Results online Sept to Nov 22 2011

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About Petitions Online

A Competitive Process for Lansdowne Park

Pe i p o ide f ee ho ing of p blic pe i ion fo e pon ible p blic ad ocac . Pe i p o ide a f ee, ec e a fo an one, an he e o c ea e a pe i ion. Pe i ion do no nece a il eflec he ie and opinion of Pe i o o pon o .

A ho : n/a Send To: The Ci of O a a, Ma o and Co ncil Spon o ed B : Lan do ne Pa k Con e anc - Con e a ion Pa c Lan do ne Mo e Info a : A ho ign o

Authenticit of Signatures

I nde and ha he Ci of O a a ha no igned an con ac fo he de elopmen and managemen of Lan do ne Pa k.

Each igna e i alida ed b email o Facebook login and e a oma icall p e en d plica e ign-in .

I i h o ee an open compe i ion fo he de elopmen and managemen of Lan do ne Pa k o ge he be al e fo he a pa e . I nde and ha i onl ake he Ci of O a a 90 da an open and compe i i e p oce .



I i h o ee he 150 ea p blic adi ion of Lan do ne Pa k con in ed, and in a manne e pec f l of he i age, local mall b ine , po , ec ea ion, a and c l e, local fa me ' , and o ee he pa k de eloped in a manne ha keep he pa k bea if l, ib an and a a place fo familie and o i m. I do no i h o ee Lan do ne Pa k p i a i ed i h comme cial o e , hopping cen e and p i a e home . I i h o ee he Ci of O a a cancel he c en ole o ced p oce fo he de elopmen of Lan do ne Pa k and immedia el a and open p oce . I nde and ha he Ci ha al ead e he polic fo he de elopmen of Lan do ne Pa k incl ding; a S adi m, G een Space, Re ail/Financial Model and a Managemen /Go e nance Model.



Petition Online

All of these criteria can easily be put out for tender and open competition. An open competition will declare a winner by December 2011. This will allow the required 30 month construction timeline (including delays)and assure the park will be ready for CFL, NASL and the FIFA World Cup by Spring/Summer of 2014. Taking 90 days for a competitive process will provide the Mayor and Council complete information on Lansdowne Park. On a decision that will affect this special site for generations to come, this is the very least the Mayor and all members of Council should be willing to endorse. Barrie Kirk ( Address;Postal Code K2T 1E9 Gwendolyn Gall Comments Address;Postal Code Meg Duncan Address;Postal Code K1S 5J1 Danielle Skinner Wendy Tobin ( Address;Postal Code 779 B Bank Street Ottawa K1S 3V5 David Presley Jim Mattson Marianne Dos Santos Address;Postal Code Kanata Loic



Petition Online

Address;Postal Code K1K 2B8 Margaret Jensen Address;Postal Code 40 Renfrew Ave, Ottawa K1S 1Z5 Mimi Cabri Address;Postal Code K1S 3N4 Andrea Hook Address;Postal Code Ottawa, ON Gyde Comments Address;Postal Code K1Z6C8 Mike Patullo Maryann Joseph Address;Postal Code K1V 6A3 Darrell Harvey Comments Address;Postal Code Celeste Susan Vermette Address;Postal Code 36 Herridge St K Jackson Brenda Conboy Comments It's not too late to do it right. Address;Postal Code 26 Broadway Ave., K1S 2V6 Maxime Comtois (



Petition Online

( Address;Postal Code K1S 2C3 Annemarie Schik Comments Address;Postal Code K2G6K9 C Crisp Address;Postal Code K1H 1A5 Mark Pollesel Katherine Shotton Comments I am shocked at the lack of competitive process and the giveaway of prime public property Address;Postal Code K1S3A2 Ramiro Melero Address;Postal Code 1375 Prince of Wales, Ottawa, K2C 3L5 Jessica Hentschel Stephanie Seguin Address;Postal Code 158 Third Ave, Ottawa ON K1S 2K! kelly spencer Tania Claes ( Address;Postal Code 15 Ossington Ave, ottawa, ON Jo Wood Erik Couture ( Address;Postal Code 204A Patterson Ave T. G. Starr Comments



