Dear Austin Prep Community,
I am honored to present you with the 2023-2024 Annual Report, which recognizes all donors who have contributed to Austin Prep during our fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). On behalf of the Board of Trustees, students, faculty, and staff, thank you for your steadfast support of Austin Prep and our commitment to educational excellence in the Roman Catholic and Augustinian tradition.
Your generosity enables Austin Prep to be positioned at the forefront of Catholic education; innovating in the classroom, launching new programs and student experiences, modernizing our facilities, and providing tuition assistance. Austin Prep relies on the philanthropic support of our community, and we are incredible grateful for your continued partnership.
For more than 60 years, Austin Prep has shaped Augustinian hearts, formed in veritas, unitas, and caritas, and we are humbled by your dedication to our mission, and the impact you have on our students and faculty. Our future is bright, and with your steady support and the intercession of St. Augustine, Austin Prep will continue to transform lives for the next 60 years Thank you for your enduring commitment to Austin Prep.
James Hickey, Ph.D. P’22, ‘23, ‘24, ‘27 Head of School
Thank you to our generous community who made a gift to Austin Prep during the 2023 - 2024 fiscal year, July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. This report covers all giving during this timeframe, and donors who sponsored the Golf Tournament are designated with a
St. Monica Circle
$25,000 - $99,999
Mr & Mrs Jason Banfield '86
Mr & Mrs Matthew Cushing P'23
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn '83
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Guinee
Atty. & Mrs. Mark J. MacDougall '74
Mr & Mrs Anthony J Pimentel P'99, '01, GP'27,'29
Mr & Mrs Matthew J Pimentel '01
Mrs Mary Jane Restuccia GP'19, GP'23
Mr. Jason Slye & Mrs. Jill Pimentel-Slye '99, P'27, '29
Head of School’s Circle
$10,000 - $24,999
Mr. & Ms. Jonathan Albano P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cacciatore Sr. P'24
Mark ’83 and Rebecca Connolly P'15, '20
Mr Jay Perault and Mrs Erin DeRoche P'23
Mr & Mrs Michael Gallant Sr P'28, '28
Mr & Mrs Alexander Martinelli P'28, '29
Mr. & Mrs. George Massaro GP'25
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Murphy P'27
Dr. Maryanne O'Donnell, PhD P'20, '22, '23, '25, '29
Caritas Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Dr & Mrs Roger Hajjar P'26
Dr Michael J Barry '79
Dr. Charles M. Brain '68 & Ms. Maureen MurphyBrain
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P'18, '20
Mr Philip R Crimmins '69
Dadzie-Yeboah Family
Mr & Mrs Patrick Driscoll '97
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan '72
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Grealish '90
Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P'22, '23, '24, '27
Mr Bob Inello P'25
Mrs Valerie Kelly
Mr & Ms Hratch Minassian P'26, '29, '31
Mr. Jonathan Pollard '97 & Mrs. Lindsay Fitzgerald
Drs. Ruben & Emma Reyes P'24, '26
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Tinkler P'21, '24
Mr & Atty Frank Vigorito, Sr P'27
Mr & Mrs Kevin Welch P'25
Veritas Circle $1,000 - $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Addor '85
Mr & Mrs Mark Balfe P'27, '29
Mr & Mrs Christopher Baroud P'24
Mr & Mrs Daniel Barry P'29, '30
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Becker P'21, '24
Ms. Susan E. Belanger
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bhuta P'27
Mr & Mrs Mark Bradshaw, PhD P'25
Mrs Jennifer Brooks P'25, '27, '31
Mr & Mrs Joseph X Bruno CPA '75
Atty. & Mrs. Steven M. Burke '77
Mrs. Melissa M. Burke P'06, '07, '10
Mr. Ronald E. Cahill '82 & Ms. Anne Estabrook
Mr. & Mrs. John Zirpolo P'24
Mr & Mrs Jim Holmes P'24, '25, '29
Dr Thomas J Hynes Jr '67
Mr Edward G Igo '69 P'94, '95, '04
Mr. & Mrs. David Intoppa P'24
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jasinski P'08
Mr. & Mrs. Claudel Jeannot P'25
Mr Kevin Kerrigan '89
Mr Jerry Lawson & Dr Tanya Lawson P’27
Mr & Mrs Randall LeBlanc P'30
Dr. Daniel P. Little P'20, '22, '23, '25
Hon. & Mrs. Daniel Francis Loughry III '69
Mr. & Ms. Davin MacKenzie P'30
Mr & Mrs Christopher Malley P'25, '27
Mr Rich Caraviello '92 & Mrs Lisa Rossi-Caraviello '96 P'28, '30
Mr & Mrs Christopher Connelly P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Connor P'25, '28
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Costa P'17, '20, '24
Mr. Kevin Thomas Cronin, Esq. '67 & Ms. Mary Jane
Mr & Mrs Michael F Cummings '73
Mr & Mrs Damian N Dell'Anno P'10, '12, '14
Patricia Devine P’27
Dr. Yvette Glina DDS & Mr. Lawrence DiGiammarino Jr., Esq. P'28, '30
Mr & Mrs Robert S Donahue '77
Dr & Mrs William R Driscoll '89
Mr & Mrs Daniel M Dunn '70
Mr. & Ms. George Eisenhauer P'25, '27
Mr. John F. Flynn Jr. '67
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V. Ford '66
Dr & Mrs Scott Formica PhD P'26
Mr & Mrs Peter A Genovese '76 P'10
Mr & Mrs Brian Gildea P'27, '29
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gilgan GP'26, '27
Mr. & Mrs. Jonghoon Han P'20
