdy Marriage Announced T MB B30 Hospital, April 17. Mr. Long is the The marriage of Miss Ida M. Cole. lumber and coal dealer here. .Mrs.' 5 Palm Avenue. Bi>r Bayou, and .1. fe Edward Juckett. daughter of Mr and : Parker Purdy was solemnized yester 3H 35 35 31 31 Mrs. Arthur Wurster of Stissin^. i day afternoon at A o'clock at the Rhinebeck underwent an operation for appendi- I home of Rev. Jacob Weber, .'' -i •". B38 37 NOTv Realty & Development citis, Saturday at Vassar Hospital . Sixth Avenue. North. William Camburn has purchased one Following the ceremony Mr. and , Company 43gM rH HO •m wa of David Haight's horses at Mclntyre. Mrs. Purdy left for a motor trip . . Mrs. Arthur Adams of Stanford- : through the state. They plan to reResidential and Farm 47 •<4fc 1 ville, is at Vassar Hospital where turn in a few weeks to make ;his city j«ff 48 gj Property in Dutches* County she underwent an operation for ap- j their home. pendicitis and hernia, S a t u r d a y . . I Mr. and Mrs. Purdy are both form5H • 51 Realty Building W » , si vm 53 A horse belonging to Arthur Adams I er residents of Grand Rapids. Mich., Rhinebeck, New York was so severely kicked by another but have been residing in \h\< city 57 5fc horse last week, that is was necessary i for a number of years. 51 Telephone, Rhinebeck 400 to kill i t . . William Landon of Wil-I Miss Cole is a niece of Virgil A. 1 62 fcO 59 B^ lows, spent last week with relatives Welch of this village. Representative in in New York. His daughter. Mrs. Uh"> Aikenhead, returned home with him & New York City After reading the profound writfor a visit. ings of the intellectuals, one is conNichols * Hobbie, a vinced that it must be great stuff if 7 East 42 St., one could understand it. Rock City iD T H C INTI * N A T ON*t SVNO ICATE . Telephone, Murray Hill 6932 Vincent Gay and his brother Ed66—Craftier HORIZONTAL win visited their brother Bert in New Parents who wanted debating in67—Before 1—Consumed by f i r * York city the first of the week. . troduced into the school courses may 68—Out of date fi—Juice of trees Prof. Wm. Wildey and family of Bar- find that their children are sufficient•—Incendiarism VERTICAL rytown have been recent guests of ly proficient in that art already. 12—To employ 1—A vehicle friends h e r e . . . Norman Cookingham 13—Guardian* of the forest 2—A guide and wife have had this past week 14—Period of t i m e 8— Brought up Hyde Park company. . .Thursday a 15—Wabbly 4—T,o attempt fire was raging over the fields south 17—Product of a mine 6—Abounding in snow of this place caused in the first place 18—Headstrong 6—Decided upon by a burning brush heap that was S-F-l S t a e t t b u r g , N. Y . 2 0 — T o make a mistake 7—Removee the skin hustled along by a suddenly rising 21—To expand 8—A tree iL-}]A..^.i.f»mfHtm» wind but the twenty brave fire fight2 2 — P a r t of verb) "to b e " 9—Burned on the surfsce ers soon had the wild conflagration 2 2 — T o fear greatly 10— T o commend subdued before the nearby buildings 28—Affirmative 11—A negative were destroyed. Friday evening a 28—To. prevent 16—An enclosed stockade for anilarge company of friends of M. Pink 28—A mleslte mals (S. Afr.) and wife, A. V. Battenfeld and wife, SO—In bed 1 C . R . I , R e d . , S. C. W h i t e 19—Edges of a roof R. Dunham and wife were nicely en81—Negative 23—Perils tertained by them in the hall where Leghorns a n d Barred P l y m o u t h S3—Italian coin 24— Aimless wanderer everything was done to make this a SB—An ejaculation Rocks. Front purebred trap28— Humbling never to be forgotten affair because 88—An adverb 27—Implements for digging of the genuine good time. . . Teachers nested flocks. State tested a a d 2 7 — A weapon 28—Body of soldiere and pupils have once more settled t 88—Wooded areas free from Bacillary W h i t e Dithemselves down to business so as to 80— Lowest female voice In singing #;Q A tree be well prepared for the coming va<pl.) arrhoea. H a t c h e s every w e e k . 4 0 — L a t i n for " a n d " cation . . . Arbor Day being devoted— 32—Be removed References, Rural N e w Yorker . 41—Small particle a portion of it at least—to the ef8 4 — P a r t of human body 42—Earth fective work of putting in order the 35—A beast of burden or any purchaser. 44—Personal pronoun school lawn which has been called 38—To stitch 48—To wslk one of the prettiest in the state, is an 41—To make up f o r 47—To Ignore important occasion here. . .A number 43— Pertaining to the moon A . H O W A R D FINGAR, 4 8 — T r a i l sjL-wIM animal ( 8 . Afr.) 46—Grievously of the high school boys attended a 81—Hesegeir Sunnyhrook Poultry Farm, ball game at Springbrook Park Fri48—Outdoor tourist 88— Bites off by degree* day afternoon. . Mrs. L. A. Kehm has 48—Machines for packing cotton Eliaaville, CoL Co., N . Y . been very ill but has recovered suffi80—Student 4-18-3t ciently t o accompany the rest of the 88—Crippled 61—Hurry family t b thofr Brooklyn home the 87—A southern Stat* (abbr.) 82—To harass first of the w e e k . . . Dr. H. Cookingmotion 54— G r o w * smaller ham was here Friday and Saturday. . wetering pleoe 88—Call of distress (abbr.) Mrs. E. Sherwood is spending a while of combat 58— Patriotic saeUty (abbr.) in Rhinecliff . .Burton Rhynders and fatty Hejuid •1—A r.ptll. Kenneth M. Hover took a quick auto 08jjW>-GwTtlfMt ,_ wild animal trip to Poughkeepsie Friday. . . M m textile fsbrlo Amy Gedney of Stamford, Conn., has been visiting relatives h e r e . . . . t : C ' To a o f last wssk's P a u l * Ralph J . Rossman and Miss Estella Raal Estate r-White May Lipinski of Poughkeopeie were In Martin Decker of the town of married there April 16th. Their Rhinebeck to Walter F . Wheeler of friends a n d relatives here wish them Csfloni of Suds tho town of Rod Hook; town of every blessing.. Among t h o s e ' h e r o Friday evening were Mr. a a d Mrs. F . Rhinebeck; $1 stamp. Triebel of Rod Hook. . . A number IUHTTTMI -« — Lnelnda M. Eiffhmey of the town from this locality attended the aucOf Rhinabaek to George 1. Eighmey tion of Mrs. E. Simmons near Lafay(lMGaUeue) of tho town of Rod Book; town of ette S a t u r d a y . . . Mr*. G. Cotting is Rhinebeck; BOc entertaining New York e i t r relatives •V» . . .Mr. a a d Mrs. M. Graham have Hubert Greens and wife of the been to me relatives and friends In town of Rhinebeck to Ethel G. Don*- this aaeaoa ere they return to their •rest of the eases place; town Poughkeepsie homo Miss Marion rillago of Rhiaebeek; BOc stamp.

EXPERTS ON PERMANENT WAVING Gurantee Six Months Nestlt Lanoil Method The entire head $ 2 0 . 0 0 up Also all kinds of Bobbing, Bleaching, Dying and M a i n u i i i ^ i nufacturer of all kin< human hair goods.

T w o M a l e M a r c e l l e r s in a t t e n d a n c e a t a l l h o u r s




Poughkeepsie Buick Co.







At a private place direct from a manufacturer. Note, ladies, that this is a reliable, homelike, convenient dress shop such as hundreds of women are looking for. Our small debts and low expenses enables us to give you coats and dresses of fine materials, and latest up-tothe-minute styles at prices you could hardly believe without seeing them. You surely will be happy to know about this place as are hundreds of our satisfied customers. Come in, go through our merchandise, fit on as many garments as you like until suited. Enjoy it and save money. Open Evening* Until 8.30 No Charge For Alterations


Good Cows repay good feeding



• |'^





Urautij *iui}j

A MARINO FRANKLIN SIMONS, New York City Formerly 5 GARDEN STREET Phone 3547 POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. Hours: 8.30 to 8 o'clock

• •






Under management of J


r~ ri


Dr dtxr


If vou o w n c o w s that have the capacity to produce milk profitably the profit is up t< you. T h e cow will u>> her part :f you give her a £ood feed— one that is absolutely uniform and m a d e by a formula that r - v e r changes. T l v s e art s t a n d a r d s that the L a r r o w e Milling Company pledges I'sel! a l w a y s '•'•'. maintain. T h e quality of Larro will never he lowered so long a s L a r r o is made, regardless of what changes take place in the price of ingredients. This promise th** manufacturers of L a r r o are able to keep, because they have both the experience and the equipment to make a feed that never varies and that can be depended upon to produce milk profitably. Let u s prove that L a r r o will do for y o u r c o w s w h a t it has done for o t h e r s .

V. G. Demarest, Rhinebeck, N. Y.

COAL - LUMBER Building Materials



I Add Some-



thing to the Total Each Pay Day I have tried a number of different plans of saving, and I have found that there is only one that will assure my having a certain amount of money saved at the end of the year and that is to put a predetermined amount of my pay in my Savings Account the first thing I do each pay day. If you'll try this plan I know you will like it. The Bank pays me 4 percent Interest on my balance every six months.











Rhinebeck, New York



8tt; tow* of


Clarke sad slater, Alice, of Meant Pluisat were hare T u i a a / .Saturof Rod day afternoon the M. l l a f . 8. 8. of



Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


mv.sv ,




M i i •« i

WM» four years' work leadin* to tb« « • » • • of B. A. It moats the hjgk«»t standard* of scholarship sot by the Middle •**•• College Association, and eaters* u»xp«Bsiv«nes* of liv. ing, iatinat* personal compaaioaakip of prof«».or. » n d •tadenta, and sincerity. Tha faes are: For tuition, $250 a year; for a room, furnished and heated $125 a year; for board in hall, $225 a year; a total of $600. The college is equipped for teaching men who after graduation, are going into business or into post graduate schools of medicine, law, theolo , journalism., or into classical, social or literary research. Address, BERNARD IDDINGS BELL, President Annandale-on-Hudson, N. Y. (Railway Station: Barry town)





N D O R S E D b y leading authorities. T h i s a u t o m a t i c refrigeration i s endorsed b y t h e G o o d Housekeepinglnstitute.the N e w Y o r k Tribune Instit u t e , t h e M o d e m Priscilla Proving Plant, and, best of all. b y t h o u s a n d * of s a t isfied u s e r s . T a l k w i t h Kelvinator o w n e r s . T h e n talk w i t h u s .

For many years Cokertown could boast of a general store and post office. It was kept in an old fashioned frame building that is still standing on the south side of the road, half way between the school house and Spring Lake depot. One end was fitted up for a family apartment and the other for a store. It stands on land belonging to a farm fownerly owned by John M. Pells. He was a bachelor until middle life when he married a sister of William H. Allendorf, a prominent resident of the town of Milan. His widow is still living in Red Hook village.

when they failed to pay, the merchant bad to go under. Mr. Kilmer afterward became a succesful traveling salesman until his death about a year ago in Albany. He had one peculiarity. He said he could not figure an account unless he had a cigar in his mouth. The next merchant was Benj. C. Seism. Many «jll remember him as a lover of horses and horse racing, who had a good horse that he insisted on driving himself at the races when he was past eighty years of age. He also peddled his goods from fhe store at Cokertown, and was at the same time agent for Osborn farm The first storekeeper that I remem- machinery. I took a mowing maber was Pedro Sweet. Many people chine of him on trial, but it proved will also remember him as a popular to be a defective one, as several auctioneer. He afterward moved to others had tried it and could not Bulls Head, in the town of Clinton, make it work. He went from Cokerwhere I think he kept store and also town to Upper Red Hook where he bought and speculated in wool. He had a store. He was then about has been dead some years. The next fifty-five, short, stockily built, with storekeepers were two yourtg men of round, full face and moustache, the neighborhood, neighbors to each turning gray. He had keen practical other, Frank Gardner, and Wm. H. eyes, and a business like air. Hapeman. I distinctly remember goThe last merchant who occupied ing with my mothbr to their store, the store was John L. Snyder, son of and how pleased they were with the Peter H. Snyder, a Civil War veternew customer, and how I was treat- an. The people of Rhinebeck will reed with bags of candy and sticks of member Peter Snyder, as his wife licorice root and I suppose, for a used to visit some of her relatives while my mother got the goods and there. He lost an arm in the war. I got the profits. Subsequently the Hi son, John, was in the store busipartnership was dissolved, Mr. Gard- ness for a while, ran a wagon around ner going to New York, if I remem- the country and finally failed like all ber right, while Mr. Hapeman kept of his predecessors. He is now in the store going for a while longer. business in Schenectady. , The next man to open up the busiThe old store has been empty now ness there was Osborn ^Kilmer, son- for some years, except that a family in-law of Robert Teator. He was a has lived in one end of the building. very ambitious and enterprising mer- The barn has disappeared; also a chant, running a wagon all over the dwelling house, a little way up the countryside, peddling his goods and road. Three other houses are left taking butter and eggs in exchange. in the immediate vicinity, which is He sold a great deal of merchandise, really the center of the community. but the thing which killed his busi- Back of the store, across a little ness and which has killed practically creek, under a group of trees, is an every other country store business, old family burying ground. Across sooner or later, is the credit system. 4 ^he road, a little to the west is the Cash was scarce in the country and Cokertown pond. It has always been the people generally poor. So, in there. What man has made, decays. order to build up a business rapidly, What God has made, lasts. credit was extended to them. Then Burton Coon.

