it’s ISS UE NO. 1 | AND S O IT BEGINS | AU G U ST 201 9
letter from the editor
it’s zoe
it’s important
it’s our home
it’s what we wear
it’s what helps us glow
it’s nourishing our bodies
it’s being in good health
it’s where we go
it’s real
thank you
table of contents
crazy to think I’m even writing a Letter From the Editor for a digital magazine I created. Like what?! On Instagram, I’m mainly known for food recipes and mental health awareness. The more time I spent on my account, the more I learned about myself. From there, I’ve begun to think more about the people and environment around me. I’ve always wanted to help others as much as I could, but I’ve always felt pretty limited with what I could do on Instagram. As an “influencer,” you only have so many options: release ebooks, fitness plans, launch a website, do sponsorships, and other common business avenues influencers take. There’s nothing wrong with that, there are so many people out there doing all of these things well, but for me, none of that ever felt like I was doing enough. So I wanted to do something different. Something that could involve a lot of people at once, but still be my own thing. Something that could inform a wider audience, but in a different way. Something I could completely invest the majority of my time in, but still feel good doing it. Then about a month ago, it hit me. My dream has always been to design layouts for a big magazine, but I knew it would take a while before I got there. And being the impatient person I am, why wait until that opportunity came around? So using my graphic design skills, along with my background in journalism, public relations, photography, and social media, I created it’s: a lifestyle magazine that will aim to create an inclusive, informative, and supportive community. I also took advantage of my social media following to find people to help me create content that I am super excited to share, because it’s fun, it’s interesting, and it’s informative. I think the different voices in this magazine is what makes it unique. Now, why the name it’s? Because I couldn’t define this magazine in any other way. It’s a lot of things. It’s also just as much yours as it is mine. It’s mine, because, well, I made it, but also because I wanted to bring awareness to things I am so so SO passionate about. It’s yours, because I made the sections inclusive enough that there is so much room to bring light to other issues, ideas, tips, etc that all of you are passionate about as well. I have such a good feeling about it’s, and I really hope my vision is articulated well enough that you decide to stick around for more. So here we go.
a i r r a v a h C - Jen Edi tor-I n -Ch i e f
“The weird part is, I felt like that was a normal way to live. I had created this identity and felt like that was the only identity I had…the ‘bikini girl,’”
skinny there is more to life than being
up to it were complete hell. I slowly began hating my body and criticizing myself for how I looked because my goal for 4 months straight was losing weight. I was always looking at these #fitspo girls on social media and trying my hardest to look as lean and beautiful as them. Even my phone background was one of these shredded bikini girls. The one word I can think of when I think of that time is obsessed. I was so obsessed with how I looked. How lean I was. I was becoming obsessed over becoming a smaller version of myself.
“Towards the end of my senior year in high school, my boyfriend (now husband) competed in a bodybuilding competition and I attended it. I never knew what bodybuilding was or that it was a sport. At that point in my life, [I] had never had a gym membership, just grew up playing sports. At the show, my mind was honestly blown away. I couldn’t believe how amazing these guys looked on stage – just completely shredded and muscular. Then I was shocked to see that women were also competing. Not only was I in awe of their physique, but I think what really drew me in was their confidence. After the show, I couldn’t stop thinking about the girls I saw walking across the stage. It was around that time that I decided I was going to enter a bikini competition. At that point in my life, I never thought that I was overweight, [and I] didn’t necessarily have body image issues, but I do recall not being super confident. Deep down I think I just wanted to feel as confident as the competitors seemed. My first show was in April 2013 and the months leading
“I was so obsess e d w ith h ow I looked. How lean I was. I was becoming obsessed over becoming a smalle r version of myself,” After actively competing from 2013 – 2017, I decided to hang up the bikini and heels and start focusing on more important things in life. It was during my last prep, after taking about a half year break between shows, that I found myself not loving the grind anymore. I honestly thought something was wrong with me, because I didn’t feel super obsessed with how I looked anymore. I just wanted to get through the prep and be done with it. The passion for the sport was pretty much gone for me, but for some weird reason I felt like I had created this identity for myself as the bodybuilder girl. People respected me for it and I was scared to let that go, because ‘people only liked me for being ripped,’ but shows can fuck with your mind and that’s what I really thought.
I feel like everything has differed drastically from competing to where I am now. When you’re prepping for a show, all you’re thinking about is yourself. When you’re eating next, when you’re going to the gym, every mirror you walk past you’re pulling your shirt up to see if you look leaner than you did 5 minutes ago. Honestly, it’s a total mind fuck. I was selfish because that’s all I was ever doing - thinking about myself and because of that, I didn’t have much of a social life. My schedule would [be,] go [do] cardio for maybe an hour in the morning, think about food, go to school, think about food, go to work, think about food, go to the gym, and spend two hours, if not more, pushing myself to ultimately become a smaller version of myself. I was honestly scared to go to social outings or even see my family, because I knew food would be there and I was terrified of losing control, because at that point, I was binging and throwing up afterwards. The weird part is, I felt like that was a normal way to live. I had created this identity and felt like that was the only identity I had…the “bikini girl.” After months of prep and right after completing a show was when I would literally feel like I lost all self-control. I would eat until it made me sick, because I had felt like for months I couldn’t eat what I needed and it would mess with me mentally. I was reading books on binge-eating, hoping it would help. I would literally cry at night hoping that things would change and felt like I was in such a dark place. But I would start another prep and continue the vicious cycle because again – it weirdly seemed normal to me. Mentally I was fucked and I don’t even think I knew what having a social life meant. Now, I have a life. I am not bound to this crazy lifestyle anymore. The weirdest thing about prep is you literally eat chicken, rice, veggies, egg whites, and oatmeal and I would constantly think of food I was going to make after prep was over. While doing my last prep, I kept talking to my husband about creating an Instagram about food and trying to get back to living a balanced life. Right after my prep was over, I started my Instagram and have been working towards finding a healthy balance in my life. I look and feel livelier. I enjoy time with family and friends
whereas before I didn’t. I have friends I can grab a drink and dinner with. I can attend family gatherings without stressing over food. I can go on dates with my husband without pre-planning out what I am going to eat and pretty much starving myself the whole day to be able to eat it. I say yes to life with no shame (sometimes) that I am missing the gym. I say yes to making memories with those who I care about without having anxiety that maybe I ate out two days in a row. I just feel like I say YES way more often without fear and it’s such a freeing feeling. My relationship with these things has changed from punishing myself to loving myself. I don’t find myself doing the stairmaster for an hour watching Youtube [videos] on getting shredded for a show and feeling bad about myself because I don’t look like those people. I don’t find myself counting calories or legit having panic attacks because MyFitnessPal is telling me I went over 7 grams of intended carb intake for the day. I don’t find myself fantasizing about the burger I am going to eat in two weeks IF I lose 2 pounds this week. I’m not freaking out about having a pizza Sunday night right before I go to bed. I don’t find myself thinking “you’re not skinny enough” or crying because I can’t lose just a few more pounds. Instead, I’m finding myself going to the gym, because I know it will feel good to move my body that day. I’m spending quality time with my family, hiking with my dogs, and finding other ways to be active, because I want to and because it feels GOOD. I’m making foods that are nutritious and good for me because I want to. I find myself being happy with where I am at, because although I do weigh almost thirty pounds more than I did when I competed, I weigh that because I grabbed a drink (or four) with a girlfriend or I ate a bowl of ice cream with my husband while watching a movie, I weigh what I weigh because I am freaking LIVING. My body and mind are at one of the healthiest states it’s ever been in and while I can wish things happened differently in the past, all I can really do is be GRATEFUL for where I am today. And spoiler alert… people still love me and don’t give a shit if I have a six pack,”
“I weigh what I weigh because I am freaking living,”
“You are good enough just the way you are and becoming a smaller version of yourself doesn’t matter to others. Be confident. Be happy with how you look and just live your freaking life,”
“When I noticed myself actually having an eating disorder and found myself more often than not, eating and throwing up, I knew I had to tell someone. Luckily my husband (boyfriend at the time) was super loving and supportive. I was really embarrassed, but knowing someone was there to help me made me feel like a lot of weight was taken off of my shoulders and I didn’t have to go through that struggle alone. A person who inspires me on the Instagram is Shut The Kale Up - but honestly who doesn’t she motivate?! I love her authenticity and realness. I feel like I followed so much fakeness and was surrounding myself with a bunch of smoke and mirrors a few years ago that I swear I just crave people being open and sharing their successes, struggles and everything in between. It makes me feel like, ‘holy shit I’m not the only one who feels this way sometimes,’ [If I could tell my past self anything] I would tell myself to stop putting myself through hell just so I can look a certain way or to lose weight. [I would tell myself] ‘You are good enough just the way you are and becoming a smaller version of yourself doesn’t matter to others. Be confident. Be happy with how you look and just live your freaking life. Your only 19 years old and have so many adventures and memories to be made if you would just look outside of yourself to see. There is more to life than being skinny,’ My relationship with food, the gym, and myself has been a journey to say the least. A journey that has taken years, yet I
still don’t totally feel like I’m at that finish line. I never realized when pursuing the sport of bodybuilding that it would come with me having an eating disorder - which I can luckily say I don’t have any more, but it came with time, patience, support, and love. I didn’t realize that it would make me have body image issues that I still have to work through. I didn’t realize how much it would change my life. I am not bashing the sport of bodybuilding by any means, because I do have so much respect for those who dedicate their life to it. There are plenty of people who don’t have negative effects from competing. Unfortunately I did, but I think I am stronger because of it. Be kind to yourself and don’t feel like [you have to do] extremes to try and look a certain way to make people love you more or make you love yourself more. You are good enough just the way you are,”
h c i g o R e o -Z i glowwithzo
HISTORY WI L L NOT B E KI ND Recent reports have shined light on the inhumane conditions in our migrant detention centers, which has been happening for years. With everything now out in the open, it’s getting hard to face truth. Wow. Where to begin? The United States was the first to open a detention facility dedicated for immigrants, in 1892. In 2003, the Department of Homeland Security was formed, which includes: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Customs and Border Enforcement (CBP), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). By the end of Obama’s presidency, detention numbers reached 40,000 per day. In 2017, Trump signed an order to strengthen and expand the U.S. immigration enforcement capacities, specifically the detention system. Immigration detention centers are for examining the migration situation of non-citizens trying to enter that country, so refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants. We know now that there is no set amount of time that they can be held in these centers. It can be up to years, some have even spent their whole life in these centers. However, standards and guidelines have existed during this to prevent the excessive stay of detainees. The U.S. isn’t the only country who has this system in place: the UK, Australia, Germany, and Sweden also have similar systems. However, the living conditions and the rights of those detained varies greatly. Though, the United States detention centers are among one of the most inhumane around the world. Detainees will first stay in a CBP facility before getting transferred to an ICE facility. The majority of these are privately-run. GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of America/CoreCivic detain about 15,000 people a day. In 2017, it was recorded that ICE spends more than $2 billion a year on immigration detention through private jails. These companies, and others, are profiting off of detainees. Texas leads with the most detainees, 15,852, California is second, with not even half that amount, 6,527. Currently, there are 50,000 detainees in ICE facilities, 20,000 in CBP facilities, and 11,000 children are in the custody of the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Many of the detainees, adults and children, are those fleeing violence in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Families have been separated. Children have died. They have no adequate access to medical care, basic sanitation,
water, or food. The facilities are severely overcrowded. They experience extreme temperatures. There have been outbreaks of the flu, chickenpox, and scabies. A few high officials, like Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, have visited these facilities. Though, while one countered claims about the facilities, another highlighted the unsafe conditions. Within Congress, there is a clear divide about the reality of these centers. It’s clear CBP is struggling to deal with the mass amount of migrants and refugees entering the country, however, they have a reason to not release them. CBP told the Office of Inspector General (OIG) that “they recognize they have a humanitarian issue with detaining single adults for so long, but believe if they do not have a consequence delivery system, either prosecution or ICE detention, the flow will increase.” CBP thinks releasing them will encourage more immigrants to come to the U.S., so they would rather keep them in these inhumane conditions to send a message. While enforcement is continuing at the border, ICE deportation raids have begun. ICE previously announced a plan to apprehend around 2,000 undocumented immigrants who have been given orders to leave the country, with at least 9 different cities on their list. The majority of them do not have criminal histories. Collateral deportations will also take place, so if an undocumented migrant is at the scene, but isn’t an intended target, they are still subject to detention. In these cities, rallies and protests have been and will be taking place. Organizations such as the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights are preparing by informing these immigrants of their rights. Mayors are encouraging those confronted by ICE to seek legal aid through the Immigrant Rights Hotline. Some U.S. citizens are even carrying their passports, in case they end up being mistakenly detained. Yet people are still terrified, and rightfully so. Those who came here fleeing from unsafe conditions are now met with more unsafe conditions. They ran away for a better life, which we wrongfully denied them of. They expected an open door, but we slammed it in their face.
SO WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? There’s some good news: • • •
Illinois has recently banned private immigration detention centers in the state. Multiple cities, like Chicago, Houston, and Denver, will not cooperate with ICE officials during these raids. Citizens are organizing allies and protests against these centers.
• • •
There are organizations, like the ACLU, ready to fight for their rights. People know their rights, as ICE officials have been repeatedly turned away for not having warrants. Bank of America has cut ties and will stop lending to these centers and private prisons.
However, as these ICE raids happen, they are not disclosing much information, not even with mayors of those cities. We also are currently dealing with not all of Congress thinking these conditions are inhumane. There are a few things being proposed, but the most controversial is Alexandra Osacio-Cortez’s idea of abolishing not just ICE, but the Department of Homeland Security as a whole. But what is the DHS?
