37 minute read
Alumni Profiles
Tribute Gifts
Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to remember a loved one or mark a milestone. The following people had contributions made in their name.
In Memory of Ross Alameddine ’05 Ms. Lynnette R. Alameddine P’02, P’05 Mr. Joseph Carregal ’05 Mr. Daniel Napolitano ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Scot D. Kenworthy P’08, P’12 In Memory of Sister Marie Cleary Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace P’93, P’96
In Memory of Paul M. Cohan ’83 Mr. John F. Cohan ’82, P’15 In Honor of Elizabeth Farrell Mr. Gary Mackiewicz
In Honor of Finn Feeney ’27 Family of Finn Feeney ’27
In Memory of Antonio Alfieri Anonymous
In Memory of John Aliberti ’70 Mr. Jack Driscoll ’70
In Honor of Austin Prep Administration, Faculty & Staff Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan P’2, P’22, P’26
In Honor of Austin Prep Field Hockey Program Mrs. Melissa Guite Mrs. Alice Hall Ms. Brianna Robbins Mr. Randy Robbins
In Honor of Andrew Becker ’21 Mr. Brian Becker P’21, P’24
In Memory of Robert R. Bell, Jr. ’79 Mr. Scott Arthur ’79
In Memory of Michael Bider Mr. Gary Arivella ’68
In Honor of Dr. Maria Blewitt Ms. Elizabeth Farrell Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. &
Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27
In Memory of Shane Boyle ’11 Mr. Robert Boyle P’11 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Burke P’11
In Honor of TJ ’21, Jack ’22 & Michael Brosnan ’26 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stratchan GP’21, GP’22, GP’26
In Memory of Julie Brown Elizabeth Higginbottom P’22
In Memory of Linda Bruno Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, P’12
In Honor of Colbie Buck ’26 Mrs. Kathleen Yannetti GP’26
In Memory of Mrs. Constance Burke Mr. Steven Burke ’77

