Week 9 discussion fundamentals of nursing

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Week 9 Discussion: Fundamentals of Nursing Define the following ethical terms:      

Autonomy – ability or tendency to function independently. Beneficence – doing good or actively promoting doing good; one of the four principles of the ethical theory of deontology. Nonmaleficence – fundamental ethical agreement to do no harm. Closely related to ethical standard of beneficence. Justice – ethical standard of fairness. Fidelity – agreement to keep a promise. Veracity – ethical principle that obligates you to tell the truth.

What is an advanced directive? It is a legal document that details preferences for health care, including care at the end of life. What are the two types of advanced directives? How do they differ? 

Living Wills – represent written documents that direct treatment in accordance w/a patient’s wishes in the event of a terminal illness or condition. Health Care Proxies or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (DPAHC) – legal document that designates a person or persons of one’s choosing to make health care decisions when the patient is no longer able to make decisions on his or her own behalf. NOTE on the Difference: The Living Will is actually a written document that the patient dictates in regards to specific medical treatments or no medical treatment wishes. The DPAHC is a document that the patient basically signs over the rights for someone else to make decisions on his/her behalf in the event that he/she is unable to do so. Specific medical treatment wishes are not actually spelled out in this type of document as they are in the Living Will.

What ethical principle is demonstrated by the use of advanced directives? The ethical doctrine of autonomy ensures the patient the right to refuse medical treatment. What is the difference between race and ethnicity? Ethnicity refers to a shared identity related to social and cultural heritage such as values, language, geographical space, and racial characteristics. Ethnicity is different from race, which is limited to the common biological attributes shared by a group such as skin color. What are Erikson's eight stages of life?   

Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth to 1 year) Autonomy vs. Sense of Shame and Doubt (1 to 3 years) Initiative vs. Guilt (3 to 6 years) Page 1 of 6

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