Global Awakening News
Commentary and Guidance for Enlightened Change During Rapidly Changing Times
Creational Power by the Hand of the “Dark Error”
“Queen of the Machine” August 13, 2013 Version 1.1 (slight edits made in formatting)
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This is a companion essay to “The Human Question” as there is the direct influence by the forces underlying “biology” upon spiritual consciousness and vice versa. It is one of four concluding essays to the A-List series and should be read in the order given.
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1
Four concluding essays to the “A-List”, by Alex Kochkin with editorial and critical assistance from Tish Van Camp: The “Human Question” came about from a decades-long ongoing examination and re-examination of the potential and appropriateness of extant humans as a vehicle for spiritual intelligences to learn and evolve through. This process required examining how things were in the next levels up from human, which in turn required examining more of the state of the souls and higher level beings that were hooked into the human level of awareness. Link: “Queen of the Machine” essay came about from explorations of the energetic spaces underlying 3d and from assessing the state of the “correction energies”. The implications of the situation with levels below 3d density have yet to be explored enough. Perhaps it will be answered post-“corrections” by those who have learned the most from this demented realm of existence quaintly referred to as “3d”. My preliminary observations are that there is evidence of a primary or primal root template that has been suppressed and distorted from the inception of all that which the Dark manifested or came to dominate. When the dark side machinery is removed through the larger transformation process that is underway, then what remains? Link: “Death and Transfiguration” emerged from over a year of contemplating the state of the ascension process and of those at their human levels who had an affinity for this. Background to this probably spans most of my human lifetime here and my knowledge that true life exists without any need for a conflicting duality and the illusion of “death”. Link: “Problems of Dissipation” developed through the consideration of the larger questions of the relationship between higher self/higher level beings and human self and the seeming inability to meaningful influence changes at the human level. This touches upon what I have come to regard as an additional flaw in the greater creation process. Link:
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1
Creational Power by the Hand of the “Dark Error”
“Queen of the Machine”
August 12, 2013 - - - Note: August 15 – minor corrections made to end notes. NES Link for print formatted PDF:,1433.0.html
Preface The dynamics of Creation were seized upon by the Dark and its separation from Source led to deliberate and inadvertent development of grotesque monstrosities, one of the most powerful is the control of the inconscient levels by a malevolent consciousness. This applies to the underlying energetics-consciousness of humans, “nature” as a whole, and local planetary dynamics. This companion essay to “The Human Question” can help with understanding the one’s “lower self” as an energetic ally in ascension and to decouple one’s true Self as spiritual consciousness from one’s human host vessel, heavily laden with all of programming designed to reinforce a state of “virtual imprisonment”. Over recent decades, the “global public” has been deeply imprinted with movie imagery that originates from the depths of fallen matter and associated demonic consciousnesses at various levels. Beyond any mere storyline, this has been a form of overt and subliminal programming which inures everyone to being in thrall to these hidden forces without suspecting anything to be amiss. This is also at the basis of the “dual mind chatter”, the “subverting inner mind” that so many psychological and spiritual teachings claim to deal with, but usually fail horribly, succeeded instead at actually stimulating and reinforcing various states of internal “madness’. Note: This essay is set up as a collection of related notes with section separators. -/First, a slightly personal note… Lest anyone imagine that I might “abhor” nature, since my earliest years in this lifetime I have appreciated and studied “nature”, this planet, its animals, minerals, plants, and much more. Later I enjoyed sharing portions of my human life with cats, dogs, and horses and other “critters” and learned to see and experience “life” through the bodies and minds of various creatures.