BREAKING DOWN THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY The DHS is fairly new. It was formed quickly in 2002, after 9/11, and consists of 22 departments. Some, like ICE and CBP, were formed, while others, like the Secret Service, were simply moved under the DHS. The DHS doesn’t just handle things at the border, they deal with cyber crimes, natural disasters, and human trafficking, as well as providing security for large events, like the President’s State of the Union address. However, since it’s creation, it’s always been under scrutiny. Today, the DHS is commonly known for border security. The different organizations, formed or now under the DHS, each are supposed to handle different parts of immigration enforcement, but the lines are getting blurred. Specifically between ICE and CBP. When ICE was created, they took over the detention system, as well as enforcing immigration laws within the country. ICE officials are doing the investigating, arresting, and detaining. ICE is also responsible for providing attorneys to represent the U.S. government in immigration prosecutions. CBP is responsible for enforcing immigration laws at and near the borders, and they can also question, investigate, and detain those arriving at the border. The Border Patrol is a part of CBP. CBP focuses on enforcement at the border, while ICE focuses on enforcement within the country. Detainees stay first at CBP before getting sent over to either ICE facilities, for adults + families, or HHS facilities, for children. So, since CBP can detain, they do have facilities for these detainees, however, in theory, the majority will be found in ICE and HHS facilities, because they should have more resources specifically for them. So, this is where its getting messy. CBP is not meant for long-term detention. Their facilities are severely overcrowded, for example, at the Rio Grande Valley, the OIG for the DHS found that a cell with a maximum capacity of 35, held 155 detainees. CBP is found violating its’ own standards when it comes to limiting showers, exceeding time held in facilities, and lack of hot meals provided. The reason why CBP facilities are becoming overcrowded is because ICE and HHS facilities are also overcrowded.
Now, we are at a standstill. Things are becoming tense around the country, as one describes this situation as a “ticking time bomb.” As more information surfaces, CBP agents are “preparing” for potential riots by drinking, moving to another agency, or even retiring. The world is in shock. What do we do?
HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP • Donate: There are organizations who are directly helping by giving resources, offering legal services, and spreading awareness, specifically to children as well. This website lets you find organizations and agencies near you. • Contact your officials: Let them hear you. This website gives you contact information for your lawmakers, as well as a script to use. ACLU also offers a similar service. Social media is another way to get in touch with them and also spread the information. • Get involved: Look around your community for organizations who are planning events, protests, rallies, marches, etc and volunteer your time. Do more research to stay informed. • Talk about it: Now is not the time to stay silent. Social media is a great way to boost this kind of information, like what we have seen so far about ICE raids and knowing your rights as undocumented citizens. Encourage others to donate, share politicians posts on these matters, even just talking to someone face-to-face helps bring awareness. Here are a few online petitions to sign: • The ACLU is petitioning to tell the Secretary of Homeland Security to stop separating children from their parents. • This is a MoveOn petition to shut down the centers.
• This is a petition to stop separating migrant children from their families. • The ACLU is petitioning to stop the government from abusing migrant children.
“Your silence contributes to someone else’s struggle. Speak so we can all be free. Love so we all can be liberated. The moment is now. We need you,” -Yolo Akili,
founder of Black Emotional and Mental Health (BEAM)
ME E T OXY B E NZONE + OCT I NOXATE Two active ingredients commonly found in what is now known as reef-damaging sunscreens. Wait what? Not even our sunscreen is environmentally-friendly or safe? A typical beach day as a child consisted of sand in our swimsuits, sandwiches + chips for lunch, and spraying sunscreen before running into the water. While we have our classic favorite sunscreen brands, future generations will probably favor others. Beginning in 2021, Hawaii will ban the sale of sunscreens that contain the reef-damaging chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate. These UV-protecting ingredients are also beginning to raise health concerns, according to the Environmental Working Group, specifically oxybenzone, which could possibly impact our endocrine system. There are also other ingredients raising concerns for our health and reefs, but there is insufficient data to draw conclusions from, which is why the focus is on oxybenzone and octinoxate. Let’s focus on the coral reef situation first. Coral reefs provide so many benefits: they act as natural barriers against storms and waves, provide us with food, help our economy by bringing in tourists, and serve as a habitat to many organisms, just to name a few. But, according to the World Resources Institute, by 2030, 60% of all coral reefs are expected to be highly or critically threatened. This will affect us, and is affecting us now, more than you know. Sunscreen is being targeted now because of these two active
ingredients that are contributing to the coral bleaching. According to a 2015 paper published in the Journal Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, a single drop of oxybenzone in 4.3 million gallons of water is enough to cause serious and deadly damage. Unfortunately, more than 90% of the sunscreens on the market contain these ingredients, amongst others. But what about those who don’t live near the ocean? Should they make the switch to these reef-friendly sunscreens? Yes. If you are still applying these reef-damaging sunscreens, it will go down the drain when you shower. Spraying sunscreen on the beach can be sprayed unintentionally in the sand, that will go back into the ocean. Urination is also a way it can find its way down the toilet and into the ocean. Urination? Yes, urination. We know these ingredients are doing clear damage to the coral reefs, and we also know these ingredients are found in our blood. A small study by JAMA showed that these ingredients were being absorbed into our bloodstream. It’s unclear whether these will negativelyimpact humans, but that’s enough to raise concern. The FDA is currently working to find data of whether it is safe and effective for us to continue to use.
Zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, found in mineral-based sunscreens, are ingredients that cannot be ingested by coral reefs. Play it safe, and try these out instead: • • • •
Thinksport SPF 50 Sunscreen Kokua Sun Care Hawaiian SPF 50 Natural Zinc Sunscreen All Good SPF 30 Sport Sunscreen Lotion Badger SPF 30 Unscented Sunscreen Cream
• • •
Raw Elements SPF 30 Certified Natural Sunscreen Hello Bello Sunscreen Lotion Aveeno Mineral Sensitive Skin Sunscreen SPF 50
Ditch aerosol spray sunscreen and make sure to read the ingredients. Just because it says “Reef-friendly,” doesn’t mean its necessarily true. Do your research!
TH E RISE OF ZE ROWASTE GROCE RY STOR ES The spotlight is on zero-waste grocery stores to help the food waste nightmare, which according to the UN, is valued to be a $680 billion problem. But are consumers and businesses ready to ditch the norm? Ah, grocery shopping. We all know the experience of entering a store, pushing a cart up and down the aisles, and marveling at the many rows of brightly colored, eye-catching products. In these places, food is a highly convenient good. Customers walk through the door, select the things that they want, pay for them, and exit within a short period of time. What could be wrong with such a hassle-free system? The issues of grocery stores arise directly from the aspects which make them so convenient. All of that colorful, creative packaging goes directly into landfills, along with all the other packaging that is used to transport the products from factories to stores. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 23% of all landfill waste comes from containers and packaging products. By itself, that is a huge portion of the amount of waste that consumers produce. However, grocery stores take waste a step further. According to ReFed, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing food waste, the retail food sector generates approximately 8 million tons of food waste per year. Over 50% of the food which is discarded by grocery stores is still edible, due to picky consumers wanting “attractive� produce, or those who misunderstand expiration labels. The wonderful grocery store is actually a massive waste factory. It has been estimated that total grocery store waste represents approximately $18.2 billion. The cost for the environment is certainly far greater and more detrimental. These days, as more consumers are becoming aware of their environmental impact and the growing dangers of climate change, a movement has arisen to reduce grocery waste and packaging use. Enter Original Unverpackt (Original Unpackaged), the first completely zero-waste grocery store to be established. Low-waste grocery stores have been gaining popularity over the past decade, but it was not until 2014 that this entirely package-free grocery store was opened in Berlin by Milena Glimbovski. Since this first store opened, there has been a ripple effect across Europe that is now reaching the United States and other corners of the world. Zero-waste grocery stores work by essentially removing all forms of unnecessary waste from their business models. They do not sell products that come in individual wrappers
or boxes, such as many of the packaged goods that are common in grocery stores. Instead, they sell a variety of loose products, locally-sourced produce, and bulk pantry staples. This greatly reduces the amount of packaging waste that is produced from these stores, as well as limiting the amount of food that goes to waste. Customers are encouraged to bring their own containers, but many stores also offer the option of purchasing or borrowing reusable containers inside the store. Although the lack of packaging does offer many benefits for consumers, producers, and the environment, it simply does not fit into the easy living of the modern age. They are unlikely to completely replace typical supermarkets in the near future. Current, plastic packaging is more convenient and faster for the everyday consumer. People who are unable to make frequent visits to the store may find the lack of packaging impractical, as there is less shelf-stable food options and the options that are available need to be sold quickly before they spoil. These new stores require extra planning, both for the consumers and the owners. Owners must carefully monitor their produce and their consumers’ buying habits, to ensure that the supply meets the demand while also limiting the amount of time that the produce waits to be purchased. Consumers have to remember to provide their own packaging in the form of reusable containers or bags. They also would have to go elsewhere to buy certain items that are not possible to carry in zero-waste stores, such as processed food items. However, there are certainly a growing number of people who are willing to adapt their lifestyles to embrace a low or zero-waste packaging experience, as a report by the Grocery Manufacturers Association and Deloitte has found that 54% of shoppers consider environmental sustainability characteristics in their buying decisions. However, a separate study released by BBMG revealed that, while 95% of shoppers were open to considering green alternatives and sustainable shopping, only about 47% were actually able to find these alternatives. Zero-waste grocery stores are rising to meet this increasing interest in sustainability by providing shoppers with easily accessible options for waste-free, environmentally-friendly shopping. Written by: Leah Gath | iIleahgath
Zero-waste stores can be found in a rising amount of places throughout the world, such as: • • • • • •
Precycle in Brooklyn Negozio Leggero in Sicily The Hive in Malaysia Shop Zero in South Africa. The Filling Station in New York City Dill Pickle Co-op in Chicago
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Simply Bulk Market + Zero Market in Colorado The Refill Shoppe near Los Angeles People’s Food Co-op in Portland, Oregon Central Co-op in Seattle
And in Vancouver, Canada, is Nada, one of the biggest and most successful zero waste markets in the world.
BUT WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR SUPERMARKET CHAINS? To meet new consumer demand, stores like Kroger, Target, and other typical grocery stores will be getting a low-waste makeover. Kroger plans to eliminate all food waste in its stores and across the company by 2025. Target recently adopted The Consumer Goods Forum’s Food Waste Resolution, calling for a 50 percent global reduction in food waste by 2030. Whole Foods recently became the first national grocery store to ban plastic straws. Trader Joe’s is currently working to eliminate 1 million pounds of plastic waste by the end of the year. Since it is highly unlikely these large corporate stores will go away, they are beginning to offer zero/low-waste options for those who are not near a zero-waste store. So this is where we begin to “vote with our money.”
If you want to see a bigger presence of zero-waste stores, for not just food, but beauty, cleaning, home, and other products, then you need to buy zero-waste products, and support these zero/low-waste stores.
So yes, it does mean creating the habit to remember your reusable bags. It does mean spending extra time researching how to create your own zero-waste cleaning products. It does mean spending a little more money on quality + sustainable items, rather than something made from plastic. It means making an effort. This is how businesses will know what changes need to be made, and this is how entrepreneurs know what to create next. To find a low or zero-waste grocery store near you, check out for a comprehensive list of these stores throughout the United States. Even in areas where there are no low or zero-waste options for grocery shopping, there are certainly alternatives. Try checking out the local farmers markets or co-ops, which frequently carry more local produce and have greater options for purchasing unpackaged products. It’s also worth checking out your usual grocery store to see if they offer bulk or self-packaging options, and see what you can do to create these options if they are not yet available.
T H E T RUTH BEHIND RECYCL ING Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycling has always been the last option, but it quickly became our priority, and we are paying the price as we see the downfall of a once highly-profitable market. You’re finishing up your drink from a plastic bottle, when you spot someone with a reusable bottle, and you feel a bit guilty. You notice you’re about to walk past a recycling bin. You stop, toss it in, and walk away feeling pretty damn good about yourself because hey, you just helped the planet by recycling right? There was a time that was true. It all started in 1995, when the Nine Dragons Paper Company was founded. There was a new market opportunity for China, they were in need of paper-based cardboard boxes to ship goods, and Yan Cheung took advantage. She started an environmentally-friendly company that now provides high-quality paperboard packaging. From there evolved a new profitable market for recyclables, specifically for plastic. The rest of the world also took advantage. For years, the United States would send the majority of our recycling to China, specifically plastic waste. Actually, about 70% of the world’s plastic was exported to China. Not only could they take it off our hands, they paid a high price for it too. China would then make it into new plastic and non-plastic products. Then, China informed the World Trade Organization that they will be imposing a ban on imports of certain types of recyclables in 2017. By 2018, regulations became even stricter, they banned almost all imports, and limited the amount of importing licenses, so less businesses could import their waste. This was known as the National Sword Policy. Why? Because of what we recycled, which was usually contaminated with food waste due to single-stream recycling, or we recycled items that were too expensive to process. People even went as far as illegally recycling, which started to pollute their land. Since then, the world’s recyclables have been piling up in facilities, and now we’re stuck asking the question: “what are we going to do with all this waste?” The first solution was to just send it somewhere else. Malaysia is one of those places. In 2018, the U.S. exported more than double the amount of plastic waste to Malaysia compared to the previous year. And that was just the U.S. Southeast Asian countries have been getting the bulk of wealthy nation’s plastic waste since China’s ban, but have already become so overwhelmed with the imports and seeing
the damage it’s doing to their land, water, and workers, they have already began to cut back. The other solution is to send it to landfills. Since China’s ban, there is no longer a market for recyclable plastic, so it’s becoming difficult to find a new buyer. The rest that isn’t bought is being sent to landfills, burned, or just taking up space in a facility. Smaller communities are getting hit the hardest. Recycling was a source of income for them, now it’s costing them money to find a buyer. It’s gotten to the point where some areas aren’t offering recycling services anymore and taking it straight to the landfill. But it’s not just small cities either. Cities, like Memphis, Philadelphia, and Sacramento, are limiting what can be recycled, suspending their services, or even canceling them. So why are so many places canceling their recycling services when there’s still a market for things like glass and aluminum? The market for these other recyclables is not enough to fund the extra expenses to process and export all their recyclables. To simply put it: the demand for recycling is so low, there is no market for it, so it’s not financially worth the time to deal with. The last issue worth mentioning is what led to the policy: a lot of people don’t know how to recycle. Recyclables should be cleaned and dry. If not, it can end up contaminating the whole bin, and depending on your recycling facility, they may not think spending the time and money to sort + clean is worth it. It’ll most likely get sent to the landfill. While some people know recycling basics, they may not be aware of their facility guidelines. Some are single-stream systems, some are multi-stream. Some places might not accept all plastics, and some might. If things get sent to the wrong place, again, they might not see it worth their time and money to sort it out. For example, mixed plastic is used in anything from yogurt cups to car bumpers. It’s more expensive + difficult to recycle compared to others, which wasn’t an issue when China was still buying. However, even then, it wasn’t always recycled, it was typically burned or thrown out. It’s now very common to hear that recycling facilities are not accepting mixed plastics anymore, though a lot of people do not know that.