In Memory of Richard F. Callahan Mr. Michael Moran ’90
In Memory of Chris Cerveny Mr. & Mrs. David & Laurie Cerveny P’19, P’21
In Honor of Stephanie Choate Mr. Scott Twombley
In Memory of Ralph Ciampa, Sr., Kay Ciampa, & Ralph Ciampa, Jr. Mr. Mike Ciampa ’76 In Memory of Arthur B. Collins Mr. Michael Collins
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Henry O’Connor Anonymous
In Memory of Maureen Cooney Mr. Jacob Nolan
In Memory of Mary F. Costello, Esq. Mr. John McKee ’91
In Honor of Zackary Cotter ’24 Mr. & Mrs. James Scutellaro GP’24
In Honor of Olivia ’15 & Christian ’18 Crowley Mr. Richard Crowley P’15, P’18
In Honor of Alexandra Dell’Anno ’12 Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. & Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27
In Memory of David DeLorenzo Anonymous
In Memory of Mr. Robert F. Deziel GP’24, GP’27 Mrs. Barbara Deziel GP’24, GP’27 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24, P’27
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sherry GP’24, GP’27 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24, P’27
In Honor of The DiRupo Family Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82, P’11, P’14
In Memory of Mary Theresa Dlugos Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A.
In Honor of James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05 Anonymous
In Memory of Jean Driscoll Mr. Jack Driscoll ’70
In Memory of Francis & Peg Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Pat Iapicca and Mrs. Nina Iapicca
In Memory of Mr. Thomas Enright Anonymous Mr. Anthony Burke ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Burke P’11 Mrs. Amy Doucette ’98 Mr. James Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05 Fr. Iain G. MacLellan, OSB ‘74 Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh ’99 Natalie & Anthony Petrillo P’10 Mrs. Carol Rakers P’14,’16 Mr. Roger F. Stone Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace P’93, P’96 Jay Watt ’00 In Memory of Ellen Filadoro P’90, P’94, P’97, GP’22, GP’23 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Filadoro ’90, P’22, P’23
In Honor of Alexander Fiorante ’22 Anonymous
In Memory of Flahive and Pelletier Families Mr. & Mrs. Francis Flahive
In Memory of Richard Garchinsky Mr. Anthony Benning
In Memory of Tessa Geomelos Ms. Alana Vounessea ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Vounessea P’18, P’21, ‘25
In Memory of Alyce Gilfeather Mr. Fred Gilfeather ’69
In Memory of John J Hanafin, Jr. Anonymous
In Memory of Mr & Mrs George Hannigan Mr. Timothy Hannigan ’71
In Memory of Charles & Helen Hawkins Ms. Lucie Langa
In Honor of Dr. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24, P’27 Dr. Thomas & Mary Beth Brand P’23, P’23 The Happeny Family (’19, ’23)
In Honor of Adam Higginbottom ’22 Ms. Suzanne Brown & Mr. Christopher Calabia
In Memory of Al Hodgin P’89, P’90, GP’24 Mr. Jeffrey Hodgin ’89
In Memory of Rocco Iapicca Mr. Kevin G. DeBenedetto Mr. Pat Iapicca & Mrs. Nina Iapicca Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Pienta P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds Sylvester, Jr.
In Memory of Gerald & Grace Kearney Mr. & Mrs. R. Kevin Kearney ’70
In Memory of Gina Keith Mr. John Keith GP’22
In Honor of Joseph Leary Ms. Jeanette Brady
In Honor of Jessica Lenci Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. & Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27
In Honor of Ethan ’21 & Ella Luongo ’24 Anonymous In Honor of Michael McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. David Klovee P’24, P’25 Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. & Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27
In Memory of Frank McCarthy & John McCarthy Mr. Christopher Capone ’88
In Memory of Carey McCraw Anonymous
In Memory of Margaret “Peg” McDonough Mr. James Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05
In Memory of Joan McKechnie Mrs. Andrea Mahoney P’22
In Memory of Isabel Medeiros Mrs. Lisa Dempsey P’24, P’27
In Memory of Annette Melchionda Mr. & Mrs. William J. Meehan, Sr. ’67
In Memory of George”Matt” Miller Mr. Robert Donahue ’77 Fr. Iain G. MacLellan, O.S.B. ‘74 Mr. Bill Maradei P’11, P’12 Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh ’99
In Honor of Colin ’22 & Lauren ’24 Neal Mr. Kevin Neal P’22, P’24
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Newton Capt. John Newton ’67
In Honor of Margaret O’Brien ‘26 Mr. Michael O’Brien GP’26
In Memory of Calvin Pardee IV Anonymous In Memory of Claire M. & Herbert W. Peterson Robert G. Peterson, Jr. ’04
In Memory of Madeline & Will Quimby Mrs. Judith D. Reynolds
In Honor of Brian Regan P’20, P’22, P’24 Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. & Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27
In Memory of James Regan P’83, P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’20, P’22,P’24
In Honor of Emma Ricciardelli ’21 Anonymous
In Memory of Joseph C. Rinaldi Mr. & Mrs. John Sarto ’68
In Memory of Mr & Mrs Armand L. Sarto Mr. & Mrs. David Klovee P’24, P’25
In Memory of My Parents, Russell & Mary Scaduto P’73 Dr. Russell Scaduto ’73
In Memory of John O. Scannell Mr. Frank J. Sorrenti
In honor of Megan ’18 & Emily ’23 Schena Ms. Nika Schena P’18, P’23
In Honor of Sara J. Sclafani Mrs. Marla Pascucci-Byrne P’26 In Memory of Edna & Ron Stoll Mr. Brian Regan P’20, P’22, P’24
In Honor of Roger Stone Mr. Peter DeLuca Ms. Elizabeth Farrell
In Memory of Claudette Thibault Ms. Doreen Fuller P’09, P’13
In Honor of Christopher Trodden ’24 Ms. Mildred Mannion The Trodden Family (’24) Ms. Carmella Yannizze GP’24
In Honor of Cassandra Valentine ’21 Mrs. Jennifer A. Hodgdon
In Honor of Mr. Stephen Williams Ms. Jillian Barrows ’13
In Memory of Henry Wilson Mr. Gerard Wilson ’73
In Honor of Stephanie Wood Alana Gleicher
In Honor of Dillan Zanni ’22 Anonymous
In Honor of the Class of 1969 Anonymous
In Honor of the Class of 2020 Julia Jenks ’20
In Honor of the Class of 2022 Brendan Jaena ’22
Roger Stone with former student Lou DiRupo ‘82 P’11, P’14 during Open House Alumni return to campus for lunch with faculty: Bob Baldassari ‘80, Kevin Murphy ‘81, Gary Mackiewicz, John Shinney ‘80 Celia Barletta and John O’Donoghue ‘80 Annual Report 2020 33
Scholarships, Funds, Donors and Recipients
Gifts to scholarships contribute to the growing strength of the Austin Prep Scholarship Endowment. We are grateful to all who have donated.
The Ross A. Alameddine ’05 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the Alameddine Family and named for their son and brother, Ross, who will be remembered for his kind and caring nature, his rich sense of humor and his love of music and performance. The scholarship recognizes a student achieving in language and technology. Ms. Lynnette R. Alameddine P’02, P’05 The Francis T. Duggan Memorial Scholarship
Established by family and friends in memory of Francis T. Duggan, father of three Austin graduates and a longtime, devoted supporter of the school. Mr. Duggan was involved in the early years of Austin Prep’s athletic program. Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan ’72
The Austin Scholars Program
The Austin Scholars Program is made possible due in part to the commitment of individual benefactors, foundations, our administration and Board of Trustees. We rely on the generosity of a number of benefactors whose support of The Austin Scholars Program helps to provide scholarships to deserving inner city students who otherwise would not be able to benefit from the Austin Prep experience. Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Barrett ’74 Dr. Hillary J. Bush ’03 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Costello ’75 Ms. Deborah J. Gray Mr. John T. Smolak, Jr. ’15
Thomas N. Callahan ’10 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of Thomas N. Callahan, Tommy will be remembered for his magnetic personality, great sense of humor and contagious smile. A “Lifer” (Grade 6-12) and honor student who participated in many sports and clubs during his time at Austin Prep, he thrived on his academic success and passion for the sciences. Anonymous Ms. Laurie Boucher Mr. Brian J. Callahan ’12 Ms. Karen Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Callahan P’10, P’12 Mr. Joseph DeSantis Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82, P’11, P’14 Mrs. Jean Farrell Ms. Megan Keane Sandra Laquidara Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan M. See P’09 Ms. Christina Vardaro Ms. Mary Vardaro This year our family celebrated the 20th year of the Francis T. Duggan Scholarship through awards to two Austin Prep students. Mr. Duggan believed in providing young people opportunities to succeed. The foundation of his belief started with Catholic educational values, coupled with experience and leadership qualities in athletics. When the future of continuing to provide these Catholic values was challenged back in the 60’s and Austin Prep was in jeopardy of closing, Mr. Duggan and several other Austin Prep parents were instrumental in ensuring the school’s stability to remain open and continue its mission. These efforts became part of Austin Prep’s legacy, “Never Give Up,” a lesson advocated by Mr. Duggan to his children who include three Austin Prep alumni, and to the greater Austin Prep community. Our family is proud of the many FTD scholars and our small part in helping Austin Prep students succeed on their journey.
~ Mark ’72, Christopher ’81 and Joseph ’84 Duggan