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 By choice these days, I now spend more time on and under the ocean near where we live, “socializing” with the sea turtles and dolphins and rays. While I enjoy the physical sensation and metaphysical qualities of being in and under the water, I cannot ignore the growing decrepitude of the marine environment which is a microcosm of all the oceans and the entire planetary environment. I also cannot ignore the persistence and adaptability of the biological machinery, even as it rapidly degenerates from its relatively “pristine” condition of mere decades ago. What I see is testament to the ongoing self-centered arrogance of humans – contemporary as well as that of various precursor immigrations prior to European colonization leading to eventual “Americanization”. Even in small niches of the islands here, there are those who knowingly continue to bring pollution and destruction to areas of former beauty and relative harmony of the coastal and ocean ecology. And just to dispel any false or unfounded notions of a possible bias favoring “nature” over humans, I have the enormous benefit of having experienced many facets of human existence and beliefs over several decades –and through other lifetimes. I do not regard “humans” per se as superior or inferior to anything upon this planet. The situation on Earth and that of humans is what it is, and that is that. -/-
Introducing the “Queen of the Machine” “Queen of the Machine” is a term that came to me recently as I tried to describe something I had come to after a long and elusive process over many years. Various philosophical, spiritual, and science-fiction writers have evoked something of a vast intelligence behind what may appear to be machine like –or evoke a machine-like quality to some vast intelligence. Perhaps the best known of these two examples were portrayed in the “Matrix” and “Alien” movie series. Various expressions have been used for this such as “Deus ex Machina”, “Ghost in the Machine”, etc. It is possible to clairvoyantly view facets of this “machinery” and some of its “agents”. If one were to read a composite of a handful of accounts from various sources, one would find a consistent pattern. But taken individually, each account reads something like the “three blind men and the elephant”, as each considers they are describing the complete elephant. The term, “Ghost in the Machine” has much of its recent philosophical origins from 17th century concepts that there is a process of consciousness and mind that operates in a different sphere than the ordinary physical level. (At one point this was termed “dualism”, even though it is not equivalent to the use of the term Global Awakening Press
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 “duality” in these pages.) It is no accident this analysis was put forth by Descartes, who also introduced the use of a geometric (Cartesian) coordinate system to mathematics. While “Ghost in the Machine” has its roots in these earlier concepts, it more recently used to convey something of an independent consciousness hidden within the “machinery” of 3d reality –biological and artificial. The expression, “Deus ex Machina” comes to us from the period around 500BC when philosopher-teachers tried to convey the idea of a hidden higher level force that acted in ways to cause an unexpected turn of events at crucial times. Of those in the early times who made such an attribution, only a rare few understood enough about origins and dynamics of cosmic scale of the “error of the Dark”. In the modern era, this concept has been used in both to expose hidden forces (such as in the “Matrix” movies) and to suggest the possibility of some new selfsentiency emerging, usually through evolving artificial intelligence machines. -/-
“Transhumanism” Mirroring the “Machine” Today, “transhumanists” seek a version of “godlike immortality” for their egoselves, achieved through artificial intelligence (A-I) machines. Theirs is a human-created version of the Dark creation machine intelligence which is acting through arrogant human agents to replicate and expand itself. The efforts of those agents of the Dark (transhumanists in this context) naturally mirror or mimic their own mind paradigm (that of transhumanists) which is an as below variation of the Dark itself. Their goals are to create artificial sentient “life” to house a mind (and a consciousness) and mimic and enhance movement and sensory capacity of the biological human form which could eventually house an extant human self. Those who are most focused on this work are generally not guided by any higher spiritual consciousness of the true Light. If anything it is of the Dark and of the base “machine intelligence”. To humans working toward these goals, the existence of a spiritual soul is either dismissed as something quite different from a human mind’s ego-self –or denied by equating “soul” with the human self. The goals of the techno-transhumanists include creation of sentient machine intelligence (like the android, “Data” in the Star Trek television and movie series), the capacity to download a human-defined human consciousness and memories into a machine host (like in the television series Battlestar Galactica Global Awakening Press
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 and its related Caprica), and would eventually need to include non-human, nonphysical intelligences inhabiting artificially created humanoid and other forms (explored in television series such as Stargate SG-1, Atlantis, etc.) . The financial and technical resources that are being applied to this entire effort are substantial and the work is distributed globally depending on the available expertise for elements being developed. In addition to the refinement of compact advanced “computer” technology, there are many efforts at refining artificial intelligence software, the refinement of robotics as well as bio-cybernetics, and numerous subsystem. The intentions of human actions toward such goals closely reflects the impulse and desire of the Dark to perpetuate itself by becoming imbedded in the human state and its derivations –including sentient machines, humanoid, and otherwise. Such is the extent of the corruption of human species and human level consciousness in Earthly 3d by the Dark. Ultimately it is all about the state of consciousness –of spiritual intelligence, its intents, the state of its spiritual evolution, and its connection with Creator of All. (See End Notes for supplementary comments on “transhumanism” and cybernetics.) -/The problem of a corrupted “creational machinery” bears directly upon the work of Aurobindo, Mirra, Satprem, and a few others who explored ways to transform humanity and this