To sum it up, the recycling system has completely fallen apart. But maybe this is the slap to the face that we needed to address the damage we’ve been doing to Earth for decades now. Luckily, consumers and businesses alike are not ignoring this issue anymore. Consumers are looking to businesses to join the sustainability movement as we work towards living a low-waste lifestyle ourselves. Since businesses are still wanting to make a profit, they are starting to listen. So, I’m sure we’re all asking the same question here.
“SHOULD I KEEP RECYCLING?” Short answer: yes. Long answer: You have to keep a few other things in mind. If you recycle, then you are increasing the demand for recycling, which is worth the try. A good place to start would be to check in with your recycling facility and see where your recycling is actually going. There are new innovations in facilities nationwide that make sorting out recyclables easier, but with single-stream recycling, it’s a bit harder. If the bin of recyclables is clean enough, there is a good chance they can find a buyer. However, if it’s not, it’ll most likely end up in a landfill or burned. But we can help out there. Do research to find out what your recycling facility is currently accepting, as this is just a general list. Recycling the wrong or dirty item can cause the whole bin to be sent to landfill. Don’t risk it. WHAT CAN (GENERALLY) BE RECYCLED Make sure it’s clean. • Plastic bottles, jugs, and jars • Aluminum, steel, and tin cans • Junk mail • Glass
WHAT CANNOT (GENERALLY) BE RECYCLED • Plastic shopping bags • Plastic stretch wrap • Soiled Food Items • Shopping receipts • Plastic bags • Ceramic, mirror, or Pyrex • Styrofoam
Another way is if you’re going to buy plastic, buy recycled plastic products. That way, you are increasing the demand of recycling plastic, we can increase the demand of recycling in general. But the solution isn’t learning how to recycle or demanding better recycling programs, it’s not needing to depend on recycling in the first place.
So we should go back and focus on what we learned: refuse, reduce, reuse, THEN recycle. This would then bring us closer to a circular economy: a system that aims to reduce waste and make the most out of the materials we already have. This is what a sustainable future looks like, and we all play a part as to whether that happens.
Sources: index.html html
the role of a n eco-influence r “I’ve always thought I loved the environment, but didn’t realize the actions I could be taking to care for the planet until August of 2018. I started because I read the book Life Without Plastic and the moment happened when I realized that my buying habits should line up with my values. If I truly love the environment, then I should try to avoid purchasing items that harm it,”
i i mpactfor go o d
D o e s so c i a l med ia affect h ow p e ople are pe rc e iving c lim ate c hange now? “ 100% . Ab s o lu tely. I lik e tha t the media is t a king c ha r ge o f c l im a t e c ha nge b ec a us e i t i s s p r eadi n g the messa ge a t su ch a n effic ient r a t e,”
Wh at d o yo u th in k h old s p eople bac k f rom starting a low/z e ro-waste lif e style?
“ I thi n k peo ple get so nervou s to try a l o w w a s t e l if es t y l e b ec a us e it s eem s l ik e a ha rd e r way to li v e when tha t is tru ly not the c a s e. I t’s a l l a b o ut f o r m ing d if f er ent ha b it s ,”
W h at’s yo u r fu tu re plan s for your busine ss, Im pac t For Good?
“ T hi s i s an i nteresting qu estion for m e b ec a us e I m p a c t f o r Go o d s t a r t ed b a c k in Oc t ob e r, s o i t i s s ti ll so fresh. The pla n is to co nt inue t o b e a n E c o I nf l uenc er w hil e ex p a nd in g t h e o nli n e po r ti o n of my store, a nd hopef ul l y o ne d ay I w il l b e m a king my o w n p r o d uc t s a s well!”
H ow d o yo u stand ou t from th e othe r similar Instagram ac c ounts/busine s s es ? “ I ’m c o mpletely myself a nd ha ve only b een l iv ing s us t a ina b l y f o r l es s t ha n a y ea r. M y a u di en c e s ee s my lea rn new informa tio n a nd f o r m new ha b it s a l l t he t im e w hic h I t h i n k m ake s m e r elata ble. People w a nt to see r ea l it y, no t t he p er f ec t l if es t y l e,”
H ow d o yo u stay p ositive w ith ove rwhe lm ing news about c limate c hange ?
“ T he n ews abou t clima te cha nge ca n f eel s o o v er b ea r ing a t t im es , b ut I t hink p eo p l e a re s tar ti n g to wa k e u p. E very day I ha ve a new p er s o n r ea c h o ut t o m e a nd a s k w ha t t he y c an do to he lp the sta te of the pla net. This giv es m e s o m uc h ho p e b ec a us e ind iv id ua l s a re s tar ti n g to r ea lize tha t they ma k e a d if f er enc e- a nd t ha t is w ha t is go ing t o c ha nge t h e wo r ld,”
easy zero/low-wast e ideas For a beginner, it can be overwhelming to adjust to a zero or low-waste lifestyle, because waste is everywhere. Here is a list of a few zero-waste products to swap and ideas that will help minimize your carbon footprint.
IN THE KITCHEN • • • • • • • •
Silicone baking sheets Silicone liners Reusable K-cups Cloth napkins Reusable mug/bottle Produce bags Reusable grocery bag Reusable straws
• • • • • • • •
Glass/stainless steel food storage containers Bamboo utensils French Press or Cold-Brew maker Bar soap + soap dish Jars for bulk shopping Silicone bags or beeswax wraps Compost bin Use a charcoal stick instead of a water filter
• • • • • •
Menstrual cup, reusable pads Stainless steel safety razor Silk floss Wooden hair brush or comb Bidet attachment Real loofah or bamboo brush
IN THE BATHROOM • • • • • •
Shampoo bar + conditioner bar Bar soap + soap dish Bamboo facial rounds Bamboo toothbrush Toothpaste tablets/powder 100% recycled or bamboo toilet paper
Wool dryer balls Secondhand furniture LED bulbs Rechargeable batteries
• Newspaper/brown paper as gift wrap • Opt for paperless bills • Streamline your house cleaning
NOW WHERE TO GET THESE PRODUCTS? The first place you probably want to check is Amazon. I don’t blame you, it’s convenient, you don’t have to get out of bed, and you’ll recieve the products within 2-3 days. But, don’t you see the irony in ordering sustainable products from a not so sustainable company? Buying locally + secondhand is the best option when it comes to buying these sustainable products.
BUYING SECONDHAND Help support a circular economy by reusing + repurposing a product already in circulation. Secondhand stores can have the majority of the products you’re looking for like: • • • • •
Jars + food storage containers Kitchen utensils, dishes, glassware, mugs, etc Picture frames, books, wreaths, and other decor Clothes, shoes, bags, purses, and more Furniture + blankets
• • • •
Cloth napkins + towels Toys + games Luggage, backpacks, fanny packs Small electronics
BUYING LOCALLY Keep the money within the community by supporting local businesses. Check out local shops and farmer’s markets to see what you can find. It’s a lot easier to find zero-waste beauty products and food, and also takes less gas + energy since it’s being made right where you live. • • • • •
Bar soap, shampoo, and conditioner Fresh produce, sweeteners, dairy, and meat Soy wax candles Beeswax products Plants like succulents
• • • • •
Handmade pottery like mugs Handmade cloth products Knitted products Unique gifts Handmade decor
BUYING ONLINE Sometimes, online might be the only option. Luckily, there are ways to reduce the amount of plastic including in your order. There are even companies out there shipping in 100% recyclable or compostable packaging too. •
In the notes section of your order, include a message that you would like them to use as little plastic as possible. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s worth the try!
If using Amazon, use their Frustration-Free Packaging option. It’s recyclable and comes without excess packaging.
Try to reuse the packaging as much as you can. If it’s in a box, use it to store materials or offer it to someone who’s moving.
Or try these websites that are more environmentally-conscious or accommodate special requests: • • •
• • •
But always remember, the main idea of a zero/low-waste lifestyle is to use what you already have. There are so many ideas online for ways to repurpose the items you already have, which can save you money in the long run. So, before running out and buying all these products, take inventory and get creative! The Earth will thank you for it.
t h e care + keepin g of s uc c ulent s Succulents quickly became the new trendy houseplant, perfect to liven up any room. Lauren Daniels shares how to become the ultimate plant parent through her tips + tricks. “I can never escape them. Walking past the doors of the grocery store, they call out for a home. Running into Home Depot for light bulbs, the table of succulents blocks my way. Running into the garden store for tomato stakes...or maybe just one, more...succulent baby... Thanks to their blossoming popularity, you can find these plants just about anywhere. But as most new parents find out soon enough, bringing home your baby is just the beginning, the easiest part. What happens in the months and years after your excited purchase? That’s when the real tests come. Succulents are also awesome low-waste souvenirs and gifts for people who have everything. On your next vacation, why don’t you try buying a succulent from a local store? Next time your BFF throws a party, what’s a better gift than an easy-to-care for succulent? Next time you walk past that garden stall at your favorite farmers market, let the succulents lure you in. Pick your favorite, and know that you have the skills to make this plant thrive! Caring for succulents can be overwhelming, whether it’s your first plant or your 50th. Below I’ve outlined some of my favorite tips for cultivating the happiest plants in the neighborhood,”
i thel aurenyou k n ow
WHY SUCCULENTS? Succulents are the perfect option for busy schedules, transition, and new gardeners. The term “succulent” comes from the biological makeup that allows these plants to store water in their stems, roots and leaves. Because of this, the perfect mistake for succulents is to forget to water them for a week or two- healthy succulents have their own backup water bottles! I’ve loved my succulent collection as a college student, because they make my dorm feel like home, without the commitment of a “real” house plant or permanent garden.
BUYING A SUCCULENT When you go to pick out a succulent, make sure you ask (or read the tags) to find out what kind you’re purchasing. Keeping note of this will be crucial if you ever need to troubleshoot any problems that might come up. When you buy succulents at a large grocery or home store, they’re often poor quality because they haven’t been kept in the sunlight or watered at the right frequency. The best place to buy succulents are locally owned garden stores, where the employees are practicing proper plant care. At a garden store, you’ll be able to ask an employee about the particular kind of succulent you purchase for specific directions for watering + care. If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, my trade secret is buying succulents on craigslist or another online sale community. Through craigslist, I’ve been able to find multiple different listings from people unable to take their plants on a cross-country move, neighbors who propagate their overgrown succulents, or community centers that have an excess of plants. I’ve found this to be a great way to purchase high quality plants for a quarter of the original cost.
taking care of your succulent How often should you water your succulents? If house plants are needy like newborns, the analogy carries that succulents are high school teenagers. They mostly want to be left alone, only interested in the occasional help by way of food and water. I’ve learned the hard way that often the best way to care for my succulents is by just...letting them be. Don’t over water, don’t over-fertilize. A perfect example of this is how succulents have delicate root systems, which are very susceptible to rot. Therefore, the most common cause for disease and death for succulents is over watering.
How do you know if your over watering? If the root system of your succulent is left in damp soil for longer than 30 minutes, the roots are susceptible to rot. Make sure that your pots have drainage holes, or if they don’t, only water in small increments, never enough to cause water to pool at the bottom. You know that you’re under watering if the soil is completely dusty dry: if you blow across the surface of the dirt, does it blow up like a mini dust storm? Then it’s time to water. Hack: If the petals of the succulent are swishy to the touch, it’s over watered. If they’re wrinkled like a raisin, they are using up the last of the water stored inside the plant, and need more water soon! Remember, succulents are desert plants! They’re made for climates that have lots of sunshine and rain that pours down but dries up almost immediately. The more you can recreate that climate for your succulents, the more they’ll thrive.
Should you fertilize your succulent? Succulents are made for sandy, dry soil. Because of this, your succulent probably doesn’t need to be fertilized. However, if you’re interested in seeing your succulents grow faster or taller, you can find succulentspecific fertilizers in most garden supply stores or online. Like all plants, succulents have a growing season and a dormant season. This means that during the late spring to early fall months, our succulents are going to be thirstier, and you’ll see the most growth during this time. In the winter, succulents are content with less water and won’t put energy into growth at this time. Another variable that will factor into how often you should water is the amount of sunlight your succulent is receiving. Analyze how often your plant is in direct sunlight, because a succulent that is in direct sunlight for 4 hours a day will need far more water than a succulent that sits on a windowsill that never sees the sun.