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hanley P'26
Mr Timothy J Hannigan '71
Dr John C Hoell '67
Mr & Mrs James A Martin Jr '66 GP'25, '27
Mr John F Martin '85 & Ms Stacey L Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Martin P'25, '27
Mr. & Mrs. John Masciarelli P'25, '27
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P'19
Mr & Mrs Michael G McAuliffe '78
Mr Patrick McVeigh P'24
Mr & Mrs Brian E Meaney P'14
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Meissner P'21, '24
Mr. Timothy J. Mello '96
Mr. & Mrs. Gino P. Molettieri P'25
Mr & Mrs John J Moynihan P'05
Maj & Mrs Timothy J Murphy '85
Dr & Mrs Mark Novas P'26
Mr. David J. Pasquale '89
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Pitta P'28, '30
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Quinn P'25
Mr & Mrs William Reidy
Mr & Mrs Michael P Rioux '67
Mr Michael Rizzo & Mrs Keri-leigh Doiron P'28, '30
Mr. Richard W. Robbins '70
Dr. Gregory S. Robinson & Mrs. Colleen C. Boggs P'20
Mr. Austin Dundin & Atty. Elena Rosnov-Dundin P'26
Mr & Mrs Steven B Santos
Mr & Mrs Brian Scott P'28, '30
Veritas Circle Continued $1,000 - $4,999
Mr & Mrs Daniel R Sherr '05
Mr & Mrs Brian Shield P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Shulman P'27
Dr. & Mrs. David P. Solomon '72
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Strachan GP'21, '22, '26
Mr & Mrs Harry R Sverdlove P'14, '15
Dr Lawrence Sykoff, CEO, LSS Consulting Group
Mr & Mrs Aj Tabrizi P'29
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Taverna GP'28
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Theriault P'30
Mr. & Mrs. Mark VanderZouwen P'24
Mr & Mrs Edward J Veno '85
Mr & Mrs Stefan Vounessea P'18, '21, '25
Dr & Ms John Westwood P'26
Mr. Michael J. White '71 & Ms. Jane Desforges
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Young P'24, '24
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr & Mrs James Abbott P'23, '28
Mr & Mrs David Albrecht P'24, '27
Mr. Jeffrey Testa & Ms. Jocelyn Almy-Testa
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Anderson Jr. P'25
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Antonelli P'26
Mr & Mrs Daniel Ardito P'18, '21, '21, '22, '23
Mr & Mrs Gary S Arivella '68
Fr Patrick Armano
Mr. & Mrs. Folarin Ayo P'26, '30
Mr. & Mrs. K. Vasken Babigian P'26
Mr. Michael L. Baccari '03
Ms Danielle F Bacon '06
Mr & Mrs Glenn Bancroft P'15, '18
Mr & Mrs Marco Baratta P'25
Ms. Madison Barbieri '23
Ms. Celia A. Barletta
Mrs. & Mr. Nicole Barletta P'28, '29
Mr & Mrs Scott Barlow P'22, '24
Mr John Barnes & Dr Angela Barnes P'28, '30
Mr & Mrs Charles Barone P'25, '27
Mr. & Mrs. John Barry GP'18, '22
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Bates P'30
Mr. Dustin Batista
Mr Zachary Bayer
Mr & Mrs Corey Bazylinski P'27
Ms Margaret Beaudoin
Mr. Donovan Beckel & Ms. Nicole Trudeau P'23
Mr. Andrew J. Becker '21
P. Stephen & Ellen Bedrosian P'14
Dr Sergey Belikov & Mrs Olga Belikova
Mr Douglas Bellow & Mrs Kate Lowenstein P'25
Mr Anthony J Benning
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bentley P'26
Mr. & Mrs. David Bianco P'26, '27
Mr. Brandon Bigelow & Ms. Tracey Blueman
Mrs & Mr Erin Bilenchi P'28
Mr & Mrs Anthony P Biscardi '88
Mrs Lillian Biviano
Mrs. Leeann Blais
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr & Mrs Travis Blais P'26,'27,'29
Mr. John B. Blottman III '78
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bodette P'16, '21
Mr. Stephen J. Boghos '08
Mr Jesse Boliver
Mrs & Mr Sara Bonica
Mrs & Mr June Bonilla P'26
Mrs. Jonell Boroski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Boutwell P'30
Richard Bova '84 P'25
Mr & Mrs Patrick R Boyle P'16, '16
Dr Leila Bradley
Mr & Mrs B Eugene Brady
Mr. Jack Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brady Jr. P'27
Mr. Thomas Brady & Ms. Jeanette Rosa-Brady P'24
Ms Catherine A Bravo '20
Logan Bravo '18
Mr & Mrs Roger F Breakey Jr '75
Ms. Kerry Brennan P'28, '30
Mr. & Ms. Gregg Brewer P'30
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Brezner P'25
Mr & Mrs Doug Brindle P'26
Mr & Mrs Dan Brosnan GP'21, '22, '26
Mr & Mrs Thomas Brosnan Sr P'21, '22, '26
Mrs. Lisa M. Bruce P'10, '11, '17
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Bruno CPA '72
Mrs. Karen Bucci
Mr Victor Buendia & Ms Denise Desmond P'25
Mr & Mrs Anthony J Burke '81 P'13, '17
Mr & Mrs Kevin J Burke P'11
Mr. & Mrs. John Burke P'22, '24, '27
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Burke P'26
Ms. Carolyn G. Burkett '10
Mr & Mrs Craig Burkinshaw P'27
Mr & Mrs John Burnham Jr P'26, '29
Mr & Mrs Thomas M Burns P'08
Mr. William C. Elliott & Mrs. Carol L. Burrows P'02
Mr. & Mrs. David Buscemi P'26
Mr & Mrs John Buser P'26
Mr Thomas J Callaghan '75
Mr & Mrs James B Callahan P'92, '96, '00 GP'25, '28
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Callahan P'10, '12
Ms. Karen Callahan
Mr. John Murphy & Mrs. Tracy Callahan P'27
Mr & Mrs Chris Calvani P'27
Mr & Mrs Paul J Camasso '73 P'05
Mr & Mrs James Cambray P'30
Mr. Brian Canavan
Paul M. Canavan
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann Jr. P'19, '23
Mr & Mrs Pete and Melissa Cannistraci P'29
Mr & Mrs Christopher A Capone '88 P'28, '30