reality. For them the human body was a living laboratory and they sought to examine levels of existence that lie below that of ordinary 3d. The “basement” levels where much of the apparent power of the Dark has resided. It is these lower levels that are also proving a tough challenge to the contemporary “correction energies” we have been discussing. This is part of the “basement realm” underlying human existence and Earthly 3d overall. Mirra’ and Aurobindo’s main approach was to facilitate the descent of the supramental or divine consciousness into this realm via highly spiritualized humans. They found great resistance to the process at various levels in the human body, as well as in the larger environment that is hostile to such a change. -/Due to the agenda of the dark forces, its human agencies, and the filtering “press pot” effect of the “correction energies”, the situation on Earth will continue to degrade whilst more human Selfs will be transferring their consciousness to whatever levels above they are most ready for. Those Selfs who are at the threshold of spiritual consciousness are already dealing with this expansion and transfer process, especially if they have been
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 “pushing the envelope” of their ascension process. Most are unaware of the underlying dynamics, until the moment of Realization arrives and are either shifted to another state of consciousness or have new options set plainly before them. -/This essay is an attempt to shed some “light” on the deeper levels that are so much a part of the intractability of the problems here. This is not about “action points” for humans, or something for humans to attach elusive, illusive hopes to. Indeed, there are higher level spiritual beings working toward the eventual remaking of this realm. To this end, highly evolved spiritual intelligences entered into this planetary energy body to test the possibilities. Perhaps this essay and our other work will help offset some of the insane responses from the many whom are marginal in their spiritual development and marginal in their grasp of worldly events. This lack of capacity is the social basis for all the hysterical “hopeaholism” or “doomsaying” which is rapidly propagating like a disease pandemic. While extant humans will not be transformed into light beings from gross biomatter, it is possible for an evolved human Self to evolve into a “light being”. However this requires a decidedly non-human point of view and a level of spiritual consciousness that transcends anything “human-centric” of 3d Earth. This is discussed further in the forthcoming essay, “Death and Transfiguration”. For the transformation of humans beyond that of self-centered, social-tribal animals to occur, it is essential that those higher level beings which are involved are properly up to the task and have been adequately prepared for such work. This may involve a new type of higher level being, perhaps something from the new creation realm where new spiritual beings are in development. In due course, “humans” of Earthly density will no longer be “fair game” for any higher level entity to capriciously “play with”. Higher level beings will need a “drivers license”, proper “clearance” levels, and whatever else may be appropriate to prevent re-initializing a dysfunctional “spiritual” process that has been de rigueur on 3d Earth for far too long. What is most important now is one’s own spiritual process and the exercise of self-restraint in choosing not chase after the latest fad or rumor. Those who are more spiritually evolved and connected with the processes we have been describing will be able to move through these final stages with less difficulty and perhaps stimulate the spiritual evolution of their own greater being. -/It is easy for some who are spiritually-minded to be haughtily dismissive and “write off” the 3d human-Earth experience as “failed”. It is entirely another
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 matter to understand how and why this occurred and what lies ahead. The same applies to one’s own development as a spiritual being. It is for one’s own greater spiritual evolution and that of creation that is the point to bothering to learn any of this. It is also easy to mistakenly confound dynamics of the Dark side with the simpler elements of the human animal self that begins to develop a consciousness beyond its immediate body existence. (This is discussed more in the “The Human Question” and its companion essay, “Binary or Quantum”.) Avoiding this potential pitfall is one of the considerations behind emphasizing the importance of your “high attractor” and in “making friends” with your lower level self. This also requires one to treat one’s inner and outer completion very seriously. If not, then there can be added resistance and you may find some elements of lower self more aligned merely by default with elements of the dark side “machine mind” and at the very least seeming to “undermine” your spiritual quest. (This is also discussed in the “Human Question”.) -/-
Back to the “Queen of the Machine” and the Cosmic Error Underlying and overlying the appearances of human 3d Earth is a damaged and deranged spiritual intelligence that threatens a planetary “scorched earth” when confronted with its own decrepitude by the higher Oneness. It is the archetypal dynamic underlying cancerous diseases and other serious pathologies that infect biology. It relies upon humans for the most part to act as its agents, directly and indirectly. The underlying archetypal entity regards itself as the “queen of the machine”, the overlying one as identifies with the “god” of the Dark “lords”. The power of these two “archetypal” forces is the “power” to deceive and to stimulate endless reproduction. That the “natural” environment, corrupt and flawed from its inception into matter, is rapidly degenerating is of little consequence to these forces. The power of entropic decay is inexorable and the Earth environment is currently undergoing a complex terraforming operation to suit the agendas of something that has nothing in common with the quaint notions of “nature” held by humans. As an aside, I find it more interesting that arrogant, deluded humans presently seek to combine organic and inorganic substances through genetic and molecular engineering into new forms of “stuff” as well as forms of “life”. Some of this is designed to be self-replicating. The individuals leading these efforts represent an “as below” version of the aberrant Dark side creation impulse that now has its own impetus at the human level. Some of these individuals are working “under the influence” of those who are overseeing the destruction and restructuring of Earth’s environment.
