The Trivedi Effect® Reviews On Genetics Research What is Genetic Research? Genetic research refers to the study of DNA and involves with finding out how genes and environmental factors contribute to diseases. Knowing the reason only, we can detect the disease effectively and can prevent our body from the attack of diseases. However, genetic research is not only confined within the study of human DNA. It has implications in the field of animal and plant genetics as well and studies the behavior of genes, mutations, and molecular interactions for better understanding of diseases. Benefits of Genetic Research Genetic researchers are doing research on the genetic causes of common illnesses, such as asthma, arthritis, and Alzheimer. Results of such research will surely help in preventing and overcoming such physical illness. Researchers are creating drugs based on the knowledge of genes, which does not have any side effects. It is genetic research that gives us knowledge how diseases are inherited and how good habits are passed along. In plant fraternity, genetics research works on the development of seeds to gain resistance to herbicides, which is used to destroy unnecessary plants. Here, seeds are modified genetically to help the farmer spray herbicides on them to destroy weeds without damaging the plant. Genetics research has revealed the cause why a person diagnosed with a gene for a particular disease does not develop any health hazards, while others affected with severity. Hence, it determines who will be susceptible to genetic disease that the doctors also cannot predict beforehand. Further, genetics research has helped people in other ways as well that general physiology fails to answer. Couples facing infertility problems are often referred to a genetic counselor. The counselor conducts test to check if the parents are carrying genes that increase the chance of genetic disease in the expecting child. Many couples go through this test before planning a pregnancy and ensure delivering a healthy baby. Like human health, genetics research has worked consistently to determine the genes that carry diseases in animals. Various tests have been conducted to help breeders to plan successful breeding strategies and avoid birth of affected animals. It is done to save the breed from the risk of diseases. The Trivedi Effect® Has Made Genetic Research More Effective Mahendra Kumar Trivedi has founded an effective energy boosting technique that has been tested by more than 4000 scientific experiments. The Energy Transmission process administered by Mahendra Trivedi and other Trivedi Masters™ is based on Universal Intelligence, and the results of this phenomenon have spellbound the scientific community to question their beliefs. The genetic research conducted in Indian and foreign lab has showed that the Energy Transmission extended by Trivedi Masters™ can alter the DNA structure of plants by introducing a foreign gene artificially as is done with modified seeds.
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With the help of The Trivedi Effect® an overall improvement can be achieved in plant. The yield of crops has been increased by 500% along with 600% increase in the immunity without using any fertilizers or pesticides. The potential effect of Energy Transmission generated by the thought of Mahendra Trivedi has a direct connection with a higher consciousness and can transform the natural structure of human, plant, seeds, along with animals. Mr. Trivedi started The Trivedi Foundation™ to work with leading research institutes and universities to introduce a new scientific field that challenges ongoing scientific thought and explores the effectiveness of The Trivedi Effect®. Providing Energy Transmission, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi undertakes genetic modification of crops and plants with features useful to farmers and consumers. To know more about The Trivedi Effect® and Trivedi Science, check on and
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