Established by the Gilfeather Family in memory of their parents who embodied the ultimate Christian expression of friendship in their displays of compassion and offers of support for those in need. Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Maguire III ’66
Scott J. Heseltine Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of Scott J. Heseltine ’82 who served as a class officer. Mr. Charles E. Heseltine
The Kristen M. Corbett ’08 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of Kristen Corbett in memory of Kristen, a member of the Class of 2008 who is remembered for the joy and love she brought to all who knew and loved her. She was a bright student, beloved by her teachers, friends, family, and teammates on the Girls Hockey Team.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Corbett P’08 The Francis G. McCarthy Memorial Fund

Established by friends, family members and Austin Prep faculty in memory of Frank McCarthy, a beloved faculty member at Austin Prep. He was instrumental in the implementation of process writing and peer editing in Austin Prep’s curriculum. The Francis G. McCarthy Writing Center, named in his memory, allows students to share, discuss, and critique each other’s work with ease on any type of written assignment. Contributions to the fund go toward improvements and updates to the Writing Center. Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cummings ’73
Established by the family and friends of Jim McGonagle, a beloved member of the Class of 2001 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates, and teammates. The George “Matt” Miller Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship has been established by Linsey and Matthew Pimentel ’01 in honor of longtime faculty member George “Matt” Miller and his decades of teaching service to Austin Prep and its students. This scholarship seeks to provide assistance to deserving students based on academic merit and economic need. It also recognizes students who have demonstrated leadership abilities and a commitment to their community. Mr. Donald O. Lyman ’73
The Alyssa L. Nanopoulos ’08 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family of Alyssa L. Nanopoulos ’08. Alyssa, a beloved member of the Class of 2008, is remembered for the love she had for her family, friends, and community. During her seven years at Austin Prep, where she never missed a day of school. Alyssa was involved in Big Sister, and was inducted into the National Honor Society during her sophomore year. She also participated in the Service Club, Latin Honor Society and served as a Senior Leader. This scholarship honors Alyssa’s memory by recognizing a deserving student who has demonstrated academic merit, economic need and active service. Mrs. Amy K. Doucette ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Nanopoulos P’05, P’08
Memorial Scholarship Recipients
We are honored to announce the Memorial Scholarship recipients for the 2021-2022 academic year. Students and the scholarship benefactors were notified by mail of the scholarship awards.
Each year, students in Grades 9-11 are eligible to apply for the awards. Recipients demonstrate significant academic achievement and service contributions to the Austin Prep community, among other qualities.
Memorial Scholarships are made possible through the generosity of Austin Prep families and friends who have created these funds in memory of their loved ones. We are proud of our students and are grateful for the support of those who make these scholarships possible. Congratulations to all of the recipients!
The Ross A. Alameddine ’05 Memorial Scholarship Nico Fanuele ’22
The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of David E. Nelson ’81, to honor David’s memory. He was a gifted athlete and positive student leader always proud to wear the green and white. He was the youngest of three Austin Prep graduates, preceded by Fred ’73 and Ron ’75. A/D Sales Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Nelson, Jr. P’73, P’75, P’81 Mr. Ronald R. Nelson ’75 The Thomas N. Callahan ’10 Memorial Scholarship Victoria Kouyoumjian ’22
The Kristen M. Corbett ’08 Memorial Scholarship Gianna Defilippo ’22 Katrina Michalak ’22
The Francis J. Cummings Memorial Scholarship Benjamin L. Sperling ’22
The Francis T. Duggan Memorial Scholarship Erin Marquardt ’23 Colby Medeiros ’22
The Alyce and Fred Gilfeather Memorial Scholarship Olivia McDonald ’22
The Margot E. Girodet Memorial Scholarship Michael Simmons ’24
The George “Matt” Miller Memorial Scholarship Lillian G. Harmon ’23
The Alyssa L. Nanopoulos ’08 Memorial Scholarship Anjali Serrano ’23
The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship Kylie McDonald ’24
The Herbert W. Peterson, Jr. & Claire M. Peterson Memorial Scholarship Haley Fisher ’22
Established by the family and friends of Artie Speros ’85. Artie was a beloved member of the Class of 1985 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates and teammates. During his time at Austin Prep, Artie was the Class President, while also involved with the Ski Team and French Club. The scholarship seeks to honor Artie’s memory by recognizing a deserving student who has demonstrated leadership abilities and financial need. Mr. Thomas P. Donohoe ’85 Mr. John F. Martin ’85 & Ms. Stacey L. Turner
The Michael G. Sverdlove ’14 Memorial
The Michael G. Sverdlove Memorial Scholarship was established in the summer of 2019 by the family and friends of Michael G. Sverdlove, Class of 2014. Michael was an avid soccer player, member of the National Honors Society, and a member of the French National Honors Society. He celebrated life to the fullest, and his charisma, cherished friendships, and laughter will forever-shine. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carpenter, Jr. P’16 Mrs. Jill Iwaskow Trust Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. McGrath, Jr. P’10, P’13 Mrs. Lisa Rothenburger Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Sverdlove P’14, P’15
The William H. Turner Memorial Scholarship
This award has been established by Mrs.Lillian Turner and her family in honor of her husband, Mr. William H. Turner. Mr. Turner and his wife saw four sons (Patrick ’72, William ’73, Francis ’81, and Christopher ’83) graduate from Austin Prep. He nurtured family life by co-creating a loving and supportive environment. He fostered academics, religion, dignity, service, athletics and good moral character. This award recognizes a deserving current student who shows strong academic discipline and demonstrates a good work ethic. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Turner, Jr. ’73 The Aristides (Artie) C. Speros, Jr. ’85 Memorial Scholarship Thomas M Skeffington, Jr. ’22
The Michael G. Sverdlove ’14 Memorial Scholarship Nyree Kourkounian ’22
The William H. Turner Memorial Scholarship Jessica Marks ’23
The AP Teachers Association Memorial Scholarship Katherine Millett ’24
Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives
Our Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Capital Campaign is designed to fulfill Austin Prep’s strategic priorities in a phased approach. The completion of Phase 1 in 2016 saw the opening of a new stadium, including Father Seymour Field. As we move through each phase, the goal is to improve the student experience through the renovation of facilities and the enrichment of academic programs as well as increased endowments for tuition assistance and scholarships to keep an Austin Prep education accessible. While the aesthetic improvements are evident in the renovation and expansion projects around campus, economic and environmental sustainability are at the core of this strategic plan to bring the facilities above current benchmarks for educational institutions.
Phase II began in 2017 to continue the effort to better serve Austin Prep students and to commence strategic plans for the Upper and Middle Schools to ensure the curriculum and pedagogy remain true to an innovative and dynamic college prep program. Through the generosity of so many, we have made tremendous progress in raising $1.9M for Phase II in support of our $3 million goal. The benefit of this campaign is evident in the renovation of the dining hall and kitchen, as well as the construction of the lower athletic complex which provides over 500 athletes the opportunity to train and compete on six new tennis courts, and a multi-purpose turf field that can host baseball, field hockey, lacrosse and soccer games. The final piece of the campaign will be the construction of a turf softball field with dugouts and lighting. In the area of academics, the strategic plan for the Upper School curriculum began implementation in 2018 followed by the Middle School strategic plan.

