Your success depends on individuals of rare expertise.
YOU HAVE A RESOLUTE GOAL: To perform cutting-edge clinical research as a precursor to developing and marketing pharmaceutical products that will, in turn, make a measurable difference in people’s lives. i3 Pharma Resourcing can provide you with the selection of qualified candidates and the flexible staffing arrangements to meet the precise resourcing needs of your diverse projects.
Complete Commitment to Client Satisfaction i3 Pharma Resourcing is dedicated to helping pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies meet their long-term and short-term resourcing needs. Our deep understanding of clinical research, combined with our rich pool of candidates, enables us to match the right person to the job. And once we have made that match, we provide each client with committed, ongoing service through a single point of contact.
i3 Pharma Resourcing provides high-quality pharmaceutical personnel placements supported by world-class service.
The Right Person for the Job By drawing upon an extensive database of
In evaluating openings for professionals from
candidates, i3 Pharma Resourcing fills each
clinical researchers to project managers, we are
customer’s requests for individuals with specific,
experts in matching skill sets and an individual’s
relevant project experience (e.g., managing
qualities to project needs. What’s more, we are
international, Phase III trials in HIV infection).
sensitive to regional and cultural implications.
Professional categories include:
We thoroughly interview candidates before
Clinical Research Scientists
presenting them, then you determine who might
Drug Safety
best integrate with your team and contribute to
Project Management
your project’s success.
Data Management
Medical Information
Quality Assurance
Regulatory Affairs
A High Level of Service Whether you call on i3 Pharma Resourcing to make
New team members we provide to you on a
a contract or permanent placement, we can help
contract placement basis remain employees of
you put a highly qualified individual on the job in
i3 Pharma Resourcing, even though they are
far less time, in most cases, than it would take for
dedicated solely to your project. As such, they
you to conduct a candidate search on your
receive ongoing support, training, and guidance
own. This is due both to our extensive network
from us, in addition to competitive compensation
of candidates and the fact that we assign you,
and benefits.
as our client, a dedicated resourcing manager who understands your needs. Once a designated
When companies are looking to make a permanent
new employee joins your team, your resourcing
hire, our pool of qualified and experienced
manager will continue as your contact, providing
specialists is the best place to begin. Whether you
ongoing service.
intend to hire one of our candidates directly or plan to first bring them onto your team as i3 employees, you’ll have a clear picture of the value they’ll bring.
i3 Pharma Resourcing gives you the flexibility to staff for emerging needs or specific projects. Companies can hire candidates directly or bring them on board as i3 employees, taking the opportunity to get to know the employee before making a permanent hire.
Optimizing Candidate Performance
Global Reach
Candidates choose i3 Pharma Resourcing not just
As a global division of UnitedHealth Group, a
because they know we can help them find the
US-based company that is one of the world’s
right position, but because of the extraordinary
largest health care providers, i3 Pharma Resourcing
level of support we provide. For example, we
has the size and reach to accommodate a wide
assign each of our candidates a dedicated
range of staffing requests. Call on us to help you
resourcing manager to assist them with their
succeed in a growing roster of countries, including:
career development every step of the way.
Our resourcing managers evaluate candidates’
current skill sets and options, recommend
the acquisition of new skills, and even handle on-the-job issues as their HR liaison. Providing
Integrated Services
our candidates with this degree of personal
i3 Pharma Resourcing is the dedicated
attention on an ongoing basis enhances their
pharmaceutical staffing services group of
professionalism and increases their preparedness
i3 Research, a therapeutically focused CRO
for varied client assignments.
specializing in oncology, central nervous system, and respiratory and infectious disease. Renowned for helping clients develop better care, i3 Research also offers industry-leading data management and biostatistical services across all therapeutic categories through its i3 Data Services division. Integration of all available i3 services creates seamless delivery across teams, functions, and geographies.
VISIT i3 PHARMA RESOURCING ONLINE TODAY To let us find the right professional for your next project, fill out a service request form at—or call us at (866) 306 1321.
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28042 Madrid, España
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