Medical-Surgical Nursing Discussion
1. Define the following reproductive terms:
Cystocele – a protrusion of the bladder through the vaginal wall resulting from weakened pelvic structures. Rectocele – a protrusion of the rectum through a weakened vaginal wall (rectal prolapse). Phimosis – the prpuce is constricted so that it cannot be retracted over the glans. The prepuce remains down, around the tip of the penis. Hydrocele – usually is a painless cystic mass filled with a straw-colored fluid that forms around the testis. Stress Incontinence – the loss of small amounts of urine during coughing, sneezing, jogging, or lifting. Patients are unable to tighten the urethra sufficiently to overcome the increased detrusor pressure, and leakage of urine results. Urinary Urgency – the involuntary loss of urine associated with a sudden, strong desire to urinate. Patients are unable to suppress the signal for bladder contractions. It is also known as overactive bladder. Urinary Hesitancy - a decrease in the force of the stream of urine, often with difficulty in beginning the flow. Hesitancy is usually the result of an obstruction or stricture between the bladder and the external urethral orifice. In men, it may indicate an enlargement of the prostate gland; in women, it may indicate stenosis of the orifice. Cold, stress, dehydration, and various neurogenic and psychogenic factors are common causes of this condition.
2. Where is sperm produced? In the epididymis of the testicles 3. Why is the scrotum suspended outside the body? It is believed that the testes lie outside the body cavity because they are very sensitive to heat and the higher temperature within the body is unfavorable to the production of sperm. 4. Define the following skeletal muscle movements:
Abduction – To move away from the midline. The movement of a limb or other part away from the midline of the body, or from another part. Adduction – To move toward the midline. The movement of a limb toward the midline or axis of the body. Pronation – To move the joint down. 1.) Assumption of a prone position, one in which the ventral surface of the body faces downward. 2.) (of the arm) the rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand faces downward or backward. 3.) (of the foot) the