Additional Resources I recommend the following sites: • this is a great place to purchase succulents, and I’ve learned a lot about succulent care from the informational blog they update frequently! • this website has a catalog of over a hundred different succulents. If you’re not sure what kind you have, go here to find out! • Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose has a great cheat sheet page on how everything from potting and fertilizing your plants .
my c lothing te l l s a stor y “I open my closet, not an empty place to squeeze in a another hanger. I look at my 5-drawer dresser, the drawers cannot even fully shut. I look at another overflowing compartment for clothing, and still, I get out of bed in the morning saying “I have NOTHING to wear.” When I do finally pick an outfit, I end up bragging about the amazing deal I got on them. Most days, my whole outfit cost $20. I was known for finding the deals. I could tell you the price of each clothing item, but I sure could not tell you who made it, let alone their working condition and wages. It was November of 2018 that I started to learn about modern slavery, human trafficking, and the sex trade. I became so passionate about what I found that I could not sleep at night. I researched articles, found ethical brands, and listened to podcasts. I started a team and participated in Dressember, a non-profit organization where you wear a dress or tie every day in December to advocate and teach others about the horrible truths of modern slavery. While advocating, it bothered me that the dresses I wore each day stood for the exact opposite of what I was fighting for. I am a broke college student, and shopping ethically can be extremely expensive. Especially when you are used to shopping clearance racks. But guess what, there is a reason Forever 21 can sell shirts and leggings for $2. There is a reason big-name stores can sell $10 dresses and $15 shorts. That reason is the people producing those clothing items are working in unsafe conditions for minimal money, this is modern slavery. My eyes were opened, and my heart was heavy. Since that day in November, I brag about my closet in a whole new way. I have bought very little from department stores. I strictly thrift and buy from brands that tell the stories of the people making my clothing. Businesses that are not afraid to release their working conditions and wages to the public because they are actually fair. Today, I open my closet and my clothing items tell stories. They tell the stories of women rescued from sex trafficking, who because of Elegantees can start again. They tell the stories of funding adoptions and bringing children home. They tell the stories of change. Sometimes each dress, shirt, pair of pants, and shorts tell their own story of the places they have been before they were thrifted into my closet. Most importantly they all tell the story of justice and hope for a better future,”
r e t s O a i v i l -O In the past, clothing + accessories were typically purchased as needed, along with the occasional splurge. There was also a clear divide between what is known as high-fashion and high-street. But when online shopping started to become more mainstream, both sides took advantage. Businesses saw this as an opportunity to make a huge profit, by recreating looks from the top fashion houses and selling them at incredibly low prices (and quality). Consumers saw this as an opportunity to try out new looks and express themselves, without spending hundreds of dollars. So how could something that made both consumers + businesses happy be a bad thing?
l et’s talk a b ou t fast f as hio n Your $5 shirt comes at a higher cost. Child labor, low-wages, unsafe working conditions: just a few unfortunate consequences of what is now known as fast fashion.
SOME BACKGROUND Fashion was nothing like it is now. It was a seasonal thing, so designers worked to predict + create looks they thought consumers would want, and it was meant for only high members of society. Once the Industrial Revolution took off, fashion was able to be made quicker and cheaper. Eventually it evolved into what is now known as fast fashion: cheap, trendy clothing, inspired by high fashion, and quickly made to be available in high-street stores. Today, fast fashion is able to recreate designs almost as soon as it is seen in public. These brands receive daily shipments of new styles, and some are even creating a new collection a week. But behind-the-scenes, there are major consequences.
THE CONSEQUENCES There are colossal environmental consequences, but right now, let’s focus on the people. Someone has to make these clothes, and when the priority is cheap clothing at a fast rate, some sacrifices need to be made. In this case, the workers lose. These are the consequences they face: • • • • •
Low-wages Dangerous environments Exposed to toxic chemicals Denied basic human rights Discrimination, specifically women
• • • • •
Acts of sexual assault Physical abuse Lack of choice Underfed Long hours
HOW TO SPOT FAST FASHION It’s usually any brand that offers trendy clothing at a low price, and at a low quality as well. Do a quick search online to find out too. Here are ways for you to recognize whether or not you are purchasing from a fast fashion brand: •
It’s typically at a cheap price, but not always. Higher-priced items can still be unethically made.
Look at their Corporate Social Responsibility policies on their website. Most will practice at least some form, but look for specifics on their methods, wages, etc. The ethical brands are the ones that will proudly state these specifics.
Find out where it was made and why it’s made there. It’s not a bad thing if it’s made somewhere like India or China, but it is if they moved there to take advantage of their cheap labor.
SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS Through social media, you have probably been influenced by an Instagrammer or Youtuber to purchase from these fast fashion brands as well. A whole new market opened for fast fashion when social media influencers came to the scene. Take note. I’m sure you probably can think of a few brands off the top of your head.
s h o ppi ng for et hical c lothing Here are a few ethical + sustainable clothing brands to support that provide quality products and are helping end fast fashion for good.
CHNGE | $$-$$$ They partner with ethical factories that pay their workers fairly, and factory information can be found on their website. They have several campaigns that work to promote different movements such as feminism and self-love. They sell graphic t-shirts, basics like hoodies + sweatpants, and a few vintage shirt designs. MORE FACTS • They are 100% carbon-neutral • Use organic cotton • Uses 0 harmful pesticides + chemicals
• • •
Partner with Stand For Trees, which works to protect forests around the world Use packaging made of 90% recycled paper Products are wrapped in 100% recycled poly-bags
ALTERNATIVE APPAREL | $$ They joined the Fashion Revolution, a movement that calls for a safer, cleaner, fairer, and more transparent fashion industry. The majority of their factories are also WRAP-Certified, which means they promote safe, lawful, humane, and ethical manufacturing. It’s rare to find anything above $100 here. They are known for their affordable basics, and also provide men + kids wear. MORE FACTS • They use oxo-biodegradable mailer bags • Use organic and recycled materials • They have implemented a vendor recycling program
• •
They use low-impact dyes They approximate that 1.8M plastic bottles are recycled annually due to usage in their Alternative Eco® fabrics
ELEGANTEES | $$ They were founded to save women from sex trafficking, and are then offered a job to give them the opportunity to build a new future. Some of their clothing is inspired and named after a few of those women they have saved. All their clothing is ethicallymade in Nepal, where workers are given fair wages. They offer mainly basics, and a few printed styles, as well as clothing for men and girls. MORE FACTS • Nonprofit partners with Our Daughthers, an organization that provides safe homes + counseling for women and children victims of human trafficking
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is an organization that aims to define the requirements that ensure the “organic status of textiles from harvesting of the raw materials through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing all the way to labeling in order to provide credible assurance to the consumer,” In short, if it’s certified by the GOTS, it’s an ethicallymade product. If you want to find out about more who or what is GOTS-certified, go to their public database,, to see all the certified producers and products.
Their sewing center is located in Nepal, where the majority of the staff lives there locally
Dressember is a international movement where advocates wear a dress/tie every day in December to bring awareness and raise money. Their partners assist in helping rescue + protect sex trafficking victims, as well as providing resources, such as housing, education, counseling, and medical treatment. They also give grants to 12 different organizations to help the cause. They recently launched an online directory that makes it easier to find ethical fashion: https://www.
k i a n a’s minimal ski n care r outine “I like to use clean, natural products such as Cocokind and Odacite. I’ve been more into skincare probably just within the past year or so. I never really used to have a “routine” growing up or even throughout high school. As I started getting a little older, I realized the importance of taking care of your skin. You have this skin for the rest of your life! I want to rock a healthy glow for as long as I can,”
i ke e ks its i m pl e
1. 2. 3. 4.
“I wake up every morning and the first thing I like to do is wash my face using Cocokind’s oil to milk cleanser,” “I wipe my face with a cotton pad using Odacite’s Blue Aura Cleansing Water. I like to use Cocokind’s Raspberry toner after a long shift at work to really get all that sweat and dirt off,” “I apply Cocokind’s Chia Facial Oil all over my face + neck, and use my gua-sha facial tool from Odacite to get the blood flowing in my face. It helps reduce inflammation, gets the blood flowing, and stimulates your lymphatic system, aka a natural face lift,” “ [I] spray some Cocokind Glow Essence Spray + some Pixi Glow Mist on my face, curl my eyelashes, and I’m ready for the day,”
ADDITIONAL TIPS + TREATMENTS “I like to try and do this always but ESPECIALLY when I’m breaking out: drink LOTS of water. Hydrate yourself + your skin,” “I also use Cocokind’s Turmeric Stick as a spot treatment on breakouts and this has worked best for my skin as it gets rid of the breakout overnight,” “My favorite face mask is Cocokind’s Chlorophyll mask. I love that I’m able to mix it with anything to cater to what my skin needs and I LOVE that it is made with all real food. I can literally DRINK this face mask, mixed in with some water if I wanted to. (And I actually have..this mask + water helps tremendously with migraines. Not sure why or how, just know it works wonders for me,”) “When my skin is breaking out, I mix the mask with some Siggis nonfat plain yogurt and put it on my face where I have a breakout. When my skin needs some extra hydration, I like to mix the mask with some avocado + Cocokind’s chia facial oil,”
sw i tching to n at u ral deodora nt Sweat + odor has a bad rep, which makes switching to natural deodorant a risky move. But, when your chemicalladen deodorants and antiperspirants may be causing more harm than good, it’s time to make the switch.
LET’S START WITH THE BASICS There are deodorants, then there are antiperspirants. Deodorants protect against odor. It works by killing the bacteria on your skin, which is what is causing the odor, not the sweat itself.
Antiperspirants protects against sweat. It uses aluminum to block the sweat, specifically plugging your sweat glands.
Most deodorants today are a combination of both. The issue with these are that we are actually supposed to sweat. Sweating is how our bodies regulate our temperature and release toxins. When these sweat glands are being blocked, these two things are not properly happening. It can also cause the sweat to build up underneath our skin, causing bumps and irritation. And those yellow sweat stains on your favorite white t-shirt? You can thank the aluminum for that. There’s also been a few ingredients found in these products to be linked to Alzheimer’s and Breast Cancer (parabens), though there is still further research being done.
MAKING THE SWITCH Natural deodorants provide a few additional benefits as well. They typically have less ingredients, keep the good bacteria, and don’t block pores. Some ingredients, like witch hazel, can also help shrink pores and smooth razor burn. There are a few different deodorants out there to consider, so do research and find the one that works best for you. Some people experience rashing or excessive smelling/sweating when using a new natural deodorant, so a “detox period” is recommended. This is when you go without deodorant completely and use a special mask under your arms, like apple cider vinegar + bentonite clay. This is meant to cleanse your armpits of the chemicals from previous deodorants, and to prevent the possible rashing, odor, and sweat from the new natural deodorants. Drinking lots of water, eating less sugar and processed foods, regular exercise, and dry brushing may also help.
WHAT TO EXPECT During and after the detox period, you’ll probably sweat more than you’re used to, but that’s okay! Natural deodorant can help mask the smell, while still allowing your body to perform normally. After your body has fully adjusted, most people (me included!) notice LESS sweat after making the switch. Give the new deodorant a few weeks, so your body can properly adjust. If you still notice irritation, rashing, excessive odor, excessive sweat, etc after this time, try a new brand. There are so many options out there, which is a great thing!
Myro ($10): Customizable down to the case, offers a subscription program for regular refills, and is plantbased.
Native ($12): Cruelty-free, uses shea butter + coconut oil for moisture, and does contain baking soda (as some may be sensitive to it).
Schmidts ($9): Offers jar or stick options, has a sensitive formula, is widely available in-stores, and is plant-based
f i ve beauty sub s cr ip t ion box es Love trying new products? Beauty boxes are perfect for that. Here are a few ethical boxes to subscribe to so you can find your new favorite deodorant, lipstick, or any other beauty product.
FEELING FAB | MONTHLY, $28.99 + SHIPPING They focus on wellness, self-love, and spiritual products. Each box includes: •
5-6 natural beauty, skincare and body-care products
1-2 healing crystals, candles, or gemstone jewelry
A self-care guide or stress-reducing activity
CAUSEBOX | SEASONAL, $49.95 FOR ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Their products are from socially-conscious companies + brands. It’s cruelty-free, here are some highlights: •
Offers customizable boxes for annual subscription members
Includes anything from jewelry to art prints to beauty products
ORGANIC BUNNY | MONTHLY, $59 They deliver non-toxic, organic, and natural beauty products. Each box contains 6-8 medium/full-sized products: • •
Free U.S. shipping Products range from skincare to healthy snacks
• •
Box is reusable Coupons are included for products, so you can repurchase later
PETIT VOUR | MONTHLY, $15 FOR ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Their products are cruelty-free, non-toxic, and plant-based. Each box comes with 4 products: • •
Products are a mix of beauty, skincare, hair, and body Create a personal beauty profile
Also serves as an online store, and you can earn $4 in store credit after reviewing your box
LOVE GOODLY | BI-MONTHLY, $34.95 FOR CHEAPEST SUBSCRIPTION Their products are vegan, cruelty-free, and non-toxic. Each box comes with 4-5 products: • •
Each purchase always supports a cause Their box is recyclable
• •
Offer subscription and one-time purchase options Majority are full-size products
Birchbox | $10, monthly Well-known and has boxes catered towards men. Ecocentric Mom | $24, bi-monthly Catered towards moms + babies Fair Trade Friday | $32.99, monthly Fair-trade products based on monthly theme Vegan Cuts | $22.95, monthly Cruelty-free beauty products
• • •
Kinder Beauty | $24, monthly Cruelty-free and vegan products Boxwalla Beauty | $49.95, bi-monthly Cruelty-free and plant--based products Nourish | $29.95, monthly Cruelty-free, vegan, and full-sized products
a p e ek behi nd th e scr een Meet Emily Horowitz, the Social Media and Marketing Assistant of Emmy’s Organics. Emmy’s Organics is an organic gluten-free cookie company, and a certified B Corporation. They pride themselves on creating healthy sweets while still fulfilling their social + environmental responsbility.
W h at’s th e best part ab ou t your job? “ I fe el li ke a pa rt of a fa mily here. Ev er y o ne I w o r k w it h d ay in, d ay o ut is a p heno me n a l per s o n . T h e compa ny’s ethics a nd env ir o nm ent a l go a l s c o m p l et el y m a t c h w it h my o wn a n d I am ab le to genu inely promote the com p a ny o ut o f l o v e. I f eel l ik e t ha t is p r et t y uni qu e i n i ts e lf,”
H ow a n d w hy d id you b ecome in involve d with the Emmy’s f amily?
“ I ’v e kn o wn a bou t E mmy’s since moving t o I t ha c a in 2 0 14 , w e a r e a v er y w el l k no w n c om pany i n the city a nd E mmy’s O rg a nic s c o o kies w er e s o l d o n my c o l l ege c a m p us . I en de d up m i sera ble in the job I took r ight o ut o f c o l l ege, a nd o ne d ay w hil e jo b s ea rch i n g I c a m e ac r o s s the position here a t E mmy’s . On my l unc h b r ea k t ha t nex t d ay, I c a m e i n a n d dr o ppe d o ff a n a pplica tion a nd resu m e,”
H ow h a s th is job in fluenced your re lationships with othe rs and yourse lf ?
