ADHD Is Not Just A Childhood Problem When we discuss Attention Deficit Disorder, we commonly link it to children and teens. However, it is also true that there are several adults who are coping with this condition. For adults with ADHD, there is an immense social impact because of their inability to function normally. Adults with ADHD are unable to concentrate, organize thoughts, retain information provided to them ad complete tasks within given time frames. The result is that they may have several social, emotional, academic and vocational issues that they have to deal with on a regular basis. Behavioural Problems with ADHD Attention deficit disorder in adults manifests itself in the form of several behavioural issues like: Chronic boredom Chronic forgetfulness Perpetual lateness Inability to concentrate Anxiety Inability to control anger Problems with employment Impulsive behaviour Lack of self esteem Inability to organise things Persistent procrastination Problems in relationships Substance abuse The severity of the condition may vary as per the situation that an individual is in. For instance, if the matter is of importance or intense, an adult with ADHD might actually be able to pay complete attention to it even though they are normally unable to maintain their focus. Treating ADHD There are several forms of treatment available depending upon the severity of the condition. The most preferred methods are: Medication to control the symptoms 1) Behavioural and Cognitive therapy to improve self esteem 2) Relaxation techniques and stress management to control stress and related anxiety 3) Life coaching to help the individual set goals 4) Assistance to help the individual organise several activities 5) Job coaching and mentoring to help the person perform better on the work front 6) Family therapy to help the individual overcome issues with relationships and his social interactions. All the treatment methods work towards analysing the condition and the triggers in detail. There are individual and family therapy sessions to help the person build a great support system. In some Connect With Us…on
cases, ADHD may exist with other conditions like obsessive compulsive disorder or learning disabilities. In such cases, the assessment and the treatment is more customised to suit the needs of the individual. Utilising The Trivedi Effect® for results The Trivedi Effect® has reportedly been able to transform lives of individuals through beneficial Energy Transmissions. The Trivedi Effect® is a phenomenon that is said to have the ability to benefit the physical and mental dimensions of an individual. The entire concept relies on the power of thoughts. All you are doing is channelizing your thoughts to make them more progressive. This connects you to your Inner Guidance System, allowing you to be more at peace with yourself. As a result, the lack of attention and the inability to hold focus will diminish over time. The mind is stimulated and energised to help the person feel more confident and more emotionally stable. These transformations are possible through the various retreats or classes. If you think that you cannot attend the programs, you may also opt for distant energy transmissions which are possible to be experienced even while one is at home, in the office, is travelling or even asleep. To know more log in to -
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