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jennifer vickerman
I've always been soo proud to be appointed to the board of directors for the legal services. i live in west bend now, originally i was living in sheboygan county. I had to stop partipating in the meetings for awhile due to some ongoing health issues. It would mean the world to me to get involved with this program again. it has always meant alot to me to be able to be blessed to be a part of this legal partnership helping people. my children are grown,and living their lives. I have time to volunteer and contribute once again in any way i can , that is needed. I have alot of free time, i'm on disability. I get around just fine physically.just occasional soreness. please contact me , i;m very interested in making some good use of my time serving god thru helping people once again thru this legal system. god bless you all for everything you do every day for everyone. I've met such wonderful people previously thru the board meetings that i hope to see again someday.