Annual Report 781.944.4900 | | 101 Willow St., Reading, MA July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023
Message from the Head of School
Dear Austin Prep Community,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, students, faculty, and staff, thank you for your charitable support of Austin Prep during the 2022-2023 academic year. We are a stronger community because of your generosity. That generosity enables us to sustain our momentum, continue to innovate, launch new initiatives, modernize our infrastructure, and provide tuition assistance – all while we travel in the footsteps of St Augustine
Your philanthropic support is a critical part of keeping Austin Prep in the forefront of Catholic education for this and future generations of students. Austin Prep has always relied upon the goodness of our benefactors to expand our mission and we are incredibly grateful for your commitment.
The names on the pages that follow represent the strength of our community. For 60 years, Austin Prep has shaped Augustinian hearts, formed in veritas, unitas and caritas. We are humbled by your support and appreciative for the impact you continue to have. Our future is unquestionably bright. With your unwavering support and the intercession of St Augustine, Austin Prep will continue to transform lives for the next 60 years and beyond.
James Hickey, Ph.D. P’22, ‘23, ‘24, ‘27 Head of School
Austin Prep Benefactors Society
Thank you to our generous community who supported Austin Prep during the 2022 - 2023 fiscal year, July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 Donors who gave to the Austin Prep Fund are designated with * Donors who support the Golf Tournament are designated with
Individuals & Families
St. Monica Circle $25,000 - $99,999
Mr & Mrs Jason Banfield '86
Mr & Mrs Daniel J Bouchard P'10, '14, '15
Mr & Mrs Matthew Cushing P'23
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Guinee
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pimentel P'99, '01, GP'27,'29
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Pimentel '01
Mrs. Mary Jane Restuccia GP'19, '23
Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Santos *
Head of School’s Circle $10,000 - $24,999
Dr. Michael J. Barry '79 *
Dr. Maria Blewitt & Mr. Stephen Blewitt
Mr & Ms Kevin Buck P'26
Mr & Mrs Mark A Connolly '83 P'15, '20
Mr & Mrs Michael F Cummings '73
Mr & Mrs Damian N Dell'Anno P'10, P'12, '14
Mr Jay Perault and Mrs Erin DeRoche '23
Mr & Mrs Thomas J Flynn '83
Mr & Mrs Brian Hanley P'26
Mr & Mrs Scott Happeny P'19, '23
Mr & Mrs Jason Labriola P'26, '26
Hon & Mrs Daniel Francis Loughry III '69
Mr & Mrs Alexander Martinelli P'28, '29
Mr. & Mrs. George Massaro GP'25
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Meissner P'21, '24
Mr. David D. Quirk '84
Mr. & Mrs. James Rech P'22, '24
Drs. Ruben and Emma Reyes P'24, '26
Mr & Mrs Harry R Sverdlove P'14, '15
Mr & Mrs Joseph Urick P'19, '23
Mr & Mrs Kevin Welch P'25
Drs Anthony and Serena Zizza III P'26,'29
Mr & Mrs Joe Zucchero P'27, '29
Caritas Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Mrs Teni Apelian P'26
Mr & Mrs Christopher Baroud P'24
Dr Charles M Brain '68 and Ms Maureen Murphy-Brain
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P'18, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan Sr. P'21, '22, '26
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cobb P'17, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dinunzio P'24, '28
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Driscoll '97
Mr & Mrs Mark S Duggan '72
Mr Louis Fantozzi & Mrs Jennifer Fantozzi '97, P'28
Mr & Mrs William C Geary, Esq '75
Mr & Mrs Jonghoon Han P'20
Dr & Mrs James Hickey P'22, '23, '24, '27
Mr & Mrs Robert Hueston P'21
Mr Bob Inello P'25
Mr & Mrs Armen Kourkounian P'22, '25
Mr & Mrs Vincent Loporchio P'23
Atty & Mrs Mark J MacDougall '74
Mr & Mrs Vito A Marchetti P'17
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P'19
Mr. & Mrs. John Pagliuca
Mr. Jonathan Pollard '97
Mr. Frank Vigorito Sr. and Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P'27*
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Quinn P'25
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Voica P'24, '26
* +
* +
Austin Prep Benefactors Society
Individuals & Families
Veritas Circle $1,000 - $4,999
Mr & Mrs Michael G Addor '85
Mr & Ms Jonathan Albano P'26
Anonymous *
Mr & Mrs Daniel Ardito P'18, '21, '21, '22, '23
Mr & Mrs Mark Balfe P'27, '29
Mr & Mrs Christopher Baroud P'24
Mr & Mrs Brian Becker P'21, '24
Mr & Mrs David Bianco P'26, '27
Mr & Mrs Mark Bradshaw PhD P'25
Dr & Mrs Thomas Brand P'23, '23
Mr & Mrs Joseph X Bruno CPA '75
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke '81 P'13, '17