Ms Courtney Capozzi P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Carelli P'27
Mr. John Lawrence Carew '67 & Ms. Judy Bralove
Ms. Diana Carlson ‘12
Mrs Janine Carmilia-Smith
Mrs & Mr Christine Carpentieri P'27, '28
Mr Brian D Carr '97
Mr. Robert Wopperer & Ms. Kate Cavanaugh P'26, '28, '30
Mr. John W. Carregal '07
Mr Joseph M Carregal '05
Mr William Loveland & Ms Jennifer Carr-Loveland P'25
Mr Andrew J Carroll '87
Mrs. Bernice Caruso P'90, '93, '99 GP'20, '22
Ms. Lena Caruso & Mr. Rob Iapicca
Mr. Steven J. Caruso Jr. '11
Mr & Mrs Steven J Caruso P'11, '20
Mr & Mrs Joseph Casale P'26
Mr Pedro M Castro '17
Mr. & Mrs. Paolo Cataldi P'26, '28
Ms. Carly Cavanagh P'28, '29
Mr. Joseph P. Cavazzoni '68 & Ms. Marcia Dumas
Mr & Mrs Corey Cedorchuk
Mr Gabriele Centinaro & Mrs Lina Garcia P'23, '25
Ms Tripti Chandorkar P'26
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mrs & Mr Maria Chapian P'24, '26
Mrs. & Mr. Stephanie Choate
Atty. Paige M. Christie '11
Ms. Elaine Christopher GP'25, '28
Mr Alan Chuckran
Mr & Mrs Michael J Ciampa '76
Mr Ralph Joseph Cinquegrana, Esq '70
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Cirace '72
Ms. Katie Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Clay III P'24
Mr Donald J Cloonan '83
Mr & Mrs Matthew J Collier '81
Dr & Mrs Corey Collins P'19, '22, '25
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Collins P'21
Mr. Joseph Conaty
Mr. Richard Conley Jr. & Mrs. Valerie Armbrust P'27
Mrs Gayle C Connolly GP'15, '20
Mr Lawrence P Connolly & Ms Eileen P Kavanagh P'05
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Connors P'22, '25
Dr. Richard W. Conron Jr. '84 & Ms. Kristin Abbruzzi
Mr & Mrs Robert P Constantine '69
Mr & Mrs Glenn P Corbett P'08
Mr. Scott A. Corcoran '12
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Cornetta '01
Ms. Amy Costa
Ms Kathy Costello P'27
Mr & Mrs Mark Costello '75
Mr & Mrs Michael Cote P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cotter P'24
Mr. Ralph Cozza
Mr. Pierce O. Cray & Dr. Catherine She
Mr Richard R Crowley '91
Mr & Mrs Richard Crowley P'15, '18
Mr Ricardo Cueva
Ms. Caitlyn R. Curley '13
Mrs Madonna Daffron
Mr & Mrs Eric Daggett P'27
Mr & Mrs Peter D'Agostino GP'30
Mr & Mrs William D'Agostino Jr P'27, '30
Ms. Silva Dakessian P'29
Mr. Matthew Dunbrack and Dr. Christine Dalrymple P'28
Mr. William Dalton
Mr & Mrs Luke Damian P'27
Mr & Mrs Craig Danese P'26
Mr & Mrs Matthew D'Angelo P'27
Mrs & Mr Giuseppina Daniel P'27
Mrs Dorothy A Darwin P'82
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Davis P'26
Mrs. & Mr. Kelly Davis P’28
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Deane P'29, '31
Mr. Emilio DeAngelis & Mrs. Christine DiGiovanni P'20
Mr & Mrs Joseph DeFilippi P'28
Mrs Janice Dehart
Mr & Mrs Peter DeLuca
Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeMarco P'95
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr William H Drugan Jr '71 & Ms Colleen CollinsDrugan
Mrs. Anne M. Dumas GP'18
Mr. Robert J. Dunlavey '74
Mrs. Heather Dwyer
Mr & Mrs Christopher Dyment P'27, '30
Mrs Judith Dyment GP'26
Mr & Mrs Todd Dyment P'26
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dynan '85 P'28
Mr. & Ms. Jason Edgar P'26, '29
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Elliott P'27
Mr & Mrs Christopher T Ellis P'20, '24
Mr & Mrs Randall Ellis P'27
Mr & Mrs Richard A Elwell Jr '69
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Emerton P'25
Dr. & Mrs. Darryl Esakof
Mr. Folker Machic & Ms. Monica Espinoza P'27
Mr Michael C Fahey & Ms Melissa Meehan
Dr & Mrs Paul F Fallon '80
Mr & Mrs Tom Falwell GP'28, '30
Mr. Louis Fantozzi & Mrs. Jennifer Fantozzi '97, P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Noel A. Farah P'05, '06
Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell & Mr. Marc P. Pascucci
Mr Vincenzo Fazzolari & Mrs Sheila HansonFazzolari P'22, ’26
Mr Alfonse Femino
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fergusson P'25, '29
Mr. & Ms. Stephen Fernandes Jr., Esq. P'25, '29
Mrs. Alice Ferris GP'28
Mr & Mrs Karsten Fetten P'22
Mr & Mrs John Field P'29
Ms Catherine Figucia GP'22, '24
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Filadoro '90 P'22, '23
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fish P'25
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Fitzgerald P'28
Mr & Mrs Timothy Fitzgerald P'25
Mr & Mrs Michael Fix P'25
Ms Michelle Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Flahive GP'23, '26
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler L. Fleming P'28, '30
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Flynn
Mr & Mrs Higor Fontoura P'27
Mr & Mrs Gary Ford P'26
Mr. David Forsythe GP'26
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fothergill P'06, '09
Mr & Mrs John Fountain GP'21, '25
Mr Wesley Fowler
Mr. Daniel Foley & Mrs. Marissa Fox-Foley P'26
Mr. James J. Frackleton '08
Mr & Mrs Christopher J Frommelt P'07, '11
Ms Doreen A Fuller P'09, '13
Mr John R Furey '73
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Gagne P'26, '26
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Gagnon P'28
Mr & Mrs Richard Gagnon GP'28
Ms Rachel Galante
Mrs. Alexandra Galezowski '12
