Professional Development at Loyola Blakefield Loyola Blakefield
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JSEA Professional Development Symposium: June 2012 & Colloquium: June 2013
[Edition 1, Volume Seminars in 1]
Ignatian Leadership: An Invitation
The Symposium on Ignatian
past patterns of success in
Education, set for June 25-29,
responding to what schools
2012 at Marquette University
will look like in the next 10
The Seminars in Ignatian
offers a framework for our
Leadership is a
school to use in moving toward an effective program of a collaborative Ignatian
Our school team attending the Symposium will be Sean
Flanigan, John McCaul,
unique program to prepare leaders for the Jesuit high school of the future. The program consists of three seminars conducted within
“If our schools are to perform as they should,
the context of a three-
they will live in a continual tension between the
year cycle that explores the
old and the new, the comfortable past and the uneasy present.”
best of leadership theory and practice from the dynamic world view of Ignatian spirituality.
Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J.
If you’re interested in participating let John McCaul
approach to professional
Dan Hoehler, Fred Wise
and Bob Schlichtig.
The Symposium will provide
The Colloquium will take
Schlichtig, John McCaul,
our school team resources and
place in St. Louis in June 24-
Anthony Day, and Tim Bersin.
time to begin evaluating,
28, 2013. The Colloquium
reflecting on and planning for
on Ignatian Education is a
the professional development
triennial meeting of Ignatian
challenges faced by Jesuit
educators. The 2013
Colloquium will build on
Symposium 2012 will address
the work of our school team
the question, “How do schools
at the Symposium. The
hold on to Jesuit values and
Colloquium offers Ignatian
know. Seminar grads on campus include: Bob
Mike Lackner and Beth Ann Schuller are currently participating in the seminars. Check with them for more information and how the Seminars will enhance your professional practice.
educators a chance to engage
We are hoping to send a team
presentations at the Ignatian
in meaningful conversation
of 10 to 12 teachers to the
Educators’ Fair.
about a variety of issues in
Colloquium. Let me know if
Jesuit secondary education.
you are interested. I’ll keep
An essential component to the
you updated.
Colloquium is the Ignatian Educators Fair, where Ignatian educators have the opportunity to present effective teaching methodologies and outstanding programs to
I am hopeful that all of the work we are doing as departments on curricula and skills based assessments will prepare us for a very effective colloquium and a number of
fellow educators.
AIMS Professional Development AIMS Conference Keynote Speaker Sir Ken Robinson This years’ AIMS Conference
children spread their dreams
Click here for the complete list.
is October 31 from 8:00AM to
beneath our feet; and we
Here’s just a sample of the
3:00PM at the Baltimore
should tread softly.”
many workshops available:
We are hoping to send at least
Glass Fusing, Slumping, and Blowing
Convention Center.
1 person from each department. Let John McCaul or your department chair know if you are interested in Please consider attending This
Year’s AIMS Conference. The Keynote speaker is Sir Ken
Copies of the book: “Out of
Robinson. He wrote the book
Our Minds: Learning to be
“Out of Our Minds: Learning
Creative” are available in the
to be Creative” You can see
office. Let John McCaul
him speaking at the TED
know if you want a copy.
conference in both 2007 and
2009. Sir Ken Robinson 2007 Sir Ken Robinson 2009 Robinson finishes this talk with a beautiful quote, “Everyday, everywhere our
AIMS Workshops 25 Exciting Professional Development Opportunities
Friday, September 23, 2011 - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm - Worcester Preparatory School
New Teachers - How the Brain Learns and Your Classroom Thursday, September 29, 2011 9:30 am to 3:30 pm - Linden Hall, Ellicott City
Facing the Future - Educating for Sustainability Wednesday, October 05, 2011 - 9:30 am to 2:30 pm - Roland Park Country School
Cool New Tools and Time to Try Them! Thursday, October 13, 2011 - 10:00 am to 11:45 am - St. John’s Episcopal School
Teaching About Civil Rights and Diversity
feedback for teachers and
conducted workshops for
students, and the necessity of
national and state
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 – 10:00 am to 3:00 pm – National Archives
differentiating instruction and
organizations, and worked
integrating technology.
with local school districts.
Photoshop and InDesign Digital Media in Classrooms
He has been a teacher,
Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Calvert School
administrator. His doctorate is
Making Schools Safe
administration and planning
counselor, and district-level in the area of educational from the University of
Wednesday, February 08, 2012 8:00 am to 3:00 pm - Roland Park Country School
Let John McCaul or your
Dr. Stronge is the Heritage
Department Chair know if
Professor in the Educational
you are interested in
Policy, Planning, and
Leadership Area at ###
the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia.
Loyola Blakefield Faculty PD Recent Accomplishments Great summer work by many teachers.
Dr. James Stronge: Qualities of Effective Teachers and the Grad at Grad Profile
His research interests include
Chris Caldwell attended the
policy and practice related to
AP US History Summer
teacher quality, and teacher
Institute, Rosa Pongchit
and administrator evaluation.
attended the AP Chemistry
He has worked with
Experienced Teacher Summer
numerous school districts and
Institute, Greg Koffel
An Exciting day
other educational
participated in a STEM
Planned for our
organizations to design and
Webinar, Gayle Smith and
implement evaluation systems
Laura Reid attended the
for teachers, administrators,
NCTM Interactive Institute on
and support personnel.