Atty. & Mrs. Steven M. Burke '77
Mr. & Mrs. Terence M. Burke '75 P'06, '07, '10
Mr. & Mrs. David Buscemi P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cacciatore Sr. P'24
Mr. Ronald E. Cahill '82 and Ms. Anne Estabrook
Mr & Mrs Brian S Cann Jr P'19, '23
Mr & Mrs Christopher Connelly P'27
Mr & Mrs Paul Connor P'25, '28
Mr & Mrs Glenn P Corbett P'08
Mr & Mrs Daniel Costa P'17, '20, '24
James Cotone
Mr & Mrs Eric Daggett P'27
Mr & Mrs William P DeLuca IV '00
Mr Brian E Sensale '93 and Mrs Megan Deluhery P'27
Dr & Mrs Steven R DiSalvo
Mr & Mrs Robert S Donahue '77
Mr. Thomas P. Donohoe '85
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Driscoll '89
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Duff Jr. '67
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Dunn '70
Mr. & Ms. George Eisenhauer P'25, '27
Mr & Mrs Mark R Ferri P'14, '17, '23
Mr & Mrs Tyler L Fleming P'28, '30
Mr John F Flynn Jr '67 *
Mr & Mrs Arthur V Ford '66
Dr & Mrs Scott Formica PhD P'26
Mr John R Furey '73
Mr & Mrs Michael Gallant Sr P'28, '28
Mr & Mrs Peter A Genovese '76 P'10
Mr & Mrs Brian Gildea P'27, '29
Mr & Mrs Fredric R Gilfeather '69
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gilgan GP'26, '27
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gill P'28, '30
Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P'23
Mr. Timothy J. Hannigan '71
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Higgins P'25
Dr John C Hoell '67*
Mr & Mrs Jim Holmes P'24, '25, '29
Dr Thomas J Hynes Jr '67
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Ihrig P'27
Mr & Mrs David Intoppa P'24
Mr & Mrs Carl D Jaena P'19, P'22, '26
Mr & Mrs Paul J Jasinski P'08
Mr Kevin Kerrigan '89
Mr & Dr Jerry Lawson P'27
Mr Daniel J Lyddy '81
Mr. & Dr. Thomas Lynch P'27
Mr. & Ms. Davin MacKenzie P'28, '30
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Maguire III '66
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Malley P'25, '27
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Martin Jr. '66
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Martin P'25, '27
Mr & Mrs John Masciarelli P'25, '27
Mr & Mrs Michael G McAuliffe '78
Mr & Mrs Shawn McNinch P'23
Mr Richard J Meelia '67
Mr & Mrs Ari Miller P'23, '26
Mr & Ms Hratch Minassian P'26, '29
Mr & Mrs Gino P Molettieri P'25
Mr Thomas Mooney and Ms Andrea Heil P'20, '22
Mr & Mrs Ryan Murphy P'27
Maj & Mrs Timothy J Murphy '85
Mr Charles Mwangi P'25, P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano P'22
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Novas P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Pardee V P'23
Mr. David J. Pasquale '89
Mr. Eric D. Previte '96
Mr. & Mrs. William Reidy
Mr & Mrs Michael P Rioux '67
Mr Richard W Robbins '70 *
Dr Gregory S Robinson and Mrs Colleen C Boggs P'20
Mr & Mrs Bryan Rosselli P'26
Mr Stephen Rubman and Mrs Rita Blanchard P'29
* +
Austin Prep Benefactors Society
Individuals & Families
Mr & Mrs Kevin Sarney P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Shield P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Sarabjit Singh P'17
Mr. Jason Slye and Mrs. Jill Pimentel-Slye '99 P'27, '29
Dr. & Mrs. David P. Solomon '72
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Strachan GP'21, '22, '26
Dr. Lawrence S. Sykoff
Mr & Mrs Brian Tisbert P'26
Mr Steven Williams and Mrs Denise Topham-Williams P'23
Mr & Mrs Mark VanderZouwen P'24
Mr & Mrs Edward J Veno '85
Mr & Mrs Stefan Vounessea P'18, '21, '25
Dr & Ms John Westwood P'26
Mr Michael J White '71 and Ms Jane Desforges
Mr & Mrs Niels Wijnaendts van Resandt P'24
Mr & Mrs Joseph P Zarella '77
Mr & Mrs Bassil Zaza P'26
Mr. & Mrs. John Zirpolo P'24
Mr & Mrs Dennis Ahlin P'23
Mr & Mrs David Albrecht P'24, '27
Mr & Mrs Scott Aldrich '01
Mr & Mrs Brian Antonelli P'26
Mr & Mrs Gary S Arivella '68
Fr Patrick Armano
Mr & Mrs Scott C Arthur Sr '79
Mr Michael L Baccari '03
Ms. Danielle F. Bacon '06
Ms. & Mr. Caitlin A. Baldwin
Mr. Robert E. Banks
Ms. Celia A. Barletta
Mrs. & Mr. Nicole Barletta P'28, '29
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Barlow P'22, '24
Mr & Mrs Charles Barone P'25, '27
Mr & Mrs Brian F Barrett '74
Mr & Ms Daniel Barry P'29, '30
Mr & Mrs Mike Barthel P'24
Mr & Mrs Keith Basile '01*
Mr Dustin Batista
Mr & Mrs P S Bedrosian P'14
Ms Susan E Belanger *
Mr Douglas Bellow and Mrs Kate Lowenstein P'25
Atty & Mrs Charles R Bennett Jr P'94, '97
Mr. Anthony J. Benning
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Betts P'25, '28
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bhuta P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bianchi P'22, '23
Ms. Nancy Birmingham
tty. Thomas F. Birmingham '67 and Ms. Selma Botman
