JOURNEY Fall/Winter 2021

Page 18

Tribute Gifts

In Honor of Andrew Becker ’21 Mr. Brian Becker P’21, P’24

In Honor of Elizabeth Farrell Mr. Gary Mackiewicz

In Memory of Paul M. Cohan ’83 Mr. John F. Cohan ’82, P’15

In Honor of Finn Feeney ’27 Family of Finn Feeney ’27

In Memory of Carey McCraw Anonymous

In Memory of Arthur B. Collins Mr. Michael Collins

In Memory of Ellen Filadoro P’90, P’94, P’97, GP’22, GP’23 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Filadoro ’90, P’22, P’23

In Memory of Margaret “Peg” McDonough Mr. James Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Henry O’Connor Anonymous In Memory of Maureen Cooney Mr. Jacob Nolan In Memory of Mary F. Costello, Esq. Mr. John McKee ’91 In Honor of Zackary Cotter ’24 Mr. & Mrs. James Scutellaro GP’24 In Honor of Olivia ’15 & Christian ’18 Crowley Mr. Richard Crowley P’15, P’18

In Memory of Robert R. Bell, Jr. ’79 Mr. Scott Arthur ’79 In Memory of Michael Bider Mr. Gary Arivella ’68

In Memory of David DeLorenzo Anonymous

In Honor of Dr. Maria Blewitt Ms. Elizabeth Farrell Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. &

In Memory of Mr. Robert F. Deziel GP’24, GP’27 Mrs. Barbara Deziel GP’24, GP’27 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24, P’27

Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27 In Memory of Shane Boyle ’11 Mr. Robert Boyle P’11 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Burke P’11 In Honor of TJ ’21, Jack ’22 & Michael Brosnan ’26 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stratchan GP’21, GP’22, GP’26 In Memory of Julie Brown Elizabeth Higginbottom P’22

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sherry GP’24, GP’27 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24, P’27 In Honor of The DiRupo Family Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82, P’11, P’14

In Memory of Linda Bruno Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, P’12

In Memory of Jean Driscoll Mr. Jack Driscoll ’70

In Honor of Colbie Buck ’26 Mrs. Kathleen Yannetti GP’26

In Memory of Francis & Peg Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Pat Iapicca and Mrs. Nina Iapicca

In Memory of Mrs. Constance Burke Mr. Steven Burke ’77 In Memory of Richard F. Callahan Mr. Michael Moran ’90 In Memory of Chris Cerveny Mr. & Mrs. David & Laurie Cerveny P’19, P’21

In Memory of Mr. Thomas Enright Anonymous Mr. Anthony Burke ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Burke P’11 Mrs. Amy Doucette ’98 Mr. James Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05 Fr. Iain G. MacLellan, OSB ‘74 Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh ’99 Natalie & Anthony Petrillo P’10 Mrs. Carol Rakers P’14,’16 Mr. Roger F. Stone Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace P’93, P’96 Jay Watt ’00

In Memory of Ralph Ciampa, Sr., Kay Ciampa, & Ralph Ciampa, Jr. Mr. Mike Ciampa ’76


In Memory of Claire M. & Herbert W. Peterson Robert G. Peterson, Jr. ’04

In Memory of Sister Marie Cleary Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace P’93, P’96

In Honor of Alexandra Dell’Anno ’12 Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. & Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27

In Honor of Stephanie Choate Mr. Scott Twombley

In Memory of Joni Percival Mr. Rob Percival ’90

In Honor of Michael McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. David Klovee P’24, P’25 Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. & Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27 In Memory of Frank McCarthy & John McCarthy Mr. Christopher Capone ’88

Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to remember a loved one or mark a milestone. The following people had contributions made in their name. In Memory of Ross Alameddine ’05 Ms. Lynnette R. Alameddine P’02, P’05 Mr. Joseph Carregal ’05 Mr. Daniel Napolitano ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Scot D. Kenworthy P’08, P’12 In Memory of Antonio Alfieri Anonymous In Memory of John Aliberti ’70 Mr. Jack Driscoll ’70 In Honor of Austin Prep Administration, Faculty & Staff Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan P’2, P’22, P’26 In Honor of Austin Prep Field Hockey Program Mrs. Melissa Guite Mrs. Alice Hall Ms. Brianna Robbins Mr. Randy Robbins

In Memory of Ralph King & Oliveiro Martins King Painting, Inc.