Petition Online

Comments There is no substitute for an open compeitive process Address;Postal Code Pierre Dupont Comments This proposal beats OSEG out of the water, give it a look! Address;Postal Code K1B 4L4 Sol Shuster ( Elizabeth Dickson ( Comments This is the BEST plan for Ottawa by a mile. Why is the other one even being considered? Address;Postal Code K2P 1E6 JOSE I. MELERO Comments Address;Postal Code Kathy Dobbin ( Comments How can you not consider this proposal. It is honest, straightforward and open. It is not dishonest, backroom dealing and behind closed doors. I do not want a tax increase like this. Moreover I don't want hotels and cinemas and restaurants that we don't need. Most of all, I don't want public land to go to private use Address;Postal Code K1S 3R9 Marjorie Dickson Margaret McCoy Address;Postal Code K2H5S6 Jennifer Dickson



Petition Online

Comments This is a once in a cit 's lifetime opportunit ... let's not miss it! Shannon Lee Mannion ( Comments Please do the right thing! Address;Postal Code K2P 0W6 Jacqueline Anderson M. Kaminska Address;Postal Code Glebe Eli abeth MacMillan Charles Dickson Richard Bower Address;Postal Code Linden Terrace Ottawa Rosa Venuta Comments The Cit of Ottawa needs an open and transparent process Mike McCracken (m_mccracken@s Address;Postal Code K1S 3G5 Li Stirling Address;Postal Code K1S 1G1 Rosaleen Dicksonq ( Comments I have endorsed Lansdowne Conservanc from DAY ONE. LWatford Lenore Fahrig Aloise Seall



Aloise Seally

Petition Online

Address;Postal Code K1L 8C2 Peggy Florida Address;Postal Code K2G 6N1 Andrew Dickson Mary Ann Rose Lorraine Hernandez ( Comments Without this, Ottawa will sink to the status of a second-class city, or worse. Address;Postal Code K1S2V5 Timothy McCoy Steve McKenna ( Comments Spent my tax dollars wisely and not on helping developers build a shopping centre on public land! Mary Anne Thompson Comments Address;Postal Code Flo Kellner Comments Anything less than adhering to a competitive process indicates a willingness on the part of the City, Mayor, and Council to continue with the corruption that characterized past practices of the same agencies. Address;Postal Code K1S 2V4 Michael Vickers ( Comments OSEG's plan gives the store away and the City pays the lion's share of the public amenities. Bravo



Petition Online

pa he lion' ha e of he p blic ameni ie . B a o fo John Ma in fo oldie ing on fo he la o ea de eloping a model fo a iable 100\% p blic plan o ede elop Lan do ne. Add e ;Po al Code K1S 3S1 RP Aiken Commen B ilding ano he mall ill make O a a a ci of mall , no o ld cla . I am hocked a he lack of i ion! OSEG ha al ead aid he don' ca e if po f anchi e fail, ha he mall and e iden ial i ha he ca e abo . Diana Monne Add e ;Po al Code k1 3n4 connie jhn on M

a Week

Commen Fai ne and an pa enc ho ld be he e lea e e pec f om o m nicipal go e nmen on he Land do ne ede elopmen . Richa d Tidman E ica Phipp Ma ga e T on Commen I am pa ic la l oppo ed o e ail, ho ing, in e fe ence in he ca le ca le. I hink ha he po adi m o ld be be e loca ed a Ba ie a i i clo e o p blic an i e ice . Ta pa e ho ld no ha e o pa fo he po adi m. Add e ;Po al Code K1Y 3K9 Nola J ai i Commen p blic pace fo he p blic no de elope Add e ;Po al Code K1S 2S2 B ce Ro o e




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Petition Online





A ;P K1S 2N5 D ( _ C P ! B

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Petition Online

Comments I'd like to see a competitive process! Ehsan S. Susan Bell Comments Address;Postal Code C. Brace