Mr & Mrs Anthony P Biscardi '88
Mrs Lillian Biviano
Mrs & Mr Leeann Blais
Mr & Mrs Travis Blais P'26,'27,'29
Mr & Ms David Blessing P'23, '26
Mr Bernard Blotner
Mr John B Blottman III '78
Mr & Mrs Stephen Boksanski
Mr William R Bolan '71
* +
Circle Continued $1,000 - $4,999
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Austin Benefactors Prep Society
Individuals & Families
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mrs Sara Bonica
Mrs & Mr June Bonilla P'26
Mrs Jonell Boroski
Mr Matthew J Bouchard '15
Mr Douglas F Bouvier '05
Mr & Mrs Richard P Bova Jr '84 P'25
Mr & Mrs B Eugene Brady *
Mr Jack Brady *
Mr Thomas Brady and Ms Jeanette Rosa-Brady P'24
Mr Logan Bravo '18
Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Breakey Jr. '75
Mr. & Ms. Gregg Brewer P'30
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Brezner P'25
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Briggs Jr. '92
Mr. Joseph W. Brine '83
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Brosnan GP'21, '22, '26
Mrs Lisa M Bruce P'10, '11, '17
Mr & Mrs Patrick F Bruno CPA '72
Mrs Elaine M Buckley P'02
Mr & Mrs John Burke P'22, '24, '27
Ms Carolyn G Burkett '10
Mr & Mrs John Burnham Jr P'26, '28, '29
Mr & Mrs Thomas M Burns P'08
Mr William C Elliott and Mrs Carol L Burrows P'02
Mr & Mrs John Buser P'26
Dr Hillary J Bush '03
Ms Sophia Cabral
Mr. Thomas J. Callaghan '75
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Callahan P'00, '92, '96 GP'25, '28
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Cannistraci P'29
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone '88 P'28, '30
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Capraro P'02, '05, '97
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Carchia '87 *
Ms Sofia Cardenas
Mr John Lawrence Carew '67 and Ms Judy Bralove *
Ms Diana Carlson *
Ms Janine Carmilia-Smith and Mr Jarod Smith
Mr & Mrs John J Carney III P'01, '04, '98
Mrs & Mr Christine Carpentieri P'27, '28
Mr Brian D Carr '97 *
Mr Joseph M Carregal '05
Mr Donald Carter and Mrs Leslie Ann Boria-Carter P'23
Mrs Bernice Caruso P'90, '93, '99 GP'20, '22
Mr & Mrs Gerard A Caruso '90 P'20, '22, '27
Mr Gerard A Caruso '20
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Caruso P'11, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Paolo Cataldi P'26
Mr. Robert Wopperer and Ms. Kate Cavanaugh P'26, '28, '30 *
Mr. Matthew L. Centore '13 *
Ms. Tripti Chandorkar P'26
Mr & Mrs Lennox Chase Esq
Mrs & Mr Stephanie Choate
Atty Paige M Christie '11
Ms Elaine Christopher GP'25, '28
Ms Linda G Churchill
Mr & Mrs Michael J Ciampa '76
Mr Ralph Joseph Cinquegrana, Esq '70
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey T Cirace '72
Mr & Mrs Philip Clarke P'21, '23
Mr Donald J Cloonan '83 *
Mr & Mrs Joseph E Cloonan '70
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Cohn P'23
Mrs. & Mr. Claudia A. Colannino
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Collier '81
Mr. Richard Conley Jr. and Mrs. Valerie Armbrust P'27
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Connolly P'80, '83 GP'15, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connolly Jr. '72
Mrs & Mr Michelle B Connors
Dr Richard W Conron Jr '84 and Ms Kristin Abbruzzi
Mr & Mrs Robert P Constantine '69
Mr & Mrs Christopher A Cornetta '01 *
Mr & Mrs Mark Costello '75
Mr Vincent X Costello P'07
Ms Flora Cote
Mr & Mrs Michael Cote P'26
Mr Todd Cote
Mr & Mrs Tim Cotter P'24
Mr Pierce O Cray & Dr Catherine Sheils P'17
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Crowley P'23
Ms. Olivia R. Crowley '15
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Crowley P'15, '18
Ms. Kylie M. Currier '16
Mr. & Mrs. James V. D'Agostino P'86, '88
Mr & Mrs Craig Danese P'26
Austin Prep Benefactors Society
Individuals & Families
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr & Mrs Cameron Deane P'27, '29
Mr Emilio DeAngelis and Mrs Christine DiGiovanni P'20
Mr Robert Deleo
Ms. Alexandra M. Dell'Anno '12
Mr. & Mrs. Brian DellaPorta
Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeLuca
Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeMarco P'95
Mr. Gaetano DeNardo and Mrs. Nicole Adiletto DeNardo P'27
Mr & Mrs Paul F Denaro P'03, '05
Mr & Mrs Robert F Derrah P'84, '85, '87 GP'14
Ms Alyssa DeSimone '17
Mr Joseph A Desjardins
Dr Americo Mello and Mrs Danielle Desplaines P'26
Mr & Atty Ralph Devito Jr P'27
Dr & Mrs George A DeVito Jr '68
Dr & Mrs Louis DeVito Jr P'02, '05
Mr & Mrs A J DiBiase '78
Mrs Kimberly DiCesare P'25
Mrs Joanne DiFronzo
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo '82 P'11, '14
Mrs. & Mr. Jodi A. Ditchfield P'17, '19, '26
Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A.
