TORAH-informed HEALTH SCIENCE RFP/Letter of Intent/Herzl Instiute/Machon Herzl Stephen I. Ternyik/Social scientist
The proposed research project falls mainly into the category of biblical metaphysics (spiritual physics). The concealed nature of G-d is re-searched in the underlying spiritual construction principles of human physical reality, identifying a creative and eternal unifying cause and force. Human virtue is able to detect, recognize and communicate with this basic patterns and single elements of emerging complexity in feedback cycles. Classical tradition and modern knowledge can be wisely merged in the applied field of human health; this will lead to new spiritual information for the systems evolution of human medical science or Torah-informed systems medicine (i.e. to draw a clear practical dividing line to veterinary medicine as applied to humans).
A profound solution for human health problems falls into the sphere of higher states of awareness and consciousness; the treatment of superficial symptomatic states only regroups the psychophysical symptom and it later on appears at a different part of the body and in another format. The source of a majority of physical maladies is a deep spiritual problem of most patients and it is essential to reinforce the spiritual well-being of the individual patient. The reality of the patient-doctor interaction in industrial and technically oriented medicine is disconnected from the search for spiritual/mental health and truth; it is not enough to receive a pill and/or surgery to remedy a physical complaint if the root of most medical problems shall be targeted, because it is generally dormant in the spiritual domain of human existence. Every part of our body resonates as a spiritual correlate; Maimonides pointed to the importance of having a healthy mind in a healthy body and he elaborated on the bidirectional communication of mind and body, e.g. the quality of thinking and the immune system, certain mental transgressions affect specific physical organs, i.e. the physical body
mirrors its spiritual soul and the deep understanding of Torah principles and practices views physical well-being as inseparable from spiritual well-being. The physical machinery that transduces disease/illness via stress stimuli and psycho-mental flow of responses is certainly the same that can cure the body by awareness, well-being and physical exercise; the healing of the body is the healing of the soul and even a small friction in the body is a great friction in the soul. It may not be easy to integrate Torah and science on this practical level, but considering the importance of the task, it is worthwhile to embark into such a research agenda. The ability to rectify and control the failings of the body is bound to the health and strength of the soul; such a Talmud/Torah approach to medical healing can open new gateways to sanity.
This author promotes the theory of created matter (as implied in the Torah), not the dominant Aristotelian theory of eternal matter, and has written intensively on Jewish Humanistic Science (time, creation, history, health). His 6 th book, Gateways of Sanity, is currently in the printing press and an article in, HaTzofe L’Hokhmat Yisrael/Budapest, is forthcoming.
--------------------------------------- 1 BIO-GRAM Stephen I. Ternyik, b.1960 Economist/Educator/Ecologist
EDUCATION 1980-1985 Berlin Instiute of Technology Magister Artium (MA) 1)thesis: Learning with Computers/AI/mcl Computers 2)major: Education science/economics science 3)major: Social science/statistics science WORK EXPERIENCE Since 1985, social science economist Ternyik RanD/Techno-Logos, Inc. Munich/Budapest/NY: Money Management, Globalistics, Ecomedicine, Jewish Thought. BOOK PUBLICATIONS Social Learning Processes.1989 Heuristic Economics.2011 Ethical Economics.2012 Monetary Wave Theory.2013 Global Wave Energetics.2013 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS QUALIFICATIONS
Accredited Professional Consultant Entrepreneurship Certification Certified Israel Expert Counseling Diploma Visiting Research Fellow (Tokyo University.1993) Political economics/Graduate Futuristics/Pioneer award Ph.D. level training/economics Master Certificate/Business Management ________ Research Writing Teaching Consulting Analytics Multi-lingual
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MEMBER German Physical Society Indian Sociological Society Israeli Philosophical Association World Economics Association Data Science Central Research gate Mendeley Social Science Research Net International Biographical Dictionary W/W World W/W Science W/W America
MARRIED Lisa B. Steven.1988 3 children
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