\ 1


3 | m 11

lb 20



A g e n c y for Dutchess a n d

: is


Ulster Counties

Distributor for J e w e t t a n d Seeger Refrigerators

• 62.

Company Residential and Farm Property in Dutchess County Realty Building Rhinebech, Now York Telephone, Rhinebech 400 Representative i s New York City Nichols A Hohbie, 42 St.,



BABY CHICKS S . C . R. I. R o d s , S. C W h i t * Leghorn* and Barred Plymouth Rocks. F r o m purebred trapn e s t e d flocks. S t a t e t e s t e d a n d f r e e f r o m B a c i l l a r y W h i t e Diarrhoea. Hatches every week. References, Rural N e w Yorker or a n y purchaser. FINGAR,

Sutmyhrook Poultry Farm, Elrxaville, Col. Co., N . Y .



Gallops of Suds (Purest of Soaps) Bigt* Changes of Water fc ( I t * Gallons)

q v •* •

IM&NHl ^Wk-

1tUB* • 1






55 | W 50







56 39








H 7











m e iiI T C S N A T I O N A l <Y»I0ICAT c.

The stirring v o u n l • -*' W . \ i . j f f "f the a m a 11 e »t bow t e v u nuke . h f . r i p over the route follow .••! I I.ief Ericson in the eleventh cei>tur> .JudKe Well** 1 bought the Shanghai n "openh«K< n from the three Dane* w* . 'ifter buiidinR her in China, ha<l mailed her all J i e way home The boat was -\ ketch, nly forty-seven feet o\ei all. <*onatrurt -.1 throusrhuut of tcekwuod aftfr ', he •:<•rtign of Norwei?ian lift'-.->avinK boats.


Little Aunt Emmie

First PrsteT—"Are you going to Wif. s a y prostata this Ctariatataaf" pera?" • t e s a t *Fl»l«r—«Mo,t •Tarythiiit I got lest year was nwral." names.'

Anything naw in tha pa-»No,


Ralph Barbour I | '


To Lhasa in Disguise, Wm. McGovern This is a record of adventures, imi ..f achievements in the fare of supposedly insuperable obstacle*, which ih thrillinu by reason of t h e size and color and SIKnificance of the events. Ur Mc Govern, who by the way is related on His mother's side to both Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, i* an Oxford man. a distinguished Orientalist, a lecturer of the Royal Asiatic Society, and the author of several books dealing with .he Far East. He was especially equipped to capitalize in interest and information for his readers t h e amazing experiences through which he passed.

I'll Show You the town, Klmer Davis He was an assistant professor of Latin and the descendant of .a respectable line of college presidents; r,e was the sort of man women confided in and trusted—but none the less there was that wild Kentucky strain in nis blood. So when he elected (or rather was elected) to show New York to three women ---but we'll let Elmer Davis .ell the vale.

.Alice E. Aellen I

A, *

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069



ARCADE DRUG STORE P o u g h k e e p s i e , N. Y .

Eliza Orne White

lake some of Miss White's earlier stones, this is for and about reall> 'ittie children Tony and his twin sister Laura live sometimes in the suburbs and sometimes in a seashore cottage w-ith their mother, who is i widow There is also in the house 3 young aunt who sings and teaches music. Sandy, the cat. and Perry, the Airedale. During the year that the story covers, .he children learn to swim and skate, --elebrate their birthday, get separated -ind lost in the city, majce new friends, and enter Laura's best doll in .1 prize contest.

" E v e r y F l a v o r M e e t s W i t h Favor*' , | {

Can You Believe Our Stories, A. Aspinwall |

STRAIGHT TALKS WITH AUNT EMMY On Signing Papers for Strangers

Look For The Sign ! SCHRAUTH'S ICE CREAM is s o d in a l l p a r t s of t h e c i t y a n d u p d o w n t h e H u d s o n River, for miles and miles. D o not be satisfied with anything else—order Schrauth's.

It is Wise Economy T o Choose the Oakland Six In b u y i n g a n O a k l a n d S i x y o u r first e c o n o m y is in its l o w p u r c h a s e p r i c e . A n d y o u w i l l find t h i s t o b e w i s e e c o n o m y . Y o u c a n aee for yourself w h a t big, g e n e r o u s v a l u e y o u g e t for y o u r m o n e y . A n y O a k l a n d o w n e r will tell y o u h o w t h r i f t y h i s c a r is w i t h g a s a n d o i l — h o w easy on tires. You e c o n o m i z e further t h r o u g h the long life a n d stamina resulting from Oakland's correct des i g n a n d a d v a n c e d e n g i n e e r i n g . Confirm t h e a e f a c t s by inquiries. Drive a n O a k l a n d Six yourself.


Touring Car

"What is da usefulest kind o' food dar is?" queried Julius of his mate, Matilda"Ah spects chickens is, case you all can eat 'am Yak de's beamed and after day's daid." ••

1 1

at factory

Glass enclosures at small extra cost

W A R R E N J. HOUSE Red Hook, N. Y. Winning and Holding Good Will





OPPORTUNITY Many things you have been wanting to do for your wife are probably within your reach if you only knew it. Why not consult us today? "Invest with



Berry & Company 16 Cannon Street - Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

I !

Come in and See The Electric


An untimely frost effectually completed the mischief done earlier by the insect enemies of Mr. Perkin's potatoes. The tops of the planta. which had served aa pasturage for the peats, were entirely destroyed, and with them Mr. Perkin's hopes of a crop. He waa not selfiah, however, and could think of others in the hour of adversity. In the afternoon ha waa accosted at the post office by a friend. "Hallo, Parkins! How's everything up to the comarat" "Trouble enoogh!" waa the gloomy response. "Ten million potato hug* and nothing for 'an to eat 1"

* • • / ,

22 LIBERTY STREET Opposite Stratford Theatre Telephone 2646 P O U G H K E E P S I E , N. Y .

$1.50 per box

"DM you hear about the terrible The hero is known as "Gentleman thing that happened to Mrs ThompJohn." He is a gambler by profession, son. Aunt Emmy?" asked Maud "It although a manager of a stage-coach company on the side. He is hated by seems that a man came to see her to i the other and crooked gamblers in the ask her to Invest In some securities i community, and in the end there comes a general fight, almost a battle, in which his firm was selling, and she said she he settles his score with them The did not have any ready money. He book is certainly a thrilling romance, asked her If she had some Liberty : and it will probably seem to the readers to top everything else by the lUthor. Bonds, and she showed him her one | White Indian Edwin Sabin Liberty Bond, a thousand dollar one. "White Indian" is the nickname given He told her that there were a number , to a young Englishman who. embittered of counterfeit bonds about and upon* by a love affair with an Amt-rican itirl, examining her bond said there were j has taken to trapper life in the far west mountain country at the era when the some marks that indicated it might be» decline of the beaver trade in lx.tn-36 spurious. Poor Mrs. Thompson nearwas opening plains and t asses ;n Oregon. The theme of the story is ,he rely fainted and begged the stranger to generation of this mail, who nas .aken tell her what to do about it. for his S'tuaw a gentle Nez I'erce *-oman, and is living with her when ihe "He told her not to be unduly alarmwhite girl comes to the hills seeking ed, that there was a chance that he him in hopes of atonement. The novel ' was mistaken. His firm was indigis filled with actual historical characters and faithfully depicts an exciting epoch ! nant. he said, about the counterfeit in our national story. bonds that had been foisted on the Bill the Conqueror.!'. S. Wodehouse public and Intended to do everything The Conquering Bill Had a kind heart I in its power to run dawn the culprits. when he saved Felicia Sheridan ' r u n 1 They employed a man who was an drowning, hut events -evirated ,hem. The next time they met. Bill wn> masi authority on counterfeits and he could 1 tering the pulp indust y in London and tell in a minute if her bond was good had j u s t removed his collar and shoes • or not. So Mrs. Thompson let him On the same evening thev encountered each other on the roof of r lick's home J have the bond to take to his office for from which she was escaping in classiI examination." cal fashion by a rope made of a .orn-up bed sheet. Thus with one *hmy and "And. of course, he didn't bring It another it was settled that the wealth back." commented Aunt Emmy of Uncle Cooley and the wishes of Sir George Pyke were not to prevail with"Worse than that!" Maud went on. out a struggle. And the reader of "Rill | "He said that, being a widow, she the Conqueror" is in for a hard strug: should be very careful in her business gle, too- with laugh'er. The Loving Mystery. .Jeffery Farnol dealings, so he made her sign what he called a receipt, although she didn't Hardly a soul in Kngland knew that Sir Nevil Loring was not the lawful heir read it. About a week after his visit to the Loring estates —he h*d held them she received a number of shares of and the title for many years From stock that she says she never heard Virginia came young David Loring, son of Sir Nevil's older hrother, Humphrey, of and certainly never bought. So she and t h e rightful h e n , but before David wrote to the Investment house the reached Loring Chase, a body was washstock came from and said she thought ed up by the Thames and recognized by Sir Nevil, the family solicitor Mr. Gila mistake had been made. Imagine lespie and Jasper Shrig, shrewd private her surprise when she was Informed detective, as that of the young American. Meanwhile, a mysterious young that she had signed an order for those man who called himself David Loring shares of stock In exchange for a $1.reached Loring Chase, obtained audience 000 Liberty Bond! with Sir Nevil and waa rudely received, then swore to dispossess his uncle of "First she was coming right over te the property. Soon after Sir Nevil, aee you and then decided not to, bewicked, relentless Sir Nevil, was found dead in his home, the silver hilt of a cause she felt ashamed when she redagger gleaming among the blood-stainmembered that you had warned her ed frills at his throat. It was plainly murder, and there was work for Jasper about being taken In, now that Mr. Shrigh to do. Thompson Is dead and she has to hanMy j Soundings A. Hamilton Gibbs dle her own business affairs John Farrar. Editor of The Bookman: brother Tom says he thinks nothing " 'Soundings" is a love story so deeply can be done about it, aa the receipt conceived, so ably executed that it hearing her signature la really an orleaves the reader breathless. It is as striking from an emotional standpoint der for the stock." as anything I have read in years and "I am sorry to hear this, Maud." beautifully written besides." said Aunt Emmy. "What a pity she The Reckless Lady. did pot take her bond to the bank to "The Reckless lj«dv** will particularly interest Philip Gibbs huge American have tt examined if that slick aaleaaudience since his heroine, a delightful man aroused suspicions in her mind English girl, Sylvia Fleming, marries a as to its genuineness. She would have young American and geos to live in Grand Rapids, where all the scenes of been dealing with people of Integrity, the last part of the story a r e laid. whom she could trust absolutely. And The Isles of Fear .TCatherine Mayo yet she allowed herself to be dnped The Ghost of Glen Gorge, by a perfect stranger! Grace M. White "Yet there must be a lot of that sort To the countless thousands so thorof thing when you consider that over oughly familiar with Mrs. White's many novels, and .who love her "Teas" and . $600,000,000 a year is being taken other squatter characters, there would away from the honest people in tha seem to be small need of an introduction United States by stock swindlers. It to this, her latest story of the Storm the people would only learn to trust Country. In "The Ghost of Glen Gorge" several characters out of her former tha guidance of their financial affalra novels walk across the pages, and la to their banks and never' sign anylittle Peg the reader will find a heroine who will quickly take her place in his thing they have not read and do not heart beside lovable red-headed Teas. understand, there would be leaa unHis Wife-in-law Marie Oemler happlness about money matters."— Mrs. Oemler has rhoaen for the backAnne R Aymes. ground of this novel a small town of


N e w M o d e r n Store. Center of the S h o p p i n g District An Entirely N e w R a n g e of Smart Fashions. Coats, Suits, G o w n s , Blouses, Furs a n d Ladies W e a r i n g A p parel. Priced L o w For Quick Selling.