Mr. & Mrs. James Doherty P'22, '24
Mr. Michael J. Doherty '22
Mrs. Patricia H. Doherty
Mr & Mrs Paul L Doherty '72
Mrs Shalynn Doherty
Mr Michael Rizzo and Mrs Keri-leigh Doiron P'28
Mr & Mrs Christopher Donahue GP'25
Mr & Mrs James A Donahue '80 *
Mr & Mrs Francesco Donati
Mr Anthony M Doniger and Ms Elizabeth A Lunt
Mr William C Donovan III '93 *
Mrs Amy K Doucette '98
Mr Alfred T Doughty Jr '75
Mr & Mrs James P Dowd '69 P'01, '05
Mr. Philip J. Dowd '05 *
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Drelick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Driscoll
Mrs. Anne M. Dumas GP'18
Mr. Robert J. Dunlavey '74 *
Mr Martin J Dunn '67
Mrs Heather Dwyer *
Mrs Judith Dyment GP'26
Mr & Mrs Todd Dyment P'26
Mr & Ms Jason Edgar P'26
Mr & Mrs Christopher T Ellis P'20, '24
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Ellis P'27, P'30
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Elwell Jr. '69
Dr. & Mrs. Darryl V. Esakof
Mr. Folker Machic and Ms. Monica Espinoza P'27
Mr. Michael Esten
Mr Michael C Fahey and Ms Melissa Meehan
Mrs Patricia Falwell GP'28, '30
Mr & Mrs Noel A Farah P'05, '06
Mr James Farnan
Ms Janet Farnan
Ms Elizabeth C Farrell and Mr Marc P Pascucci
Mr & Mrs Christopher Farris P'24
Mrs Donalee Farris
Mr Patrick V Fazzolari '22
Mr Vincenzo Fazzolari and Mrs Sheila Hanson-Fazzolari P'22 *
Ms Kelly Feeney
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fergusson P'25
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ferranti P'24
Ms. Kelley A. Ferretti P'23, '25, '27, '28
Mr. & Mrs. Karsten Fetten P'22
Mr. & Mrs. John Field P'29
Ms. Catherine Figucia GP'22, '24
Mr & Mrs Richard P Filadoro '90 P'22, '23
Mrs Marlene Fineran
Mr Scott R Fitzgerald '88
Mr Ronan Fitzpatrick
Mr & Mrs Michael Fix P'25
Ms Michelle Flaherty
Mr & Mrs Francis Flahive GP'23, '26
Mr & Mrs Mark Flynn P'28, '30
Mr & Mrs Gary Ford P'26, '28
Mr David Forsythe GP'26
Mr & Mrs Francis J Fothergill P'06, '09
Ms. Kate Foti
Mr. & Mrs. John Fountain GP'21, '25
Mr. Daniel Foley and Mrs. Marissa Fox-Foley P'26
Mr. James J. Frackleton '08
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Frommelt P'07, '11
Ms Doreen A Fuller P'09, '13
Mr & Mrs Barry Gagne P'26, '26
Mr Geoffrey Garrone '96
Austin Prep Benefactors Society
Individuals & Families
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr Heath Gatlin
Ms Joan Gatto GP'24
Mr Michael P Genovese '10
Mr Jared E Gentilucci '00
Mr & Mrs Todd A Gerety P'16, '19, '22
Mr. & Mrs. Ulysses Gilchrist P'23
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gillis Esq. *
Ms. Jean E. Gilmore P'17, '19
Dr. Urania Glassman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Glynn '89
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Glynn '81
Mr Bruce Goldman
Dr & Ms Alexander Goldsmith PhD P'26, '28
Mr & Mrs Donald J Golini '71
Mr Mingyou Gong and Mrs Chenghui Liu P'24
Mr & Mrs David S Gonsiorowski '68
Mr & Ms Dennis M Goodwin
Mr & Mrs Edward F Gordon Jr '72 *
Fr Peter Gori, O S A '70 *
Mr & Mrs Jason Gracilieri P'28
Mr & Mrs Richard Graham '96 '96 P'27, '29
Ms. Maura Graham P'26
Mr. Reginald A. Joseph and Mrs. Cheryl Grant P'17, '23
Ms. Jennifer Gray
Mr. Donald B. Greenlaw Jr. '76 *
Ms. Kayla M. Greenwood *
Mrs. Janet Grenzke
Mr Jon Grenzke
Mr George W Griffin '74 *
Mr & Mrs Marc L Griffin '94
Mr & Mrs Christopher Grohe P'23, '26
Mr & Mrs John C Guanci '92 P'27 *
Mr & Mrs Paul M Guanci '82 *
Mr Anthony Guerriero
Dr & Mrs Himanshu Gupta, MD P'21, '24 *
Ms Samantha N Hall '05 *
Dr Leslie F Halpern
Mr & Mrs George J Hamilton P'12 *
Mr. Andrew P. Hanlon '10 *
Mr. Vincenzo Fazzolari and Mrs. Sheila Hanson-Fazzolari P'22
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Harkins *
Mr. Trod T. Harold '05 *
Mr. & Mrs. William Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harring Jr. P'24
Mr & Mrs Joseph P Hartel P'86 *
Mr & Mrs Tom Healey GP'21, '24 *
Mr Robert P Hennessy
Mr & Mrs Chris Herrick P'26
Mr Charles E Heseltine
Mr. Charles Hickey '27
Mr. Jared Hickey, '24 *
Mrs. Joanne Hickey GP'24, '25, '27, '30
Ms. Madeline V. Hickey '22
Mrs. Margaret Hickey *
Mr. Ryan J. Hickey '23 *
Mr Adam C Higginbottom '22
Mr & Mrs David Higginbottom P'22
Mrs & Mr Jennifer A Hodgdon *
Mr Edmund E Hoell '70 and Ms Carole E Center *
Mr & Mrs Francis W Hoell '69 *
Mr & Mrs David I Hoffses
Ms Elizabeth House
Mr Benjamin R Hubbell '95 and Ms Melissa N Pratt
Mr & Ms John Hyland P'25
Mr Matthew H Hyszczak
Mr. & Ms. Pasquale Iapicca
Mr. Johnny Igoe P'26
Mr. Ilir Sollaku and Mrs. Ermelinda Isufi P'26 *
Mr. Brendan A. Jaena '22 *
Mr. Cameron J. Jaena ‘26
Mr. Colin D. Jaena '19
Mr & Mrs Greg Janian P'26
Mr & Mrs Tim Jette P'24
Mr Trevor Jones
Mr & Mrs Michael P Joyce P'17, P'18, P'20
Mrs & Mr Cecilie Joyner PhD P'26
Mr Raymond Kabunga
Mr & Mrs Paul Kadilak P'29
Mr & Mrs Drew H Kalton P'10, P'12
Mr John A Morley and Ms Jennifer Karp P'15 *
Mr Lawrence P Connolly and Ms Eileen P Kavanagh P'05 *
Mr & Mrs Joe Kavka P'28, P'29
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Keddy P'25
Ms. Janice L. Kelley '10
Ms. Mary Alice Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly '69
Mrs. Bridget Monagle Kent ’01 & Mr. Robert Kent