Algebra Readiness for Every
January 12th professional day Our day with Dr. Stronge will run from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The goals of the day are to help teachers understand the importance of Cura Personalis in teacher effectiveness, how their professional practice impacts student learning and creativity, understand the importance of formative
His work on effective teachers focuses on how to identify effective teachers and how to enhance teacher effectiveness. Dr. Stronge has presented his research at conferences such as American Educational Research Association and Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,
Student, The Math Department met for 2 days this August to work on our math curriculum, core content standards and effective collaboration, 18 teachers spent June 8th and 9th at our Tablet PC training. Thanks for all the hard work.
Some Upcoming PD Opportunities
Latin Colloquium:
necessary for college
Bellarmine Prep
Maryland Province New
Bob Wright and members of
Teacher Retreat
the Classics department will
Our new teachers Ben Horgan,
be traveling to the Latin
Jane Donovan, Sylvie Nkere,
Colloquium this November at
readiness called Standards for Success (funded by the Washington, D.C.-based Association of American Universities and the Pew Charitable Trust).
Jennifer Pearson, Brendan
Bellarmine Prep in San Jose,
Bailey, Chris Caldwell and
California. The Colloquium
Ryan Oshnock will be
will include a discussion of
heading to St. Joseph of the
the new Caesar/Virgil course
Hills Retreat House October
and the integration of
11th and 12th for the New
technology in the Latin
Teacher Retreat. Please keep
them in your prayers as they
This project analyzed course
begin their careers as Ignatian
content at a range of American
research universities to develop
International Society of
the "Knowledge and Skills for
Technology in Education
University Success" standards.
Annual Conference This summer Mike Lackner,
College Readiness Workshop
Dan Hoehler and Linda Butt attended the ISTE Conference
This November some of our
in Philadelphia. The ISTE
department chairs and college
conference is an amazing 3-
counsulors will be traveling to
day conference chock full of
Regis Jesuit High School in
great ideas and exemplary
New York to attend a College
professional practice.
Readiness Workshop. The focus of the workshop will be:
We will be sending Mike Lackner and 3 other teachers to ISTE 2012 in San Diego, CA. If you’re interested in attending the ISTE conference in 2012, check with Mike
The Four Dimensions of College Readiness: What they are and the research base to support them. The Workshop will be led by Dr. David Conley.
Lackner or John McCaul. In 2003, Dr. Conley completed a groundbreaking three-year research project to identify the knowledge and skills
In 2005, he published College Knowledge: What It Takes for Students to Succeed and What We Can Do to Get Them Ready, based on this research. He has published in numerous journal articles, technical reports, conference papers, book chapters, and books. His next book, available spring 2010, is
entitled College and Career Ready,
presentations: readings,
through 8 and principals from
and summarizes recent
lectures, panel discussions,
Archdiocese of Baltimore
research he has conducted on
and forums plus hundreds of
Catholic Schools on January
this topic. He also
book signings, receptions, and
20th. Stay tuned for more
published Who Governs Our
informal gatherings. The
Schools?(2003), which analyzes
conference attracts more than
changes in educational policy
9,000 attendees and more than
and governance structures at the federal, state, and local levels.
Famous Jesuits
550 publishers. It’s one of the
Jerónimo Nadal (1507-1580)
biggest and liveliest literary
Contemplative in Action
gatherings in North America. Nadal coined the phrase
Before joining the faculty of the
Wilkinson & Flanigan to
“simul in actione
University of Oregon in 1989,
Present at the 2011 AIMS
he spent a total of 20 years in
(contemplative likewise in the
Colorado and California as a school-level and central office
Rachel Wilkinson and Sean
administrator in several
Flanigan will be presenting at
districts, an executive in a state
this year’s AIMS conference,
education department, and as a
Monday, October 31st. Their
teacher in two public,
presentation is called,
multicultural, alternative
“Teaching the Russians.” This
presentation is a direct result ###
of their trip to Russia last summer.
Association of Writers and Conference
Conference & Bookfair in a different region of North
Loyola Blakefield to Host
America in order to celebrate
Archdiocesan-Wide Math
the outstanding authors,
Sean Flanigan will be attending the AWP Annual conference in Chicago. Each year, AWP holds its Annual
teachers, writing programs, literary centers, and small press publishers of that region. The Annual Conference typically features 400
Ignatian circles. The Jesuits sometimes refer to their vocation as one of being "contemplatives in action." Ignatius wanted them to be actively engaged in bringing Christ to the world, but he activity would be fruitless unless grounded in a
Algebra Readiness Shouldn’t Be Variable: A Focus on the Common Core State Standards
English Department Chair,
has become a slogan in
realized that such apostolic ###
Writing Programs Annual
midst of action). The phrase
Gayle Smith and Laura Reid will be hosting a hands-on, interactive workshop for Math teachers in grades 3
discipline of prayer. Contemplation leads to action and this action should be contemplative action.