Mr. Richard Gallagher & Mrs. Ann Powers Gallagher P'22
Ms Joan Gatto GP'24
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gedaminsky P'24
Mr. Michael P. Genovese '10
Mr Jared E Gentilucci '00
Mr & Mrs Fredric R Gilfeather '69
Mr & Mrs Michael Gill P'28, '30
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Glynn '81
Dr & Mrs Alexander Goldsmith P'26, '28, '29
Mr & Mrs Donald J Golini '71
Mr Frank Gomes P'30
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Gonsiorowski '68
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Gordon Jr. '72
Mr & Mrs Ryan and Susan Gormady P'30
Mr & Mrs Jason and Julie Gracilieri P'28, '31
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Graham '96 '96 P'27, '29
Ms. Deborah J. Gray
Mr Donald B Greenlaw Jr '76
Ms Kayla M Greenwood
Ms. Jessica R. Greus
Mr. George W. Griffin '74
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr & Mrs Christopher Grohe P'23
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Guanci '92 P'27
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Hamilton P'12
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Harkins
Mr & Mrs Kenneth Harring Jr P'24
Mr & Mrs Joseph P Hartel P'86
Mr Robert P Hennessy
Mr. Charles E. Heseltine
Ms. Aprille Hibbard
Mr. Charles Hickey '27
Mr Jared Hickey '24
Mr & Mrs Pat Hickey GP'24, '25, '27, '30
Ms Madeline V Hickey '22
Mrs. Margaret Hickey
Mr. Ryan J. Hickey '23
Mr. & Mrs. David Higginbottom P'22
Mr Jeffrey Hodgin '89
Mr & Mrs David I Hoffses
Ms Meaghan Holloran
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Horemiotis P'29
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Hubbell '95
Mr. & Mrs. Johnston Huntress P'28, '30
Mr & Ms John Hyland P'25
Mr Jack S Iannibelli '22
Mr & Mrs James Iannibelli P'22, '24
Mr. & Ms. Pasquale Iapicca
Mr. & Mrs. Flaviu Iepure P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ihrig P'27
Mr & Mrs William Ikier P'25
Mrs Jennifer Imbriano P'30
Mr Ilir Sollaku & Mrs Ermelinda Isufi P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos D. Jaena P'19, '22, '26
Mr. Brendan A. Jaena '22
Mr. Cameron Jaena '26
Mr Colin D Jaena '19
Mrs Colleen Dolan-Jaracz & Mr Scott Jaracz P'28
Mr John Jenks & Mrs Pamela Miller Jenks P'20, '25
Mr. & Mrs. Hector Jimenez Jr. P'24, '26
Ms. Madeline Johnson
Ms. Sandra Jones
Mr Trevor Jones
Mr Raymond Kabunga
Dro & Lynn Kanayan P'25
Mr. & Mrs. Cory Kavanagh
Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Kearney '70
Ms. Jennifer Keating P'25, '26
Mr & Mrs Robert F Kelley
Mr & Mrs Daniel F Kelly P'19
Mr & Mrs Daniel J Kelly '69
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Keon P'84, '85, '93
Mr. & Mrs. David Kerrigan P'27, '28
Ms. Kathleen Keys
Mr & Mrs Michael Killilea P'28, '29
Mr Bret Kimber P'29
Ms Lauren King P'29
Mr. Steven E. Kintigos
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Klein P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Knowles P'24, '27
Mr & Mrs Armen Kourkounian P'22, '25
Mr Adam Kramer
Mr & Mrs Brian Krogh P'30
Mr. & Mrs. Reinier Lacson P'27
Mr. Ronald Landen & Dr. Jaren Landen P’23, ’26, ‘29
Mr. Ernest J. Landry P'94
Mr & Ms Timothy Lane
Dr & Mrs David Langenau P'26
Mr & Mrs Matt LaPlant P'28
Ms. Alanna LaTorella
Dr. Christy Lawrence & Mr. Philip Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Leavey '73
Mr Robert O'Koniewski & Ms Martha Leavitt P'21, '25
Mr Alex J Lehmann '06
Mr. Joseph B. Lehmann & Dr. Jeanne Velde P'06
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Leo P'27
Dr. & Ms. Michael Lescault
Mr Barry N Levine '71
Ms & Mr Barbara Lichtman
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr Mingyou Gong & Mrs Chenghui Liu P'24
Mrs Joanna Liwanag P'25, '27
Mr. Edward F. Lohoski Jr. '69
Mr. Sunshia Yawoga & Mrs. Irene Loka P'24, '26
Mr. & Ms. Bruce Londino GP'29
Mr William Loveland & Ms Jennifer Carr-Loveland P'25
Ms Liga Lundvall
Mr & Mrs Peter Lupien P'28
Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Luther III '79
Mr. Daniel J. Lyddy '81
Mr. Donald O. Lyman '73
Mr & Mrs Thomas J Macdonald P'94
Mr & Mrs Edward G MacKenzie '99
Mrs Shirley A MacKenzie P'99, '03
Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz
Mary Ellen Mackin
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas MacKinnon P'25
Fr Iain G MacLellan, OSB '74
Mr Riley Magee
Mr & Mrs John Maggiacomo P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Magliozzi P'25
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Maguire III P'27
Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Sr. P'22
Ms Christine Maloof
Mr & Mrs Angelo Mangino P'23, '26
Mrs Kathleen Mann
Mr. William F. Maradei P'11, '12
Mrs. Nicole Marley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Martiniello
Mr & Mrs John Masciarelli P'25, '27
Mr Richard Masterpol & Dr Kasia Masterpol P’30
Mr & Mrs Frank Mastrocola P'19
Yorvi Matute
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Matuza
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Mayer P'09
Mr & Mrs John P McAnespie II '80
Mr & Mrs Daniel F McCarthy '78
Mr & Mrs David G McConnell '73
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCusker P'28
Ms. Meaghan McDevitt P'29
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonald III '73
