Week 10 discussion fundamentals of nursing

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Week 10 Discussion Fundamentals of Nursing What are clinical manifestations of fluid overload? 

Cardiovascular Changes o Bounding pulse quality o Peripheral pulses full o ↑ B/P o ↓ Pulse pressure o ↑ Central venous pressure o Distended neck and hand veins o Weight gain Respiratory Changes o ↑ Respiratory rate o Shallow respirations o Dyspnea increases w/exertion or in the supine position o Moist crackles present on auscultation Skin and Mucous Membrane Changes o Pitting edema in dependent areas as well as joints and skin around bony prominences (elbows, metacarpals, metatarsals) o Skin pale and cool to touch. Skin and puncture sites from needles sticks may “weep” as fluid tries to escape through the skin. Neuromuscular Changes o Altered LOC o H/A o Visual disturbances o Skeletal muscle weakness o Paresthesia’s Gastrointestinal Changes o ↑ motility o Enlarged liver Lab Values o Serum electrolyte values are normal o ↓ Hgb o ↓ Hct o ↓ Serum protein levels

What are the normal lab values for the following: 

Sodium – 136 - 145 milliEquivalents/liter (mEq/L). Page 1 of 6

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