Selwood of Sleepy Cat, Frank H. Spearman

Tee author has taken a group of asosls HaSts with none of the accepted standards of conduct cf saorallty tart


i j

Children ;:re going to find Emmie a joyously original new i»la>mate. Htr small head is stored with Indian legend- learned from her father, a f amois Adirondack guide, and she plays them in the most delightful manner in the world. Just as sure as children •• ve to "dress up and act out'' ihe> will be fascinated with Emmie's celebrations >'. Indian feasts anil her game "f The Three Sisters which the Indians knew as The Spirit of Torn. The Spirit .1 Squashes and The Spirit of Beans

SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS-WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling in the words of which you feel reasonably rare. These will give you a clue to other words crossing them, and they in turn to still others. A letter belongs in each white space, words starting at the numbered squares and running either horisohtally or vertically or both. VERTICAL HORIZONTAL 1—A constellation t— Allow 2—To make beloved * 4—Dwellings 3—Suppose; think 8—Consumed '' 4—Agriculture (abbr.) 11—Make angry 6—Mendlesnt IS—Closer 18—8cent , 6—Pierces »ie— Domestic animal ' 7—Point of oompass (abbr.) 8—A mslody tt— Leaal claim 9—Indian's tent 20— Female aheap 10— Eagle 21—HI ah wind 28—Lick *• 12—part of verb "to be" 83—Eastern Stats of U. S. (abbr.) 14—Total 17—Cereal grain 84—Those who proportion 1t—Alcoholic liquor 26—For Instance (Latin, sbbr.) 23— Overpowering fesr (pi.) St—One who uses the bow and 24—Resists authority arrow 26— Relsted tt—Part of a flower 27—Rook resembling granite S4—Burglarise > 29—Pill to the limit . tt—Part af verb "to be" 30—A hollow S6—Beverage 32—Superficial extent 37_Qolf mound x 33—Be Introduced to S8—Oesert beasts ' -' 39—Relating to very small par41—Tha and of life (pi.) tfclss >«- -Abbr. for a thorough "are 40—Walks pompously 44—Impassive 41—To regulate the course of 47—Like <J2—Leading rope 4t—Cxelamatlon 46— Over (shortened) 51—Hindmost 46—Tdmova slowly 62—Every 49—Employ 64—In tha midst of 60—Lyric poem 66—Persuade , 52—Confusion tS—Love extremely 59—Girl's n a m e SB—Steer 54—Girl's name SO—Odd lobs sboutYplacs 57—Established (abbr.) playing eard 69— Civil Engineer (abbr.) tract of land 81—Personal pronoun v -the sea-tslaad coast eouatry of the South, with its proud old white families, Solatia, of but its gay (and sometime* melancholy) A certain canny Scotsman had car- « negroe*. is* teeming animal life and Its ried on a canrtahip of long duration mamifleent plant luxarteneav It to the tidewater country, and always oat there0 without definitely committing hint? are (he marshes with t h e • • « • slipping self. The girl, If she worried herself back and forth over them as the tides at tha long probation, gave no sign ebb and flow with the regularity of life until one morning har tardy lover, The tides and the marahea a r e part of the story This it the country Mrs thumbing a small notebook, aaid: Oemler knows and h>ves, and she write* "Majrgi«*. I hae been weighing np your of It with that ardor and that air of guid pointt, and I hae already got to authenticity which helved to win M many readers for "Slippy Mr Gee " ten. When t get a dosan I'm gohV tot 1st n the fatal Question.'* Tha Scarlet Cockerel.C. M. Sublette "Weel, I Wish ye luck, Jock/' answerMr. Sublette is portieularly Interested in history and his novel has a distincted tha maiden. "I hae also gotten a 1 ly historical background, being .. t l t h wee book, and I've bean pnttin' doom •enter* tela of the French Huguenot your bad points. There are nineteen colonists hi the Carolina* and their dim in it already, and whan it reaches cullies with the Spanish, frota Florida, the score I'm goin' ts« accept tha Tha Constant Nymph, blacksmith P Margaret Kennedy

Luaaoii BOB uidaaci ®0i GHaQaataaBLig g o n c o BQH QQUua .aara aaana aiaa raaucuu nsa nnauQ u laatia B anas ® 33K iSDUU DBUU OB aaDQ aauaaoa D H B an paasa yaaa zu a cjaaa a utDSi-i m yaaat nan aocaa tBUffl BUBaK L?[iCS_ guaaia uuu uuiaiic? aao Lsauaaau uau tjaaay auu uaauu


the big interest in this story of life at Wyndham School. In it you follow the fortunes of three young fellows who have grouped themselves together and railed themselves the Triumvirate and have adopted the slogan of the Three Musketeers, "One for all, and all for one " Altogether "Bases Full" takes its place as one of its author's finest tales of boarding scnuol ami sport

The Life of Benvenuto Celleni, •J«i>in A. Symonds The Last Cruise of thi Shanghai, F. 1). Wells







29 JO

58 Rhinebeck

This unknown author'* first Bock ..f Gossip proved «n international sfnsiition, running into nine iirinlinKB or Europe and America His second confidences are more entertainingly indiscreet than ever. They comprise ;t perfectly astonishing wealth of new mil Rood storiee juat as audaciously void. A witticism or a celebrity sparkles ,'iom every pa^e. . Not one of the men or women who halt a fliny in 'he world in Victorian and post-Vu-tu.-ian days Is missing.




A. H O W A R D



H P*







i i

Murray Hill

J ••


Tel. 139

Realty &




31 Cannon Street ;

The following books have been added to the Starr Institute library: Things I Shouldn't Tell, Basses Full Baseball is Author "Uncensored Recollections


Helen Martin

Challenged is another dramatic story of a Pennsylvania town, by the author of "The Snob." Pathetically tragic is the figure of Mazie Leinbach, handicapped by her struggle to wrest a living from t h e soil, in her attempt to hold the love of her iiiin, Kaleigh. With her high, fine courage, her indomitable will and gay bravado, she sacrifices herself for him.

Volui ses Added to Starr Institute Public Library for April


. F. Kane


No. S


concerns itself with»a remaekable study of t o e pagan in conflict with supercivilisation.

New Books At Library

Recollections of Cokertown



= =


\tfth Motor Driven ¥ Brush

Two Cleaners in One For the Price of One W« have been appointed a g e n t a f o r thia f a m o u s c l e a n e r in t h i s t e r r i t o r y a n d w e w a n t t o d e m o n s t r a t e ) to y o o its m a n y

fay you have









Sale On Men's Suits All Wool Hand-Tailored Suits, Newest Spring Models, Single and Double-breasted, 2 Pant Suits. Values to $36. Special. .$21.50 All Wool Suits, Neatly Tailored, High-grade Models, Closing Out Prices. Values to $27.50. Special $18.00





l i l



, w . i

. .

Vote For Ample School FaciliCensus Takers Ask ties Mindful of a Morrow Thirteen Questions Pleads William R. Tremper

Spring Apparel

Will Start Taking State Census On June 1st—All P e r t o m To Be Listed

An Interview by E. & M. EUner

BOYS' SUITS All Wool 4-piece Vest Suits. $11.98 All Wool Suits, 2 Pants, $12.50 Value. Special $9.98 Blue Serge Suits, all Wool $6.98 We have a lot of dark color Suits, Special Close out price $4.98

T H E T A L K — O f the town. A most wond e r f u l v a r i e t y of n e w s p r i n g m o d e l s . Lad i e s s h o u l d t a k e a d v a n t a g e of o u r s p r i n g o f f e r i n g s . E v e r y w o m a n is t a l k i n g a b o u t T h e E c o n o m y Dress S h o p . No matter w h e t h e r it is a n e n s e m b l e s u i t , a w o m a n ' s s t o u t d r e s s , a S p r i n g c o a t or t h e s n a p p i e s t y o u n g l a d i e s ' a n d misses' dresses. Our mat e r i a l s a r e of t h e f i n e s t , s t y l e s of t h e l a t e s t , a n d t h e prices a r e so r e a s o n a b l e that you c a n h a r d l y b e l i e v e it w i t h o u t s e e i n g t h e m . L o w r e n t s a n d small e x p e n s e s e n a b l e us to d o it. A p r i v a t e place, h o m e like, c o n v e n i e n t , j u s t a p l e a s u r e t o c o m e in, g o t h r o u g h o u r m e r c h a n d i s e , (it o n a s m a n y g a r m e n t s a* y o u l i k e u n t i l s u i t e d , e n j o y it a n d s a v e money. It will b e w o r t h y o u r w h i l e t o w a l k a f e w s t e p s off M a i n s t r e e t a n d s e e for yourself. No c h a r g e for a l t e r a t i o n s .

