Goncalves recent findings in sow nutrition research jefo2016

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Recent findings in sow nutrition research PIC Global Nutrition Team August 2016


Recent findings in sow nutrition research

 Wean-to-estrus interval  Gestation  Lactation  Current recommendations


An interesting opportunity The increased number of farms with Electronic Sow Feeding (ESF) has increased the opportunities for gestation sow nutrition research.

Wean-to-estrus interval

Source: Mike Tokach

Carthage Data in sows

Graham et al., 2015

Graham et al., 2015

Wean-to-estrus interval • Ad lib feeding • Limited to no benefit in sows in good body condition (> 2.75 on 0 to 5 scale). • Thin sows: still recommended to feed ad lib.

Source: Mike Tokach

Influence of feeding level on piglet birth weight

Gestation feeding level, kg/d 3.1 Mcal ME/kg diet; Landrace x Large White cross; Amdi et al., 2014

Effects of precision feeding on gilt performance • Two treatments from d 3 to 105 of gestation: 1. Precision feeding, NRC (2012)

• 2.52 Mcal NE/kg; 0.80 vs. 0.20% SID Lys for high and low protein, respectively. • Adjusted daily using an Electronic Sow Feeding system for each animal to accurately meet estimated energy and Lys requirements. 2. Control, one-diet program: constant 2.2 kg/d, 0.56% SID Lys, 2.52 Mcal NE/kg.

Buis et al. 2016

Effects of precision feeding on gilt performance

Buis et al. 2016

Effects of precision feeding on gilt performance

Buis et al. 2016

Effects of precision feeding on gilt performance

Buis et al. 2016

At this time we do not have empirical evidence that precision feeding is more beneficial than the traditional feeding method.

Objective measurement of sow body condition: Caliper North Carolina State University

Dr. Mark Knauer Miranda Bryan The caliper measures the angularity of a sow’s topline from the spinous process to the transverse process.

Objective measurement of sow body condition: Caliper

Bryan and Knauer, 2014; A total of 2460 sows were used.

Recent sow research: Feeding during most of gestation

• Sows can be fed to a range of backfat and body condition as long as extremes are avoided with relatively little impact on sow or offspring performance. • Goal hasn’t changed: • Feed to achieve desired body condition at farrowing

Late gestation feeding Determine the effects of amino acids and energy intake during late gestation of highperforming gilts and sows on litter and reproductive performance under commercial conditions

Gonรงalves et al., 2016; J. Anim. Sci.

Materials and Methods 1,102 females (741 gilts and 361 sows; PIC Camborough) Group housed (ESF) Dietary treatments

Individually housed d 40

d 90

d 111

Treatment structure:

2 (parity) Ă— 2 (lysine) Ă— 2 (energy) factorial Parity (after farrowing): P1 (Gilts) or P2+ (Sows) Lysine: 10.7 or 20 g SID Lysine intake per day Energy: 4.50 or 6.75 Mcal of NE intake per day

Born alive piglet birth weight, kg

Impact of AA during late gestation on piglet birth weight 1.50

P = 0.29


SEM = 0.008

1.40 1.35



10.7 1.85

20.0 2.75

1.30 1.25

1.20 SID Lys, g/d (Gonรงalves et al., 2016)

Born alive piglet birth weight, kg

Energy* was the driver of the modest increase in piglet birth weight rather than AA intake 1.50

P = 0.01


SEM = 0.008

1.40 1.35



1.36b + 30 g

1.25 1.20

4.50 6.75 1.85 2.75 Consumo de ração, kg/d Energy intake, Mcal NE/d

*Energy derived from starch. Corn-SBM based diets, 1.8 vs 2.7 kg with same levels of AA intake/d. NRC (2012) loadings values.

(Gonçalves et al., 2016)

Stillbirth, %

High energy intake increased stillborns by 2.1% in sows, but not in gilts 8

Leitoas Gilts Porcas Sows

6 4

Parity x Energy, P = 0.01 SEM = 0.8


6.5b 4.4a




4.50 5,90 8,85 6.75 1.85 2.75 Energy intake, Mcal NE/d Consumo de ração, kg/d

(Gonçalves et al., 2016)

Improvement of total born and piglet birth weight Trend: genetic improvement in birth weight and total born (PIC Genetic Nucleus) Total born (pigs/sow/yr)

Birth weight (kg/pig)

(relative to '13-'15 avg)

(relative to '13-'15 avg)


0.08 Total Born

Birth Weight





0.02 (1.0) 0 (1.5)




(2.5) 200601

-0.06 200701






Birth year / month

1. Relationship based genomic selection Source: PIC L02, L03 pure lines (Camborough)



Introduction of RBGS1



Effects of feed intake during late gestation on lactation feed intake Feed intake, kg/d



7.5 6.5

Late gestation feed intake:


1.8 kg/d 2.2 kg/d

4.5 3.5 0


10 Lactation, d



Mallmann et al. 2016 (unpublished); A total of 407 sows with 15 total born, with treatments being fed from d 90 to 112 of gestation. Corn-SBM based diet.

Influence of backfat level at farrowing on litter weight gain during lactation

Kim et al., 2015

Source: Mike Tokach


Influence of peripartum feeding of sow on piglet weight gain BF x feed P < 0.035

Sow backfat at farrowing, mm Cool et al. 2014

Effect of dietary energy in lactation on sow feed intake Quadratic, P < 0.01

Lactation diet ME, Mcal/kg Xue et al., 2012

Effect of dietary energy in lactation on sow energy intake Quadratic, P < 0.01

Lactation diet ME, Mcal/kg Xue et al., 2012

Effect of dietary energy in lactation on litter weight gain Quadratic, P < 0.01

Lactation diet ME, Mcal/kg Xue et al., 2012

Effect of dietary SID Lys intake in lactation on litter weight gain Linear, P < 0.01

SID Lys intake during lactation, g/d Xue et al., 2012

Effects of calcium intake during lactation on PWM and piglet removal rate Linear, P < 0.05 Quadratic, P= 0.35 SEM = 2.0

% PWM + fall out rate

20 16



12.6ab 7.4b

8 4 0 35 (0.64%)

46 (0.84%)



Calcium intake, g/d (%, assuming 5.5 kg ADFI) PIC (2016); 32 females per treatment blocked by parity, initial litter weight as covariate.

Essential fatty acids during lactation on reproductive performance Minimum dietary intake of 10 g/d of Îą-linolenic acid, simultaneous with a minimum of 100 g/d of linoleic acid should be provided to > 95 % of the sows (Rosero et al., 2012).

Current sow feeding recommendations for PIC sows • New PIC nutrient specifications manual • Wean-to-estrus interval • •

Thin sows: full feeding Ideal/fat sows: 8.7 Mcal NE/d (~3.6-3.8 kg/d)

• Gestation •

Pre-farrowing •

Bump feeding only gilts

5.6 Mcal NE/d (~2.3-2.4 kg/d)

Lactation • •

Ad libitum intake from day zero Provide adequate amino acid intake

Recent sow nutrition research: Conclusions • The different feeding systems and diets used in major swine producing countries demonstrate that sows can be fed in a variety of manners while still achieving excellent productivity. • Research should be used to challenge our current methods to determine if we can improve performance, or optimize cost of production by using an alternative approach.

Thank you


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