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BIO-GRAM Stephen I. Ternyik, b.1960 Economist/Educator/Ecologist EDUCATION 1980-1985 Berlin Instiute of Technology Magister Artium (MA) 1)thesis: Learning with Computers/AI/scl 2)major: Education science/economics/mcl 3)major: Social science/statistics/mcl
WORK EXPERIENCE Since 1985,Social science economist Ternyik RanD/Techno-Logos,Inc. Munich/Budapest/NY: Money & Management/ Globalistics Medical Humanities/Ethical Literature
BOOK PUBLICATIONS Social Learning Processes.1989 Heuristic Economics.2011 Ethical Economics.2012 Monetary Wave Theory.2013 Global Wave Energetics.2013 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS
Accredited ProfessionalConsultant Entrepreneurship Certification Certified Israel Expert Counseling Diploma Visiting Research Fellow (Tokyo University.1993) Political economics/Graduate Futuristics/Pioneer award Ph.D. level training/economics Master Certificate/Business Management Certification/Project Management ________ Research Writing Teaching Consulting Analytics Multi-lingual
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MEMBER/Links German Physical Society Indian Sociological Society Israeli Philosophical Association World Economics Association Data ScienceCentral Research Gate Mendeley Social Science Research Net International Biographical Dictionary W/W World W/W Science W/W America
www.sociostudies.org/authors/ternyik_stephen_i/ www.eoht.info/page/stephen+ternyik www.or-zse.hu/hacofe/hac-vol9-tart.htm http://bios.marquiswhoswho.com/stephen_jehucal_ternyik/economist_educator/4456762
MARRIED Lisa B. Steven.1988 3 children
CONTACT StephenJehucal@web.de MOTTO Non bisogna imbarcarsi senza bussola
Stephen I. Ternyik (b.1960)
Social Science Economist
Since 1985, professional work as a private Entrepreneur/Researcher and Writer/Scholar, with Ternyik RanD/Techno-Logos, Inc.(USA), an economic education consulting business, focusing on creative behavioral solutions for managerial problems of complexity (from knowledge to value).
From 1980-1985, scientific study of education management and technology evaluation, with a focus on applied informatics for human learning processes (Magister Artium, mcl, with AI research thesis, viva voce, oral and written examinations in 4 industrial science subjects; alma mater: Berlin Institute of Technology).Before that, 2 years in medical first aid and 4 years in vocational apprenticeship at college level.
Postgraduate study and continued professional certification in management related areas (entrepreneurship, project management, money & banking, Israel tourism, economics, counselling &
coaching, management creativity) at accredited institutions of higher learning in various locations ( e.g. Budapest, NY, Tokyo, Jerusalem).
Special interest areas are: innovation management; world economics; medical humanities; ethical literature. Author of several books, various articles and online courses, concerning the modern human condition (health/society/morality); international awards as research fellow (Japan), futurology pioneer (Pakistan) and honorary member (India), listed in prestigious reference works (e.g. W/W World). Member of professional bodies, e.g. German Physical Society/Research Division: physics of socio-economic systems.
As a speaker of several human languages and expert in exact methodology of science, very great attention is given to the interplay of deep social psychology and the physical world (i.e. freedom-ofchoice?).
Married, since 1988, with Lisa B. Steven and father of 3 children (Simon, Daniel and Leah); likes Biblical poetry and cantorial art/sacred music, loves humor.
Motto: Affari lunghi diventano serpi
Contact: stephen-i.ternyik@alumni.tu-berlin.de