Mindful of an inevitable morrow, What's your name, where do you )> a greater morrow, a more powerful live, how old are you, and what do morrow, over-shadowing the present you do for a living? These questions, day, conferring more honors, impos- ! >:: and a number of others, will be asked ing more duties, Mr. William R. ! between June 1 and 15 of every resiTremper considers the local school problem far-sightedly. dent of New York State, in connecHaving served as superintendent tion with the coming census. All 425 MAIN STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. of schools of the town of Rhinebeck told there will be thirteen questions. for so many years he 's in an advan| or more than in I'.H .">. when the last tageous position to discuss RhineI state count was made. beck's educational affairs. Florence K. S. Knapp S e c r e t a r y of Mr. Tremper is a man for action j State, has compiled . he follow i n ^ that counts, for determination lo questions to be asked b. • t h e e n u m e r meet a situation squarely. With reIators: freshing frankness he declares himI Permanent residence, giving street self opposed to patch-work dictated land number; name of person enumexecuted grudgingly T h r o u g h I n f l u e n c e o f F a r m B u r e a u , by necessity, While our price ia' •till down to erated, including all persons living in after years of wrangling and undue S a y * President of S t a t e A g e n t s ' 19 Garden Street Poughkeepsie 'the state on June 1. but not including hesitation. ' Association O p e n E v e n i n g s Until 8:30 those born after that date. The next The local school difficulties Ure question asked will be the relationnothing new, and in his opinion will "Seventy-five thousand New York ever remain to be annoyingly pressship of each person to the head of the family, and then conies color or State farmers are doing new things ing unless definitely removed now in per gallon v race; sex, anil age at last birthday. on their farms today because of an Ground in Oil a spirit of local pride and thoroughidea born in the hill country of ness. That could be accomplished in If born in the United States, say I if all colors. " Broome county fourteen years ago," but one, the only way: Erect an enso. and if not give the name of the 4,000 ARMY STORES said Leo Muckle, president of the tirely new building on plenty of playcountry where you were born. Give East of the Mississippi have New York State County Agent As- ground somewhere in Rhinebeck. the number of years you have lived boon selling this paint for the in the United States, likewise state sociation, broadcasting from Station The weighty experience of a quarwhether you are a citizen or alien, WGY, Schenectady Monday night on ter of a century, the consideration past five years, which is a guarOur alterations are not completed, but we and if naturalized, when and where, j the work of the farm bureau and the for generations to come and the absoantee of it» quality. State your trade or profession, and i county agent. DISCOUNTS ON LARGER lute faith in this community's future are prepared to take care of your needs. whether you are employed or an emReciting a brief history of the urge Mr. Tremper to cotne out—as QUANTITIES ployer. If an inmate of an institu- J farm bureau, Mr. Muckle said that he has done in the past—for this tion, give the place from which you Broome county, New York had ihe plan. a t e s of ground for its school came when admitted. Remember j first farm bureau organization in the Tracing back local school troubles Rhinebeck need not stay behind. Men's Wear Since 1849 United States and that Professor J. twenty-four years he points to the There is plenty of land here avail- above all else to answer all questions POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. Barron', now professor of agronomy first mistake: patch-work. Then the able for school purposes. From the truthfully for the enumerators will I at the Mate college of agriculture, Rhinebeck school had become too Rhinebeck Realty Co. or Geo. Fred be sworn to secrecy. was the first county agent in this small. An appropriation of $5,000 Cookingham or someone else five to Cor. Main * Hamilton St. country. Today there are 1,800 was asked for and finally favorably ten acres could be purchased upon Also 143 M a n St. county bureaus active. Rhinebeck Lodge No. 432 F. & A. voted upon. This sum was spent to which a new school building could be POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. "County Agent Barron started his add to the old building overahe pro- erected. Something that would be a M. conferred the first degree upon rounds to the neighboring farms with test of citizens Who urged the erec- great pleasure to send one's children two candidates last Friday evening. a horse and buggy," said Mr. Muckle, tion of a,new building somewhere on to. Something that would be a joy The degree was conferred by the "but as his calls for help increased ample play ground. It took but a few to show to visitors, a model, a worth- Junior Warden, Charles H. Dugliss. FOR MOTHER'S DAY he went into partnership with a sec- years until this addition was "no long- while possession for so flourishing a Next Friday evening the Fellowcraft ond-hand flivver. Farmers soon came er adequate. Again the plan of an city as Rhinebeck. degree will be conferred by the Sento welcome the sight of the Farm entire new building on plenty of play This school should also have a de- ior Warden, David S. Beach. The Bureau Man in his well worn flivver, ground was brought to the fore and partment for instruction in agricul- lecture of this degree will be given laboring through the mud of spring, again it was defeated by a majority ture. Millbrook, Pine plains and by the Senior Deacon, the Rev. R. C. the dust of July, and the snow of resorting to more patch-work. What many other cities offer instruction in Penney. January." now that the old troubles surge anew I agriculture. Rural towns are very Mr. Muckle described the typical above turbulent local affairs? keenly interested that the spirit of farm bureau manager of today as a Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A daughter was born to Mr. and Times are rapidly drifting away the country grows up with their man of some thirty years of age, from the crude methods to drop youth lest the splendor of the fields, Mrs. John E. H. Randerson at Brady(arm reared, a graduate of a recog- school buildings unconcernedly upon the dreams of the orchards and magic Maternity Hospital, Albany, on April nized college of agriculture, and with a piece of ground just about large of hot houses lose power and future. 29th. Mrs. Randerson was Miss Florexperience in some similar WOTK. Men of vision see a greater Rhine- ence Tremper of Rhinebeck before enough to support their wooden An interesting advertisement never lacks readers. The county agent's job calls for a frames. Rock City had one of those beck. Favorable climatical condi- her marriage. thorough training in diversified agri- sad little affairs that mocked the tions for horticulture, for small | culture, a strong roan physically, and cause of education. It crouched rue- fruits, berries, etc., point to yet j We s a v e the keo-sdee**. one competent not only to help the fully between Hover's store and Sher- greater prosperity. Highland sets a a the esnstysaeat to a n a k i e m liiiiii that will giva ran the individual farmer but the community. wood's house right there at the dan- striking example what energy can of The county agent must devise and gerous curve with its not always safe accomplish even under much less favA Bud pet carry through a practical community traffic. Now the school house is lo- orable conditions. There amidst a . H. Perkins, Optometrist program and then He must blend cated in a more quiet place where bunch of hills and rocks wherever a of Newg these community programs into a there is safe play ground and a more little soil, out of crevices where adand Views aad Labaratory well balanced county program which serene environment, so beneficial to venturous weeds had found a welFrom ^ our St™ Pe*a«s*ba«s»eees H. * will year by year add to the well be- growing minds and souls. come berth human grit and labor has ftng and constructive progress of ihe G a ' & Electric cultivated enough profit to make posHowever, Rhinebeck's children, its country through better agriculture. Central Hudson System of Gas & Eleetric Cos. pride and posterity, the human bios-1 sible one of the finest banks in thi Company "There is hardly a rural hall in New soms of a famous town of flowers country. Apple and pear trees, small York state whefe sometime a Farm still play in the streets. During fruits and berries are growing there Bureau Manager has not met with intermissionsathey swarm into where wilderness once was. the farmers of the community to school N<> Human effort all about us is bent dangerous channels of traffic to playVol. I work far into the night on some urg- ball or jump upon progress. We ourselves feel ropes in the carefree ent problem; scarcely a large con- mood of merry youth. play the gripping sensation of success and structive job relating to agriculture ground that protects them, The 207 CHURCH STREET that of- are anxious to equip our children ' Read the Text of Your Bonds has accomplished in the past ten fers them real opportunity to relax with all the wisdom, alertness and Poughkeepsie, N. Y. years in which the county farm bu- from studies, to rejoice and bask in pep that modern educational science !(<•!<) , , ^ Of 1 '• ri J f •. .! ••><]'- i i s o c u r ' • reaus have not been ready and tire- the sun is continuously denied them, is in a position to offer. Mindful of to rtad ' :. • s v\ . 1! f;nfl i ! 1 ; , t . - i s t m n less helpers." Mr. Muckle said. Body Building is denied the human blossoms pf a morrow that belongs to the best t h e pr- ; 111 i i1 p n rt iii t , s . • t i h « i r s t o v k » The results of the farm bufeaus equipped, the most learned, the most Rhinebeck. Repairing metal or wood ordinarilv. 11 n i • d i U S r . o t iiib e n Ms may be seen, the speaker said, in the Towns all over the country build efficient Mr. Tremper pleads for an to the rather i < >n at 1 pay n : u< h Fender Work improved agriculture of the state. magnificent schools on many acres of entirely new school building on five t t ui it i«* o f t c - t i [»r i T :t . d ti X f i n r l y Eighty-two per cent of all the farm- ground, Germantown provides ten to ten acres of play ground. Welding with 1 w o r t h v\ h ) l o tr i h e i o m p f a m i l i a r ers of the state have changed their stock e t c . o ( 'A P h ; i r e o f t h e N- r m r Painting farm practices; pure bred sires are 1 o r uf 1 • o n ' . S. increasing in number; improved seeds Finishing, and avert crop failures, insect pests and C e r t a i n c o n v e r s i o n p r i v i l e g e s are plant diseases are conquered. offered t h e h o l d e r * of b o n d s w h i c h T IS an obligation upon a utility r o p - ^ n v to New York bids fair to be-the first No. 4 « should nm be lost s i g h t of Ifour Trimming state to supply its people with milk b a n k e r will be g l a d to a d v i s e w i t h Upholstery Work I think the post office at Cokertown I part of the time. While he is gone from tested herds as a result of the stand ready to serve every day and every you as to t h i s p r i v i l e g e tuberculosis eradication work; last was continued until the establishment I t h e o l d schoolmaster, John Near, Next to m a k i n g s u r e t h a t y o u r s e whose daughter he married, tends year under the direction of the farm of rural delivery Oct. 1, 1903. The 3 ANYTHING ABOUT c u r i t i e s a r e kept in a safe place. It hour of the dav or night. bureaus farmers set out 600,000 mail came by train to Spring Lake store. He is a little lame, always Is well to be f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e c o n A CAR trees on non-agricultural land; hun- depot, thence by carrier to the post was I think, and as he hobbles around d i t i o n s of s u c h s e c u r i t i e s . after this thing and that, waiting on dreds of thousands of dollars are Upper Red Hook got its mail customers, he must of necessity lay Each operation is done by Serviee must be rendered withont not i r e — o n saved annually through the farm bu- office. in the same way. Mail time was aldown his cane, and then just as naan expert in that particureau spray service. New York State Newburgh to Extend Brila great time at the country turally he forgets where he put it. farmers are fifteen per cent more ways the instant. One may go away for days or store, and the merchant usually made liant Welcome at City Gates efficient than they were ten years strenuous efforts to hold the office But don't laugh. If you live long enough you'll be old too some day. ago. months and on returning expects to have light, of postmaster. It brought him cus- I liked the old man. There was a The N e w h u f s t h C h a m b e r of C o m tomers. It was a gathering place rugged honesty and simplicity about merce r e c e n t l y a u t h o r i z e d the e r e e Annandale where all the news of the road was him that was refreshing. And, truth heat, power AT OINCE, at the mere turn of a tion of an e l e c t r i c a l l y Illuminate* The Band of Mercy of Annandale re-hashed, rivaling the barber shop to tell, I am missing these old folks sign b o a r d a t one of t h e e n t r a n c e ! school held its third anniversary on and the barroom. There reputations continually. of the city e x t e n d i n g a w e l c o m e t a switch. the 24th as its real date happened on were made and unmade, politics were "Why can we not stay always here, v i s i t o r s , a n d d e s i g n e d to I m p r e a s all Sunday, the 26th. The entertainment discussed, and the passions and pre- And never shed the parting tear, w h o c o m e w i t h t h e p r o K r e s a l v e and Toa this year was a one-act play called judices of men, were given their full friendly s p i r i t t h a t p r e v a i l s . Or see the hearse go by?" This is called "Readiness to Serve"" and means "If our dumb animals could speak". exercise. There was a time many Snowy-White But we will have to conclude with E v e r y c o m m u n i t y h a s s o m e t h i n g of The cast was made up as follows: years ago when liquor was sold over President MjcKinley, "It is God's way. in ; which It is proud. The Illuminated the counter in the country store, and Roy Smith, Ludwig Bialko; Judge that the company furnishing the service to its His will be done, not ours." s i g n b o a r d at t h e e n t r a n c e t o a c i t y Gallons of Suds Horse, Mr. Zellar; Lawyer Cat, Fran- I freely used by all classes of people. I have known many of the station or v i l l a g e m a k e s p o s s i b l e the broad (Purest of Soaps) ces Shaffer; Lawyer Donkey, Dorothy Clergymen drank it. It was carried agents at the depot. A school friend customers must have plants, equipment, men and c a s t i n g of s u c h f a c t s . Near Milton to the harvest field by the jug full. Crilley; Mr. Rooster, Qlenna Ham; of mine, Gilbert Myers, learned and M a r l b o r o u g h , as an e x a m p l e , Eight Changes of Water Mrs. Robin, Marion Hennessey; Mr. And all over the country were small telegraphy of the local agent, Al t h e r e a r e p r o d u c e d a p p l e * w h i c h not E N E R G Y — gas or electricity — at all times, Dog, Albert Hoffman; Mr. Squirrel, stills that made brandy out of cider Fraleigh, and afterward served the (160 Gallons) only h a v e t a k e n g r a n d p r U e s on the and thus supplied the wants of the Clarence Wheeler; Florence Wheeler, New York Central for many years as * i ' i i c o a s t , but w h i c h a r e s h i p p e d people. Possibly that state of things Howard Bard, Earl Barringer, Clartowerman. in any quantity, ready for the customer. By to w e s t e r n a p p l e g r o w e r s for t a e t t ence Wheeler, Roy's Pals. Scene: In was better than the present. I say In the early days of my recollecown c o n s u m p t i o n . A signboard an"possibly" because it could not be the woods. The closing song to the tion there lived across the track a n o u n c i n g t h e fact t h a t a p p l e s g r o w s tune of the chorus of "It AinTt gonna held there. If the use of liquor did farmer by the name of John H. Teats. All this is an O B L I G A T I O N , but it is fttore, In t h a t n e i g h b o r h o o d t a k e p r i s e s oti not have in it a tendency to excess, "John Hen" Teats as he was comRain No More": t h e w e s t c o a s t w o u l d be Impressive it could be easily regulated. But, as Calkariaa S i . Oh, the animals live and die for man; monly called. He kept his farm in to t h e t h o u s a n d s of t o u r i s t s w h o pevaa a matter of fact, the present state of good it is a P R I V I L E G E t o b e useful in this superlaThey feel and love and think shape and also spent some time by. traffic—bootlegging—is but the natThey work the very beat they can around the country in the ural and inevitable outcome of its going ooo So they may eat and drink. spring of the year buying lambs. tive degree. v Telephone 771 continued use. It has gone with the They're sad and glad like us, I guess, were to be kept by the owner £teaay Growth of Electric In. nation aa it has with the individual. They The cat*- and dogs and birds. until they were fat in the fall, and he It was first a moderate drinker, then They like our care and gentleness, dustry Indicates Stability always made it a condition of the a debauchee. The danger was early bargain that the lambs be turned on Our kind and cheery words, v According to the Electrical World, Oh, it's cowardly to hit any living seen and laws were enacted to curb | the oats stabble after harvest. Aa I the traffic. Bat at long as the private remember him, he waa a rather spare, the electric Industry n«« atTcr ta its - thing drinking customs of the people re- smooth faced man, with a wide history reported a «.vres»e V.t it* That can't hit back to you. anaoal gross revenue. *Ota*r )****>. Don't ever break a little bird's wing main untouched no law wilt be effec- mouth, a great talker, and tobacco tive; Do not blame the law. The chewer. He liked to joke people and tries may dig In' until the st«r*B Ms* It's a wicked thing to do. has not made the traffic in intox- sometimes in a way that they did not passed, b a t the electric 'ndcs.ry We're not going to hit any horse any law icants any worse, nor has It ever appreciate. The story is told that in keeps steadily an to. * * *** mdre made it moch better. Do not blame We're not going to starve any cat: the law. Blame the people. They passing through Shookville he dnce 11 Mill Street Phone 7 0 0 Rkinebeck, N. Y. It I* pointed oat, also thai white stopped a n d remarked to a neighbor, We won't let our dogs get lean and should have left it alone. the relation of lavettment ta reve"I near that you've not to leave your nue is wall understood la •»alaajry We won't be as mean as that. business, It It wot generally Now lot's go down the road to- I place." "Why, no," the man said, Then 1st us gtndy oar pets a lot that tar every deite' of rerea.ee. ward tho depot again. The little somewhat annoyed, "Why should I Aad do their talking too,— building that waa the feed store has • leave my place*" "Well," John Hep Tb+i* a>« aew *a tk« ma.rh*t a*** electric Industry at net Hectrldty for DoBMttic •rat cfltetsjat ho«*«*nld reftricerettnt dollars la *t»tu*lly ovary They're seme of the vary beat pals been moved across the road next to aald, "the bushes will drive you off pretty soon." He waa a good farnie* we've get Sain Hainor's garden, and Cabrin mMkiiN wataa- » a y be leeiaJtoe at llaa mt ftej.tr'ejerators VH be t h e * friend w o n t yea? Hapeman la selling groceries there. and that waa his way of repremand7 ~ ~Mass»Msl raaaeeefcM eaat aa* « * * * «e» *• AH the eosspaay—"Let's make this B e is «le» local milk agent for Ber- ing a peer one. op.ratse «e«a»iy. Met eaay to tat C*MaH f t •eetrtc tateni to aiMt fraeeaatl: • wertd of kfcdn.es to every living p den'i creameries and has to be away Burton Coon. sal sMstltlrt with the aroduction o >ad»»»iaien»e «t •tetaarr MM* •*>* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tbrae] beat* yet tat* at rang* f««» ia euu»u " * * * % ly teewlli ef eraauciag cold, testa** lla adMWy tmrm H hhisnise J" *The fetta who age indignant bo^ The UM gfiwtog peat**)* •* •teetuMelty ate « t t l it*** bH« fair t«


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New York Farmers Doing New Things




We Are Now At Our New Store

257 Main Street


Army Store



$1.50 per box




New York Auto Body Works

Recollections of Cokertown


>•• n





Courtney's Laundry


Dutchess Light, Heat & Power Co.


Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


*$1 \t


a. .

