Gems of Greatness

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and I have shared an extraordinary friendship over the years, having experienced an instantaneous soul alignment with regards to our work and dedication towards elevating and empowering others. In ‘Gems for Greatness’, I celebrate his wisdoms and impart them with you.” Jenna Clifford

“Gems for Greatness’ is a set of principles which, when

practiced regularly, leads to success. Each gem contains insights acquired through spiritual experience, business management and various real-life encounters. The purpose of this book is to share thirteen of the fifty-two secrets and it excites me to envision you embarking on a journey of self-actualisation, through which you may achieve your dreams and aspirations as a result of encountering, and thereafter embedding, these secrets into the process of your endeavours.

It is my hope that the path you may choose to follow will contribute to the welfare, cohesion and empowerment of society.

May you awaken your potential, knowing that everything you need is within you.” Dr. Marko Saravanja



A collection of


Secrets of Success

Dr. Marko Saravanja


“ would like to thank a child of the universe, Courtney McKnight, for assisting me with succinctly articulating my thoughts on each of the thirteen gems, which appear in this edition. Listening attentively to my wisdoms, she translated and structured my thought and soul insights into the forms that they appear here.� Jenna Clifford


n ‘Gems for Greatness’, which is a continuation of the original ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ book, I personally selected a further thirteen of Marko’s comprehensive fifty-two secrets, which deeply resonated with me. Through this, it is my heartfelt wish to disperse invaluable wisdoms to both male and female individuals for the betterment of the collective. In accordance with the new world order that is gradually emerging, the dual alliance of the male and female forces is pivotal for the attainment of balance, success and peace. Working in a unified manner, with the highest aspirations and ethics firmly in mind, we can change the current landscape and shift the boundaries that we have been confined by for centuries. The principles and values that are imparted here are immeasurable and have propelled and guided me to indescribable levels of achievement and inner peace. It is thus my ardent hope that all readers will benefit from them and be inspired by them, as I have been.”

Art-jeweller, Philanthropist & United Nations MDG3 Ambassador for Women Empowerment and Gender Equality


“The first and best victory is to conquer self.”







“Successful people have strong will power that withstands the temptation of moving astray from the path of righteousness. Self-discipline requires us to keep control of our actions, to choose short-term discomfort over long-term failure and to confront our fears and difficult things without procrastination. Conquering our bad habits before they conquer us requires mastery of thought as if we don’t control what we think; we can’t control what we do. No life achieves greatness until it is disciplined. Comparatively, when practised every day, self -discipline leads to peace, order and stability. Thus, win the victory over yourself and your dreams will come true.”


elf-discipline is an inconvenient truth fo many of us as retaining it requires consistent dedication and a high dosage of determination. It is my resolute belief that positive discipline applied towards the practice of any endeavour is omnipotent to success. Jenna’s Gem MY AFFIRMATION Every day I improve my willpower through persistent practice.


“Your playing small does not serve the world.�

Marianne Williamson






“History is full of ordinary people who became heroes through the sheer power of self-confidence. If we are confident that we can accomplish something, we can acquire the capacity to do it even if we don’t have it now. Undoubtedly, people with mediocre talent accompanied by inner drive go further than people with higher talent in the absence of self-confidence. Those who lack self-confidence seek confidence externally, without realising that it comes from within and that it is there all the time. Tests of our confidence arise at our darkest moments and these offer us the greatest opportunities to realise our deepest powers. The best way to develop our self-confidence is to face fear head-on and to tackle the things that we think we cannot do. Be tough enough to follow through and when you

cannot find the way, make one. Be bold and trust yourself.”


elf-confidence, which in the echoing words of William Shakespeare conveys ‘to thine own self be true’, is inseparably rooted to the deep understanding of being one with our maker and is undoubtedly a blessing. It can be bestowed upon one through a great deal of love and positive encouragement encountered within the home environment or it may comparatively be self-taught. Regardless of the manner in which it is instilled, it is an essential ingredient for life functioning and for the success that is ultimately attained through clarity of vision. Jenna’s Gem MYAFFIRMATION I am an infinite being capable of extraordinary things every day. 09

“Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.�

Samuel Johnson






“As a precursor to success, motivation is about awakening dormant potential, which transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Enthusing, inspiring and breathing in positive energy, motivated people can move mountains. Demotivated people comparatively become depressed, angry and cynical - having a contagiously destructive effect on those that surround them. Improving motivation requires ideals, vision and gratitude. It requires investments of time and resources. Sustaining high-level motivation requires daily positive reinforcement and above all, it requires long-term programming of action in order to transform our thinking, attitudes and behaviour. Develop and manage motivation. Start with yourself first as if you are not motivated,

you cannot motivate others.�


t is always beneficial for individuals of any circumstance to lucidly define what they require in life and to additionally identify their innermost desires of being in order to unlock their motivation within. This defined philosophy of the ravenous desire of being creates convenient pathways for inducement, which ignites the inspiration to achieve success. Thus, spend time with yourself in uninterrupted tranquillity to reflect deeply on your profound desires and set yourself on the path of motivation without hesitation. Jenna’s Gem MY AFFIRMATION Every day I am more and more motivated to work on creating my dreams.


To do

“What you do today can improve all of your tomorrows.”

Ralph Marston






“Creativity is the ability to use imagination for the development of new ideas, knowledge and solutions to problems, which distinguishes leaders from followers and success from failure. In today’s rapidly changing and volatile business world, survival is dependent upon harnessing the power of creativity as a source of competitive advantage. As creativity is the spirit that ensures renewal, reinvention and regeneration, without it, organisations are doomed to become obsolete and extinguished. Journeying into the unknown as a discoverer rather than a settler, creativity revolves around doing things differently and defying the norm. Creative people have the ability to connect unrelated ideas in order to develop new knowledge. Furthermore, as a resource, creativity is highly strategic and yet free, being derived from imagination, instinct and intuition.

Be creative, be smart and be an original thinker. If you believe firmly in an idea, pursue it to its fruition in spite of the obstacles. Awaken the dormant genius within you and unleash the miraculous energy of creativity.”


he indispensable and propelling ingredient of creativity is forged with one’s being in mind when one focuses on the appreciation of the abundant beauty of nature and the positivity that is inherent in life. Moreover, it is undeniably honed through the ability to take cognisance of inspired viewing in combination with one’s passion and foresight. This, intertwined with repetitive positive self talk will ensure the inspiring presence of creativity. Seek and beckon the creative genius within yourself today.

Jenna’s Gem

MY AFFIRMATION Creative energy flows through me at all times. 17

“Creativity itself is divine. Creativity itself is godliness.�







“Purpose is indispensable to success as when

purpose is forgotten, life becomes meaningless, dull and directionless - ultimately resulting in failure. Years of monotony in the same organisation or personal relationship may lead to saturation, conflict, disappointments and disillusionment. Additionally, our purpose is often clouded by problems at work or at home. Therefore, we have to continually remind ourselves of the reason that we are here and invest time and resources into developing a strong sense of purpose. Existential questions that we need to ask ourselves throughout our lives should focus on the purpose behind our lives, the vision behind our organisation and whether our lives and organisations are truly reflective of those.

Purpose is the thing that keeps us going during our darkest moments, providing a source of meaning, energy and direction along with a source of motivation, commitment and passion. It is the spirit of success.”


aving a determined sense of purpose towards one’s mission is a mind action for success, which additionally drives the power of intention. In acknowledgment of this, unlock your deepest purpose in order to attain your most desired goals.

Jenna’s Gem

MY AFFIRMATION I am creating a life of passion and purpose.


“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”

John F. Kennedy






“This refers to the ability to love unconditionally, which is a simple yet powerful feature of successful people. When ordinary people are loved, their hearts, minds and souls light up. This awakens their dormant potential, enabling them to achieve the impossible. Love propels human performance and generates commitment, passion and success. Further to this, it is the best performance management system and the greatest conflict management technique, finely improving quality. Love works in miraculous ways - developing the weak, humbling the arrogant and dispelling negativity. It is undoubtedly spiritual power and the source of life. If we could replace the love of power with the

power of love, we could make our world a much better place in which to live. Our lives are shaped by what we love and how we love. Thus, if you love, you shall be loved and blessed in return.“


ove in its purity is unconditional and is the highest energy resonance that is attainable in life. Being ethereal and tangible, it is a soul endeavour, which introduces power through the passion that it ignites. Be kind, be gentle and love will afford you incomparable strength. Jenna’s Gem

MY AFFIRMATION By constantly sending love into the world, I am continually receiving love from others.



“Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here.�

Marianne Williamson


“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

John Maxwell







“The ability to change rapidly and continually is now, more than ever, a distinguishing feature of successful individuals and organisations as only through constant change, learning and renewal, can we be successful. Organisational change is difficult, agonising and frightening, involving a great deal of triumph over resistance. Similarly, on a personal level, it requires courage, perseverance and the ability to bear the pain of transition as we remove old attitudes, behaviours and ways of doing things. Successful chain management involves maintaining stability during change and maintaining change during stability. Change should be aligned to our purpose and therefore driven by the highest order of our powers, starting from the spiritual and moving through the emotional, intellectual and physical.

We have to change ourselves before we attempt to change the external world.�


any individuals do not have the understanding that change is a natural law and driving force of the universe, which is indispensable to progression, in the absence of which life itself would stagnate and perish. This is partially owing to the fact that many of our systems have corrupted change as an essential ingredient for success. Through reading and the acquisition of knowledge, the benefits and necessity behind change can be better grasped and embraced for the attainment of our greatest selves. Thus, be the change that you would like to observe in the world and inspire a beautiful and more positive place for yourself and others.

Jenna’s Gem

MY AFFIRMATION All of the changes in my life are positive and empowering. 33

“When you can’t change the direction of the wind, adjust your sails.”

H. Jackson Brown Jr.






“Success in life comes through sacrifice, which refers to the ability to give up a personal need for a more important organisational priority or a greater societal cause. Every time we make a sacrifice, we earn credits that accumulate and repay our investment multiple times in the future. It requires the courage to give up short-term pleasure for long-term success. In order to be different from the majority compassion, a proactive attitude and spiritual wisdom that recognises the transitory nature of worldly pleasures are necessitated. Ascension entails giving up. Thus, if you are rich give your wealth and if you are poor, give your heart.�


acrifice, which entails the innate understanding of delayed gratification in return for abundant future reward, is an essential energy in the dedication of one’s path. When it is applied positively and consistently in the field of a desired endeavour, it inevitably leads to success, truth and accreditation of character. Therefore, sacrifice is an imperative prerequisite for success, provided that it is applied to one’s time and not to one’s heart or soul.

Jenna’s Gem

MY AFFIRMATION Small sacrifices I make now will bloom into wonderful blessings later.


“Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.�

Napoleon Hill






“In a world characterised by rapidly changing morals, one of the greatest, yet simplest, challenges facing our leaders is to remain honest. Universal laws dictate that the truth cannot be hidden from the universe and that the wheels of justice accordingly move slowly but surely. Good actions create good reactions and honesty is a source of inner peace, happiness and freedom. If we are going to build a glorious society and worldclass businesses, we have to do it on the strongest moral foundation: honesty, the source of all values. Let honesty be your greatest competitive advantage. Follow the truth wherever your life takes you and awaken your potential, knowing that the power of honesty is within you.�


onesty is an acquired attribute, which commences from an early age in life and begins with the self. This foundational honesty within is imperative as the relationship that we have with ourselves becomes mirrored in our relations with others in the external world. Furthermore, honesty requires godly and self-assessment, as fear and retribution frequently hinder it. Follow the path of honesty within your life and grasp your integrity and success. Jenna’s Gem MY AFFIRMATION My soul heals through honesty and truthfulness.


“When you walk a life of honesty, you live a life of truth.� Therese Benedict




No. - TAKING R E S P O N S B I L I T Y “Taking responsibility for problems is the attitude distinguishing successful people from the unsuccessful. Successful people act and find solutions to problems while unsuccessful people comparatively wait, complain and do nothing. Moreover, successful people are action and solution focused. They work towards uniting, inspiring and building people. By taking responsibility, they remain in control of their lives and cultivate inner strength, peace and success. They utilise their energy in a constructive manner, ultimately becoming role models and a source of inspiration to their colleagues. Take control. Focus on solutions, opportunities and positivity. Be wise, compassionate and grateful.

Manage your life instead of being managed.”


any individuals dread responsibility as it entails energy, effort and delivery, which may appear to be burdensome. Thus, it is either desired and accepted or comparatively evaded. However, when embraced, responsibility blossoms into the greatest gift as when paired with intention, it leads to our hopes, dreams and wishes. Moreover, those who assume responsibility elevate themselves above the rest as the more you do, the more that you will become. Rise to the ‘burden’ of responsibility and allow it to transmute into the gift of success.