“ Our o f f i c e c ultu re is so mu ch fu n a nd s o hea l t hy ! I a l w ay s l o o k a r o und m e a nd t hin k “ wo w, wh at a fa nta stic crew”. I tru ly l o v e a l l o f my c o w o r k er s a nd it’s b een f un a nd e x ci t i n g t o g r o w th e c ompa ny together. I’ve ste p p ed up t he p l a t e her e a t E m my’s , p r o v ing t o my s e l f t hat I c an lea rn on the fly a nd do a g r ea t jo b w hen l ef t t o my o w n d ev ic es ,”
Wh at o r w ho motivates you?
“ I ’m m o ti v ated by the deep desire to lea r n a s m uc h a s I p o s s ib l y c a n a nd b ec o m e a r e a l pr o fe s s i o n al in this position. O n day I s ee my s el f m a na ging a t ea m her e a t E m my’s . T h e mo ti v ati o n i s love of the compa ny, it’s p eo p l e, a nd t he p r o d uc t ,”
W h at’s yo u r favorite E mmy ’s p roduc t? “ O ur P ean ut Bu tter C oconu t Cookies ! ”
b reaking d own different diet s Whether it’s addressing health concerns, reaching a personal goal, or just wanting to try a new diet that supports your lifestyle change, social media has helped popularize these three diets. But what exactly are they?
BEFORE WE START Social media has played a part in blurring the lines between diet and lifestyle. Often, these words are used interchangeably, however, there are key differences between both: I think we all know the basics of a diet • Lose weight in a short amount of time • Food typically has morality (“good’ or “bad”) • Food is typically restricted to some degree
Lifestyles are more about the long-term • Eating an assortment of food • Regular, enjoyable exercise • Progress is measured beyond a scale
Usually, diets are seen as the only way to lose weight, which one would typically regain once they finish dieting. However, lifestyles are now being seen as a more sustainable and realistic option, but for more going beyond just weight loss. These three diets are often seen as both a diet and a lifestyle. It’s more than just about food, it’s also about exercise, your mindset towards food, and energy levels. There is controversy surrounding all of these, some more than others, but it’s good to stay informed and see exactly what people are talking about when they say the words: Paleo, Whole30, and Keto.
PALEOLITHIC DIET Also known as Paleo or the Ancestral Diet, it focuses on eating only the foods our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic Era (2.6 millions to 12,000 years ago.) It encourages an active lifestyle, in contrast to our current sedentary human lifestyle. FOODS ALLOWED: Focus is on whole + natural foods • Grass-fed, pasture-raised, or wild/game meat + poultry • Wildcaught seafoods, fish, and shellfish • Organic cage-free and free-fange eggs • Organic and non-GMO vegetables • Animal fats like butter, ghee, lard, and mayonnaise • Natural plant fats, like coconut/olive oil • Nuts and seeds (you can also use nut flours) • Organic low-glycemic fruits, like berries
FOODS AVOIDED: • Processed meats • Grains, cereals, wheat, rice, breads, crackers, oats, flour • Sugar, especially cane sugar • Dairy in most forms • Lentils, beans, legumes (includes peanuts and soy) • Most fruits, with the exception of low-glycemic fruits (like berries) • Artificial/processed fats like margarine or canola oil
WHOLE 30 It’s a 30 day program that aims to reset your relationship with food by eliminating certain foods that are known to negatively affect your health, energy levels, inflammation, digestion, weight loss, and more. FOODS AVOIDED: A few specifics listed on their site: “Pancakes, waffles, bread, tortillas, biscuits, muffins, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, pizza crust, cereal, or ice cream. No commercially-prepared chips (potato, tortilla, plantain, etc.) or French fries,”
But, in general, avoid • Sugar of any kind • All alcohol • Grains • Legumes • Dairy • Carrageenan, MSG, or sulfites • Baked goods, sweets, or treats of any kind
KETOGENIC DIET It’s a low-carb + high-fat diet designed to send your body into ketosis to burn fat. So by limiting the amount of carbs you put into your body, you force the body to enter into a state of ketosis. The goal is to stay in a state of ketosis and to train your body to metabolize fats for energy, while using proteins to build your body and complete necessary functions. Many consider this diet to be part of a lifestyle, though this diet tends to be the most controversial. FOODS ALLOWED: Focus is on high protein + fat options. • Animal fats like butter, ghee, lard, mayonnaise • Natural plant fats like coconut oil, olive oil, MCT oil • Red meat + poultry • Seafoods, fish, and shellfish, especially oily fish • Nuts and seeds • Nut flours, like almond or coconut flour • Natural sweeteners like Stevia • Alcohol sugars like Xylitol and Erythritol • Low sugar vegetables, especially greens
FOODS AVOIDED: • Sugar, in all forms including agave, maple syrup, and honey • Grains, cereals, wheat, and rice • Starchy vegetables, potatoes and sweet potatoes • Lentils, beans, legumes (includes peanuts and soy) • Most fruits, with the exception of low-glycemic fruits (such as berries) • Some vegetables high in sugar, like carrots, peas, tomatoes
FIND OUT MORE YOURSELF There is SO much information on these diets, as they become more popularized in society. Several chain restaurants, like Chipotle, are even adding on to their menu meals that follow these three diets as well. This website gives dietary differences on these three diets, and compares and contrasts them. It’s worth researching in-depth before trying, just to make sure no health risks are involved.
THE TAKEAWAY All bodies are different. What might work for one person may not work for the other. Keep in mind that if you eliminate foods you really enjoy, there is a chance that deprivation/restriction can lead to binging. Then, there’s also the case that you may fluctuate in weight after moving on from a diet. Creating a healthy relationship with food doesn’t mean you need to stick to a particular diet. Focus on fueling your body with foods that make you feel good, which is a more sustainable, long-term option. If you are considering try out a new diet or lifestyle, please consult your doctor and work with a Registered Dietitian to find works best for you.
th e basi cs of a s u gar detox Though the word “detox” can send the wrong message, Certified Nutritional Therapist Jazz Leaf used her own sugar detox experience to help highlight both the pros + cons, offer tips, and even give a few recipes.
SOME BACKGROUND Have you ever evaluated exactly how much sugar you consume daily? Sugar is hidden in bread, jams, yogurts, oats, condiments, soups, cereals, and nut butters! Did you know that it’s recommended to limit our added sugar intake to 12 teaspoons or 48 grams of sugar per day? To put it into perspective, a 12-oz can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar. Too much sugar has negative side effects on the gut, causing digestive issues. It may also cause an increase in blood sugar, which can suppress immune function, making your body weak when fighting any disease. It can cause weight gain, breakouts on the skin, brain fog, and the worst part, it causes addiction to more sugar! The more we consume sugar, the more our taste buds adapt to super sweet flavors and the more we crave it. However, the power is in our hands! We are actually able to train our taste buds to really taste the sweetness coming from naturally-occurring sugars in fruits and even roasted vegetables! There are certain ways of doing a sugar detox. I’ll take you through a few of them:
Remove artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are hiding in many processed foods. Reading labels is one of the most important things. Artificial sweeteners have so many names, some to look out for: agave syrup, raw sugar, corn sugar, table sugars, dextrose, maltodextrin, maltose, fructose syrup, glucose syrup, aspartame, and sucralose. If you take this approach, it can be as simple as swapping a spoon of table sugar into your coffee with a more natural sweetener.
Remove natural sweeteners + artificial sweeteners.
Natural sweeteners are still considered sugar, but are less processed than artificial sweeteners. They still may cause digestive discomfort, but are an overall better option for sweetness! Some examples include: maple syrup, raw honey, rice syrup, molasses, date syrup, coconut sugar, coconut nectar, and stevia.
Remove naturally-occurring sugars + natural sweeteners + artificial sweeteners.
Not all sugar is created equal. Natural sugars can be found in fruit, but fruit also provides us with fiber and protein. However, high fructose corn syrup is just a bunch of empty calories. Natural sugars can be dried fruit (dates, figs, raisins, prunes) and fruit (bananas, mango, pineapple, grapes etc).
FOOD SWAPS WITH TIPS & TRICKS Want to do a sugar detox, but you’re not sure which option to choose? Just begin by evaluating your meals on a daily basis. Where is most of your food coming from? Maybe you really love boxed cookies and ice cream every night. Just begin by eliminating only artificial sweeteners and swap your cookies for some homemade cookies made with raw local honey! Or maybe you never eat processed foods, but you do enjoy some maple syrup on your waffles once a week. In that case, you may opt for trying to reduce both artificial and natural sweeteners. Or maybe you enjoy your morning smoothie with a bunch of different frozen fruit, try opting for frozen zucchini or cauliflower as the base instead and go completely sugar free! The important point here is to not compare yourself to others and just take it one step at a time. Flavored yogurt
Plain yogurt | Try adding some fresh berries + cinnamon
Pre-packaged flavored oatmeal
Plain rolled oats (check ingredients) | Add cinnamon + berries for flavor + depth
Sparkling or still water | Add fresh fruit + herbs
Store-bought trail mix
Raw, unsalted nuts + seeds | Roast at 350 for 10 minutes
Pre-packaged granola
Raw, unsalted nuts + seeds | Add cinnamon, then roast at 350 for 10 minutes
Store-bought jam/jelly
Homemade chia jam | Microwave fruit, mash, add chia seeds, let it thicken, then store in the fridge
Protein powder
Collagen (check ingredients) | Add to coffee, tea, smoothies, oatmeal, chia puddings, or sauces
Store-bought bread
Plain rice cake | Top with peanut butter + jelly, plain yogurt + fruit, or hummus + cucumber
MY EXPERIENCE I tried my very first “sugar detox” for 7 days. I didn’t feel like I ate too much sugar in the first place so I decided to go all in and remove all artificial sweeteners, natural sugars, and dried fruit from my diet. I wanted to allow myself real fruit and felt like a crisp green apple, a few blueberries, and strawberries could help curb my sweet tooth at night. Here’s what happened. The night before my sugar detox I began to get a bit anxious. I had a difficult time thinking about what I “wasn’t allowed” to eat the next day. These feelings were all too familiar as about 10 years back I struggled with some disordered eating. I recognized that my mind was not confident, but I figured it was still worth a shot. The first day went by and I began to really read my labels. I was sad to know that almost all of my protein powders contained added sugar, I also realized that the nut butters I ate were full of added sugars too! When omitting all of those, my food felt bland and boring. The truth was, that my taste buds craved sugar. I began to feel the detox symptoms right away. I had headaches and was super tired the first 3-4 days. Once I got over the hump, I began to sleep like a baby, the small bumps on my face vanished, and I actually was super energetic. I logged a journal of exactly how I felt every single day.
Low Low focus
High No dips
Super low Tired
High No dips
High No dips
High No dips
High No dips
Sweets after dinner
Less After any than meal, loads of cravings yesterday
No, but craved texture change
Little drained + tired
Small red dots on face
Short attention span
Small red dots, but going away
Still small red dots
woke up tired
No, been drinking a lot of water
A little moody + stressed
Stable, overall grateful + happy
Small red dots, but going away
Skin is finally clear
Clear skin
Clear skin
Slept great!
Slept great!
Slept great!
Slept great!
Slept wonderfully,
No, wanted No, been something drinking a after lot of dinner water
Slept great!
Tomatoes are the greatest ever
Food doesn’t taste too different
Food is flavorful
Everything is tasting fantastic
Food is flavorful
Migraine, body aches, chills, nausea
Rest day, no working out
Felt great
Felt happy
Feeling awesome
Not yet
Tomatoes tasted so sweet
Slight headache all day
Slight stomach once I started eating
woke up tired
LET’S GET REAL Should you attempt a sugar detox? If you have a healthy mindset and have never struggled with disordered eating, then I highly recommend a 7 day sugar detox. It’s mostly just to understand your food and figure out how much added sugar we really do consume on a day-to-day basis, so we can be mindful of our choices. The sugar detox opened my eyes as to how many so called “healthy” foods contain added sugars and some are extremely unnecessary. It truly allowed me to realize how our taste buds can be trained to not crave sugar. However, it did trigger a few difficult emotions around food, I didn’t like the feeling of being deprived of what I wanted (if I wanted sugar). So I would attempt with caution, and if you by any chance feel a negative mindset coming on, then back off and listen to your body.
HERE ARE A FEW RECIPES TO GET YOU STARTED Click the name of the recipes to take you to the exact page.
Chocolate Zucchini Breakfast Bowl w/ a Coconut Cream Whip Omit the protein powder + superfood powder, if you use a protein that has added sugar. You will get that chocolate flavor from the raw cacao powder with the touch of vanilla extract to sweeten it up. In a stovetop pot over med/low heat, I added 1 large grated zucchini + 1 tbsp chia seeds + 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds + 1/2 cup of water + 1 tsp cinnamon + 1 tsp vanilla extract + 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice + 1/4 tsp nutmeg. After 15 min, take off heat. I added 1/2 scoop of chocolate superfood powder + 1 tbsp cacao powder + 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder. Stir well. For the coconut whip, I took one can of coconut milk & placed it in the fridge overnight. The next day, open the can, and discard the water at the top. Add to a bowl + 1 tsp cinnamon + 1 tsp vanilla. Then whip with an electric mixer for about 1 minute.
Warm Quinoa Breakfast Bowl Just use a fruit like tart apples or pears to add some natural sweetness! In a small saucepan, I added 1 grated zucchini + 1/4 cup rolled oats + 1 tbsp seeds + 1 tbsp hemp seeds + 1 tbsp molasses + pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves. Heat on med/low heat for about 20 min, stirring so it doesn’t stick.
Yogurt Stuffed Acorn Squash Check your yogurt ingredients for added sugar. Cut an acorn squash in half, then bake at 400 for 40 minutes, face down. Once cooled, I stuffed mine with plain yogurt + hemp seeds + sweet & salty granola + pomegranate seeds + cinnamon
Homemade Sugar-Free Protein Bars Make sure you’re using a protein powder without added sugar (collagen works great) and top with peanut or almond butter if you’re feeling frisky! You’ll need: 1 cup raw nut(s) of choice 2 tbsp shredded coconut 2 tbsp hemp seeds 2 tbsp coconut oil 1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp hemp milk 1 tbsp chia seeds 1/2 scoop of collagen 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp vanilla
Lay the nuts on a baking sheet and bake at 400 for 10 minutes. Throw all of the ingredients (including roasted nuts) into a food processor, and blend for about 1 minute until combined. Press down super hard into a parchment paper lined dish and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to chill.