"'"'/' V ""


By E. and M. Eisner 6. Serene School Hour*.



gins t o look as though spring had taken offens* a n d was getting back a t me by holding down the straggling seeds and u p the aforesaid hopes. Every day the weather is less like the season of our fancies and more like the waning days of autumn. In the morning it is cold. Along about noon it warms up and fills my trusting heart with hope and the sad and suffocated seeds with a thin desire to come out into t h e garden. And then a little before sunset there comes a bank of dark blue clouds in the west and a rush of wind through the discouraged trees, and after that there's nothing to do but go down cellar and start a wood fire, so we can sit up until W E A F or KDKA signs off with the distinct rising inflection on the "night" of the announcer's "Good night!" Of course I do not really expect much from; my garden. They do not seem to live up to the traditions of our youth. Then, as I remember it, there were very few of the pests that now attack the young plants as eagerly as fleas take possession of a neglected collie. In the old days we merely plowed the garden patch, leveled it off, and lined up some neat, snaky rows across the unresisting earth. Mother sowed some strange looking seeds—most of which had been saved from last year's crops— in the mellow, inviting mold, patted them tenderly and went about her usual vocations with perfect faith that the "sass" would be forthcoming. And it was. I ought to know for I had to "weed" after school; and how I hated it There were few seed catalogues to tempt and practically no parasites to devour. Now, any time after January first, our mail is enlivened by artistic literature that is always alluring and simetimes reliable, but the more of it we take home and leave carelessly exposed around the house the more aphides, slugs, beetles and grubs come along after we plant the muchvaunted seed. There may not be any connection, a t that, but the thought came to me as I threw a bale of the lurid pages in the furnace one cold spring evening and then went outside to look at the pink smoke pluming from the indignant chimney. But home wouldn't be quite so "homy" without a garden and hope springs eternal, especially in spring time. Now that we have had a good rain and a few warm days I must get out the atomizer and stir up some spraying fluid—the kind the ltitle beasts like so well, apparently. Henry D. Stringham.

Pulse of the People U wrtt.ra .» G u e l t t will *i*n thmiT tetter* witai thl aaatrad paaadonym following it with the real name and tha atatamant, "Plaaaa do not publiab m» nam«." they will ba abla to preserve their anonymity la our colnmna and yet prove their food faith. The Gaiette aaaumca no reeponaibUtrf for etateaaanta made or far opinion* axpraaaad in tetter* it pubhahe*



Making New Violets I n t e r e s t i n g Expovianontal W o r k Progress a t U n i v e r s i t y o f Vermont


As the results of experimental work that is being done a t the University At the abrupt end of the absurdly pressionless rubber-stamps, was now of Vermont, about 150 new varieties curved, narrow street lay the not leas a serene year of initiation. It was of violets have been produced and it oddly shaped Freiberger place. I t s now a period of preparation for the "A Traveling Man's Compliments" is likely that about 50 more will be longish, nearly oval form reminded real task, playful months thoughtfulwas the heading of this interesting added t o the list this spring. The ly tinged with elementary bids of of the inexplicable moods of a lake work is not done for commercial purwhich b a d settled itself unconstrain- knowledge. No first reader, no com- letter submitted to t h e Gazette. We poses but the primary object is the edly into a crudely fashioned basin. pulsion in any way, just enough disci- are glad to give it publicity, thus giving praise, so well deserved for BO investigation of the laws of plant pline to assure harmony and prevent Into this place in the heart of the beneficial an improvement. breeding, with particular reference city of Dresden ran five streets, disorder, just enough leadership to to the Mendellin laws. depositing and withdrawing among arrive somewhere. A tremendous ad- Dear Mr. Editor: Kindly give space in your superior their shares of traffic of wagons vance for German conservatism, callThere are about 80 well defined street cars and pedestrians at certain!1 ing for genuine educators of highly prize honored, modern publication, types of violets in the United tates hours and throngs of school children " intellectual type. A ' wonderful " ' ' op- The Rhinebeck Gazette, to my little and these are cross-bred to produce new types. About a dozen types of For somewhere hidden behind the portunity to raise a generation that offering, for which I tender you my the European violets have been crosstime worn rows of houses was the will take to serious, independent thanks in advance. On my last visit to Rhinebeck the thinking before cowardly submitting ed with the American types. Alexanschool of the 21st district. Beautiful, I was greatly impressed der Gershoy. who has the work in To the initiated the doorway that to the horrors of war. charge, has spent several years in the led through a building into a large It appeared so astoundingly simple- with the progressiveness of one of study of the laws of plant breeding. backyard, where the school house One of the boys had brought along a your business institutions—namely, At present he is much interested in stood was marked beyond mistake. leaf of a chestnut tree that the storms Joes Restaurant. What a remarkable trying to get the more fragrant EuIts utter indifference in appearance, of fall had swept to the ground. Hold- transformation from the former eatropean types combined with the sturthe strange absence of any archi- ing the vividly colored leaf above his ing hostelry and how proud is the dier American types. tectural attempt to lend a mark of shoulders the teacher made his pupils popular " J o e " of his success and distinction to the school entrance count aloud with him the number of achievement. Isn't it wonderful with The plants are crossed as much as was unforgivingly irritating. Even single parts. One, two, three, four, a feeling to know that you have acpossible by mixing the pollen of one in a centre of art and refinement five, echoed a chorus of thin voices. complished something to be enthusiaswith the pollen of another. The hythis factory-like arrangement had to They repeated again and again and tic about something you can "rave" brids of progeny are not so producdo for this school was merely design- small arms were extended into the about to your friends and neighbors tive as the parents but usually are of —something you dream about— ed for the children of the poor, who air and tiny index fingers wrote into a larger size and are sturdier. There in a commonwealth divided by social space: one, two, three, four five. The something you are so interested in, is enough progeny to keep the type classes were esteemed not very much. \ c o i o r o f t n e leaf was brown said the all you want to do is talk about to in existence however. These hybrids every one? 1'll^say it is and that's Now after many historical years • t n e c | a s s . And so teacher and pupils are of every conceivable shade, and had elapsed we found ourselves again 'talked about and wrote figures up to the frame of mind " J o e " was in when differ widely as to size and shape. walking through this doorway that we five, were convinced that the color of 1 had my •"coffee and rolls" for Out of the 200 varieties, which are breakfast. And well he should be, had once passed daily as school child-: t h e leaf was brown, and finally drew expected to be on hand late this for he has renovated the former ren ourselves. It had been during a ; i n t h e a i r a n d ] a t e r o n p p p e r o r s l a t e spring, many more hundreds of types time when birthdays of royal rulers a rough sketch of the leaf. Before place of business "a thing of beauty can be produced. had been made occasions of elabor- any one was aware an hour of in- and a joy forever." With a spic and With the obtaining of experimenately celebrated holidays. Then we struction was up. The little fellows span interior decoration, latticed tal proof and the basis for the theory pupils had doned our best garb to had behaved tolerably and had play- windows and partitions, "Joes" is of evolution and the originating of gather in the gymnasium for patri- fully digested some concrete knowl- most inviting to the tourist or travelnew forms in nature as the objects, otic exercises, to sing the songs of edge, thanks to the teacher, a master er, that seeks a bite to abate the microscopic examination of the germ crowns and soldiery, to hear monarchs of his art. This was his individual pangs of hunger, which overtakes us cells are made to ascertain how they extolled, and—what seemed the most success. He had taught school for all at times. behave under different conditions important to obstinate juvenile forty years. Many of them had been Snow white table covering, add to wehn cross bred. minds—to rejoice over the addition stormy for him for his always liberal the attractiveness of the place and of golden hours away from the school thoughts had stamped him to an combined with the enameled white room. There, too, had been sufficient enemy of the old regime. Now that napkin retainers, it makes a pleasing cause for an unusually much damp- he finally could do a great deal of setting for the eye to behold. The The Arbutus Law ened scolastic spirit in view of a good he was on the eve of forced west side alcove, is now a lovely forceful method of instruction W'here- pension. The war years had cut the "cozy corner." The seats at the The New York Legislature made a in canes relentlessly wielded by un- number of school children to one- tables here, are the very latest in new law which forbids the picking or compromising tutors had brought third and less. In order to provide rich dark mahogany finish benches. destroying of trailing arbutus in many pains and tears. positions for the young aspiring Each table has its individual fancy parks or State lands. Some of our Had the passing of monarchs, the teachers, the older ones had to leave electric lamp, and combined with the people have been told that this law tumblin of coldly glittering thrones and though yet young in spirit were lattice decoration, overhead and prohibits their picking the flowers on sides, intertwined with ivy vines, it Reviewing made room for a modernized mode condemned to idleness. their own land and sending by mail of teaching that was morally robust his life work he could not help but proves a most alluring spot for the to their friends. It does not. The enough to dispense with the crude- regret the low quality of the child of younger generation, after a stroll or flowers may be picked on any place ness of bodily punishment and a disci- today. Because of hunger and other returning from a dance. except parks and State land. There Opinion is expressed that the counreasons the child grew up under verypline dogmatically carried too far? What a change! No wonder that try is safe at least until Congress is no law against shipping them by unfavorable conditions, weakened "Joe" gazes with admiration on his gets together. We soon were to know. mail.—Rural New Yorker. A former teacher of ours had in- physically and mentally. effort to give Rhinebeck a modern vited us to find out at first hand, and The However, the generation to follow and up-to-date restaurant. we crossed the threshold of the school townspeople should take pride in this was to benefit fully from a school house expectantly. In the school enterprise, as it is a credit to the room of an elementary boys class we liberated from bureaucratism and village and very few small communijunkerdom. The middle school had shook hands with a typical school ties can boast of a clean, inviting, master, who was so completely been abolished and the children of modern equipped restaurant, such as all the people went now to the district absorbed with the duties of a conthis one. scientiuous educator that everything school whose name was changed to Good, plain cooking, is one of the public school. There was no longer else in life seemed secondary to him. things we are thankful for on this a superior director but a school leadHis warm interest in the little fellows earth, but when traveling, one canbefore him disposed us to be doubly er. Bodily punishment was abolish- not always get it, so we make a note ed. For the relaxation of the very attentive, and as most instructive of the few places that cater to home minutes passed we believed to listen young pupils music boxes were in- cooking, and " J o e s " is one of them. stalled in the class rooms. Older to the heart throbs of a new time. Copyright, J0SJ, fty The International Syndicate school children became teachers' The new "Joes" is now more fully The first school year that once had helpers. They had charge of the prepared to kitchenize the home An rrjfltmment Worth Watching burdened the minds of six and seven youngsters during intermission and cooking, than it was before. year old children with a bewildering while the teachers were in conferThe improvements did not stop in Expensive Trouble Reault* From Dieregarding It wealth of facts, that compelled vi- ence. The pupil became the cardinal the front, but extended to the rear vacious youth to sit motionless figure while heretofore it had been kitchen likewise. Here entered new OF THE VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS on the cowl-board the oilthrougout torturing hours, that -tight- the educational institution. serving tables, arranged systematicalpressure gage 1B the one the Indications of which positively must not ly sealed mouths of talkative youngly, so that service and promptness is be ignored. Whether or not the generator Is charging, whether the Indeed, time had begun to move. sters and moulded their souls into exdominant. An immense new coal gasoline tank Is full or empty and what the car speed Is are unimrange has been installed, big enough portant considerations as compared with the Information the oilto roast half an ox if called upon and pressure gage has to convey. with oven space to bake forty pies The Oil-Gage A Danger Signal at one time. Included in the kitchen A discharged battery or exhausted fuel supply results In nothing equipment is a large modern refrigerworse than delay, but rnnnlng for any considerable length of time, No. 5 ^ W l ator, where the meats and vegetables without oil being supplied to engine bearings and cylinders, means are stored. This department is There occurs to me the name of ] ravishing melody as the angels strike supervised by " J o e s " better half. not only a stop and an Inoperative condition of the car, but almost Arthur Phillips as one of the best their golden harps once again to wel- Mrs. Guilfoil is just plain "Marina" certain damage of a most costly kind to the engine. Mechanically known characters in this part of the come a redeemed soul to the heaven- to the home people. Name or no speaking, this gage Is a real danger signal and the only one provided country. Although he never lived in | ly mansions. Mansions? Yes— to guard against forced stops and permanently crippling damage to name, she looks after the cooking the immediate neighborhood yet he al 'A tent or a cottage, why should I and you can tell the world she underthe engine. care? ways attended the meetings in the stands her business and makes a Oil Pomp Operation Vital school house and was well known They're building a mansion for me tasty gravy. When it comes to cookNearly every make of car has an oil pump, which takes oil from there." there. He was eminently a religious ing roasts, frying fish or meats, or the bottom of the crank-case and circulates It, so that It eventually man. There was a time in his life And the music 1 I love music, but concocting salads, you have got to reaches all engine parts requiring lubrication. If the pump does not when he was not, but when he was let me tell you another story. An hand it to her, and say, the pies and move oil continuously,, none of these parts is consistently oiled and converted "old things passed away aged saint lay waiting for the sum- pastry that lady can blue print—Oh they finally run dry, wear each other out and at last the engine stops and all things became new." He was mons. The men of the household boy, burn my clothes, they sure do by the moving parts destructively sticking together. illiterate, but he learned to read by were all out in the field, when tickle the palate. A Check On The Pomp spelling out words in the Bible, and suddenly there came to them from Right here now, before I forget his family would tell him what they somewhere, strains of the most So long as the pump le performing its duty properly, it moves oil were. In fact the Bible was the only exquisite music. They stopped to it, I want to add that to this little under a pressure due to friction of the passages through which It Is lady, and to her alone, goes the credit book he ever read, and he became a listen. What could it be? Then one being forced and the oil-pressure gage measures and indicates this living example of what the Bible can said with an awe-stricken voice, " I t s for the restaurant having such a pressure. If the pump fails to function or functions weakly the gage do for a man. His thought and his the angels. I'll bet Uncle John is large patronage, and such a fine shows no pressure or an abnormally low one and It Is this possible speech were saturated with it. He dead." They went to the house, and clientele of epicureans. Of course failure of nil pressure that Is the most important th ; ; about the car had a farm, but he was too other- sure enough the old man had just it's not her, but it's her cooking. Itself for the operator to watch. The indication of normal pressure worldly to pay strict attention to it. passed away, and as his spirit swept "Joe" entices you in with the glad by the gage means simply that the pump is doing its duty, but it is a He spent much time visiting the sick through the pearly gates a burst of hand and the other half retains you fairly certain although not Infallible assurance that engine lubrication and praying with them, and men have glorious melody reached even to the with her excellent cooking. There is going on properly, as most derangements which are capaole of you have a combination that's bound said they would rather hear him pray earth. causing faulty oiling give rise to abnormal gage indications. than any minister. It is remarkable So I like to think Arthur Phillips to secure trade. Some of the paActing Upon The Danger Signal what use God can make of uneducat- passed to his reward. He went to bed trons call " J o e " 'Affable Joe." I do not know why they call him by ed people Whenever the oil-pressure gage indicates a pressure noticeably difone night, turned over on his side, this prefix, but personally I figure it ferent from what It has usually indicated, under similar conditions of (5f course, worldly people used to and "was not for God took him thusly: He has a good line of talk, engine speed and load, air temperature and oil quality, it is very good scoff a t him, and a man of my He was buried from the old Vedder restaurant talk, don't you know' and judgment to stop the engine and make an Investigation. If oil presacquaintence in speaking of him said, church and laid to rest in its beauti- he uses it. Combined with his persure totally fails, it Is folly to drive the car further, unless a service "He ain't got credit on earth for a ful cemetery, and at his funeral they sonality, he makes you feel at ease. station can be reached by proceeding for a very short distance. In paper of tobacco. I don't know how it sang, "Only remembered by what I When you depart, you have that feelorder to^learn. without any undue delay of oil pressure failure, one is in t h e other world." Well, I want have done." ing: "I must come again." " J o e " should establish the habit of glancing at the gage every few minutes. t o say t h a t things will be t u r n e d right Surely he will be remembered for is one of those fellows who just make about in the other world. "The first that. Not as a farmer, not as a busi- you think, we may never get to know ANTIFREF.ZE VS. DRAINING that sometimes he may forget to shall be last, and the last first." The ness man, nor for his wealth or in- you, but just the same we want you drain the cooling- system, may drain rich will be poor, and the poor rich. tellect or culture, for he had none of to feel this is a social eating place AU6MT TO , 1 y » i Ate Boot It Incompletely or may leave hla The great will be small and the small these. But he will be remembered and not a soulless institution. His 0 * A I N «««•] great. And those who walk here^will for his ministry to the sick, for his hobby is to give the public good car out of doors long enough, In OUt-T«M/ ride in chariots. Praise the Lord! sympathy for the poor, for his meals, an inviting place to serve them cold weather, to permit It* freezing. When Alfred Cookman lay dying, fidelity to the church and to God and and moderate prices. This principal As B aaaerts, there Is tome risk In v3aTf.fi;' SIARTJ. filling cold engine Jackets with hot although suffering intense pain so for his even temper and patient dis- he adopted after hearing the small water, although if cracking does that his knees were drawn up t o his position. Yes, we will all be r e - boy at the theatre say to his father: not result from the first few apface, be exultingly exclaimed "I am membered by what we have done, "Papa, why does the audience give the ; plications, It probably will not take sweeping through the gates, washed, but not by what we have done for chorus girls such a good h a n d ? " | place at all. it can make his enin the blood of the Lamb." What can ourselves—that will be forgotten— "Because nature gave them such good i gin* start nearly aa readily as A. more graphically describe the Christ- only b y ' what we have done for legs, son." Q j If he will Install* a good primer. ian final triumph. "Sweeping through i others M Our feeling is that not only is ft the g a t e s ! " And the air is filled with I The traveling man making small • fin unnecessary bother to handle Burton Coon. towns encounters two classes of hot water, but that it is it II I- asks: T«;A" teas n car •o much restaurants, via: - to hasp any car in cold kept In a cold garage and infre- risky «- ithrr. without antifresse In He t e r y . . . M r . and Mrs. George Smith Eat here—die home. Crum Elbow quently used and claims that by cooling *yst*m. V > and daughter Dorothy of Violet aveEat here—it tastes like home. drawing off the water after ualng it j v — « * Mr. a n d Mrs. Honas Beiton of Po'- nue were callers in this place Sunday I t is a pleasure for me to say .that and refining it Just before using keepsie will move into the house with . . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Wells were at "Joes" Restaurant, Rhinebeck, N. Y., with five quart* of tepid and then NECKSSIT* K)H VEVTINL GAS with fifteen quarts of Water at 150 Lasher* on Knob s t r e e t . . . The fu- •he Stratford Tuesday evening t o is a top-notcher fat the tastes like rJfcits degrees, starting the enw'.ne Is much neral of Mrs. Delia Decker was held see "Charlie's A u n t " and report it home class. When the wife is away r . A. It awksi Should there b* facilitated. " B " claim* that this provision for air to enter the gasat ", Pleasant Plains church last fine.. . Fred Voight and brother of Mr. Editor, eat a t " J o e s " and you hot water treatment Is injurious to oline ,tunk ms gasoline Is drawn Ear. Alfred Nostron, pas- Poughkeepsie spent the week-end wiH not realiae she has gone. the anglne and that by keeping the out? . • M. E. church a t Hyde Park With Mr. and Mrs. Fred DuBois. cooling ryttem filled with alcoholA. Pedlar. f -. . . .-/ # Answer: If "gasotln* Is to flow ••' Mrs. Wliaon sang t w o sewater mixture, the engine will be from the tsnk by gravity, there W M a large funeral, The main purpose of the farm protected against frevcing and will must be such a provision. Oaaolrne a lovable character, bureau movement in New York State start Just a» easily. Which ot the will not run cut through the draft May 12th, 1926. , Wvfcwg wife a n d moth- is to carry on an educational pro- Editor of The Gazette: twols right? tube from an unvented gasollns AsMww! W* shall have- to side tank any more than liquid *" 'JaVtoanrt*** by <»• gram of self-help. Some time ago I wrote a letter a__aBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB97^Will With- B, A'S method ..„„„.„ should .run — although „....__,....,.„ out through the tnfgo* ot a bout spring *«d I realise now that I btilab result la easier engine starting. The (.barrel with the bung driven in air»«( s y s s * a a y too kiadly ©f that s/Teat objection ts>J>'a practice I* l tight