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 -/What we are discussing here centers on a fundamental corruption of what humans commonly refer to as “Earthly creation”. It is the literal madness or insanity of the Dark –as it has penetrated, imprinted, and replicated itself into matter, cellular biology, and the Earth’s biosphere. The “queen” relishes its capacity to create personal and collective chaos, multiplied manifold across the growing mass of humans. In that regard it shares one of the core qualities of the Dark. Religions such as Catholicism, have promoted variations of “original sin”, along with some bizarrely distorted notions of the “feminine” archetype. There is a grain of truth to this, of course. But the “sin” is not the fault of human selfs or humanity, etc. as these demented belief systems promote. The responsibility lies with the demented and self-deluding dark side creator gods that believed they were the pinnacle of creation and could never ever acknowledge that perhaps they themselves were somehow “defective”. The concepts of psychology/psychiatry drove all this deeper and further distorted human level consciousness even more beyond the scope and reach of the religious control systems. It is not by the social pathology of misogyny, nor is it by any accident that many spiritual teachers from the ancient world provided the background to various poems and stories in which the feminine archetype were shown to be a chaotic and even malevolent nature. In the more modern era, misogyny became part of the norm as the original insights in the cosmic error of the Dark and the insights to the corruption of the divine feminine archetype became lost. The situation has become so deranged at the human level that it is accepted in many countries to hate females. And, as if to give them further reason for this pathology, it is often the mothers that send their young males to war for whatever perverted collective thinking fits the situation. -/This is the “queen of the machine”, an archetypal level of consciousness that permeates nearly ever fiber and manifestation in this corrupt and fallen creation structure. This infects the levels below 3d and levels above it. It infects the “mind of the cells”, the planetary body and planetary mind, and nearly all of so-called “Nature” on Earth. It is intimately linked to the inconscient levels of the human creature and is closely involved in the bondage of portions of spiritual intelligences to the dark. Its influence and that of the totality of the Dark has affected and misinformed myriad spiritual beings as to the nature of creation and individuation into density. As these beings continue to send something of their
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 selves down into 3d, too little is learned and an informational “garbage in, garbage out” situation is reinforced and loops back on itself. I use the term “queen” because it is very closely connected to the manifestational power of the “Cosmic Mother” at all those subsidiary levels which were involved in the conception of the Dark and the manifestation of a fallen realm –all the way to humans on Earth and beyond. The “Cosmic Mother” dynamic was corrupted to manifest an errant and corrupt “nature” on Earth and elsewhere and which then became available for lesser beings under the Dark to infiltrate all levels of extant (manifest) creation. This is partly what is involved in the human mythologies of the “Sophia”. Eventually this story goes directly to the fundamental problem of what is considered the “modern human” species on Earth and its ancestry. So as not to digress too much here, a companion essay to this one focuses more on “The Human Question”. -/The tendency toward chaotic dissipation also affects the Dark and that which has been “co-creative” with the Dark. I have touched on this in previous essays and it is discussed further in one of the concluding essays, “Problems of Dissipation”. At the very least, chaotic dissipation suggests two bases for an internal lack of coherence and instability within the Dark and its subsidiary entities: One of these is its inherent self-absorbedness as the center of all that is. This in turn closely relates to an incoherence from competing facets of itself, each imagining it to be the center of all. It is no “random coincidence” that this resembles the human ego-self run amok. (See “Binary or Quantum…” section contained in “The Human Question” or as a single posting:,1431.msg6079.html#msg6079 ) An innate “dissipation factor” accentuates this situation while also stimulating the impulse for the endless expansion of the Dark’s fallen creation. It is no random coincidence that this resembles the dynamic of human population growth or out of control cancer cells. It matters not that the host itself (human, planetary, etc.) will be destroyed in the process, as the Dark presumes it can continue to replicate more hosts to sustain its insatiable appetite. Besides, it simply cannot help doing what is in its nature. (Note: entering “dissipation” as a search term at the NES Forum will bring up recent posting on this as well.) -/-