Mr Graeme McGinley & Ms Jacqueline Hamilton P'25
Mr & Mrs Robert G McGloughlin '70
Mr & Mrs Sean McGovern P'27, '30
Mr. & Mrs. John L. McKee Esq. '91
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McLaren P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Jessica McLaughlin
Mr Thomas McLaughlin & Mrs Susan Taverna McLaughlin P'27, P'27
Mr David McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Meaney '14
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Meehan Sr. '67
Mr. & Ms. George Megaloudis P'26, '29
Mr & Mrs Marc Mercier P'25
Mr William G Mersch GP'26, '27
Mr & Mrs David Mesiti P'27, '29, '29
Mr. & Mrs. Raju Metpelly P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mikolinski Esq. P'25, '29
Mrs. Dawn Miller P'26
Ms Meredith Miller
Mr Paul R Mirabella '88
Mr James Missert
Dr. Alicia Sasser Modestino P'21, ‘30
Mr. Thomas Mooney & Ms. Andrea Heil P'20, '22
Mr. Jaycob Morales
Dr & Mrs Richard P Morel MD '84
Mr Todd Moriarty
Mr & Mrs Duane Morin P'20, '22, '24
Mr. John A. Morley & Ms. Jennifer Karp P'15
Mr. Matthew S. Mulcahy '10
Mrs. Maria Muraca
Mr & Mrs Donald Muraca P'26
Mr & Mrs Brian Murphy P'27
Mr & Mrs Bryan Murphy GP'29
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy P'25, '26, '31
Mr. Luigi Musto P'26
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr Shirish Nadkarni & Dr Sangeeta Nadkarni P’18, ‘27
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano P'22
Mrs. & Mr. Anna Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Nicotra '70
Mr & Mrs Thomas Nolan P'25, '27
Mr & Mrs James K Noonan '71
Mr & Mrs David O'Donnell P'24
Mr. & Mrs. John M. O'Donnell '77
Mr. & Mrs. Brian O'Donoghue P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Mark O'Donoghue
Mr & Mrs James P Ogonowski '75
Mrs Linda O'Leary GP'26
Mr & Mrs Kyle Oliver P'28, '30
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O'Malley P'24, '25
Ms. Lily D. O'Neill '23
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Oneschuk P'13
Mr & Mrs Anthony Onorato P'27, '29
Mr & Mrs Michael Oostman P'24, '26, '28
Mr John M Otis '76
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. O'Toole P'03, '07
Mr. & Mrs. Ken D. Ottariano '71
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ouellette P'19, '25
Mr & Mrs Tomasz Pagos P'29
Mr & Ms Curtis J Paparian '09 '09
Mrs Margaret Paquette
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Parsons P'28
Mr. Peter Byrne & Mrs. Marla C. Pascucci-Byrne P'26
Dr. Nimish Shah & Dr. Maitri Patel MD P'29, '29
Mr & Mrs Ryan Patrie
Mr & Mrs Tony Patti P'21
Mr & Mrs Richard H Paulsen P'96, '98
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pavlakos P'24
Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Pazzia Jr. P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Pearson CPA P'30, '31
Mr & Mrs Theodore Peluso GP'24
Mr & Mrs Thomas H Pendergast III '70
Rob Percival '90
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J. Perruccio '71
Mr & Mrs Mark E Peterson '71
Mr Robert G Peterson Jr '04 & Mrs Kelly
Mrs. & Mr. Jayme Petitjean P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Petrillo P'10
Mr. Pasquale Petrillo
Mrs Raeann Petrillo
Mr & Mrs Nathan W Piccini '93
Mr Nino J Pingaro '16
Mrs. Alison Pliskaner
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Polonski P'28, '30
Dr. & Mrs. Steven R. Previte P'96
Mr & Mrs Stephen Pruitt P'29
Mr & Mrs Matthew Putney P'27
Mrs Nicole Putney P'26, P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Pyne P'28
Mr. Michael V. Pytlinski '82 & Ms. Sharon M. Kieffer
Mr. & Mrs. Jason W. Quinlan '89
Mr & Mrs Kevin L Quinn P'12, '14
Mr & Mrs William Radochia P'29
Mr Venkatesh Rajappa & Dr Shradha Sharma P'30
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Rand III '79
Mrs. & Mr. Juliana Rankin
Mr. & Mrs. John Raymond P'24
Mr & Mrs Stephen Rebelo P'29
Mr & Mrs Stephen Reddy P'16, '18
Mr Joseph G Reen Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Regan P'22, '24
Mrs. Nicolle L. Renick
Mr. & Mrs. Corey N. Repucci
Ms Madison H Ricci '15
Mr & Mrs Skip Rice
Mr & Mrs Kaelan Richards P'27
Mr. Christopher Riley & Ms. Jennifer Riley P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Rinklin P'25
Mrs. Holly Riordan P'23, '26
Mr Richard Rivera P'26
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Mr & Mrs Paul Rizzo P'30, '30
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Roache P'26, '26
Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Robertie '69
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Robertson P'28
Mr & Mrs M Robert Rose '69
Ms Shannon Rosenthal
Mr & Mrs Bryan Rosselli P'26, '28
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson Rouse P'26, '28
Mr. Brian J. Russo '09 & Mrs. Caileigh Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Corrado Russo
Drs Michael Ryan & Sara Panarello P'25, '27
Mr & Mrs Sean Ryan P'29
Ms Lauren Sabella
Ms. Kristin Saccoccio P'25
Patricia Saccoccio
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saindon P'17
Mrs Leslie Salerno
Dr David Salibian '93 & Dr Nayiri Ajoian Salibian P'29, '31
Mrs. Virginia M. Samalis P'93, '99
Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Sandler