*~ ~~

New Germany » At Close Range






The World's Largest Bottle—and in Dry Territory! The biggest bottle in the world, with two of America's beauties, In Colorado Springs, Colo.











* * * * * » " « » * • * '

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069







20 2*



38 10

^H; • 30 131



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34^ '

39 !


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€»T»I t .


SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS-WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling in the words of which you feel reasonably •are. These will give you a clue to other words crossing them, and they in turn to still others. A letter belongs in each white space, words starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or both. '


1—Pertaining to marriage 7—Defiled 18—A pivotal point 14—Southern State of U . 8. (sbbr.) 15—Railroad (sbbr.) 16—Child 17—Precious stone 18—Top room , 20—Extinct bird of grest size 21—Termination of many plural words 22—Bulbous, flowering plant (pi.) 24—Point of compass (abbr.) 25—One of the Arabian race (abbf.) I 26— Ripped 29— Mother (sbbr.) 80— Pertaining to best 88— A melody 36—Man's name (familiar) 37—Study of the body -• ' 88—Great (abbr.) ! 88— Exclamation ' 40—An absurd fancy 46—Afternoon (abbr.) 47—Reflected sound I 60—Rats 61—An Egyptlsn god 62—Ostrich like bird of South Amsrlca 68—Upon 84—A degree (sbbr.) SO—Mors eagerly desirous WO—Forenoon (abbr.) 61—8eed ve«ael 88—A nocturnal animal ;,

84—A unit 66—Termlnatea 87—Meaning - a l l r i g h t " ' ' " f ) . 88—Suffix to denote c o n r f t ' n river In N . W . R i r -

A good eat hi a cheap form of insurance against rats and mice. Ro#dent,« destroyed $200,000 worth of food and property last year. Concrete floors are good for dairy barns, but a board platform for the cows t o He eh in winter is a kindness they wUl repay in the milk pail. Straws from the soda fountain often add the necessary inducement needed by the child who doesn't like i t o drink milk.

•a^SpSSW x . . i j r " ^ ^ * * W " * •







Recollections of Cokertown

' r,

hoawswivea sava clnlhisaiawiM

70—Foreordain 71—Unaffected VERTICAL 1—Rich reddish purple color 2—Edged tool (pi.)

3— Edge


4— Exists 6—Southern Stats of U . S. 6—A subsidiary ditch... •_ 7—Three 8—Parts of a circumference 8—A province of Canada (abbr.> 10—Black liquid 11—Black 12—Propriety In conduct 18—Initials of famous American 22—Mod* of handling 2 3 — O n * who stifle* another 27—Conjunction 28—Stiff 30—Central America ( , ' ' -.) 31—Indefinite article 32—Note of the «cale 33—An insect 34—t am (contraction) 40—Compressed 41—Exolsmatlon 42—Half an em 48— Right (sbbr.) 44—Like 45—An albuminous compound 46—A kind of raps 48—Pronoun 48—A morning cereal ., 55—Accomplished 87—A metal 68—Clean up leaves 50—A thoroughfare ( a b b r . ) , *©—Girl's nsms f ? — A 0>nt»l degree (abbr.) <"— r v\ir.!j»n8 to us " V - i 1 *"-'v person (abbr.) "-s'pls of Holland


QC3E anCHiiQs. HQQ auira is <* »i -J a tiara uroa rcar* u SC3H iwUnuTLin e c u HU'ui Pi 1 arc fyssj u L?* ' 1 y


