Physical Assessment Discussion 1. When inspecting the breasts of a female what abnormalities would be an indication of possible breast cancer? Increase in the size of the breast, nipple discharge, nipple retraction, enlarged nodes, presence of a non-tender lump or mass, fixation of one breast, and deviation in nipple pointing, hyperpigmentation, redness and heat with inflammation, dimpling or a pucker of the skin 2. Describe the appropriate way to tell a client how to perform self – breast exam?
NOTE: I have found an excellent place to watch videos and practice physical assessment skills. There are accepted practice videos, step by step viewing, practice challenges, documentation, etc. I have also included several specific links within my discussion below. If anyone is interested, it is as follows: n/skillsmodules/content/physicalassessmentadult/equipment.html?id=undefined.
Set aside a scheduled time each month for BSE. If you are still menstruating, the best time for BSE is 2 to 3 days after your period ends, when your breasts are less likely to be tender and swollen. If you have gone through menopause, whether naturally or surgically, pick a specific day of the month for this routine. It is very important that you make BSE a lifetime habit. Visual inspection Stand in front of a mirror with your upper body unclothed, and press both hands behind your head. Look for changes in the shape, color and size of your breasts. Check for dimples of the skin or “pulling in” of the nipples. Check for scaling or a rash on your nipples. Next, place your hands on your hips and tighten the chest muscles by pressing firmly inward while looking for any change from your breasts’ usual appearance. Perform this step while leaning slightly forward, then again while standing upright. Physical examination You may use 1 of 3 different methods — the circular method, the “wheel spokes” method, or the grid method. During breast self-exam, be sure to use the fat pads of the fingertips of the 3 middle fingers. Circular method Use the hand opposite the breast you are examining. Beginning at the outermost top of your breast, press the flat portions of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingertips into your breast.