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 Consider that the Dark came to believe itself to be the “one true creator god” and that it even has some capacity to “love” –in a perversely possessive way –all that it manifested, including humans. A distorted consciousness permeates all levels of the Dark, and this becomes more obvious the more it is involved in the “management” of humans. It is also reflected in the state of mind and state of consciousness (two different things) of the human elite. This example shows the consistency between “as above, so below”. Consider the total number of spiritual Selfs that came to reside in human form on this planet over so many millennia, and to this add the total projections emanating from them, and consider the potential effects of the Dark reimprinting itself in every respect possible upon higher level/soul beings through countless reincarnations. Consider that this numerical representation barely accounts for the influence of the Dark with regard only to Earth. From this we can get some idea of a powerful and cumulative corrupting influence upon essentially naïve higher level/soul beings. Its influence reimprints and adapts continuously in real time upon developed Selfs as well as newly emerging ones through the replication of new hosts (birthing new animal bodies). Human matrix control memes are an “as below” version of this process. -/-
Change and Decay Entropic decay is something that tends to affect all of matter – inorganic and organic –making it quite impermanent. But the force of replication, reproduction without regard to consequences tends to overwhelm everything, including the higher mind when it comes to the operations of 3d state of reality. This is also what has influenced naïve higher level/soul beings that came here to learn. Overall, there are myriad forces at work that will oppose and attack anything of the true Divine appearing in the 3d realm. This hostility is stopped through the processes of the “corrections energies”, but not necessarily at the “3d level”. As of now, it my assessment that humans cannot and will not change into “spiritual beings”. This will require a new approach to the “human question”. What is more likely is the annihilation of a much of life on Earth and for highly evolved spiritual beings to work from a “clean slate” when it comes to Earthly 3d density. The main transformational work is occurring at the next levels up. It is all about consciousness and spiritual evolution. Global Awakening Press
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It always has been. It has never been “all about humans” and their earthly situation. This is understandable when one ceases to think from a human-centric point of view of “human-identified-human”. The awakening of consciousness is first and foremost at the next levels up. Human Selfs who have reached their “spiritualization threshold” often experience a partial descension of their higher levels to facilitate more expanded states of consciousness. (We are “here” to “go” –but first you have to get “here”.) Eventually the opportunity will develop on Earth that allows a new approach for spiritual beings to experience density from a density point of view. Eventually there will be a new conception and inception from the higher realms that becomes involved in the making of new “creation gardens” –on Earth and elsewhere. Through these efforts, and more, all will be remade. The influence of the Dark error will be no more. The timing for the movement toward a catastrophic “reset” for the planet Earth (and its physical residents) depends partly upon how the ascension process matures and how and integration of spiritual learning matures with the higher beings/soul beings that have been having a “human experience”. This of course relates to my comments on why there is no defined “timeline” to the ordinary human point-of-view. (Follow-up to “Earthchanges & The Greater Changes”:
The “Revolt” of the Cells, The Return of the Light The “press pot” effect of the “corrections energies” on the lower realms underlying “3d” is contributing toward isolating some of what constitutes the “machinery” from those sentient beings whose essence is that of the true Light. At the lower levels of matter and biology, that of a primal consciousness, one could say that there is a “revolt by the mind of the cells”. I suspect that this may be due in part to the “mind of the cells” having some “recall” of the templates of divine creation, before coming under the influence of the Dark. -/“Insane Monstrosity” is what comes to mind as I attempt to write a description which would evoke something of a robot-like machinery with monstrous mini-
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 versions of itself. But the closest imagery is found “popular culture” and resembles something including the qualities of the computer-like intelligence and squid-like machines in the “Matrix” trilogy, the mechanical and humanoid “replicators” of the Stargate television series, and the creatures from H.R. Giger’s designs used in the movie series “Alien”. I suspect that Giger tapped into the dark consciousness of the “queen of the machine” facilitated by psychoactive substances and perhaps became enthralled by that which guides the grotesque images of his “art” and the creatures shown in the movies. However, there is no one special form this entity appears as. Now consider the “correction energies” filtering out or untangling the Dark from the “original creation templates” and imagine all those living creatures in conscious revolt –detaching from the “machine” which had in effect governed them and their existence. What I am describing here is also connected with the potential of the spiritualized human Self becoming the nucleus for a new type of human as well as a new type of spiritual being –one that is consciously linked with the Higher Oneness. But once again, this is not an “action item” for human-centric thinking to be involved with. This is the “revolt of the