id r. a u ULdhlii


• - : , • • •


Recollections of Cokertown

Spring Apparel


No. 6

" J u d g e " Peter Jackson, the color- usually wore old artics on his feet, ed orator, was a picturesque char- unless, forsooth, he was going to a acter. He lived in a hut on Turkey picnic, when he would put on his Hill. It was in a sheltered spot, boots, Well blacked and shiny. Then away off from the road, reached only he would wear his Prince Albert by a footpath. The original house coat and beaver hat. Of course, it had burned down some years before, was a great event when the picnic and this one was set partly in the dinner was over and Judge was callside of a knoll like a thatched roof. ed upon to make a speech. I can forward His people had lived there for I don't see him n/>w as he came know how long. Originally they under th»> locust tree near the corner were slaves to the Martins of Red of our house, and taking off his Hook, and I have been told that beaver, laid if down on the grass beJudge and Edward Martin were rock- side him, and straightening up to his ed in the same cradle. At any rate full height he began to speak. The colored man naturally has the Martin was always kind to Judge, and he had a standing invitation to oratorical temperament and Judge come down whenever he was in need was no exception to this rule. I and Martin would load him up. Many never could understand all that he years ago small-pox swept through said, but you could not help but be the family and only Judge and his impressed with the tone of his voice, sister, Sarah, were left. The others the steady flow of language, the were laid t 0 rest in the little family flash of his eye, hte occasional burying-ground nearby. Sarah used gesture, and the evident enthusiasm to work out, helping the neighbor wo- which he felt. At the end of his men clean house, etc. Judge would speech he would politely thank us all for the opportunity of speaking to plant the potatpes and take care of us. 19 G a r d e n Street Poughkeepsie The contribution for his services the garden and work out some, too. Evenings Until 8:30 Open would be a market basket full of After a while Sarah died, and I whatever might be left over from think Judge must have been very dinner. Probably one of the proudlonely there, with only the memories est moments of Judge's life was of the past to cherish. He went when he made a political speech be! around the countryside, visiting us fore ("apt. George VV. Horton, of WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES j occasionalyy, and doing quite a little Troy. The Captain was staying at shopping for the people of his Fulfonia, the home of John P. Fulton, ARE BUILT, BUICK j neighborhood. The nearest store was whose cousin he married, when Judge WILL BUILD THEM I at Cokertown or Upper Red Hook. came along and was asked to make i and as huckleberries grew in great Hudson River Day Line Honors For- I abundance through all the region, a speech. It was during Cleveland's No. 11 mer Senator In Latest Addition i the women of the neighborhood administration. I did not hear the speech, but I have been told that it To Fleet I would pick the berries and send was truly wonderful, sparkling with • Judge t () the store with them to ex- wit and clever political allusions. for groceries. He was entire- The Captain gave him a dollar for it. The latest addition to the Hudson ij change ly illiterate, but like many others of I have wondered what an educaRiver Day Line tleet of steamers will 1 be named "Chauncey M. Depew". I that class he had a good memory; tion might have done for this man. The naming (if the new steamboat 'and being absolutely honest, he could Who knows but what here was an' in honor of one of the most distin- < be trusted to do the job right. This ther Frederick Dougass or Booker guished citizens of New York is in I made him quite a useful citizen. I Washington Judge, in embryo' keeping with the Day Line policy to | think he was happy in the knowlege ubtess did the best he could under ,.that he could be trusted, but the ! name their steamers for noted men the circumstances, and that is all who have left their impress on the | moment of his supreme joy was when that mankind ought to ask of any ] he was asked to make a speech at a i Empire State and its mightiest river. man. He has been dead now these Hendrick Hudson the discoverer; ' Sunday school picnic. many years, but some who read these j Robert Fulton, the inventor; Washwords will still remember him as h e ' I said he was a picturesque charI ington Irving, the author; DeWitt acter. Ordinarily he wore any old went from house to house with his Clinton, the governor and educator; market basket, always radiating the , Alexander Hamilton, first United garments that were given him and news of the day, yet never mentionfrom the changes that he made I i States treasurer, have all been thus! think he must have had quite a ing a word of scandal or hurtful ' previously honored. wardrobe. His clothes always be- stories about people; always friendK. E. Olcott and A. V. S. Olcott,! fitted his circumstances, but they did ly, trusty, and ready to be useful. : respectively president and general not always befit his person. He Burton Coon. I manager of the Day Line, visited the 1I former senator in his office and were i assured it would afford him deep sat^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Can Bmck 4- ! isfaction to receive such an honor.! particularly as Mr. Depew recafled I wheel brakes be applied i his long and close intimacy with the I j younger Mr. Olcott's grandfather,! while turning corners? ! Commodore Alfred Van Santvoord, j the founder of the Albany Day Line., i of which the present company is the j j outgrowth. Mr. Depew was especiall y gratified, he told his visitors, be-! I cause of his father's connection with; : early Hudson River steamboat his- ' | tory. Mr. Olcott stated that the increasing demand for a swift, comfortable steamer of smaller type than the C e r t a i n l y . T h e b r a k e o n | present mammoth passenger carriers ! for the use of special parties had; t h e o u t s i d e front w h e e l [prompted his company to add the' ; "Chauncey M. Depew" to the present' is a u t o m a t i c a l l y released, fleet. Tin- new steamer will also be! j employed to supplement the other m a k i n g s t e e r i n g easy a n d boats in providing for overflow ser, vice on busy days. car c o n t r o l sure. O n l y It is a fast, beautifully appointed | boat, almost like a yacht in its apo n e s u c h device h a s so pointments and graceful lines and' I formerly the "Rangeley," of the far b e e n p e r f e c t e d , and . was Maine Central Railroad, operating I between Bar Harbor. Seal Harbor. Buick has it. i Northeast and Southwest Harbors on ; Mt. Desert Island. The new steamer is driven by proj poller and is capable of 18 nautical .; miles per hour. She is 1**1 feet long and will have a capacity of about ] 1 ,•„'()() people. THE TALK—Of the town. A meat wonderful variety of new spring model*- Ladie* should take advantage of oar spring offering* . Every woman ia talking about The Economy Dre»» Shop. No matter whether it i* an ensemble suit, a woman's stout dress, a Spring coat or the snappiest young ladies' and misses' dresses.. Our materials are of the finest, styles of the latest, and the prices are so reasonable that you can hardly believe it without seeing them. Low rents and small expenses enable us to do it. A private place, home-like, convenient, just a pleasure to come in, go through our merchandise, fit on as many garments as you like until suited, enjoy it and save money. It will be worth your while to walk a few steps off Main street and see for yourself. No charge for alterations.

-,v ,

On Wall St.


ernstein Uptown

Open Friday Evening. May 29 Decoration Day coming on Saturday, May 30. This store will remain open on Friday Evening, May 29 until 10 P. M.

STRAW HATS $1.50 & $1.98 The weave you want, the style you seek featuring this value giving group.

$2.98 Finer and better than ever— these new straws offer a lot for your money thi# season.

$3.50 YOUNG'S HATS. No hat worth less than $5.00. All types, shapes and braids.

Men's Oxfords $3.95 & $4.95

Here's correctness from every angle correct style, correct woolens, correct workmanship. All these a t a correct price presents the values every thrifty m a n seeks.

Guaranteed All-leather Shoes in gun metal or all shades of tan. New an dattractive lasts. Crepe or leather soles.

Sport Sweaters $4.95



A wide range of beautiful shades and patterns. All wool, fancy or plain weaves.




ns w e r :

Poughkeepsie Buick Co.


Messrs. Colden and Mulrein In A u t o





i B-'

E i g h t C h a n g e s of W a t e r (160 Gallons)


Courtney's Laundry 26-28 Catharine St. Pouarhkaapaia


SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS-WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling in the words of which you feel reasonably sure These will give you aa due to o'her words crossing them. , .i an-: t^.ey in turn to still others. A letter belongs in each white space, words starting at the "•'mbercJ squares and running either horizontally or vertically or bo'h.


With i noise out of all proportion I I to the uze of the mtomobiles en- I A. Hartshorn C. B. Hartshorn i gaged,, Cal. Colden, in a cut down ! Ford, collided with Mr. an Mrs. Jas. : TELEPHONE 3036 Mulrein late Tuesday afternoon at ' the corner near the Church of the When Batter Automobile* arefBuilt, Messiah. Mr. Mulrein's coolness probBoick will Build Them ably averted a serious accident for' when the small car suddenly dashed I out of West Chestnut street directly 1j across his path he applied his brakes and swung into Chestnut street, par-! allel to the cours'e of the approaching' car. His bumper apparently sideswiped the small car for it was p u s h ! ed to one side, two tires blowing out; To A with a report that was heard some: distance and brought a crowd of peo- ] Snowy-White pie running to see what was the mat- j in ter. The Ford came to a stop sev- i G a l l o n s of Suds eral feet ahead of Mr. Mulrein's car, i which was uninjured. ( P u r e s t of Soaps)

3 4 1 M a i n St.

Telephone 770

Merritt H. Traver

Red Hook and Tivoli Men Go To Plattsburgh Charles Leslie Boice of Tivoli and William E. Cowhig, Vincent G. Gay, Kenneth E .Griffing and Harry C. Beatty of Red Hook have made application for Plattsburgh Training Camp and been accepted. Dutchess county's quota is 41 and it is now about 86 per cent filled. There are still some vacancies if application is made at once to C. M. T. C. Officer, Governors Island, N. Y., or Stanley Ries, 207 Strand Bldg., Poughkeepsie. '

Rev. Mr. Dreibelbis Goes To Saddle River, New Jersey

Phone 208-W m

R h i n e b e c k , N e w York ,f-r *



Rev. E. L. Dreibelbis, former past o r of St. Peter's Lutheran Stone church, has accepted a call from the' Lutheran church at Saddle River, N. .1., and will leave Melrose. N. Y., whore he has been stationed since he left Rhinebeck a few rears ago on May 25. , JJL . ( Census Enumerators N a m e d


W« «UHV«r your order free



HORIZONTAL t—Concealed 4—Before 8—Rolled tobacco Icavrs 'or • smoking 9—A type measure * 1—Dull, greenish yellow eo'-y '•?—Pertaining to the life of rustics '5—Possessive pronoun •7—Neither male nor ferrale '8—Thirsty ?•">—Goddess o' mallrious m 'chief (Gr. Myth ) 21 — Later name of Esau (Gen. X X V ) l2—A sense organ ?3—A southern constellation #6—Suffix forming nouns of agency ? 7 —A son of Noah ?9—A plant used for sa'ad *1—A military title ^3—Girl's name ?4—Beauty of form or s t t . t j d e S6—GlrPt nsme 17—Interjection 39—To sin •1—Girl's name *3—Man's name (familiar) ~6—Man's name (familiar^ 47—Certain kind of ship's boat **—Stops W — T o undertake, endeavor 51—Current medium of exchange St—To fascinate 6 4 - - A thoroughfare ( a b b O «6—Nest o* a predatory bird SS—A kind of potato 5 ' — P a r t of "to ha" (old form)

VERTICAL 1 — Sliahlly rereding bay 2—Chance 3- -Persia's official r » n e 5--Cry of wild anim?<» 6—A measure of length 7—Elephant tusk ?—A musical exercise 10--To r'ri* in ,in automobile '3—To look 14—Remark <ahhr.) 15 - A game nf marb'es 16—Longinq for 18—A member of a certain political party i9_Af|rmation 24—To tear v;cl«rtly 25 One of the continents 27—A game animal 28—Sightly open 29—Calcium (chem. sym.) 30—Point of compass (abbr.) 31—Magnesium (chem. sym.) 32—Note of scale 35—Slsng for "cigarette" 37—Periods of time 38—A'n Item In one's assets 40—A low coral Island along a coast 42—Evening 43—To jolt 44—A female bird, 4S— Mind, Intellect 48—Wild animal of America 49— Permanent result of a wound

51—To shed tears

52—Besides, further Solution e f l a s t waak's P«*«1«

S t e a m e r Albany In Commission The steamer Albany of the Hud son River Day Line, which has been lying at San Flower dock in the Rondout creek, since the close of her season last fall, left Tuesday for New York. The boat has bean chartered for a few speeiil trips and later will go on her route between New York and Albany.

A. T. Caswell, Alberta E. Hannaburjrh and Benjamin W, Philbrick have been appointed census enumeraAppropriate remark after many tors for the Town of Rhinebeck, by automobile accidents would be, E, S. abMfp* Secretary of "When shall we two fools meet a-


I I A I R I ! l l l f c l L a a i T l A h |ti|-

nana U P HQ aaaa aaaa ats asaaBan aoiiiausrj sia aanal aaaanor-i aa HGIHU I



aaautJfciDwa Lira asag sm as GIBED MgjM>l

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


• •?


Name New Steamer Chauncey M. Depew


- '




Kingston, N. Y.

$29.75 Suits for men and young men. In conservative worsteds or English models with extra knickers.

Suit Cases & Bags $4.98 If you are going away over the holidays get one of our genuine cowhide bags in black or taa.

Men's Suits $35.00 Hand tailored garments. All wool fabrics. Wonderful shades and patterns.

A SPECIAL LOT of suits that sold for $25.00 and $30. One and two of a kind. Sizes range from 35 to 4*2.

BOYS SUITS Extra Specials—rQuality & Price t

others at $1.50 to $12.75

Khaki Pants $1.50 & $1.98




SUITS $6.98

SUITS $9.98 >

Norfolk Suits, 2 pairs of knickers. Tweeds, cassimeres or serges. Sizes 8-18 yrs.

Extra quality Norfolk suits. Extra knickers. Attractive shades and patterns.

For that fishing trip a good pair of khaki pants.


Knickers $2.95 $3.95 $4.95

$ C r\f\ A great suit for the boys £ o i p O . U v l vacation, light or dark shades. « p O . Sizes up to 17 yrs.

Some line of knickers for men and ladies, girls and boys. In tweeds, cassimeres, khaki and corduroy.

Sport Shirts 98c & $1.50 A dandy line of sport shirts. In all sizes and colors.

N e w York Auto Body Works 207 CHURCH STREET Poufhlnepeia, N. Y.

Body Building R e p a i r i n g metstl or w o o d Fender W o r k Welding Painting Duco Finishing a n d Repairing Trimming Upholstery Work



SUITS $5.98


Two pants suits. models. Big value.


If? / O

Hand tailored Norfolk suits. All wool fabrics, two pairs of knickers. Sites uj> to 20 yrs.

Rhinebeck Realty & Development Company Reaidantial and Farm Property In Datchaea County Raalty Building Rbia«l»««lc, Nsw York Tolopaoao, Rkiaobock 400 Representative i a Now York City Nichols * Hoabio, 7 East 42 St., Tolopaoao,


C. H. Perlrinm Optometri


ANYTHING ABOUT A CAR E a c h o p e r a t i o n is d o n e h y an expert in that particular lino. \mr'

.Murray&Co. • M - M 8 Broadway. F H - r t - ,


N. N. Nordaby Proprietor o

1. all

P. FREUDENBERC TAXIDERMIST M a u t l . g «f Bfeek, Amia.aU. Flak, (USM* ijaaaa at*t Rags s GALLATINVHXE, N. T. . P B M « Ns.

• Tasnf ~

Granite and Marble Monument*,

IMS 3tipi€tlp'






,•*»**»* M I


Recollections of Cokertown

Spring Apparel

No. 7

T H E T A L K — O f the t o w * . A most w o o dorfal varioty of naw spring model*. Ladies should take advantage o f our spring offerings . Every woman is tallrfag about The Economy Dress Shop. N o matter whether it is an ensemble suit, a woman's •tout dross, a Spring coat or the snappiest young ladies' and misses' d r e s s e s . . Oar materials are of the finest, s t y l e s of the latest, and the prices are so reasonable that yon can hardly believe it without seeing them. Low rents and small expenses e n a b l e a s to do it. A private place, home-like, convenient, just a pleasure to come in, g o through oar merchandise, fit on as many garments as yon like until suited, enjoy it and save money. It will be worth your while to walk a f e w steps off Main street and see for yourself. No charge for alterations.