Salmon Caesar Salad Savory dish that takes less than 15 minutes to throw together! Take organic spring mix + canned salmon (mixed with juice of a whole lemon + dried dill) + homemade sourdough croutons (to make, I took a slice of sprouted sourdough bread, added ghee + garlic powder to either side, then toasted it at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes, flipping half way) + cooked quinoa + capers + fresh parmesan + plant based caesar dressing
Peanut Butter and Jelly Quesadillas Use a tortilla without added sugar, and my homemade raspberry jam would be the perfect compliment For the raspberry jam, microwave 1/2 cup of fresh/frozen raspberries (or any other berry), for 10 seconds, heat longer if using frozen. Add 1 tsp chia seeds + 1/2 scoop of collagen (optional). Mix/mash & set aside in the fridge for 5 minutes to thicken. Take your tortilla of choice, I’m using lavash bread. Slather one side with peanut butter spread and the other side with the jam. Sandwich them up! Heat 1/2 tsp coconut oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Add the closed “quesadilla” to the hot pan and heat for 2 minutes on each side, just until slightly crispy. Serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.
Article + photos provided by: Jazz Leaf i recipes4health
p a l e o chocolat e coconu t c ookies These naturally-sweetened cookies have the perfect balance of chocolate and coconut, and have the texture similar to soft, fluffy clouds. You only need a handful of ingredients to make this indulgent treat.
INGREDIENTS 1 cup of almond meal 1/2 cup of coconut flour 1 egg 1/4 cup of unsweetened shredded coconut (plus more for toppings) 1/2 cup of coconut oil 1/4 cup of pure maple syrup 1/4 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk 1/2 of a dark chocolate bar, chopped (save a bit for toppings) 1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, mix everything together. The dough should be a bit stiff and thick, but if it’s too dry, add more milk. 2. Let it chill in the fridge 40 minutes, or in the freezer for about 20 minutes. 3. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. 4. Line a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat and roll the dough into balls, flattening them on to the sheet to form cookies. 5. Top with more chocolate and coconut before baking them for 25-30 minutes. 6. Let them cool before enjoying.
I have not tried using other flours. I have not tried using a flaxseed egg or chia seed egg. Use any liquid sweetener + milk. You may use chocolate chips instead of a chocolate bar.
my jour ney with reco ver y “Feeling guilty about the apple you had this morning is not “normal.” Obsessively counting calories and over-exercising is not “normal.” These are not things that lead to a healthy life. These are habits that will lead to a life of struggling with an eating disorder,”
“You’re so heavy”, “I can see the fat on your stomach”, “You have a big belly”, “Go to the gym”, “You need to lose weight” all the things that your high school boyfriend says to you. It all sticks in your head, repeating them until the words are engraved in your mind. You begin to exercise more and eat less. You wear baggy clothes so no one notices the weight loss. You finally graduate high school. On to the next… “Be careful not to gain the freshman fifteen”, “Workout everyday,” “Don’t eat too much junk food.” That’s what they say as you are packing up your car to leave for college. The words repeating over and over again on your ride to your new home. You start to settle into your new routine. Crying every night is not “normal.” Feeling guilty about the apple you had this morning is not “normal.” Obsessively counting calories and over-exercising is not “normal.” These are not things that lead to a healthy life. These are habits that will lead to a life of struggling with an eating disorder. Habits are hard to break, yet so easy to begin. Ed is what I call him. The one who took over my body. The one who will be with me no matter where I go. I am no longer alone, I will forever be his. We are attached at the hip, he is my new best friend. He tells me what to do and what not to do. He knows what is best for me. Ed is the new me. I let him take over my mind and body. I let him ruin me and I didn’t even know. I was silently struggling for about a year, starving my body in secret. When I finally decided to ask for help, Ed immediately told me that it was a mistake. Yet it wasn’t, asking for help saved my life.
Just a normal day, I drove home from school for the weekend, I had no clue what was ahead. Sitting in my room at night crying myself to sleep, my mom came in my room. As she sat there and listened, I explained to her the thoughts that I had and told her about my new companion Ed. I could see the pain in her eyes as I try to hold my tears back, but it’s too late. Soon enough we are both puffy-eyed and silent. I was hurting her, I thought I was just “taking care” of myself, but I wasn’t, It hurt to see what I was doing to her, but yet I still couldn’t see what I was doing wrong. Denial is how recovery commonly begins. The moment when your doctor comes and knocks on the door to tell you and your mother that you are being diagnosed with anorexia. The nurses can hear the cries of your mom as the doctor explains the process of sending you to a treatment center. You sit there wide-eyed and blank-minded, too malnourished to even think, but yet you thought you were fine, overweight even. I hardly remember being dragged to Linden Oaks Behavioral Hospital on June 18, 2018. I did not see a reason as to why I had to go there. Yet as the nurses finish my intake, they explained to me that I would be going inpatient, living in the hospital, being watched 24/7 with no way out until medically cleared. Ed was not happy, I didn’t even think I had an eating disorder. Signing myself into the hospital, then being taken back to get stripped searched by a nurse is when it finally was starting to sink it. I was about to go through the hardest journey I would ever experience in my life,”
“He t e l l s m e what t o do an d what no t t o do . H e kn ows what i s be st f o r m e . Ed is t h e new m e . I l e t hi m t ake ove r my m i nd a nd b ody. I l e t hi m r ui n m e a nd I did n’ t eve n know,”
“10 days, 240 hours, 14,400 minutes, 864000 seconds. The time that I spent in the inpatient unit at Linden Oaks, where I was forced to participate in groups, including body-image group, art therapy, nutrition group, and more. Some fun and others not so much. They say the only way to recover is to learn to love yourself. Now this sounds cliché, but it is true. I learned more about myself in these 10 days then I have in my whole life. This, of course, was not easy. A rollercoaster of emotions. Meeting after meeting with my treatment team was how I spent my days. My therapist, psychiatrist, and dietitian all against Ed. Who was going to win? Slowly meal after meal, therapy session after therapy session, I was beginning to function correctly again. [I was] finally seeing what I was doing to my body. Of course, Ed was not just magically gone, he was still hiding under there and not too deep down either. Those 10 days were just the beginning, another 2 months were spent in their outpatient program. Continuing to “participate” in groups and eat my meals just to get out of there. The thing about recovery is that if you don’t really want to get better, all the hospitalizations in the world will not help. I didn’t want the help, I just wanted to get out. I played the “perfect patient,” participating in all the groups, finishing all my meals and snack both at program and at home. I was discharged. Yet, no one knew that when I walked out the doors of Linden Oaks, I was already relapsing. Starting school again, skipping meals, lying about my workouts, it was all just the beginning of Ed’s return. I was getting weaker and weaker, but not showing anyone. My grades were slipping because of the lack of concentration. It was getting to the point where I couldn’t hide it anymore. I overrode Ed and the real me reached out for help from my parents. As annoying as doctors are, we scheduled more and more appointments with my general doctor, therapist, and dietitian. It was starting all over again. If I didn’t ask for the help I needed, I would of ended up in treatment again. The hovering of my parents was not the most enjoyable, but I am so thankful for them saving my life. Reaching out to just one person can change your whole
future, so I encourage you to talk to a family member, friend, teacher, coworker, even someone you meet on the bus. You never know how much one encounter can change you. Regaining strength again felt amazing, I was able to put Ed behind me and focus on my mental health. My grades went up, I started hanging out with friends more, and I even started to love myself in my own body. I was finally seeing the benefits of recovery. Now months later, I am able to say that I am free of Ed, not fully, but I am able to acknowledge when Ed is speaking and when I am speaking. I go out with friends, I have a job coaching children, and most importantly, food freedom. One of my favorite things about recovery is getting to “retry” all the foods you haven’t eaten in such a long time, and let me tell you how good ice cream is! You will feel guilty sometimes and that’s okay, you are allowed to feel that way, but just know that it will not last forever. You will find that balance, it comes with time, and the support of your loved ones. Recovery does not happen overnight and it definitely is not easy. It is a long road of uphill battles. Some might say that you can fully recover from an eating disorder and while I do believe you can recover, I think you will always hold Ed in your mind deep down. It’s an everyday battle that you have to continuously fight. Don’t give up, you got this. “I choose happiness” Every day you can choose happiness. You can decide that your eating disorder is not going to overcome you. This journey has and will be very difficult, but from now on choose happiness and not your eating disorder. I love you beautiful warriors,”
t u r k i M i -Sam i co nf ide o d
“Everyday you can choose happiness. You can decide that your eating disorder is not going to overcome you. This journey has and will be very difficult, but from now on, choose happiness and not your eating disorder,”
a strology i s h av in g a m om ent The revival of Astrology brought memes on social media, new applications on our phone, and the ability to tell what a person’s sign is before they open their mouth. Astrology is now part of a $2.2 billion industry known as the “mystical services market.” But what even is Astrology?
SOME HISTORY Things are still a little fuzzy, but the Babylonians are typically credited with the birth of Astrology. They created astrological charts to help them predict the recurrence of seasons and certain celestial events. It was then introduced to the Greeks, then the Romans, later the Arabs, and finally the rest of the world. It mainly became utilized to predict weather patterns for agricultural purposes. Astrology is not the same as astronomy. Astronomy is the study of the universe and the contents outside of Earth. Astrology is the study of how the position, motions, and properties of these contents affect people and events. It may seem scientific, but there’s no sound evidence for Astrology being considered a science. However, this still remains a topic of controversy.
THE ZODIAC It’s derived from the Greek word meaning “circle of animals.” The Babylonians identified 12 constellations that were linked with the 12 lunar cycles (months). The signs were then divided into 4 groups, known as the elements of astrology: FIRE SIGNS Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
WATER SIGNS Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
AIR SIGNS Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
EARTH SIGNS Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
These elements are seen as the building blocks of the natural world. Each have different distinct traits: • • • •
Fire signs: passionate, dynamic, temperamental, assertive, courageous, energetic Water signs: emotional, compassionate, understanding, intuitive, creative Air signs: curious, light-hearted, independent, joyful, restless Earth signs: cautious, responsible, practical, reliable, disciplined, loyal
Each of these four group of elements has its own quadrant, or group of “houses,” on a circle. The 12 signs of the zodiac are based on the Earth’s year-long rotation around the Sun and relates to character traits and areas of life. Each planet is associated with two signs, the Sun and Moon.
The 12 houses are based on Earth’s daily rotation and relates to relationships, finances, travel, communication, etc. The planets within the houses reveal the different facets of your life, which you can interpret using your Ascendant sign.
The signs each align with the houses. While the signs relate to the energies and traits of your personality, the houses relate to where these energies will play out. • • • • • •
1st house is ruled by Aries (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19) 2nd house is ruled by Taurus (Apr. 20 - May 20) 3rd house is ruled by Gemini (May 21 - June 20) 4th house is ruled by Cancer (June 21 - July 22) 5th house is ruled by Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) 6th house is ruled by Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
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7th house is ruled by Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) 8th house is ruled by Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) 9th house is ruled by Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) 10th house is ruled by Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) 11th house is ruled by Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) 12th house is ruled by Pisces (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20)
While the zodiac sign most people commonly know is their sun sign, it goes further than that. Including your sun sign, there are three main signs that make up your true self.
It represents the core of who you are, so your ego and deep sense of self It rules the big-picture aspects of your life and represents your values
It’s linked to your emotions, so it relates to the private + intimate parts of your personality Seen as your inner self
It’s the surface of your personality It represents your outer self and the way you come across to others
But to really understand yourself and the different areas of your life, you need to examine your houses. Using your exact birth time, you can use your Ascendant to discover your houses.
WHAT ARE THE HOUSES? The houses govern everything from your personal finances to your dreams. Since they rotate every 24 hours and shift every 4 minutes, you need your exact birth time to make sure your rising/ascendant sign is as accurate as possible. The ascendant begins at the Zodiac’s first house, and it looks like what would be 9 on a clock. From there, travel around counterclockwise. The signs are always in the same order for everyone, but your birth time will dictate which sign starts your chart. It’s important to know how the planets and signs work together to interpret the houses. Each planet expresses itself differently in relation to your sign, so it’s very personal. It’s also common to not find a planet in your house, known as “empty houses.” This means planetary energy is not needed in this area, which can be further interpreted for a number of reasons. • • • • • • • • • • • •
1st house | how you project yourself to others, physical appearance, and first impressions 2nd house | personal finances, material possessions, and concept of value 3rd house | communication, transportation, and local community 4th house | home, ancestry, sense of security, and family 5th house | creativity, romance, self-expression, and children 6th house | health, wellness, daily routine, and self-improvement 7th house | perspective in relationships, partnership, marriage, and companionship 8th house | sex, death, personal growth, and transformation 9th house | travel, philosophy, sense of adventure, religious beliefs, and higher education 10th house | public image, professional aspirations, societal position, and career achievements 11th house | humanitarian pursuits, innovation, hopes, and work to define role within society 12th house | dreams, secrets, karma, private affairs, and emotions
UNDERSTANDING THE PLANETS, MOON, AND SUN Though we tend to focus on the moon and sun, the planets each also relate to a different side of our personality. • • • • • • • • • •
The sun: source of ego and sense of self The moon: relates to imagination, feelings, the subconscious, and intuition Mercury: governs the nervous system, self-expression, intellect, travel, and communication. Venus: relates to sociability, beauty, the arts, devotion, love, and how we handle close relationships Mars: symbolizes courage and assertiveness, relates to boldness, endurance, leadership, and initiative Jupiter: symbolizes wisdom and generosity, relates to knowledge, higher learning, philosophy, ethics, and understanding Saturn: symbolizes restriction and restraint, relates to discipline, responsibility, focus, self-control, and concentration Uranus: symbolizes transformation and regeneration, relates to originality, individuality, and creativity Neptune: symbolizes our inner feelings, relates to sensitivity, imagination, spirituality, compassion, and receptiveness Pluto: symbolizes the subconscious, relates to change, regeneration, growth, healing, and knowledge
ever heard of mercury retrograde? Unless you live under a rock (or aren’t on social media,) you probably have. Basically, Mercury enters something called “retrograde,” when it passes Earth in its orbit around the sun, which is smaller than our orbit. On Earth, it looks like Mercury is moving backward, or known as, retrograde. During this time, it’s believed that Mercury Retrograde can cause chaos into our daily lives. So that’s why it’s not recommended that you make any big life choices or changes during retrograde. But it goes further than that, people often blame miscommunication issues, technological problems, missed flights, unsuccessful business deals, and more on Mercury Retrograde.