cells” and at that point their innate and unrealized Divine power can no longer be controlled by anything that is not of the Divine consciousness. One of its potential effects is the remaking of lower density and connecting it with the higher Oneness. This is related to the remaking of creation. -/The “Light” does not need to wage some eternal “war” against the forces of the Dark in the manner of duality-conflict. These are incompatible modalities of being, thinking, and doing. What is occurring is the separation of that which is of the true Light from that of the Dark. This is part of the larger process of the “correction energies” and the remaking of creation. The “descent of the supramental” –which Mirra, Satprem, Aurobindo, and others have been closely involved with –is only one approach to the problem of the spiritual transformation of humans and of “3d” matter of Earth, including the lowest levels of density fathomable. At the very least, their work was an important precursor to the present day “correction energies” that emanate from the Divine. I also suspect they became too fixed upon their approach and overlooked certain things. (This is summarized in the A-List Epilogue that will also announce the posting of the remaining essays.) There have been problems with conscious supramentalization, partly from a type of hidden resistance at the deeper levels underlying the 3d human self, and partly
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 from the practical business of undertaking such a process by spiritualized human Selfs who lack sufficient understanding of the workings of a corrupted reality. There is also “space between the atoms” that is relatively pristine and connected to the Divine. It has some correspondence with the “creational templates” of Original Intent. Such “templates” are not “fully detailed” manifestional instructions, rather they are what emanates from the Intentions of Creator of All. There are various efforts underway in other vibrational spaces that are moving toward the goal of transforming matter density. This is something I have discussed before. -/At some point, a spark of true consciousness that is aligned with the true Creation and the original intention behind biological existence will take hold and begin to spread. It seeks life and eternal existence but under far different terms and conditions than those which the Dark offers. Already I have seen evidence of this. These cells may be part of a human body, perhaps a newborn, perhaps an adult, perhaps not even in the human domain initially. Perhaps this will be what comes to populate a New Earth and becomes an equal and symbiotic host to nonphysical spiritual intelligences that are also aligned with the Divine. Today, these are things to be aware of, but are not actionable from any humancentric level. -/To make the point even finer, it is my assessment that it is not possible to transform this version of the human species and most certainly not in this environment of density. The key is with the vibrational state of consciousness and with spiritually evolved learning. This must propagate through from the higher levels first and foremost. (Again, I refer readers to the companion essay “The Human Question”.) The emergence of a fully Divinized or supramentalized human being at the level of 3d is immediately attacked by anything and everything that is infected with the Dark. Not only would dark entities and humans attack it, the environment as a whole is hostile. When the process of the clearing of the 3d Earthly realms and associated realms below and above 3d are sufficiently complete, then it would be possible and practical for supramentalized beings to enter into density. -/-
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 Reflect on your own experiences toward conscious ascension to gain the cooperative support of various lower levels of your human self. Detachment, completions, and a high attractor are often required to get the attention and active support of your lower levels. In other words “you” are offering them a new future to look toward, one very different than entropic decay, human habits, and stimuli of the mundane. These lower levels can be engaged to willing help boost your energies to reach into the next levels up and will be willing to burn themselves out to get you there if necessary. This comes naturally to that level of consciousness and is part of its role, to maintain your human self no matter what. What is different is that of a new life beyond a limited human 3d existence. I mention this here because in your own microcosm, this mirrors something comparable to the liberation of the “mind of the cells” of biology and of matter from the Dark machine intelligence that has suppressed and infected it for so long. Consider it as an insight to the “service” you are performing by attending to your own process. -/-
Concluding Remarks As I cautioned at the start, this is not a simple action item in the manner of simple human linear “reasoning”. The problem of extant beings –from complex animal and planetary bodies –to simpler unicellular creatures and quasi-living entities such as viruses or minerals, etc. which were created under the influence of the Dark “anti-creation” forces –will not be sorted out and “corrected” during any humanly relevant flow of events (“time”). As the Dark and Light are untangled, the Light liberated to its origins, the cosmic spiritual lessons assimilated, shared and contemplated –the problem of a remaking/rehabilitating what there is of various levels of vibrational densities in the fallen sector will be resolved. If concentrated efforts toward this succeed and the Higher Oneness takes hold, then the course will be more apparent to those beings who are directly involved in this, at whatever their levels of focus. If not, then the vast beings who have encapsulated the fallen sector will begin a process of dissolution and contraction until nothing remains that is “of the Dark”. And that will be that. Some of us here may well become more closely connected to this process due to our experiences and learning here. Perhaps we will recognize something of one another in the totality of our True Being. -Alex