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Keon P'84, '85, '93
Austin Prep Benefactors Society
Individuals & Families
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr Charles J Kiezulas '70 P'99
Mr Colin Kiley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Killilea P'28, '29
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher King
Mr. Steven E. Kintigos
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Klein P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Knowles P'24, '27
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kochocki P'17
Mrs & Mr Kathy A Kourkoulos P'14
Mr Adam Kramer and Ms Lauren McNally
Mr & Dr Ronald Landen P'23, '26
Mr Ernest J Landry P'94
Mr Patrick Lane
Mr & Ms Timothy Lane
Dr & Mr Christy Lawrence
Atty Elizabeth A Leahy '02 *
Mr Joseph Leary *
Mr Alex J Lehmann '06
Mr Joseph B Lehmann and Dr Jeanne Velde P'06
Dr. & Ms. Michael Lescault
Ms. & Mr. Barbara Lichtman
Mr. Marianne Linehan
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Liwanag P'25, '27
Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Luther III '79
Mr Donald O Lyman '73
Ms Katherine Lynch
Mr & Mrs Edward G MacKenzie '99
Mrs Shirley A MacKenzie P'03, '99 *
Mr Gary E Mackiewicz *
Ms Mary Ellen Mackin *
Dr Maria MacLean PhD
Mr & Mrs James MacQuarrie GP'20, '23
Mr & Mrs John Maggiacomo P'26 *
Mr & Mrs Joseph Magliozzi P'25
Mrs Juanita Malandain GP'24 *
Ms. Christine Maloof
Mr. George C. Malvey and Ms. Carol Fusaro P'05, '10 *
Mrs. Kathleen Mann *
Mr. Mark F. Maradei '12 *
Mr. William L. Maradei Jr. '11 *
Mr. William F. Maradei P'11, '12 *
Mr Nicholas A Marchetti '17
Mrs & Mr Rebecca Martiniello *
Ms Anastasia O Mastrocola '19 *
Mr & Mrs Frank Mastrocola P'19
Mr & Ms Jason Mathew P'26, '28
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Matuza P'27 *
Mr. Joe Mauro
Mrs. & Mrs. Jill and Melissa May-Broyles P'23
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Mayer P'09
Mr. & Mrs. John P. McAnespie II '80
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn McCafferty P'26, '27
Mr & Mrs Daniel F McCarthy '78
Mrs Rita M McCarthy P'00, '97
Mr Michael McCord
Ms Susan McCraw GP'23
Mrs Helen McCusker *
Ms Meaghan McDevitt P'29 *
Mr Sean T McDonald '10
Mr Graeme McGinley and Ms Jacqueline Hamilton P'25
Ms Bridget A McGinn
Mr & Mrs Robert G McGloughlin '70
Dr Rebecca K McHugh '99
Mr. & Mrs. John L. McKee Esq. '91
Ms. Kathleen M. McKendry '05
Mr. Regan J. McKendry '98
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Jessica McLaughlin *
Mrs. Theresa Mclennan
Mr David L McNeil '94
Mr David McPherson *
Mr & Ms John R Meaney '14
Mr & Mrs William J Meehan Sr '67
Mr Rick Menard *
Mr & Mrs Marc Mercier P'25
Mr William G Mersch GP'26, '27
Mr & Mrs Kurtis J Meyer '77
Dr & Mrs Brian Millett P'24
Mr Paul R Mirabella '88
Mr & Mrs Paul J Monagle Jr P'16
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Monagle Jr. P'01
Mr. Jaycob Morales *
Mr. Michael Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moran P'10, '13
Mr. Todd Moriarty *
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Morin P'20, '22, '24 *
Ms Emily Morris *
Mr Dominic Moruzzi P'24
Mr Matthew S Mulcahy '10
Austin Prep Benefactors Society
Individuals & Families
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mrs Nancy A Mulcahy P'10, '14
Mr Nicholas J Mulcahy '14
Mrs. Mary Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Murphy P'27
Mr. Michael W. Murphy '70
Mr. Luigi Musto P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Nanopoulos P'05, '08
Mr. Kevin Neal P'22, P'24
Mr & Mrs Jesse Needham P'26
Mr Ronald R Nelson '75
Mrs & Mr Anna Nguyen P'26
Mrs Michelled Nicoisa
Mr & Mrs Louis A Nicotra '70
Mr & Mrs James K Noonan '71
Mr Michael T Nuttall '05
Mr & Mrs Tim O'Brien P'26
Mr & Mrs David O'Donnell P'24
Mr & Mrs John C O'Donnell '67
Mr & Mrs John M O'Donnell '77
Mrs. Linda O'Leary GP'26
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. O'Toole P'03, '07
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ogonowski '75
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Onorato P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oostman P'24, '26, '28
Mr John M Otis '76
Mr & Mrs Thomas J Ouellette P'19, '25
Mr & Mrs David Palmer
Mr & Ms Curtis J Paparian '09 '09
Mr & Mrs Timothy Parsons P'28
Mr Peter Byrne & Mrs Marla C Pascucci-Byrne P'26
Mr & Mrs Peter R Pasquale P'20
Mr & Mrs Vipul Patel P'24
Mr & Mrs Ryan Patrie
Mr & Mrs Richard H Paulsen P'96, '98
Mr & Mrs Peter Pavlakos P'24
Mrs. Janine Peabody
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Pendergast III '70
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Percival II '90
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J. Perruccio '71
Mr. Christopher Pesce '93
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Peterson '71
Mr & Mrs Anthony C Petrillo P'10
Mr & Ms Nathan W Piccini '93
Mr & Ms Kirk Pitta P'28, '30
Mrs Alison Pliskaner
Ms Martha Pokwa P'22
Mrs Emilie Polster
Dr & Mrs Steven R Previte P'96
Mrs. Nicole Putney P'26, '28
Mr. Michael V. Pytlinski '82 and Ms. Sharon M. Kieffer
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Quinn