So what basics should you know? Mercury Retrograde happens about 3 times a year. The first one of 2019 was March 5 - 28, the second is July 7 - 31, and the last one is October 31 - November 20. Since things tend to go awry during this time, it’s recommended that you take this as an opportunity to focus on yourself, through compassion and mindfulness. A lot of people also enjoy how much things are out of their control, which gives them the chance to learn and become more aware of the things going on around us. In spirit of Mercury Retrograde, you should focus on the prefix “re.” So, it’s a good idea to do things like renew commitments, redecorate, review contracts, reunite with loved ones, etc. The idea is to not start anything new, but go back to give things a second chance. This time is almost seen as a “cosmic do-over.”
Who’s affected? We all are, but those born during those signs will feel its affects the most. For example, during the second Mercury Retrograde, Leo and Cancer will get hit harder. Here are a few things to keep in mind when going through Retrograde: • • • •
Review important documents before signing Think before speaking Leave early for appointments, flights, and other important events Get back in touch with old friends
• • • • •
Keep liquids away from technology Back up your data, photos, files, etc Don’t start anything new Read emails before hitting send Be careful and aware
Feeling overwhelmed? Not sure where to begin? No worries. Thanks to new technology, there are a lot of different websites and applications out there to help you calculate and interpret your natal chart.
the three applications to check out Co-Star | iOS | Free It uses AI-power and NASA data to enable you to see your daily horoscope and provide detailed predictions about your work, thinking + creativity, self, spirituality, and sex + love. You can find out more about your houses, rising and moon signs, and examine astrological transits based on the movement of your horoscope and planetary signs. On the app, you can: • Receive daily horoscopes through notifications • Review your natal chart • Add friends to compare and contrast your natal chart with • Further examine compatibility levels with friends through different characteristics and day-to-day predictions.
Time Nomad | iOS | Free It calculates your astrological transits, phases of the Sun and the Moon, and movement of planets through the tropical and sidereal Zodiac. It was made for beginners and experts of astrology. It provides real-time data and a timeline of changes. On the app, you can: • Receive be notified daily of any updates • Get a detailed report of current and upcoming astronomical and astrological events • Create multiple profiles to analyze yourself or others • Use the application without internet connection
The DailyHoroscope | iOS + Android | Free A beginner-friendly application that offers daily + monthly horoscopes, zodiac yearly horoscopes, zodiac characteristics, zodiac sign compatibility, and the annual Chinese zodiac forecast. On the app, you can: • Receive daily horoscopes • Save readings for later references in the application’s calendar • Customize the interface theme and colors
wel l ness podcast s t o ch eck o u t It seems like everyone is listening to podcasts these days. Whether you’re cleaning, can’t sleep at night, on a long drive, or at the gym, they’re the perfect way to pass the time. Here are a few to check out.
LET’S THRIVE | EMILY FEIKLS Feikls focuses on candid lifestyle conversations. She has weekly guests, and they cover topics such as body acceptance, holistic skin care, PCOS, and more. Here are a few guests she has interviewed: • •
Natalie Kelley - i plentyandwellwithnat Katie Carrol - Primally Pure member
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Hannah Siddiqui - i theroadtohannah Ali Bonar - i avokween
SLEEP WITH ME | DEAREST SCOOTER + NIGHT VALE Stories for those sleepless nights! They are purposely long-winded stories to help you fall asleep at night. Here are a few: • •
Legend of Billie Jean A Boy His Wagon
• •
Top Gum Skydancer The Case of the Plagiarized Cupcake
KALYN’S COFFEE TALK | KALYN NICHOLSON Kalyn is a wellness Youtuber who had a series where she chatted about specific topics. She evolved this into an uplifting podcast, where she talks about mental health, self-judgment, and more. Here are a few episodes: • • •
Hitting the Reset Button Living Plant-Based 25 Things I’ve Learned at Age 25
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How to Forgive Everything is Temporary How to Stop Wasting Time
THE HEALTH CODE | SARAH STEVENSON + KURT TILSE Popular Youtuber Sarah from Sarah’s Day and professional photographer Kurt began an unfiltered + real podcast covering things from fitness to your dream career. Here are a few episodes: • • •
The Truth About Having a Baby Why Are You Training/Working Out? Relationships & Bad Influences
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Become Your Most Productive Self How to Find Your Dream Job How to Get Abs
FOOD HEAVEN | WENDY + JESS BFF’s and Registered Dietitians share their knowledge about health, nutrition, and more. They share a lot of advice about healthy eating, without being overwhelming. Here are some episodes: • • •
Should I Take a Multi-Vitamin? How To Each Healthy When Traveling? Should You Count Calories?
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Thyroid Nutrition w/ Mary Purdy You Have The Right To Remain Fat w/ Virgie Tovar Is BMI BS? w/ Rebecca Scritchfield
SCHNITT TALK | ELLIE SCHNITT Ellie talks about navigating her 20’s with her producer Alanna. They cover topics such as relationships, girl power, and other personal stories. Here are a few episodes: • • •
Please Stop F****** Your Ex “IDC, This is My Slut Phase” Are You Bored, Horny, or In Love?
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Safe Sex is Sexy Whats Your ~accurate~ Body Count? Define The Relationship
yo u r new i nst a wor kout f its p o These Instagram fitness accounts provide workouts that are perfect for those stepping in the gym for the first time, or just wanting to start mixing things up.
@WHITNEYYSIMMONS | WHITNEY SIMMONS Whitney is a well-known Youtuber and Gymshark athlete who posts full workouts at all skill levels. She commonly posts HIIT circuits, dumbell-only workouts, and leg day workouts.
@NIKKIBLACKKETTER | NIKKI BLACKKETTER Nikki was a previous competitive bodybuilder and has been in the fitness spotlight for years now. She is one of the original Gymshark athletes and has released 2 lines with them. She frequently posts challenging at-home workouts, along with strength-training gym workouts, she also offers training guides to purchase.
@CRISTINACAPRON | CRISTINA HORFORD Cristina dropped out of college and later successfully established herself in the fitness world. She is known as a Paragon athlete and has released a line with them a few years back. She has her own app CCFIT, and she posts full strength-training + cardio workouts on her Instagram.
@COLLEGECLEANEATING | KATRINA WRIGHT Katrina is a certified Health Coach and previous fitness competitor who has spent the last 3 years using fitness as a way to mentally heal herself. She created The Daily Sculpt for workouts, recipes, and expert videos, and is also a Paragon athlete. She posts full challenging strength-training workouts on her Instagram.
@AMANDABISK | AMANDA BISK Amanda is a former Australian pole vaulter and is now a qualified Yoga teacher. She posts a variety of different workouts like yoga stretches, bodyweight workouts, and cardio circuits.
@TANYAPOPPETT | TANYA POPPETT Tanya is an Australian personal trainer and Adidas ambassador. She posts workouts for at home or at the gym, and at a variety of difficulty levels, from bodyweight, to cardio, to strength-training.
Keep in mind, these accounts post more than just workouts, they often share their own views on nutrition, lifestyle, and more. Before following, check them out and see if that’s an account you think would be beneficial to consistently see on your feed.
my g uide to S a n D i e g o , C A “The entirety of the city holds an air of openness, allowing you to walk the streets without breaking a sweat and enjoy eating with windows and doors ajar. Though the city grows rapidly every day, it manages to hold onto a small community feel filled with kindness to each stranger. All types are welcome here, accommodated for, and recipients of generosity. I loved the people of San Diego’s values of nature, honoring it and allowing it to honor them. Skincare and makeup shops offer countless mindful options, ranging from organic to vegan, that are cruelty free with minimal and effective ingredients. Every place I visited, from coffee shops to bakeries to restaurants, spoke proudly of their dedication to local farmers. Even stores and boutiques highlighted residential artists and gardeners with their wide range of displays of locally grown succulents, fine art displays and presentations, handmade goods, and so much more. This, I believe wholeheartedly, acts as a great contributor to the community and its ability to feel close together no matter the size of the population. My already high excitement for San Diego became blown out of the water, exceeding expectations and forming a sense of admiration that I will carry with me,”
WHERE TO EAT Herb and Eatery | Price: $$
Brunch + pastry options, family + dog friendly, creative gifts North Little Italy
“My family and I stopped at here four times and couldn’t get enough. With its walls of windows, the restaurant is bright + open, and its decor gives it a unique + memorable vibe. Whether you’re looking for gourmet toast, a good bottle of wine, or a creative gift, this is the place for you. Much of the food served here is seasonal, especially the fruit, so be on the lookout for specials! During my first visit, I ordered the cinnamon toast with strawberries + coconut jam ($12) and went to heaven. This is one of those meals where every bite seems to taste better, and you never want it to end. Also my mom’s addiction: the house bagel & lox ($14). Everything cream cheese, smoked salmon, sprouts, tomato, capers, and cucumber, which builds the perfect bite. Every dish we ordered punched us with flavor. Even the cinnamon latte, which my dad and I ordered every single time, had such vibrant flavor. This is an example of one of their seasonal drinks, so if you manage to catch this one you’re in for a huge treat,”
The WestBean Coffee Roasters | Price: $ Quick bites, classic coffee, bright environment
Downtown SD, Liberty Public Market, Bankers Hill, Bay Ho Roastery
“Walking in, I already felt in my element; the decor has been kept simple with white walls and black details accentuated with plants. I noticed it was a hot spot for those on their way to work who needed a pick me up or quick breakfast. What I love about this coffee shop is that they’re not trying too hard. I ordered a simple cappuccino, and it may have been one of the best I’ve ever had. My mom ordered a chai latte, and, unlike most shops that use some kind of boxed chai mix, this was actually a simple and accurate version. I might add that it was also one of the best chai lattes I’ve ever stolen a sip from,”
Little Lion Cafe | Price: $$ Walking distance to beach , seasonal + local, freshness with a creative flair Point Loma
“I noticed my drink was served with a paper straw, showing attention to sustainable options. To go along with my lemonade, I chose the local avocado toast ($9). It’s topped with shaved vegetables and herbs tossed in a green goddess dressing and served with seasonal fruits. I couldn’t help but eye my mom’s order: the prosciutto and mozzarella toast ($13). Piled on olive bread, a combination of buffalo mozzarella, house-made romesco, arugula, and prosciutto come together for a picturesque meal and mouth watering flavor. The breakfast porridge (organic oats, berries, cream, honey, and almond praline topping - $9) definitely caught my eye. If you’re in a savory mood, give the popular little lion breakfast tacos ($14) a try! The flavors here are no joke: lentils, cauliflower, soyrizo, and tomatillo guacamole cashew cream. Get ready to treat your appetite to gorgeous, local fresh goodies!”
Puesto | Price: $$-$$$ Award-winning, authentic tacos, spacious + clean, awesome staff La Jolla, Los Olivos Irvine, Park Place Irvine, Santa Clara, Veranda Concord
“This restaurant is founded by first-generation Mexican-Americans, demonstrating genuine Mexican culture throughout their menu. Puesto’s tacos include fresh, organic non-GMO tortillas, but if you’re looking for a lighter bite sub tortillas for lettuce! Many of the tacos on the menu are award-winning, including the chicken al pastor ($15), tamarindo shrimp, and filet mignon ($18). The restaurant offers gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian options. The carnitas selection is gluten-free and stuffed with crispy melted cheese, traditionally braised pork, avocado tomatillo salsa, and fresh avocado. On the menu, there is a section solely [for] plant-based options. One selection is the Chino Farm Mercado salad ($13), which has Chino Farm organic greens + radishes and crispy organic quinoa. And now for the reason I discovered Puesto: the dessert. I ordered the tres leches de café ($10), and it was genuinely the most delicious dessert I’ve tried. The presentation was as beautiful as the flavor, topped with mascarpone whip, chocolate shavings, mocha sauce, and strawberries for a hint of freshness. Puesto’s cuisine has been recognized and praised by many, including Rachel Ray and Food Network. So basically: this place is no joke,”
Holsem Coffee | Price: $ Creative + classic coffee shop, quick bites, bright environment North Park
“This place was a happy accident. Another bright and welcoming place that I could tell is a local favorite. They offer the classics but also the creatives like their banana bread cold brew (homemade banana milk with cinnamon and honey, $5) or their baklava latte (anise, nutmeg, date syrup, and milk $4.75). I ended up settling on one of the seasonal drinks, the rose cappuccino, and almost didn’t want to drink it because of how beautiful it was. But thankfully, I caved and took the first sip... magic. Their homemade pastries are also out of this world. If they happen to have the gluten free dark chocolate sea salt brownie (a mouthful to say matching the way I stuffed my face with it), you have to snatch one up. If you want a bite to eat, the shop offers their breakfast menu (“Good Morning”) with options including sweet or savory brown rice porridge ($4), organic yogurt bowls ($6.75), and seasonal quiches ($5.95). Or if you’re in the mood for a hot pressed sandwich ($6.95) or charcuterie board ($6-8.25), check out their “Good Day” menu!”