Lower Athletic Complex, including tennis courts, concourse, bleachers, press box, dugouts, multi-purpose turf field for field hockey, lacrosse, soccer and baseball field, as well as a natural baseball infield Juliana Iannibelli ’24, #5

Softball on the Horizon
As life increasingly turns toward a greater degree of normality, we are taking the opportunity to return our focus on the strategic initiative of the second phase of the Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Campaign. The pandemic momentarily stalled our momentum, but our goal remains the same: to provide our students with the best possible facilities for them to improve their skills and hone their talents.
We are excited to present the latest concept design for the new softball field and additional parking lot expansion which represent the last stage of the second phase of Austin Prep’s transformative Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Campaign. This new state-of-the-art synthetic turf field will include dugouts, bleachers, press box and lighting. This renovated field space will meet the unique needs of the school and multipurpose use desired for the field, including use by clubs and for extracurricular activities. The additional parking lot will provide approximately100 additional spaces which are especially needed for special events and athletic competitions. 36 Annual Report 2021 Fr. Patrick Armano, School Chaplain blessing the Lower Athletic Complex Ribbon cutting for the Lower Athletic Complex with Patrick Driscoll ’97, Director of Athletics and Summer Programming, Coach Jonathan Pollard ’97, Assistant Head for Enrollment and Athletics and Varsity Baseball coach, James Hickey Ph.D. P’22, ’23, ’24, ’27, Head of School, Coach Mike Collins, Varsity Girls Tennis, and Coach Brianna Robbins, Varsity Girls Field Hockey
Dan Little P’20, ’22, ’23, ’25 with sons Charlie ’23 and Ernie ’22 at the dedication of the Regis Paul Little Field, named after Dan’s father.

