Tricky maths and physical truths of the natural sciences

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Tricky Maths and Physical Truths of the Natural Sciences

The intellectual marriage between physical research and the mathematical method is actually an effective relationship between humanistic science and physics.Tricky maths can be applied to condense a huge body of information and to reduce physical complexity into single working elements of inter-active dependency.It would be impossible to formulate the working knowledge body of research into physical science by human language or the linguistic method; also the humanities and the social sciences are applying empirical and experimental methods, but they do lack the cognitive efficiency of methodical maths to precisely formulate their ideas, ideals and insights (findings) and get stucked in endless interpretative linear word chains or quasi-scientific literature. Mathematics itself is an exact scientific product of the human mind to describe and explain reality, that is the construction principles (laws) underlying the physicality and materiality of this world.The misguiding notion that there is nothing than a natural science of human society is one of the intellectual prejudices that do impede the progress in the human and social sciences; economics which pretends to be more ‘mathematical’ than all other humanistic subjects uses certain accounting techniques for the management of private wealth and assets, but this application is calculating an economic status quo and not tricky maths where complexity is reduced into formulae and equations.It is indeed a scientific paradox that an exact product of the humand mind, like tricky maths, has found its best application in the natural sciences of the physical world: exact productions of the human mind, like mathematization in precise statements and formulations, can describe, explain and reduce complex reality into single working elements and human intervention into ‘reality’ is made possible.However, such formal systems of abstract reasoning do stilllack the rectification via ethical systems of morality where quality judgements have to be given for humane applications of the insights into nature; this is especially true for the medical profession where natural humans/human nature become subjects of objective scientific study.As a result, the physical progress of tricky

maths andthe natural sciences can easily turn into an existential bomerang if an ethical balance can not be found; the innovation power of creative destruction can easliy convert into the destruction of creation itself, i.e. there exists a hidden interplay of eternal matter and living matter and this dynamics of life and matter is the mystery of the natural world and its physical manifestations that can be so efficiently formulated via tricky maths.

The history of mathematics and science teaches us that certain human groups, cultures and civilizations, since about 5000 years, have developed sharper tools to register, observe and measure phenomena that derive from natural reality/real nature, among the eldest of such techniques are astronomic calculations and accounting procedures. As a historical result, the mathematical and scientific method passed specific cultural knowledge transfer corridors, like the near East/Mediterranean passage and the middle East/South East Asian route.Many of the professional scientists who advanced the mathematical method believed in the divinity of mathematical research as a method to unlock the mystery and blueprint of the material world. The scientific turning point came with Kurt Gödel who clearly and exactly formulated that the truth of a mathematical procedure cannot be verified by mathematical means; thus tricky maths moved and reached out to the physical research of the natural sciences as an external reference system for constructivity, intuitivity and objectivity vs.subjectivity (using the exact scientific framework of the Hilbert method).The many walks between Kurt Gödel and Albert Einstein signify this scientific symbiosis where research into the physical world met with methodical mathematics; the late Einstein often walked into the Princeton office just to meet with Gödel and to clarify physical concepts methodically and vice versa.While the Gödelian universe remained with theist tricky maths, the Einsteinian physical truth emerged as the relative working of an eternal upper force without dices. As a conclusion, the scientific difference between a physical and mathematical reference system for research and proof is defined by the distinct origin and nature of method (mathematics) and the physical world (natural science), i.e. the inter-active application of tools vs. ‘reality’.

This scientific interplay of cognitive tools such as the mathematical method and research into the origin and nature of physical reality is about the work of single scientists, their scientific and human communication in groups and institutions as well as the Zeitgeist or mode and mood of thought at a given historical and temporal period. Thus science is also a produce and product of human thermodynamics and energetic processes, follows cybernetics circles, orders and cycles in a given systemic ‘milieu’. Science does not emerge in a social or human vacuum; on the contrary, it reflects the movements and developments of the human mind to understand and research into reality via exact methodical inquiry; especially the exact methodology to construct precise statements and to convert them into equations, calculations and formulae has made science a successful intellectual venture while most areas of the humanities and social sciences remained with linear word chains. However, the perfection of formal systems of abstract reasoning must be coupled with the rectification of ethical systems of morality and herein lies the deeper challenge of the modern sciences; while the mathematical method and rational inquiry into the nature of this physical world are cognitive elaborations of the human mind, this interplay of artificial tools and material reality cannot claim to give any meaning to human history and life. As a result, many famous scientists switched the ideological mainstream from theism to atheism which may be a dialectical reaction to the hundreds years of religious indoctrination from all sides.The inter-section of the Gödelian and the Einsteinian universe is the concept of eternal force; science cannot become a new faith as it cannot tell us if matter is eternal or created, e.g.the Aristotelian universe is governed by eternal material force while the Biblical universe is based on created material force. The scientific method cannot abolish traditional ‘schools’ of human thought and experience, it can only perfect our perception of this world via exact communication, observation and methodical measurement.

Our age of computational methodology opens up new applications of methodical and tricky maths that are characterized by a cognitive transformation from 1-2D to 3-4D visualizations in arithmetric and geometric form (like tetryonics, below). The mathematical advent of 4th oder cybernetics in systems analysis and physical complexity points to a completely new understanding of living systems as different levels of energy transduction processing (1=energy ; 2=entropy; 3=syntropy; 4=synergy). As a conclusion, the limits of mathematical creativity are defined by the external reference system of research; only the inquiry stages of intuition, construction method and test/proof objectivation can tell us more about the universe of data, the probability structure, event distribution, and communicative strategy with real complexity: methodical tools have to be tested against the construction principles (laws) of reality and possible human interaction. Tricky maths is a humanistic science and can serve as a methodical tool for the physical investigation into nature; it is to hope that the direction of research will lead to a humanistic science of nature and a natural science of humanity at the same time.

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