Austin Prep Fund Impact: Transforming Through Support
Dear Austin Prep Community, The start of a new year and new semester represents the opportunity for a fresh start with renewed opportunities. At Austin Prep, we are ready and eager to continue this exciting journey of boundless possibility in 2024. In the fall semester of 2023, your generosity allowed us to accomplish countless achievements. With your partnership, we were able to bring new opportunities to students and their teachers. Your support is deeply appreciated as it always inspires us to keep moving forward to make an Austin Prep education a foundation for life. Chief among the core values at Austin Prep are faith, excellence, and innovation—staying at the forefront of educational innovation. As we reflect on the impact of your support through the Austin Prep Fund, we are thrilled to share the profound changes that have taken place. Your contributions to the Austin Prep Fund have been instrumental in advancing our mission across all key areas, sustaining and growing a dynamic and enriching learning environment.
E D U C AT I O N A L P RO G R A M M I N G Your generosity has empowered us to elevate our educational programming to higher levels. Through the Austin Prep Fund, we have been able to introduce innovative curricular initiatives, cutting-edge technology, and experiential learning N E A S C F o u n d a t i o n T eopportunities, a m V i s iall t :while M amaintaining y 1 1 , 2smaller 0 2 2 class sizes (an average of 16 students per class) to P r o g r a m V i s i t : O c t o b e r 1ensure 6 , 2 0maximum 2 2 - Oengagement. c t o b e r From 1 9 , 32 2 0art, 22 design, and performance courses (with two theatre productions annually), to our missionbased programs (such as the Student Augustinian Values Institute and Unitas Leadership Academy), all the way to our 1:1 Student to Apple Device Program, your support ensures that Austin Prep remains the vanguard of educational excellence, providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world
STUDENT LIFE The Austin Prep Fund has been a catalyst for enhancing student life in meaningful ways. From supporting 21 varsity sports (including 4 State Championships over the last three years and 2 NEPSAC Titles since joining last year), 52 interscholastic teams, and over 60 clubs, to sustaining vibrant extracurricular activities & fostering a sense of community through engaging events (such as our annual production of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker or Campus Tree Lighting), your contributions create the conditions for a caring and supportive environment. Students are not only excelling academically, but are also enjoying personal and engaging experiences, appreciating and embracing the time-honored qualities of cooperation, collaboration, compassion, and community. Such experiences are the structural footings for future success beyond the “BOUNDLESS OPPORTUNITIES TIMELESS VALUE” classroom in the adult world. IMPACT STATEMENT
F A C U LT Y D E V E L O P M E N T Our exceptional faculty plays a crucial role in shaping the educational experience at Austin Prep. Thanks to your support, we have been able to invest in faculty professional and career development programs, ensuring that our N E Ahave S C access Foun a tlatest i o n teaching Te a m V i s i t : M a y 1 1 , 2 0 2 2 educators to dthe Pmethodologies, r o g r a m V iworkshops, s i t : O c tand o b eresources, r 16, 2022 - October 19, 2022 accelerating the way in which the school can respond to the ever-rising expectation for teaching excellence. Your investment in faculty professional development directly contributes to the highquality education for which Austin Prep is known and the increase in professional courses and opportunities, summer sabbaticals, and retention bonuses have been made possible through the support and growth of the Austin Prep Fund over the past decade. Great teachers are the bedrock of learning—and great teachers change lives. Last summer, Ms. Kristen Donnelly, Middle School History Teacher and Head of our Harry Potter Club, utilized a summer sabbatical opportunity to attend the International Summer Program at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. There, she spent a week living and studying on campus while taking two classes, Flowing of the Middle Ages and Five Renaissance Cities, taught by leading academics in the field of Medieval History, while also attending a variety of lectures led by many notable figures, including Sir Tony Brenton (former British Prime Minister to Russia) and author Yvonne Battle Felton. As well as meeting peers from all over the world and spending time in London visiting historical sites, Ms. Donnelly also met up with AP middle school students on the ISCA trip for an afternoon in Covent Garden. Ms. Donnelly has utilized her experience to create new, dynamic lessons to enhance the current 7th-grade history curriculum.
CAMPUS UPGRADES Your contributions to the Austin Prep Fund have facilitated significant campus upgrades, creating a modern and inspiring learning environment. From state-of-the-art technology & facilities, such as our new science labs, hockey locker rooms, and sports fields, to new A/C, Heating, and other N E A S C F o u n d a t i o n T esustainable a m V i s infrastructure, i t : M a y 1your 1 , 2support 0 2 2 has transformed our campus, continuously reflecting P r o g r a m V i s i t : O c t o b e r 1a6shared , 2 0commitment 2 2 - O ctotexcellence. o b e r 1While 9, 2 022 there is still much to do in the modernization of our campus, recent upgrades not only enhanced the educational experience but also contributed to the ongoing well-being, health, safety, and security of our community.
BEYOND BOUNDARIES The impact of your support extends beyond the walls of Austin Prep. Through the Austin Prep Fund, we continue to stand as a beacon of educational excellence and allow students to excel both in and out of the classroom. Together, we are shaping a future where education knows no bounds, where every student can recognize, appreciate, and internalize goals and aspirations – where one success builds upon another – energizing the heart of every child in immeasurable ways. In conclusion, May 2024 bring you all joy, good health, and the great satisfaction of knowing that your philanthropic support is making an extraordinary difference in the lives of students and teachers. We extend our deepest gratitude to each member of the Austin Prep community who has contributed to helping us to expand caritas, unitas, and veritas in all endeavors. With gratitude,
Jack Meaney '14 Associate Director of Annual Giving