The donor list below represents those who have pledged their support to the Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Capital Campaign to date (October 1, 2021). We are deeply grateful for their generosity and for the support of the greater Austin Prep community throughout this capital campaign!
Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ardito P’18, P’21, P’21, P’22, P’23 Augustinian Provincialate Dr. Michael J. Barry ’79 Dr. Maria Blewitt & Mr. Stephen Blewitt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bouchard P’10, P’14, P’15 Mr. Douglas F. Bouvier ’05 Dr. Charles M. Brain ’68 & Ms. Maureen Murphy-Brain Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18, P’20 Mr. Nelson Burbank † Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Burke ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann, Jr. P’19, P’23 Mr. James D. Carregal ’10 Mr. John W. Carregal ’07 Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Carregal P’05, P’07, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Caruso P’11, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David & Laurie Cerveny P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Clark P’21 Class of 2023 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cobb P’17, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Noah Coons P’22, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Croteau, Jr. P’20, P’23 C-Suite Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Damian N. Dell’Anno P’10, P’12, P’14 Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Driscoll ’97 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Driscoll P’89, P’92, P’97, P’03, GP’24 Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Dugan P’21, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan ’72 Eaton Vance Mr. Louis Fantozzi & Mrs. Jennifer Fantozzi ’97 Mr. Andrew Fetten ’22 Mr. & Mrs. Karsten Fetten P’22 Fidelity Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Frelick P’20 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Geary ’75 Mr. Gene Gebolys & Ms. Jacqueline Corrado Gebolys P’17, P’17, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilbride P’19, P’22 Ms. Jean E. Gilmore P’17, P’19 2019 Golf Tournament Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Golini P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Max Gouveia P’13, P’16, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P’23 GW&K Investment Management, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20, P’23 Mr. Shenghua He Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24, P’27 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Higgins P’24 Mr. Edmund E. Hoell ’70 & Ms. Carole E. Center Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hueston P’21 Maryellen Iannibelli P’22, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. David Intoppa P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Jaena P’19, P’22, P’26 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, P’18, P’20 Mr. Kevin Kerrigan ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kruppa P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Lidoski, Jr. P’17, P’19 Dr. Daniel P. Little P’20, P’22, P’23, P’25 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Loporchio P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. MacDougall ’74 Mr. & Mrs. James Mangano P’17, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Vito A. Marchetti P’17 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Martin ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P’19 Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh ’99 Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. David O’Donnell GP’20, GP’22, GP’23, GP’25 Dr. Maryanne O’Donnell P’20, P’22, P’23, P’25 Oracle Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ouellette P’19, P’25 Dr. Gary J. Pare & Mrs. Mercedes Guiance P’17, P’20 Mr. Andrew Parece ’79 & Ms. Mary Splaine Mr. & Mrs. James M. Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21 Pimentel Construction Company Matt ’01 & Linsey Pimentel Mr. Jonathan Pollard ’97 & Mrs. Lindsay Fitzgerald Mr. David D. Quirk ’84 Mr. William Ralls & Mrs. Siobhan Donofrio Dr. Gregory S. Robinson & Mrs. Colleen C. Boggs P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Roselli, CPA P’15, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Sablone III P’18, P’20 SAGE Dining Services, Inc. SalemFive Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schiela P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sciacca, Jr. ’75, P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Silva P’20, P’22 State Street Foundation Mr. Derek Vachon & Mrs. Kimberly Dukeshire-Vachon P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark VanderZouwen P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vinal Michael & Vicenza Vinciullo Charitable Foundation Trust Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Walsh P’18, P’22 Mr. Hong Liang Zheng & Ms. Ruifang Shen P’21 † Deceased

The Fuller Family: Nate ’09, Doreen P’09, ’13, Lionel Thibault GP’09,’13 and Zach ’13 Foursome of alumni: John Jamieson ’06, Stephen Bogos ’08, Dave McDonald ’08 and Ross Gaudet ’07 Varsity Shot players: Chris Gerety ’22 and Max Hampoian ’23
34th Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament
A1 Datashred, LLC Armor Door & Lock, Inc. Atty. & Mrs. Charles R. Bennett, Jr. P’94, P’97 Austin Preparatory School Teachers Association B & L Mechanical & Consulting Ms. Susan E. Belanger Mr. & Dr. Robert A. Bencale P’19 Blue Sky Tower Boston Freightliner, Inc. Bunratty Tavern Capone Landscaping, Inc. Champion’s Choice CL&H Energy Comak Brothers, Inc. Constant Temperature Systems, Inc. Cora Operations, Inc. Delta Management Assoc., Inc. DeMoulas Foundation Douglass Funeral Service, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Driscoll P’89, P’92, P’97, P’03, GP’24 Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24, P’27 Drs. Ruben and Emma Reyes P’24, P’26 East Coast Builders, Inc. Five-O Promo Frommelt Equipment Company Humboldt Storage & Moving J.G. MacLellan Concrete Co., Inc. Joe’s Welding, LLC LaPlume & Sons Printing Co., Inc. Latham Law Offices, LLC LBP Insurance Agency Lendah LSS Consulting Group, LLC McKenna & Partners Strategic Communications McLane Middleton Mr. & Mrs. William V. Monagle, Jr. P’01

After having missed the opportunity to host golfers within our school community in 2020, the 34th Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament took place Monday, May 24, 2021 at Indian Ridge Golf Club in Andover, MA. The event was a great success as we raised over $80,000 and had a full-flight of golfers with a wait list!