Comments After the court challenge exposed irregularities in information given to council tendering the process should have automatic. Anybody who blocks a more open immediate process should expect to be investigated between now and the next election. Christie Delaney Comments I don't want to see Lansdowne Park privatized with office buildings, condos and a movie theatre. Address;Postal Code Riverside South Steve Hanna Gail Stewart ( Comments Ottawa City Council needs to clear the air around the Lansdowne development by resuming the established open design competition. The procedural detour taken by the previous Council has been costly to our trust in City Council decision-making. A highly politicized shortcut (a design competition abandoned and a sole sourced procedure allowed) for a major land development project cannot but carry forward a stain on the citys reputation; a stench, warranted or not, around the development proposal itself and its developers; and a besmirched legacy of City Councils which, having a choice to exhibit probity, have not taken it. What does the present Council have to fear by restoring the open design competition? Surely our common interest in open process and good government counts for more



Petition Online

process and good government counts for more than any specific proposal. To this resident, the time and cost of a design competition thus seem very small in relation to its much broader remedial and other benefits. Bryan G. Hawley ( Comments Transparent, honest, accountable, fair government, svp! Address;Postal Code Bette Hawley Comments Address;Postal Code 115-3019 Fairlea Cr. OTT K1V 0W1 Paula Hickman ( Address;Postal Code K1S 3N2 Ken White ( Comments The new City Council should not be bound by the bad decision of the previous Council. The Mayor should be his own man and meet the FIFA deadlines with a quality sports park. John T. Jensen Address;Postal Code Ottawa John Juraitis Genevieve Gazaille Address;Postal Code K1P 0A4 Shawn Menard Rejean Tremblay Address;Postal Code K1Y0S7 Jeanne Slyfield



Petition Online

Comments I agree entirely that the present process is flawed and illegal, and that a decision must be wellconsidered as it will affect this precious site for generations to come. Let the rich boys play with their toys elsewhere. Address;Postal Code K1S 0W3 jim gowling Comments keep the park a green and public domain Tom Svilans Comments Address;Postal Code Kanata Paul Lapointe Comments I am a very strong supporter of the whole proposal! The City of Ottawa simply needs to have a competitive process and let this proposal get examined. Address;Postal Code K1N 6L2 Lynn Chiarelli Comments I believe the decision about how to develop Landsdowne Park is a serious one that warrants more time and the kind of competetive bid process that is recommended by the Landsdowne Park Conservancy. As a community member who attended a consultation meeting at Landsdowne Park, organized by OSEG, I can confirm that I am not satisfied with the design put forward and I am not convinced that , as a citizen, it will provide me with the kind of public space I would like to see, nor will it provide me with the best value for money. Although I understand that further delay has the potential to incurr additional costs, I feel that, in the long run, the City will have made a more thoughtful choice by allowing a competetive bid. I have not yet heard any convincing argument



Petition Online

bid. I have not et heard an convincing argument from the Cit as to wh this is not possible or beneficial. Address;Postal Code 110 Patterson Ave, Ottawa, K1S 1Y3 Michelle Petersen Catherine Allen Comments I am horrified at the wa the Cit of ottawa and the cit councillors have ignored the open tender process and believe that is acceptable to bull-do e ahead with the abominable agreement with OSEG. The politics of this cit on the Lansdowne issue have sunk to the level of a banana republic. It is trul shameful! Robert P.C. Donnell (rpcdonnell Comments The current plan is a land grab, paid for b the cit , with all liabilit with the cit , and evaluated on numbers that were FULL of errors in revenue, costs, and equit . Address;Postal Code 4th generation Ottawan. Theresa Joseph-Thompson K le Brentnell Address;Postal Code Ottawa, ON S. G. McKenna (stmcken@ Comments Take a deep breath and do the right thing - no shopping centre @ Landsdowne Park Enid Parr (esparr Comments Competition is good & this deal looks realistic & affordable. Oli Cosgrove Comments I strongl object to turning public land over to private interests.