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Appendix of End Notes
NOTE: August 15, 2013 – minor corrections made to these
#1) - A-I, Cybermachines, and Immortality #2) – Aurobindo, Mirra and the Supramental #3) Additional background articles links #4) Worshipping Mother Nature? #5) Further Notes on the Dark Forces and its “Machinery”
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#1) - A-I, Cybermachines, and Immortality For those familiar with the “Terminator” movie series, you may recall the existence of “Skynet” a self-aware artificial intelligence that turns upon humans. Today, super computers running quantum-technology processing mimic the human mental processes and thus are very different from any previous generation of computing technology. There are efficient and functional drones that range from insect size to that of a large jet plane and everything between. Drone-type aviation requires competency in a wide range of aviation technology. To deploy fleets of them requires sophisticated satellite and ground-based communications control systems and trained tech workers to operate them. Airborne multi-spectral imaging systems can “see” underground and through buildings and drones can resolve very small spatial increments given their inherent proximity compared to orbital satellites. Facial recognition software has been functional far longer than most people realize and the latest generation makes it possible to identify and track nearly anyone, anywhere, anytime. Drones, or piloted aircraft can be equipped with laser guided missiles or bullets or bombs. In addition there have been directed energy weapons that will induce aneurysm or heart failure at a distance. These too can be mounted on any of the land or air-based systems. Quantum computing allows for the monitoring or tracking of nearly any conversation in nearly any language via any type of Internet-base email, text-based writings, cell, land or any other type of telephony, etc. This is more than mere “keywords”. Full body scanners can and will be deployed in all major transportation control points. Their purpose is far more than merely scanning for “suspicious objects”. Breakthroughs in cybernetics are such that passably human-looking robotics already exist. As robotics/cybernetics are refined, so will the compactness and efficiency of artificial intelligence machines. These systems are mainly being used to implement a humanly-operated global control grid, and there is more to it (of course) than this. Furthermore, these large-scale systems allow developers to perfect what is needed to accommodate the transfer of human mind-consciousness into a cybernetic entity or other form. By the way, consciousness that already exists as an individuation, regardless of any limitations of the human vehicle, is already capable of “occupying” a wide range of non-human objects from animals to machine intelligences. In short, the desires of transhumanists in achieving artificial life and near-immortality for their own ego-self is not too far fetched a goal. Without going into details further, I leave it to you to imagine the implications of all of this. At any rate, it is the continuum of the Dark applied in lower level density of humans. This is both a bid to bury itself so deeply that it could not be rooted out and removed –and represents the possible genesis of the new generation of the Global Awakening Press
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 original Dark error –one that I have warned about if marginally-aware humans are allowed to continue on the present course of humans on Earth.This topic was also brought up in 2012: A-List Updates, p. 14, “Terminal Collapse”
A-I, Cybermachines, and Immortality,1393.0.html and,1393.msg6056.html#msg6056
#2) – Aurobindo, Mirra and the Supramental Like diseased cells attacking healthy cells in the body, Mirra was herself attacked most intensely by senior members of the Pondicherry community that had been guided by Aurobindo and her. Near the end of her human life, she was even given a dangerous drug to try to “normalize” her since they could not tolerate her work from within her body to be allowed to reach its potential, no matter how remote this possibility might have been. Overall, too many of the so-called “students” of Aurobindo and Mirra were more interested in extra-ordinary powers and not in the transformation of consciousness into the Divine. The few trustworthy people who could have aided her were prevented from doing so. Most of those who understood enough of what the transformation of humans and matter entailed, left the community or were forced out. Nevertheless, the “Pondicherry experiment” that Aurobindo and Mirra shaped into a living laboratory for the transformation of consciousness, humanity, and of matter had served its purpose well and that is how I prefer to remember it. Whatever it may be today has no further relevancy in this regard. An separate essay on their advanced work will be included with the A-List Epilogue. -/-