Mr. Joseph T. Quirk
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Rakers P'14, '16
Mrs. & Mr. Juliana Rankin
Mr & Mrs Stephen Reddy P'16, '18
Mr & Mrs Brian C Regan P'20, '22
Mr & Mrs Thomas Regan P'22, '24
Ms Nicolle L Renick
Mr Andrew N Reusch Jr
Mr & Mrs Robert A Ricci P'15, '20, '22
Ms Madison H Ricci '15
Mr Jonathan T Richard '10
Mr & Mrs Brad Rinklin P'25
Mrs Holly Riordan P'23, '26
Mr. Richard Rivera P'26
Ms. Stephanie Rivera P'26
Mr. Michael Rizzo and Mrs. Keri-leigh Doiron P'28
Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Robertie '69
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Robinson Jr. '79
Mr. & Mrs. John Roderick P'22
Mr & Mrs M Robert Rose '69
Mr Austin Dundin and Atty Elena Rosnov-Dundin P'26
Mrs & Mr Olga Rotaru P'29 *
Mr & Mrs Corrado Russo *
Dr Michael Ryan III and Mrs Sara Panarello P'25, '27
Mr & Mrs Robert Ryan *
Mrs & Mr Lauren Sabella *
Ms Kristin Saccoccio P'25 *
Mr William Sage
Dr David Salibian '93 and Dr Nayiri Ajoian Salibian P'29
Mrs Virginia M Samalis P'93, '99
Mr. Matthew E. Samler '01
Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Sandler
Mr. Bob Alfieri and Mrs. Laura Santini P'23
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sarto '68
Mr. Jonathan H. Saurman '14
Dr. & Mrs. Russell C. Scaduto Jr. '73
Mr Benjamin Schools *
Austin Prep Benefactors Society
Individuals & Families
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Scott P'28, '30
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Shakalis '68
Mr. Venkatesh Rajappa and Dr. Shradha Sharma P'30
Mr & Mrs Jerry Sheehan P'27*
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey D Sheehy P'08
Mr & Mrs Richard Sherry P'24, '27
Mr & Mrs Duane Sigsbury
Mr & Mrs David Simmons P'24, '25, '27, '30
Mr & Mrs James W Small P'94
Mr & Mrs Brian A Smith '74
Mr & Mrs Walter A Smith Jr '70
Mr John T Smolak Jr '15
Mr & Mrs Todd W Solomon '88
Ms Kerri Soto P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sousa P'29
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Spanks '69
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Spengler
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Sperling P'22, '25, '27
Mr. Benjamin L. Sperling '22
Mrs Jennifer Spiegel
Mr & Mrs Thomas St Arnaud P'27, '29
Mr & Mrs Steve St Hilaire P'28
Mrs & Mr Mary Stevenson Mahadev
Mr & Mrs Gordon Stewart P'23
Mr Roger F Stone
Mr John Devlin and Ms Yvette Story P'24
Mr Edmund J Sullivan III '68
Mr & Mrs Erik Sullivan *
Mr & Mrs James D Sullivan III '71
Mr John C Sullivan '92
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Sullivan P'06
Mr. Paul J. Sullivan
Mr. Zheng Sun and Lin Wu
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Swanson '73
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Sweeney P'24
Ms. Jessica C. Swindell and Mr. Stephan A. Wenicz
Mr & Mrs Aj Tabrizi P'29
Mr & Mrs John Tavano P'21, '25
Dr & Mrs Paul D Teague '76 P'07, '10
Mr Paul T Tenney *
Mr & Mrs Mark Theriault P'30
Mr & Mrs Richard H Theriault P'06 *
Mr Theodore E Thomas III '82 *
Ms & Mr Cassandra Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. James Tillis P'28
Mrs. Anna Tiro
Mr. & Mrs. William Tomamichel P'24
Mr & Mrs George J Toscano Jr '68
Mr & Mrs Phillip E Touchette P'05
Mr & Mrs Joseph J Tower III P'09, '11
Mr & Mrs Matthew Tracy P'23
Mr & Mrs Alfred G Trani '67
Dr & Mrs Patrick Trojer P'23, '28
Mr & Mrs Richard Tshudy P'24, '26
Mr & Mrs William H Turner Jr '73
Mr & Mrs Golden E Tyre
Mrs Nancy Valentin-Soto GP'27
Ms Alicia Varraso
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Vecchione
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ventura P'24
Mr. Ken Vestini
Ms. Kate Villa
Ms. Alyssa E. Vounessea '21
Dr & Mrs Michael David Walkenstein '69
Mr & Mrs William J Wallace P'93, '96
Mr & Mrs John F Walsh P'03
Mr & Mrs Kevin Walsh P'18, '22 *
Dr PoChun C Wang *
Mr & Mrs John Weber P'18, '20, '22 *
Dr Kenneth Wells '80 *
Mr Rick Wells
Mr & Mrs Mark E Westervelt P'11, '14 *
Mr & Mrs Jon Whalen *
Mrs Christina Sanchez *
Mr. Garrett White *
Ms. Elizabeth Whitman
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Williams *
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Williams P'96
Mr. & Ms. Richard Wills P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard H. Wilson '73
Mr Douglas Wolf
Mr & Mrs W J Woodford Jr '75
Mr & Mrs Byron Woodman III P'24
Mr & Mrs Paul Woods GP'20, '22, '24
Mr Robert Wopperer and Ms Kate Cavanaugh P'26, '28, '30 *
Mr Dane Worden & Mrs Kathryn Worden '05
Ms Lei Xue and Mr Boshi Jin
Mr & Mrs Kenneth Yameen GP'20, '20, '25
Austin Prep Benefactors Society
Individuals & Families
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Young P'24, '24
Mr. Alfred M. Zappala '68 and Ms. Olga Sultanova GP'27 *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Zappala '70 *
Mrs Joyce Zawatsky GP'24 *
Mr & Mrs Brian Zawatsky P'24 *
Mr & Mrs Michael J Zdrojewski P'16 *
Mr & Mrs John A Zerfas '75 *
Mr Adam Zona *
Donors who support the Golf Tournament are designated with +
St. Monica Circle $25,000 - $99,999
Workday Foundation
Head of School’s Circle $10,000 - $24,999
Catholic Schools Foundation, Inc.