Mr. & Mrs. Adilson Santos P'27
Mr & Mrs William J Sanville '78
Mr & Mrs Kevin Sarney P'28
Mr & Mrs John A Sarto '68
Dr. & Mrs. Russell C. Scaduto Jr. '73
Mr. & Mrs. James Scutellaro GP'24
Mrs. & Mr. Michelle Secor
Mrs Melissa Severino P'30
Mr & Mrs Chester V Shea III '70
Mr & Mrs Jerry Sheehan P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Sheehy P'08
Mrs. Marie Sheehy GP'27, '28
Mr. & Mrs. George Sherbovich P'30
Ms Linda Sherry P'24, '27
Dr & Mrs Marc Sibella P'27
Mr & Mrs Ryan Siden P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Sillari Jr. '93 P'28
Mr. & Mrs. David Simmons P'24, '25, '27, '30
Mr & Mrs James W Small P'94
Mr & Mrs Ted Small P'29
Mr. & Ms. Eric Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Smith Jr. '70
Mr. John T. Smolak Jr. '15
Mr & Mrs Todd W Solomon '88
Ms Kerri Soto P'26
Mr & Mrs Eric Sousa P'29
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Spengler
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Sperling P'22, '25, '27
Mr. Benjamin L. Sperling '22
Mr & Mrs Andrew Sprow P'27
Mr & Mrs Thomas St Arnaud P'27, '29
Mr Roger F Stone
Yvette Story P'24
Ms. Ushearnda Stroud
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Stuart P'26
Mr & Mrs Erik Sullivan
Mr & Mrs James D Sullivan III '71
Mr & Mrs Joseph P Sullivan P'06
Mr. Jon Williamson & Ms. Karen Sullivan P'28
Mr. Zheng Sun & Lin Wu
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Swanson '73
Mr & Mrs Jason Sweeney P'24
Ms Jessica Swindell
Mr & Mrs Paul Tammaro P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tauro P'24, P'28
Mr. & Mrs. John Tavano P'21, P'25
Dr. Joseph B. Taylor, MD '71 & Ms. Marie C. Brennan-Taylor P'09
Dr & Mrs Paul D Teague '76 P'07, '10
Mr & Mrs Jason S Teebagy P'28
Ms. Jill K. Teichmann
Mr. Paul T. Tenney
Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Tenreiro P'23, '25, '27
Mr Mark Teutsch
Mr & Mrs Stephen Therrien P'28
Ms & Mr Cassandra Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Thompson P'27
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Zhibin Tian
Mr. & Mrs. James Tillis P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tisbert P'26
Mr. Artem Tokarev & Dr. Olena Tokarev P'28
Mr & Mrs George J Toscano Jr '68
Mr & Mrs Joseph J Tower III P'09, '11
Ms Jenn Townsend
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tran P'26
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Trznadel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tshudy P'24, '26
Mr Mark Tucker and Mrs Deborah Leahy P'26
Mrs Michelle Tudor
Mr & Mrs William Scholarship Fund
Dr. Ricardo A. Vanegas P'21, '24
Ms. Alicia Varraso & Mr. Christopher Rikeman
Mr. Gennadiy Vaysman & Mrs. Larysa Yasinskaya P'29
Mr & Mrs Ken Ventullo P'27
Mr & Mrs Mark Ventura P'24
Mr & Mrs Armando Villarroel P'24, '26
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Voica P'24, '26
Ms. Alyssa E. Vounessea '21
Dr. & Mrs. Michael David Walkenstein '69
Mr & Mrs William J Wallace P'93, '96
Ms Carla Walsh GP'30
Mr & Mrs Chris Walsh P'25
Mr. & Mrs. David Walsh P'26
Ms. Xiaofei Wang and Kai Guo
Mr. & Mrs. John Weber P'18, '20, '22
Mr Julio Stuardo Bran & Dr Lisa Welch P'27
Drs Denise & John M '78
Dr Kenneth Wells '80
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Whalen
Mr. Garrett White
Mr. & Mrs. Niels Wijnaendts van Resandt P'24
Mr Stephen L Willett '68 & Ms Emer McCourt
Mr Alexander Williams
Mr & Mrs Gerald Williams P'96
Mr. Stephen Williams
Mr Ian Williamson
Mr & Ms Richard Wills P'26
Mr & Mrs Gerard H Wilson '73
Mr. W. John Woodford '75
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Woodman III P'24
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Woods GP'20, '22, '24
Mr Dane Worden & Mrs Kathryn Worden '05
Mr Edward Wright & Dr Stacy Wright P'25, P'27
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Yameen GP'20, '20, '25
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Zawatsky P'24
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Zerfas '71
Drs Anthony and Serena Zizza P'26,'29
Mr Adam Zona
Ms. Madison Barbieri '23
Mr. Andrew J. Becker '21
Ms Catherine A Bravo '20
Mr Logan Bravo '18
Mr Pedro M Castro '17
Ms. Alyssa DeSimone '17
Mr. John Dugan '23
Mr. Jared Hickey '24
Ms Madeline V Hickey '22
Mr Ryan J Hickey '23
Mr Jack S Iannibelli '22
Mr. Brendan A. Jaena '22
Mr. Colin D. Jaena '19
Mr. Nicholas A. Marchetti '17
Ms Lily D O'Neill '23
Mr Nino J Pingaro '16
Ms Madison H Ricci '15
Mr. John T. Smolak Jr. '15
Mr. Benjamin L. Sperling '22
Ms. Alyssa E. Vounessea '21
Donors who support the Golf Tournament are designated with
St. Monica Circle $25,000 - $99,999
Workday Foundation
Head of School’s Circle $10,000 - $24,999
Andover Hockey Association
Catholic Schools Foundation, Inc
Daniel F & Margaret MacAdam Loughry Foundation
Michael & Vincenza Vinciullo Charitable Foundation Trust
Pimentel Construction Co., Inc
Salem Five Charitable Foundation
Caritas Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Blanche M Walsh Charity Trust
Fidelity Investments
PayPal Giving Fund
Pimentel Construction Company
Quirk Construction Corporation
UBS Financial Services
Veritas Circle $1,000 - $4,999
3Step Sports Bank of America
Boston Freightliner, Inc.
Capone Landscaping, Inc.
