Professional Development at Loyola Blakefield Loyola Blakefield
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JSEA Professional Development Symposium: June 2012 & Colloquium: June 2013
[Edition 1, Volume Seminars in 1]
Ignatian Leadership: An Invitation
The Symposium on Ignatian
past patterns of success in
Education, set for June 25-29,
responding to what schools
2012 at Marquette University
will look like in the next 10
The Seminars in Ignatian
offers a framework for our
Leadership is a
school to use in moving toward an effective program of a collaborative Ignatian
Our school team attending the Symposium will be Sean
Flanigan, John McCaul,
unique program to prepare leaders for the Jesuit high school of the future. The program consists of three seminars conducted within
“If our schools are to perform as they should,
the context of a three-
they will live in a continual tension between the
year cycle that explores the
old and the new, the comfortable past and the uneasy present.”
best of leadership theory and practice from the dynamic world view of Ignatian spirituality.
Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J.
If you’re interested in participating let John McCaul
approach to professional
Dan Hoehler, Fred Wise
and Bob Schlichtig.
The Symposium will provide
The Colloquium will take
Schlichtig, John McCaul,
our school team resources and
place in St. Louis in June 24-
Anthony Day, and Tim Bersin.
time to begin evaluating,
28, 2013. The Colloquium
reflecting on and planning for
on Ignatian Education is a
the professional development
triennial meeting of Ignatian
challenges faced by Jesuit
educators. The 2013
Colloquium will build on
Symposium 2012 will address
the work of our school team
the question, “How do schools
at the Symposium. The
hold on to Jesuit values and
Colloquium offers Ignatian
know. Seminar grads on campus include: Bob
Mike Lackner and Beth Ann Schuller are currently participating in the seminars. Check with them for more information and how the Seminars will enhance your professional practice.