private interests. Louis Cabri

Petition Online

David W. Jones Address;Postal Code 426 Hamilton Avenue South K1Y 1E3 Keith Arnold (kcarn@s Comments Must have open tender ! Address;Postal Code 530 Glebe Centre, 950 Bank St K1S 5G6 paul bernier Eric C Kurt Comments the best square footage in the cit demands a better process than what the developers and our cit officials have given so far Address;Postal Code k1 2h6 William Flanagan Dave Hagerman Chris C. Shoemaker ( Janet Scollard Address;Postal Code K1L5H8 Wend Barker Iola Price ( Comments I have alwa s been of the opinion that the OSEG deal was terrible. Let's go with the Lansdowne Park Conservanc plan. Save the Farmers' Market Address;Postal Code K1M 0X4 Donald Ro Address;Postal Code



Petition Online Address;Postal Code 171 rue O'Connor app 211 Ottawa ON K2P 1T4 Oliver Drerup

Comments The world of public relations, dominated by messaging and spin, is the very lifeblood of both real estate developers and politicians. The general public is full up to here with spin. Public service demands accountability not pandering. The Lansdowne deal must be PERCEIVED to be transparent and not deemed by the courts to be outside their jurisdiction. Any good public relations firm would have the same advice. Open the process! Address;Postal Code K0A 1L0 nancy lawand ( Comments it is time mayor and council elected in 2010 take responsibility for effectively managing the design and costs of the landsdowne development in a manner that is transparent and accountable. This is your chance. Address;Postal Code Deborah Broad ( S.E. Bennett Emily Addison Address;Postal Code K1Y 2S9 David Knox Lance Dean Address;Postal Code K2M 1Z2 june underwood Address;Postal Code K2H 8T7 Diane Beckett



Diane Beckett

Petition Online

Address;Postal Code Ottawa Roberta Gal Brenda Quinlan christopher mccann Comments I full support this petition! Address;Postal Code 341 clemow ave,K1S 5T2 Ruth McKeague Comments Fair process is required Address;Postal Code k2k 2n4 Catherine Johns Comments I am 100\% opposed to the OSEG proposal, and support competitive process for Lansdowne Park. I like the Lansdowne Park Conservanc proposal. Address;Postal Code 60 Fourth Ave Charlotte Gardner Address;Postal Code k2k 2n4 Gautam Subra ( Address;Postal Code K1H 6K5 Ken Ruest Address;Postal Code K2P 1T4 dawn sellar Address;Postal Code k1s2t4 Debbie Nelson Comments



Petition Online Comments I have been opposed to LL from day one. Do not ruin Lansdowne with retail and housing. Do not give land away for pennies. The OSEG plan lacks imagination and vision and is a horrible business deal. I am truly offended any politician is expecting all of us as taxpayers to help fund private industry and have no choice. Then we are told that as part of the new Partnership, we also have no voice, no say in Lansdownes future. Lansdowne is an important piece of Ottawas history and deserves much more consideration than it has been given in decades. Address;Postal Code Alta Vista Jill Stapleton

Address;Postal Code K2P 0G7 Steve Kennedy Address;Postal Code K1V 9Z7 Sue Kelly jeanne white Comments no private homes nor box stores please! Address;Postal Code K1S 0V3 Mark Snyder Kendra Durnford Bryarly McEachern Comments Address;Postal Code K2P0N8 J. P. Unger Address;Postal Code Orleans, Ottawa Timothy Linder



Petition Online

Address;Postal Code K1M 1X9 Russell Domina (domina@ rogers .com) Comments Let's keep the park and the process open and public Address;Postal Code K1V6N3 Susan Domina Address;Postal Code K1V6N3 Gar Bellam Address;Postal Code K1S 0T7 Ben Herique Comments Please, conserve the spirit of Lansdowne Park! Cor Soural (cor Comments the plans in effect will not help this cit . we need to conserve what we have left rather then gut it out and we must give to the communit rather then putting in malls, theatres, and other useless garbage Adam Checketts Address;Postal Code k0a2t0 Cass van Benthem Jutting (cassij074@ Address;Postal Code K2G 5Z5 Carol n Inch Comments es to a competitive process! Daniel Franke ( Comments I full support this plan Address;Postal Code