Jenna’s Gem

MY AFFIRMATION I accept total responsibility for my actions, emotions, thoughts and beliefs. 45

“The price of greatness is responsibility.�

Winston Churchill






“Successful leaders recognise the strengths of their people and focus on the positives rather than on the negatives. They promote and reinforce good attitudes, behaviours and performance through acknowledgment and reward. Negativity breeds destructive energy and fear, which discourages people, stifles creativity and kills organisational spirit. The opposite is also true: positivity breeds constructive energy, which unleashes human and organisational potential. Successful leaders awaken and nourish this potential by focusing on the positive. They turn talent into performance by taking risks and giving chances to those whose talents are undiscovered. Focus on solutions and opportunities rather than on problems and threats.

Focus on strengths instead of weaknesses. Be positive, enthusiastic and compassionate.�


ositivity arises when our food of thought predominantly consists of good things, which is difficult to regularly maintain in a world of prevalent negativity. However, a positive mindset driven by belief is the only way to grow anything prolific and reading is one of the essential ways in which to ensure this. Jenna’s Gem MY AFFIRMATION All my thoughts are positive, healthy and abundant.


“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” Helen Keller


“Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”

Colin Powell




No. THE LAW OF ACTION & REACTION “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In physics, this law is known as Newton’s Third Law of Motion. Aristotle argued that our world is governed by law and not by chance, that everything happens for a reason, whether we like it or not and regardless of whether we understand why. The law of cause and effect is also relevant in our spiritual and emotional spheres of life. Although invisible, our thoughts and feelings are pulses of energy that cause specific reactions. If we assume the supremacy of mind and spirit over matter, we can conclude that our thoughts and feelings have a powerful influence on all spheres of our lives: physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual.”


his is a pertinent natural law as it substantiates the fact that whatever is invested is to be reaped, which is why it is pivotal for one to apply the principle of delayed gratification. Any input that is centred upon a negative, fight or flight energy is not good for the soul and is to be guarded against for the attainment of success, unless it is paramount for survival in a mortal situation. The mind is immeasurably more powerful than delusion or reaction, thus, ground your being in love and understanding, evaluating the full extent of the Jenna’s Gem initiating action. MY AFFIRMATION By taking positive actions, I bring more positive results into my life. 55






“Successful people have the ability to maintain their independence despite the influence of their colleagues, the media, religion, organisational culture and society at large. They are able to rise above negative influences and see the bigger picture. It is tempting to indulge in the intrigues of petty politics and power struggles but it takes extraordinary wisdom and strength of character not to become involved when being lobbied by others. Instead of taking sides, wise people invest their energy in a constructive manner finding solutions to problems and rectifying negative behaviours. Fundamentally, they choose to develop rather than to destroy. Although independence sometimes creates loneliness and isolation, in the long run it earns confidence, respect and power.

This results in a source of freedom, peace and happiness. Be independent, free and unique. Listen empathically and act constructively whilst being committed to truth, fairness and principles.�


ndependence on both a fiscal and personal level is an attribute that I fervently advocate as it makes one accountable for one’s own energy, conferring the ability to be fully responsible for thought, deed and action, which when correctly applied results in a lack of need. This, once achieved, can additionally be graciously used in order to uplift others in their plight and honours the free will that we were graced with as human beings. Jenna’s Gem MY AFFIRMATION I am a confident, independent thinker. I am always aware of the truth, independent of the approval of others. 59

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself aloud.�

Coco Chanel


“But he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose.�

Anne Bronte



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- Regenesys Business School

Regenesys is a leading global business school. Since 1998, Regenesys has been chosen as a preferred educational institution by over 100 000 students and 1 000 reputable local and International clients in some 195 countries. Regenesys is proud to be one of the most entrepreneurial, innovative, technologically advanced and fastest-growing business schools in the world.

Marko Saravanja

Entrepreneur, Academic & Development Worker

Marko Saravanja the founder and director of the Regenesys Business School, he is passionate about higher learning and entrepreneurship which has led to the initiation of a game-changing project at Regenesys that is providing the world with free access to business education. “Secrets of Success� was first published in 2006 is a compilation of 52 principles written by Marko for those brave individuals who wish to achieve extraordinary success. Marko has inspired, energised and changed the lives of thousands of people from across the world.

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