Daniel F. & Margaret MacAdam Loughry Foundation
Fidelity Foundation
State Street Foundation
Michael & Vincenza Vinciullo Charitable Foundation Trust
Caritas Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Baerlein & Partners, Inc. +
BlackRock, Inc.
Blanche M. Walsh Charity Trust
Pimentel Construction Company +
Quirk Construction Corporation +
Veritas Circle $1,000 - $4,999
Austin Preparatory School Teachers Association +
BDS Group Inc +
Blue Sky Tower +
Boston Freightliner, Inc +
C-Suite Corp
Capone Landscaping, Inc +
Champions Choice Apparel, LLC +
Cora Operations Inc +
Cummings Properties, LLC
DeMoulas Foundation +
Endicott College +
Frame One, LLC +
Goldberg Weprin Finkel Goldsetin LLP
Grinnell Mechanical, Inc +
Huntress Sports +
Inello Electric LLC +
Lendah +
LSS Consulting Group, LLC +
Mark Lawrence Photography
McLane Middleton +
McKenna & Partners +
Merk Partnership for Giving
PwC +
Sage Dining Services, Inc. +
Salem Five Charitable Foundation +
Sanitrol Building Maintenance Corp +
Sarksian Farms Driving Range, LLC +
UBS Financial Services +
US Bank
Austin Prep Benefactors Society Organizations
Unitas Circle Up to $999
A1 Datashred, LLC +
All Owners Drain Cleaning +
Amazon Smile
Analog Devices
Applied Materials Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
B&L Mechanical and Consulting +
Bank of America
BNY Mellon
Boston Hill Fence LLC +
Bunratty Tavern +
Burbank YMCA +
CL&H Energy +
Comak Brothers, Inc. +
Constant Temperature Systems Inc. +
CSL Consulting, LLC +
Douglas Funeral Home +
Enel Green Power North America
Five-O Promo +
GW&K Investment Management, LLC
Hannaford & Dumas Corporation +
Hannigan’s Island Market
Humboldt Storage and Moving +
Huron Consulting Group
J G MacLellan Concrete Co , Inc +
Kirkwood Printing Company +
LaPlume & Sons Printing +
Latham Law Offices, LLC +
MacMillan Law Offices
ORIX Foundation
Oracle Corporation
Perfect Parties USA +
Perin & Campbell Electric, Inc +
Raytheon Compay
Reading Rotary Charitable Trust +
Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce +
S G Mechanical, Inc +
Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation
Segal Roitman, LLP
Shea Concrete Products, Inc +
Specialized Roofing Company +
Stoneham Bank +
TCom Technologies
The Lt Michael P Quinn Scholarship Fund
Tycon Development +
Wakefield Custom Dental +
Winn Street Services +
Yeshiva Wurzweller School of Social Work
Matching Gift Companies
Analog Devices
Applied Materials
Bank of America
BlackRock, Inc.
BNY Mellon Enel
Green Power
North America
Fidelity Foundation
Giving ORIX Foundatoin
Consulting Group Merck
Company Saint- Gobain Corpoerate Foundation
State Street Foundation US Bank Double your impact today! Many employers have Matching Gift Programs and will match charitable donations made by their employees. These programs are critical to philanthropy at Austin Prep. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, email:
Tribute Gifts
Tribute gifts are a thoughtful and meaningful way to remember a loved one, mark a milestone, or honor someone who has impacted your life. The following individuals were honored with a charitable donation made in their honor or memory during Fiscal Year 2023.
In Honor Of
Father Patrick Armano
Anthony Biscardi
Jordan Barthel
Jon and Jackie Brand '23 '23
Michael Brosnan
Derek Carney
Kevin Carney
Scott Carney
Jerry Caruso
Lauren Costa
Emily Croteau
Alex Dell'Anno
James P Dowd
Paul Dundin
Chase Edgar
Thomas Enright
Finn Feeney
Michael Flynn
Lynch Foley
Nicholas Happeny
Adam Higginbottom
The History Department
Jennifer Hodgdon
Father Art Johnson
Nicole Putney
Jonathan Richard
Noah Rivera
Brian & Celia Sensale
lyssa Joseph,
William Kelley
Bryanna King
Joe Leary
Jonathan Lee
Victoria MacKenzie
Joey Magliozzi
Gaetano Manganiello
Coach Bill Maradei
Alexandra Martinelli '28
Amanda Martinelli '29
Stella Masciarelli
Vera Masciarelli
Caitlin McCraw
Clare McCusker
Robert McGlouhglin
Annette Melchionda
Dalton Murphy
Leila Musto
Lauren Neal
The Pimentel Family
Marla Pascucci-Byrne
Elizabeth Pasquale
Peter Pavlakos
Mrs. Petrillo
Roger Stone
Alex Vigorito
Tatum White
Tara Williams
Lucas Williams
Byron Zawatsky
Jake Zawatsky
2009 Super Bowl
Champions -#42
In Memory Of
Vito Adamo Jr.