Proceeds supported the COVID-19 Relief Fund, enabling Austin Prep to be proactive and responsive in dealing with the broad range of challenges stemming from the Coronavirus. Our goal has been simple: keep our students and faculty healthy and safe with minimal disruptions as they pursue the promise of a quality education, and provide financial assistance to families in need.

The Annual Golf Tournament is vital in our efforts to continue to provide exceptional educational experiences for all our students. A special thank you to alumni families for their 2021 Title Sponsorships: Pimentel Construction and Quirk Construction Corp., and to the Sullivan Team for donating their 50/50 raffle winnings back to Austin Prep.

Winning golfers list:
1st Place Team: Harry Conforti, Fran Sullivan, Ryan Flanigan, Jim Sullivan P’21, P’22, P’24 2nd Place Team: Mike Baxter, Dave Pilleri, Chris Morris, Bill Waisnor Closest to the Pin, Hole #7, Men: Ed LeFlore Closest to the Pin, Hole #7, Women: Jan Houghton Longest Drive, Men: Dennis Sullivan ’01 Longest Drive, Women: Marissa Stone Closest to the Air Cannon, Hole #6: Fran Sullivan Volunteers and Austin Prep Staff:
Thank You to our Student Volunteers on the Varsity Shot: Chris Gerety ’22 Max Hampoian ’23
Thank You to our Parent Volunteers:
Bill Hamilton P’18, P’22 Siobhan Murphy P’27 Ari Miller P’23
Special Thanks to Austin Prep Staff:
Fr. Patrick Armano, School Chaplain Ms. Sue Belanger, Assistant Head of School Administration & Special Projects Mrs. Michelle Connor, Dean of Academics Mrs. Ashley Eldridge, Admissions Associate Mr. Tyler Fleming, Director of Communications Mrs. Patty Fothergill P’06, P’09, Manager of Accounting Mrs. Allyson Jaena P’19, P’22, P’26, Manager of Student Accounts Dr. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24, P’27, Head of School Mrs. Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations & Giving Ms. Brianna Robbins, Executive Assistant & Events Manager Mrs. Brenda Simblaris, Assistant Director of Admissions Mortgage Equity Partners Northern Business Machine, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oostman P’24, P’26 Perin & Campbell Electric, Inc. Pimentel Construction Company PricewaterhouseCoopers PRRI Quirk Construction Corporation Reading Rotary Club RSM US LLP RYBO, Inc. S G Mechanical, Inc. SAGE Dining Services, Inc. Sanitrol Building Maintenance Corp. Security Design, Inc. Shea Concrete Products, Inc. Simms Jewelers, Inc. Specialized Roofing Company StonehamBank
Save The Date
35th Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament
Dan O’Neill P’21, ’23, ’26, Connor O’Neill ’21, Dennis O’Neill P’22 and Jack Bartley ’21 Gino & Anna Molettieri P’25 and Cathy & Ken Young P’24, ’24
Class Notes
Send us an update on your life, your work, your Journey.
Dr. Albert J. DeNuzzio ’70 recently retired from his private practice with Hartford Health Medical Group. He resides in Newington, CT.
John O’Donnell ’70 is now retired after serving as Office Director with the US Department of Transportation, Volpe Center in Cambridge from 1977 to 2007, and most recently as the Executive Director with Lean Global Network & Lean Enterprise Institute in Cambridge from 2007 to 2019.
Lawrence Gerrior ’71 is enjoying retirement from 25 years of teaching high school chemistry. He resides in Mendon, Vermont with his wife Mary.
Joe Sanroma ’89 is self-employed as the beekeeper of Sunshine Honey Bees in Lecompte, Louisiana. He is the proud father of Malinda, Jessica, Charles, Grace and Joey. Sharyn (Cassell) Jones ’95 is a realtor and operations manager with Executive Real Estate. Sharyn and her husband Benjamin make their home in Westfield, MA.

Benjamin Barrett ’96 was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army on July 15, 2021 in a ceremony held at the 7th Army Training Command HQ in Grafenwoehr, Germany. Ben was “pinned“ by his children (Hannah 9 & Finnley 7) and the ceremony was officiated by COL Jake Jacobs, G3 7ATC.

