Te Austin Prep Fund GIVING GUIDE
Inspiring hearts to unite, minds to inquire, and hands to serve
Te Austin Prep Fund GIVING GUIDE
Inspiring hearts to unite, minds to inquire, and hands to serve
THE AUSTIN PREP FUND is the cornerstone of fundraising at Austin Prep. Also known as the annual fund, the Austin Prep Fund runs from July 1 – June 30 and provides supplemental operating revenue, increasing the School’s ability to seize new opportunities for innovation and address emerging needs.
THE AUSTIN PREP FUND is the primary way for alumni, parents, and friends to support the School and directly impact a student’s current Austin Prep experience. Funds are put to immediate use, allowing the School to offset costs in real-time and invest in priorities that otherwise would not be possible.
Your generous gifts help ensure Austin Prep students have an extraordinary experience rooted in our Roman Catholic and Augustinian tradition — rich in academic excellence, extracurriculars, community and faith.
Additional operating funds afford the School’s leadership the fexibility to respond to ongoing needs and promising initiatives as they arise throughout the year.
Gifts to the Austin Prep Fund enable innovation in teaching, integrate advanced technologies, and provide experiential educational and learning experiences beyond the standard curriculum. Committed, inspiring, and experienced faculty are Austin Prep’s greatest asset. The Austin Prep Fund supports professional development, curriculum innovation, and competitive compensation, thus positioning teachers at the forefront of educational innovation.
We aspire for every Austin Prep alum and every family to make an annual gift to the Austin Prep Fund, at any level.
Your participation is a powerful statement of your dedication and our shared commitment to prepare our students for college and beyond, and always guided by the Augustinian charisms of veritas, unitas, and caritas.
Training, outftting, and transporting a robust athletics program consisting of 21 varsity sports and 52 interscholastic teams requires more resources than what tuition can cover.
Your gift to the Austin Prep Fund provides students with the resources and freedom to cultivate a passion, explore a new interest, examine different perspectives, and experience vibrant extracurricular activities that foster a sense of community.
High rates of parent, alumni, and family participation can also help the School secure funding from additional sources, such as grant-making foundations.
A gift to the Austin Prep Fund is an investment in our students, advancing Austin Prep’s reputation as one of the leading independent Roman Catholic schools in the Northeast.
Scholarships and fnancial aid make an Austin Prep education accessible to qualifed students who would otherwise not be able to attend Austin Prep due to fnancial constraints.
Gifts to the Austin Prep Fund help to guide the formation of the whole student by keeping the teachings of St. Augustine at the center of our mission and fulflling Austin Prep’s commitment to nurturing an inclusive community guided by Roman Catholic values and veritas, unitas, and caritas .
Anytime! Online, by cash, check, or Venmo. Refer to our website for more info about gifts of stock, or from a Donor Advised Fund. Don’t forget about corporate matching gifts!
Scan the QR code to learn more about ways to give and the impact of the Austin Prep Fund.
Gifts to the Austin Prep Fund help keep our facilities in top condition and enable building improvements and cutting-edge equipment upgrades that ensure Austin Prep’s physical spaces match the excellence of our curriculum.
Austin Prep’s fscal year runs from July 1 – June 30. While we welcome gifts at any point during the year, we invite parents, alumni, and friends to align their giving with one or more of our community-wide Austin Prep Fund initiatives:
October: The Fall Appeal
November 13: Austin Prep Giving Day, St. Augustine’s Birthday!
December 31: Last day of the calendar year to give March – April: The Spring Appeal / Spirit Appeal
June 30: Last day of the fscal year to give
Annual support through the Austin Prep Fund empowers the School to annually invest in modern classroom technology, improve campus facilities, provide tuition assistance, develop enriching student programming and co-curricular activities, and enables teaching innovation through multi-dimensional faculty professional development opportunities.
Most importantly, every gift, regardless of size, makes a difference. Your participation will leave a lasting mark on the lives of our students.
Giving societies recognize generous Austin Prep alumni, parents, parents of alumni, grandparents, organizations and friends who have provided the school with an especially strong fnancial foundation.
St. Augustine Circle
$100,000 or more
St. Monica Circle
$25,000- $99,999
Head of School’s Circle
Caritas Circle
Veritas Circle
Unitas Circle
Up to $999
G.O.L.D. Circle
Graduates of the Last Decade who have made a gift of $50+
Austin Prep is a 501 (c)(3) nonproft, Catholic, independent day school and your gift to the annual fund is 100% tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
EIN # 04-2314298