A 33 R T



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Petition Online

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A ;P K1V 8K7 M



A ;P 105 H M C A





Petition Online

K1S 2K9 Erin Tracey Comments I don't want to see our city ruined by poor decisions. H Pickersgill brenda shesnicky ( Comments why would we give away land better to even just grass it all in and provide soccer ball for kids Address;Postal Code 16 newton st. ottawa k1s 2s7 Joyce E. Halpin ( Address;Postal Code K2K 1M8 Danny Rosenbloom Comments Address;Postal Code Rosaleen Leslie Dickson ( Comments "Lansdowne belongs to the people - all the people." Marc Perron Penelope Nikolaiczuk L Fournier Caroline Miovski Matthew Ramsden Comments Address;Postal Code k1s2s1 Ronald Crooks (



Petition Online

Comments An undertaking of this size needs a transparent bidding process to ensure that taxpayers are getting a fair deal Address;Postal Code K1V 9S9 Jonathan Wouk Comments I know you can't fight City Hall, but the present "deal" gives Cronyism a bad name. Craig Roberts Comments Whats best for the City?Open bid transparency Bob Crook Comments " Lets get it right " Ron Rancourt Comments The City continues to break its own rules. Shame on them! KEEP LANSDOWNE PUBLIC Christienne Tessier ( Comments O'Brien's scheme is an abomination. Let's keep this neighbourhood humming with positive creativity Address;Postal Code K1S 3W5 Ajith Stratton Comments Address;Postal Code Mathieu Blanchard Comments Please review the Conservancy option with the public interest in mind! Address;Postal Code K4C Mary McEwen Crook



Petition Online

Address;Postal Code K1S 2J6 Louise Hunt ( Address;Postal Code 8 Monk Street; K1S 3Y6 Robert Player ( Comments What is wrong with you city councillors, don't you care how much taxpayer money you spend? Judy Goodwin Address;Postal Code Manotick, K4M 1B3 Roanne Wetherup ( Comments A competitive process is a requirement to ensure the best value for our future generations. Address;Postal Code 930 Beaudry Street, Ottawa, ON, K1K 3S1 JudithWouk Comments Lansdowne Park is our heritage. Don't give it away. Address;Postal Code K1S 2S2 Deborah Newhook Comments I agree VERY STRONGLY with the petition message!! Address;Postal Code K1H 6G5 Robyn Carson Comments I don't feel the current proposal fits well with the community space surrounding Landsdowne park Address;Postal Code Michelle Campbell ( Comments



Petition Online



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Petition Online

M nicipal Ac , m nicipali ie a e no pe mi ed o lea e o ell p ope a belo -ma ke al e ( he deal i h OSEG a $1/ ea ), among o he objec ion . Ve onica Vaillanco Commen OSEG plan ill o e b den he a pa e and p o ide li le g een pace Add e ;Po al Code K1N 6G8 Ki ho e Dadlani Add e ;Po al Code k1 2a1 Do g Ki kpa ick (Do gki kpa Do g Ki kpa ick (Do gki kpa Ian Ca e (ica e @ mpa Commen a m ch be e p opo al ae e icall , financiall and f nc ionalll Add e ;Po al Code K1S 2V6 Hea he Bona (hbona @ oge .com) Add e ;Po al Code K1H 5T8 Glenn Poi ie Add e ;Po al Code K1H 8N5 J in R an Sco (f ompiece 2 eigh @ Commen LPC-We need o keep i all local & independen ; em ppo he la ge a ea fo fa me and a no mo e o G eed Co po a e Chain Capi ali m! Add e ;Po al Code 203 Fo h a e. i e C Jean-Philippe Thiba l Halina Pla e (halina.pla e @ mpa Sand a T co e