Frame One, LLC
GW&K Investment Management, LLC
Inbloom Health + Medispa
Kirkwood Printing Company
LSS Consulting Group, LLC
Mark Lawrence Photographers
McKenna & Partners
McLane Middleton
Moderna Therapeutics
North Billerica Smiles
Oceanview Nahant
ORIX Foundation
Ruotolo Assocaties Inc
Santander Bank
Unitas Circle Up to $999
A1 Datashred, LLC
ACM Demo Group
All Owners Drain Cleaning
Amazon Smile
Analog Devices
APC Services of New England
Applied Materials Foundation Employee
Engagement Fund
Austin Preparatory School Teachers Association
Bain Capital
Boston Hill Fence LLC
Burbank YMCA
Five-O Promo
Frommelt Equipment Co
Hannaford & Dumas Corporation
Unitas Circle Up to $999
Huntress Sports
Huron Consulting Group
Intel Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program
J G MacLellan Concrete Co , Inc
LaPlume & Sons Printing
Latham Law Offices, LLC
MacMillan Law Offices
Manulife (John Hancock)
MBT Worldwide
Moynihan No. Reading Lumber Co.
Nuance Communications
Oracle Corporation
Raytheon Company
Reading Rotary Charitable Trust
Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce
Rizzo Insurance
S G Mechanical, Inc.
Sage Dining Services, Inc
Sarkisian Farms Driving Range, LLC
Shea Concrete Products, Inc
Siden & Associates, PC
Specialized Roofing Company
Tycon Development
Vestmark Inc
Wellington Management Company
Winn Street Service
Tribute gifts are a thoughtful and meaningful way to remember a loved one, mark a milestone, or honor someone who has impacted your life. The following individuals were honored with a charitable donation made in their honor or memory during Fiscal Year 2024.
In Honor of
Catherine Antonelli, '26
Fr Patrick Armano
Frankie Bates '30
Dustin Batista
Nicholas Bianco
Isabella Bianco
Genevieve Bigelow
Isabella (Joan) Bran, '27
Douglas Brindle ‘26
TJ Brosnan '21
Jack Brosnan '22
Mike Brosnan '26
Jack Burnham '26
Nora Burnham '28
Anne Burnham '29
Karlee Cambray '30
Cassidy Cannistraci '29
Nicholas Caraviello '30
Richie Caraviello '28
Sophia Collins '25
Paul Collins '20
Pat Costello
Zachary Cronin '27
Christian Crowley '18
Olivia Crowley '15
Billy D’Agostino '30
Emma D’Agostino ‘27
Samuel DeAngelis '24
Joey DeFilippi '28
Mr. William Driscoll '89
Pat Driscoll
Jack Dugan '23
George R Dumas Jr
Logan Elliott
Eilis Farrell
Mikayla Field '29
Reagan Fish '25
Lily Fix '25
Lynch Foley '26
Higor Fontoura '27
Keira Gagne '26
Kylie Gagne '26
Dylan Gagnon '28
Keira Gildea '29
James Gildea '27
Sophia Gomes '30
Gavin Gormady '30
Mr Kenneth Gouin
Morgan Greene '29
Hailey Grohe '27
Patricia Guanci P’82, ’86, ’92
Matthew Guanci P’82, ’86, ’92
Dr Hickey
Jared Hickey '24
Wesley Huntress '30
Alexander Iepure '27
Brady Ihrig '27
Brianna Ikier '25
Gabriella Imbriano '30
Cam Jaena ‘26
Charlize Jeannot '25
Julia Jenks '20
Elizabeth Jones '25
Katelyn Krogh '30
Tasha Lawson '27
Oscar LeBlanc '30
Gabriella Leo '27
Tyler MacKenzie '30
Joey Magliozzi '25
Kayla Maguire '27
Stella Masciarelli
Vera Masciarelli
Aidan McCarthy '16
Clare McCusker
David C. McGloughlin III
Logan McGovern '27
Mason McGovern '30
Annette Melchionda
Aanya Metpelly '28
Matt Miller
Alexandra Modestino, '30
David Morley '15
Daniel Murphy
Ava Murphy
Dalton J Murphy '27
Justine Musto
Shawnak Nadkarni
Patience Nguyen
Tatum Pagos '29
Dylan Paige
Olivia Pearson '30
Nolan Pitta '28
Teddy Pitta '30
Julia Pruitt '29
Nicole Putney
Jason Quinlan '89
Charlotte Radochia '29
Ainsley Raymond '24
Hailey Rebelo '29
Nicolle Renick
Paula Reyes ’24
Nolan Richards '27
Alanah Rizzo '30
Samantha Roache '26
Connor Roache '26
Sophie Rosselli‘26
Cooper Russo '29
Saint Augustine
Gia Severino '30
Brayden Sherbovich '30
Cabell Shulman '27
The Sisters of Mary
Eric Smith
The Stroud Family
Nicholas Tauro '24
Christopher Tauro '28
Emily Theriault '30
Ruby Thompson '27
Alex Tran '26
Ben Tshudy '24
Justin Tshudy '26
Alex Vigorito P’27
Kaylee Williamson
Michael Young '24
Katie Young '24
Jake Zawatsky ‘24
Tribute gifts are a thoughtful and meaningful way to remember a loved one, mark a milestone, or honor someone who has impacted your life. The following individuals were honored with a charitable donation made in their honor or memory during Fiscal Year 2024.
Ross Alameddine '05
Marissa Alfonso
The Alicandro Family
Pasquale Barletta
Michael C. Bider '70
E.Julie Brown
Linda Bruno
Trooper Tamar Bucci
Francis & Constance Burke P '71, '75, '77, '79, '81 GP '06, '07, '10, '13, '17
Terence Burke '75
Gerard J. Caruso P'90,'93,'99 GP'20,'22
Albert Christoforo
Ralph Ciampa Sr , Kay Ciampa,
Ralph Ciampa Jr
Thomas Colonna '00
Mary F. Costello, Esq.
Richard and Christine Crowley
Lenny Curreri
Deceased Students and Staff
Deceased members of the Zizza, Strecker and Solemina families
Robert F. Deziel Sr.