Open E v e n i n g s Until 8:30


•j* • 4


'• 1 ;

uestion s Why do you find better workmanship in Buick motor cars? ..


.' •:




m *;| - r4 ^t— • -



. •




are possible



Buick's to p u t

s u c h fine w o r k m a n s h i p



b e impossible

. «

into Buick cars for their


price if Buick built b u t


Following is the list of census enumerators who will start taking the census for the State in Rhinebeck and nerby towns. The election districts over which each will have jurisdiction is shown. Hyde Park: 1st, Mrs. Elizabeth Champlin, Staatsburg; 2nd, Ralph Worden, Hyde Park; -'3rd, Herman Wood, Hyde Park. Rhinebeck: 1st, Archibald T. Caswell, Rhinebeck; 2nd, Alberta E. Hannaburgh, Rhinebeck; 3rd, Benjamin W. Philbrick. Rhinecliff. Clinton: 1st district, Mrs. Ethel M. Hevenor, Staatsburg; 2nd Thomas Wiley Tillou, Staatsburg. Milan: 1st, John P. Fulton, Red Hook; 2nd, Edward Bromley, Red Hook. Red Hook: 1st, John T. Hoffman. Madalin; 2nd Carl G. Andrews, Madalin; 3rd, Alvin Ham, Upper Red Hook; 4th, Roy Proper, Red Hook; nth, William L. Wildey, Barrytown; 6th, Clara E. Cookingham, Red Hook. Big



a few t h o u s a n d cars a year.

Oid y o u ever see a minister preach with rubber boots on? I have. It happened this way. The Rev. S. P. (Simon Peter) Hughes w a s pastor of the Lutheran church at Red Hook. He used t o come t o Cokertown and preach in the school house as did t h e other Lutheran pastors. One Thursday evening I went up to hear him. He was a very interesting preacher — c l e a r , logical, direct. He w a s a native of the South, and on this occasion had brought along with him some specimens of Southern produce I being late he had had no time t o stop such as sugar cane, cotton, live oak, j and see about it. Somebody had rigetc. So after the sermen he came I ged up an imitation telephone a t t h e out from behind the desk in order to | end of the platform, ^ o he proposed show them to the y o u n g people, and to call up t h e feed store and g e t lo, he had rubber boots on. The af- prices, etc. He did so. H e inquired ternoon had been w e t and he must j about middlings and the price w a s have come part of the w a y on foot, evidently satisfactory, so he said he His description of Southern life and ' would like t o have them send him a agriculture was very interesting. P sample. Instantly the sample c a m e remember that he said that it w a s through the transmitter, covering his the common belief that sugar would face with its whiteness. The suddencause the teeth to decay, but that ness of it, and the unexpected c h a n g e was not true. He said that "the chil- in his appearance was very amusing. Iren of the South commonly chewed N e x t week I will take you over t o ! sugar cane ind they generally had Upper Red Hook. It is not far, and 11 fine teeth' In evidence of this there are ' m a n y interesting things statement he showed us his own teeth about the sleepy little village, which he said were perfectly sound, Burton Coon. l!

Buick Co.




C. A. Hartshorn C. B. Hartshorn TELEPHONE 3036


When Hotter Automobiles are Built, Bsrick will Build Them


Snowy-White in Gallons of Suds (Purest of Soaps) Eight Changes of Water ( 1 6 0 Gallons) By

Courtney's Laundry 26-28 Catharine St. Poughkeegsie

Telephone 77o

Merritt H. Traver Read the

Phone Rhinebeck, New York «

Groceries • * <

v *'>2il

AZETTE // Brings News arid Cheer I


m _2^




9x12, formerly $ 1 5 . 0 0 , Sale Price $12.95 Felt Base, per sq. yd., formerly 5 5 c . S a l e price _ 48c Printed Linoleum, p e r sq. y d . , formerly $ 1 8 5 c Inlaid Linoleum, per sq. yd., formerly $ 1 . 5 0 , $1.25 Genuine Linoleum R u g s , 7 % x l 2 , f o r m e r l y $12.60. S a l e Price 49.50 Armstrong's o r Blabon's Linoleum R u g s , 9 x 1 2 , formerly $ 2 0 . 0 0 $16.00


S U G G E S T I O N S FOR S O L V I N G C R O S S - W O R D P U Z Z L E S Stan out by filling in the words of which you feel reasonably sure. These will give you a clue to other words crossing them, and they in turn to still others. A letter belongs in each white space, words starting at the numbered squares and running eithei horizontally or vertically or both. HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1—A bird's crop 1—To peruse carefully 2—Precipitation 2 _ Withhold 3—To enter names 8—Conducted 4—One canonized (abbr.) 10—To breathe rapidly 6—A highway (abbr.) 11—A clock face 6— Caaentlal 13—Home of wild beast 7—Not difficult 16—Former Russian ruler 9—A depression 17—Grief 10—A parent (sbbr.) 19—Bunch of flowers 12—An exclamation 22—Likely 13—To conduct ' 1 "" 24—A large vehicle 14—An oration 26—Pertaining to the place 16—Part of a fence 27—A small cub* used in ga-nes 18—Place for baking 28—Transfers ! 20—Moisten In a liquid 30—To work at with steadiness | 21—Merry 31—Relates j ?3—A raw hide 33—Article 34—Representation of a country ' 25—Retributive Justice j 27—Indicated 39—A container 79—A law > 37—Tantalum (chem. svm.) 88—Improvement of habits 29—Less dangerous 39—Conjunction *1—Experiment 41—Complete collection .*•"—Flavor » 42—To consume T—Kitchen utensil 43—Depart — *.n American Indian . 44—The Inferior pole of '' - A nrjer 48—Place for pigs "oy's name (abbr.) 48— A long bar of Iron i mi«-gilo j 60—Rarefied matter ' • - '-st 61—Robber I 63—Lair : of speech \ ^bol 64—Personal pronoun 65—Prairie wolves •ped meat 67—A color pith of a subject 69—Appropriated or sand deposited bf, 61—Part of a tres \ter 63— Unbound \ soft plumage 68— A cavity reposition 66—In what manner /cnoun 67—Participant In s rtz: \ n d (Latin) \ 48—A tumor ..—Eytclamstlos • 1

KLEEN KOLP ICE BOXES . A ] ! n *J d w 0 0 d boxes, all are white enameled mside, double wall, nickel plated hardware. guaranteed boxes. Toplifter, 35 lb. ice sise, reg. $19.50. Sale $15.00 Tophfter, 50 lb. ice size, reg. $23.50. Sale $18.00 Apartment style, 65 lb. ice size, reg. $28.60. ^n#l

LINOLEUM Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs or Waltona Rugs

LIVING ROOM SUITES An Exceptional Value Three-piece Overstaffed Suite. Settee, one Highback Wing Chair, Arm Chair, Loose Spriag Reversible Cushions, spring, edge, web bottom construction, upholstered In a very fine grade of Jacquard Velour, front, sides and back. Regular $265.00.

Sale Price,. $200.00 Sale Price, $215.00 Other Big V a l a o s in Mohair and Tap*.,try Suites Up T o $350.00




127 Main St., Poughkeepoie ,


RUGS T h e Best Floor Coverings for Your H o m e


Colors and patterns adapted for any room in the house. Medallions or small figures, Ut»ht or dark shades. AH seamless. * Sal** lfrpfjij.

9x12 Hudson Brussels Rags, reg.-$22.60.$17.80 o M T M a a 0 r t. B r u g?! 8 *?*- " * • 1*7.80. .$$0.00 9x12 Napperhan Brussels Rug, reg. $80. .$16.00

AXMINSTER RUGS These are of exceptionally fine quality, which come in the very latest and most wanted designs and colors. •> +*• 9x12 Alpine Axmiaster Rug, seamless, reg. $29.50 .»«.,,'..' 9x12 Ardsley Axminster Rug, seamless, reg. $45.00 632 so 9x12 Carlton Axminster Rug, seamless; *<*• $88,60 -37 s o 9x18 Rinnan Axminster Rug, seamiess; 4


9x12 Colonial Velvet Rug., seamless, reg. % f ° 9x12 WiHon Velvet Rugs, seamless, reg. &> '** 2*!5 S a ? d 2 d Jf i i , t o n » •eamless, reg. $90.$78.00

9 x 1 2 Heratt WOton, r e g . $ 1 6 o ! o O . . . * . ^ l i ^ O O

"Maker, of Happy Home6*

YOU need have no hesitancy in invedtinjf in securities that We recommend. We are guided always by the best interest of our customers* *

* ',


Phone 12S«

&Coi '.• 'A • t

New York Auto Body Works 207 CHURCH STREET PoagUcoopsio, N . Y.

Body Building Repairing metal or Wood Fender Work Welding Painting Duco Finishing and Repairing

"Invest with Safety"



Established 1 6 0 8

Real Estate Russell ft. Fuller aai If

• *-°°

9x12 Palisade Velvet Rugs, seamless, reg. $46*°

Protected Securties

: The Rev. J. W. Leadbeater, former pastor of the Rhinebeck Methodist church w a s able to leave Vassar hospital last week, after a long s t a y there following an operation for acute appendicitis and complications. With Mrs. Leadbeater he it t o w e s tablished in Pfshkill where he will rest until his health ia again improved.

S a l e Prica $ 2 2 . 5 0

A Special Sal* o a S t o c k o f Ru«s of the newest patterns from Alex. Smith A Sons recent auction sale offered t o you at r r . a t savings.


Leaves Hospital



9x18 Ratoaa Velvet Rugs, seamless, i * T $ 8 £

Three pieces, Overstuffed Davenport Suite, covered in Baker's C u t Velour, Kroehler made. Loose cushions, s p r i n g edge. Regular $ 2 5 5 . 0 0 .


Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

. .

3 Door style, 85 lb. ice size, reg. $36.00. S | J Fricm TLT „, . * $30.00 Many other styles m all white enameled and porcelain boxes.

Sale Priea

Three pieces. B a k e r ' s Cut Velour, covered all around, loose s p r i n g cushions, tassels. Regular $176.00. S a l e Price $136.00

Mr. Leadbeater

Untitled Document


n -\ <

Other Exceptional Values Up to

Representative in

N. N. Nordaby


Sale Price, $135.00

Telephone, Rhinebeck 4 0 0



As Attractive As the Bride

Six-piece A m e r i c a n Walnut Bedroom Suite, beautifully finished. Bow-end B e d . Dresser with large mirror, Semi Vanity, Chifforette, Chair and B e n c h . Regular $ 1 8 6 . 0 0 .




Sale Price, $145.00 BED ROOM SUITES

N e w York City


\\ \


Rhinebeck, N e w York

Murray Hill


American W a l n u t , nine pieces, 6 0 in. Buffet, Oblong Table, Semi-Closed China Clwset, 1 arm Chair and 5 side Chairs. Covered in g e n u i n e leather. Regular $ 2 0 0 . 0 0 .

Realty Building

7 East 4 2 St.,



Property in Dutchess County

Nichols & Hobbie,




Residential and Farm



old, I should j u d g e . Speaking o f g e t t i n g up t o t h e school house in bad weather, I r e m e m b e r that D o m i n i e Hipsley once walked the f e n c e f o r some distance w h e n t h e w a t e r w a s high down t h e road in order t o m e e t his appointment. A f u n n y t h i n g ' happened d u r i n g the e n t e r t a i n m e n t at the end o f o u r second year's singing school c o u r s e . Edwin Phillips w a s on t h e program to g i v e a lecture on Astronomy. H e w a s disguised w i t h burnt cork a n d other t h i n g s t o represent a n e g r o . He came on t h e platform fitted out with beaver hat a n d long tailed c o a t , looking m u c h like "Judge" Jackson. He ceremoniously took off h i s h a t and g o t out h i s s p e e c h which w a s written on coarse brown paper s u c h a s the merchants used to wrap sugar in 40 years a g o . H e said the train w a s late, and apologized for the delay. The lecture w a s about Mars and P a r s and other humorous things. After the lecture he said that on g e t t i n g off t h e train he had noticed a little feed store down near the s t a t i o n with the sign "Phillips & K e r l e y " across the front. He said that he wanted to g e t some feed, but that





and he was then about fifty years

Rhinebeck Realty & Development Company



341 Main St.

Cokertown has a l w a y s been a c o n servative community. A little incident will illustrate m y point. A f e w years a g o m y w i f e and I passed through t h e place o n our w a y t o U p per Red Hook t o visit my aunt. . W e saw S a m Hainor sitting on his s t o o p ; Milt Best, "the Mayor of Cokertown" was watering his horses; and V e s s Ackert w a s sitting out in his yard. We stayed all day, and on c o m i n g back in t h e late afternoon, found V e s s Ackert sitting out in the yard, Sam Hainor sitting on t h e stoop, a n d I fully expected t o see the Mayor watering his horses. "Well," I said to my w i f e , "things don't seem t o change much around here".

j Hailstones as big as marbles fell i for a period of fifteen or twenty minutes here last Saturday afternoon I while from Staatsburg comes reports of some measuring an inch and a quarter in diameter falling in the | same storm. No damage of any kind I has been reported.

great v o l u m e . It would



Census Taking To Start June 1st

For the June Bnde


Upholstery Work ANYTHWC ABOUT AGAR fe#j|l



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