“Receptacle” by Jenna Layton Metal Garbage can, Litter Facts, and Mod Podge My artwork is a persuasive, informative piece that advertises the facts of littering. This work was created to provide a thought-provoking experience to each and every viewer and It was inspired by the research I have completed on the topic of littering and what it is doing to our environment; the link is available below. As human beings it is in our nature to be selfish, to take things for granted, and forget about things that are important. Because of this nature, people feel that there is nothing wrong with littering because there is no immediate consequence. Or maybe they just think it is not a big deal because they are simply not educated on the negative effects this has on our environment. The quotations I pasted onto the garbage can were all taken from different parts of my research paper to create emphasis on certain facts, words, and phrases. Inside the garbage are objects that often littered, but actually belong in this receptacle; this will also provide the audience with another thought-provoking experience.
This work should make the viewers genuinely think about their actions when they decide to litter. We seem to think nothing when we throw a candy wrapper on the ground or throw our piece of chewed gum out of the car window; it’s time to change that. As a result of throwing a little piece of gum out of a car window, “animals often step in gum, which can become matted in their fur or feathers, making it difficult for them to move” (Peta.org). Littering hurts our environment, our animals, and us. I hope this work makes the viewer realize it is pointless to not take a few extra steps to throw away garbage in the appropriate receptacle.