Close Look At Spiritual Wellness Programs Human beings are considered to be the best creation of God. It is only we humans who are gifted with the ability to think and manage our thoughts too. As the popular quote says, “It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years,” says a popular quote. Similarly, unless and until you make the best out of your life, one cannot be considered to be worthy to deserve this boon called Life. However, forgetting this essence of life, people these days are lost in leading life instead of living life. Constant struggle at workplace, juggling between relationships, race behind materialistic desires, has made life lose its charm. Therefore, despite sound financial status and a reasonably good career, people are constantly in search of happiness. Thus, it has become quite evident that, money, name and fame are some of the factors that life needs, but happiness, peace and joy are the pillars of life. In addition, it has become evident that name, fame and money cannot bring you happiness and peace of mind. Accepting this fact various health experts emphasise that the way to achieve happiness and inner peace in possible only through balancing body, mind and soul. Therefore, health experts have been coming up with various ways and means of helping people to achieve this balance. However, out of all the ways and means, the one technique that has become quite successful is “Spirituality.” “The path of spiritualism is defined as the way of realising oneself through internal analysis of oneself, igniting the inherent energy and thereby merging it with the Supreme power.” In other words, spiritualism is all about understanding the essence of life and absorbing the fact that materialistic needs are part of life but inner peace and purity are the essence of life. This process of realisation is achieved through spiritual wellness programs which are exclusive programs that through various speaking sessions and physical activities help people to place happiness over materialistic desires and needs. Considering the impact and positive results that spiritual wellness programs are achieving, people are across the globe is widely attending these programs. Thus, these spiritual wellness programs are for individuals as well as organisations. In addition, these programs are issues based that are conducted to achieve certain results depending upon the issue and the participants of the program. However, it is also a fact that there spiritual wellness programs cannot be conducted in all kinds of locations as they need a peaceful and fresh environment that would help the body, mind and soul to relax and rejuvenate. Therefore, majority of these spiritual wellness programs are conducted at locations that are away from the city buzz and disconnected from the virtual world. These special locations are called spiritual retreats that are also called rejuvenation centres. In addition, various corporate organisations have made spiritual wellness programs part of the employee welfare programs. Trivedi Master Wellness has been doing a phenomenal job in conducting such human welfare and development programs that help people reform and rejuvenate.
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