Mildred Dunbar
Robert & Florence Dunlavey P '74, '75, '77, '80
Tom Enright
James V Ferri, Jr
John Fitzgerald
Ernest Frocione
Helen L Gannon
Alyce & Fred Gilfeather
George & Mary Hannigan
Joseph Hickey GP ‘22, ‘23, ‘24, ‘27
Al Hodgin P '89, '90
Michael Kaper '80
Bryan Kelley
Valerie Kelly
John King
Anna and Italo Leo
Celia Levine
Wallace and Barbara MacKinnon
Gaetano Manganiello
Avelina Marques
David and Hazel McAuliffe P '77, '78
Frank McCarthy, Former English teacher
Peg McDonough
Bryan McLennan
Mark Meaney GP '14
Melchionda Family
George M. (Matt) Miller (former faculty)
Fr George Morgan, OSA
David O’Donnell
Andrew Oneschuk
Joan Percival
Claire M. Peterson and Herbert W. Peterson, Jr.
William Phinney
Walter and Pamela Quinlan P '89
Mr & Mrs Armond L Sarto
Philip Shield
Robert W. Stuart Jr.
Luke and Victoria Sullivan
Michael Sverdlove '14
Claudette Thibault
Henry and Alice Wilson
Austin Prep is in the quiet phase of a comprehensive campaign to address elements of our strategic vision that require immediate resources for the greatest impact. Thank you to the following donors who have supported this quiet phase of the Faith & Reason Campaign.
Mr & Ms Jonathan Albano P'26
Dr Michael J Barry '79
Dr. Maria Blewitt & Mr. Stephen Blewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bouchard P'10, '14, '15
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan Sr. P'21, '22, '26
Mr & Mrs John Caron P'24, P'25
Mr and Mrs Patrick Driscoll '97
Mr Louis Fantozzi & Mrs Jennifer Fantozzi '97, P'28
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn '83
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallant Sr. P'28, '28
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gildea P'27, '29
Mr & Mrs Gregory Guinee
Mr Kevin Kerrigan '89
Atty & Mrs Mark J MacDougall '74
Mr & Mrs Alexander Martinelli P'28, '29
Mr & Mrs Ryan Murphy P'27
Mr & Ms Daniel O'Neill P'21, P'23, '26
Dr. Gary J. Pare and Mrs. Mercedes Guiance P'17, '20
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Pasquale '89
Mr & Mrs Anthony J Pimentel P'99, '01, GP'27,'29
Mr & Mrs Matthew J Pimentel '01
Drs. Ruben and Emma Reyes P'24, '26
Mr. Jason Slye & Mrs. Jill Pimentel-Slye '99 P'27, '29
State Street Foundation
Mr & Mrs Kevin Welch P'25
Dr & Ms John Westwood P'26
Drs. Anthony and Serena Zizza III P'26,'29
Gifts to scholarships contribute to the growing strength of the Austin Prep Scholarship Endowment. We are grateful to those families and friends who choose to honor their loved ones by establishing a scholarship or fund at Austin Prep. The following contributions were made to memorial scholarships in Fiscal Year 2024.
Ross Alameddine ‘05
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. Dane Worden & Mrs. Kathryn Worden '05
Thomas Callahan ‘10
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ms Laurie Boucher
Mr. Brian Callahan '12
Mrs. Christine Callahan
Ms. Karen Callahan
Mr & Mrs Thomas M Callahan P'10, '12
Mr & Mrs Michael Ciampa '76
Mrs Michaela Denaro P '03, 05
Joe & Mary Kate Desantis
Mr. Greg DeYoung '10
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo '82 P'11, '14
Ms Kaleigh Doyle '10
Ms Jeannine Esposito
Mrs Jean Farrell
Ms. Katherine Fox P '07, '10
Mr. Jeremy Gauvain '10
Mrs. Diana Harper
Mrs Paula Hartt P '06, '10
Mr & Mrs Mark Kaliris '10 '11
Mrs Sandra Laquidara
Mr. Hugh Mackenzie P '04, '09, '10
Mrs. JoAnna Mooney
Ms. Shannon Rosenthal
Mrs Deborah See P'09
Mr Jonathan See '09
Ms Tanya Thrasher
Ms. Christina Vardaro
Ms. Mary Vardaro
Lesley Velardo
Michael R. Darwin
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Dorothy A. Darwin P'82
Edith Dray
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Workday Foundation
The Alyce and Fred Gilfeather
Memorial Scholarship
Mr & Mrs Fredric R Gilfeather '69
Scott J. Heseltine
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Andover Hockey Association
Mr Charles E Heseltine
Francis G. McCarthy Fund
Mrs. Rita M. McCarthy P'97, '00
George “Matt” Miller Scholarship Fund
Mr. Donald O.Lyman ‘73
James M. McGonagle, II ‘01 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. William C. Elliott and Mrs. Carol L. Burrows P'02
David E. Nelson ‘81
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mrs Karen Bucci
Mr Joseph Conaty
David F. O’Donnell
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Maryanne O'Donnell PhD P'20, '22, '23, '25, '29
Arthur and Martha Pimentel GP’99, ‘01
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pimentel P'99, '01, GP'27,'29
Aristides Artie C. Speros, Jr. ‘85
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. John F. Martin '85 and Ms. Stacey L. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Veno '85
Mr. Thomas P. Donohoe '85
Mr & Mrs Michael G Addor '85
Austin Scholars Endowment Fund
Austin Preparatory School Teachers Association
Michael G. Sverdlove ‘14
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Austin Preparatory School Teachers Association
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Burkinshaw P'27
Mrs Janice Dehart
Mr & Mrs Antonio Depalma
Ms Madeline Johnson
Ms. Sandra Jones
Ms. Kathleen Keys
Ms. Meredith MIller
Mr James Missert
Mrs Maria Muraca
Mrs Margaret Paquette
Mr. Pasquale Petrillo
Mrs. Raeann Petrillo
Mr. & Mrs. Skip Rice
Mrs Leslie Salerno
Mr & Mrs Ron Trznadel
The Annual Report is an expression of our deepest gratitude for everyone who has made a gift to Austin Prep between July 1, 2023June 30, 2024. Every effort has been made to accurately list all those individuals, families, and organizations who made a donation to Austin Prep during the last fiscal year. If we have made an error or omission in the report, please contact the Office of Development at 781.944.4900. We will be happy to make the correction.