Petition Online




A ;P K1E 1Z9 B


A ;P 1 53 M I ( @ C A




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Petition Online

Address;Postal Code Gloucester Ton Maertens Michael H. Bell Address;Postal Code K2P 1R6 Katherine Laund Address;Postal Code K1S 2R7 Peter Schmolka ( Comments I am shocked and offended b the OSEG deal! Address;Postal Code 556 Shelle Avenue, Ottawa ON K1G 0S2 Allison Dingle (allisondingle@s Comments I full support the need for an open, competitive process for Lansdowne Park Address;Postal Code K1S 1Z1 Jim Dingle Lui a Cruceru (lui Address;Postal Code k1n 5p4 arend smid (smidl @s Comments OPSEG wa too commercial!!! Address;Postal Code Nepean; K2G 1A7 stuart smith (brenda.conbo @s Comments the process has been dishonest and the concept immoral Address;Postal Code 26 Broadwa Ave., K1S 2V6 Jo-anne Crisp



Petition Online

Add e ;Po al Code k1h1a5 Do g Macdonald Commen A a ime hen e a e abo o in e o e $2.1 billion in ma an i , i i madne fo he Ci o in e in majo adi m inf a c e (i.e. o e 10,000 ea ing capaci ) a Lan do ne Pa k hich i i ola ed f om ch ma an i . Thi ill nde mine he long e m economic iabili of he ma an i em, and be e emel co l o a pa e . If e a e o ind lge in ch madne , le a lea minimi e he damage o a pa e b ge ing i igh a Lan do ne Pa k i h a an pa en p oce , compe i i e bidding, and no open o hidden b idie o i al gi e-a a of p blic land o p i a e in e e . Add e ;Po al Code K1W 1H1 Ma ha McDo gall Ge ald Jone je em homp on (je em _ homp o@ho Pa l Ka io k Add e ;Po al Code 179 Geo ge S . #1204 k1n 1j8 L nda Hicfkman Add e ;Po al Code k2k 2p2 K F e (kf e @ oge .com) Commen Am Mika Conbo Commen Le ee ha he an o do fi he bid o one g o p of people Add e ;Po al Code

befo e gi ing

2422 Ca l en A e Tim Pl mp e



Petition Online

Tim Pl mp e Add e ;Po al Code K1M 2E4 Do g Ca go Add e ;Po al Code K1S 3G8 Ma k Zampa o

Add e ;Po al Code 40 A en e Rd O a a K1S 0N9 Eileen Sa ka Commen Ho can i NOT be a compe i i e p oce hi amo n of a pa e ' mone in ol ed Add e ;Po al Code K1S 2H4 D Monne (dianamonne @ oge .com) Add e ;Po al Code K1S 3N4 An hon Ma a e


Add e ;Po al Code K2G5P5 Sco Ed a d Benne B . Ha le ( Commen Cheape , fa e , be e fo Lan do ne in p blic hand Add e ;Po al Code K1 0 1 B . Ha le ( Commen Cheape , fa e , be e fo Lan do ne in p blic hand Add e ;Po al Code K1 0 1 Manf ed Bienefeld

a pa e . Keep . Simple. Be e !

a pa e . Keep . Simple. Be e !

Commen I i i all impo an ha Lan do ne be



Petition Online

I i i all impo an ha Lan do ne be de eloped in a ha e pec he ba ic p inciple of good go e nance; ha allo d e con ide a ion o be gi en o compe ing p opo al ; and ha en e ha he p ojec i fai o O a a' a pa e . Add e ;Po al Code K1S2L7 Bo d McB ide Commen I ' no oo la e o do he igh hing fo a pa e and ho e ho app ecia e p blic pace Jane J Commen I appeal o he Ci o cond c an open p oce fo he de elopmen of hi landma k i e. Pa icia Hehne ( e eandpa @ oge .com) Commen We ha e al ead a ed LeB e on Fla on a ole p opo al, le ' no a e Land do ne he ame a . Add e ;Po al Code K1H 6C5


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