Dr. Serena (Letendre) Shomody ’96 is Chief of Podiatry at Dartmouth Hitchcock Keene. In May 2021, Eric Silva ’96 was named President of the Boston College Alumni Association Board of Directors. He was invited to join the procession and platform party at commencement ceremonies in May where he welcomed the class of 2021 into the alumni ranks. Eric lives in Washington, DC where he leads a boutique government relations firm that he founded 6 years ago after nearly a decade at Winston & Strawn, a large global law firm. He also serves on the boards of the Congressional Hunger Center and the Belfast Beltway Boxing Project.
Bruce Weber ’01 is a professional dancer and assistant executive producer with The Wick Theater in Boca Raton, FL. in the past, have included Roger Daltrey (The Who), Alice Cooper, Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons (KISS), Nancy Wilson (Heart), Joe Perry (Aerosmith), Jeff Beck, Slash (Guns N’ Roses) and countless other rock legends.
Britt has been a counselor at previous Rock Camps and over the summer, and wrapped up producing and hosting over 160 Rock ’N’ Roll Fantasy Camp online masterclasses since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
Britt earned a degree in music business from Northeastern University, graduating Summa Cum Laude while continuing her education at Berklee School Of Music. Britt is currently lead guitarist of the all-female rock band VIXEN. Previously she has played with a diverse list of artists on stages worldwide, including 18-time Grammy winner Alejandro Sanz, Rachel Platten and Jason Derulo. In 2019, she returned to Austin Prep to perform at Community Meeting and to work with students in band and guitar class.
John Cuoco ’04 is now the Multimedia Content Curator at the Minneapolis Foundation, a community foundation in Minnesota focused on taking action on the greatest civic, social, and economic needs. He moved to the Midwest in January with his fiancé.
On June 4, 2021, JT Harold ’05 completed the Cambridge/Northeastern University Police Academy, serving as the class leader. JT now works with the Cambridge Police Department. Most recently, JT was inducted into the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Athletic Hall of Fame 2021 Class for football. At UMassD, JT is first in rushing yards (4,023), rushing yards in a season (1,567), single-season rushing yards per game (162.3), rushing touchdowns (42), and single season rushing touchdowns with 16 which he did twice in 2007 and 2008 respectively. He is the Corsairs career scoring leader with 252 points and is tied for first in single In late July, Mac Cerullo ’08 took over as his company’s full-time Red Sox beat writer. In his new role, Mac is covering the team for the Eagle-Tribune, Salem News, Daily News of Newburyport and the Gloucester Daily Times for the second half of the season, the playoffs and beyond. Mac is pictured with classmate Justin Zolot ’08 when they caught-up with each other at the ALDS Game 2, Red Sox versus Rays in Tampa, FL.

Andrea (Motta) Hatziyannis ’00 is the Product Development Manager, Ahold/ Delhaize US Private Brands with Peapod Digital Labs, an Ahold / Delhaize company. She manages Product Development for all Ahold Delhaize Private brands in the US for Hannaford, Stop & Shop, Giant Foods, The Giant Company and Food Lion, which also includes their banner brands and the agnostic brands like Taste of Inspiration and Nature’s Promise.
Brittany Denaro ’03 (a.k.a. Britt Lightning, guitarist for Vixen) was named Musical Director for Rock ’N’ Roll Fantasy Camp. Since 1966, Rock ’N’ Roll Fantasy Camp has had an array of rock star “counselors” that, season scoring with 96 points. As a junior, JT earned a Second Team All-East Region nod from D3football.com, followed by collecting the Boston Globe Golden Helmet award as a captain during his senior year. To further elaborate, JT was a three-time New England Football Conference Boyd Division honoree and took home the four-year award to cap off his historic career, as well as serve as the second Corsair running back to eclipse the thousand-yard plateau and the only player in UMassD history to gain over 1,000 yards in three consecutive seasons.

Felicia Giuliano-Kennedy ’09 of Classified Realty Group was named as a Top Producing Individual Agent 2020 by Boston Magazine in July 2021. This is the second time that Felicia has received this prestigious accolade; she also was honored in 2019. Felicia presented an Austin Prep Presents program for first-time homebuyers in February 2021. Zachary Countie ’10 is a Test Innovation Manager at SharkNinja. He is currently residing in Tewksbury, MA.

Jessica Pappagianopoulos ’11 was awarded a Dean’s Fellowship and began her doctoral studies in the Fall/Winter 2021 at the Clinical and School Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Virginia where she will pursue her research interests, which includes social skill development and improving long-term outcomes for adolescents and young adults on the Autism spectrum. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Stonehill College in 2015 with a BA in Psychology and earned her Master of Arts degree in Child Study and Human Development at Tufts University in 2017.
Nolan Vesey ’13 is playing for the Worcester Railers Hockey Club (an ECHL affiliate of the New York Islanders) for the 2021-2022 season. He is in his third professional hockey season, previously dividing his time between the Wichita Thunder (ECHL) and Edmonton system’s Bakersfield Condors (AHL). Nolan was drafted in the 6th round and #168 overall by the Toronto Maple Leafs in the 2014 NHL Entry Draft. As a forward, he played four seasons at the University of Maine from 201418 accumulating 82 career points (39 goals, 43 assists). He led the Black Bear rookies in scoring during the 2014-15 season with 23 points (10 goals, 13 assists).
Nolan was named a USPHL Premier First Team All-Star finishing second in the league in points (66) and goals (26) while captaining the South Shore Kings during the 2013-14 season. After Maine, his signing rights were traded to the Edmonton Oilers which led to signing a 2-year entry level contract with the Oilers. While he was playing for Austin Prep, Nolan was both a Herald All-Scholastic and a Globe All-Scholastic (24 games played, 22 goals and 18 assists). He was a co-captain senior year when they lost to Malden Catholic in the Super 8 finals. A month after losing in the Garden, his fall split season team was going to nationals where they won the U18 national championship.
The Admirals team has signed forward Robert “Bobo” Carpenter to a one-year AHL Contract for the 2021-22 season. Bobo joined the Admirals from the Bridgeport Sound Tigers where he spent the last two seasons. During the shortened 2020-21 campaign he tallied four goals and three assists for seven total points, along with four penalty minutes in 19 games. In 49 career pro games, all with the SoundTigers, Bob has accumulated 20 points (g-11a) and 20 PIMS in 49 contests.
The North Reading, MA native played four seasons of college hockey at Boston University where he topped the century mark in career points with 102 (56g-46a) while skating in 144 games. During his junior season he helped the Terriers to the Hockey East Championship and was named to the Second All-Star Team after finishing fourth on the team in goals (20). During his senior season he served as BU’s Captain and posted 10 goals and nine assists in 27 games.
Bobo’s dad, Bobby, played in almost 1,200 NHL games, notching a combined 728 points for five different teams from 1981-1999. His sister Alex is an Olympian and is currently touring with Team USA in anticipation of the Winter Olympics. Gianna Gravalese ’16 shared a note with Journey “I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Guy Fieri at his Best Buddies event this fall. This was a huge full-circle moment- as all I did when I didn’t have a job during the pandemic was binge watch Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives! I thought to myself, ‘Wow. I want to do exactly what he does.’ Fast forward to now, I’m doing it! And I got to interview the legend himself.”