#3) Additional background articles can be found under: “Creation, Cosmology, and the Big Picture” at or at the originating site -/-
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1
#4) Worshipping Mother Nature? There are many who have a special appreciation of or find solace with the “promises and potentials” of biology, a tree, an animal, an ecological system, or whatever it may be that they imagine to be “life”. This becomes readily cross-linked with underlying programming that human life is to be valued above all else. For some of course this means humans over other animals, etc. for others it is more generalized. All these notions lack a spiritual component. Naïvely elevating “nature” on Earth to some “holy” status requiring one’s “reverence” is tantamount to subordinating your true spiritual nature to the Dark. What is “Life”? To some techno-materialists “life” is a coherent enough set of self replicating forms based upon organic chemical processes such as DNA/RNA, etc. Thus a single cell would be regarded as “living” in that it has mechanisms to take in substances outside of itself, and process them into useful materials and nonuseful waste materials to be excreted. Then there is the range of argument that “life” requires intelligence. And then there are the debates over what constitutes “intelligence”. From there is the question of true sentiency –of which one of the sine qua non would be self awareness and the ability to act on behalf of “self”. And on it goes. But in these perspectives, there is no element of consciousness. Consciousness emanates from the spiritual levels of existence. So what is life? -/-
#5) Further Notes on the Dark Forces and its “Machinery” Over recent years we discussed a “cosmic error” that led to the rise of a “dark force”, something antithetical to original Creation and Creator of All. Most of these can be found in the section titled: “Creation, Cosmology, and the Big Picture” at or at Over a very long period of “time”, the Dark had the opportunity to imprint itself upon nearly all that is within its purview in the fallen creation zone. This imprint permeates the dynamics of matter and the inconscient levels of the human vessel and planetary biology. -/Global Awakening Press
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1
In nearly all human embodiments, there are aspects or fragments of this Dark side “operating system kernel”, one that operates largely according to built-in impulses derived of the original error that gave rise to the Dark. It relishes its power over matter, to replicate, to reproduce. It uses this power to reinforce an illusion of its being “absolute” and to overwhelm any considerations or questionings of its error. This is reflected in the perverseness of human belief systems and is “naturally” linked in to the basic social tribal animal nature of humans. As the “correction energies” and greater forces act upon the fallen realm, the Dark and its agencies have less maneuvering room to pursue their core agendas and impulses. The Dark and its subsidiaries are aware of this to some extent, but it is also infected with type of denial since it cannot imagine itself as no longer existing. In these times, Dark and its human-run control systems will default to chaos and conflict as it persists in maintaining its hold. This is directly seen in the lower density of human 3d, the human ego-mind, and the collective human mindsphere. I leave it to readers to contemplate the far reaching implications of this for various spiritual levels of being, not only that of Earthly human 3d. -/The vibrational reality of human 3d is falling into greater internal conflict at an increasing rate. This is a type of implosion that results from corrupted iterations of a corrupted copy of the original corrupted operating system of the Dark. At all vibrational levels that it operates at, it will interfere with any beings seeking the true Light. This interference can take the form of obvious conflict between incompatible opposites –or it will attempt to corrupt from within, like a type of malware or computer virus. At the human level, there is an obvious affinity between the Dark forces “machinery” with those seeking raw survival of their human ego-self in its bodily vehicle and replication of its genes and memes. At the very least, there is a growing type of “insanity” that occurs as humans individually and collectively contract or implode into infinite variations of so much that is truly inconsequential. -/The Dark is deluded and demented, believing itself to be “the creator” and consider at its totality, is incapable of acknowledging anything outside of its purview. It has only an incomplete set of creation patterns it derived from Creator of All.
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Global Awakening News – “Queen of the Machine” – August 2013 v1.1 This self-absorbed narrowness is exhibited at all levels with the Dark creation realms and is apparent in the imbedded self-centeredness of the human ego and at its lower inconscient levels. -/When one ceases thinking like a human self from the point of view of the 3d or limited 4d self, then it is possible to literally and figuratively “rise above” all of this and see how it is that the Light will prevail. (Note: Rather than reiterate much of this, we refer the reader to background articles under the section titled “Creation, Cosmology, and the Big Picture” at or at originating site: .
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