Human love relationships are a dominant subject of world literature, music, art and other humanistic inquiries such as the Elective Affinities of Goethe.It is very seldom that the scientific method is chosen to research deeper into the origin, nature and dynamics of human love relationships. If we approach the psychophysical phenomenon of love from the viewpoint of 4 th order cybernetics and human thermodynamics, we gain a very different understanding of the chemistry and physicality of human love; the 1st level of a love relationship is sexual attraction and physical bonding (level one=energetics). The 2nd level of the love process is to overcome the danger of entropy (level 2=entropy) which is the physical search for the continuity of the bonding, generally living together for establishing an equilibrium (e.g.’marriage, home, pro-creation or adoption’).The attainment of the 3rd level is the stage of syntropy (level 3=syntropy) which is connected to mobilize energies for spiritual harmony of the partners as the living foundation of continued dynamic efficiency of the love relationship. Reaching the 4th level of synergetics (level 4=synergetics) means to create a deep psychological understanding of the spiritual other that can be called spiritual love and relates to eternity.The temporal stages of a love relationship are always a psychophysical process and not all relationships reach level 4 because the physicality of human life does not always match the spirituality of human needs.The natural science of humans and the human science of nature are both reflected in the temporal stages of the human love relationship which is a natural process that implies the chance to slowly mature into a spiritual product or the risk to dissolve as a physical bonding process. Almost all stages of human love relationships can methodically be described by molecular, thermodynamic or energetic models where a temporal connection of physical energies (waves and particles) is working; however, it is scientifically more difficult to explain the conversion process from unconscious to conscious love. In any case, the freedom-of-choice is the most powerful concept to coming nearer to a deeper psychophysical understanding of partner choices which are
in all known societies not only a result of free will, but also of social conditioning like nowadays the propagandistic influence of mass media on the modern human psyche.Any form of human contract law can only cover the existential part of material compensation, once a love relationship is dissolving.This view from the molecular Aufbau (construction) of the psyhophysical world goes only to show that certain thermodynamic principles are also working in human (love) relationships; it does nor exclude divine provision in the meeting and matching of natural bodies and human spirits, but points to the spiritual physics of love and the tempo-energetic levels of love bondings.The psycho-chemical mystery of love is deeply connected to the art of loving, a mutual act of overcoming natural lonliness, achieving happiness or bliss by subjective and free understanding of others and the gradual energetic expansion of physical and spiritual qualities.
Stephen I. Ternyik StephenJehucal@web.de www.stephen.ternyik.scienceoflife.nl
CFA: Workshop Love and Time (EPSSE)
Call for Abstracts Theme: Love and Time Type: Workshop of the European Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE) Location: Galilee, Israel Date: 8-10.3, 2015 Deadline: 9.1.2015 This interdisciplinary workshop will take place in Hacienda Forest View Hotel, Galilee, Israel, March, 8-10, 2015. We shall cover the costs of accommodation and meals of those whose abstracts will be accepted. We invite submissions of abstracts (up to 500 words) by 9/1/15. Notification of acceptance will be by 16/1/15. Please send your abstract to aaron.benzeev@gmail.com. The connection between love and time has always fascinated lovers: will their love continue forever? And if it does, will it be the same as it is now? Will the initial infatuation still leave traces in a few years? Will the wonderful feeling of not noticing how time passes be replaced by boredom in which time seems hardly to move? We welcome abstracts on all aspects of the connection between love and time. Here is a brief indication of some of the topics which may be discussed in the workshop: (1) The temporal aspect in the experience of love; the duration of various types of romantic experiences. (2) The way objective time relates to love, including the way the past and future of two persons bears on whether their relation can be said to be a love-relation. (3) The way love relates to the subjective experience of time; for example, whether time is perceived to stand still or to pass quickly. (4) Practical issues concerning love and time, for example: (a) love at first sight, (b) endless love and exclusivity, (c) love in a restless world and distant relationships, and (d) love in an ageing society and Alzheimer’s disease; can profound (endless, exclusive) love still function as our ideal today? We welcome submissions to this interdisciplinary workshop from various areas of research. Scientific Committee Aaron Ben-Ze’ev (organizer), University of Haifa Angelika Krebs, University of Basel Edward Harcourt, Oxford University