Communal Coffee (flowers + plants for sale too) Zumbar Coffee & Tea (sources from small farmers) James Coffee Co (shares space with pop-up shops) S3 Coffee Bar (known for their 24K gold cappuccino!) The Forum Coffee House (creative coffee + tea flavors)
• • • • •
Heartwork Coffee Bar (locally-sourced ingredients) Better Buzz Coffee Roasters (instaworthy drinks) The Grounds Bean Bar (nitro lemonade!) Refill (order ‘for here’ and you can purchase the mug) Coava Coffee Roasters (known for their seasonal drinks)
Cafe Gratitude | Price: $$
Plant-based, creative menu, eccentric and diverse staff Little Italy
“Each dish has an adjective as its name, and rather than ordering with “I want” or “May I get” customers are encouraged to say the items with the pretense “I am.” We started our meal with “Sharing,” which is a plate of nachos loaded with black beans, cashew nacho cheese, pico de gallo, avocado, spicy pepitas, and escabeche ($12). My mom ordered a refreshing watermelon rosé sangria, which can be the perfect summer drink. I ended up ordering “Whole,” the macrobiotic bowl, which includes braised garnet yams, adzuki beans, sea vegetables, sautéed greens, kim chee, garlic tahini, toasted tamari almonds, and quinoa ($17.) Since I visited the restaurant on my birthday, I was gifted with raw key lime pie. I must admit I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to key lime pie, but this one hit home. It has avocado mousse, cashew coconut whipped cream, and pecan crust, which all adds up to heaven. Here is their mission: “We select the finest ingredients to honor the earth and ourselves, as we are one and the same. We support local farmers, sustainable and regenerative agriculture, and environmentally friendly products. Our food is prepared with love. We invite you to step inside and enjoy being someone that chooses: loving your life, adoring yourself, accepting the world, being generous and grateful every day, and experiencing being provided for. Have fun and enjoy being nourished.” And that, I can say, I did,”
Holy Matcha | Price: $$
Creative pastries, soft serve, and drinks, beautiful decor, lovely staff North Park
“These stylists didn’t miss a beat. The pastel pinks and greens match many of the treats offered, such as the matcha glazed donuts and millennial pink + green soft serve. During my first visit, I ordered the charcoal lemonade and vanilla matcha donut (vegan, gluten-free, + yummy). My parents shared a love for the rose lemonade ($6), and I couldn’t tell what they enjoyed more: the actual drink or the glass it was served in. Being from Louisiana, we appreciated the lovely fleur-de-lis glassware and wanted to get our hands on some! All of the drinks are beautifully decorated; ours were topped with bright flowers, giving more beauty to each sip. During my second visit, I was hungry to the max and ordered a rose lemonade and strawberry matcha donut and finished it off with the famous soft serve ($5). It’s made with coconut milk and extremely creamy. The flavors change often (including lavender and activated coconut charcoal), but I got the matcha + coconut swirl. Hop on the train and try the raved about waffles ($7), which are vegan and gluten-free. For two more dollars, get them topped with fruit + matcha syrup. The shop serves many seasonal options, full of adaptogens including reishi, ashwagandha, tocos, and more (in store for purchase!). Check their selection of merch from hats to tees to sweatshirts. HM lets you eat, drink, and wear your matcha!”
Pigment | Price: $$ Buys from succulents to cookbooks to stationery, clean + well organized North Park, Point Loma, Del Mar
“Walk inside to see a wall of shades of green; the shop has just about every succulent one can imagine. Right outside the store, you can find the famous “Love More Than Ever” ombré pink wall. You’ll also encounter many others posing for pictures against it so no embarrassment necessary! Pigment has been organized by color, making a visit an aesthetically pleasing adventure. Looking for original baby clothes and toys? This is the place for you. Healthy cookbooks? You bet you’ll find a variety, including one of my favorites: The Nut Butter Cookbook. Need a sweet treat? Look out for goodies from rosé chocolate bars ($9.95) to cold pressed green juice gummy bears ($6.50)! You’ll also find a variety of tea + coffee along with adorable mugs to sip from and dishes to impress guests with. The standout in the store, however, was their selection of stationary and party essentials. The floral options are so elegant, and your party planning notebook ($18-35) can match your garden party cups ($8), paper straws ($6), napkins ($8), and plates ($9). Pigment’s got your guests ready to eat cake in style,”
Adelman Fine Art | Price: Varies Frequent artist showings, live painting demonstrations Little Italy
“I was surprised at how welcoming the environment + atmosphere was. We were offered prosecco and sparkling water, and the staff member helping us actually remembered my parents when they returned this year. This is an amazing + open place to stop and admire the diverse talents + styles of the featured artists! Immediately, my parents and I fell in love with a particularly captivating painting. Created by artist Misun Holdorf, the painting is titled “Meet Me at The End.” What we found especially fascinating was the artist’s technique. The texture jumps off the canvas at every edge and brings more realism to the depicted scene. The piece now hangs in our home and never gets less breathtaking. My family and I loved the artwork in the shop so much that we’ve gotten three other works for our home as well. Needless to say, the selection here blows people away,”
July 4, Big Bay Boom | Largest fireworks display in the county. July, Comic-Con | Largest comics + pop culture event in the U.S. January, Restaurant Week | 180+ restaurants with prix-fixe two course lunches and three course dinners. February, Museum Month | Half-off admission to all participating museums.
Hello Birdie Nail and Lash Lab | Price: $$
Welcoming staff, minimalistic decor, appointments recommended North Park
“I always feel the need to get my nails done on vacation but finding a clean place can sometimes be challenging. When I found Hello Birdie on Instagram, I fell in love. It offers an open + bright space that made me feel welcome for however long I wanted to stay. I found the minimalistic vibe charming yet chic. This may sound odd, but often the set up in nail salons can be uncomfortable. But I enjoyed my visit the entire way through. I got to know the artist Beth a bit and wanted to stay and chat even when my nails were finished. You can check out her work on her instagram - floralstems! I highly recommend looking through photos of the artist’s and finding what fits for you. Be prepared! I walked in and asked if I needed an appointment and got one booked for only two hours later, giving me some time to walk around and explore the cute area. If you would prefer not to wait, an appointment is definitely recommended. What I love about Hello Birdie is the uniqueness of their staff’s art. They offer such a high level of talent and creativity that I had been looking for. Take the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and go a little crazy with your nails!”
Shop Good | Price: $$ Minimal + non-toxic ingredients, lovely staff, bright +clean environment North Park, Del Mar
“This was the most natural beauty products I have ever been around, ranging from oat milk foundation (Ere Perez $35) to golden hour glowing body oil (Wildcare $26). You can also find products for your consumption such as Moon Juice’s “Brain Dust” ($38) and Vital Proteins’ collagen creamer made with coconut milk ($29). If you’re traveling like I was, you may need essentials like toothpaste (Davids premium natural toothpaste $10), a dry brush ($10), organic cotton tampons (SHE $10), a wide selection of natural deodorant ($14-28), and more. Shop Good has your back! The staff was extremely helpful + talkative, getting to know us a bit and welcoming us to the city. The bright smiles matched the decor and natural light coming into the shop. The vibe it exhibited made me want to buy everything in the store, so hold onto your wallets! Can’t get certain goodies back home on your plane ride? Just search Shop Good to find their site and order online!”
Gaslamp Quarter: small boutiques and popular stores like Urban Outfitters Ocean Beach Antique District: antiques and collectibles Carlsbad Premium Outlets: more than 90 outlet stores like Kate Spade, Banana Republic, and Michael Kors Hazard Center: shopping center with a bookstore, movie theater, nail salon, and more Ava Hair Studio: carries Aveda plant-based products and was the winner of the 2016 San Diego Battle of the Salons Leo Nail Salon: trendy nail salon focusing on the ultimate self-care experience
Sunset Cliffs | Price: Free
Family friendly, great date spot, walking distance to restaurants Point Loma
“I experienced the most breathtaking sunset at the cliffs. If you want the best view, climb down closer to the water and lose every other thought in your mind. I highly recommend wearing comfortable shoes and clothes so you can enjoy the full experience. The sun sets around 8:00 p.m., but I recommend getting there a little earlier to get settled and take in the view beforehand. Though this is clearly a fantastic date location, I actually climbed down myself while my parents enjoyed the view from the top. Watching the sun set, I became the most present I’ve ever been. It truly is a meditative experience. This can be a slightly crowded location, but everyone manages to find their own space. The gradual setting of the sun brought me into such a peaceful state of mind, and if I can say go to a single place on this list, the Sunset Cliffs sit at number on,”
La Jolla Cove | Price: Free
Small, picturesque cove, lined with sea gulls and native plants La Jolla
“If you have a fear of sea lions or seals, this one isn’t for you. For me, La Jolla was a once in a lifetime experience. For the most part, the animals are quite friendly but do not touch them! It was wonderful to see them in such a large and fitting environment where they were free to roam or swim whenever they pleased. I got the chance to come right up to and kneel in front of a tiny baby seal, giving me a moment I will never forget. La Jolla Cove is definitely a hit with families, swarming with children swimming and having a blast. Also, feel free to bring your pets! The walking path is a perfect place for them to get fresh air and some movement, and they’ll get to meet some fellow doggie friends (or if you’re like me without a pet, you can still stop and meet some puppies with no shame). Go on a bike ride, a run or walk, and bask in the sunlight and nature,”
Balboa Park: A 1,200 acre park with multiple museums, the San Diego zoo, botanical gardens, and more. Old Town San Diego: It’s a State Park and full of history, culture, and Mexican food. Greetings From San Diego mural: I mean, did you really go to San Diego if you didn’t get a picture here? La Valencia: A Mediterranean style hotel known for its pink walls + tiled floors.
“I’ve been to a number of captivating + exciting places throughout my life, but San Diego moved right into a special place in my heart. Matcha donuts, pastel pink soft serve, faceto-face interactions with sea lions, vast succulent walls, and hypnotizing sunsets all come together in harmony. Not a single photo captured or highly detailed paragraph has the capacity to do this city’s contents justice. If you ever get the privilege to travel to SD, I promise you’ll fall in love,”
e n u a L e D n o t h ig e -L i pbandl eigh
SELF-CONCEPT AND SELF-ESTEEM YOU HAVE CONTROL OVE R YOUR OW N S E LF I MAGE “Although I have been wanting to write this for quite some time, I had been putting it off because I genuinely wanted my ideas to come across perfectly; there is so much emphasis I want to put on this topic and it’s pretty short and sweet—right to the point. It is almost a given that (most) everyone cares about what they look like and how others perceive their appearance, but where do we draw the line? To what extent do we let other’s assumptions of us control our own self-image? And to this end, how often do we let our own ideas of what we assume others are thinking subjugate the reality of the situation? I can certainly say for myself that I have fallen victim countless times to prematurely presuming what people may think about what I look like, my erudition, and of course my character. But, one of the most arduous lessons I have come to learn is that if you try to dismantle every semblance that others have created for you, all of the preconceived notions that others have predetermined, you will tirelessly find no avail. I have often crossed this road and being such an impressionable person, I quite frequently take these assumptions to heart and start to believe them myself, whether or not there is actually any truth to them at all. In spite of other’s assumptions, we are often our own worst critics and beating yourself up
over, what in the moment might seem indispensable, is often extremely insignificant in the grand scheme of things. In my eyes I can honestly say that I have exceedingly high expectations for myself as do most people around me (I’m convinced most everyone can relate) and in the past, I have definitely felt as if I have fallen short of others suppositions of me and that I was never going to live up to their standards whether it was family, friends, boyfriends, or even my own presuppositions. Although this will be something that I will continue to accrue knowledge on and continuously work on, I have come to realize that your appearance is sincerely not what most people will remember you for; or maybe it’s just not the thing you will want to be remembered for. When you meet someone, of course you may notice what they look like but who would realistically set out for a ‘really skinny’ friend or an ‘exceptionally dressed’ boyfriend? All of the corporeal and physical aspects of our appearance that we worry that others might judge us on are unquestionably not consequential in determining your character and if someone is to use your physical appearance as a judge of persona then maybe you are better off without them in your life anyway,”
“When you start to find yourself questioning your own appearance and what others may be thinking of you, consider your best friend; what makes them your best friend? What qualities do they possess that makes you love them? Maybe they’re funny, light-hearted, compassionate, kind, eloquent—all of these qualities (and profusely more!) are what make someone rememberable—not what you look like. I know that this is arguably much easier said than done, but I hope that you can keep this in mind next time you find yourself questioning either your appearance, or your self-worth, or even if you are good enough—because no matter the circumstances, you are,”
y e n n a C i n d y -S u
vou c h i n g for v i o l et . h o m e. b lo g
I love you
“Everyone nowadays wants the “ideal face” or the “ideal body” ...can I just ask you, what are those? Clear skin without any blemishes? A skinny body but curvy in “all the right places?” A perfect life without any struggles or hardships? Let me tell you it’s NOT REALITY. I used to look at the women on Instagram and say “I wish I had her body,” “Her skin is so clear why do I have acne and scars,” “Maybe if I eat just like her I’ll look just like her.” All of these thoughts eventually led me to develop an eating disorder, anorexia and orthorexia. I was miserable. I felt the only way I could be loved was if I was skinny. I ALWAYS thought about when I would allow myself to eat next, or what I would be eating, I would get severe anxiety if we were going out to dinner and I didn’t know how many calories were in the dishes or if there was going to be any “clean” options. People would tell me “You look so fit!,” “I wish I was skinny like you,” “I wish I didn’t eat like she doesn’t eat.” As disordered as it is, I loved it when people told me I looked so skinny, it made me feel like they finally saw me as a person, I felt worth it. Yes, I felt “loved” but in all of the worst ways possible...I wanted to recover but was too scared I would spiral out of control. I started trying to implement more “fear foods” into my diet and after
just a short amount of time, I developed a binge eating disorder. I would binge non- stop, and after every single time I would feel extremely guilty and beat myself and my body down to where my selfconfidence was buried deep into the ground. After awhile I realized that I just couldn’t take it anymore and I needed to seek help. I never wanted to talk about any of my struggles to anyone because I felt like they would judge me and then leave me. I truly wanted to love myself. I really wanted a good relationship with food and my body. But I was so scared of what the outcome would be that it took me so very long to talk to someone about it. I can’t tell you enough how much it helps to talk to people in your life. I would’ve never recovered from any of that without sharing my story with other people and talking to friends/family. I still do struggle sometimes with body image and feeling like I’m worth peoples love and time, but recovery from all of these things has been the most freeing thing that has ever happened to me. It gave me so much joy to finally be ME. To finally love my body. And to live life to the fullest. If anyone hasn’t told you, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, YOU ARE WORTH IT, & YOU ARE LOVED. I’m proud of you, and I love you,”
d r o f w a r C n a h g -Mea
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and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins and so it begins