In Memory of Mary Theresa Dlugos Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A. In Honor of James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05 Anonymous

In Honor of the Faculty Alumni Mrs. Jennifer A. Hodgdon Annual Report 2020

In Honor of Alexander Fiorante ’22 Anonymous In Memory of Flahive and Pelletier Families Mr. & Mrs. Francis Flahive In Memory of Richard Garchinsky Mr. Anthony Benning In Memory of Tessa Geomelos Ms. Alana Vounessea ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Vounessea P’18, P’21, ‘25 In Memory of Alyce Gilfeather Mr. Fred Gilfeather ’69 In Memory of John J Hanafin, Jr. Anonymous In Memory of Mr & Mrs George Hannigan Mr. Timothy Hannigan ’71 In Memory of Charles & Helen Hawkins Ms. Lucie Langa In Honor of Dr. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24, P’27 Dr. Thomas & Mary Beth Brand P’23, P’23 The Happeny Family (’19, ’23)

In Memory of Joan McKechnie Mrs. Andrea Mahoney P’22 In Memory of Isabel Medeiros Mrs. Lisa Dempsey P’24, P’27 In Memory of Annette Melchionda Mr. & Mrs. William J. Meehan, Sr. ’67 In Memory of George”Matt” Miller Mr. Robert Donahue ’77 Fr. Iain G. MacLellan, O.S.B. ‘74 Mr. Bill Maradei P’11, P’12 Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh ’99

In Memory of Madeline & Will Quimby Mrs. Judith D. Reynolds In Honor of Brian Regan P’20, P’22, P’24 Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. & Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27 In Memory of James Regan P’83, P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’20, P’22,P’24 In Honor of Emma Ricciardelli ’21 Anonymous In Memory of Joseph C. Rinaldi Mr. & Mrs. John Sarto ’68 In Memory of Mr & Mrs Armand L. Sarto Mr. & Mrs. David Klovee P’24, P’25 In Memory of My Parents, Russell & Mary Scaduto P’73 Dr. Russell Scaduto ’73

In Memory of Edith Sorrenti Mr. Frank Sorrenti In Memory of Edna & Ron Stoll Mr. Brian Regan P’20, P’22, P’24 In Honor of Roger Stone Mr. Peter DeLuca Ms. Elizabeth Farrell In Memory of Claudette Thibault Ms. Doreen Fuller P’09, P’13 In Honor of Christopher Trodden ’24 Ms. Mildred Mannion The Trodden Family (’24) Ms. Carmella Yannizze GP’24 In Honor of Cassandra Valentine ’21 Mrs. Jennifer A. Hodgdon In Honor of Mr. Stephen Williams Ms. Jillian Barrows ’13 In Memory of Henry Wilson Mr. Gerard Wilson ’73 In Honor of Stephanie Wood Alana Gleicher In Honor of Dillan Zanni ’22 Anonymous

In Honor of Colin ’22 & Lauren ’24 Neal Mr. Kevin Neal P’22, P’24

In Memory of John O. Scannell Mr. Frank J. Sorrenti

In Honor of the Class of 1969 Anonymous

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Newton Capt. John Newton ’67

In honor of Megan ’18 & Emily ’23 Schena Ms. Nika Schena P’18, P’23

In Honor of the Class of 2020 Julia Jenks ’20

In Honor of Margaret O’Brien ‘26 Mr. Michael O’Brien GP’26

In Honor of Sara J. Sclafani Mrs. Marla Pascucci-Byrne P’26

In Honor of the Class of 2022 Brendan Jaena ’22

In Memory of Calvin Pardee IV Anonymous

In Honor of Adam Higginbottom ’22 Ms. Suzanne Brown & Mr. Christopher Calabia In Memory of Al Hodgin P’89, P’90, GP’24 Mr. Jeffrey Hodgin ’89 In Memory of Rocco Iapicca Mr. Kevin G. DeBenedetto Mr. Pat Iapicca & Mrs. Nina Iapicca Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Pienta P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds Sylvester, Jr. In Memory of Gerald & Grace Kearney Mr. & Mrs. R. Kevin Kearney ’70 In Memory of Gina Keith Mr. John Keith GP’22 In Honor of Joseph Leary Ms. Jeanette Brady In Honor of Jessica Lenci Mr. Frank Vigorito, Sr. & Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27 In Honor of Ethan ’21 & Ella Luongo ’24 Anonymous In Honor of the 50th anniversary for Connie & Jim MacQuarrie GP’20, GP’23 Mrs. Karen Croteau P’20, P’23


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Annual Report 2020

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