Becoming A Spiritual Healer With Trivedi Healers It is said that all health conditions can be improved through spiritual healing, but not everyone can provide healing techniques. Becoming a spiritual healer is not that complicated, as it sounds. It is a skill that can be learned and even taught to others. Individuals benefit in many ways through spiritual healing; the health conditions can be enhanced and improved through positivity and increasing the life energy in the human body. Some individuals are more sensitive to the healing process due to their mindset or per-conceived notions, but if the patient has trust and faith in the healer, the healing process can be miraculous. Types of Spiritual Healing Practicing spiritual healing develops better healing techniques, listed below are some spiritual healing techniques. Absent healing – in this technique the patient is not present in front of the healer. Absent healing is a distance healing technique, where the healer needs to visualize the patient in the mind in a good health and send spiritual energy by praying. The process can be done by reciting of a tune or mantra. Contact healing – this technique is also called as “The King Technique” which can be learned in one day at a workshop. Each treatment session of contact healing takes roughly half an hour. The method involves cleaning the patient’s characteristic and aura and then sending spiritual energy to the areas of distress and uneasiness through the major chakras by touching the patient physically and also visualizing. Become a Spiritual Healer Becoming a spiritual healer might sound simple, but one needs to consider few areas before going aboard on the course. The individuals should be able to give commitment and dedication to the training. They should have sympathy for living beings, and should have the urge of healing someone through channelizing the energy to the patient. The technique gives the patients to cope with their life problems and to create a positive attitude. Sleeping patterns, feeling light, body aches and pains, etc. can be improved with spiritual healing. After becoming a spiritual healer, one can pass positive life energy to others. Spiritual Healer training A formal training in spiritual healing is available which gives theory knowledge and practical experience to the student’s post, which an individual can become a spiritual healer. This training can be spread out between nine months to two years of the period. Practical sessions are conducted by experts under supervision to attain hands-on skills. Post completion of the course an assessment is organized post that an Approved healer status is given to the students. This course is conducted by SNU – The Spiritualist’ National Union in the United Kingdom, and it helps in the training of teachers, spiritual mediums, spiritual speakers and spiritual healers. SNU is a non-profit limited company, and the aim of SNU is to support churches and spiritual centers throughout the UK. Connect With Us…on
To become a Spiritual healer in the United States, FSHLB – Federation of Spiritual Healer Licensing Boards located in New York, which acts as the licensing agency and it issues a license to every individual who completes formal education in Wellness, Complimentary, Alternative, Holistic, Natural, Allopathic, Intuitive and Integrative healing. The Trivedi Effect® has enhanced every field of science from maternal science of medicine. This phenomenon has changed energy levels in living beings and nonliving organisms. The effect has been noticed on human cells, cancer cells, seeds, plants, fungi, virus, and bacteria by altering their life cycle. A study conducted has displayed amazing results changing the original elements of the living or nonliving beings. To know more about The Trivedi Effect®, kindly visit
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