Ross Alameddine '05
Michael C Bider
Thomas F. Birmingham '67
James Brine Class of 1982
Linda Bruno
Constance M. Burke
Dr. James j Cain, OSA
Thomas Callahan '00
Gerard J Caruso
Dr. Stephen P. De Garavilla, P'98, '00, '01
Robert F Deziel, Sr
William & Eleanor Donahue
Robert and Florence Dunlavey
Mildred Dunbar
Tom Enright
Mary Farrell
Ms Doreen Fuller
Francis Gagne
George & Mary Hannigan
Joseph P Hickey
Frank MCCarthy, Former English Teacher
Dennis McNeil ( Dad)
David C McGloughlin
Annette Melchionda
George M (Matt) Miller
Scott Mulcahy
Justine Musto
John Newton '67
William & Catherine O'Donnell
Dipakbhai Chaganbhai Patel
Paul Pavlakos
Martha Pimentel
Barbara Pugh
James Regan
Marvin and Gertrude Rose
Harry and Zaro Salibian
Mr & Mrs Armand L Sarto
Herbert & Bridget Smith
Philip and Ruth Solomon
Michael Sverdlove '14
Darius Theriault
Claudette Thibault
Francesco N Vigorito Jr
Ruth Willason
Henry and Alice Wilson
Catherine Yameen
Santo Zappala
Deceased members of the Class of 1969
Faith & Reason
The Campaign for Austin Prep: Rising to the Challenge for the Next 60 years
During Fiscal Year 2023, Austin Prep launched the seed phase a comprehensive campaign to address elements of our strategic vision that require immediate resources for the greatest impact. Thank you to the following donors who joined the seed phase and supported Phase I of classroom modernization.
Dr. Michael J. Barry ‘79
Dr Maria Blewitt & Mr Stephen Blewitt
Mr & Mrs Daniel J Bouchard P’10, ‘14, ‘15
Mr & Mrs Thomas Brosnan P’21, ‘22, ‘26
Mr. Louis Fantozzi & Mrs. Jennifer Fantozzi ‘97 P’28
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Guinee
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Martinelli P’28, ‘29
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Murphy P’27
Mr & Mrs Anthony Pimentel P’99, ‘99, ‘01 GP’27, ‘29
Mr & Mrs Matthew Pimentel ‘01
Drs Ruben & Emma Reyes P’24, ‘26
State Street Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Welch P’25
Drs. Anthony & Serena Zizza, III P’26, ‘29
Memorial Scholarships & Funds
Gifts to scholarships contribute to the growing strength of the Austin Prep Scholarship Endowment. We are grateful to those families and friends who choose to honor their loved ones by establishing a scholarship or fund at Austin Prep The following donations were contributed to memorial scholarships in Fiscal Year 2023.
The Alyce and Fred Gilfeather
Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather '69
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Maguire III '66
Alyssa Nanopoulos ‘08
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr & Mrs Andrew C Nanopoulos P'05, '08
Mr & Mrs Phillip E Touchette P'05
Aristides (Artie C. Speros, Jr. ‘85 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr & Mrs Michael G Addor '85
Mr Thomas P Donohoe '85
Ms Elizabeth House
Mr & Mrs Edward J Veno '85
Arthur and Martha Pimentel GP’99, ‘01
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr James Cotone
Mr & Mrs Anthony J Pimentel P'99, '01, GP'27,'29
Barbara A. Zarella
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr & Mrs Joseph P Zarella ‘77
Edith Dray
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Banfield '86
Workday Foundation
George “Matt” Miller Scholarship Fund
Mr & Mrs Mark Costello '75
Mr Donald O Lyman '73
James M. McGonagle, II ‘01 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. William C. Elliott and Mrs. Carol L. Burrows P'02
Kristen M. Corbett ‘08
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr & Mrs Glenn P Corbett P'08
Michael G. Sverdlove ‘14 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr & Mrs Harry R Sverdlove P'14, '15
Michael R. Darwin
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. Paul J. Sullivan
Ross Alameddine ‘05
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr Michael T Nuttall '05
Mr Dane Worden & Mrs Kathryn Worden '05
Scott J. Heseltine
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr Charles E Heseltine
Ms Katherine Lynch
The Francis J. Cummings Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr & Mrs Michael F Cummings '73
Thomas Callahan ‘10 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr & Mrs Louis S DiRupo '82 P'11, '14
Mr & Mrs William Harper
Memorial Scholarships & Funds
The Austin Scholars Program
Mr Robert E Banks
Ms Nancy Birmingham
Mr Bernard Blotner
Mr & Mrs Anthony J Burke '81 P'13, '17
Ms Linda G Churchill
Mr & Mrs Mark Costello '75
Mr Robert Deleo
Mrs Patricia H Doherty
Mrs. Shalynn Doherty
Mr. Anthony M. Doniger and Ms. Elizabeth A. Lunt
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Duff Jr. '67
Mr. Martin J. Dunn '67
Mr. James Farnan
Ms. Janet Farnan
Mrs Marlene Fineran
Mr Ronan Fitzpatrick
Ms Kate Foti
Mr Heath Gatlin
Dr Urania Glassman
Mr Bruce Goldman
Mr & Mrs Donald J Golini '71
Mrs Janet Grenzke
Mr Jon Grenzke
Mr Anthony Guerriero
Dr. Leslie F. Halpern
Ms Mary Alice Kelley
Mr Marianne Linehan
Mr Joe Mauro
Mr Michael McCord
Ms Bridget A McGinn
Mrs Michelled Nicoisa
Mrs Emilie Polster
Mr Joseph T Quirk
Mr & Mrs Michael P Rioux '67
Mr William Sage
Segal Roitman LLP
Mrs. Jennifer Spiegel
Mrs. & Mr. Mary Stevenson Mahadev
Mrs. Anna Tiro
Mr. & Mrs. Golden E. Tyre
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Walsh P'03
Mr Rick Wells
Ms Elizabeth Whitman
Mr Douglas Wolf
Yeshiva Wurzweiler School of Social Work
Lt Michael P Quinn Scholarship Fund (The) Hannigan's Island Market
Goldberg Weprin Finkel Goldsetin LLP
The Annual Report is an expression of our deepest gratitude for everyone who has made a philanthropic charitable donation to Austin Prep between July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023. Every effort has been made to accurately list all those individuals, families, and organizations who made a donation to Austin Prep during the last fiscal year. If we have made an error or omission in the report, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 781.944.4900. We will be happy to make the correction.
781.944.4900 | | 101 Willow St., Reading, MA