On September 3rd Renee Leavitt ’16 had the honor of singing the National Anthem at Fenway Park. “It is by far my favorite moment in my music career at this point and I look forward to many more amazing opportunities.” Renee is a professional musician and is pursuing her Masters at Boston University.

Katherine Ventola ’16 graduated from Assumption College (now University) with a degree in English. She will be graduating with a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Endicott College by the end of 2021.
Adriana Farias ’17 published a children’s workbook on Amazon. “My First Workbook” is intended to help children with letter and number recognition along with practicing writing skills. The workbook also includes American Sign Language making it more accessible. Adriana studied Psychology at UMass Amherst and is currently attending Boston College Law School. methodology to augment the impact of NGOs and amplify marginalized voices around the world. Bridget was the executive producer for Nayaraq’s first podcast, called “Stories Unearthed: Migrant Farmworkers,” which shares the stories of people who have spent time in the migrant farmworker community. She developed a curriculum of weekly workshops to guide a group of high school students to turn their interviews with farmworkers into a podcast, teaching them to create storyboards, develop narratives, and use audio editing tools. The podcast is now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and other platforms. Bridget is currently a senior at the University of Notre Dame.
Tyler Walsh ’18 has been interning with FOX Business Network this past summer into the fall. He worked on “Cavuto: Coast-toCoast” during the summer, and is working on “Mornings With Maria” this fall. He has been continuing his work on University Of Miami Television (UMTV) as the executive producer of the weekly live-Thursday night Newscast, NewsVision, and as a host for the weekly live-Friday night Sportscast, SportsDesk. He is set to graduate from the University Of Miami in May with a B.S. in Broadcast Journalism and a B.A. in Psychology. After graduation, Tyler hopes he can work as a producer or writer at a local station in Boston or at a major network on the East Coast.

Congratulations to Caroline Plante ’20 for being named best beat reporter in the entertainment department and entertainment rookie of the year for 2020-2021 at CitrusTV / Unpeeled at Syracuse University. Dika and Brad ’98 Murphy welcomed Landon Pat on May 13, 2021, the same day as Brad’s dad’s 70th birthday. Born 6 weeks early at only 34 weeks. His middle name is named after Brad’s late mother Pat “who I think about everyday and who clearly had her spirit involved in this blessing.”

Jamie (Clarke) Dumais ’03 and her husband Trevor Dumais welcomed Avery Madison on May 26, 2021. Big sister Chloe and big brother Zachary are head over heels for their new sister! Brian Thomas Tam arrived three weeks early on April 28, 2021. Proud first-time parents are Tara Carlson ’03 and Gordon Tam. The family of three lives in Singapore.

Ronan Thomas McKendry arrived on July 27, 2021 to elated parents Jessica and Sean McKendry ’03. The family of three reside in Stoneham, MA.
Willa Claire Peterson arrived on April 29, 2021. She was welcomed by proud parents Rob ’04 and Kelly, and big sisters Hadley and Sloane.

Dominique (Gravellese)’04 and Martin Distelbrink welcomed Adrianna Marie into their family on July 29, 2021. She arrived weighing 7 lbs. 10.4 oz. and 20 in. long. Lindsey and JT Harold ’05 are thrilled to announce the birth of their two daughters: Lyla Sol Harold arrived on July 2, 2019 weighing 8.11 lbs. and 19 in. long. She was joined by Korra Luna Harold on August 22, 2021, weighing 8 lbs. and 21.5 inches long. Lyla loves being a big sister!

Tara (Chenery) ’05 and Kyle Pucci are happy to announce the arrival of their beautiful daughter Emilia Rae Pucci on September 23, 2021 at 4:43 a.m. weighing in at 7 lbs.,14 oz. and 19.5 inches long. “We couldn’t be happier to embark on this new journey as a family of three.”

Andrew Paul Kelley was born exactly on his due date of June 30, 2021 weighing 9 lbs. 5 oz. and 21.5 in. long. He was welcomed by parents Christina (Giordano) ’06 and Chris Kelley and big brother John.