[jennifer abate]_visual Order

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figure/ground similarity proximity closure continuance translation rotation reflection glide/reflection dilation structured space symmetric balance asymmetric balance ambiguous balance neutral balance


a property of perception in which there is a tendency to see parts of a visual field as solid, well-defined objects standing out

against a less distinct background.


the idea of grouping objects that have akin attributes


the idea of grouping objects that have akin attributes


the assemblage of elements that are so based upon the closenes to another one


the assemblage of elements that are so based upon the closenes to another one


the unconscious need to complete an incomplete object.


the unconscious need to complete an incomplete object.


the subtle directions masked-in to an object meant to grab the eye into fooling the brain that the thing has movement.


the subtle directions masked-in to an object meant to grab the eye into fooling the brain that the thing has movement.


Simply moving an object across a plane whilst keeping the size, shape, color, and other physical attributes the same.


Simply moving an object across a plane whilst keeping the size, shape, color, and other physical attributes the same.


the act of moving an object a certain number of degrees any which way so long as there is an axis on which the object sits


the act of moving an object a certain number of degrees any which way so long as there is an axis on which the object sits


the mirroring of an object over a horizontal or vertical axis.


the mirroring of an object over a horizontal or vertical axis


Getting smaller, getting bigger; essentially changing size and nothing else.


Getting smaller, getting bigger; essentially changing size and nothing else.


reflecting an object and then sliding it into another area so it isn’t a straight opposite

structure structure structure 1

structure structure structure 2

structure structure structure 3

structure structure structure 4

structure structure structure 5

structure structure structure 6

symmetric balance

beauty based on or characterized by such excellence of proportion.

asymmetric balance Disproportion between two or more like parts; lacking symmetry

ambiguous balance

of doubtful or uncertain nature: difficult to comprehend, distinguish, classify

neutral balance A standard definition of static equilibrium

Š Jennifer Abate, 09/21/12 completed as a requirement for visual communication in the graphic design department at the kansas city art institute. michael kidwell, assistant professor.

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